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On April 20th and May 11th, 2024, the Miracle Fasting Prayer was held in Vanagaram, JC Garden. Around 2000 people participated in the meetings. The meetings began with an uplifting praise and worship session led by Sis. Stella Ramola and Bro. Daniel Davidson, as they invoked the Spirit of the Lord and led the participants into His presence.

Following this, SEESHA presented a scooter to a physically challenged couple on behalf of Jesus Calls partners and a wheelchair was provided to a mentally challenged boy. Many other needy people were blessed through SEESHA. A heartfelt thanks to all the partners!

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran delivered a powerful message based on Deuteronomy 32:12-13, titled ‘Rising to Great Heights’ in the April 20th, 2024 meeting. On the May 11th, 2024 meeting, Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran shared God’s word on the truth that those who seek God shall lack no good thing. The people gathered were greatly encouraged by the word and rejoiced as they claimed God’s promises over their lives. After the sharing of God's word, individual prayers were also offered by all the Dhinakarans for everyone who came forward. Food was distributed to all the attendees at the end of the meetings. People left the venue nourished spiritually as well as physically.

Several individuals shared their testimonies onstage: Sis. Koteeswari experienced instant healing from chest pain, feeling the touch of God.

Sis. Kala received a prophetic blessing from Dr. Paul Dhinakaran during prayer, acknowledging her position and declaring her rising to great heights in life.

A brother who had suffered from witchcraft for 30 years found immediate deliverance during individual prayer.

A sister who was having difficulty in breathing due to wheezing was delivered by Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran's prayers instantaneously.

Numerous other testimonies were shared, glorifying God's name. Participants were transformed and carried the Lord's presence with them. All praise to God.


Every Sunday evening, a vibrant group of young people gather for the UTurn Club Meet at JC House in Parrys, Rajaji Salai, Chennai, starting at 4 PM. This weekly gathering has become a cornerstone for many, offering a space for fellowship, growth, and spiritual well-being.

As attendees arrive, they are welcomed with warm smiles and a sense of belonging. Icebreaker activities kick off the meeting, breaking down barriers and fostering connections among the participants. Soon after, the atmosphere shifts as the room fills with heartfelt worship and uplifting music, setting the stage for an encounter with the Lord.

Led by the passionate UTurn Leader, Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran, the meeting delves into relevant topics and real-time issues that the youth are grappling with. Through God's word, Bro. Samuel offers practical insights and prayerful guidance on navigating challenges such as depression, and other struggles commonly faced by young people today.

Various fun segments are interspersed throughout the gathering. Whether it's through mime, games, creative activities, or engaging discussions, the UTurners actively participate, creating cherished memories and forging lasting friendships.

For those seeking to align their young days with a higher purpose, the UTurn Club Meet offers a transformative opportunity. It's a call to action, an invitation to step into a community where faith, friendship, and fervour intersect. So, to all who yearn to make a difference and exalt the Lord with their lives, join us every Sunday at 4 PM, and let's embark on this journey of faith together.

Here is a testimony for your encouragement:

I was feeling lonely and was yearning for a fellowship. It was right at that time that the UTurn Club Meet was introduced. Now I have found the best fellowship and I truly enjoy investing my time in growing closer to the Lord. Thanks be to God for giving me this fellowship.

3 - June 2024 JESUS CALLS

The Lord lifts up His countenance upon you because He has compassion for you.

He says, “If I don't look out for My child, who would care for My child?” David affirms this character of God in Psalm 40:17 when he says, “I am poor and needy, but You are thinking about me all the time, Lord.” Yes, God is always thinking about you, my friend. You are not an orphan but a child of the living God who loves you dearly as a Father. The Lord will make His face shine on you, as we read in Numbers 6:25. When He thus lifts His

countenance and looks at you, His shining light will dispel every darkness in your life. His grace and mercy will abound in your life, and His peace will flow like a river within you.

What happens when our countenance begins to shine?

God’s gladness fills our hearts

If you read Psalm 4:6, David prays like this:

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"Many, O Lord, are asking, 'Who will bring us prosperity?' Let the light of Your face shine upon us."

When God's light shines upon us, the first thing that will happen is that our hearts will get filled with His gladness, as described in Psalm 4:7, "You have put gladness in my heart more than in the season that their grain and wine increased.” The joy we experience when our possessions or circumstances improve is nothing compared to the joy that comes from God's face shining upon us. This joy surpasses all understanding and circumstances.

In Proverbs 15:13, the scripture says, "A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance, but the sorrow of the heart makes the spirit broken." When your heart is full of gladness, your face becomes cheerful, and God will keep you cheerful.

Consider the life of Hannah. She had no children, and her husband had another wife who was giving birth to children, but Hannah did not have a single child. She was barren and in great distress. Her face was full of sorrow, and because of this sorrow, her heart was full of bitterness. But in 1 Samuel 1:18, in the presence of God, she says, “O Lord, let Your maidservant find favour in Your sight.” After this, she receives a prophetic word from the chief priest who tells her, “God will answer your prayers for a child.” She was then determined not to have a sad countenance, for she believed that God would remove her sorrow. She ate well and was filled with divine gladness. This same power of God will come upon you to cheer your spirit and fill you with divine joy and gladness.

When you experience this divine gladness, whatever you have longed for and prayed for in faith will come to pass. So, my friend, make a decision to look to the face of Jesus, who

bore all your sorrows upon Himself on the cross. Today, He is with the same power and will remove the heaviness from your heart and fill you with a cheerful spirit. Your face will begin to shine, and when this happens, be assured that the Lord will enable you to experience miracle after miracle by bringing answers to your prayers. This is the blessing that is coming upon you. So, be of good cheer! I'd like to share a testimony from Dheeraj and Poonam from Dhanbad. They got married in 2008 but remained childless for 10 years. However, they firmly held onto their faith, believing that the same God who blessed Abraham and Sarah would bless them also. Despite undergoing numerous tests, which showed everything was normal, Poonam couldn't conceive. Finally, after a decade of waiting, the doctor suggested IVF, but the couple refused and stopped all medication. In 2018, feeling immense pressure, they decided to adopt a girl child. The entire family celebrated her arrival, but tragically, she passed away due to pneumonia just one day after coming home. The family was devastated. In their sorrow, they visited the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in Chennai, where I happened to be present on May 1, 2018. They approached me, pouring out their grief, and I prayed for them and assured them that God will turn their sorrow into joy. They returned home with great joy and renewed faith. In October, Poonam suddenly felt unwell. Upon visiting the doctor, they received astonishing news – she was two months pregnant. The very day we prayed at the Prayer Tower, God blessed her womb. She gave birth to a beautiful baby boy whom they named Lakshya Paul, after me. Today, all their sorrows have transformed into joy, and they have dedicated their son to the service of the Lord, and have enrolled him as a young partner.

5 - June 2024 JESUS CALLS

This miracle stands as a testament to God's faithfulness and reminds us that He answers prayers and performs great miracles, especially for those who faithfully seek His face. Your prayers, too, will be answered. Trust in Him, for He is faithful.

God’s Wisdom

Furthermore, God's wisdom will illuminate your countenance. Ecclesiastes 8:1 declares, “Who is like the wise man? A man's wisdom makes his face shine.”

In the Book of Daniel, we read about the incident of Daniel and his companions, who were taken captive by a king and chosen for royal service. Although the king provided them with the finest food, Daniel refused to eat it and instead chose to follow God’s dietary laws from the Old Testament.

According to Daniel 1:15, at the end of a 10-day trial, their countenances appeared healthier and more radiant than those who indulged in the king's delicacies. By living holy lives, these youngsters shone brightly, and they were endowed with tenfold wisdom compared to their worldly counterparts in training. It is therefore important for us to remember that God is the source of all wisdom and knowledge, and He will grant us His wisdom and adorn our lives with honour if we remain committed to leading a holy life.

This is a testimony from Survendarnath. His mother enrolled him as a young partner in 2005 while attending a Jesus Calls Prayer Festival in their hometown in Rajahmundry. At that time, he was in his 12th standard. God blessed him in his educational pursuits, and he was admitted to the National Institute of Technology (NIT) in Surathkal, a prestigious government university. However, he

encountered challenges in his studies due to a retinal eye disease, causing a decline in his vision and severe headaches. Despite facing mockery from others due to his poor eyesight and struggling to keep up with classes and exams, the continuous prayers offered for him at the Prayer Tower enabled him to complete his engineering degree. He further pursued his education, earning a Master's and a PhD from the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore, followed by a postdoctoral position at Linkoping University, Sweden. While working in Bangalore, he faced a severe crisis in his job and wrote to me for prayer. I prayed for him with much burden, and miraculously, God delivered him from the crisis and provided him with a better job as an assistant professor at IIT. Notably, his eyesight also improved, as he could now see clearly, a significant improvement from before. All these blessings, he attributes to the miracle-working power of God manifested through the earnest prayers offered on his behalf at the Prayer Tower. He has since surrendered his life to Jesus, acknowledging God's faithfulness in his journey.

My friend, what a wonderful testimony! The Lord you serve is indeed faithful and He is with you throughout your life journey. He will make your face shine with wisdom and honour, as you surrender your life to Jesus. You will become a blessing to others.

God’s Commandments

When you follow the commandments of God, your countenance begins to radiate. In Exodus 34:29-34, God summoned Moses to His presence atop the mountain and gave him the commandments for the Israelite people to follow. When Moses emerged from God's presence his face was shining so brightly that people could not even look directly at him. When you adhere to the commandments of

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God, as in Acts 2:17, the Lord promises to pour out His Spirit, which will illuminate your face with His glory.

Furthermore, according to 2 Corinthians 3:18, your countenance will be transformed to reflect the likeness of Jesus' face. Just as His face shone like the sun on the Mount of Transfiguration (Matthew 17), when the Holy Spirit fills you, your face will also radiate like that of Jesus because He is the ‘Word of God’. The Holy Spirit within you will empower you to live according to His word, and thereby, your countenance will shine brightly, radiating His glory.

I want to share how God is leading me throughout my ministerial journey in miraculous ways. In 2008, following my father's passing, the Spirit of the Lord began speaking to me every morning at 3 am. His message was clear: take care of the poor - the impoverished children, widows, those who have lost their homes due to unexpected calamities, the hungry, and the clothless, as instructed in Isaiah 58:7-8. God revealed that through such acts of righteousness, healing would swiftly manifest, with His protection serving as our rear guard. This revelation led

to the establishment of SEESHA, through which we've continued to provide aid to thousands in need. Again, as led by the Lord, we established the National Prayer Tower in the capital city of Delhi for continuous intercession for India and the Israel Prayer Tower to intercede for nations worldwide, anticipating His coming. After this, the Lord has caused an increase in the Prayer Tower Ministry and has expanded the same from 15 to 104 Prayer Towers, drawing millions to our meetings and impacting countless more through social media. The Karunya University has attained an A++ accreditation grade, and the Lord has thus made our faces to shine with His glory and His righteous word.

You, too, can become a vessel of blessing in the Lord’s hands and shine for His glory. May the Lord continue to be with you and guide you throughout this month.

Prayer: Loving Father, illuminate my face by making Your face to shine upon me. Remove every sorrow and inscribe Your commandments upon the tablets of my heart. Transform me in the name of Jesus, imparting heavenly wisdom, and empower me to bless millions. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

7 - June 2024 JESUS CALLS

Jesus Calls Telephone Prayer Ministry is one of the most rewarding wings of the ministry. Through this ministry, each month we are touching 3,90,000 people. People who contact our Telephone Prayer Line are usually callers who are in despairing circumstances and whose hope solely lies in the prayers offered by our dear prayer intercessors. People pour out all their burdens and needs to the prayer intercessors and solicit prayers in faith that God would do a miracle. God keeps His word to His children who pray in one accord and He does amazing miracles in their lives.

Here are two testimonies of people who have been blessed through this ministry:


I had no job. I was in desperate need of a job but had no hopes. Every time I tried, I was facing failure. I was vexed and had nearly given up on life. But being introduced to the Jesus Calls Telephone Ministry, I sought the prayers of the prayer intercessors with the only hope that God alone could give me a job. God did do a miracle. I secured my desired job within a week. This was purely through prayers. I give all glory to God and thank the prayer intercessors for their earnest prayers. - Chithra


My son Rajan was facing intense pain near his stomach and hip. When we consulted a doctor, we were informed after many tests that he had kidney stones, which were the reason for the pain, and that the only solution was to get it operated on. We were broken after hearing the diagnosis. God reminded me of the Jesus Calls Telephone Prayer Ministry, and I immediately sought help from the Lord. The prayer intercessor prayed for my son earnestly and commanded that the stones should be healed without operation. God answered that prayer, and very soon, the stones came out naturally. I thank God from the bottom of my heart for this miracle. I also thank the Jesus Calls Telephone Prayer Ministry for being a blessing in our lives. - Jeya Angeline

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Our mission is to reach 10 lakhs people with hope through this 24 hours service in 6 months with a Nation Wide Network. Our mission is to employ 600 staff Prayer Intercessors for Telephone Prayer Ministry by this yearend speaking 13 languages in India to minister to all people of India. Telephone Prayer Ministry serves 24 hours - round the clock all the days of the year with 190 dedicated prayer intercessors who pray fervently for each and every prayer request and plead with the Lord to bring miracles in the lives of each and every caller. These prayer intercessors are a great source of blessing to all the callers as they are comforted and consoled by their prayer as well as receive miracles from God. They serve in Prayer Towers in three shifts night and day to cater to the urgent prayer needs of the callers.

The prayer services are provided in seven languages: English, Tamil, Hindi, Malayalam, Kannada, Telugu, and Marathi.

To operate the Telephone Prayer Ministry which serves round the clock all the days of the year, we are spending 24 lakhs each month to cover the various expenses towards software licenses, telephone lines rentals, multiple IT hardware infrastructure and internet bandwidth.

You can become a blessing for such people to receive miracles from God in their lives by contributing to this Telephone Prayer Ministry.

We need• 1200 partners to donate Rs.2,000 every month

• 2400 partners to donate Rs.1,000 every month

• 4800 partners to donate Rs.500 every month

We are also putting up new infrastructure to operate the Telephone Prayer Ministry in Mumbai, Ranchi, Dimapur, Hyderabad and Bengaluru. The estimated cost for the infrastructure at these Prayer Towers would be Rs. 5 crores. We plan to operate these Telephone Prayer Ministry to expand our reach to cater to the growing prayer needs of people in those cities. We invite you to also donate for setting up this Telephone Prayer Ministry infrastructure.

We need • 500 partners to donate Rs. 1,00,000

• 1000 partners to donate Rs.50,000

• 2000 partners to donate Rs.25,000


Your commitment to this Telephone Prayer ministry would help us to serve millions.


Apart from this, we are sending the prayer requests we receive in the Prayer Towers through emails, letters and social media to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, who spends his early hours every day praying for those prayer requests and writing prayerful replies to those emails and letters. We also use the SMS facility to send out promise verses from the Bible each day. In addition to this, we are sending the Daily Blessing videos of the Dhinakarans through WhatsApp to our dear partners. All these services are offered free of cost, and we are delighted to light the lives of those going through dark times.

For more details: E-mail:

Visit the Prayer Tower: Anytime between 8 am to 8 pm (daily)

Turn to page 7 to know about the different payment modes through which you can remit your offerings to the Jesus Calls Ministry.

9 - June 2024 JESUS CALLS

Dear friend, I am blessed to greet you this month with the word of God, which is from Hebrews 12:14, ”Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness, no one will see the Lord.”

Living in peace with others is considered to be holiness before God. That’s how important being in peace with others is in the eyes of God.

Most families suffer because people do not pursue peace. David had a difficult time with his children because they were rebellious. He advises his children, saying, “Come, my children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the Lord. Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from telling lies. Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.”

(Psalm 34:11-14)

Yes, to do good and to fear God, one has to seek peace and pursue it. The meaning of the word ‘pursue’ is to take hold of something. David advised his children to seek peace above everything and to take hold of it. Many times in life, we try to win an argument or prove our point rather than trying to maintain peace with the other person. This leads to unpleasant and hurtful conversations, leaving the people involved without

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peace. The family bonds thus become cold and distant.

The Lord says in Matthew 5:9, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.”

Yes, dear friend, God loves and calls those who make peace as His own children. To make peace, one needs to control their tongue. That is why James says in the Book of James 3:2, “Anyone who is never at fault in what they say is perfect, able to keep their whole body in check.”

Our Lord Jesus is the best example of a person who kept His tongue under control. Even when the soldiers and authorities criticized Him and mocked Him, He did not retaliate. He was like a lamb that was led to slaughter. He maintained His innocence. God left us an example through our Lord Jesus Christ and empowered us through His Holy Spirit to control our tongue. Yes, one of the fruits of the Spirit is self-control. If we can control our tongue from speaking evil, only then we are holy before God.

Another way people sin against God is by slandering others with their tongues. Slander is a serious sin against God. Slander means damaging a person’s reputation with false statements. Today, we see many people slander others easily. They even go to the extent of slandering God’s anointed children. Dear friend, introspect your life and see if you have slandered others and disturbed the peace of those you slander about. Today, may God lead you to confess and repent of your sins and become holy before God.

Peace is a powerful binding force that can keep families together. So, go the extra mile to maintain peace with your loved ones. Even if people throw hurtful words against you or provoke you into a fight, choose to ignore them

and walk away.

Once, I read a true story about how Nelson Mandela and F.W. De Klerk made peace in South Africa. Mandela fought against apartheid, a system that separated people based on race, and was jailed for the same for 27 years. De Klerk, however, was the last president under apartheid. Despite their differences, Mandela and De Klerk worked together after Mandela was released from prison in 1990. They talked and negotiated to end apartheid and bring democracy to South Africa. They even won the Nobel Peace Prize together in 1993. Their friendship showed that forgiveness and good communication can bring peace, even between enemies. Mandela once said, "Brave people are not afraid to forgive for the sake of peace." Their actions inspired people worldwide and showed that enemies can find common ground and work together for a better world. This story teaches us the power of forgiveness and reconciliation in making a fairer and more peaceful society.

In the same way, in life, it is important to choose reconciliation with those who have hurt us intentionally, thus pleasing God. By following the Lord’s example and walking in His footsteps, we can attain peace within our families. May the Lord help us to control our tongues and pursue peace in all our actions.

Prayer: Loving Father, Thank you for teaching me the importance of peaceful living and the way to achieve peace within my family. Help me to guard my lips and my tongue from hurting others. May I become a peacemaker for Your glory. Please fill me with Your love and grant me the grace and strength to be the first one to reconcile and revive relationships. Help me to live a holy life before You. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

11 - June 2024 JESUS CALLS

As a heavenly Father, God is always present to guide His children and protect them from making poor choices. Like any earthly father who communicates his plans to his children, shares his experiences, including his past failures, and highlights the rewards of walking the righteous path, God invites us to seek His guidance, promising to reveal great and mighty things beyond our understanding when we call upon Him.

In Jeremiah 33:3, the Lord says, “Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.”

However, learning often involves making mistakes, which provide insights into what is wrong, why it happened, and how to overcome it. God encourages us to listen to Him attentively and learn from these experiences.

In my own life, I often wake up early with unfounded fears gripping my heart, paralysing

me with a sense of guilt and hopelessness. Yet, in those moments, as I turn to the Scriptures, I hear God's reassuring voice speaking to me through His Word. Amidst the overwhelming fear, God's Word reminds me of His constant presence, love, and blessings. It cleanses me of my shortcomings and fills me with hope for the day ahead. This hope, renewed by God's strength, allows me to face each day confidently, trusting in His guidance. Remarkably, as I rely on God's strength and wisdom, He reveals the steps I should take in various aspects of my life - from managing the University to addressing challenges in ministry and family matters. I jot down these divine insights, and when confronted with questions or problems throughout the day, I find that the solutions effortlessly align with God's guidance. By waiting upon the Lord each morning, He graciously shows me His way, enabling me to make wise choices and overcome every challenge that comes my way. Through this reliance on God's wisdom, I am

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equipped to navigate through life's complexities and fulfill my responsibilities with confidence and success.

Throughout the Bible, there are various passages that offer insights into God's guidance, protection, and the consequences of human choices.

1.Proverbs 3:5-6: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight." This verse suggests that by trusting in God and submitting to His will, He will guide and direct our paths, potentially protecting us from making harmful choices.

2.Psalm 32:8: "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with My loving eye on you." Here, God

promises to provide guidance and counsel to His children, indicating His desire to lead them away from bad choices.

3.James 1:5: "If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you." This verse encourages believers to seek wisdom from God, implying that He will provide the insight needed to make wise decisions and avoid bad choices.

4.Romans 8:28: "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." While this verse doesn't guarantee protection from bad choices, it suggests that God can ultimately work all things for the good of His children, even in the face of their mistakes.

So, it's essential to acknowledge that the Bible contains teachings illustrating the reality of human free will and the consequences of disobedience. The narrative of Adam and Eve's

choice to eat the forbidden fruit in Genesis 3, for example, underscores humanity's capacity to make bad choices despite God's guidance and warnings.

Here are a few more biblical examples that shed light on God's guidance and protection in the face of human choices:

1.Joseph's Story (Genesis 37-50): The story of Joseph is a powerful example of God's guidance and protection amidst challenging circumstances. Despite facing betrayal by his brothers, slavery, and imprisonment, Joseph remained faithful to God. Eventually, God's plan unfolded, and Joseph rose to a position of great influence in Egypt, ultimately saving his family and the nation from famine. This story highlights God's ability to work through even the most difficult situations for the ultimate good of His people.

2.The Exodus Story (Exodus 14): When the Israelites were trapped between the Red Sea and the pursuing Egyptian army, they cried out in fear and doubt. However, God intervened miraculously, parting the waters to allow the Israelites to cross on dry ground and then closing the sea over the pursuing Egyptians. This event demonstrates God's power to protect His people from harm and lead them to safety, even in seemingly impossible circumstances.

Therefore, make it a daily habit to meditate on the scriptures with prayer. This would certainly protect you from making wrong choices that might lead to unpleasant consequences. May God give you the grace to walk by the Word of God and experience His protection in this world. God bless you.

13 - June 2024 JESUS CALLS

Since its inception, the Jesus Calls Ministry has always lent its helping hand to build churches with one-tenth of its donations. Each month, Jesus Calls provides 10% of the donations received to support pastors in building churches, in rural and distant areas. Precious partners of Jesus Calls make it possible for these unreached people to know the Lord and have a growing relationship with Him by establishing churches through their faithful offering.

2 Corinthians 8:2,3 says, “In the midst of a very severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity. For I testify that they gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability, entirely on their own.”

As stated in this verse, it is only because of your offering that we are able to contribute to establishing churches in remote places. Every soul that is saved will be added to your heavenly account, and the Lord will undoubtedly rejoice over you and bless you. So far, for the glory of God, we have contributed to the building of more than 100 churches in India. Let us continue to support God’s devoted servants in rural areas and establish the goal of building 1000 churches throughout India.

Here’s how a Church was established:

I extend my heartfelt congratulations to dear Dr. Paul Dhinakaran in the name of Jesus Christ. Brother’s prayers and sacrificial love have been instrumental in nurturing a thriving congregation, even amidst the humble setting of the church among the fishermen. Every day, both I and the congregation lift up prayers for brother’s entire family, the ministry, and their well-being. I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for his generous donation of 2 lakh Rupees towards the construction of our Miracle Church of Jesus Christ. This contribution, coupled with Brother's prayers, enabled the completion of the construction work, culminating in its inauguration in January 2023. It is a testament to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran’s unwavering commitment to spread God's kingdom and the advancement of His work. I thank dear Brother, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran from the bottom of my heart and offer praises to God for his incredible gift of love. May the Lord continue to bless him abundantly, both personally and in the Jesus Calls ministry. Thank you immensely.

- Bishop Dr. J. Jerald, Miracle Church of Jesus Christ, Chennai

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15 - June 2024 JESUS CALLS

My dear partner in the ministry,

You are precious in the sight of God and to us. Your loving support and prayers are the reason the ministry has come a long way. I am grateful to the Lord for blessing the ministry with faithful and committed partners like yourself. As stated in Numbers 6:26, may God adorn you with His glory by lifting His countenance upon you and granting you peace on every side.

I am sharing with you, snippets of our past and upcoming events in the Ministry, and I kindly ask for your continued prayers and support.


UTurn Meetings: The UTurn Club held its meetings every Sunday at the JC House in Parry’s. My children Samuel, Stella and Daniel led the meetings with the UTurn team and led the youth into lots of fun, music and powerful prayers which touched and transformed the youth. I'd like to share a beautiful testimony from a child of God who has been blessed by attending the UTurn meeting. Annie Felicia, a young girl in ninth standard, was addicted to using her mobile phone. She used to wake up and immediately check her mobile phone before even getting out of bed. She couldn't bear to be separated from her mobile phone, not even for five minutes. However, after attending the youth UTurn blessing meeting and listening to my son Samuel’s message on mobile addiction, she was delivered from it. Now, she can spend more time with the Lord and utilize her time wisely. All glory be to God.

Therefore, I encourage you to motivate your young children to participate in such youth meetings and rejoice in witnessing their growth in the Lord.

Special Youth Blessing Meeting: God used Sis. Stella Ramola and Bro. Daniel Davidson mightily as they ministered during the Special Youth Blessing meeting held at the Jesus Calls Avadi Prayer Tower on May 1st. The meeting proved to be a blessing to many youngsters who experienced the overflowing presence of God at the venue.

Miracle Fasting Prayer: On May 11th, the Miracle Fasting Prayer was held at Vanagaram. Around 2000 people participated in the fasting prayer. During the event, my children Stella and Daniel led the worship. My son Samuel talked about how God will do good in all the lack in the people's lives and God did mighty miracles. I'd like to share a testimony of how a sister has been blessed through Samuel’s prayers. Sister Azhagamal from Kanchipuram was suffering from sinus problems and never used to sweat. Doctors recommended surgery as a solution. She endured acute headaches due to sinusitis. During the Miracle Fasting Prayer, while Samuel was praying, he prayed for people with sinus issues to be healed. Sister Azhagamal joined in and believed that God would heal her. Upon returning home, she began sweating profusely, and all the water flushed out. She felt a significant difference afterward and is a living testimony of God’s healing power. You too can experience such miracles by attending the monthly Miracle Fasting Prayer at

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Vanagaram. Come and be blessed.

Dynamic Kids Camp: This exclusive camp for kids was held from May 13th to 18th in all the Jesus Calls Prayer Towers throughout India. More than 10,000 children were taught the Word of God in exciting and fun ways. During prayer time, some of them were touched by the Holy Spirit and dedicated their lives to the Lord. God’s name was glorified.


Academic Reopening

campus job placement rate across multiple departments, offering international internships in over 85 countries. This success is attributed to our focus on innovation and industry-oriented teaching methods, resulting in numerous patents that are on the path to commercialization. Our top-notch infrastructure, meeting industry standards, and a faculty comprising highly accomplished individuals from prestigious institutions like IITs, IISC, and international universities, further enhance the learning experience.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

(Jeremiah 29:11)

A new academic year is at hand! I bless your children who are stepping into the new academic year and I assure my prayers for their studies. I also trust in the Lord that your children have performed well in their exams through His grace. If you have wonderful stories of success to share, please send them to us at or via WhatsApp to 9791934442.

Here at Jesus Calls, we continue to pray daily for our young partners, especially at this time, to secure admission to the best schools and colleges and excel in their academics for the glory of God. Please do uphold them in your prayers, too.

Karunya University

"Let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance."

Students from all corners of India enjoy a safe and enriching campus life at Karunya, with a diverse selection of food options representing various states. Moreover, we provide robust mentoring, psychological support, counseling services, and prayer support to nurture students' holistic development. Our campus hosts a vibrant array of arts, music, sports, and literary programs, fostering each student's talents.

(Proverbs 1:5)

Karunya University has risen to prominence as a globally recognized institution, distinguished by its Category 1 status from the UGC and the highest accreditation of NAAC A++. In the esteemed THE World University Rankings 2024 for Asia, Karunya proudly secures its position within the top 501-600 universities. Additionally, it holds the esteemed 12B status by the UGC, along with QS I-GAUGE Diamond ratings and accreditation from ICAR for B.Sc (Hons.) Agriculture, NBA, and other prestigious bodies.

Karunya prides itself on its outstanding 98%

Zoho, Nustart tie up with Karunya: Internationally renowned company Zoho has partnered with Karunya's School of Business to integrate their skills training and cuttingedge products in Karunya's MBA curriculum to give students the edge in their placements and career. There is also an E-MBA program introduced to study online. IT companies are now coming in to recruit even our 2nd and 3rd year students to work with a stipend on industry projects. Recently, an International company Nustart has taken many 2nd year Computer Science students to work on live projects in Generative AI giving them great knowledge.

17 - June 2024 JESUS CALLS

For admission, please visit

As we embark on a new academic year, please take a moment to pray for Karunya University, its dedicated faculty, and hardworking students as they strive together towards academic excellence and personal growth.

Let's Join Hands In Building God's Kingdom Together

participated in the ‘KuttiesGalatta’ TV programme on Easter and generously shared gifts with children at this summer's Dynamic Kids Camp. As Katelyn approaches her special day, I request your earnest prayers for her to continue growing in wisdom, stature, and favour with both God and man, following in the footsteps of our Lord Jesus.

“…would you build Me a house to dwell in?”


(II Samuel 7:5-7)

Prayer Towers are the reason for miracles in the lives of millions. The joint prayers offered by the prayer intercessor along with the person in need, certainly reaches the throne room of Heaven and brings answers to prayers as promised in Matthew 18:19. Each day, we are inundated with countless testimonials from individuals who have found deliverance through the prayers offered at the Prayer Towers. We extend a warm invitation for you to contribute to this noble endeavor, not only to experience blessings in your own life but also to become a beacon of blessing in the lives of others. For convenient donation methods, please refer to page 7. For further information, please contact +91 9840999908.

Wedding Anniversary

"Two are better than one…A cord of three strands is not quickly broken."

(Ecclesiastes 4:9-12)

June 2, 1989, holds a special significance for me and my wife, Evangeline Paul, as it marks the day when the Lord united us in holy matrimony. Over the past 35 years, we have experienced abundant blessings in our married life, graciously bestowed upon us by God. We humbly request your prayers as we look forward to accomplishing great and mighty deeds together for the glory of God.

Katelyn’s Birthday

"This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." (Psalm 118:24)

On June 29th, 2023, my granddaughter, Katelyn Anna Dhinakaran, will celebrate her fourth birthday. She is a true blessing to our family. Katelyn's presence has been a source of joy and inspiration, as she has touched hearts through her appearances in songs, offering heartfelt wishes, and singing during the New Year and Easter gatherings.She

June, Every Sunday - UTurn Special Youth Meeting, JC House, Parrys, Chennai

June 1, 2024 – Bible Mission, Gooty

June 8, 2024 – Miracle Fasting Prayer, Vanagaram, Chennai

July 7, 2024 – Bethesda Blessing Meeting, Coimbatore

Kindly pray for these events and support them as much as you can. For more information, please call our Partner Care number: 044 - 23456677 (8 am to 8 pm).

Dear partner, I want you to know that you are special in the eyes of God because you are fulfilling His will and helping to establish His Kingdom. Psalm 34:10 says,

“The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the LORD lack no good thing.”

I pray that this promise will come to pass in your life. May the Lord lead you by His wise counsel throughout this month and make you shine with His glory in all your endeavours. Your brother, who prays for you, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

JESUS CALLS June 2024 - 18

Watch the 'Today's Blessing' program being telecast in all social media platforms and the Family Channel and find God's promise explained by the Dhinakarans each day. They will be of great blessing to you.

The Family – The Dhinakarans discuss on the topic of ‘Family’ sharing their experiences and truths about the challenges a family goes through and how to grow the bond stronger. Watch new episodes every month telecasted in the Jesus Calls TV program and Jesus Calls YouTube Channel (All Languages).

Love – 'Love' hosted by Samuel Dhinakaran and Dr. Shilpa Dhinakaran is created for couples to learn how to make a marriage successful. You will explore and grow, understanding the strength and beauty that comes from committing to love each other as husband and wife. Watch new episodes every Wednesday telecasted in the Jesus Calls TV program and Jesus Calls YouTube Channel (All Languages).

UTurn – ‘UTurn Live’ is streamed on YouTube and Family Channel where Daniel Davidson, Stella Ramola and Samuel Dhinakaran interact with the youth callers live in this program through games, songs and prayers. UTurn Leaders, Samuel and Stella host TV programs and social media videos for these youth packed with God-centered discussions, Q&A and fun segments. Watch new UTurn episodes every Saturday telecasted during the Jesus Calls TV Program and UTurn’s YouTube Channel.

Jesus Calls Kids – Short stories with morals, Christian action songs, puppet shows, games and activities help your grow in the knowledge of the Lord through the videos broadcast in this YouTube channel. Subscribe to the Jesus Calls Kids YouTube channel and let’s grow in the lord together at this very young age.


I would like to support / sponsor the Jesus Calls Television & Social Media Ministry. (Kindly tick your preference.)

I am sending Rs.30,000/- to sponsor a Television programme. I am sending Rs.10,000/- to co-sponsor a Television programme (Herewith, I have enclosed my family photo)

I am sending a donation of Rs. ………/- per month towards the TV Ministry Email: WhatsApp: 9500127277 Website:

Simple ways to send an offering to the Jesus Calls Television & Social Media Ministry can be found on Page No. 7 in this issue.

19 - June 2024 JESUS CALLS
JESUS CALLS June 2024 - 20
21 - June 2024 JESUS CALLS

We are living in a world where there are countless influences that are driving the way we think. Whether we turn on the television or log on to social media, everywhere we see people sharing their thoughts and practices.

Without our knowledge, what we see and what we hear guides us in the future. So, it is very important that we care about what we spend time on. The above verse clearly says that whatever is noble, right, pure, lovely, excellent, or praiseworthy

should be what we focus our attention on.

This is applicable to what we watch, read and how we use our talents. The best way to find what is right is to do is by listening to your conscience. Listen to the still small voice that will tell you what to do and what not to do. Listen to it and it will always be right. I sincerely hope and pray that you would indulge yourself in things that help you grow closer to God.

Have you ever considered how to live praiseworthy lives? It is through self-discipline, dear friend. You can achieve great feats if you have self-control over what you watch, listen to and do. Don’t get influenced by your friends or peers. Instead, live right according to your convictions because in the end, you can have

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peace within yourself only if you do what you know is right.

Sometimes, you might find yourself doing what you are not supposed to do. Even Apostle Paul went through this struggle. He says in Romans 7:15, “For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.”

Does that mean Apostle Paul lived an unsuccessful life? No, my friend, instead, he gives a solution to this problem in Romans 7:25, where it says, “Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!” Accordingly, God can deliver you from all your addictions and destructive habits and help you succeed in life.

Even as you begin this new academic year, make it a point to change the way you study and spend time. Choose wisely what you will do with your God-given talents and time.

Have you heard of the true story of Dr. Ben Carson? Ben Carson grew up in a poor area of Detroit. His mom was a single parent who worked very hard to take care of him and his brother. The school was tough for Ben at first. He often struggled, and other students made fun of him. But his mom encouraged him to read and learn. She limited his TV time and made him read two books a week and write reports on them, even though she could barely read herself. Ben's grades started to improve a lot because of his reading. He went from the bottom of his class to the top. After high school, he went to Yale University to study Psychology and then to the University of Michigan for medical school. He decided to become a neurosurgeon. Ben worked very hard and became an excellent surgeon. He became famous in 1987 when he led a team of doctors that successfully separated conjoined twins who were joined at the head. This was a very complicated surgery, but they succeeded. Ben Carson became known as one of the best neurosurgeons in the world. Ben’s life story

shows how wise choices and determination can change a person's life, no matter where they start from.

Today, as I look back at my own life, I am so grateful to the Lord that I can become a surgeon, too, because of His grace, self-discipline and determination. My friend, I desire that you, too, will achieve more than your imagination and rise to great heights in this year.

“Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.”

(Ephesians 3:20, 21)

This month, if you are starting your academic year in school or college, I encourage you to make a new beginning by investing your time in what makes you progress in life and consider choosing habits that would please God.


Loving Father, thank You for speaking to me and opening the eyes of my heart to the right way of living. Lord, in this new academic year help me to concentrate on studying diligently and working to the best of my ability. Help me not to waste my time or displease you with what I watch or listen to. Let the meditation of my heart and my actions make You glad and help me have a close walk with You. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

23 - June 2024 JESUS CALLS

Nilanjana, could you share a bit about your early years and how your faith influenced your education?

Nilanjana: Certainly. To start off, I am proud to say that I am a Young Partner. I've been blessed with the gift of being able to study well from a young age, and I attribute that to God, the wonderful parents He gave me and the prayers offered for Young Partners through the Jesus Calls ministry. Together they have instilled in me the fear of the Lord, which has been fundamental in shaping who I am. My faith, along with prayer and hard work, has always been my strength.

You have achieved second rank in the state in your twelfth board exams. Could you walk us through that experience, especially facing challenges like illness?

Nilanjana: Yes, it was a challenging time. During my quarterly exams in tenth standard, I fell seriously ill with typhoid. It was a tough period, but I firmly believe God healed me and enabled me not only to sit for my exams but also to excel and secure a top rank in my class. God also renewed my strength to score state rank in

twelfth board exams.

How did you manage the stress and anxiety that came with your rigorous study schedule?

Nilanjana: That was indeed a struggle. Studying intensely led to burnout and anxiety, which at one point lowered my performance. During a particularly stressful half-yearly examination, the Jesus Calls team visited my home for carols. They prayed for me and encouraged me to trust in God and maintain a calm mind. My grandmother had written a letter requesting prayers for my board examinations. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran sent a prayerful message prophesying that I would score full marks and remain peaceful during my exams. His words turned out to be true. I approached my board examinations with a serene and peaceful spirit, which helped me immensely. There were no hindrances, and the exams went smoothly, allowing me to reflect now and acknowledge that prayer, faith, and hard work truly do yield miracles.

What are your future aspirations, Nilanjana?

JESUS CALLS June 2024 - 24

Nilanjana: I aspire to join the aerospace program at the Indian Institute of Technology. It's a field I'm deeply passionate about, and I'm excited about the possibilities that lie ahead.

Lastly, do you have any advice for other students who might be facing similar pressures?

Nilanjana: Absolutely. I would encourage them to trust completely in the Lord and work diligently. It's important to believe that God has a plan for each of us and that it's the best possible path. They should focus on their studies without stress, maintain a good lifestyle with enough sleep and proper meals, and limit distractions like phone use. Throughout my education, I spent the evening from 6 to 12 for studying. I am not an early bird, so I study till twelve every day and wake up at 7 am. Sleep and food are essential to maintain a good lifestyle that can help us achieve our goals. I usually have an early dinner at 5 pm and study from 6 till 12. I do not have the habit of watching

television, either. Each month, I look forward to the Jesus Calls Magazine, and the youth articles have been a great source of blessing to me. Especially the exam tips have been very useful for me. I also used to read the exam prayer composed by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran that was published in the magazine before studying for my exams as well as before going for each exam. I would suggest that every Young Partner would spend their time wisely especially by giving God the first place in life. I would also encourage the readers to enroll their children as Young Partners to cover them with prayers every single day.

Thank you, Nilanjana, for sharing your inspiring story. It's truly motivating to hear how faith, dedication, and support from loved ones have guided you through your journey.

Nilanjana: Thank you for having me. I hope my experiences can encourage others to pursue their dreams with faith and perseverance.

Dear child of God, We want you to know that we are praying for every Young Partner at the Prayer Towers every day. We trust in the Lord that you would have excelled in your exams. Just like Nilanjana, you, too, can glorify God by sharing your testimony and your thanks offering. Your testimony will reveal the power of God and help others grow in their faith.

If you have been blessed by any of the services of the Jesus Calls Ministry, such as the Students’ Prayer Meet, Exam Prayer Card, Telephone Prayer Tower, letter or email ministry, please let us know by sharing your Praise Report at the Prayer Tower in your area and by giving your thanks offering. You can also email your testimonies to or write to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, 16, Dr. D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai – 600 028.We would love to hear from you.

May God continue to guide you and grant you a bright and prosperous future (Jeremiah 29:11)

For further details: • Address: Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028

• Website: • Phone No: 98409 00477 • Email:

• Prayer Tower: You can visit the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in your area

• Partner Care: 044 - 23456677 (8 am to 8 pm, IST)

Please turn to page 7 to learn about the different payment methods through which you can easily send your offerings.

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25 - June 2024 JESUS CALLS

Set Clear Goals: Define what you want to achieve academically this year. Whether it's improving grades, mastering a subject, or participating in extracurricular activities, having clear goals will keep you focused.

Stay Organised: Use planners, calendars, or digital tools to keep track of assignments, deadlines, and important dates. Break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable steps to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

Establish a Prayer Routine: Establishing a daily prayer routine can help you stay disciplined and improve concentration. Set aside time for Bible reading and prayer and give God the first place before you start your day or start studying.

Stay Engaged in Class: Actively participate in class discussions, ask questions, and take thorough notes. Engaging with the material during lectures will enhance your understanding and retention.

Manage Your Time Wisely: Prioritise your tasks based on urgency and importance. Avoid

procrastination by starting assignments early and breaking them into smaller chunks to work on consistently.

Seek Help When Needed: Don't hesitate to reach out to teachers, tutors, or classmates if you're struggling with a concept or assignment. Seeking help early can prevent issues from snowballing.

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle: Ensure you're getting enough sleep, eating nutritious meals, and staying physically active. A healthy body and mind are crucial for academic success.

Stay Connected with Peers: Build a support network of friends and classmates who can provide encouragement, motivation, and assistance when needed.

Take Breaks: Give yourself permission to take breaks and recharge periodically. Stepping away from your studies can improve productivity and prevent burnout.

Stay Flexible: Remain adaptable to unexpected changes and challenges that may arise throughout the academic year. Flexibility is key to overcoming obstacles and thriving in a dynamic environment. By incorporating these tips into your routine, you'll be better equipped to tackle the new academic year with confidence and success.

JESUS CALLS June 2024 - 26 - June 2024 JESUS CALLS 27

David, the servant of God, chose the God of gods as His own since his childhood, as read in Psalm 23 wherein he says, ‘The Lord is my Shepherd’. In several Psalms, he has written about how one could receive the Lord’s blessings in different ways in this world as a result of this. The Bible also clearly explains how his life was a blessing till the end, how the Lord built him a house forever and how he received God’s blessings perpetually.

Like David, let us also follow the Lord’s ways reverentially and observe the ways to receive a blessed ‘house forever’ from Him.

The House of the Righteous will Stand

“The wicked are overthrown and are no more, but the house of the righteous will stand.”

(Proverbs 12:7)

In Proverbs 10:24, we read, “But the righteous has an everlasting foundation.” It is very important that we become righteous before the Lord. In Romans 5:8,9, the Bible clearly explains how to become righteous.

“But God demonstrates His own love towards us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him.”

(Romans 5:8,9)

In I John 1:7, we read, “And the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanses us from all sin.” We read about the man called Zacchaeus in Luke, 19th chapter. He was a chief tax collector who did not know anything about the Lord Jesus Christ and was a worldly man, fully focused on earning money. When he heard that the Lord Jesus was coming to the city of Jericho, where he lived, he wanted to see who Jesus was. He was short in stature, and because of the crowd, he could not see Jesus and hence he climbed up into a sycamore tree to see Him.

The Lord Jesus Christ, who knows the heart of every one of us, understood the desire in the heart of Zacchaeus, and as we read in Luke 19: 5, He came to the place, right where he was and looked up and saw him and called out his name saying, “Zacchaeus, make haste and come down, for today I must stay at your house”. On hearing this, Zacchaeus came

28 JESUS CALLS June 2024 -

down, received Him joyfully and took Him home. Also, even without his knowledge, he started confessing his sins to Jesus. What did the Lord Jesus say?

“Today salvation has come to this house, because he also is a son of Abraham; for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:9,10).

Thus, Zacchaeus, who was filled with the lusts of the world and who did not know the Lord, received the divine salvation given by the Lord Jesus and became a righteous man. We clearly read about this in Romans 8:30, ‘whom He called, these He also justified’. How would the house of the righteous man be, as seen in Psalm 118:15? It would be devoid of strife and argument and filled with divine peace and the ‘voice of rejoicing and salvation’.

A husband who served in the army was a rough and rude fellow and was always furious towards his wife and others in the family. Hence there was no peace in the house – only constant bickering. At this juncture, the wife fell seriously ill and suffered a lot. The husband was broken to see her condition, and at that time, the Lord Jesus revealed Himself to him as the Saviour, washed him with His precious blood and made him a righteous man. After this, the Lord blessed him and his descendants and prospered his family with His peace and blessings.

Divine House, Built by the Lord

In Psalm 127:1, we read, ‘Unless the Lord builds the house, they labour in vain, who build it’. Today, several families are under the dominance of the devil and are languishing in tears and agony, as they are not built by the

Lord. My dearly beloved, are you suffering because of a lack of peace and joy in your life! Shall we see about the things that you ought to do, in order that the Lord would build your house?

To be filled with abiding blessings, like David had, you should ‘seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness’ as seen in Matthew 6:33. Then the Lord Himself will bless you and fill you with His divine blessings in such a way that there would not be any room enough to receive them. “The young lions lack and suffer hunger; but those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing” (Psalm 34:10). If you diligently seek the Lord through prayer and supplication, you shall not lack any good thing. How to seek the Lord in family life?

“Those who seek Me diligently (in the early morning) shall find Me.” (Proverbs 8:17)

David sought the Lord thus in reverence, and he writes, “I saw Your power and Your glory” (Psalm 63:1,2). We also read that the Lord Jesus, “having risen a long while before daylight, went out and departed to a solitary place and prayed to the Father” (Mark 1:35). These are examples to be followed by us.

Today, do we seek the Lord in reverence, personally and as a family, early in the morning and sing praises to Him? If so, the presence of God will fill our family and the peace and joy needed for that day will flow in our family. As read in Psalm 32:8, He will guide us with His eye and fill our family life with His divine blessings. He will bless your family with all good things and prosper you according to Proverbs 10:22, “The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, and He will not add sorrow - June 2024 JESUS CALLS 29

with it.” As read in Psalm 29:11, He will bless His people with peace. You should experience the glory of this divine life!

Several years back, a godly couple had invited me and my husband to their home. It was a simple and ordinary family. When we went there, they warmly welcomed us and tried their level best to make us happy. They gave us poached eggs and a simple snack prepared by them. The eggs were from their own hens. We enjoyed having them and came back home happily. After many years, we had the chance to visit that same place and wanted to meet that family. But the people there gave a wonderful testimony about them!

They said, “Sir since they sought the Lord diligently and sincerely, they have been much blessed by the Lord and are now in a great position.”

“Blessed is everyone, who fears the Lord and who walks in His ways.” Yes, my dear one, if we walk in fear of God, we shall be blessed as men according to Psalm 128, praised among women as stated in Proverbs 31:30, and be blessed as children, as seen in Psalm 115:13.

Before marriage, a woman was living her life as she liked, without any fear of God. However, the Lord met her graciously, spoke to her, redeemed her from the pleasures of the world and made her a ‘new creation’. She thus received a divine life of living in unison with God. The Lord was delighted over her and knowing her desire and thirst, filled her with the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

Thus, as led by Christ, she lovingly followed the Truth and grew “up in all things into Him who is the head” (Ephesians 4:15). As a result,

she received the blessed life of arising and shining as a vessel of blessing for her family as well as for several other families.

Yes, dear one! The Bible says, “A faithful man will abound with blessings” (Proverbs 28:20). Accordingly, if we first seek the Lord in all reverence, He will build our life “exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us” (Ephesians 3:20).

Beloved, the Lord is able to ‘perfect, establish, strengthen and settle’ you, who are suffering and are in tears because of various dark and hopeless situations (I Peter 5:10).

In our family life, the Lord, in His grace, taught us from the beginning and led us beautifully. Also, He helped me to follow the exemplary life of my dear husband, who held on to Him from his young age and made me follow the practices of prayer and Bible reading in reverence. Thus the Lord helped me to live a pleasing life to Him. Did our family life run smoothly, as we lived this divine life? Not at all! As the Bible says, we were distressed on all sides by sufferings, losses, lacks and rejection. At such times, we cried out to the Lord as David did –‘For You have been my defence, and refuge in the day of my trouble’ (Psalm 59:16; Psalm 18:6; II Samuel 22:7). The Lord heard our cries and each time delivered us miraculously and ‘gave us victory’ in everything, as we read in I Corinthians 15:57.

Dear one, if you would hold on to the Lord firmly, He would remove all the lacks in your life, increase you and grant you ‘an abiding house, pleasing to Christ’. May the God of gods have mercy on you, hold your hands, lead you in His righteous ways and make you thrive in this world!

30 JESUS CALLS June 2024 -

Numbers 6:26 - Peace be unto you

Meditation: Dan.6:25; John 20:26; 2 Thess. 1:2

Psalm 89:15 - A loud voice

Meditation: 2 Sam. 6:15; 2 Chron. 20:19; Rev. 11:15

Deuteronomy 8:3 - By the word of the Lord you shall live Meditation: Proverbs. 4:4; Luke 7:7; John 11:38-46

2 Corinthians 5:5 - The Spirit is the source Meditation: 2 Cor. 1:22; Ephesians 1:14

Job 8:21 - You will not complain Meditation: Psalm 5:11; Jer. 31:7; Zech. 2:10

2 Corinthians 5:21 - A righteous God Meditation: Psalm 11:7; Jer. 33:16; Dan. 9:14

2 Chronicles 15:7 - Reward for your work Meditation: Eccl. 9:7,8; Jer. 31:16; Matt. 16:27

2 Corinthians 4:16 - The God who makes us new Meditation: Psalm 104:30; Isaiah 43:19; Rev. 21:5

Proverbs 12:12 - You will bear fruit Meditation: Matt. 7:17,18; Luke 6:43-45; Colo. 1:9-11

2 Corinthians 1:5 - The God of comfort Meditation: Psalm 94:19; Isaiah 49:13; Matt. 5:4

Isaiah 59:21 - Spirit of the Lord Meditation: Luke 1:80; John 3:34; 2 Cor. 3:17

Isaiah 44:3 - God will pour out His Spirit Meditation: Isaiah 32:15; Luke 11:13; Titus 3:7

Ephesians 2:5 - Salvation by grace Meditation: Psalm 85:7; Acts 15:11; 2 Tim. 1:9

Leviticus 26:8 - Enemies will be chased away

Meditation: Num. 10:35; Deut. 28:7; Psalm 68:1

Psalm 91:15 - The Lord will honor you Meditation: 1 Sam. 18:30; Isaiah 43:4; John 12:26

1 Chronicles 29:12 - Wealth and honor Meditation: Gen. 26:12,13; 1 Kings 10:23; 2 Chron. 1:12

Psalm 30:11 - Rejoicing Meditation: Psalm 63:5; Isaiah 51:11; Jer. 31:11-13

Isaiah 58:8 - Your light will rise Meditation: Psalm 18:28; Isaiah 9:2; Luke 11:36

Ephesians 2:10 - You are God's workmanship Meditation: Psalm 143:5; Isaiah 29:23; Philippians 2:13

Psalm 46:11 - The God of Jacob Meditation: Psalm 20:1; Matt. 22:31; Mark 12:26

Romans 12:21 - Do good Meditation: Deut. 6:19; Matt. 5:44; 1 Thess. 5:15

Luke 6:47 - Word of the Lord Meditation: Psalm 33:4; Jer. 23:29; Luke 11:28

Psalm 33:12 - The Lord's chosen people Meditation: 1 Chron. 16:11-13; John 15:16; 1 Thess. 1:3,4

Psalm 34:5 - You are not ashamed Meditation: Psalm 22:5; Isaiah 45:17; Phil. 1:20

Psalm 128:1 - Blessed is he that fear the Lord

Meditation: Gen. 22:11-18; Psalm 112:1,2; Proverbs 14:26

Psalm 34:22 - The Lord will redeem us Meditation: Exodus 15:13; Deut. 7:8; Lam. 3:58

Psalm 121:8 - The Lord will keep you Meditation: Exod. 23:20; 1 Sam. 2:9; Prov. 3:26

Psalm 37:4 - God grants the requests of the heart

Meditation: Gen. 25:21; Psalm 20:5; Luke 1:13

Ezekiel 36:10 - The Lord will prosper you Meditation: 2 Sam. 24:3; Psalm 115:14; Ezek. 36:11

Ezekiel 36:11 - You will multiply and multiply Meditation: Gen. 35:11; Exod. 1:7,12; Isaiah 54:3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 16 18 24 17 13 20 22 26 14 23 27 19 21 25 28 15 29 30 - June 2024 JESUS CALLS 31

In the year 1988, after losing dear daughter Angel, the Lord gave this divine Ministry to Sister Stella Dhinakaran. What started as a mustard seed with 1 group has now grown into a large network both in India almost in all states (about 1250 groups) and abroad in 17 countries (about 70 groups).


The main purpose of the Esther Prayer Group ministry is to intercede for millions of women facing various challenges, just like Queen Esther did in the Bible so that their lives can be transformed and freed from the bondage of sin and curse.

Theme verse: Isaiah 60:1 which says, “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.”

*If you or any of your relatives are in these countries and you want to join or start EPG, You can contact these leaders. Where there are no Prayer Towers, if you want information regarding EPG in that country, you can contact +91 9940340803 through WhatsApp only (9 a.m. to 6 p.m. India time)


1. Esther Prayer Group (EPG) – For women:

To fulfill the prayer commitment, members must pray for two hours once a month. The prayer points, which are sent by Sis. Stella Dhinakaran should be covered in full. At least eight people should participate at any time convenient for them.

Testimony from EPG Prayer Warrior:

Sister Ragie, an EPG leader for group 5224, has witnessed the power of prayer firsthand. Her daughter Marlene, a dedicated teacher, struggled for four years to secure a government post, facing challenges that seemed linked to discriminatory hiring practices. However, sustained prayers from Mother Stella and the encouraging scriptures she shared have borne fruit; Marlene miraculously secured a government position earlier this month. Grateful for this breakthrough, Marlene, who regularly contributes to the EPG Ministry, has made an additional thanksgiving donation of

32 JESUS CALLS June 2024 -

R500. At EPG, we see time and again how prayers turn impossible situations into testimonies of possibility!


To pray for one hour once a month at any convenient time with a group of at least four members, covering all ten prayer points sent by Sis. Stella Dhinakaran.

Testimony from YEPG Prayer Warrior:

I’m grateful for the opportunity to have led YEPG since 2019, starting with just five members. Despite our initial scheduling challenges, we managed to unite and experience profound personal growth through our collective prayers and devotion. God not only answered our prayers, helping us overcome many challenges, but also blessed my personal career and studies, allowing me to complete my Master’s and begin a PhD. Leading YEPG has shown me the transformative power of God’s love and grace in our lives, as He continues to be our provider, protector, and healer.


To fulfill the commitment, a group of at least four members should pray for the ten prayer points provided by Sis. Stella Dhinakaran for an hour once a month at their convenience.

Testimony from JEPG Prayer Warrior:

Four-year-old Sheryl, who attends JEPG with her sister, stunned her parents and others by praying profoundly for transformation into a Christ-like figure, to spread light in darkness, and to share the gospel with power and

anointing. Her mother, amazed, noted that Sheryl hadn’t been taught such prayers, recognizing it as a divine miracle. Similarly, 10year-old Michael, filled with the Spirit of prayer, now preaches during family prayers and confidently shares the gospel at school. Other children have also experienced the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues. Truly, all glory be to God.

- Dr. Hannah Merlin Georgia, USA


To fulfill the prayer commitment, a minimum of four couples should pray together for one hour at any convenient time once a month, using the ten prayer points sent by Sis. Stella Dhinakaran.

Testimony from CEPG Prayer Warrior:

At CPEG, we’ve seen numerous testimonies of God’s blessings. One couple, after joining us and participating for two months, conceived and now have a beautiful child. Others, initially unsure and hesitant about how to engage in prayer, have felt the presence of God and witnessed breakthroughs in their families since joining our prayer sessions. These members now eagerly participate monthly. We are deeply grateful to be used as instruments for His kingdom and thank God for the EPG Ministry.

- Sis Kalpana Jabez and Br Jabez, CEPG Coordinators, Dallas, USA

You are welcome to join this Prayer mission and thus do the will of God in your country by praying for others.

“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6:33)

May God richly bless all those who obey the will of the Lord.

Send your name, contact details and the details of the members willing to join your group or a group functioning in your area to:

Address: Mrs. Stella Dhinakaran (Esther Prayer Group), 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai, 600 028, Email: - June 2024 JESUS CALLS 33

Quality education is the lifeline to an individual's success & the Nation's progress.

Over the years, SEESHA has been supporting the holistic development and facilitating the upward social mobility of impoverished children through several educational initiatives. Some of them are highlighted below:

SEESHA Learning Centres offer free coaching for nearly 3,000 disadvantaged children living in 40 vulnerable communities across India.

Educational scholarships: Deserving students who are unable to afford their education are encouraged through financial aid, enabling them to attend schools & colleges regularly. So far, 1008 students have been provided scholarships.

Summer camps for children in target communities are organised to showcase the children's talents and boost their confidence.

Pre-examination & career guidance programmes are conducted for students to prepare them for board exams and guide them in selecting the right course after finishing school.

SEESHA School Kits: Every year, SEESHA distributes thousands of school kits to disadvantaged children to equip them adequately with tools to pursue their education. Each school kit comprises a school bag with 14 stationery essentials that optimize learning.

I was facing a bleak future as education took a backseat in my family. Thankfully, the excellent coaching I received from the SEESHA learning centre has enabled me to score 480/500 (96%) in my tenth exam. I’m grateful to SEESHA for transforming my life for the better!

- Ms. V. Dharsika, 10th passed out, Surandai.

Achieving excellence through SEESHA!

Though I faced a lot of challenges while growing up due to my deprived family background, SEESHA’s support through its Learning Centre & school kits over the years has equipped me to learn well and score 525/600 (88%) in my HSC exams. Thank you, SEESHA, formaking me optimistic about my future!

- Mr.P.Nidhesh, +2 passed out, Cuddalore.

The SEESHA school kits project has been rolled out this year as well, and even as we continue to empower 25,000deprived children's academic journey, you too can join us in this noble mission in the following ways:

• Sponsor school kits for 2 children: Rs. 1,000/-

• Sponsor school kits for 10 children: Rs. 5,000/-

• Support one SEESHA learning centre: Rs. 10,000/month

* You may sponsor any number of school kits as you wish.

JESUS CALLS June 2024 - 34
Owned by Jesus Calls and Published by Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran from 16,Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 28. Printed by Mr.Paul Aravamuthan at Bapuji Printers, 5, Kurban Ali St, Woods Road, Chennai-2. Editor: Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran
36 Regd. Newspaper RNI No.TNENG30411/73

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