Jesus Calls (English) - February 2018

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During January 2018, series of New Year Blessing Meetings were arranged in several cities of Tamil Nadu such as Thiruvallur on 5th, Vellore on 6th , Chennai on 7th, Trichy on 13th, Namakkal on 14th and Salem on 15th for people to receive blessings for this year from the gracious hands of God. In addition to the people from these cities, thousands of people from the surrounding towns and villages thronged to have a personal touch from the Lord. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and his family delivered the New Year Blessing messages and offered prayers for the people who had gathered there. On Sunday, the 7th of January, the New Year Blessing Meeting was held at the St. George’s Higher Secondary School Grounds, Chennai. Dr. G. K. Francis (Correspondent, St. George’s Higher Secondary School) and Bishops, Pastors, and several church leaders who participated in this meeting, cut a 40-feet long cake along with the family of Dr. Paul Dhinakaran to welcome the New Year. 2

Prayer and worship was led by Samuel Dhinakaran. Special prayer was offered for the nation by Sis. Stella Dhinakaran. Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran prayed fervently for God to bless the people. Along with the New Year Blessing Message, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran proclaimed decisively, that from the year 2018, the year of preparation for the secret coming of Jesus our Chief Shepherd will begin. The Vice Chancellor of Karunya Deemed to be University, Dr. P. Mannar Jawahar received the first copy of the new book that was released, titled “Joy in the Family� in Tamil authored by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and his family. The graceful presence of nearly 200 pastors in each of these meetings through the NPMA (National Prayer Ministry Alliance) was a blessing. Let us thank God for it and for the many thousands who were touched through these meetings. -February 2018 JESUS CALLS



our thoughts and His ways higher than ours! (Isaiah 55:8,9)

blessing I will bless you, and

“The young lions lack and suffer hunger; but those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing.” (Psalm 34:10)

Jesus says, “If you shall ask anything in my name I will do it” (John 14:14). He promises, “when you seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, then all these things shall be added unto you” (Matthew 6:33).

(Hebrews 6:14) Do you believe

This is a reassuring statement from the Lord – you shall not lack any good thing, provided you seek the Lord. All your possessions are nothing compared to what God has in store for you. And God is preparing every good thing to come into your life, not necessarily what you have longed for, but what He has prepared for you. For you know His thoughts are higher than


JESUS CALLS February 2018 -

“Out of His fullness we have all received grace in place of grace already given.” (John 1:16 NIV) It is commonly said, ‘one problem after another’ and ‘one loss after another’. But Jesus says that He will bless us with one blessing after another. “Surely

multiplying I will multiply you.” this? That’s going to be your future from this moment. The Bible says, “Yes, the Lord will give what is good;” (Psalm 85:12a). One of the greatest good things that He gives us is the blood of Jesus Christ.

“And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel.” (Hebrews 12:24) Do you know what that good thing is that the blood of Jesus

brings? It is forgiveness of our sins! You and I can be forgiven only because of the blood of Jesus that speaks, “forgive, forgive.” For every sin that man commits, natural justice cries out, ‘punish, punish’! Satan, the accuser, is accusing us before the throne of God saying, ‘that man has committed this mistake; that woman has committed this sin; that servant of God has committed this (Revelation 12:10). All the time he is calling for judgment, for destruction, and permission to destroy. That’s what he is speaking. But then the blood of Jesus Christ speaks otherwise, He is always calling for forgiveness, because Jesus through His blood has paid the price for our sins. When the Arab – Israeli war broke out in 1967, the Egyptians had a great army and they could have destroyed Israel just like that. Even today the Israelites talk about it and say, ‘We could have been finished in just a second!” In one part of that battle, in the Sinai desert, the Egyptian army got the best of Russian tanks and they organized themselves very well whereas Israel had very few tanks and there was a mighty army coming against them, a huge army of soldiers with the best of rifles. The Egyptian army were hearing the sound, ‘forward, forward’. But when the time came for them to meet

the Israelite army, suddenly they began to hear a different command in their ears saying, “Retreat, Retreat.” The Israeli army were ready to be finished. Suddenly they saw the Egyptian army tanks turning around and going back at top speed. They were wondering what was happening! Then Israel pursued them and finally won the war. Later it was said, ‘we heard the voice saying, Retreat, Retreat’. But the army general said ‘I never said that. I said forward, forward, forward. How come you heard it otherwise?’ Till today nobody knows how that happened! When the accuser calls ‘punish, punish’, the blood of Jesus says ‘forgive, forgive’. Thank God for the blood of Jesus Christ that is available to us right now.

LORD imputeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile.” (Psalm 32:1,2) Let us confess our sins for He is righteous to forgive and cleanse every sin (Proverbs 28:13; 1 John 1:7, 9). That is the greatest good thing God is giving us, forgiveness and freedom through the blood of Jesus Christ. Thank God for this good thing. Would you say, “Thank you Jesus for this good thing! I am going to hear the voice, ‘forgiven, forgiven, and forgiven!’”

GOD’S DESIGN FOR COUPLES “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” (Genesis 2:18) God said, “It is not good for man to be alone” and so He created a helpmate for Adam. The Bible


says that “God sets the solitary in families” (Psalm 68:6a), and “He who finds a wife finds a good thing” (Proverbs 18:22). You need to recognize that your spouse is a ‘good thing’ that God has given you. As you thank God for your husband / wife every morning when you pray, you will realize that indeed your spouse is a ‘good thing’ that the Lord has blessed you with. When you

“Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man unto whom the

pray together and work together everything you do will prosper. God has a purpose in giving us this ‘good thing’. Yes, when a man is - February 2018



faithful to his wife, God brings a

their hands and praying, and

engulfed his heart. Jesus had

godly generation through them for

this attracted her. It happened to

touched them and changed their

Himself (Malachi 2: 14, 15).

be Jesus Calls TV program and

hearts. They started watching

the couple were me and my wife!

the TV programs, learnt about

But then she knew nothing about

Jesus, gave their lives to the

Jesus or Jesus Calls ministry. As

Lord as they came to our Prayer

she continued on the channel,

Tower. The man got a job in a

she heard me say, ‘As my wife

foreign country and they began

and I hold hands, you husband

to earn well and they began to

and wife wherever you are you

prosper and God blessed their

too hold your hands. I am going

children. Today they follow the

to pray right now that God

Lord. They are His partners and

will heal your home, heal your

serve God as a family. What a

marriage, and He will take over

great God we have!

Often we condemn our children saying, ‘My daughter is not right, my son is not right’ - My friend, it’s you who is not right! The children go wayward when the parents are not right. Husbands and wives, I urge you to humble yourself before your spouse; humble yourselves and unite with the Lord and you will find your children become more and more godly. They can never run away from God. God

your life.”

promises, “then I will give them

And at that moment her

one heart and one way, that they

husband walked in and God’s

may fear Me forever, for the good of them and their children after them.” (Jeremiah 32:39). A few years ago, there was a couple who never knew anything about the Lord Jesus Christ. Unfortunately the husband hated his wife and couldn’t stand the sight of her, and the wife was so scared of him that he was a terror to her. He was so arrogant because she did not have a job and only he had a job. But then he lost his job and started blaming his wife saying, ‘because of you, I lost my job’ and hated her all the more; this plunged her in deeper anguish. There was no peace in their home.

strength came upon her and she called him to come over. And he obeyed her for the very first time in his life and she said, ‘Look at them, they are holding their hands and praying, can we also do that?’ and without his knowledge, he became speechless and agreed! They sat and held their hands together and they didn’t know what to pray and they were just listening to us. And as we both were crying for the homes of the people, crying for the couples, crying for the families, suddenly that man began to shout and scream saying, ‘Somebody is walking into our home, He is full of brightness, He has a white

One day she was surfing the

robe,He is coming nearer and

TV channels, and suddenly saw

nearer to us.....’ and he fell down.

two people on television holding

When he got up, a great peace


JESUS CALLS February 2018 -

God is ready to give this kind of ‘good thing’ in your family. He gives you a heart of righteousness and a way to serve the Lord, and the goodness follows- your children get blessed. Today that grace is coming to you. As my wife and I joined hands together and prayed, God’s healing went upon several other families. That’s what God gives you, the grace to pray together. Husbands and wives hold your hands and pray together. We do that all the time every day. That’s what keeps our family going. Even in this wicked world we have hope because God in His goodness protects us and provides for us. If you are still single, God will build your home today, and He will make His goodness to protect you.

GOD’S GOODNESS IS UNSTOPPABLE “Surely your goodness and love will follow me all

the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever” (Psalm 23:6 NIV) When God starts doing ‘good’ to you, it never stops! R.L. Stevenson was trying several ways to get the steam engine going. And every time the steam engine would start running, he would call his sister Mary and say ‘Mary it’s starting, come and see it’. She would shout and say ‘Oh, it started! it’s running, running’. But then it would stop. She would say ‘Oh, it has stopped’. But one day he found the solution. Mary started shouting as it started. She said ‘Stephen, it has started, it is running, running’.

Then after sometime she started shouting, ‘it’s not stopping, it’s not stopping’.

When He starts, it will never stop’. One blessing after another will follow because of His fullness!

That’s how God’s goodness is

We are tapping into the fullness of

going to be in your life. You are

God, not because of our merit but

going to cry ‘God’s goodness is

by His grace. And what more, He

not stopping’. He says: I will open

says He will inspire us to fear Him,

the windows of heaven and pour

“I will put a desire into their hearts

down my blessings on you which

to worship me, and they shall never

you cannot hold (Malachi 3:10). In

leave me. (Jeremiah 32:40b). God

Jeremiah 32: 40a, God says, “And I

is willing to walk with you and

will make an everlasting covenant

guide you. He is willing to forgive

with them, promising never again

you and longing to bless your

to desert them but only to do them

family with His favour. The Lord

good....” In essence, He says He

has made a covenant with you and

will never stop doing ‘good’ to

will you make a covenant with

them. So say in your heart, ‘God is

Him today a covenant to talk with

not going to stop doing good to me.

Him every morning? - February 2018



God's Miracles The ‘Jesus Calls’ Ministry has been helping to lead souls to the Lord through various facets like Prayer Tower, Television Programmes, Prayer Festivals, Magazine, internet etc., and also enables them to receive blessings from the Lord in their personal as well as family lives. Many receive blessings from the gracious hands of God through the various ministries and glorify Him. Those who have received blessings support this ministry through their offerings because they desire that others too should receive blessings just like they did, thereby becoming a blessing to themselves. We have given the testimonies of some of them below:

Double Blessing through the Prayer Tower Ministry

My husband works at Bengaluru. I had to come to my mother’s place at Sankarankovil for my confinement in the year 2013. At that point I had also applied for the Teacher’s Eligibility Test (TET). But when I came to Tirunelveli to write the test, I was very pessimistic as to whether I will be able to write the test as I became very weak. There was a ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower opposite to the Exam Centre where I had to write the test. I went there and asked for prayer assistance saying, “I was not able to prepare well for the exam. I am scared that I may not be able to write the exam at all due to the weakness in my body.” The prayer intercessor uttered words of faith saying, “The Lord will surely give you victory” and prayed earnestly for the Lord 8

JESUS CALLS - February - 2018

to strengthen me and I wrote the exam well. Moreover, we have been looking out for an alliance in marriage for my younger brother Joseph George for the past three years. We were in much agony as we could not find a suitable girl.

I continually went to the Prayer Tower at the HBR Layout area in Bengaluru and prayed for my brother to get married. The Lord approved the prayers that I offered at the Prayer Tower. He helped me pass the Teacher’s Eligibility Test and was gracious to enable us to conduct the wedding of my brother too. The Lord was so gracious to grant a grand wedding for my brother as well as a teacher’s post for me in a Government Aided School in the year 2017. Our family is completely blessed through the Prayer Tower Ministry. - Matilda Raphael, Sankar Nagar Tirunelveli

Miraculous healing through the Prayer Festival

I am employed in a department under the Tamilnadu Government. I have been affected with psoriasis for the past three years. My scalp will peel out and fall off like fish scales. Cracks which seemed as though a knife had cut through were visible on the skin on my hands and back area. I was in much agony due to this condition. Being unable to bear the intensity of the ailment, I went to various doctors for treatment. In addition to getting treated at Madurai, I went as far as Chennai and received treatment from various doctors but to no avail. In this situation, the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Festival was held in the beginning of the year 2017 in January at Madurai and I participated in that meeting with much anticipation.

On the first day of the Meeting, Bro Paul Dhinakaran said, “The Lord is healing a brother who is suffering with sores all over his body”. That word touched me and it triggered and lifted the faith in my soul. That disease which could not be cured despite the efforts of many doctors vanished completely by the next month. Now, there is no trace or scar that I even had such a disease in my body. Since the Lord healed me completely, I share my testimony and give my offering at the Madurai Prayer Tower so that many would receive blessings just like I did. All glory to God. - S.Vijayaraghavan, Madurai – 1.

Blessed with a child after 16 years

I got married in November of 2001. Though many days had gone by, there was delay for us to be blessed with a child and so we went to the doctors for a check-up. They said that nothing was wrong with us and that everything was normal. Still, I was unable to conceive for several years as a result of which my husband and I were very dejected. We felt as though we were forsaken by everybody and spent our days in grief. The Thanksgiving Meeting for the year 2016 was arranged at the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower at Anna Nagar, Chennai on the 31st of December 2016 and I took part in that meeting. At the end of the meeting, during individual prayer time, the prayer intercessors

expressed confidence and prayed saying, “Next year, you will come along with your child”. I could not believe a word of it that was said when I went back home. But, as soon as I went home, I put my trust on the Lord and continued to pray for it. The Lord honored the promise that He gave through His servants, the prayer intercessors and in the month of February 2017, He blessed my womb and was gracious enough to protect the fruit of my womb throughout my confinement. But when it was time to deliver the baby, the doctors said that the mouth of the uterus had not opened at all and since I had conceived after several years, they were very much worried about me. I contacted the Prayer Tower at Anna Nagar through telephone and asked for prayer assistance after explaining my condition to them. The prayer intercessor prayed earnestly for me and hopefully said to me, “It will be a normal delivery”. Having completed 16 years of our marital life, I gave birth to a baby boy through normal delivery on the evening of November 22nd which happened to be our 16th wedding anniversary! The Lord performed an unimaginable miracle in my life. I thank the prayer intercessors who prayed for me. I give billions of thanks to the Lord. - Ranavia Arockiadoss, Puducherry

Miracle through Magazine My daughter Ruth Kanmani is now in Seventh Grade. She was down with fever last August and so we

in two hospitals. So, they sent her to a Special Hospital for Children at Chennai and there the doctors informed us that her kidneys and liver were damaged. They started the treatment and put her on dialysis stating that the salt content in her blood was very high. Even though we knew the Lord, we were not close to Him at that time. As my daughter was undergoing treatment at the Children’s Hospital, I happened to get a copy of the May 2017 issue of the ‘Jesus Calls’ Magazine. The testimony of a brother who was healed from kidney failure titled,

‘The Lord created new organs’ was published in it. I read it and that night, I was very heart-broken. I vowed to the Lord and prayed and the Lord did a miracle. All the medical reports of my daughter were completely changed on a single day and the Lord graciously granted her complete healing. I praise the Lord who saved my daughter from septicemia (poisoning of the blood). I have enrolled my daughter Ruth Kanmani and my son Daniel as ‘Jesus Calls’ Young Partners. - D. Poongothai, Chennai.

took her to the doctor for treatment but could not be cured. So we took her to another hospital. Our daughter

For Prayer Assistance (24X7): 044 – 33 999 000

did not get well despite being treated

(Tamil / English) - February - 2018



My dearly beloved, Let me bring you a word from the Lord for the second month of the New Year straight into your heart. It is from Revelation 3:8 that says,

“…See, I have set before you an open door, and no man can shut it...” The Lord will open wide doors for you to receive the blessings you have been waiting thus far in your children’s education, your job and in your business. In the ministry too, through your generous gifts, God will

open new doors. In the year 2018, according to the vision that God has given, we will have the Gospel preached to around 2.5 crore new people. For this, please pray that God will open new doors in the ministry to add souls into His fold.

FEBRUARY, BEGINNING OF A NEW ERA “Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament, and those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever.” (Daniel 12:3) On the 20th of February 2008 the Lord according to His divine will, called Home my beloved father and your brother who was His own beloved apostle and hugged him to His bosom. He brought comfort and healing, and through the Word of God brought hope into innumerable people. Obeying God, founding the Jesus Calls, Karunya ministry through

tireless efforts and faithfulness, his demise sunk everyone into sorrow. God who plans everything even before the foundation of the world gave me a new era in the ministry strengthened me through the Holy Spirit and enabled me to take the lead and continue the calling. In order to preserve the timeless classics of the truths preached by my father and to ensure that it is passed on to strengthen and build the faith of the future generations, we have embarked upon a massive Digitization Project. Thus far it is you who have been upholding this huge task by your generous gifts, and please continue to uphold these efforts by pouring on us your precious love, prayers and material support. In the year 1955, on 11th February my Father accepted Jesus Christ and from 1955 to 2008 God used him tremendously and touched and transformed the lives of thousands of people. Your share in the ministry through your generous offerings and gifts will mean that you are also involved in leading the lost souls to the Lord Jesus Christ.

PRAYER FOR CHILDREN “Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Colossians 2:3) 10

JESUS CALLS February 2018 -

When it is time for examinations, fear begins to grip the hearts of both students and parents. Fear of the future; not able to focus on studies: the expectations of the parents; the anxiety of children etc., etc. Taking advantage of this, the evil one attacks their minds with unnecessary fearful thoughts and paralyzes their minds and emotions. Therefore, every year we take a huge effort to sincerely pray during the entire exam time so that God’s presence will dwell with the students, giving them peace, health and strength to preserve during the exam season, filling their hearts with courage to concentrate on their studies. This is done through a huge Prayer Meeting held exclusively for school students. This year we are planning to hold these meetings on 3rd February in Bethesda and on 4th in Chennai. I request parents and teachers to bring the children of all the schools in your area and make your children receive blessing, wisdom, protection, health and courage. Those who are not able to make it in person can watch it vide facebook (https://www.facebook. com/Dr.PaulDhinakaran/) and through live webcast (www. the Jesus Calls Website and be blessed. It is for the sole purpose of praying for protection on children and for their bright future and for their wisdom that the Young Partners plan was given to us. We along with several prayer intercessors pray every day for each person who gets registered in

Jesus Calls Young Partners Plan. All those who get enlisted are being continually prayed for in the 24x7 Prayer Tower. I encourage you to put your children and your children’s children into the plan and see the blessings come upon them and on you too. You can contact our area Ambassador or visit or call 1800 425 77 55 (7 a.m. to 9 p.m.) and get more details. Please don’t forget to send us your children’s Exam Time Table and prayer requests related to exams so that I will be able to specially pray for every specific exam. Send them to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Jesus Calls, Bethesda Prayer Centre, Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore-641 114 or For prayers during the exam day you may call 044 33 999 000 and get prayer help.

WORLD PRAYER CONVENTION “Behold, the Lord God shall come with a strong hand, and His arm shall rule for Him; Behold, His reward is with Him, and His work before Him.” (Isaiah 40:10) We have organized a World Prayer Convention in the city of Jerusalem from 22nd to 24th May 2018. World renowned saints of God, speakers, and prophets will participate with us in this convention. Along with this convention we have also organized Holy Land Tour to visit Israel, Jordan and Egypt. Please participate in this World Prayer Convention and pray for the peace of Jerusalem. I encourage you to come and receive the special

anointing in this place and receive the gifts of God and return to your home lands and shine as wonderful and powerful servants of God. You can register for this convention through wpc2018, 044-47101314 / 315/ 9840999906/9500996470.

KARUNYA ADMISSIONS “…A man’s wisdom makes his face shine...” (Ecclesiastes 8:1) The Karunya deemed University has begun its students’ admission for the year 2018. Students are invited to apply for degree and post graduate programs in the departments of science, arts, engineering, agriculture, media, management, commerce and various other disciplines. Please pray for these educational services. Many students from all over India are studying in the campus. There are also students from overseas studying here. Your children can get this highly graded education in technology, arts and science and shine as glorious witnesses for Christ. So take effort and enrol your children in these programmes. Details of admission can be received from The entrance exam for B. Tech. is being organized in many places around the country (April 27 to 29) all over India. Visit the website for online application or call toll free number 1800 425 4300. Details can also be received at Bethesda and Chennai on February - February 2018



3 rd and 4 th during the Students Exam Prayer Meeting.

Towers in Secunderabad and Thiruvananthapuram also.



In January, that is, last month, we were able to take the good news of the Lord to more than 50 thousand people through One Day Blessing Meetings, Partners Meeting, Prayer Tower dedications, facebook, website, social media and Prayer Tower Ministry. We have opened new Prayer Towers in TamilNadu at Marthandam, Tiruvallur, Namakkal and Dumka in Jharkhand. We need to sincerely step up our efforts and pray for God to touch the 2.5 crore people—the vision for 2018 to be fulfilled. We are planning to establish Prayer Towers in Bokaro, Bhopal, Indore (Madhya Pradesh), Nizamabad (Telangana) and Jeypore (Odisha). We need to complete the renovation work of Bethesda Prayer Centre and Frazer Town Prayer Tower this year. We need to construct Prayer

February 3 Students Prayer Meet, Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. February 4 Students Prayer Meet, Chennai, Tamil Nadu. February 10, 11 Hyderabad Prayer Festival, Telengana and Family Blessing Meet, Mangalore. February 14-16 Prophetic Prayer Convention Aurangabad, Maharashtra. February 17-18 Marathwada Prayer Festival, Jalna, Maharashtra. Please pray for these meetings in your daily prayers. Please pray for people to participate in these meetings through social media and also in person in thousands and thousands and for many people to

q Yearly Rs.........................../-

support these meetings. I praise God for giving us precious partners like you who are upholding us, the family of the servants of God in your prayer. God used my son Samuel powerfully in December 2017 and in the month of January 2018 in church services, UTurn youth meetings in Chennai, Ranchi and Nagpur. Please continue to pray for my children. According to the new pledges you would have taken in the New Year please continue to support the ministry in a more generous way. For those who missed out on sending your pledges, we have given the form once again. You are requested to avail this opportunity. May the Holy Spirit speak into your hearts and according to His leading come forward to sow your seed into this ministry. You will not only receive blessing from God but will also make you a blessing to others. Your brother who prays for you, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

q Monthly Rs................................/-

q My one-day salary/income Rs...................../- q My one-month salary/income Rs....................../q One-tenth of my salary Rs........................./- q One-tenth of my income Rs............................./q One-time payment of Rs.............................../-

I pledge to send offering to support this Ministry: Name: ........................................................................................................ Partner No.: ......................................... Address: ............................................................................................................ PIN code: ..................................... E-mail: .................................................................................... Mobile No. ............................................................ Birthday ....................................................................... Wedding Day .................................................................... Prayer points to be prayed for on my behalf at the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower are: .................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................. Support this noble ministry; Present Jesus as a Gift to others. The simple ways by which you can send in your offerings are found in page no.34 For additional information call 1800 425 77 55 (Toll Free Telephone No. – 7.00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m.) 12

JESUS CALLS February 2018 -

Jesus Calls new Prayer Tower at


Jesus Calls new Prayer Tower at

MARTHANDAM in Tamil Nadu

The Marthandam Prayer Tower was dedicated on 26th December 2017 in the presence of pastors, servants of God, partners and well wishers of Jesus Calls for the Glory of God.

in Tamil Nadu

Tiruvallur Prayer Tower was dedicated on 5th January 2018 in the presence of pastors, servants of God, partners and well wishers of Jesus Calls for the Glory of God by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and family.

Address: Jesus Calls Prayer Tower No.46, TNHB, Kakalur Bypass Road, Tiruvallur-602001.

Address: Jesus calls Prayer Tower Dr. Biswas Hospital Campus Opp to: Govt. Girls Hr. Secondary School, Trivandrum Main Road, Marthandam - 629165.

To know the details about the events conducted at this Prayer Tower contact: 9840900468

To know the details about the events conducted at this Prayer Tower contact: 04651-274774 / 7338732208

Jesus Calls new Prayer Tower at

NAMAKKAL in Tamil Nadu

Namakkal Prayer Tower was dedicated on 15th January 2018 in the presence of pastors, servants of God, partners and well wishers of Jesus Calls for the Glory of God by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and family.

Address: Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, No.87 C, Saravana Complex, Trichy Main Road, Ganeshapuram, Namakkal-637001 To know the details about the events conducted at this Prayer Tower contact: 04286-221055, 7338732216. Those living in and around Marthandam, Tiruvallur and Namakkal please visit the Prayer Tower in your area and be blessed. Introduce about these Prayer Towers to your friends, relatives so that they can also visit and be blessed.

All Prayer Towers in India functions from 8am to 8pm everyday

 Tamil/English: 044 - 33 999 000  Hindi/Punjabi: 011 - 33 999 000  Malayalam: 0471 - 33 999 000

FOR 24x7 PRAYERS:  Telugu: 040 - 33 999 000  Kannada: 080 - 33 999 000

 

Marathi: 022 - 33 999 000 Gujarati: 079 - 33 999 000 - February 2018




JESUS CALLS February 2018 -

Job said, “I know that you can do

wanted to prove Job to be a wicked

all things. No purpose of yours

man. Instead of comforting him,

can be thwarted.” What a strong

they condemned Job. Even Job’s

faith he had! Job said this when

wife said to him, “Are you still

he was deep in trouble, not when

maintaining your integrity? Curse

everything was going fine for

God and die!" But still Job held on

him. And God appreciated Job

to his integrity. He said to his wife,

saying, that Job had spoken well

“You are talking like a foolish

of Him unlike his friends. But

woman. Shall we accept good from

the devil wanted to rub Job on

God, and not trouble?" The Bible

the wrong side, and Job’s friends

affirms that in all this, Job did not

sin in what he said. Today you may be going through deep turbulence, maybe you are at your wits end; don’t

brother would not have died:

you would believe you would see

meaning, ‘Where were you when

the glory of God?" (John 11:40)

I needed you most?’ We all ask that question, don’t we?

lose heart my friend, utter the words of faith, “My God can do everything for me. He has planned everything in my life. My God does everything beautiful in his time.” This is your faith today. Today you will receive answers to your prayers. It could be a miracle from God. Do you believe that? As the Lord blessed Job in double measure, the Lord will give you double blessings. Whatever losses you suffered over the past year everything will come back to you in double measure. Have faith in God. You have believed God and

fluctuating, yet, what did Jesus say? ‘Faith as tiny as a mustard


you have said, “My God will do everything for me.”

Yes , M art h a’s fai t h w a s

seed’ is enough to move mountains. Martha believed and confessed that Jesus is the expected Messiah (John 11:27): she walked along with Jesus to the tomb and she did see the glory of God! What a miracle of miracles this is!

SEEING GOD’S GLORY Moses cried, “Lord, show me Your glory.” Today we are going to cry, “Lord, open my eyes to see Your glory.” Like Martha let us believe in Christ and walk along with Him and let us claim His promise that

But the second part of Martha’s

we will see the Glory of God!


statement is high in faith! “But

Yes, the Lord will open our eyes to

When Jesus came to condole with Mary and Martha when their brother Lazarus died, Martha said to Jesus; "Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died. But even now I know that whatever You ask of God, God will give You.” (John 11:21, 22)

even now I know that whatever

see His glory. All the promises of

You ask of God, God will give

God in Christ are yes and Amen.

You.” Then the Lord says, “Where have you laid him?” and they said, “Come and see” (John 11:34) and they—Jesus, Martha and all the Jews walked over to where the tomb was. There when Jesus says

When our son Samuel was a young boy, my husband and I wanted him to grow up into a well-disciplined child and wanted him to shine in his studies. Therefore we did not

“remove the stone”, Martha was

spare the rod but used it liberally!

aghast, and screamed, ‘But by now

One day my husband told him,

Here you can trace the highs

it will be stinking!’ This is where

“Son, if you score first rank in

and lows in Martha’s faith. The

her faith took a deep downward

your class I will get you a bicycle.”

first statement is one of agony,

plunge! Then Jesus gently reminds

This got registered in his mind

“Lord if you had been here my

her, "Did I not say to you that if

deeply and he put in a lot of effort - February 2018



to study well and finally he scored the first rank in his class. On that day when he saw his dad returning from work, he ran to him and said, “Daddy, I’ve come first in my class! Remember you promised to get me a bicycle? Come on let’s go to the shop right now!” But my husband said that he was tired after a hard day’s work at the

surely a future hope for you. Here is the testimony of Sis. Sakunthala to encourage you to receive a miracle for you:

have ovarian cancer and she underwent a major surgery and the cancerous cyst was removed. She was given chemotherapy six

some other day. But my son got on to his shoulders and dragged him to his car and they headed to the bicycle shop and returned home hid his dad’s word in his heart and claimed the fulfilment of his dad’s word/promise. In the same way let us also hide God’s Word in our hearts and claim the fulfilment of all His promises found in His Word.

times. But the cancer recurred. Again a surgery was performed on her and the doctor told her, “You have to go through five more sittings of chemotherapy, but still we cannot give you guarantee and hope.” She came my husband. As people were

would believe you would see the

rushing around us we could

glory of God?"

not even speak to her. But then

(John 11:40)

hale and healthy. All her family were there on the stage to testify.


to our meeting to meet me and

"Did I not say to you that if you

testified this miracle. She looked

She was diagnosed to

office and tried to postpone it to

with a brand new bicycle! Samuel

stage in one of our meetings and

she just said, “I have cancer,

What a good God we have, isn’t it! Our God can do anything dear friends. Doctors may say that you may die or your whole

After four days of death the

please pray for me.” And my

Lord brought Lazarus alive again.

husband took my hand, put it

No matter what dark and dreary

on her stomach and he began

path you are going through, do not

to pray. After the prayer my

can do all things dear friends.

lose hope. Have faith in God, and

husband said, “No more cancer

“With man this is impossible, but

like Martha walk along with Jesus

for you. This is the last day of

with God all things are possible"

and expect to see the Glory of God.

your cancer” and at that instant

(Matthew 19:26). Today we are

Be encouraged today. Surely your

amazingly she was totally healed

going to believe that. Our Lord

hope shall not be cut off. There is

and later she came on to the

Jesus is assuring you, ‘my son/


JESUS CALLS February 2018 -

family may discourage you saying that you are good for nothing and so on, but remember that God

daughter, believe in me and you

that today. My father, my brother

daughter, mother or sister! What a

will see the glory of God. Today I

and my mother passed away but

blessed life I have in Christ.

will bless you; today I will come

the Lord compensated every loss

to your home and there will be

in my family in double measure.

salvation in your home; there will

Through my husband’s family

be blessings in your home; there

the Lord gave back to me all the

Will not God do that for you today my dear friends? Don’t ever say that God will not listen to your

will be miracles for you.’ Jesus is

three that I had lost. I lost three

prayers. Let us believe in faith. Your request will be granted today.

right here with us.

members in my family but I got back six members—my husband,

Today let us cry out to God

GOD’S CONCERN “The LORD will perfect that which concerns me...” (Psalm 138:8)

my husband’s father, mother and my three children Sam, Sharon and Stella Ramola. In addition, the Lord has given me all the partners of Jesus Calls as my dear brothers

for whatever needs we have, be it physical, emotional or financial. Job clung on to the Lord and said, “Lord you can do all things.” Let us also say, “Fulfill Your promises

My father used to recite the

and sisters. Today the Lord has

above verse all the time. The Lord

blessed me so much that I have

in my life Lord” and today the

perfected every blessing in my

a family all over the world; for

Lord will fulfill all His plans in

life and I can boldly witness to

many say they consider me as their

your life. - February 2018



“To heal the broken-hearted...” (Isaiah 61:1,2)

Day Of

Deliverance FEBRUARY 28, 2018 For more than 20,000 letters received everyday by post and email, the Dhinakarans pray and send prayerful replies. These replies turn into miracles in the lives of the dear ones who come in contact with the Jesus Calls ministries. Their hope is not cut off. Many of us would have certain requests about which we have been facing obstacles in our lives, travailing for long and seeking deliverance. Here is an opportunity for you to send such requests to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran who will be praying for you, on February28th, 2018. So, hurry up! Send your requests to us through facebook and e-mails. MY PRAYER REQUEST TO BE PRAYED ON FEBRUARY 28, 2018 “Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayer made in this place.” (2 Chronicles 7:15)

1. .................................................................................................................................................................... 2. ................................................................................................................................................................... 3. ................................................................................................................................................................... PLEASE SEND YOUR PRAYER REQUESTS by email: Dr. Paul Dhinakaran: Sis. Stella Dhinakaran: Sis. Evangeline Paul: by posting a comment on: Visit our website

WAITING FOR A BREAK THROUGH? THERE IS A SOLUTION... PRAYER BRINGS ANSWERS FROM GOD! “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” (Jeremiah 33:3) 18

JESUS CALLS - February - 2018

Sports for Special Children

“Let me win, but if I cannot, let me be brave in the attempt” – this is the motto of the Special Olympics. This is also the motto of the Special Games organised as part of the Karunya Evangeline Memorial Tournament (KEMT) in Karunya Institute of Technology & Sciences. SEESHA organises this annual event to promote inclusive development and also to give people an opportunity to see how talented people with special needs can be! In order words, this special event is an attempt to help people see them for their abilities rather than for their disabilities. This year, over 450 differently-abled children from 14 special schools across Coimbatore district participated in this event. Breaking down stereotypes, these children participated in a range of events despite their special conditions such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, intellectually disabled, visually impaired, hearing impaired and locomotor disability.

From Beneficiaries to Donors!

Inspired by the selfless service of SEESHA and the donors who continuously support its work, child beneficiaries of SEESHA’s Child Learning Centres in Coimbatore decided to do what they can to give back! Through individual contributions as small as Rs. 5, these children pooled in whatever they could save from their meagre pocket allowances and contributed it to SEESHA. With this contribution, SEESHA has been able to provide 7 government schools in the district with educational essentials. We are truly proud to have become an inspiration to these children and use their contributions to help children like them have an enriching learning experience. Contribute to SEESHA and avail tax benefits as per Section 80G of the Indian Income Tax Act. To contribute to the Differently abled project, send a Cheque/DD/Money Order in favour of “SEESHA” to our address: No. 16, DGS Dhinakaran Road, RA Puram, Chennai - 600 028. or Donate online at In case of queries, call +91 44 6666 0000

The Joy of Empowerment

A number of people from various walks of life have stepped into the year 2018 with gifts from SEESHA that will change their lives forever. At a special event organised by SEESHA in December 2017, Dr.Paul Dhinakaran (Founder –SEESHA) distributed sewing machines empowering 12 women to set up their own income-generation initiatives, retro-fitment motor vehicles to five differently-abled persons find mobility and self-sufficiency, and financial as well as equipment support for transwomen to pursue skill training and as part of entrepreneurial development to 3 transgender to provide financial support and start up independent business as alternative livelihood. - February - 2018



The National Prayer Tower was established in New Delhi, near the seat of power, on 4th Sep 2010, to pray and prophesy night and day, non- stop, for the Nation, in obedience to the divine command of God to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran. This is in continuation of God’s plan revealed to him for Jesus Calls to raise prophets in the prophetic era and to establish prophetic Prayer Towers to prepare the world for the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. The National Prayer Tower, Delhi is the first of the prophetic Prayer Towers, the next being the Israel Prayer Tower at Jerusalem. Prayer intercessors from various States come in turn, to pray and prophesy from here, every month batch after batch. Facilities for stay, lodging, food, shuttle trips from National Prayer Tower and lodging is also arranged for the prayer intercessors. Training is given for every batch at the commencement of the prayer schedule.

God is blessing the prayer intercessors in their personal lives and filling them with His prophetical gifts. Many prophecies uttered in this Prayer Tower are fulfilled and many miracles are witnessed from these prayer intercessors. Here are a few... 20

JESUS CALLS February 2018 -

89th batch prayer intercessors, National Prayer Tower, Delhi

Nitu Surin, Ranchi, Jharkhand My family and I are blessed after I came here to pray for one month in this National Prayer Tower. Our house construction got completed miraculously by the grace of Jesus Christ. Hitesh Jolly, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh I had been addicted to drugs and alcohol for 14 years. I accepted Jesus but I did not get the complete deliverance. But after I came here to the National Prayer Tower, I got total deliverance from all of my bad habits for the first time in my life. My wife Sharda Jolly, after coming to

National Prayer Tower, received a call from home saying that the Government has announced a land on my name, which we didn’t even expect! God has given to us this gift from the hidden treasures of heaven as said in Isaiah 45:3.. Rekha Jeevan Gaikwad, Ahmed Nagar, Maharashtra I had a desire that I should come and pray at the National Prayer Tower after my retirement. God fulfilled this desire. Just before 15 days of my coming here, I had a vision of this Prayer Tower and I was sitting with others in a glorious place and praying. After coming here, I received the gift of

prophecy and the gift of discernment. My prayer pattern has changed and now I can pray for long hours and for the various prayer points concerning the nation, prophecy fulfilments and the Jesus Calls ministry. All Glory to God. Anita Raghunath Masihi, Vyara dist, Gujarat During my stay here, I could see visions, prophesy, pray in different tongues and pray with burden for the points given. All these experiences were very new to me. I was having a kind of unknown fear before I come here, but now that unknown fear has left me. Thanks to Jesus. -February 2018 JESUS CALLS


As you participate, God will be very pleased with you and He will remove all your captivity, give you back double blessing and you will be protected from all sides and you will also be a channel of blessing to the Nation.

What can you do to participate? You can come to the National Prayer Tower, Delhi for a month and be a prayer intercessor. Or you can be a supporter just like Aaron and Hur as they supported Moses’s hand while Moses prayed for the Israeli army raising his hands (Exo 17: 11,12). Supporting a prayer intercessor can be through a donation in part or full to meet the expenses of one intercessor for a month. As you support in this way, you will become a team member of the praying group, National Prayer Tower and you will be blessed. Contact any of the nearby Prayer Towers for more details or Director, National Prayer Tower, 5th Floor, 16, Pandit Pant Marg, New Delhi-110001; Ph. 8826340044/8826340033; e mail to

Please fill the form and submit. a. Yes. I wish to be a part of this National Prayer by supporting a prayer intercessor’s expense for one month on any of the following or the total expense. Rs 10000 per person for guest house rent Rs 10000 per person for electricity and water and gas Rs 10000 per person for food and maintenance and shuttle transport Rs 5000 per person for training time expenses, and travel b. I wish to be a part of this National Prayer as a supporter for every month and I pledge to send Rs …………every month. c. I wish to be a prayer intercessor at Delhi for a month and be a part of one batch. PRAYERS WILL BE OFFERED FOR YOU AND FOR YOUR REQUESTS IN THE PRAYER TOWER AS YOU SPONSOR PRAYER INTERCESSORS Name:..........................................................Partner Code: (If any)....................Date of birth.................... Address:........................................................................................................................................................ ....................................................................City:......................................PIN/Zip code.......................... Mobile..................................................................Email:............................................................................ The simple ways by which you send in your loving offering for National Prayer Tower, Delhi is given in page no 34. in this issue 22

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Rally for Youth Ambassadors UTurn on January 6, 2018 conducted its first ever Youth Rally at the Prayer Tower in Ranchi. Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran challenged the young people to be ambassadors for Christ in their daily lives. A total of 275 people participated in the rally and 114 committed their lives to be Youth Ambassadors. We are grateful to God for speaking to the hearts of these young people and touching their lives.

Another UTurn Meeting was conducted on January 13, 2018 in Nagpur. Worship that was led by the local team truly set the tone for the evening. The team from Karunya led the audience is songs of praise and worship and presented a beautiful choreography. The Bishop Cotton School ground, where the event was held, was fully packed to its limits with around 4000 participants. Bro. Sam Dhinakaran delivered a riveting Word that inspired the audience to walk according to the Spirit of God and not by the spirit of man and to learn how to silence our spirit and listen to the voice of God, not the noise of the world. 26

JESUS CALLS February 2018 -

On December 30, 2017 UTurn conducted a meeting at the Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower in Chennai. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran’s children, Samuel, Sharon and Stella graced the event with their presence. Sister Stella led a Spiritfilled time of worship and Sis. Sharon led an important time of prayer and intercession. Bro. Samuel encouraged and lifted up the audience to “be strong in The Lord and in the strength of His might” according to Ephesians 6:10 and led an anointed time of prayer. We saw a turnout of 900 people thirsty for God. A team from Karunya led a time of praise and presented a meaningful mime and made the audience tap their feet to their choreography. On January 14th, 2018 a total of 150 people participated in the rally and 100 committed their lives to be Youth Ambassadors. Praises be to God for His grace and presence that reverberated through the entire event.

On January 5, 2018, UTurn conducted a Meeting in Ranchi where Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran encouraged the youth with the Word of God. It was a blessed time of praise and worship. Fun filled activities along with a dance performance and a challenging skit held the audience captivated. The turnout was over a 1000 individuals, many of whom were first time attendees to a UTurn event. At the end of the meeting Bro Samuel laid hands on the people who had come forward for prayer. We give all glory to God for helping us in conducting the meeting successfully. All glory to God for the amazing work he did in these meetings. -February 2018 JESUS CALLS





Be Crowned With Success Loving Heavenly Father, I thank and praise You because You are the source of all wisdom and knowledge. Your word says that every good and perfect gift comes from above. Thank You for this gift of education which You have given to me. Even now as I prepare to face the exams, I ask for Your divine mercy and grace to be on me. Your word says that the horse is prepared for the battle but the victory is from the Lord. Bless my efforts as I plan to study each portion. Please remove all the distractions from me and help me to concentrate well during my preparations. Give me good health and strength. Take away all my weaknesses. Give me peace and to my family members too in all things . Take away every fear from my heart and fill my heart with confidence as I put my trust in Your Name. You have promised that You will never leave me nor forsake me. Hold my hand when I write my exams ; help me to understand each question and write all the relevant answers legibly; help me to complete the paper on time. Let me find favour in the eyes of those who value my papers and help me to score very high marks more than what I expect. I know that You are a prayer answering God and Your love towards me is great. Thank you for hearing my prayers and crowning me with success and assuring me a hope and blessed future. In Jesus’ name I pray.

(Scripture verses used in this prayer: Col. 2:3 ; James 1:17 ; John 1: 16 ; Prov. 21:31; Isaiah 41:10; I John 4:18; Psalm 20:7; Joshua 1:5 ; Heb. 13:5 ; Eph. 3:20 ; Isa. 11:2 ; Psalm : 65:2; Jer.29:11; John14:27 ). 28

JESUS CALLS - February - 2018

Financial ControlleR

Regional Accountant

Group Head - Digital Media

Zonal Accountants

(15 to 20 yrs of experience) location - Coimbatore (15 to 20 yrs of experience) location - Coimbatore

Finance Executive

(2 to 5 yrs of experience) location - Coimbatore

Assistant Manager/Deputy Manager HR (7 to 10 yrs of experience) location - Coimbatore

Regional Managers

(8 to 10 yrs of experience) for multiple locations

(5 to 8 yrs of experience) location - Hyderabad (8 to 10 yrs of experience) for multiple locations


(5 to 8 yrs of experience) location - Chennai for heavy vehicles

Prayer Tower Managers and prayer warriors for multiple locations Manager – Training

(8 to 10 yrs of experience) location - Coimbatore

Prayer Centre coordinator & Prayer Support Executive (3 to 5 yrs of experience) location - multiple locations in Pan India.

Please visit for more details or send your CV to

Jesus Calls Special Meetings

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran & Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran will bring God’s word Hyderabad...Telengana Blessing Prayer Festival Date: February 10,11 ( Saturday, Sunday) Time:5.30pm Venue: Parade Ground, Secunderabad For details: Secunderabad Prayer Tower, Ph: 040-2782 4499 / 2782 4444

(Jalna... Maharashtra) Marathwada Prayer Festival Date: 17, 18 February 2018, (Saturday & Sunday) Time: 5pm Venue: Azad Maidan, opp to Fraser Boys School Ground, Jalna For Details: Aurangabad Prayer Tower, Ph: 0240-2474496 / 2483663 Are you burdened with worries and tormented with sickness? Lost your hope? Come, JESUS will set you free. Your sorrow will turn to joy. Bring your dear ones also

Aurangabad (Maharashtra State) – Prophetic Prayer Conference 14-16 February 2018 (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) - 9:00am to 5:00pm For further Details: Aurangabad Prayer Tower - Ph: 0240-2474496/2483663 Ahmednagar Prayer Tower - Ph: 0241 – 2326565. Pune (Cant.) & Pimpri Prayer Tower Ph: 020-26120022 / 27426677. Online: - February - 2018



Exodus 23:25 – Health and Blessings Meditation: Isaiah 58:1-8; Job 42:10-12; Proverbs 10:6; Mark 5:25-34


Lamentations 3:25 – Hope in the Lord Meditation: Psalm 37:9; Proverbs 20:22; Isaiah 49:22-26; Jude 21


Numbers 18:20 – God is your share and inheritance Meditation: Lev. 20:22-24; Psalm 16:5-8; Ephesians 1:12; Col. 3:23,24


Malachi 3:18 – You are distinct Meditation: Exo. 8:20-23; Acts 15:9; Psalm 58:11; Luke 12:23,24


Matthew 6:33 – Seek the Kingdom of God and righteousness Meditation: Deut. 16:20; Psalm 106:3; Luke 14:15; Romans 14:17


Psalm 92:12 – You will grow Meditation: Malachi 4:2; Ephesians 4:11-15; 1 Peter 2:3-5


Hebrews 13:8 – Jesus Christ is unchanging Meditation: Psalm 102:25-28; Romans 11:29; Hebrews 1:12, 6:17

Proverbs 2:8 – God protects the way Meditation: Psalm 23:3; Proverbs 1:5; 3:6; Isaiah 26:7

Proverbs 10:24 – God grants the desires Meditation: 1 Kings 11:31-37; Psalm 145:15-19; Proverbs 13:12


Proverbs 3:33 – God who blesses Meditation: Isaiah 61:7-9 Psalm 128:5; Luke 24:49,50


Isaiah 12:6 – Great is He among you Meditation: Zephaniah 3:15,17; 1 Cor. 6:19; 2 Cor. 6:16


Haggai 2:23 – You are a signet ring Meditation: Gen. 41:40-43; Ezek. 28:12; 2 Cor. 1:20-24


Daniel 9:9 – God is forgiving Meditation: Psalm 32:1; Isaiah 55:6-9; Jer. 31:34; 1 John 1:9





Psalm 128:2– Blessings and prosperity from the

Lord Meditation: Deut. 28:1-11; Nehemiah 2:18; Psalm 33:12; 144:12-15 Exodus 14:14 –The Lord grants victory in the fight Meditation: Deut. 1:28-31; Psalm 24:8; Proverbs 21:31; Isaiah 31:1-5


Matthew 7:7 – Receive Meditation: Judges 1:14,15; Matthew 21:22; Mark 10:47-52


Psalm 34:8 – Taste and see Meditation: Psalm 119:103; Hebrews 6:4-7; 1 Peter 2:1-5


Deuteronomy 18:13 – Blameless Meditation: 2 Kings 20:1-6; Psalm; 84:11; Proverbs 2:7


Psalm 1:3 – Whatever is done prospers Meditation: Joshua 1:1-9; 2 Chron. 32:27-30; Isaiah 53:10

Proverbs 11:25 – You will prosper Meditation: Proverbs 14:11; Isaiah 35:1-4; Acts 14:17


Revelation 22:16 – God, the bright Morning Star Meditation: Num. 6:25; Ezra 6-8; John 1:9


Genesis 17:2 – God will greatly increase your members Meditation: Gen. 13:16; Job 1:10; Philippians 1:9-11

Joshua 24:15 – Serve the Lord Meditation: Psalm 2:11; Romans 1:9; Rev. 7:15-17


Zechariah 2:5 – Glory is He Meditation: Lev. 9:1-6; Psalm 3:3; Isaiah 11:1-10


Exodus 33:14 –Lord God gives rest Meditation: Joshua 1:13-15; 1 Kings. 8:53-58; Matthew 11:28,29


Judges 6:12 – You are a mighty warrior Meditation:Judges 6:7-12;Isaiah 40:10,11; Song of Songs 4:4

Luke 1:37 – All things possible with God Meditation: Psalm 33:9; Jer. 32:17, 27; Matthew 19:26

Proverbs10:6 –Blessings crown the head Meditation: Gen. 49:26; Deut. 33:16; Esther 2:15-18; Psalm 21:3

9 30

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God is light God is light , and in Him is no darkness at all (I John 1:5). Long long ago God had promised that He would come to the earth to deliver men from the prison of darkness. To fulfill that promise He descended to this earth in the name of Jesus, which means ‘Saviour,’ ‘Deliverer from darkness.’ What was He like? In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. John 1:4,5

was radiance wherever Jesus went. What did He say of Himself? “I am the light of the world” (John 8:12; 9:5; 12:46). To demonstrate that God is light, He came to this earth in human form. And what about darkness? Even as light was there from the beginning, darkness was also there from the beginning.

night shines as the day; the darkness and the light are both alike to You.” Psalm 139:12 God dwells in unapproachable light, whom no man has seen or can see (I Timothy 6:16). He says that He will dwell in the thick darkness (I Kings 8:12; Psalm 18:11; Psalm 97:2). When the Lord descended upon Mount Sinai to manifest Himself to Moses, the entire mountain was set aflame (Exodus 19:18); and the people who saw it did tremble and shiver. There was such blinding light, but the Bible says that by its side there were also clouds and thick darkness (Deuteronomy 4:11). Our God is a wonderful God. Strange and mysterious are His ways!

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. Those who observed the life God divided the light from of Jesus remarked, “The people the darkness. Genesis 1:1-4 who walked in darkness have God divided the light from the seen a great light; those who darkness; yet both the light and dwelt in the land of the shadow the darkness are in His hands. of death, upon them a light has In the Bible we read, shined” (Isaiah 9:2; Matthew “Indeed, the darkness shall Very often we equate God’s 4:15). Yes, there not hide from You, but the power and His performance Taken from the book “I am that I am” authored by late Bro.D.G.S.Dhinakaran --ã¥utÇ -ã¥utÇ or«g® 2018 2017 ïnaR miH¡»wh® - February - 2018 JESUS CALLS


with our limited wisdom and doings. However, God is God and man is merely man. The Bible says that He remembers that we are dust. “He has established the world by His wisdom” (Jeremiah 10:12). His power and wisdom are boundless. Our Lord Jesus asked the Pharisees, “Are you not therefore mistaken, because you do not know the Scriptures nor the power of God?” (Mark 12:24). Very often smitten by pain and beset by troubles we are unable to place our trust and faith on Him. That is because we equate His powers with ours and limit them in our estimation. But He intervenes in the most miraculous manner. The Bible says, “Unto the upright there arises light in the darkness” (Psalm 112:4). Job affirmed, “By His light I walked through darkness” (Job 29:3) and the Psalmist was confident that the Lord God would enlighten his darkness (Psalm 18:28). The prophet Micah again declared, “When I sit in darkness, the Lord will be a light to me” (Micah 7:8).

From what type of dangers the merciful eyes of Jesus are and darkness does God desire watching you. He will drive away your sorrows and grant to deliver us? you joy.

Darkness of sin

Everyone wanted the woman caught in adultery to be stoned to death. But Jesus said that he who was sinless among them could first cast a stone at her. None dared and Jesus told her, “Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more. Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, "I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life” (John 8:11,12). Yes, Jesus came into this world to lighten our pathway. Jesus looked at a frustrated man lying diseased for 38 years. In a moment He diagnosed his disease (John 5:1-9). Yes, with a quick glance He comes to know our pains and problems.

Once, when I had been to Bangalore, a young man came to me saying, “Sir, look at my legs for a moment. I am lame and have no job. How long am I to endure such a life? Please heal me” and he tightly clutched my hands. A bedridden sister, who had lost the use of her legs in an accident, told me, The Lord who had led “Brother, I have remained in Abraham, Isaac and Jacob bed for four years. How long should I endure this pain? Do through darkness and danger heal me.” will be our Light as well and lead us amidst any darkness Yes, we are living in a world that may engulf us. Hence, full of sorrow and pain. Men let us not lose heart. He is all may not notice you, and you may not confide in men, but sufficient for us. 32

JESUS CALLS - February - 2018

The enemy makes us dwell in darkness. Of the devil, Christ said, “He is a liar and the father of it…He comes to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” (John 8:44) The devil is another evil force ever opposed to us. He can seize a man’s life in two ways. He comes into hearts filled with darkness and resides there. When there is no light in our hearts, we ourselves give room for the devil to reside in them (Matthew 12:43). Another method he adopts is to stand by our side and prompt us to do evil. At first the devil would have come and stood beside Judas and then he might have told him that Jesus, for all His miracles, was only a carpenter. What would he gain by following a mere carpenter? (John 13:2). Shouldn’t he have a band of his own? Judas perhaps listened to the evil suggestion and betrayed Jesus. But Jesus says, “I have come that you may have life, and that you may have it more abundantly(John10;10).”

Darkness of Sickness The devil can also bring about certain diseases in your body. The doctor may examine your body and say that there is nothing wrong with you. Jesus

heals all those in the grip of the devil. When His light fills our hearts, the devil trembles at our sight. The man who had the spirit of an unclean devil, when he saw Jesus, cried out with a loud voice (Luke 4:34,35). There was another man with an unclean spirit who lived naked among the tombs. There were about 2000 devils within him. He broke the fetters and chains with which he was bound and bruised himself with stones. He was not aware that he was bruising his own body. That was because the devil was within him(Mark 5:1-5). Yes, evil forces surround us. They stand beside us and stir up evil thoughts in us. They come in if we give them room. But if Jesus were to come into our hearts they dare not approach us. He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love (Colossians 1:13). God dwells in the unapproachable light which no man has seen. Christ sits on His right hand. There is a light which surrounds them both and no one can enter that region. Christ alone is omnipotent there. As claimed by Him, all power is given unto Him in heaven and in earth( Matthew 28:18). What a great security it is for us when our life is hidden in Him. Is it not an esteemed privilege to have

this light within us and dwell in its unapproachable region? There are devils, black-magic, sorcery and witchcraft in this world; but Christ has power over them all. If Jesus were to live in your hearts these adversaries will bow their heads on seeing you. As St. Paul was going along the road one day, a woman possessed with the spirit of divination saw him and cried, “These men are the servants of the Most High God” (Acts 16:17,18). The devil can recognize us. You may be illiterate, unable to even read the Bible. But if Jesus were to live in your hearts, even a million devils have no power to touch you. Know this for certain that all the devils, magic, witchcraft and necromancy cannot even touch your hearts. When Jesus, who triumphed over all, dwells in us there is no doubt that the devil will flee in terror. The wicked devil tortures our hearts and tries to fill them with darkness, but out Saviour Jesus has power over darkness. He who said, “I am the light of the world”, also said, “In My name they will cast out demons” (Mark 16:17). It just means that the devil will tremble at the name of Jesus. Why should we think of the devil and tremble at the thought? We can utter “Jesus” the matchless name

and make the devil tremble instead.

The Darkness of Death Job bewails, “On my eyelids is the shadow of death” (Job 16:16). He again laments, “Before I go to the place from which I shall not return, to the land of darkness and the shadow of death” (Job 10:21). God again asks Job, “Have the gates of death been revealed to you? Or have you seen the doors of the shadow of death?” (Job 38:17). All of us have to pass this shadow of death some day or the other. A very wealthy man in Italy wanted to record what would be a person’s experience at the time of death. He took a paper and pen and then drank a bottle of poison. He wrote just a single line, “Everything is dark.” He could not proceed further and just fell down dead. But those who have received Jesus Christ, the Light of life, in their hearts gladly welcome death. For only through the door of death can one enter Paradise, where millions of angels are waiting to welcome us. Jesus Himself sits there and receives us saying, “Enter thou unto the joy of the Lord.” What makes the Psalmist say, “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil” (Psalm 23:4). It is because, “You are with - February - 2018



me”. What an assurance this for so many years, healed many is and what great joy! in His name and demonstrated When God offers to be our that He is still alive. When she light and shows us the way closed her eyes a divine light in this world surrounded by entered the room, covered her darkness, why don’t we accept face and spread to her legs. the offer? Let us open our Shortly the entire room was hearts and plead with Him, “I filled with that light and life am scared by the darkness of had ceased. death around me. Please come into me and show me the way”. Yes! We do not desire to shed He will lighten our path and this body by ourselves. We wait for the divine life of Jesus to lead us by the hand. swallow death. In fact, He The saintly woman, Kathryn came to the earth to swallow Kuhlman, was nearing her death (II Corinthians 5:4). death. A victim of acute heart disease, she was taken to the How is this darkness to be hospital and surgery was done dispelled? While hanging on her. She then called her on the Cross, Christ pleaded sister and said, “I am going with God to forgive those who to the heavenly abode of our reviled Him. He promised a Father, where I will see our place in paradise for the thief who was crucified by His side. father and mother.” As she said He took leave of His mother these words her eyes dimmed. and asked her to accept His She had preached about Jesus disciple John as her son in His

place. And to His disciple John He commended His mother (John 19:26-28). After that, darkness enveloped the Cross for three full hours (Matthew 27:45). He who brought light into the world, He who witnessed that the darkness did not comprehend the light, He who declared, “I am the light of the world”, suffered in darkness. He cried in bitter agony, “My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?” Let us not be troubled in our hearts and minds because the same Jesus says, “I am Eternal Light” and waits to shed that light on us. He is waiting to send that light to all those who ask for this light of life, victory over sin, calmness, peacefulness and happiness in life, because He is the Eternal Light.

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JESUS CALLS - February - 2018

In the Old Testament of the Bible, we read that early men of God, Enoch and Noah walked with God (Genesis 5:24; 6:9). We should be aware that accordingly, we too can walk with God as a family and interact with Him, even today. "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me’ (Revelation 3:20). As the Bible says thus, when we open our heart to Jesus who knocks at the door of our heart, He would enter in happily and change us into His own people. We can feel His sweet presence filling our house. Let us meditate on a few families in the Bible which God made as His own and blessed:

Family that believed the Lord: “Now the LORD had said to Abram: "Get out of your country, From your family And from your father's house, To a land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation; I will bless you And make your name great; And you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed." (Genesis 12:13). Terah, Abraham’s father did not know the Lord God. One day, he took his son Abraham, his grandson Lot and Sarai the wife of Abraham to go to the land of Canaan. But when they came to Haran, Terah died at the age of

205 years (Genesis 11: 32). It was then the Lord graciously called Abraham from that family. When Abraham departed Haran, he was 75 years old (Genesis 12:4). He had no child. One day, the Lord took him outside and said, "Look now toward heaven, and count the stars if you are able to number them’ (Genesis 15:5) and further said, "No longer shall your name be called Abram, but your name shall be Abraham; for I have made you a father of many nations… I will make nations of you, and kings shall come from you’(Genesis 17:5,6). At that time when there was no hope and when he was an old man of 100 years, and in that state when Sarah had passed the age of child bearing, he held on to that promise. Dear ones, the Lord invites us lovingly and wants to deliver us from the power of darkness and make us His own people -February 2018 JESUS CALLS


(Colossians 1:13). He has given us promises from the Scriptures just as how He gave promises to Abraham. Several years back, my husband and my five year old daughter Angel was critically ill and nearing death. I was in great agony. That time I happened to read the history of Job in the Bible. The words that he trusted God and held on to Him even after losing all his wealth, riches, his ten children on the same day and even after being assailed by terrible diseases, encouraged me. I too held on to the Lord’s words. The Lord miraculously removed the shadow of death in my family and made me happy by sending His light. Accordingly, sorrows and sufferings may attack your family in many ways. At such times, instead of running to man to share your difficulties and get comfort, if you diligently read the promises which God has given us so freely, every day, He would speak to you. Then the more you read His Scriptures and believe on it, the more you would enjoy the Lord’s presence, blessings and comfort. Contrary to hope, Abraham in hope believed the Lord’s words which said, ‘I will make your descendants as the sand of the sea and the stars of heaven. You will be a father of many nations’. He was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God and being fully con36

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vinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform. (Romans 4:18-21). That’s why the Lord, who does great and mighty things, blessed Sarah’s dead womb and multiplied that family according to His word. Also through his dear son Isaac, whom God has given as per His promise, He tested the sincere love of Abraham on Him (II Corinthians 8:8).

Be firm and steadfast even when trials attack you to test the sincerity of your love. The Lord will show you wonders.

Then He said, "Take now your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you." (Genesis 22:2). What a great agony Abraham would have undergone when God asked him to offer his son Isaac as an offering! Yet, he held on to the promise given to Him by the Lord. Concluding that God who had promised, "In Isaac your seed

shall be called’ was able to raise him up, even from the dead, he offered up his only begotten son; from which he also received him in a figurative sense’ (Genesis 21:12; Hebrews 11:15-19). Hence, the Lord blessed Abraham in all things, blessed him greatly and made him great (Genesis 24:1,35). This world lies under the sway of the wicked one (I John 5:19). In order to deliver us from this horrible state and from the present evil age, God the Father, sent His Son Jesus to this world (Galatians 1:4). He gave Himself for us on the cross (Ephesians 5:2). Even today, this loving God wants to deliver you from the darkness of this world and from all tribulations, and tells you, “Daughter, I gave Myself on the cross for you; I was bruised and broken; I was scourged and torn; they spat on my face; I was crowned with thorns; I endured all these sufferings solely for the reason to deliver you from darkness and bring you into the light”. A sister, who was married for 17 years, did not have a child. Her husband had no love for the Lord. But this sister was a godly woman. Whenever she faced hardships, dejection and sorrow, she used to run to the bathroom, open the tap and cry out in agony. The Lord, who saw her tears and pain, tested the sincerity of her love even in that state and made her con-

ceive a child after 17 years. The husband, who saw the Lord’s miracle, totally changed, accepted the Lord Jesus as his Saviour and committed himself to Him. They began to serve the Lord as a family. Do you want to serve Him, as a family? Love the Lord with your whole heart, like Abraham did. Trust Him. Seek the Lord as a family and pour out your tears to Him. Be firm and steadfast even when trials attack you so as to test the sincerity of your love. The Lord who does wonders will show you wonders (Micah 7:15). He will give you the grace to serve Him as a family.

Family that showed love to the Lord: “Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and our God and Father, who has loved us and given us everlasting consolation and good hope by grace, comfort your hearts and establish you in every good word and work” (II Thessalonians 2:16,17). The Lord, who loves us, expects love from us. In the final chapter of the Gospel of John in the Bible, the resurrected Jesus looks at His disciple Peter and asks him, ‘Do you love Me?’ When the Lord Jesus was on this earth, there was a family – Martha, Mary and Lazarus – in

Bethany, which loved Him dearly. Martha, who accepted the Lord with great love, and who showed Him love did not ask and receive what ought to have been received. Rather she was worried and troubled about many things. Jesus Himself said about her thus (Luke 10:38,41). On the other hand, Mary, her sister, sat at Jesus' feet and heard His word and thus chose that good part (Luke 10: 39, 42).

The Bible says that the family that fears God and walks in His ways is blessed. Such a family would see the good of Jerusalem all the days of life.

Sometimes, we too are constrained by the various worries of the world and become dejected easily, instead of asking and receiving profound spiritual things from the Lord. So, cast all your care upon Him, for He cares for you (I Peter 5:7), lest your hearts be weighed down (Luke 21:34). Once when Jesus went out of Jericho, a great multitude followed Him. And behold, two blind men sitting by the road, when they heard that Jesus was passing by, cried out, saying, "Have mercy on

us, O Lord, Son of David!" So Jesus stood still and called them, and said, "What do you want Me to do for you?" (Matthew 20:2932) and opened their eyes. Similarly, Jesus saw a man lying in the porch of the pool called Bethesda, for 38 years, and asked him, “Do you want to be made well?’ and healed him (John 5:6). There was a brother, who knew the Lord, but did not believe Him. He used to go to church regularly but there was no connection between him and God. At that juncture, he fell critically ill and was admitted in a Christian hospital. The doctors who tested him advised for a heart surgery. On hearing this, he was gripped by fear. Since he had no connection with the Lord, he struggled not knowing how to pray. When he was taken into the operation theatre, he saw the verse “I will give you a new heart’ (Ezekiel 36:26) written on the wall. As the Bible says, ‘Your word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart’ (Jeremiah 15:16), this verse encouraged him. He trusted the Lord fully and submitted himself for the surgery with joy. The Lord helped him and gave him a new heart. Since then, he fully believed on the Lord and became His son. Accordingly, when we too hold on to the Lord firmly, He would be with us and help us; He would strengthen our faith and give us a new life. -February 2018 JESUS CALLS


When King Hezekiah was nearing death, Prophet Isaiah said to him, 'Set your house in order, for you shall die and not live.'" On hearing this Hezekiah wept bitterly and said, "Remember now, O LORD, I pray, how I have walked before You in truth and with a loyal heart, and have done what is good in Your sight”. The Lord had compassion, changed his sick bed, and added 15 more years to his life (Isaiah 38:1-5). Dear ones, are you going through a similar path today? Do not be troubled. Open your heart and home to Jesus, who sees your tears. When you call to Him, He would be near you and wipe away your tears (Psalm 145:18,19). He will make you happy.

Family that walked with Fear of God: There was a certain man called Cornelius, a centurion, a devout man and one who feared God with all his household, who gave alms generously to the people, and prayed to God always (Acts 10:2). The Bible says that the family that fears God and walks in His ways is blessed. He would dwell in such a family and bless it. Such a family would see the good of Jerusalem all the days of life’ (Psalm 128). How to live godly as a family, everyday? Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on 38

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your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths’ (Proverbs 3:5,6). An important thing that ought to be done by every family that says, “We have known the Lord” is to jointly hold on to the feet of the Lord, early in the morning. The Bible says, ‘…those who seek me diligently (in early morning) will find me’ (Proverbs 8:17). My father-in-law used to sit for family prayer exactly at 6 O’clock in the morning. It is his zealous godliness that builds our family even today. As he taught us that day, every morning we seek the Lord’s feet, as a family. Then the Holy Spirit would speak to us through the gift of prophecy. At that time, we would pray with tears not only for us but also for each and every partner of the Jesus Calls ministry and for those who write to us their problem. When a family which is like yours can pray for you, can’t you pray as a family? A family that prays together stays together. Division, rifts and sufferings would be there in the family where there is no prayer. When His Kingdom and righteousness are sought first, He will add all the other things (Matthew 6:33). Also, by praying together, like mindedness, same

love, one accord and one mind are formed (Philippians 2:2). Perhaps if you are short tempered, when you pray together, the Holy Spirit would come in your midst and will fill you with the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7) and which the world cannot give (John 14:27). He will bind your family with unity and one accord. Several years back, there was a small misunderstanding between Queen Victoria of England and her husband. In a huff, he left for his room and locked it. The Queen too locked herself in her room. A few minutes later, the Queen had an idea. She came out of her room, knocked at her husband’s door and said politely, ‘Open the door”. But he did not open the door. Finally she said with authority, “I, Queen Victoria, command you to open the door”. Any citizen, whoever it may be, should obey the Queen’s order. So, he came out and then she stooped from her status of being a ‘Queen’ and humbled herself as his wife. Both of them sought each other’s pardon and got reconciled. Yes, when unwanted characteristics such as bitterness, envy and enmity crop up, look up to the Lord. He will totally change all your unwanted nature and grant you a sweet and pleasant family life.

When the husband and wife live united with the Lord, there would not be any room for division in that family according to the promise, ‘a threefold cord is not quickly broken’ (Ecclesiastes 4:12). Shun worldly pleasures and join the Lord. Joy would overflow in your family. The man called Cornelius in the Bible, prayed to God always. Hence, the Lord wanted to bless his entire household and ordered His angel to bring His disciple Peter. Having sent men to bring Peter, Cornelius was waiting, calling together his relatives and close friends. When Peter was speaking the Word of God to that

Bible Portion from Leviticus, Numbers & Deuteronomy (Answer with Biblical reference)

household, the Holy Spirit fell upon all those who heard the word (Acts 10:44). One man’s thirst (Isaiah 44:3), made the whole family, relatives and friends receive the Holy Spirit. Dear ones, we have come to the last days. When we see the several things that are happening in the world, it could be deciphered that the Lord would be coming soon. Isn’t it? What are you going to do for the Lord, as a family? Like Cornelius, would you ask, ‘Lord, change my family into a godly family; fill us with the Holy Spirit; let us arise as witnesses for you as a family”. He will make you

His own people. He would bless you just as how He delivered Abraham’s family from darkness and multiplied it; He will shower His love on you and lift you up as a family and establish you even though you may be passing through the valley of the shadow of death, like the family of Martha and Mary. He will change your family into a godly one just as how He did for Cornelius family and thrill you by filling you with His Holy Spirit. May the Lord bless you to live as a family chosen by Him, to be diligent in fulfilling His will and to shine for Him by getting filled with His presence!

1. Who, opened whose what? Whom did he see in the way, and what did he do? 2. Who, whom where and did what? How long no one knows his what? 3. Who, how He is like, how you should be like, you should be like what? What did I do to you? 4. Who, with how many persons, where they went? And now how, made you as what? 5. What, went to do what, whom, those who remained what? What happened to the other men? 6. You shall not defraud whom? What, until when, shall not remain with whom? 7. To whom, you did what, do not do what? Who will do what and what it would be to you? 8. Who and all, how were they, did what? In whose company and contended against whom? 9. How I will look on you, make you as what and confirm what with you? 10. What, not to buy as what? It will be like what?

Answers must reach us before February 20, 2018 Address: Bible Quiz - 72 Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028. Email: -February 2018 JESUS CALLS


Dear sisters and children who pray in the Prayer Group, pray with much burden for the each and every prayer point sent to you and hold on firmly to the promise word given to you with fervency in the spirit. The Lord will do a miracle. He will also bless you. If possible try to memorize the promise verse and retain it in your heart.

Good Fellowship; miraculous change During the Zonal Esther Prayer Group meeting and the counseling held in our area, we prayed for the gift of a child for Sis. Emima, the leader of Youth Esther Prayer Group. The Lord heard the prayer and made her conceive. But the doctor who tested her said that she had a tumour along with the foetus. We continued to pray for her complete deliverance and the Lord heard the prayer and helped her to deliver the child healthily and He also removed the tumour without any trace, much to the doctor’s amazement. The prayers offered by us as leaders of the group are of great benefit and strengthens our fellowship. In our group, one of the sister’s husband, always used to quarrel and trouble her a lot, thus making the family lose peace. The Lord heard the earnest prayers offered by us in the Esther Prayer Group for his transformation and changed him completely. He has enabled them to live happily as a family. 40

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Glory to God. - Kiruba Prakash, Chennai.

Miraculous Healing The doctors who tested a brother by name Edwin, said that he would be alive only for 72 hours. As sisters of Esther Prayer Group, all of us prayed, filled with the Holy Spirit and in one accord for that brother. The Lord heard the prayer, granted him a miraculous healing and made him return home safely. Glory to God. - Sundarambal Paneer Selvam, Chennai.

Complete deliverance Sis. Baby Joy of our Esther Prayer Group, suddenly developed breathing problem and was admitted in the Emergency Ward in the hospital. As members of Esther Prayer Group, we prayed for her healing and the Lord heard those prayers and granted her complete deliverance within two days. She attended this month’s Esther Prayer Group and God helped her to pray for the prayer points. Glory to God. - Glory David, Tuticorin.

Abundant Blessings of the Lord This month, when Sis. Shanthini prayed with tears for the prayer point given to her, she was thrilled that the prayer point was meant for her. She, who had come for the prayer, with severe leg pain went back home, fully made well. Many sisters testified, “I came here with sorrow; but now I go back with God’s abundant blessings”. Glory to God. - N.Jeyamani Ammal, Theni.

Strengthened by the Holy Spirit As per the promise verse for the month of October, the Lord replenished our sorrowful soul (Jeremiah 31:25). Particularly, when the 3rd prayer point was prayed over, we thanked the Lord with the faith that He would give us richly all things to enjoy according to I Timothy 6:17. When we prayed for each prayer point, we felt the Holy Spirit interacting with each one of us and strengthening us. Glory to God. - R. Joy Thilagam, Dindigul.

Divine Strength The promise verse for the month of October was of great blessing to all of us. When everyone read the prayer points and prayed for each point earnestly, great changes have happened in every sister’s family. Though they have problems and struggles in life, divine strength to overcome these by prayer, fills them and has kept them as witnesses. By this prayer, Sis. Sarada said happily that she would also begin an Esther Prayer Group with 8 sisters. Glory to God. - M.Rebecca Isaac Mohan, Chennai.

Replenished by the promise The promise verse for the month of October was wonderful. According to the promise that He would replenish the sorrowful soul, we prayed with burden for all the sisters who were weary in our Esther Prayer Group. The Lord replenished us. Glory to God. - G.Esther Kalavathy, Chennai.

Gives Grace to pray and read the Bible Sister Ruby attends our Esther Prayer Group since the past 2

months. Though she knew Christ, she did not know how to pray. But after attending the Esther Prayer Group prayer, she prays well. She reads the Bible and there is no problem in her family. Sis. Salomi suffered a lot because of stroke and high sugar and was under treatment. Because of weakness, she always used to sleep. After she started praying in the Esther Prayer Group, she does not take any tablet. She sleeps well at nights. Now she is in good health. Glory to God. - Esther Lakshmi, Chennai.

God’s Miracles in Youth Esther Prayer Group… Divine Transformation We had written to dear mother Stella Dhinakaran seeking prayers for progress in the spiritual life of all the young children in our Youth Esther Prayer Group. The Lord heard the prayer and has brought a miraculous change. All of them have decided not to watch TV anymore. Glory to God. Our thanks to dear mother who prayed for this. - S.Rebecca, Chennai.

Work of the Holy Spirit God worked mightily in our Youth Esther Prayer Group. We could feel the presence of God in our midst. The Holy Spirit came in our midst and made us speak in different, new tongues. Glory to God. - N.Jennifer, Padmaneri.

God’s Miracles in the Couples Esther Prayer Group: Miracles, wonders In our group, the Lord helps us to jointly pray as husband and wife for the prayer points, with burden. Changes occur in the couples who pray. Every husband is willing for family prayer, sees visions, and the Lord speaks to them. Debt problem and sicknesses are removed from families; needs are met. Miracles and wonders happen. We give all glory to God who has given the vision of Couples Esther Prayer group to dear mother Stella Dhinakaran and who is doing miracles. - Mrs&Mr. Isaac Mohan, Chennai.

My Dear sisters, Accordingly, if the Spirit of the Lord prompts you or young girls/children to start an Esther Prayer Group or Youth Esther Prayer Group or Junior Esther Prayer Group or Couples Esther Prayer Group in your area or in your home or hostel or in any place convenient to you, so that the women/young girls/children / couples in your area could be blessed, and revived, please come forward. This is the end time. Make use of the time. Let us hasten to build the Lord’s kingdom. Contact Address: Sister. Stella Dhinakaran (Esther Prayer Group) 16, Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai – 600 028. Email: -February 2018 JESUS CALLS


As you rightly say, it is not possible with man. When we try to succeed on our own efforts, many things would come in the way and we would not be able to accomplish this. In that case, let us see elaborately how we can achieve this in our life. In the Bible we read that the name of our Lord Jesus Christ is “Prince of peace” (Isaiah 9:6). He entered into the world as the Prince of peace. Also the God of gods has the name, “God of peace” (Romans 16:20). From this it could be inferred that if we always abide with this God of peace in our heart as well as in our home, His peace would abound in us and lead us.

experience. To grant us this, the Lord Jesus Christ was incarnate on this earth as a Man. Finally, He offered Himself as the living sacrifice and yielded Himself in order to redeem us for Him, by His love on the cross (I John 1:7). I believe that you would have received this experience. Probing into the depth of this divine experience, we should know, “Jesus Christ was bruised for me on the cross; His whole body was scourged for my sins.” Also, “the

Have you ever experienced this?

chastisement for our peace was upon Him” (Isaiah 53:5). Read this

What did the wicked Saul, when he became Paul, say? He firmly

carefully. As Paul says, you too should have the experience of

said, “it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me” (Galatians 2:20).

telling, “I was crucified with Christ.” If you have not received

My dear sisters, this experience of “Christ living in me” is a divine

this experience until now, kneel down this very moment and pray


JESUS CALLS February 2018 -

with reverence telling, “Lord, I submit myself at Your feet; forgive all the worldly desires, lusts in me and all things related to the world and wash and cleanse me with Your blood. Accept me as Your child. Give me a new life.” Then, according to the verse “the chastisement for our peace was upon Him,” His divine peace would come into us like a smoke. This peace would change our life upside down. This fundamental experience alone would give us the strength to be at peace with others. Hence, my dear sisters, first of all accept this God of peace as the Saviour in your heart. Without this experience, you can never enjoy the peace earned by the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross. This is needed

not only for the women but also for all the people in the world. In my life too, I loved the Lord dearly during the days of my youth. Yet I did not accept Him as my Saviour. Since I lacked in Bible reading I was unaware of this. However, one day, when I was longing for my parents’ love in loneliness, the Lord spoke to me. His love filled my heart. Telling myself, “This is a divine experience which I can never get from anywhere else,” I held on to Him firmly. That time divine peace overflowed from me. Hence, my dear young children, this is a divine experience which you need to receive even at this age. You may ask, “Well, it is good that we get divine peace. However is it possible to be at peace with everyone?” When the Lord comes into us fully, He changes all the lacks in our character. About this we read in I John 4:17, “As He is, so are we in this world.” For this to come true in our life, prayer is the most important thing that is needed. As we tarry alone and wait in the presence of the Lord more and more, His presence and brightness caused by it would fill our face and heart. Thus we read about Moses in the Bible. Since he tarried with the Lord for several hours, the people of Israel saw how his face shone. Dear ones, the more we wait in the presence of the Lord in prayer, the

more the darkness in our face and our dark nature would vanish. Anger, jealousy, irritability etc., would be taken away from us. Isn’t this wonderful to us? In the family of a woman, who was called by God, the members created problems and did not talk with one another as a result of which there was absolutely no peace. When the woman was praying one day, the Lord said

Hold on to the Lord to live peacefully with others and to arise and shine as His children. Get filled with the strength of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit Himself will miraculously grant you victory in this and lead you to be at peace with others.

to her, “Daughter, I called you for this purpose. To make peace in your family, show love to your family members and talk to them with love. I will help you.” But the others in her house said, “Why do you want to interfere in this matter. Be quiet.” However the woman wanted to go ahead since the Lord had given her the instruction and proceeded to meet her family members. In short, the Lord went before her and was her rear guard (Isaiah 52:12) and led

everything in a wonderful way. By this, peace and unity flooded into the family. The Lord did this through an ordinary woman. The reason was her obedience and her submission to the will of God. My dear sisters, commit yourself to receive the image of the Lord. Learn to wait each and every minute at His presence, without wasting your time. As I often say, your heart can join Him even while you cook! You can glorify Him by singing songs! You can keep talking to Him! By doing these, your cooking would never be spoiled. I tell this, from my own experience. Thus the God of peace would strengthen you to be at peace with everyone. He will go before you and be a rear guard, will give you wisdom and lead you. Humble yourself and commit yourself to zealously accomplish the will of the Lord. Then the Lord Himself would perfect everything for you (Psalm 138:8). However, never attempt to do this with your own thoughts and strength. It would end in failure. Don’t we read in the Bible how several kings faced defeat when they failed to wait for the Lord’s words and listen to His ways? So, if you want to live a successful life, hold on to the Lord to live peacefully with others and to arise and shine as His children. Get filled with the strength of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit Himself will miraculously grant you victory in this and lead you to be at peace with others. -February 2018 JESUS CALLS


Power came down; miraculous healing We have two daughters. Eldest daughter is married and is living with her husband. Youngest one is studying in college. I was suffering from headache for more than 4 years. As days went by, my headache intensified. When I went to the hospital, a scan was taken and the report said that I had a problem in the nerve on the neck, just below the head and that I had to undergo a surgery in the brain. But the doctors said that the surgery might result in paralysis or immobility of my legs. I was scared and started taking only the tablets. My condition deteriorated and

and that time I felt someone

entered there, a divine peace filled

touching my head. That instant the

me. I attended the Tuesday fasting

power of God came upon me. At

prayer and gave my prayer request.

once, I was able to open my mouth

The Lord heard the prayer and

and stretch my tongue too. After

helped my husband and son to

that I never had the headache. I

leave their drinking habit. After that

went home and ate well. Since then

when I did not know how to grow

I am doing well, without any

in the Lord, I heard of Sis. Stella

surgery. Glory to God who granted

Dhinakaran’s meeting to be held in

me a miraculous healing.

Vanagaram, Chennai. I attended

- Shobana Ramakrishnana, Chennai - 77

Miraculous change in the entire family

that meeting and that day she taught us several spiritual things such as how to live as a daughter pleasing to the Lord and how to arise and shine for Him. That day

I could not eat properly for 6

My husband was addicted to

I committed my life to the Lord and

months. I could not open my mouth

alcohol for more than 23 years.

prayed. Today, not only me, my

or move my tongue; I could not

Every day he used to come home

husband, son, daughter-in-law and

sleep properly at nights and would

from work, fully drunk. Every night

daughter have become the Lord’s

be crying. My husband was pained

he used to fight with me terribly

children and we are now a true

to see my plight. Our business

and harass me with harsh words.

Christian family.

suffered a setback since we could

Though I was working as a teacher,

Also, I heard Sis. Stella

not take good care of it. At this

my neighbours began to look at me

Dhinakaran’s message in the

juncture, on April 23, 2016 I

with derision. Added to this, my son

YouTube and started praying

attended the Jesus Calls Family

too got addicted to alcohol. My life

continually, placing my faith on



became bleak. I did not want to live

Him. The Lord filled me with the


in this world. At this juncture one

anointing of the Spirit. Now as a

Chennai. That day Sis. Stella

of my colleagues told me about the

family we are living happily as

Dhinakaran preached on ‘God’s

Vanagaram Prayer Tower and

God’s children. Glory to God.

love’ and specially prayed for the

took me there. I went there without

- B.Annal, Malayampakkam,

sick. I too joined her in the prayer

any hope on the Lord. Even as I







JESUS CALLS February 2018 -

Nalini and Ruben felt as if they were hit by a huge boulder. They had been proceeding with all the arrangements to settle down in Australia. However as soon as they got into the airport they were stopped by the authorities for the reason that they were holding fake visas and after a long interrogation it was found that they had been cheated by the so called agent. There was no such agent at all and it was found that he had swindled their money. Ruben, since his salary was not sufficient, had decided to go to

Australia, as advised by his friends. The job offer was good - big firm, good salary, accommodation with car etc.,. They disposed of everything and took with them only the essentials. In that case, how to return home? They had got back even the house advance from the owner who had fixed some other tenant for that portion. How to face everyone? What to say? - Both of them sat there in a state of stupor. Children too were upset as they could understand the situation. All of them sat there in the Airport, not knowing what to do. ‘Where to stay in the night? Ask our house owner if we can go back


She could not bear to see her cheerful children, sitting so quiet.

“Ruben, don’t think that everything is over. Our Lord has proved that even death is not an end. In that case, will this journey come to an end? This journey may have come to an end. But the Lord would create a new journey for you. So, don’t worry. His death has shown us a good way, isn’t it?...’ Pastor’s wife departed with these comforting words.

The youngest son came near him and said, “Daddy, call our pastor and ask him if we could stay in the prayer room behind the

A known friend came forward to help them. Their stay with him for a few days made them forget their worry and their faith was


encouraged. Everything seemed to be a dream. As the Pastor’s wife said, Ruben got a job in Dubai and Nalini too got a job in the school. Hence they could go as a family.

“No, it is wrong to ask him when he had already fixed the house for some other person. We’d think of something else....” Nalini wept bitterly covering her face. “Don’t cry and frighten the children. Everybody is watching us...”

“Will it solve our problem if we stay there? What about food? What would we do? Don’t talk without thinking...” “No daddy, he would guide us....” The pastor knew everything about them. So when they called him and explained everything to him, he felt bad for them and invited them to stay there. When they saw him in person, Ruben could not even speak. Overcome with emotions, Nalini began to cry. Pacifying them the pastor brought them fruits and biscuits. He asked them to go to bed and said that they could talk the next morning.

In the Airport they talked about the old happenings and the children were thrilled when they finally got into the plane. When Nalini and Ruben prayed they thanked the Lord saying with gratitude, “Lord, when we were languishing that our life was over, You opened a new way and made our life bloom. Thank You...”The plane took off. “Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth…” (Isaiah 43:19). -February 2018 JESUS CALLS


‘As one whom his mother comforts, So I will comfort you; And you shall be comforted in Jerusalem." (Isaiah 66:13). My dear ones, this world is full of sufferings. When we are happy thinking, ‘Oh, I am doing well; everything is good’, we see afflictions attacking us quite unexpectedly. At such times we are deeply troubled and wonder, ‘Oh, how to come out of this situation?’ Particularly, we, the women, are unable to bear such situations and we wonder with languish who would help us. However, my dear sisters, read the above promise given by the Lord. A mother is precious to everyone. Nurturing the child since its conception, delivering it, bringing it up and sustaining the child with love, for several more years is a mother’s life. However, we can seek the help of our Lord


JESUS CALLS February 2018 -

Jesus Christ, who is filled with several more folds of love than the love of such mother and receive comfort from Him. If we worry in vain like the Martha of the Bible, we would earn only sufferings both physically and mentally. How to receive this divine comfort and motherly love that proceeds from the Lord Jesus Christ? Let us see about it.

Jesus - my Mother My dear sisters, first of all we need to have the desire that this Lord Jesus who has the heart of a mother should dwell in our heart and be with us. Today, many women seek first this world, flesh, friends, clothes and adornment, big job, status etc., It is the work of

the devil to show these things as something great and thus make us dwell in the darkness. About this we read in Psalm 143:3, ‘He (the enemy) has made me dwell in darkness’. My dear sisters, particularly my young children, just observe what is sought by your heart - This world of vanity? The deceitful and cunning love of the people of this world? – On what are your eyes fixed? As the Bible says, ‘I will lift up my eyes to the hills; From whence comes my help? (Psalm 121:1), we should look only up to the Lord Jesus, who is the Personification of love and who is able to give us everything. Do you have this experience? If not, you





disappointed. When you are in tears troubled over these things, all these vain things will depart from you. Days would come when you would languish in loneliness and would cry out in pain saying, “Oh, you spoke such loving words to me. I thought I would be so blessed. Now I have lost everything. There is none to show me love....” So, my dear sisters and my young children, learn to look up to the Lord Jesus, who has the comforting heart to comfort you like a mother. Help, benefits and grace would continually come to you only from Him. I am happy to share with you my own experience. Though I was born and brought up in a Christian family, I was unaware of the love of the Lord and the glory of His salvation. However, our Lord, came seeking me with the heart of a mother and revealed His love to me when I was 16 years old. I then held on to Him. He came and dwelt in me. He gave me the divine experience which is mentioned by Apostle Paul thus: ‘it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me’ (Galatians 2:20). I, who had been depending only on my parents considering them to be everything in the whole world, firmly believed from that day that Jesus is my mother and that He is my everything. He perfected everything for me

beautifully in my life. He still continues to lead me.

strength and led me. My dear sisters, my precious

Love and comfort of Jesus, the mother:

young children, do not become

My dear ones, the next biggest treasure that we get, is the love and comfort of Christ Jesus, who leads us in every matter concerning us. In my life, after I held on to the Lord, I faced so many trials in my married life. I lost my children; monetary problem severely afflicted me; my husband went through lot of dreadful diseases and sufferings because of which we went through the valley of darkness of death. On several occasions I was heartbroken to hear people’s wicked and hurtful words. I lost my only daughter and went through sorrow. Thus, I had to pass through series of agonies and tears one by one. Yet, how would I forget the love of my Lord who was with me and comforted and strengthened me every minute according to the Scriptures, ‘It is good for me that I have been afflicted, that I may learn Your statutes’ (Psalm 119:71). At such times, I clung to the Lord. As the Bible says, He filled me with His perfect peace.

attack you. According to Isaiah

‘You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You’ (Isaiah 26:3) ‘…the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly’ (Romans 16:20). According to these verses, the Lord was with me, gave me

weary when afflictions and trials 40:29, when you hold on to Him at weary times, He will strengthen you and help you. In the early married life, I, who lost my two children, received back two wonderful children from the Lord the divine Mother, by His love. Also, He miraculously removed my financial problems. He did a great thing by making all those who derided me and insulted me to join me in the ministry and be my friends and guides. The loving Lord, who is the Mother, made me get back several folds of blessings for all that I had lost. So, you who are trusting this world and its people, start seeking the love of Jesus who is a matchless mother. Read how beautifully David had talked about the love of a mother in the Book of Psalms. Thus, the mother’s love would not forsake you but would be with you and exalt you.

Divine life of becoming a mother Yes, as the title says, as the love of this Mother fills our heart, the same divine love would flow into us. Once we are filled with such motherly love, even without our knowledge a divine love would fill us when we see others’ tears, sorrows and grief. As a result of this when we pray with burden for -February 2018 JESUS CALLS


them, the Lord would heed all our prayers and make everything successful for them. He would wonderfully make such people who shed tears to rejoice. This would be amazing to you. He would make us glad and we would wonder, “I am an ordinary person. What a great miracle the Lord has done for them hearing my prayer!’. This is the divine motherly love that comforts others. We read in Romans 5:5 that the Lord Jesus, the Mother, pours out this love through the Holy Spirit. My dear sisters and young children, if this love should be poured into us, you should claim His promise, ‘I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh’ (Joel 2:28) and ask Him. In Luke 11:13 we read that how much more He will give the Holy Spirit to such people! Accordingly, through His Holy Spirit He will fill you with the matchless love of a mother. The love of Jesus, the Mother, would flow out of you even without your knowledge. When the Lord Jesus Christ lived in this world, God had filled Him with this kind of love. With His love, He delivered the man who was in a pitiable state because of his 38 years of sickness and had no one to help, and built his life (John 5:5-9). When the blind Bartimaeus cried to Him, Jesus who heard him, delivered him and gave him sight (Mark 10: 46-52). Don’t we read such miracles in the Bible? The same divine love of mother would flow from you. Do you believe this? That is why many servants of God are filled with this 48

JESUS CALLS February 2018 -

love and are like divine vessels that comfort people. Even today they live like this. To receive this in your life, first of all, wait at the feet of the Lord today. God will come upon you, according to Isaiah 40:31. As we read in Acts 1:14 and in Acts 2nd chapter, He will fill you with this divine love as His disciples received, and comfort many through you. As I have mentioned and written several times, when I was in sorrow as I had lost my daughter, the Holy Spirit poured into me this divine love. He gave me the burden

that through this the lives of women should be mended, they should be delivered from bondage and be filled with divine grace. Today, just as how He gave me the burden, He has given the same burden to thousands of women to pray for one another through the Esther Prayer Group, Youth Esther Prayer Group, Junior Esther Prayer Group and Couple Esther Prayer Group and is helping them to reveal His love to others. Examine your life! The Lord is waiting to do great and mighty things through you. So, commit your life to the Lord and receive His blessing.

Sis. Stella Dhinakaran and the Esther Prayer Group directors Mrs & Dr. Kingsley Esther Prayer Group gathering

A part of the Family Blessing Meeting

Esther Prayer Group Meeting - A report By the grace of God, the meeting of Esther Prayer Group leaders and members of Singapore was held on 15th December 2017 (Friday) at Salvation Army Mini Hall, Singapore. About 45 sisters attended the meeting and the meeting started with opening prayer by Sis. Lily Jayamani who also shared her testimony as to how she was blessed by Esther Prayer Group conducted by her. Sis. Vidi Kingsley, Director, Esther Prayer Group spoke about the ‘need of the hour’ and outlined the importance of Esther Prayer Group. She also mentioned about the Youth Esther Prayer Group, Junior Esther Prayer Group and Couples Esther Prayer Group. She also led the prayers and 5 sisters prayed for the specific prayer requests. The members sang the Esther Prayer Group theme song both in English and Tamil. Then our dear Sis. Stella Dhinakaran announced that Sis. Regina Quek, the Country Director, Jesus Calls Singapore is designated as the ‘Coordinator of Esther Prayer Group Singapore’ and she offered a commissioning prayer for her. Dr. Stella Dhinakaran shared the Word of God and encouraged the sisters to spend more time in prayer, reading the Word and also to serve the Lord with all their heart and mind and to arise and shine for the Lord (Isaiah 60.1). At the end she offered prayers and also prayed for the sisters individually.

Family Blessing meeting - A Report By the immense grace of God, Family Blessing meeting was held on 16th December 2017 (Saturday) at Salvation Army Worship Centre, Singapore. Though it was heavily raining earlier, the rain stopped during the time of the meeting. Inspite of this, many people came with great thirst to receive the touch from the Heavenly Father. Rev. Sam Vasoo offered the opening prayer. Dr. Kingsley shared about the Jesus Calls Singapore Prayer Tower and introduced the Country Director, Sis Regina Queck and the 3 staff of Prayer Tower. He also explained about the Esther Prayer Group ministry with particular reference about Esther Prayer Group, Junior Esther Prayer Group, Youth Esther Prayer Group and Couples Esther Prayer Group. Then Dr. Stella Dhinakaran shared a powerful and an anointed message on the ‘Lord of all comforts’ (II Cor. 1.3) and explained how our Lord comforts us and makes us to comfort others. She told them that God is going to shake Singapore through every one of them. When she prayed for salvation, many people raised their hands and received Jesus as their personal Saviour. She then prayed for their healing and anointing of the Holy Spirit. Many received the healing touch of Jesus and were anointed. During the individual prayer time, many were delivered. On the whole, it was really a blessed time at the feet of our Lord Jesus where God used our dear Sister mightily. - Dr. Kingsley & Mrs. Vidi Kingsley. -February 2018 JESUS CALLS


ANSWERS FOR BIBLE QUIZ - 70 1. God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son (John 3:16). 2. Through His poverty, Jesus Christ for our sake He became poor (II Corinthians 8:9). 3. We shall be saved by His life (Romans 5:10). 4. If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved (Romans 10:9). 5. For to this end Christ died and rose and lived again, that He might be Lord of both the dead and the living (Romans 14:9). 6. God has raised up a horn of salvation for us in the house of His servant David (Luke 1:69). 7. A light to bring revelation to the Gentiles, Simeon (Luke 2:32). 8. I am the door, If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved (John 10:9). 9. Through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, in Jesus Christ (Ephesians 1:7). 10. The Lord Jesus Christ – Bethlehem – prophet Micah (Matthew 2:6; Micah 5:2).

BIBLE QUIZ NO.70 WINNERS Pudhucherry: P. S. Moorthy Tanjore: J. R. S. Aaron Shalom Andhra: Sathri Anitha, P. H. Swarna Vidyullatha, B. Priyanka Karnataka: K. Dhanamani Karimnagar: Krupa Kumari Tagore 50

JESUS CALLS February 2018 - Owned by Jesus Calls and Published by Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran from 16,Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai-28. Printed by Mr.Paul Aravamuthan at Bapuji Printers, 5, Kurban Ali St, Woods Road, Chennai-2. Editor: Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran


Regd. Newspaper RNI No.TNENG30411/73 Regn. No.TN / CC(s) Dn/ 513/2018-2020 Registration No.TN/PMG-CCR/wpp-156/2018-2020 Published before 22nd of every month


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