This year’s Dynamic Kids Camp was a huge success as more than six thousand darling children participated in it and tasted the love of Jesus. We were so blessed to see their little faces light up with the gospel of Christ and to witness how they gave their hearts to follow Jesus, to learn about Him and to receive His joy and even His anointing. They went home with their hearts and lives full of the joy of the Lord. All this was possible only through the sacrificial giving of partners like you. God will prosper you according to Proverbs 11:25,
“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.”
Because you have refreshed these little children, God will refresh you and make sure that you prosper and have no lack in your life and in your home. Thank you once again for making this year’s Dynamic Kids Camp possible.
This year, the Dynamic Kids Camp was conducted in all the Jesus Calls Prayer Towers across India for 6 days under the theme “Serve one another” (Galatians 5:13) for children between the age group of 4 to 12 years. It was conducted in 12 different regions in 4 different languages, namely English, Hindi, Tamil and Telugu reaching around 6000 children.
The children were divided into five groups - the Beginner, Primary, Junior, Intermediate and Senior and were mentored with theme songs, Biblical lessons and stories, Crafts, Activities, Memory Verses, Bible Quizzes and Prayers on all the 7 days. They eagerly participated every day and grew in the knowledge of the Word of God and also learnt the importance of prayer through the various sessions of the programme.
Here below are a few experiences shared by the kids who attended the DKC:
The Dynamic Kids Camp was a huge blessing to me as I was filled with the anointing of the Holy Spirit. I was taught many inspiring stories of missionaries and also sang songs which have touched me deeply and made me understand the truth in a simple yet powerful way. I prayed that I should get good marks in my tenth board exam and God has answered my prayers by making me score well in my exams. I especially thank God for helping me experience Him in an intimate way. I prayed that I should be given the opportunity to do compering on the final day and God granted my request. All praise be to God.
This is the first time I have attended the Dynamic Kids Camp in Jesus Calls Hyderabad Prayer Tower. I also brought my friends to the Camp. God taught me more about Him through so many new stories shared during devotion and in regular DKC classes. Through this year's theme, I have learnt how to serve one another with God's love, humility and talents given to me by Him. We had Anointing Session also on Day 4 and I was touched by the Lord’s presence. Thanks, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran family and Jesus Calls Hyderabad Prayer Tower for conducting a fun-filled Camp for Kids like me. I am truly Blessed.
- Sathwik (12 years), Hyderabad Prayer Tower
I have attended the Dynamic Kids Camp in Jesus calls Frazer Town Prayer Tower. It helped me to know about Jesus and to understand that He is my good friend. It was a good time to grow in spiritual life and I enjoyed being part of every activity.
- Noel Raju, Bangalore Prayer Tower
In the Dynamic Kids Camp I have learnt that when I walk with Jesus, He will make me victorious in all areas of my life. I am encouraged to do my best in all that I do so that I will glorify God’s name alone.
- Shero Singh, Ahmedabad Prayer Tower - B. John Derrick Samuel, Tambaram Prayer TowerYes, God has a ‘time’ for everything. A time and a season for things to happen in a person's life as planned by Him. God does this, so that the person’s life and soul will become beautiful. God can operate these in a person’s life only if that person commits one’s life to Him and waits for Him to act. My friend, it is not just the things that you receive from this world that makes you secure in the will of God. But it is how well your soul is seasoned in God that reveals His will being perfected ‘in’ your life and ‘through’ your life. When your soul lives, you will also live your life in abundance.
Therefore, you and I, ought to follow the timetable of God and the path which He has laid for us. To help us in this regard, God has given us His Holy Spirit. In Romans 8:26,27 and in John 14:26 we read that, “The Holy Spirit prays through us and brings us into the will of God.” And in John 16:13 we read that “The Holy Spirit (who is in us) leads us into all truth” and into the future which God has prepared for us. According to these verses, the Holy Spirit Himself will reveal God’s purposes for your future and will beautifully lead you into it. That is when everything will fall into place in your life. So, just surrender to the will of God for His marvelous and beautiful works to be done in your life. What happens when you walk according to God’s will and timing?
Our God is the God of restoration. When you walk according to His will and timing, firstly, He restores everything in your life.
1 Peter 5:10 says, “And the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will Himself restore you.”
Accordingly, the Lord Himself will restore you again. He will make you strong, firm and steadfast. Nothing in this world can shake you!
Maybe as you are reading this, you may have lost your hope to survive. Maybe you feel that you are a failure and are depressed lonely, abandoned or overwhelmed due to guilt and shame; Whatever struggle you may be going through do not give up. Put your trust in Jesus and call out to Him; my friend, surely He will come to you and restore you again to become a beautiful soul.
According to Jeremiah 30:17, “The Lord will restore you to health and heal your wounds.” Yes, He will restore your body, your soul, your relationships, your finances, and your joy. You will no longer be called a ‘desolate’ or a ‘deserted’ person for the Lord cares for you.
The Lord Jesus says, “Come to Me all you heavy laden and I will give you rest. I will restore everything for you.” What a loving God we have! This Lord Jesus is your only hope, my friend. Go to Him in prayer and He will give you life in abundance. He will save you from your sins. He will heal your body. He will build your family life. He will give you financial blessings. He will bless you with a home. He will give you eternal life and will open the doors of heaven for you.
Here's a wonderful testimony about how God beautifully restored the young girl, Rachna’s life: Rachna was a sickly child from her birth. From the age of six months, she was under constant medication. Doctors diagnosed that she was having liver problems and she needed blood transfusion. She was treated in different hospitals but was not cured. She was unable to eat properly and she couldn't go to school regularly. Her studies were badly affected. She was unable to sleep at night. She couldn't socialize with anyone and so she always kept to herself. Her parents were worried about her future. All their days were filled with agony. But Rachna managed to pass her 10th board
exam in 2nd division. Eighteen long years passed by but there was no end to her physical suffering. She was always in and out of hospitals. At this juncture, in the year 2020 they heard about the Jesus Calls Prayer Festival which was being held in Bilaspur. With great expectations, they attended that meeting. On the 2nd day of the meeting, during the prayer time amidst the multiple thousands of people, the Lord showed me the name 'Rachna’ as I was ministering from the public platform. I prophesied calling out her name in public saying, "Rachna, you have problems in the liver. Jesus heals you right now." I had never met her nor her parents before. Her family was shocked because they had never shared her liver condition with anybody. It was indeed the Holy Spirit who made me prophesy her exact condition and got her delivered. From that day on, Rachna recovered fully well without any medication. She wrote her 12th exam and got 72% marks. The people around her were amazed by her improvement. Years have passed by and Rachna still continues to be absolutely healthy just like any other healthy girl would be. Now she is doing her graduate studies. As a family they are Family Blessing Plan partners of the Jesus Calls Ministry and both their children are Young Partners. All glory be to the Lord who has restored everything in Rachna’s life.
My friend, God will also restore every blessing that you have lost in your life and will turn your sorrows into joy.
Everything will work unto Good
Secondly, as Romans 8:28 says, when you love the Lord with all your heart and live according to His purpose, He will work all things in your life together for good and make your life beautiful.
Isaiah 61:7 says, “Instead of your shame, you will receive a double portion. And instead of disgrace, you will rejoice in your inheritance. And so you will inherit a double portion in your land (family) and everlasting joy will be yours.” This is God's plan for you, my friend.
Have you been looked down upon by people?
Are you are going through shame in your family, or in your school or college or in your workplace or even in your church? Or, are you facing shame due to the loss in your business or due to the money lenders? Take heart, my friend! Today the Lord Jesus promises you that He is going to restore everything in double measure. He says in Zephaniah 3:19, “I will give you praise and honor in the places you have suffered shame.” Glory be to the Lord for His unending mercies!
In Genesis 26, we see that Isaac was relentlessly pursued by King Abimelech’s people and the locals and was hindered from digging a well in the land. They created all sorts of problems and disputes for Isaac and he was finding it difficult to use the water from the wells he had tediously dug. Today, like Isaac, are you also being pursued by wicked and jealous people? Is someone or the other rising up just to ruin everything you have built through your past hard work? Are you in pain because of the rumors that people are spreading about you unnecessarily? Even though you have lived righteously before God and man, are you going through shame and suffering. The Lord Jesus understands your pain because He has carried all such shame on the cross for you.
Though, He knew no sin, He became sin for us. They scoffed Him and accused Him falsely. So, Jesus does understand your agony. They put a crown of thorns on His head and brutally crucified Him. But the Lord gloriously rose up from the dead and He ascended into heaven, and now He has a crown of glory on His head.
Likewise, God will raise you up in double measure. You will be honored with all the joy of
heaven in the same place where you went through shame. My father was working in a secular National Institution, and he was the head of a branch, and his branch did exceptionally well. But when the promotion time came, though his name was listed on top, his boss, who did not like him because he preached about the Lord Jesus, struck off his name from the promotion list. But somehow the higher official called for that list and noticed that my father’s name was struck off. This higher official called my father separately and asked him, “If I have to promote you, what would you say in your defense?” My father listed all his achievements, and the official sent him away. He then called for my father’s immediate boss and made him write my father’s name again on the promotion list by his own hand to repeal the injustice done. My father received his promotion and many other promotions. Eventually the man who had tried to withhold the promotion had to work under my father having lost his own promotions. Yes indeed, God will work together all the good and will bless you double-fold.
Everything will be Perfected
Thirdly, God will complete to perfection that which He has begun in your life and will grant you a total restoration of blessings. Psalm 138:8 says, "The Lord will perfect everything concerning you.”
We see in Job’s life that when Job lost everything in life, the Lord gave him the opportunity to pray for his friends. They were the friends who criticized him when he needed them the most and found unjust fault with him. But when Job prayed for his accusing friends, God blessed Job. He gave back everything he had lost, in double measure (Job 42:10). Likewise, whatever the Lord has begun to do within you, He will complete it to perfection as He is the Author and the Finisher of your faith and will make you restore your fortune in double measure.
I would like to share with you the testimony of dear
sister, Tamilselvi in her own words: "My name is Tamilselvi. I belong to a family that does not know God. Married in 1993, I have a son and a daughter. We faced much poverty in the family. We were unable to provide for the children. I had thoughts of ending my life along with my children. Then I heard about the Jesus Calls Prayer Festival that was going on in the ground nearby through a familiar person and I also participated in the meeting. During the prayer, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran called my name and said,
“Tamilselvi the Lord loves you. Take away unnecessary thoughts. The Lord will exalt you and raise your head before those whom you underwent shame.” After that prayer, all the tormenting thoughts in my mind disappeared. I then joined my family in the Jesus Calls - Family Blessing Plan, Business Blessing Plan and also enrolled my children in the Young Partners' Plan. The Lord gave success to my children in their studies. My son completed MCA and my daughter completed BBA. Moreover, my daughter's marriage went well. We as a family
have accepted the Lord as our Savior. Glory be to God.”
Beautiful testimony, isn’t it? The Lord not only restored their blessings but also their souls for His Kingdom. This same God wants to bestow upon you, His double-fold blessings. Everything you have lost in life will be restored beautifully by the mighty hand of God because He makes everything beautiful in its time!
Loving Heavenly Father, thank You for Your promise to make everything beautiful in my life and build my life again. Lord, restore everything I have lost in my life. Grant me a double portion of Your blessing in the same place where I was put to shame. Lord, perfect everything concerning me and lift my head high before the people who have dealt with me falsely and wickedly. Let my life be restored and established before all eyes to see and glorify Your name. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
God has a plan and purpose for every young person. But these days, our young people are becoming easy targets for the enemy to get deviated from the track of God. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and his family along with the Prayer Intercessors of the Jesus Calls have solely dedicated July 22nd to fast and pray with burden for these beautiful young lives to have a passion for God rather than the things of this world, to walk in God’s plan and purposes, to have godly acquaintances and grow in character, to be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit and to lead a successful life.
*Prayer Tower Address: Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600028.
*E-mail: paul@jesuscalls.org
*Website: www.jesuscalls.org
*Facebook: www.facebook.com/PaulDhinakaranOfficial
You can also share your testimony through email to: testimony@jesuscalls.org or through WhatsApp: 9791934442
Mrs. Priya Rajesh was worried about her elder sister Mrs. Jothi as she was not blessed with a child even after 13 years of marriage. Everyone in the family was so dejected that they even stopped celebrating special occasions together.
Priya resides in Tambaram, near Chennai and she was aware of the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in Tambaram. She also watched the Jesus Calls television programmes regularly and had sponsored many programmes as it was her habit to do so on her children’s birthdays.
Priya's elder sister Jothi lived in Ashok Nagar, Chennai. Her husband Mr. Balaji worked abroad. Priya was very upset that even though Jothi had all the other blessings in her life she was not blessed with a child. So, Priya kept praying with a burden for her sister to be blessed with the gift of a child. She also sponsored Jesus Calls TV programme on behalf of her sister, in faith,
believing for a miracle to happen soon. What a wonder!
After 13 years of marriage, God miraculously blessed the womb of Mrs. Jothi Balaji and she gave birth to a baby boy in June 2022. They are now all very happy as a family for the blessing that they have received from God Almighty especially Mrs. Priya as she had been sponsoring many TV programmes as thanksgiving to the Lord. She shared this marvellous testimony at the Tambaram Prayer Tower for the glory of God.
Sis. Priya’s act of faith in sponsoring the TV programmes was seen and rewarded by God as her sister got blessed with the fruit of a womb. You too can receive such miracles in your life if you believe! By sponsoring a programme, you are not only piling up blessings for yourself and your family but also for your future generations since there are a lot of viewers who are being blessed by your single contribution.
You can sponsor a programme as Thanksgiving on special occasions such as birthdays and anniversaries or also sponsor in faith, believing for a miracle as Sis. Priya did either for you or your loved ones. Since each of our programmes is dedicated to taking Jesus into millions of homes, you being the reason will definitely reap the benefits here on earth and in heaven!
For every message, every song, every worship, every counsel that touches and transforms the hearts of people, the Lord will add them to your account in heaven and reward you because whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters, you did for God! (Matthew 25:40)
* Your family photo will be telecast in the Television Programme that you sponsor.
* Dr. Paul Dhinakaran will pray for you and for all your prayer requests specifically in the same program. When you co-sponsor a television programme, your name will be telecast in that specific programme.
* We will send you a copy of the link to the television programme that you sponsored/co-sponsored.
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Address: ......................................................................................................................
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I would like to support / sponsor the Jesus Calls Television Ministry. (Kindly tick your preference.)
I am sending Rs.30,000/- to sponsor a Television programme.
(Herewith, I have enclosed my family photo)
I am sending Rs.10,000/- to co-sponsor a Television programme.
I am sending a donation of Rs. ………/- per month towards the TV Ministry
Whatsapp: 9500127277
Email: tvs@jesuscalls.org Website: www.jesuscalls.org
Sponsor a TV programme on the birthday / wedding anniversary of your beloved one and help them to receive abundant blessings.
Dear friend, this month, God wants to gift you with a pure and blameless heart. Are you ready to claim this blessing and start living a blameless life?
In order to walk into this blessing, God wants you to nurture three important qualities which are found in 2 Chronicles Chapter 19 where the entire Chapter is about King Jehoshaphat’s advice to the Levites, priests and the heads of Israelite families urging them to follow the three commands from the Lord.
Fear the Lord and do justice
“Consider carefully what you do, because you are not judging for mere mortals but for the Lord, who is with you whenever you give a verdict. Now let the fear of the Lord be on you. Judge carefully, for with the Lord our God there is no injustice or partiality or bribery.”
(2 Chronicles 19:6,7)
God has called you for a unique purpose. He has placed you in specific positions in your family; in your job, in the society and in the Ministry. The above verse implies that whatever you do, you should discern within yourself if the Lord will be pleased with your actions. In other
words, always do what is right before the Lord, fearing Him so that you will not show partiality to anyone in particular but fulfill your positions in truth and justice. You are serving the Almighty God Himself and not mortals! In your workplace too, do your work as unto God and not unto men or to gain titles and promotions. When you thus try to please God in all your actions and endeavours, everything that concerns you will fall into place at the right time.
Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time.
(1 Peter 5:6)
I remember an incident that happened many years back. When I was new to the ministry, I always had the desire to minister like my husband and my inlaws, but I couldn’t do so. One day, a prophetess came to our house and while praying, she told me the exact prayers of my heart about wanting to minister like my family members. She advised me that God would use me the way He made me. She said that millions
will be touched through my soft voice and that I should not ask God to make me minister like others. From that day onwards, my prayer changed knowing that God wanted me just as I am. True to His words, God has been faithfully using me to touch millions. Now when I look back, I realise how special and unique God’s calling is and that I should always please Him and not men.
Serve the Lord faithfully and wholeheartedly
“You must serve faithfully and wholeheartedly in the fear of the Lord. In every case that comes before you from your people who live in the cities-whether bloodshed or other concerns of the law, commands, decrees or regulations - you are to warn them not to sin against the Lord; otherwise, His wrath will come on you and your people. Do this, and you will not sin.” (2 Chronicles 19:9,10)
God is searching for men who are faithful, not famous! The second piece of advice that Jehoshaphat gives the judges is to serve faithfully and wholeheartedly in the fear of the Lord. In Genesis 6:9, we read that “Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God.” In Numbers 32:11,12 we find the Lord saying, “Because they have not followed Me wholeheartedly, not one of those who were twenty years old or more when they came up out of Egypt will see the land I promised on oath to Abraham, Isaac and Jacobnot one except Caleb son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite and Joshua son of Nun, for they followed the Lord wholeheartedly.” In both cases, we see how the Lord desires and longs for the people to be faithful and to serve Him wholeheartedly. Man looks at the outward appearance but God looks at the heart!
When we think of faithfulness, Ruth can be the best example in the Bible. She devoted her entire life to taking care of her mother-in-law and faithfully worked to provide for her. In Ruth 3:10 Boaz says to Ruth, ‘“The Lord bless you, my daughter,” he replied. “This kindness is greater than that which you showed earlier.”’ Indeed, the Lord blessed Ruth for her faithful action.
Like these great heroes of the Bible, you too should strive to be faithful in all that you do and serve the Lord wholeheartedly.
Speaking of our actions being pleasing before God, I am reminded of an incident that happened when my daughter, Stella Ramola (Sweety) was a very little girl like Katie. I used to scold her saying a bad word that I never knew would have an impact on her. One day, during a birthday prayer meeting for my father-in-law, Dr. D.G.S Dhinakaran, my daughter, Sweety was being very naughty. She wanted to run to her grandfather somehow. But there was a Jesus Calls Evangelist who tried to hold her back. So, she became furious and shouted that bad word against that servant of God. Everyone known to us was shocked to hear her speak that way. That was when I realised how much I should fear God and abstain from such foul language. That was the last time I used that word.
Dear friend, this is how the Lord wants us to be faithful to Him in everything we say or do - be it big or small or at home or at work.
Be courageous to do the right things “Act with courage, and may the Lord be with those who do well.”
(2 Chronicles 19:11)
The third thing God wants you to do is to be courageous. When you fear God and when you are faithful to Him, you need not fear any man . You will be bold and courageous. We see how Caleb and Joshua were courageous because they feared the Lord and knew that the fear of men is a sin. That is why what seemed impossible for the other Israelites seemed possible for Joshua and Caleb. In the same way, you should also be bold and always be ready to do what God has called you to do.
When you are thus dedicated to the Lord, God promises to give you a pure and blameless heart and will confess before His angels that you are righteous like how He confessed about Job.
Loving Father, Lord, thank You for this promise of a pure and blameless heart. All I desire in this world is to have a heart that will seek You wholeheartedly and faithfully. Lord, help me to fear You and be courageous to do what You have called me to do. May I always find favour in Your sight so that I can glorify Your name. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.
Yes, as you have made every godly endeavour of the ministry beautiful and a blessing to several thousands and thousands of people, your life is being made beautiful by the hand of God. May He make your name great and continue to keep you as a channel of blessing!
I am sharing with you the praise points and the ministry highlights to praise God and also seek your earnest prayers.
*Special Meetings
In the month of June, the Friday night Dallas Miracle Service, Washington DC Miracle Service and Los Angeles Miracle Service were conducted and these services touched the lives of people in a personal way. All those gathered experienced the miracle-working power of God.
The special meeting in Gorakhpur was a huge success as people thronged the venue to hear God’s Word and taste His love. They left the place with hearts full of joy and minds set free from all their burdens.
For the Jesus Calls staff, we conducted a Mission Training Programme (MTP) across the Southern and Western parts of Tamil Nadu so that a mighty wave of the Lord’s power will touch the people.
*38th year of Young Partners’ Plan
Young Partners’ Plan which was started on July 25th, 1985 has been a great source of blessing for millions of young children protection, wisdom and prosperity. This year, YPP completes its 38th year and I thank God for keeping the promise He made to my father, Dr. D.G.S Dhinakaran till today. This edition features a special testimony of a family whose children have been miraculously healed and blessed after becoming a part of this Plan and receiving prayers continually.
*32nd Year of Evangeline Matriculation School
The Evangeline Matriculation School enters its 32nd anniversary on July 15, and I am indebted to God for raising great leaders for the world by providing holistic education and moulding children in discipline and Christian values. Kindly pray that the school would continue to provide exemplary education to its students.
*3rd Year of Family Channel
Family Channel completes 3 years of spreading the good news in Tamil all across the nation and the world through cable networks, website and YouTube platforms. Testimonies are pouring in every day of people who have been supernaturally blessed through the Word of God shared for each day and also through songs and other Bibleinspired programmes. The newly launched ‘Jebamae Jeyam’ live program (12 pm to 1 pm) is a great blessing to thousands of callers who call with various needs. They receive miracles in response to the prayers offered in one accord.
*Forthcoming Events:
July 1 & 2 – National Ambassador Conference, Karunya Nagar
July 9 – Special Blessing Meeting, Bethesda
August 3 - 5 – Prophetic Prayer Training, New Delhi
August 6 – Partner’s Meet, New Delhi
August 15 – Partner’s Meet, Puducherry
October 5 - 7 – Prophetic Prayer Training, Hyderabad
October 8 – Partner’s Meet, Hyderabad
Please uphold these events in your prayers and also support them as much as you can. In order to register for the Prophetic Conferences and come for the partners’ meetings contact your nearest Prayer Tower which can be found in our website www.jesuscalls.org.
Karunya University extends a warm welcome to Dr. G. Prince Arulraj, our newly appointed Vice Chancellor. Dr. Arulraj holds a distinguished academic background, having completed his M.Tech and Ph.D. from the renowned I.I.T. Madras. With years of valuable administrative experience, his leadership is poised to shape a bright future for the university. Additionally, we are proud to announce that the B.Sc (Hons.) Agriculture Program in Karunya School of Agricultural Sciences has received prestigious ICAR accreditation. Moreover, Agriculture school have forged collaborations with 16 internationally reputed institutions in Israel and worldwide, further enhancing our global standing.
Karunya University provides state-of-the-art facilities and comprehensive field training to nurture the best in our students. For more information and admissions, please visit www.karunya.edu.
Every month more than 7 million prayer requests reach us through the various Ministry platforms. In order to handle and pray for these requests more effectively, we are now enhancing the Jesus Calls services infrastructure and establishing the Prayer Operations Centre which will be housing more technologically sound Telephone Prayer Tower set up all across the country along with enhanced 4K video and digital media production facilities with strong manpower, employing nearly 200 more staff in the Prayer Towers nationwide as well as in the Media Centre, Prayer Call Centre and Prayer Training Centre. To facilitate the operations of these missions across the country, the Prayer Operation Centre, Prayer Training Centre and Operations Management Centre are being established at the JC house which is opposite the Beach Railway Station at Chennai. The estimated cost for this project is around Rs.8 Crores.
We are also looking forward to constructing new buildings in the prime cities of Hyderabad, Nagercoil and Trivandrum. This huge project would cost us about Rs.12 Crores in total. It will be awesome if you could join hands with us in these missions and together accomplish in spreading the love of Christ to the millions.
Through the Telephone Prayer Tower, we are available to help you around the clock. Due to the increase in calls and our inability to answer them all, we are currently spending money on recruiting and equipping multilingual staff, purchasing more phone lines, and developing new technologies that will allow us to serve you more quickly and effectively. For thousands of people, the Telephone
Prayer Tower has been a life-saving intervention from God. Do lend your hand to support this cause and you will be blessed.
In order to have a comforting and life-giving word for your precise need, we are developing a new Website and App. This will enable you to connect with our ministry from anywhere at any time. We launched the new Website and App on June 23, 2023. Pray that these technologies would help us reach the countless souls who need to be brought into the Lord’ fold. Support us as the Lord leads you and become a blessing.
*Special Days
* I fondly remember my father, Dr. D.G.S Dhinakaran whose birthday falls on 1st July. I covet your valuable prayers for our family to carry on his legacy in fulfilling the God-given ministry of Jesus Calls according to God’s will.
* My son Samuel Dhinakaran celebrates his birthday on July 15. I request your prayers for God’s anointing and leading on him as he is the Vice Chairperson, Operations, Jesus Calls ministry and also heads the UTurn Ministry. God has been using him uniquely in the ministry for His kingdom purposes. I would like to share a few to thank God with you for His faithfulness:
Samuel Dhinakaran has shared God’s word in several meetings in India and overseas. God has done mighty miracles through him in those meetings.
Samuel has also inspired many youths to grow in God and in His holiness and has organised several UTurn events in different places in the country.
He has been answering the questions of many youngsters who reach out to him through Question & Answers programmes in the Family Channel thus clearing their doubts biblically.
Please do pray that he continues to be a blessing to millions.
My beloved ministry partner, taking everything into account, I would thank you once again for all your love and faithfulness. I pray that your soul will flourish like a well-watered garden and beautified by the hand of the Lord to be a blessing in His Kingdom.
God will make everything beautiful in its time! Your brother who prays for you, Dr. Paul
We look for signs in several situations of our day-to-day lives, especially in those that determine our future. In the process of finding the right sign, we tend to get confused and even frustrated at times. Many questions arise in our mind - which job to choose or whether to stay in a particular job or move to some other job; which partner to choose and so on and so forth. These are some of the life-changing decisions that we have to take.
In such cases, how do you know the right sign amidst the many signs to proceed in the right direction? Let us look at it in detail.
Many times, we look for signs only in particular places where we are drawn to. If it is a career, we set our standards and look for a well-paid job. If it
is a relationship, we seek signs according to the yardstick we have made in our minds concerning our ideal partner. Sometimes, I have had young boys coming to me to pray that they would get married to the girl they like. Some have even shown me their picture and have requested me to lay hands on it and pray. They would want me to bless the decisions that they have made. But I would only lay hands on the heads of such young men and pray that they would be led into the beautiful will of God.
When we look for favourable signs in order that our wishes and decisions will be fulfilled, it becomes worldly signs. Galatians 5:17 beautifully distinguishes between worldly signs and godly signs:
“For the flesh desires what is contrary to the
Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want.”
The same chapter in verse 16 says, "So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.”
Yes, the flesh and the Spirit are contradictory to each other. When you look for signs in this world, the worldly signs will always make you look for only worldly things and the things of the flesh. It will only make you look for what he or she is wearing; or if they are beautiful or not or their educational qualification and so on. All these will be based on your yardsticks or decisions. But, my friend, godly signs act differently. They point you towards godly things. Let me explain this to you.
In Genesis Chapter 28, we see that Jacob ran away from his house fearing for his life, leaving behind everything. At the same time, he was also desperate to be blessed in life. God never forsook Jacob. He met him at his lowest place and blessed him with a vision where he saw angels of God ascending and descending the stairs to heaven. The Lord then promised Jacob in Genesis 28:14 that his descendants will be like the dusts of the earth and that he will spread out to the West and to the east and to the North and South. He also promised Jacob that all peoples on Earth will be blessed through him and his offspring. What a glorious blessing from the Lord!
God thus showed Jacob a godly sign concerning his future. This sign revealed to Jacob that God is in control of his life and that He will lead him to the right place. Once Jacob believed and received this promise from God, every blessing began to unlock one by one in his life. He found his wife, the girl of his dreams immediately without the struggle to find her. His uncle received him with love and also gave him a job. Finally, his brother, Esau who hated him so much, forgave him and made peace with him. Because of the blessing of God, every situation, even the ones that were against Jacob, turned in his favour. This same God who favoured and blessed Jacob will also lead you into the beautiful future He has in store for you. This will be your godly sign. Claim this blessing, my friend, and wait for your godly sign at the feet of the Lord
forsaking your own yardsticks and desires. You will then be led by the Lord beautifully.
Another example from the Bible would be Prophet Samuel. When this prophet went to anoint God’s appointed King of Israel, he was looking for someone with a physical stature like that of a King. But God rejected all the sons of Jessie, even though they were majestic in appearance. God said to Prophet Samuel, “I am looking into the heart of the man whom I have ordained as king and not his outward appearance.” Yes, the worldly sign is like the face of a man. But godly sign looks into the heart of a man and it reveals what is on the inside of a person. God chooses a person for you because of their heart. This is what God looks at! These signs will come to you saying, “This is the promised land for you” when you are about to find the right partner or find a right place or career to settle.
So, when you dedicate yourself to godly signs from the Lord, it will come to you at the right time through a servant of God, as it did for David through the Prophet Samuel. Or it might come through visions like that of Jacob. Or it might also come through the Word of God. However it comes, this divine sign will cause the peace of God to fill you. Your duty is to wait for the sign from God and say, “Lord, let not my will be done. I want to know Your will and go according to the same.” When you thus empty your desire and give yourself up to God's will, then the Lord will reveal His sign to you.
Since some decisions are crucial in life, never treat them lightly by following the signs of the world. Instead, walk by the Spirit and keep on praying, waiting at the feet of the Lord for His will to be revealed. Every blessing will then flow into your life and you will prosper!
Loving Lord Jesus, Train my heart to not to listen to the signs of the world. Not to look at outward appearance but to be led by Your Spirit. Lord, help me to wait at Your feet and look for godly ways to be fulfilled in my life. Lord, grant me the grace to wait patiently for Your will to be revealed and to honour Your plans and purposes for my life through my actions. Lord, open my eyes and help me to feel great peace regarding Your ways. Lead me into Your perfect will and plan. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.
The Telephone Prayer Tower has been a ‘lifesaver’ to several lakhs of people who have reached out for prayer support in desperate situations. Many are the testimonies! Thanks to the Prayer Intercessors who are available to pray continuously in shifts 24x7. Since there is a surge in the number of calls and to prevent missing out on any of these calls, we are now investing in recruiting and training more people to pray in different languages as well as expanding the number of call lines and enhancing the automated technologies which will help us serve the people better. This project would cost us around Rs.3.5 crores. We are praying and believing that God will raise the right people to support us in this mission. You could also join hands with us in making this project happen for the glory of God.
With the popularity of the Internet and mobile device, skyrocketing, the Jesus Calls Website and App services have been a great source of strength to millions across the Nation. This is just the beginning! We are now in the process of developing a new website and App to maximise the quality and value of the application. For this, we need to strengthen the team working on this crucial project and provide the necessary resources for the same. The estimated cost for this project would be Rs.7.5 Lakhs. Our only aim is to ensure that everything within the application is optimized to facilitate the best user experience and thus higher engagement, for the glory of God. This will provide a great opportunity for several people from different parts of the Nation to have access at the same time to countless messages, songs, meditations on the Word of God and prayers by the Dhinakarans. Please visit our website and download the App to enjoy the new features. You can also render your financial support towards this project and be a blessing to many.
Prayer Operations Centre developments are still in progress. This Centre is vital because all our major ministry operations including producing television and social media programmes, correspondence through Letters and Emails, Telephone prayer services and also training of evangelists to minister to people will all be happening from here! The total estimated cost of this project around Rs.20 crores. We truly believe that your ongoing support towards this mission will help us complete this project as early as possible and glorify God.
We are in the process of transforming the Prayer Tower buildings situated in the prime cities of Trivandrum and Hyderabad with the sole purpose of sharing the love of Christ with more people in and around the states of Kerala and Telangana through unceasing intercession and prayer. This project would cost us around Rs.30 Crores. If you feel led to give to this cause, you are most welcome to do so and help us further the Kingdom of God in these places.
The Lord has clearly instructed us to raise more Prayer Intercessors and Ambassadors since it is through them that a mighty wave of His power will sweep across countries and touch the hearts of the people. Keeping this as our primary focus, we are planning on recruiting and training many more Prayer Intercessors and Ambassadors through the Mission Training Programme and Ambassador Conferences to help them minister to the people with power and with love and compassion. Recently we concluded the Mission Training Programme for the staff in Tamil Nadu, Southern and Western regions. We are also retaining our full-time Prayer Intercessors in every region, this year and visioning them. Through this, we aim to multiply today's reaching of 6 lakh people per month. The estimated cost for this project would be Rs.5 Crores. Would you support this mission, as we obey the Lord and be a blessing to many through these Prayer Intercessors and Ambassadors? With a grateful heart, we will be praying as a team in all the Conferences for all those who sponsor this project to be blessed.
Your contribution of any size towards these projects will indeed make a huge impact on the Ministry and on the lives that are touched.
“If anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is My disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward.”
(Matthew 10:42)
As led by God, I would like to contribute towards the New Developments in the Ministry (please tick your choice)
Telephone Prayer TowerWebsite/App DevelopmentPrayer Operations Centre
Hyderabad Building FundTrivandrum Building FundCampaign Blessing Plan
Please mention the amount you would like to give to the ministry
I am sending Rs.5,000/-I am sending Rs.10,000/-I am sending Rs.20,000/Rs ....................... / - I am willing to give once / monthly / annually.
Name: ……...........................……………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………
Address: ………………………………………………………........................…………………………….…………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………......................…………………………. Pin code: …………………….. Email: ………………………………………..................……………… Mobile: …………………….......………………………………….
FOR MORE DETAILS: You can visit the Prayer Tower in your area Website: www.jesuscalls.org Email: partnercare@jesuscalls.org Phone: 044 - 23456677 (7am to 9pm IST)
The simple ways by which you can send in your loving gift to New Developments are found on page no.14 in this issue.
The Partners Meet in Trivandrum took place on the 14th of May 2023 at Alakapuri Convention Centre, Kochar Road, Sasthamangalam, Thiruvananthapuram. Around 1000 partners participated in the meeting. Sis. Stella Ramola led a powerful praise and worship session that moved the hearts of people to adore the Lord in reverence. Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran welcomed the testimonies and glorified God for doing wonders for the people through the Jesus Calls Ministry. God's Word was shared by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and family unveiled the foundation stone for the new Trivandrum Prayer Tower building. Individual prayers were offered at the end of the Meet for all the partners which was a great blessing to them. All praise and glory to God who made this happen.
Children are the future of the family, the society, and the country at large. They are the leaders of tomorrow. What we sow into their lives today is what will grow in the future and determine if they will give us shade or suffering in our older days. Since they are such an invaluable asset in our lives, there is so much a need for a promise of empowerment, exceptional grace and excellence in all aspects concerning their lives.
It was on July 25, 1985, that the Jesus Calls Young Partner’s Plan was born. According to the Lord’s command, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran has been tirelessly working toward the vision of covering little children and youngsters every day in prayer so that they can enjoy God’s blessings and divine protection.
This edition celebrates 38 years of Young Partners’ Plan which has been praying incessantly for several precious children and youngsters across the globe for their wisdom, prosperity and protection. We are happy to share with you a beautiful testimony of a lovely couple whose children were miraculously healed and blessed beyond measure.