Jesus Calls (English) - September 2018

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Honour instead of Shame During my school days, I studied with a great desire to get high marks. However, I had to go through much humiliation without any reason. During those days when I was heartbroken, my parents enrolled me in the “Jesus Calls” Young Partners Plan. Even though I put in great effort, I couldn’t get the marks I desired and the recognition in my studies. When I was in 10th standard, I happened to watch a “Jesus Calls” television programme on January 19th, 2009. In that programme, Evangeline Paul Aunty prophetically said, “a young girl is with great agony that she always comes second. The Lord loves you. You will have first place this year” and then prayed. I claimed that prophecy for myself and earnestly prayed. Finally, I got the much-needed recognition and my long-awaited desire came to pass when I achieved the first rank in my school during my 10th standard exams. I was under much pressure till then, but the Lord gave me great honour and continued to bless my studies. He was gracious to enable me to join the Medical College and successfully finish my MBBS course as well. I praise the Lord who blessed me with good wisdom and exalted me in studies. I convey my thanks to Evangeline Aunty who prayed for me. - Dr. Diana Josephine, Idayangudi, Tirunelveli

Promotion after a False Accusation I was working as a manager in a renowned company. One of my colleagues committed financial fraud with the money collected from the distributors and also linked my name to that fraudulent case without my knowledge and due to this, the company started to take action on me. I had to go through economic crisis as the distributors and the company administration began to tighten their hold on me. 2

Even though I was not involved in this financial fraud, I had to resign my job with much grief. I was in need of an excellent job to tide over my severe economic crisis. At this point, I went to the “Jesus Calls” Prayer Tower at Vizianagaram, and committed myself at the feet of the Lord and prayed along with the prayer intercessors to give me a new job. The Lord heard our prayers at the Prayer Tower and was gracious to me as I was selected for another large company at Pune for even a higher position than the one I previously held. I thank the prayer intercessors who prayed for me. I praise the Lord for changing my reproach into honour. - Shankar Rao, Vizianagaram, Andhra Pradesh

Blessed from Birth My daughter Evangeline suffered greatly due to chronic vomiting and diarrhoea when she was just 1½ years old. The doctors who treated her said, “Chances of her survival are very slim, only God can save her.” At that time, I made a vow saying, “I will enroll my daughter in the Young Partners Plan ” and prayed with faith that the Lord would heal her and give her life. The Lord accepted my vow and healed my daughter completely. I immediately took my daughter Evangeline to the “Jesus Calls” Prayer Tower and enrolled her in the Young Partners Plan. God's grace has been upholding my daughter, and she has witnessed miracles in her life from the time she was 1½ years old. According to the promise

given to the Young Partners, the Lord protected her from all harm and also granted her wisdom. The Lord was gracious enough to enable her to study well and be successful by acquiring very high marks. She came out with flying colors in her tenth and twelfth standard exams. The Lord also granted her to excel in her engineering course. Through campus placement, she was selected for a job in an international company even while pursuing her graduation in engineering. The Lord graciously enabled us to conduct our daughter’s wedding on May 25th, 2018 in a grand manner. In addition to the wisdom and protection granted to young partner Evangeline, the Lord has given her a bright future as well. I thank all the prayer intercessors who are continually praying for her. All praise, honor and glory to the Lord. - P.Esther, Chennai

Success in NEET Exam My children are Young Partners of “Jesus Calls.” My elder daughter Feming Glora acquired high marks in her school studies and had completed her medical course too. This year, my younger daughter Chelsea wrote her Daughter Chelsea 12th standard exams and was preparing for the National Eligibility and Entrance Test (NEET) to join the medical course. We were greatly worried as her 12th standard marks were much lesser than what she had expected. I had written a letter to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran requesting his prayers for her before my daughter Chelsea appeared for the NEET exam. He had responded saying that he was earnestly praying for her. Through his prayers, the Lord graciously granted her to be successful in the NEET exam. As I had already vowed, I had sent in my free will offering for “Jesus Calls” ministry. All glory to God. - R. Jane Sylvia, Kallidaikurichi

You can call the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower anytime at 044-33 999 000 . You can also visit the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower in your locality for prayers and participate in the meetings that are held there and be blessed. To know more about the details of the Prayer Towers, visit the website or call the Toll Free no. at 1800 425 77 55 from 7 am till 9 pm.

You can send in your prayer requests to the address, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, “Jesus Calls,” 16, D. G. S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028 or via e-mail: - September 2018 JESUS CALLS



o you realize that you possess the keys of heaven in your hand, in your heart, in your tongue, and your life? You can open and close anything in Heaven from earth. Our God has that much love for you, and that’s the authority He has given you as His dear child. You also have the authority to overcome the powers of darkness that comes through the words and deeds of men, the power of evil and the disappointments of this world; and we have the keys of the Kingdom of God to overcome the situations and to receive God’s riches along with His love, peace and joy. Today, the Lord has given us the keys to His kingdom, and we will be connected to heaven. 4

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Do not be mesmerized with the things of this world. Instead, fix your eyes on the One who has all power over the earth and heaven and get connected to Him (Psalm 121:1,2).

“I (the Lord Jesus) say to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance.”

What connect us to Heaven

“Likewise, I say to you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” (Luke 15:7, 10)

People wander in pursuit of pleasures of life, but all they get is momentary pleasure that fades away as quickly as it comes. There is no real lasting joy here on earth. All that belongs to this world which does not pertain to faith in the Lord is sin. (Romans14:23). The fact remains that the wages of sin is death, as declared in Romans 6:23. But, since we are purchased with a price - the blood of Jesus, His living blood pleads on our behalf (Hebrews 12:24) thus filling us with the eternal joy of heaven. This Joy is called the Joy of Salvation.

Joy of Salvation Firstly, we are connected to the joy in heaven. We look forward to going to heaven, because of the fullness of joy that is available there! “Shouts of joy and victory resound in the tents of the righteous: "The Lord's right hand has done mighty things!” (Psalm 118:15) “Then my soul will rejoice in the Lord and delight in his salvation.” (Psalm 35:9) Yes, we can be joyful in the Lord and rejoice in His salvation. However, how is this joy created in heaven? The Bible says,

Over one sinner that repents on earth out of the 7.8 billion people, there’s great rejoicing in heaven! When one sinner says, “I am sorry for my sins; I want to be forgiven; therefore I accept the Lord Jesus Christ,” the whole heaven is filled with great joy. Therefore, you can imagine how the Lord is watching and waiting for one sinner after another to repent so that heaven will continue to reverberate with joy! When you entrust your life to Jesus, there is joy in heaven. As we repent and confess our sins and commit our lives to Jesus, His blood cleanses us which brings about great joy in heaven amongst the angels of God. You are a special person in heaven, as you commit your life to Jesus and renounce your sinful ways. The Bible says in Zephaniah 3:17 that when a sinner repents or when a person leads another person to repentance, the Lord rejoices over us with singing. Can you imagine, He sings over us with rejoicing! The fact that He rejoices and sings over you fills your

heart with Joy - the Joy of Salvation! “The Joy Of The Lord Is your strength.” (Nehemiah 8:10) When the people of Israel returned from their bondage, they attempted to rebuild the temple. Then Nehemiah asked Ezra to read the Book of the Law of Moses, and he read it. As he read out the Lord’s commandments, the people cried out saying, “Alas, we have not walked according to these commandments; we have grieved the Lord’s heart; we have sinned...” They repented, cried out and confessed their sins to the Lord. The Lord saved me when I was 18 years old. My father’s message brought about my transformation, and during prayer time, the Holy Spirit descended on me. His presence was so intense that I fell down on the floor and cried like a child, for nearly two hours thereby receiving forgiveness from the Lord. This is precisely how the people of Israel cried out. Then Nehemiah stood up and declared that since they repented of their sins and had decided to live a holy life, heaven rejoices and that the joy from heaven would fill their hearts. He exhorted them not to mourn but to enjoy the strength that flows from the Joy of the Lord.

Effects of the Joy of Salvation The joy of salvation assures us that our Father in heaven loves us. The earthly parents out of love for - September 2018 JESUS CALLS


their children and the zeal to impart a holy life demand certain rules to be followed by children. For instance, my mother was particular that I dress up neat and clean when going to school. If she found me untidy, she would scold me and say, “You will never prosper and progress in life!” As I cry saying “I’m useless,” my grandmother would take me to the next room, put me on her lap and pamper me saying, “O my sweet darling, my honey, my precious treasure, my ruby and beloved of your parents...sleep under His wings.’ With these words, all of my hurt would melt away, and great joy and confidence would fill my heart. Yes, Jesus is singing over us in the same way from heaven. This great joy connects us with heaven and gives us the key to bring that joy into the lives of others to make them repent. My wife came into our family when she was just 21 years. She never knew anything about the Holy Spirit and ministry. She had just given her life to Christ, and was baptized. Six months after our wedding, her mother, who was 45 years old, suddenly died of cancer. Following that, her brother, who was a healthy person also succumbed to cancer. A little later, her father who was washing the water tank on the third floor fell and also died. Of course, her heart was broken. However, the one thing that she set her eyes on was the joy of the Holy Spirit which was filling us as a family. Every time we 6

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prayed, we were overflowing with the joy of the Holy Spirit in the midst of all the problems, criticisms and financial troubles that we were facing. She saw us overflowing with the joy of the Holy Spirit as we were speaking in new tongues every time we prayed which transformed everything in our lives as new ones. She cried and said, “Lord, I want this Holy Spirit.” “For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 14:17) The Lord had not only filled my wife but also opened her eyes to see Jesus. For one and a half hours, she saw Jesus face to face and He filled her with the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Every time she prays, she is moved by the love of Christ, and she cries with the joy of salvation and millions of people have found Christ through her. The joy of salvation that is in you will make others seek for it. You will be strengthened continually to do His will as you receive Christ’s mercy and live a holy life. So, we should be humble and love everyone. We shouldn’t talk with pride, but humble ourselves and show the love of Jesus even though someone scorns us. We should humble ourselves as Christ humbled Himself unto death on the cross. Jesus said, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34). Grace emerges through the joy of salvation which in turn humbles us and enables us

to love others. This is the joy of the Holy Spirit which the world can neither give nor take away. The joy of salvation overflows in us and then touches and transforms others. That’s the joy that is going to overflow through you. The evidence of that joy will make people ask you “What is this joy that is in you? How are you full of joy in the midst of all the troubles in the world?” That would be the starting point for you to lead them to Christ.

The blood of Jesus intercedes for us and our prayers go as incense, and when they both are combined it becomes fire. This fire cleanses us from the dead works of this world Being Connected to Heaven When we are connected to heaven, we are not only connected with our prayers but we are also connected with the answers to our prayers that come from heaven. The tax collector had repented and cried out, “Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner” (Luke 18:13). The Bible points out that this is the prayer of saints. He repented and

went back. His prayer was answered and his sins were forgiven.

“Save my child, protect him/her with the joy of salvation, no harm of the devil should touch him/her.”

The prayers of saints go as incense to God (Revelation 5:8; 8:35). It is the prayer of thankfulness which arises out of the joy of the people who were made holy. When you pray, “Lord, You have saved me and cleansed me with Your blood,” that is the prayer of saints. When our prayer is not a murmuring prayer but a prayer of joy for the Lord’s holy blessing, it reaches the presence of God like sweet incense. When we pray, “Lord, I don’t have this while others have...,” that is not an incense, it’s rather a nuisance to God! That’s why God wants us to pray in the Spirit and not with our mind. Let us check ourselves and see what sort of a prayer we pray.

“How much more, then will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God!” (Hebrews 9:14)

The Lord waits for the prayer of the saints. How is He waiting? He is waiting along with the 24 elders to hear your prayer with praise for the salvation that you have received. Yes, God has kept them to accept your prayers which arise from your spirit. Then an angel of God comes and takes the incense before the throne of Jesus. He puts it in a censor and pours it on the altar. I believe that the altar has the blood of Jesus interceding for our sins. “...Jesus the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel.” (Hebrews 12:24) It pleads on our behalf saying,

Even after receiving salvation, the dead works of this world keep coming back to destroy us. The only way to overcome that is to thank the Lord with the joy of salvation. Yes, the blood of Jesus intercedes for us, and our prayers go as incense, and when both are combined, it becomes fire. This fire cleanses us from the dead works of this world. The assurance that our sins are forgiven protects us as we live in this world. However, when Satan condemns us or evil men speak against us, we can tell them that we belong to Christ. We live because He lives. No sin can overcome us. The Lord is giving us that grace today. When our prayer joins with the blood of Jesus, it becomes fire. The angel of God takes that fire and pours it on the earth, which is accompanied by sound and light.

Sound First of all, there is a thunderous sound. The sound I believe is from God saying: “This is my beloved son/daughter, in whom I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17), just

as God assured Jesus when He was baptized. When Jesus prayed, it went as an incense to God as the Holy Spirit came upon Him. Don’t be overwhelmed with sorrow or worry about the concerns of life and not knowing how to pray. The Holy Spirit will speak through you as recorded in Romans 8:26, “Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.” In essence, He says, “You don’t need to ask, allow me to ask” and He begins to speak with ‘groaning that cannot be uttered.’ So, allow the Holy Spirit to take over, and He will connect us with God. Several years ago, when my father was very depressed, the Holy Spirit took my father near the throne of Jesus. There he saw all the planets which seemed to bow before Jesus’ throne as they passed by. The Lord looked at my father and said, “My son, I am the One who controls the galaxy through my Word. If I am able to control these huge things, will I not be able to guide your small life?” Then, my father saw the earth come by. Tiny little light rays seemed to come to Jesus’ throne from the earth. The Lord said, “These are my childrens’ prayers. They come as incense and as a light to me.” Then my father saw the glory of Jesus unite with those light rays. Jesus explained, “My children will now feel My presence.” - September 2018 JESUS CALLS


We are not orphans because we are connected with heaven through our prayers. Prayer goes up from us, and the reply that is received is like fire (Revelation 8:3-5). As Jesus went on to Mount Tabor before accepting the cross, Moses and Elijah came and the face of Jesus changed and shone brightly even in daylight. His face was shining, but His heart was broken. Yes, outwardly our face may shine for God and miracles may

Since the Lord has given you the name of His beloved Son and filled you with the joy of salvation, when you pray, your prayer will go as an incense and push Satan down happen, but inside our heart may be broken, because our spirit may not accept the things that God has planned for us. That would be the only way for salvation to reach others and for the nation to open up to God. You will hear that sound every day, and when you hear that sound, you will say, “Not, my will; but Thy will be done” and the Holy Spirit will take over. As Jesus rose up after praying at Gethsemane, 8

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He had no fear. He just carried His cross. He said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34). He looked at the thief and said, “Today you will be with me in paradise.” At the right time, he gave up His Spirit as He said, “Father into Thy hands I commend my spirit.” (Luke 23:43,46)

Lightning Next, you will see lightning flashing when the angel pours the fire as an answer to your prayers. “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.” (Luke 10:18) Satan always complains about us in heaven (Revelation 12:10,11). A prayer done with the joy of salvation pushes Satan down. Every time the Holy Spirit prays through you, it connects with the blood of Jesus which intercedes for us in heaven and Satan falls like lightning. Jesus has triumphed over the devil on the cross. Since the Lord has given you the name of His beloved Son and filled you with the joy of salvation, when you pray, your prayer will go as incense and pushes Satan down. He will fall with a loud noise. You don’t need to go around saying, “Satan, fall down, I bind you.” Instead, you pray in the Holy Spirit and the answer comes and Satan falls. When God’s plan comes as a fire in response to your prayers through the Holy Spirit, Satan has to fall. He cannot block the answers. Let not your heart be troubled. No weapon formed against you will prosper.

King Abimelech made a covenant with Isaac, but then, he chased him away and commanded his men to close up all the wells that Isaac had dug. Did Isaac fight back? No, he dug up more wells. Let us also keep digging up the wells of salvation and proclaim salvation to everyone. Whenever Isaac dug up, there was water, but whenever Abimelech dug up wells, there was no water. This is what happens to those who go against Jesus because the Living Water and the Living Word can be found only in Jesus and the Lord has given us these sources. Then Isaac had a hundredfold of harvest. The king came running to Isaac and said, “Isaac, make a covenant with us so that you don’t destroy us” What a great testimony! You will have no enemies. When you are filled with the joy of salvation, there will be no enemies. Everyone will become your friends. “When a man’s ways please the Lord, He makes even his enemies be at peace with him.” (Proverbs 16:7)

Spirit of God “But he who unites himself with the Lord is one with him in spirit.” (1 Corinthians 6:17) “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 18“And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is

The Lord’s Spirit unites with us. He delivers our spirit and unites it with His Spirit so that we receive the image of God. We will be transformed to be like Jesus, and we receive His mind. The mind of Christ and the will of Christ comes into us (Romans 8:26,27). God has pre-planned what has to happen to us on earth even before the world was formed (Hebrews 4:13). When our spirit and the Spirit of Jesus unite, the Holy Spirit will reveal all of the Lord’s will for our lives. You will have answers. You will be connected to the answers as God gives you the key to the kingdom through the blood of Jesus. You are not an orphan in this world.

us. When you are connected to His Spirit, you will know the future (John 16:13). The Holy Spirit shows you the future and will make known the plans that God has for you. You will not walk in blindness and darkness, but you will walk in the perfect will of God. No man need to tell about another man to Jesus, for “He knew what was in man” (John 2:24,25). Jesus said, “I speak what I hear my Father speak. I do the works that I see my Father do” (John 12:50; 5:19). Yes, from now on, you will begin to hear the voice of Jesus. It is not doing it your way, but to do what your Father is doing. He is working in you. Jesus said, “My Father is working and so am I.” So don’t think that you are doing it on your own.

People should see Jesus through

It is not you alone who has to

the Spirit.” (2 Corinthians 3:17,18)

work to run your family. Jesus is working in heaven along with you, and you are doing the same work. Of course, He has already finished every work before the foundation of the world (Heb. 4:5). Jesus has already paid the price for the plan of God to be fulfilled; therefore your yoke will be light and easy (Matt. 11:30). From now on, your spirit is connected with God’s Spirit. Through you, many people will acknowledge the love of God. Thus, the number of people who will receive this same joy will multiply. You will witness abundant blessings in all the aspects of your life, when your spirit is connected with God’s Spirit, you will know the plan of God and doors will open like never before and experience the joy of Heaven! - September 2018 JESUS CALLS



th Anniversary

1270 prayer intercessors in 97 batches from 29 States, 3 Union Territories have prayed for the Nation so far. 2,22,60,000 man-hours prayed in the past 8 years National Prayer Tower in the capital of India, the seat of power is one of the Prophetic Prayer Towers around the world. It was established on September 4, 2010 at New Delhi to pray prophetically for the nation of India knowing God’s will for all rulers, solutions to nation’s challenges & salvation for all peoples of all language groups (Rev. 10:7,11) in accordance to the divine command of God to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, ‘You shall establish a Prayer Tower for the nation in Delhi, next to the seat of power.’(Today the NPT functions next to Parliament in direct view of the Prime Minister’s Office & Rashtrapati Bhavan - seat of Power of our nation). This is in continuation of God’s plan, revealed to him to transform those who come to pray there into God’s prophets to pray for the people to be prepared with consecration for the Second Coming of Lord Jesus Christ. Prayer intercessors from various states take turns to pray and prophesy day after day, raising intercessions in multiple languages and seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit for God’s blessings on our nation. They stand in the gap praying for the rulers of the nation and policies of the government 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days throughout the year. By the grace of God, the National Prayer Tower has completed eight years of praying and prophesying God’s plan for the Nation and the Leaders. In the 8 years, 1270 prayer intercessors in 97 batches from 29 States, 3 Union Territories have prayed 2,22,60,000 man-hours for the Nation and this prophetic prayer ministry continues....

The Prayer intercessors chosen for this great responsibility, undergo a brief induction program at the commencement of the prayer schedule. Facilities for these prayer intercessors such as accommodation, food, and shuttle trips to and fro from the National Prayer Tower are provided by JESUS CALLS. We invite you to come to NPT and join us for 15 days/1 month to pray for our Nation. 10

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As you participate, God will be delighted with you, and He will remove all your captivity, give you a double portion of blessings, protect you, and will make you a channel of blessing to the Nation. (Job 42:10). All the prayer intercessors have witnessed God’s wonders in their personal lives as they intercede for the people of the nation.

A few experiences can be seen below:  I

felt the awesome presence of God in the cabin. While praying, I had visions about India and its future. When we seek him intensely, He is always there with a word or vision for you. - Kasturi Naidoo, Johannesburg, South Africa I could spend more hours reading

the Bible and praying to God. God filled me with a burden to pray for the nation, and I had visions. For

one year I had a tumour in my body and God healed me completely

National Prayer Tower, Delhi.

during my stay here. Glory to God.

Great joy fills me when I pray for

- Ms. Vinodhini, Tamil Nadu.

the nation. I got delivered from the

 Before

 This

is my second visit to the

I came to the National

addiction of alcoholism. Now, I am

Prayer Tower, Delhi, I was a very short tempered person. However, this nature of mine had changed when I prayed every day. Indeed I am blessed and I am going back home as a new creation. The anointing sessions filled me with great peace. - Ms. Angel Simson, Assam

doing ministry for the Lord. By being a prayer intercessor for the country, God has blessed my family abundantly and my daughters are blessed with good job and married into good families. - Mr. Radha Krishna, Andhra Pradesh

Come and be a part of this great mission. You too can be blessed and be a blessing to the Nation. How can you participate? A. Volunteer: You can volunteer to come to the National Prayer Tower, Delhi and be a Prayer Intercessor for 15 days or 1 month (free boarding, lodging & training provided by Jesus Calls). B. Pray: Pray for the National Prayer Tower mission daily (2 Cor. 4:15). C. Sponsor: Total expense for one prayer intercessor per month is Rs.20,000/- which includes: food, maintenance, rental cost for a room, transport, stationery & training.

I want to be a part of “Pray For India” project (please tick your choice) Sponsor one prayer intercessor by donating Rs.20,000/Willing to donate Rs. 1000 (every month)

Willing to donate Rs.........................

You may send in your loving offering for National Prayer Tower, Delhi, PRAY FOR INDIA project as given on page no 24. IF YOU WANT TO COME TO PRAY FOR FIFTEEN DAYS OR A MONTH, CONTACT: Director, National Prayer Tower, 5th Floor, 16, Pandit Pant Marg, New Delhi-110001 Phone: 8826340044/8826340033 Email: Website: OR The Prayer Tower in your area

Be blessed by God beyond measure and enjoy God’s favor and protection. - September 2018 JESUS CALLS


- Mrs. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran

“…Our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father,…which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead…appointed Him to be head over everything for the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills everything in every way.” (Ephesians 1:17, 20, 22, 23)


he Bible refers to our Lord by different Names such as, “Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace, the Lord of riches, Immanuel, God who saves us from all our sins” (Isaiah 9:6, Romans 10:12, Matthew 1:23). He is also known as He who fills everything in everyway. (Colossians 1:19). “The silver is mine and the gold is mine declares the Lord Almighty (Haggai 2:8). We see that He is perfect (Matthew 5:48). When he enters our lives, He fills 12

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us with all the blessings. A little boy invited his friend for his birthday party. His friend asked him for his address and the little boy replied, “My house is on the seventh floor. You should climb up the stairs. You will see a cross on my door. When you see it you have to ring the calling bell. You have to use your elbows to press the switch of the calling bell. You have to open the door and hold it with your foot and then come inside”. Confused over his multifarious instructions, the friend asked him, “Why should I ring the calling bell with my elbow, and

why should I open the door with my foot?” The little boy, with great expectation replied, “Won’t the presents that you have bought for me be full in your hands? So you will not be able to use your hands to press the switch and you won’t be able to open the door, isn’t it? That’s why I told you this.” Even our Lord’s heart is like that. He is eagerly expecting that we should enter His presence in fullness. Our cup should be overflowing. His will is that His children should not lack anything and that they should be blessed with everything. The honeybees fill the empty honey comb with sweet nectar from the flowers. Similarly, when we enter the presence of the Lord, He fills us with His sweet presence

and transforms us into sweet scented flower for Him (2 Corinthians 2:14). The Lord wants us not only to be His followers, but to be filled with Him and to show Him to the world. Therefore, He will fill you too.

When we are filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, we are filled with happiness, peace, goodness and wisdom in all aspects. Apostle Paul says, “I can do all this through him who gives me strength” (Philippians 4:13).


Here is the testimony of Dr. Neelima Heranz & family from Ranchi, Jharkhand where she shares her experience about how she received the joy of the Holy Spirit, and through that the goodness she received:

“…and those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified.” (Romans 8:30) The Lord calls us to transform us into righteous persons and to glorify us. Even before you were born, the Lord has predestined you as ‘child of Jesus’ (Jeremiah 1:5). He calls you by your name, makes you righteous and glorifies you. Yes, as we search for the Lord every day, He fills us with His righteousness and glorifies us. Didn’t the Lord say, “Those who honor me I will honor” (1 Samuel 2:30). When we call upon the name of Jesus everyday and honor Him, He honors us. He lifts our head up in the midst of others. The scriptures say that the horns of the righteous will be lifted up (Psalm 75:10). That is how He will glorify us. From the hands of the Lord who fills everything in every way, righteousness along with all other blessings will come to you; you will be honored before all.

Happiness “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (Romans 15:13)

“I was privileged to attend the Jesus Calls Bhilai Prayer Festival. When Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran gave the word of the Lord, in the prayer time while she was leading us to receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit I re-

Dr. Neelima Herenz & family

ceived the fullness of the Holy Spirit for the very first time and was in ecstasy. Not only that, I experienced a cool breeze blowing upon me, and also had a great experience of speaking in unknown tongues. From that day on, my life was transformed. By God’s grace, I serve as a voluntary prayer warrior in the Ranchi prayer tower. Along with that, I started Esther Prayer Group and also doing my ministry as Jesus Calls Ambassador. Both of my daughters got the privilege of studying in Karunya. We were troubled each day because we did not have a

house. In this situation I went to Bethesda and prayed. On the very same day, from my husband’s office in Bhilai, the Lord had prepared for us an accommodation in the employee’s quarters. We were overwhelmed with immeasurable joy! Followed by that, I received the best teacher award from the college where I work, Ranchi Women’s College, became the Head of the Department and also got promoted to become the Dean. The Lord has given me an opportunity to pray for the students and teachers in my college. In this way, the Lord is blessing our family immeasurably with worldly blessings as well as the spiritual blessings. He has filled us - boundlessly filled us with His joy. We thank the Lord.” Yes, the Holy Spirit our comforter will teach you all things and will remind you of everything that the Lord Jesus Christ has told you (John 14:26). Since He is teaching you, you will be able to live in joy and peace. It’s because, joy is given by the Holy Spirit (1 Thessalonians 1:6). The Lord Jesus has not sent away anyone empty who came to Him. He healed all who came to Him (Matthew 8:16). He has such power. People who worshipped the resurrected One were filled with great joy (Luke 24:52). When the woman with the issue of blood touched His clothes with faith and was healed, the Lord Jesus assured her, “go in peace and be freed from your suffering” (Mark 5:34). The Lord Jesus, who gives peace - September 2018 JESUS CALLS


through miracles, will deliver you from your sufferings and give you peace and joy through His Holy Spirit. You may worry that you do not have faith or hope. What is impossible with man is possible with God (Matthew 19:26, Mark 10:27). There is nothing too hard for him (Jeremiah 32:27). You may be worried about your children’s future. But the Lord will bless them and great will be their peace (Isaiah 54:13). The Lord is going to do a miracle for you. The Lord who fills everything in every way will fill you with His Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will teach you everything, and will make you live joyfully (Isaiah 58:14 ;Luke 12:12; 1 John 2:27)

Love “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear.” (1 John 4:18) The Lord will fill you with perfect love. Yes, the love of Jesus will fill you. No one can separate us from the love of Jesus. If the Lord is with us, who can be against us? Because of Him who loves us, we will be victorious (Romans 8:36, 39). No man, no devil, death nor any power can separate us from the love of Christ. If you drop a sponge in water, it will absorb the water. Then if you

press it with your fingers, the water flows out of it. Similarly, after the Lord fills our life, when we go through sufferings, troubles and problems, when the devil squeezes us, the Holy Spirit will give us the strength to bear the sufferings. According to the verse, “For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of” (Matthew 12:34), in times of trouble, the Holy Spirit will make us praise His name like Job did (Job 1:21). The Lord is perfect. From His fullness, He will pour out His grace on you. You may think that you don’t even know how to pray. It was during that time when I did not even know how to do ministry, I was united in marriage with the family who were into glorious ministry. When I was filled with the Holy Spirit the Lord gave me the strength to do everything. In the same way, the Lord will also fill you. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has gone, the new is here! (2 Corinthians 5:17). Forget the past from today. The Lord says, “I am making every thing new” therefore, He will transform everything (Revelation 21:5). Through the Holy Spirit the Lord Himself is dwelling in us. In this world, troubles and problems will come, but the Lord will give us the strength to bear all the problems. The Lord is not one who tests beyond one’s strength; He will also

provide a way out so that you can endure it (1 Corinthians 10:13). ‘The blessing of the Lord brings wealth, without painful toil for it’ (Proverbs 10:22). To know about the incomparable great power, He will enlighten the eyes of our heart (Ephesians 1:18, 19). There is no need for us to worry about how to pray or how to act for He Himself will give us the wisdom that will help us to know all things. When someone trekking in a forest becomes thirsty, he starts looking out for some streams; and when he finds one, with eagerness he reaches out to get a drink of the cool refreshing water - what pleasure it gives him! The Lord calls you, “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink” (John 7:37). He also calls, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Mat. 11:28). His spring never dries up. “The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a wellwatered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.” (Isaiah 58:11) According to this verse, He will bless you through all the days of your life; He will fill you with joy, provide for you and make you walk in the high places of the earth.

UTurn Club is a place where young people have fellowship in Christ. We at UTurn reach the youth through Public events, TV programs, Social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Email). For more details: Mobile : 80561 39888 email : 14

JESUS CALLS September 2018 -

OCTOBER (Time: 9.00 am 5.30 pm) (Thursday, Friday & Saturday)

OCTOBER (Time: 9.00 am 5.30 pm)

(Time: 9.00 am 1.00 pm)

 Registration

(Wednesday ,Thursday, Friday)

Amount Rs. 1000/- (includes Delegate kit & Lunch/Tea)  Messages will be in ENGLISH and MALAYALAM (Tamil and Hindi Translation will be provided through Earphones on an additional charge of Rs. 200/per earphone for 3 days) For details: Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, Upper Pattom Road, Plamoodu, Pattom, Trivandrum - 695004. Ph.: 0471-2305551 / 9387809077 / 9446417373 / 9447182998

(Time: 9.00 am 1.00 pm)

Messages will be in ENGLISH and HINDI Registration amount Rs. 1200/- (includes Delegate kit & Lunch/Tea) For further details: Jesus Calls Prayer Centre, House No T4/14 CIVIL TOWNSHIP, ROURKELA 769004. Ph: 0661-2664099 Mobile: 8480971286, 8480971287

Clean DORMITORY Type accommodation can be arranged with Breakfast & Dinner for additional charge of Rs. 1200/- (for 3 days only). Limited no. of beds only available, on first come-first served basis. For online registration: TOLL FREE no. 1800 425 77 55 ( 7am to 9 pm)

Last date for Registration: September 30th, 2018

Pray! Participate and be blessed!! - September 2018 JESUS CALLS


Dearly Beloved, Loving greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus! Let us praise the Lord with all of our heart for protecting and guiding us for the past eight months of this year. May the Lord bless you this month as stated in 2 Timothy 4:8, “Now there is in

I am very grateful to you for

“You shall establish a Prayer

your prayers and your offerings to

Tower for the Nation in Delhi, that

‘Jesus Calls’ ministries which guide

is next to the seat of power..."

people towards Jesus who is the Righteous One. Every day, the prayer intercessors, my family and I pray for you and your family who partner with us in this ministry.

My birthday For the past 56 years, the Lord has protected me as the apple of His eye. Please pray that the Lord should continue to use me and my

store for me a crown of

National Prayer Tower

family mightily, give me good health


“Be not afraid, O land; be

so that I can travel to all the places

May the Lord place the crown

glad and rejoice. Surely the

He sends me to.

of righteousness on your head and

Lord has done great things.” (Joel 2:21)

honor you.


The Lord shall protect you and

By the Lord’s immeasurable

On 4th September 2010, the

your family as you have been made

grace and the support by you, my

Lord gave the National Prayer

righteous by His blood (Romans

dear partner, ‘Jesus Calls’ National

Tower as a gift for my birthday.

5:9; 1 Corinthians 6:11; Genesis

Prayer Tower at Delhi is

On this birthday of mine , we are

18:31). When you who are

completing its 8 years of fulfilling

planning to launch yet another

righteous, call unto Him, He will

God’s mandate. It was dedicated

significant ministry facet; the 24 hr

listen (Isaiah 65:24), and in this

on 4th September 2010 in

month, He will answer all your

New Delhi, to carry out

Bethesda, Karunya nagar

prayers (Psalm 34:17). For you

prophetical prayers for

to pray exclusively for the

who is righteous, He shall provide

the nation 24 hours x 7

protection and blessings

for all the needs of your children

days a week, according

of all our dear partners

and will bless them (Psalm 37:25).

to the Lord’s direction,

“You shall establish a Prayer Tower for the Nation in Delhi, that is next to the seat of power..." 16

JESUS CALLS September 2018 -

Chain Prayer Tower at

and staff of Jesus Calls, Karunya & Seesha. You can take time to come, stay and pray in this Prayer

2018 September 2

- Special Blessing Meeting, Bethesda, Coimbatore

2018 September 22

- Partner’s meeting, Delhi

To know more about this, you may

2018 September 23

- Prayer for the Nation @ Delhi

contact +918754426134 or e mail

2018 September 30 to - October 4 - South Africa meetings


2018 October 5

- Karunya Alumni Meet - Dubai

2018 October 7

- Partner’s meeting, Abu Dhabi

Tower and be a blessing to millions.

SCHOOL OF PRAYER By the grace of God, the

2018 October 11, 12, 13 - Prophetical Prayer Training – Trivandrum

Prayer Towers in 106 locations across India are shining as

2018 October 13, 14

- Prayer Festival - Trivandrum

beacons of hope to the thousands

2018 October 20, 21

- Prayer Festival – Hyderabad

of people who are visiting them

2018 October 24 - 26

- Prophetical Prayer Training –

every day. We are getting invitations and requests from many other cities and towns to establish new Prayer Towers. To fulfill this,

Rourkela, Odisha 2018 October 26 - 28

- Prayer Festival – Rourkela, Odisha

2018 November 10,11

- CNI Synod Peace FestivalDaringbadi, Kandhamal, Odisha

we need more trained prayer intercessors. To cater to this, we

in a better way. We are investing a

even in the midst of tough situations

are starting a residential ministry

lot in this and we need of crores of



as found in (Luke 21:2, 4) “….but

rupees to complete this deployment.

Prayer where committed men and

she out of her poverty put in all

I, therefore, encourage you to

women will be trained in the

contribute liberally towards the cost

prophetical prayer ministry and

for Technologies In Mission

various other ministry aspects by


at the


she had to live on.” It is only through these offerings to the Lord the ministry is growing. Continue to support even as we toil hard to

me and other servants of God. If

In the month of September and

you are willing to do the Lord’s

October, we are scheduled to

work full time, this will be a great

minister at the Prayer Festivals and

opportunity to get equipped to serve

the Prophetical Prayer Trainings in

will bless you from Zion'(Psalm

Him. To know more details, you may

the locations given above. Pray that

134:3). I intercede and pray that

contact +918056299988 or write to

the Lord uses me, my family and

you receive complete healing this

His servants who come along with

month as you seek shelter under


us to minister, in these meetings.

His wings!

We are also working hard to

I am thankful to all of you who

integrate different communication

had supported the ministry joyously

channels like Telephone, Email, Social Media, SMS & Web chat into a single platform called Omni Channel so as to serve the partners

carry the hope of Christ and pray for the people in need. The Lord

Your loving brother,

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran Please refer to page 24 for how to send your offerings to ‘Jesus Calls’ ministries in simple ways. - September 2018 JESUS CALLS


“...Remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms His covenant, which He swore to your ancestors, as it is today.” (Deuteronomy 8:18) Today the world is facing financial turmoil which affects many businesses. However, in the midst of these turmoils, the Lord wants to prosper His people who build His kingdom (Malachi 3:10,11). With this sole aim, the Business Blessing Plan was dedicated on 7th September, 2008 to pray for the blessing of dear partners enrolled in this plan and to make their lives profitable and meaningful through the business they do. This Plan has been successfully running for ten years, and we have received numerous testimonies on how the Lord blessed the business establishments and trade of these beloved partners in amazing ways. One such testimony is given below: I am Winstan from Chennai who has been blessed through the ‘Business Blessing Plan.’ 15 years ago, I started a small business of supplying uniforms to schools and colleges. However, suddenly, I began to face severe losses in the business. The customers did not make the payments on time resulting in huge debt on my shoulders. Four years ago, when I applied for a loan in a bank, it was rejected stating that I was not eligible. ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower was near that bank, and so, whenever I had to go to the bank, I did not fail to visit the Prayer Tower. I spent some time in the chapel and also prayed with the prayer intercessors. God heard those prayers and miraculously got the loan sanctioned. As a token of love and gratitude and renewed faith, I went first to the Prayer Tower and enrolled my business in the Business Blessing Plan. After that, God started blessing my small business, and I began to receive multiple orders enjoying profits after a long time. The business that I was doing from home, now expanded to owning a factory. I cleared all my old debts. I would visit the Prayer Tower every time a pamphlet is printed to promote our products and pray for our promotions. Today, we have expanded our business abroad, and we have a branch in Singapore, too. Recently we had the opportunity to meet Dr. Paul Dhinakaran as a family and pray with him. My family and I are not only Business Blessing Plan partners but we also are a partner of Jesus Calls, TV sponsor and my son is a Young Partner! All Glory to God! 18

JESUS CALLS September 2018 -

Yes, my friends! Even as you enroll your shop, trade, business or industry in this Plan, the Almighty Lord will surely grant you and your business the divine protection and prosperity. The Lord will teach you to be profitable and expand your business. If it’s a new enterprise that you invested in or an on-going activity, trust the Lord, He will not let you face a loss. For the Lord will restore everything to you in double measure, enable you to reap hundredfold blessing (Genesis 26:12) and will make you eat the fruits of your labor with peace and joy. The benefits of Business Blessing Plan are: 

Prayers by the prayer intercessors at the Prayer Towers and 24-hour chain prayer.

Special prayers at the Business Blessing Meeting conducted once in a month at all the Jesus Calls Prayer Towers in India for the blessing of business owners, entrepreneurs, traders, and industrialists.

Prayers of the Dhinakarans and also God’s revelation for those seeking God’s will in their business endeavors.

Therefore, as you enroll in this plan, your business will function with ease as you have set your business on Christ, our Rock and Heaven’s treasure. Become a channel of blessing to millions through this mission of Jesus Calls. I am led by the Lord to support the Business Blessing Plan (please tick your choice) Every year

Every month

I want to donate Rs……………………………..................../Name:.........................................................................Partner code (if any) ............................................. Address:...................................................................................................................................................... Mobile: ....................................... Email:......................................................................................................... Name of my own Company / Business.......................................................................................................... Birthday ............................................................

Wedding Day ..............................................................

MY PRAYER REQUEST: “Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayer made in this place.” (2 Chronicles 7:15) 1. ......................................................................................................................................................... 2. .......................................................................................................................................................... 3. .......................................................................................................................................................... Simple ways to send your donations to Business Blessing Plan is found on page 24 For more Toll free, 1800 425 77 55 ( 7am to 9 pm)

Sow into people’s lives and Reap blessings in your business! - September 2018 JESUS CALLS



JESUS CALLS September 2018 - - September 2018 JESUS CALLS


(God’s message given by dear late Bro. D. G. S. Dhinakaran)

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me.” (John 14:1)


ur gracious Lord Jesus,

and John who boasts of leaning on

knowing very well what

Jesus’ bosom, quips in, “Lord, who

confusion and trauma

is it?” and Peter comes back with,

awaited His disciples when He

“Lord, why can’t I follow you now?

gives His life for mankind’s salva-

(John 13:37). Didn’t I leave my

tion in such a horrendous way, pre-

boat and my father to follow you?

pared them with:

I will lay down my life for you.”

“My children, I will be with

They were all troubled for they did

you only a little longer. You

not know what the future held for

will look for me, and just as


I told the Jews, so I tell you

Jesus knew their sorrow and

now: Where I am going, you

said, “Don’t let your hearts be

cannot come.” (John 13:33)

troubled.” Yes, they needed this

The broken hearted disciples reacted in different ways: Peter,

comforting assurance - “Don’t let your hearts be troubled…”

who was always the first to speak,

Is it not enough to believe in

blurted out, “Lord, where are you

God? Why did Jesus say

going?” This was followed by Tho-

believe also in me?

mas saying, “Lord, we don’t know

Many years ago I used to write

where you are going, so how can

letters to a man of God to pray

we know the way” (John 14:5),

for my sick mother’s recovery;


JESUS CALLS September 2018 -

he would always send response letters back to me assuring me of his prayers. Gradually, his responses became few and far between, until they stopped. Quite unexpectedly one day I happened to meet his wife, and I seized the opportunity to find out from her why he had stopped responding to my letters; she said, “brother, he receives thousands of letters everyday and he is unable to keep track and send replies. From now on please address your letters in my name and I will tell him and make sure that he writes back to you!” Beloved, even our gracious Lord Jesus is like that! He Says “I took the cross and gave My life for you. Now I am at the right hand of God and am interceding for you” (Mark 16:19, Romans 8:34, Hebrews 7:25). Therefore believe in Me, for no one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6).

My dear brother and sister, are you worried about your future? Don’t be troubled. There is a Person who is concerned about you. He is our Lord Jesus Christ. Let us meditate on the consoling and encouraging things that He has told us.

My Peace I Give You “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” (John 14:27) Peace that is fabricated and promised by the world is only fake – a peace that lasts momentarily and fades away. But the peace that Jesus gives is true and eternal. That is why Jesus added that point “I do not give to you as the world gives”. Once I met a princess who did not know Jesus. My hosts requested me to pray for her. When I met her, I asked, “What is it that you want me to pray for you?” Do you know what she said? She said, “Sir, I have everything in this world; a good husband and a son, I do not have any shortcomings; but in my heart I don’t have peace. Pray that I may have peace.” Look at what our gracious Lord Jesus tells us, “My peace I give you”. “Great peace have they who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble.” (Psalm 119:165)

According to this verse, there is no hindrance in the peace that our gracious Lord Jesus gives us. “You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.” (Isaiah 26:3) According to this verse, He gives us His peace that is totally Christ-centered and perfect in quality. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:7) And He gives us the peace that transcends all understanding. Shall we meditate deeply about the peace that Jesus gives us? When Jesus lived in this world, there were many hindrances which came by in His life. One day when Jesus was going in a boat with His disciples, suddenly a furious storm raged leaving the disciples terrified. But Jesus was sound asleep in the boat. Nothing disturbed His peace. (Matthew 8:24). Before His crucifixion when Jesus stood before Pilate for judgment, Pilate asked Him, “Don’t you realize that I have the power to either free you or to crucify you?” But Jesus calmly replied without any reluctance, “You would have no power at all over me if it were not given to you from above” (John 19:10-11). Because He was filled with divine peace, He was able to give this answer.

Today as we are also the children of the Lord of lords, nothing that rises against us in this world shall stand. Be it at our work place or any place, in the midst of any circumstance, the Lord shall protect our peace from being disrupted. Jesus was not even troubled by hypocrites. He knew very well that one of His disciples- Judas will betray Him (John 6:64-70). Accordingly he dared to betray Jesus. He went to the high priest and asked, “What are you willing to give me if I hand Him over to you?” (Matthew 26:15). Jesus knew this very well. Being in anguish, He prayed more earnestly, and His sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground (Luke 22:24). It was when He was exhausted from sorrow that Judas approached to betray Him (Matthew 26:49). At that critical moment did Jesus lose His peace? No. Did He condemn Judas? No. Filled with peace He replied lovingly, “Friend, why have you come?” (Matthew 26:50). Even after He died on the cross and rose again, He spoke about the same peace. He did not change. But in our lives things that disrupt our peace do happen suddenly. On May 21st 1986, we lost our loving daughter Angel in a terrible car accident. A fright, fear and disbelief filled our hearts. For six weeks we were mourning, “Where can we go and minister now? Our household has - September 2018 JESUS CALLS


fears and burdens vanished. Jesus appeared and spoke to us

you perfect peace. This divine times of trouble. He will never

knelt down for our morning

face to face. He encouraged us. He strengthened us to continue

prayer as usual, the Holy Spirit

to do the ministry.

He will bless you with the peace

suddenly filled us like the rain.

Beloved, are you suffering from lack of peace today? Are you cry-

that is in Him. He will make the standing to keep on filling your

that transcends all understand-

ing, why in spite of following Jesus I have this trouble? Even in the

ing filled us. All our worries,

midst of your troubles He will give


become dark”. But after one month of losing our dear daughter, on 29.06.1986, when we

We could not bear it. A peace that the world cannot give, a peace

2018 September


peace will keep filling you during leave you as orphan in this world.

peace that transcends all underheart. Let not your hearts be

We invite you to SEND YOUR PRAYER REQUESTS THROUGH LETTERS, EMAIL OR FACEBOOK Address: Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Jesus Calls, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028 E-mail: Facebook:

Simple WAYS TO SEND YOUR DONATIONS Through Prayer Tower: You can visit the Jesus Calls Tower in your area to make a donation in person by Cash / Swiping Machine. Through Post Office: By “Mobile Money Transfer” through Post Offices to the number 9840900 480. By Money Order & EMO, address: Jesus Calls, No. 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028. By Demand Draft / Cheque: Drawn in favour of “Jesus Calls” and can be sent by Registered Post to the address: Jesus Calls, No. 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028. Through Online: using Credit/ Debit card / Net Banking and Mobile Wallets through the website Transaction details can be intimated to our Toll Free 18004257755 – Functions daily from 7 am to 9 pm. By Bank: Beneficiary: JESUS CALLS Account No.: 000901056144, Bank: ICICI Bank Ltd, Nungambakkam Branch, Chennai 600 034. IFSC: ICIC0000009. Details of the donations sent directly to the Bank can be intimated through the email: Through Ambassadors: To know the Jesus Calls Ambassador in your local area please contact the Toll Free 18004257755 (functions daily from 7 am to 9 pm) Jesus Calls Mobile App: Download the new Jesus Calls mobile app from Google play store and then you can make your donation through the mobile app. Paytm: Scan the QR Code with your smartphone and donate For 24x7 Prayers: TAMIL/ENGLISH (044 - 33 999 000)  TELUGU (040 - 33 999 000)  HINDI/ PUNJABI (011 - 33 999 000)  KANNADA (080 - 33 999 000)  GUJARATI (079 - 33 999 000)  MALAYALAM (0471 - 33 999 000/ 2300555)


JESUS CALLS September 2018 -

600 Television Programs every month… in 7 Languages… through 19 Channels… Directly to your home…

In the year 2002, my father suffered a paralytic stroke and was in a very bad condition while I was pursuing my studies in engineering. So, there arose a situation wherein along with my studies, I had to manage the Petrol Bunk Company that he was dealing with at that time. It was at this juncture that I came to know that my father had invested a lot of money in the construction of a guest house and I was so overwhelmed by the heavy burden of debt. In this terrible situation, interest to the tune of lakhs of rupees had to be paid. I thought that the only way to get out of this was to sell that guest house and repay all the debts. In spite of struggling for 5 years, there were terrible glitches and I was unable to sell it. I met many people and asked for their counsel but still nothing happened. On the other hand, even though my father

recovered, he still was not in good health as he was not completely delivered. I could not concentrate on my studies because of this and I somehow got through with great difficulty. Then I thought of starting a travel agency and use the profit that I get from it for expanding my business. But there too I failed terribly. In this situation, in the year 2007, a person encouraged me to watch the ‘Jesus Calls’ program. As I watched it for the first time, I wondered as to how God’s Word was preached mightily, how the people received miracles and gave testimonies. Then I continued to watch these programs which gave me great comfort and hope. There arose a faith within me that the Lord Jesus will perform a miracle for me too. I even started correspondence through letters with Dr.Paul Dhinakaran. All his reply letters gave me the assurance that all my problems will be solved. To my amazement, in the year 2007, I was able to sell for a very good amount that same property which could not be sold previously. All my debts were repaid and God’s blessings continued to increase in our lives.

I got married in November 2008 and in August 2009 I took part in the ‘Jesus Calls’ Power Ministry Training Camp. The Lord filled me with His Spirit and from that day onwards there was a change in my prayer life as well as spiritual life. I started to minister to others and through my prayers, the Lord did many miracles in their lives. I became very much involved in ‘Jesus Calls’ Ministry. In December 2009, I sponsored a ‘Jesus Calls’ TV Program and sent in a prayer request asking for normal delivery for my wife. Dr.Paul Dhinakaran prayed for that request in that program. God heard that prayer and gave a boy baby through normal delivery in January 2010. Moreover, in January 2016, He once again gave us a boy child and honored us. The Petrol Bunk that I was managing gained recognition by qualifying as toprated in the district. Even my travel agency business started faring well. We who have received good health, prosperous business and the grace to do ministry through the ‘Jesus Calls’ Ministry, give all the glory only to the Lord. - Prateek Jain, Bijnor, Uttar Pradesh

The ‘Jesus Calls’ TV programs have been giving comfort and new hope in the lives of many people like brother Prateek Jain; You can enroll yourself as a T.V. Club member or sponsor a program in order to experience miracles in your life too. As the Lord leads, I would like to sponsor the Television program (Kindly tick) I am sending Rs.30,000/- as donation to sponsor a television program. (Herewith I have enclosed my family photo) I am sending Rs.10,000/- as donation to co-sponsor a television program. I would like to sponsor …………………………. T.V. Program (Select from page No. 42) I am sending donation of Rs.100/- per month towards the T.V. Club Ministry. I am sending donation of Rs…................….. per month towards the T.V. Club Ministry. Simple ways for sending donations to ‘Jesus Calls’ Television Ministry is found on Page No.24 in this issue. - September 2018 JESUS CALLS



JESUS CALLS September 2018 -

the Lord in the midst of the troubles are blessed. “Though He (the Lord) slay me, yet will I trust Him…” (Job 13:15) “…And whoever trusts in the LORD, happy is he.” (Proverbs 16:20) “…Happy are the people whose God is the LORD!” (Psalm 144:15; 33:12) “Happy is he who has the God of Jacob for his help, Whose hope is in the Lord his God.” (Psalm 146:5) “…O LORD of hosts, Blessed is the man who trusts in You!” (Psalm 84:12) “For You are my hope, O Lord GOD; You are my trust from my youth.” (Psalm 71:5) In this worldly life, every day we are facing various problems, sufferings and unbearable difficulties. Yet the Bible says that those who trust

Job, the man of God, reveals His trust in the Lord in the midst of unbearable afflictions. Also King Hezekiah had tremendous trust on God (II Kings 18:5) that when his enemy asked him, "What confidence is this in which you trust?” (II Kings 18:19), Hezekiah did not step back from his trust but went to the temple of God, spread out the letter from the messengers, placed it at the feet of the Lord and pleaded with Him saying, “Lord, fight the battle for me”. The Lord heard his plea and fought for him. He made the king who came to fight with him to return by another route and commanded a peaceful end to Hezekiah. You too should hold on to the Lord as your hope, under all circumstances. This is the secret of suc-

cessful Christian life - “…this mystery…. which is Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Colossians 1:27). Charles Wesley and John Wesley’s mother used to commit all the matters of her family and her responsibilities at the feet of the Lord. Every night before going to bed, she would place her hands on the head of each child and pray for them. Only then she would go to sleep. Every morning she would rise up early, well ahead of the children and again place her hands on their heads, commit everything concerning them as well as their future at the feet of the Lord. The mother’s firm trust in the Lord made all her children into the most blessed descendants. My dear sisters, perhaps the problems in your life may be like that of the overflowing River Jordan. Learn to look up to the Lord with firm trust, even in the midst of that. Then all the problems in your family life would vanish without a trace. Jesus the victorious King would dwell in your family. So, have Him - September 2018 JESUS CALLS


as your hope and refuge. "Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, And whose hope is the LORD. For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, Which spreads out its roots by the river, And will not fear when heat comes; But its leaf will be green, And will not be anxious in the year of drought, Nor will cease from yielding fruit” (Jeremiah 17:7,8). According to this promise, the Lord would richly bless you and your family when you place your firm trust on Him. Let us meditate briefly on how to receive blessings by placing our trust on the Lord and be united with Him in the midst of various problems and difficulties on life.

Blessing of resting in hope “I have set the Lord always before me; Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved. Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoices; My flesh also will rest in hope.” (Psalm 16:8,9) In this worldly life, because of various struggles and troubles in family life, we often become dejected. The main reason for troubles is that people do not have Christ with them. The families that are built on Jesus Christ, the Rock would never be moved (Luke 6:48). When Jesus is the Head of the family, there would always be divine peace. When you face differences of opinion, troubles or painful incidents, the place where you should go is not 28

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your mother’s house or friends’ place or to a lonely place; no, you have to turn to Jesus placing your confidence on Him saying, “The feet of Jesus is enough for me.” “Listen, O daughter, consider and give ear: Forget your people and your father's house. The king is enthralled by your beauty; honor him, for he is your lord.” (Psalm 45:10, 11)

When you trust God and place your confidence in Him to the extent that you literally feel that the feet of Jesus is all you need, your problems will vanish like the snow that melts in sunlight! So, whenever any problem occurs or when there is misunderstanding between the husband and wife, immediately you should go to the feet of God. Place your entire trust on Him for He will never forsake you and will guard you. Sis. Kanchana of Chennai shares her testimony as to how her family was reunited because of the trust she had on the Lord: “I’ve been married for more than 30 years and we have two sons

and a daughter. My husband was addicted to alcohol. Due to his hardcore addiction we suffered a lot in the family. Suddenly one day he left me taking with him our two sons. My daughter was with me and she was then studying 7th grade. We struggled even for the next meal. Not knowing what to do, I went to our relatives expecting some help but they shunned us. I did not know how to live. Later on I managed to get a job as a maid servant. My daughter and I lived on that income although we continued to struggle with difficulties. At this juncture, the mistress of the house where I was working told me about the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower. I started visiting the Prayer Tower. When I heard about the meeting that was being conducted by Sis. Stella Dhinakaran at Vanagaram Prayer Tower, I decided to attend the meeting. That day Sis. Stella Dhinakaran said, “Trust the Lord. He would do a miracle for you” I was amazed to hear this. A great trust on the Lord was born in me. Since that day, I started holding onto the Lord and became His daughter. I further watched the Jesus Calls TV programs and joined Sister Stella Dhinakaran in prayer and was praying for my husband and for our reunion, with hope. What a wonder! All of a sudden, my husband who had left me came back to me! Also he was miraculously delivered from the drinking habit.

Now my husband, children and I are happily living together. My husband, who used to hate Jesus, has accepted Him as his personal Savior and accompanies me to the Prayer Tower for prayer. Our family is filled with peace and joy.” My dear sisters, you too should hold onto the Lord firmly in prayer, with hope. Your hope will not be in vain. The Lord will never forsake you. If you pour out your heart in His presence, you would taste miracles every day. Whatever your problems are, you will never be moved (Psalm 16:8) as David said.

Peace and Joy by Hope “Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 15:13) By the hope brought by the power of the Holy Spirit, there would be peace in your life in this world as well as in the family life. St. Paul says that though we are said to be sorrowful, we are happy. The Bible says that the righteous are as bold as a lion (Proverbs 28:1). We, who have accepted the Lord, are the righteous people. Hence, we need to be as bold as a lion. It is the Holy Spirit, who gives us this boldness. Remember, “Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,” Says the LORD of hosts.” (Zechariah 4:6) "But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be

witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth." (Acts 1:8) It is because of the strength given by the Holy Spirit that we are able to continue with the ministry. In the beginning when we first committed ourselves for the Lord’s ministry, we had to face countless troubles and trials. Even those who loved us dearly began to hate

Ask the Lord with zeal, to fill you with His Holy Spirit and He will surely fill you. He will command His you peace and joy on you. He will encourage you when your heart is weary with worries. us for no reason at all. My husband was nigh unto death on several occasions. When we started each new facet in the ministry, the sufferings and problems we encountered were indescribable. It was the Holy Spirit who sustained us at such times. Because of the trust we had on Him as a family, He gave us faith and hope through His strength and has been thus far leading us by His hand, filling us with peace and joy at all times. My dear sister! Perhaps if you are not yet filled with the Holy Spirit,

receive His fullness right today. "Ask, and it will be given to you…..For everyone who asks receives…” (Matthew 7:7,8) "If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!" (Luke 11:13) What the Lord has promised He will certainly give, therefore ask for the infilling of His Holy Spirit now. On October 10, 1962, my husband got the anointing of the Holy Spirit and when I heard it, I too greatly desired to have that experience; I waited at the Lord’s feet day and night in Bible reading and in prayer and pleaded with Him for that. After a few months, one evening, I got a few minutes of solitude and rest amidst my busy chores. Not wanting to waste that moment by chatting with someone, I went to the corner of the room and began to praise the Lord from the depth of my heart. That’s all! That minute the Lord filled me with His Holy Spirit. My dear sisters, if you have not yet received the Holy Spirit, ask the Lord with zeal, just as how Jacob cried to Him and tell Him, “Lord, I will not let go of You unless You bless me”. He will surely fill you. He will command His peace and joy on you. He will encourage you when your heart is weary with worries. He will change your worries, whatever they may be, and will fill you with His grace and peace and joy that the world cannot give. - September 2018 JESUS CALLS


“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6,7) Here is the testimony of Sister Prema Vijayananth, Tiruvallur who received divine peace and joy through the anointing of the Spirit: “There were so many problems in our family that we had absolutely no peace. On the one hand, I had to run my family with my meager income and on the other hand I had heavy debts to repay. We could not complete our house construction. Hence I was always filled with emptiness. One day, one of my colleagues inquired me of the cause of my worries and directed me to go to the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower. He assured that Jesus Christ would change all my sorrows into joy. From my childhood I was brought up in an orthodox nonChristian family and hence I had no interest to know about Jesus. Yet I went to the Prayer Tower in Vanagaram, Chennai. I attended the Family Blessing meeting held there and prayed with hope. After the prayer, a divine peace filled my heart. I continued to visit the Prayer Tower. One day when I attended the Family Blessing meeting, while sharing God’s message, Sis Stella Dhinakaran 30

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said, “The Lord will change your sorrows into joy; when the anointing of the Holy Spirit fills you, He will give you peace and joy.” She further prayed earnestly and I too prayed with hope that the Lord would fill me with His power. At that instant my body began to shake and I felt a change taking place within me. When the power of the Holy Spirit filled me, all the burdens that

If you believe in the Lord, you will not be moved no matter what happens. By the power of the Holy Spirit, you will get peace and joy in your family. You, who trust in the Lord, are blessed! were hurting me vanished from me. A divine peace and joy filled me. Following that, my debt problems were resolved and the Lord also helped us to complete our house construction.” “…In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." (John 16:33) Having said this, the Lord is eager to comfort and console you through His Holy Spirit. Hence, be filled with the Holy Spirit and the God of Peace will fill you with His joy and hope.

Holiness given by Hope “And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure.” (I John 3:3) “For this is the will of God, your sanctification…” (I Thessalonians 4:3) “…but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct.” (I Peter 1:15) Unfortunately, many families today are leading lives where there is no trust between husband and wife. It is essential for those couples who know the Lord to build their trust on each other. The family is the basic unit where witness begins. If the witness radiates from the family, God’s blessings are on that family. “Do not deprive one another except with consent for a time that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer” (I Corinthians 7:5). Try to live together as a family as much as possible. The devil who walks about seeking whom he may devour (I Peter 5:8), would try to ruin your holy life by bringing many evil things into the family when you live apart. Hence be cautious of this. In certain cases, either the husband or the wife may be godly but the other partner may not be. In such situations living together brings in many problems. If this is so for you, you can be assured that God has not left you to fend for yourself. He has given instructions in His Word on how to handle such problems: “Wives, likewise, be submissive to your own husbands, that even if some do not obey

the word, they, without a word, may be won by the conduct of their wives, when they observe your chaste conduct accompanied by fear.” (I Peter 3:1,2) You would win your husband by your chaste and holy conduct. Here’s a word of exhortation for youngsters: I urge you my dear children, even before marriage, please pray that the Lord will give a godly life-partner. Seek His will and guidance diligently and He will answer your prayers. Sis. Beulah Babu of Chennai who won her husband by her holy conduct shares her testimony: “We have two grown up children, the older daughter is studying in the college and the younger son is studying class 6. My husband was addicted to alcohol for nearly 20 years because of which there was no peace in the family. There were always fights and quarrels. My husband used to give me money for monthly expenses.

With that I had to spend for my children’s studies also. Gradually my husband’s alcoholism intensified and he would get back the money he had given me within a few days. So I struggled a lot without money for the family needs and for the children’s education. My life was spent in distress every day. I was longing for my problems to be solved.

ing his habit on seeing my life and began to live as a new man. Since that day, we are living happily as a family.” Dear ones, there are so many women who are able to win their husbands to God, who were addicted to sinful habits through their holy conduct. Therefore, there is no need to get upset and try to run away from the family. By the trust that you have in God, and through your holy conduct you can win your husband by praying for his transformation. We are in the End Times when the coming of the Lord is near; let us receive strength from God to guard our family and keep it holy. When the husband and wife or mother and father live holy lives, their influence will be on their children and God will protect them from going in the wrong way. If you believe in the Lord, you would not be moved no matter what happens. By the power of the Holy Spirit, you will receive peace and joy in your family. You, who trust the Lord, are blessed!

On hearing about the Prayer Tower, I attended the Family Blessing meeting held there. That day, Sis Stella Dhinakaran said that the Lord would change our sorrows into joy, and she prayed for the people. I committed my life into God’s hands. At the close of the meeting, I met Sis. Stella Dhinakaran in person and she placed her hands on my head and she prayed earnestly for my husband’s transformation. I had a strong belief that the Lord would surely bring a transformation in my husband. What a wonder! My husband, who was drinking heavily every day, started leav-

ANSWERS FOR BIBLE QUIZ – 77 1. The ways of man are before the eyes of the Lord, And He ponders all his paths. (Proverbs 5:21). 2. It will be well with those who fear God, who fear before Him (Ecclesiastes 8:12). 3. Ask Me of things to come concerning My sons; and concerning the work of My hands, you command Me (Isaiah 45:11). 4. Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near (Isaiah 55:6). 5. In the day of prosperity be joyful, but in the day of adversity consider; Surely God has appointed the one as well as the other, so that man can find nothing that will happen after him (Ecclesiastes 7:14). 6. Their descendants shall be known among the Gentiles, and their offspring among the people. All who see them shall acknowledge them, that they are the posterity whom the Lord has blessed (Isaiah 61:9). 7. Whatever one is, he has been named already, for it is known that he is man; and he cannot contend with Him who is mightier than he (Ecclesiastes 6:10). 8. One who turns away his ear from hearing the law, Even his prayer shall be an abomination (Proverbs 28:9). 9. Awake, O north wind and come, O south! Blow upon my garden, that its spices may flow out. Let my beloved come to his garden and eat its pleasant fruits (Song of Songs 4:16). 10. When a man's ways please the Lord, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him (Proverbs 16:7).

BIBLE QUIZ NO.77 WINNERS Hyderabad: P. H. Swarna Vidyullatha, Renuka Perumal East Godavari: Priyanka Battula, Mahabubnagar: D. Sunanda Sundar, Kurnool: Shalini Raj Karimnagar: M. Krupa Kumari - September 2018 JESUS CALLS


Miraculous Healing The Holy Spirit led us to conduct the Esther Prayer Group meeting blessedly. He helped us to stand on our knees and pray for 3 hours.

Dear sisters and children, who pray in the Esther Prayer Group, pray with much burden for every prayer point sent to you and hold on firmly to the promise given to you with fervency in the spirit. The Lord will do a miracle. He will also bless you. If possible, try to memorize the promise verses and retain them in your heart.

Month after month, my son-in-law used to have puss oozing from his ears since birth. This time the discharge did not stop, and it was not healed even after treatment by several doctors. One day, when I went near him to apply for medicine in his ears, the Holy Spirit came upon me mightily and graciously helped me to prophetically say in prayer, “The Lord is healing you; there is no need for any surgery.” After that when he went for a check-up, the doctor tested him and said that he did not need any surgery. The Lord helped him to get miraculous healing. Since the day I got saved, I had been longingly asking for the Lord to give me the Spirit that was upon dear Bro. Dhinakaran. God has given me this gift according to my wish. - Esther Lakshmi, Chennai.

Encouraged by the Promise This month’s promise verse, ‘This is the victory that has overcome the world’ encouraged us a lot. It gave us divine strength. It was of great encouragement to us to pray with faith. Also, it gave us the desire and burden to pray for all the prayer points. All of us prayed with burden and tears. Sis. Mercy of our group suffered from high fever and could not eat, walk or talk. She was admitted in the hospital for treatment but was not healed. All of us in the Esther Prayer Group joined together and prayed for her. Also, we sent a letter to Sis. Stella Dhinakaran, seeking prayers for her healing. The Lord heard the prayer and granted her complete healing. When a Thanksgiving meeting was held in her place, she read a portion from the Bible, spoke on that and prayed for us. We had been praying with a burden for Sis. Naveena who had no child even after three years of married life. The Lord heard the prayer and had blessed her with a child. Glory to God. - S. Daisy Rani, Mettupalayam.

Prayer Opened Up New Paths Sis. Mini of our group had lost her husband and children and was living alone in sorrow. She attended our prayer meeting. This month’s promise verse 32

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encouraged her a lot and brought about a passion for praying for other women who need prayer. Sis. Selvin faced a lot of afflictions and reproach and hence hesitated to go to her church. Through prayer, a door was opened for her ministry in a new way. She is doing ministry with a great burden for souls. During the prayer time, the Spirit of God filled us in an abundant measure. He has given us the zeal that whatever happens, we should victoriously overcome the world and win souls. - S. Vimala Immanuel Jeyachandran, Vellore.

Mighty work of prayer The daughter-in-law of Sis. Vasanthy of our group had conceived. Doctors said that the delivery would be in the month of February. However, on December 24th, suddenly she developed severe body pain and suffered, unable to eat or sleep. When she was taken to the hospital, it was diagnosed that her kidneys were not functioning. She was advised dialysis, and the doctors wanted to take out the child through surgery. We were greatly troubled. All the sisters of our Esther Prayer Group prayed with a burden. The Lord heard the prayer and made her deliver a sweet girl baby on January 1st. Now both the mother and child are doing fine. Glory to God. - Kasthuri Abishekam, Coimbatore.

Grace to Pray in the Spirit The Lord helped us to pray in the Holy Spirit during this month’s Esther Prayer Group. Since we prayed to Him, we were all happy. We committed ourselves to pray genuinely and powerfully. The Lord is leading us wonderfully. Glory to God. - Shanthi Stephen, Karunya Nagar

Double fold Blessing Sis. Stella David Raj had no child even after 4 years of married life. We had been praying for the Lord to bless her with the gift of a child. Accordingly, she conceived but had a miscarriage in the 5th month. She attended the Esther Prayer Group with great agony. As sisters, we prayed earnestly for her that the Lord should give her a child and bless her family life. The Lord heard the prayer and miraculously made her conceive within two months. He has now blessed her with twins (a boy and a girl). Glory to God. - Prabha Selvaraj, Madurai.

Deliverance from Death Sis. Christina’s father-in-law was in his deathbed. He was fed only through a tube. With burden, we prayed for his healing in the Esther Prayer Group. The Lord heard the prayer and had delivered him from the bondage of death. He did a miracle in such a way that he sat up on his own and ate well. Glory to God. - Nirmala Sekar, Ambur

New Mercies The Leaders’ Meet held in

Chennai was of a great blessing to me. There was a new strength in our spirit. When I heard the testimonies, I felt guilty that we were not so zealous. We realized that we should act accordingly, with prayer and meet sisters directly. Dear mother, Stella Dhinakaran’s message, gave us the godly zeal that all of us should spread the fragrance of Christ. The Lord sent us back by giving us new mercies. Glory to God. - N. Aruna Navaneetha Krishnan, Chennai.

Mighty Anointing in God’s Presence During the Esther Prayer Group Leaders’ Meet held in Chennai, Sis. Stella Dhinakaran shared the message on the verse, ‘"The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest." (Matthew 9:37,38). This message made us realize more about our responsibilities and pushed us to do something more for God. Through the verses, she counseled us as to what we should do and encouraged us to pray to the Lord Jesus to send more laborers for the harvest. She further said that the Esther Prayer Group leaders should not be lazy even for a minute, that they should work for the salvation of souls and that they should always pray in the morning, noon and evening just as how our Lord Jesus prayed. She advised us to pray like David, get filled with the anointing of the Holy Spirit like Deborah and prays, to have a burden for souls as in Isaiah 43:2 and - September 2018 JESUS CALLS


to be useful women who would spread His fragrance. During the prayer time, I was mightily filled by the anointing of the Holy Spirit. I was filled with the presence of God. Glory to God! A.Vimala Elizabeth William, Cuddalore

Countless Miracles This month’s gathering was of great blessing. During the prayer time, the Holy Spirit came down mightily and worked. There is no space to write down the testimonies. The Almighty God answers the prayers of everyone from the Esther Prayer Group and for those who worship in faith and grants them joy. He helps everyone to taste that the Lord is mighty – both in big and small matters. The only daughter of Sis. Mary was very sick and admitted to the hospital. God delivered her. He made Sis. Shenbagam’s daughter happy by blessing her with a child after 6 years of married life. Sis. Sirumalar suffered without water

for 5 years, despite boring her well thrice and now the Lord has helped her to get good waters through bore well. He has changed the drinking habit of Sis. Saral’s son-in-law. God graciously helped Sis. Bhama Gopalan to undergo a successful surgery for a tumour in her uterus. The Lord made us understand what Sis. Stella Dhinakaran has mentioned in the Prayer Points - ‘This is the victory that has overcome the world.’ Glory to God. - R.E.J. Malar Devasahayam, Melagaram.

Revival in Prayer Life Three of us from Mayiladuthurai attended the Esther Prayer Group leaders’ Meet held at Chennai and were seated in the first row. When dear mother Stella Dhinakaran was speaking about God’s calling and ministry, the Holy Spirit came upon the three of us mightily. Unable to bear the power of the Holy Spirit, our legs began to stumble. The meeting was a great blessing. Her loving words were of great revival to our lost prayer life. It was a joy

for us to see her face and to be in the Prayer Tower. After returning to our place, we met the sisters who had stopped the Prayer, appointed a leader for them and encouraged them. They too promised that they would conduct the Prayer Group continually. Glory to God. - J. Natchathiram, Myladuthurai.

Conviction and Restoration One of the sisters in our Esther Prayer Group did not attend the prayer regularly and so I gave her a particular prayer point and asked her to attend the prayer along with two more sisters near her house. When she participated in the prayer, she shared her testimony saying, ‘The Lord convicted me of my lack of interest to pray and read the Bible. Now I am praying for the prayer points. I have come back to my original spiritual state. I now read the Bible and pray cheerfully”. Glory to God. - Mary Samathanam Samuel, Ekkadu

God’s Miracles in the Junior Esther Prayer Group Grace to Pray The children, who attend the Prayer do not know to pray. So, every day my mother taught them how to pray. This month, all the children mentioned the verses and prayed well. Glory to God. - V. Esther Beulah, Chennai. My Dear Sisters, Accordingly, if the Spirit of the Lord prompts you or young children to start an Esther Prayer Group or Youth Esther Prayer Group or a Junior Esther Prayer Group or a Couples Esther Prayer Group in your area or in your home or hostel or in any place convenient to you, so that the women/young girls/children/couples in your area could be blessed, and revived, please come forward. This is the end time. Make use of the time given to you. Let us hasten to build the Lord’s kingdom. Contact Address: Sister. Stella Dhinakaran (Esther Prayer Group) 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028 Email: 34

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Answer: "Even so it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish”

(Matthew 18:14).

According to this Scripture, it is not the will of the Lord that anyone should perish. He desires that every one of us should be saved. In that case, it is God’s will that every family should be filled with the knowledge of God and be pleasing to Him. About this the Bible says, “…who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth”

(I Timothy 2:4)

Likewise, we also read in the Bible that “The Lord is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance...” (II Peter 3:9). So, dear ones, it is very essential that as a family we know the Lord and walk in ways pleasing to Him in this wicked world (Galatians 1:4; I John 5:19). Whoever wants to please the Lord and wants to live for Him would choose such a kind of life. What does God say about Abraham in particular? "For I have known him, so that he may command his children and his household after him, that they keep the way of the LORD, to do righteousness and justice, that the LORD may bring to Abraham what He has spoken to him"

(Genesis 18:19).

My dear sisters, seek the Lord as a family and accept Him as your Saviour which is pleasing to God. We must accomplish this. So, what should women do?

Pray earnestly According to Galatians 6:2, we need to pray for one another. In a family, if a woman has accepted the Lord as her Saviour, it is not enough that she goes to church alone and seek spiritual things. Every day, she should kneel at the feet of the Lord and pray for her family’s salvation with tears by mentioning each one’s name. You should hold on to the Lord with faith and should not lose hope until the family worships together and commits to live for Him. Today, many women forget this. “My husband is not good; my child has gone astray; my mother-in-law is giving me lot of problems” - There is no use in blaming your family. This would only bring bitterness and hatred among the family members. My dear sisters, has the Lord chosen you as His child? He wants to build your family through you. The Lord asks you, “Daughter, I offered - September 2018 JESUS CALLS


Myself on the cross for you.

stopped worrying and would have

needed for all those on whom the

Wouldn’t you spend your time and

lived by the truth that she had to

Lord has placed this burden.

heart for Me and pray with tears?’.

hold on to the Lord alone.

According to the Scripture

So, if you have known the Lord and

Dear sisters, how apt is this ex-

verse, ‘so then faith comes by

if you have the knowledge of the

ample for us! Keeping this in mind,

hearing, and hearing by the Word

truth, never forget the fact that your

if we read the word of God dili-

of God’ this faith could be obtained

prayer for your family is essential.

gently like Mary, if we obey the

by the Word of God (Romans

‘Prayer’ is not praying for a minute,

word and commit all our matters

10:17). As we all know, the Scrip-

as a matter of duty and being con-

at the feet of the Lord, He would

ture is the ‘Lord’s Word.’

tent with it. It is essential that you

be pleased with our life. Also, He

pray with tears to the Lord men-

“In the beginning was the

would perfect everyone in our fam-

Word, and the Word was with

tioning the name of the soul for which you are praying and continue with your prayer until that soul knows the Lord and follows His truth fearfully. In the Bible, Mary was very devoted to the Lord. We see that her sister Martha and brother Lazarus may not have had such a prayerful life. Martha was always filled with worries and burden and was always keen on doing some work (Luke 10:38-42). When an incident happened where she had to receive a blessing through faith, she could not believe it because of her lack of faith. She could not even accept

God, and the Word was God”

It is essential that you pray with tears to the Lord mentioning the name of the soul for which you are praying and continue in prayer until that soul knows the Lord and follows His truth with the fear of God.

(John 1:1). According to this Scripture, if faith has to come into us, the Lord Jesus Christ should enter into us as the Word. Yes, as the Bible says, when the Word comes into us, according to Hebrews 4:12 and John 6:63, divine life enters into us, and the Lord’s divine power fills us. This is the divine experience that the Lord gives us through diligent and earnest Bible reading. However, we do not experience this

ily with His salvation and divine

deeply. Look at the life of the Lord

strength and bless us.

Jesus Christ, who is an example to

it. Perhaps her sister Mary might

Pray with faith

us. What did the people of His town

have prayed to the Lord for her

"Believe on the Lord Jesus

say about Him? The Bible says

sister Martha’s weakness to be

Christ, and you will be saved,

‘that they were astonished to hear

changed and for her to become a

you and your household"

His teachings’ (Matthew 13:54-56).

believer. Hearing her plea, the

(Acts 16:31)

When He preached in the Temple

Lord did a great miracle in that

We need to have faith in the

of God, they marveled from where

family and raised up the dead

Lord Jesus Christ. He said to

such wisdom came to Him and

Lazarus who was dead (John 11:41-

Martha, “If you believe you would

asked, "How does this man know

44). After that, her life would have

see the glory of God’ (John 11:40).

letters, having never studied?"

undoubtedly been changed to get

So, faith is needed for everyone to

(John 7:15). He was well versed

united with the Lord. Likewise, I

hold on to the Lord and live as true

in the Scriptures to be an example

believe that Martha too might have

Christians. Notably, strong faith is

for us (I Peter 2:21). In Matthew


JESUS CALLS September 2018 -

4th chapter, we read that He over-

have money. Only then the eyes

Jew, he desired to receive the di-

came the wicked devil with the

of our relatives were opened.

vine experiences that the Apostles


Knowing that the Lord was faith-

had. The Bible says,

My dear sisters, this is how we

ful to us, they began to come to

“for it is God who works in

should follow His footsteps and

us. We too accepted them with

you both to will and to do for

walk as He walked. As we keep

great love, and when we shared

His good pleasure”

reading His word diligently, faith

with them about the ways of sal-

would increase in us. When you

vation and the glory of living in

pray for your family, with the word,

close relationship with Him, al-

and in faith, your family would be

most all of them received this glo-

saved (Acts 16:31).

rious salvation experience.

My husband, Bro. Dhinakaran

(Philippians 2:13). Yes, dear ones, looking at how our heart thirsts, He places spiritual desire and willingness in our heart. That’s why we read in the Bible that He chooses His servants,

and I began our married life,

that become His own and fulfill His

having accepted the Lord.

Today when

Hence, we had no problems. We

you sit as a family

enjoyed united and a peaceful

and read this

life. The only reason was that

given by the Lord, this is how

chapter diligently,

Cornelius prayed to God earnestly,

the power of the

along with his family. What hap-

tives, who saw our changes, be-

Holy Spirit would

pened then? According to his wish,

gan to ridicule us. They criticized

come upon you

the Lord filled him, his family and

us of so many things and

and your family.

shunned us. They asked us,

Practice this in

Bible reading and prayer were abundant in our family. The rela-

“Why do you suffer when you


seek the Lord? Aren’t we doing well?”. We had lost our first two children and struck by poverty. Even in that lonely state, we

wishes. Out of this desire and wish

friends with His Holy Spirit. Hence, just in case your family has not received this experience, please sit as a family and carefully read Acts 10. When Peter, the man

There was great joy in our fam-

of God spoke among the people


who were with Cornelius, the Holy

placed our full faith in the Lord

My dear sisters, when others

Spirit came upon them. Today

and held on to Him. What hap-

talk bad about you, pray with a

when you sit as a family and read

pened then? Through His love,

burden for them, without minding

this chapter diligently, the power of

the Lord blessed us with two chil-

it. At the due time, the Lord would

the same Holy Spirit would come

dren - a boy and a girl. Also, He

hear your prayer and make them

upon you and your family. Prac-

gave many promotions for my

all understand your love. He will

tice this in faith. Today, it is God’s

husband at his workplace and

fill them with the glory of salva-

wish that every family and every

lifted us up in a glorious way. By


individual man and woman should

His grace, He miraculously gave

Seek after things above

be filled with the Holy Spirit. About

us material blessings like a

In the Bible, in Acts 10th chap-

this we read in the Scriptures - Joel

house of our own, car, etc., and

ter, we read about a gentile called

2:28 and Acts 2:17. Truly this is

lifted us up to us who did not

Cornelius. Though he was not a

getting fulfilled these days. Those - September 2018 JESUS CALLS


of you who have the desire to re-

anointing, along with Him. Like

pray to the Lord with desire, not

ceive such glorious spiritual bless-

Joshua, would you too say,

following the things of the world,

ings, especially women, pray ear-

“…However, as for me and my

flesh and the devil, your family

nestly to receive this today. Such

house, we will serve the LORD”

would prosper. You would become

desires would surely bring bless-

(Joshua 24:15).

fiery in the Spirit. The Lord’s

ings in your life. In His secret com-

My dear sisters and my dear

power would be manifested in you.

ing, the Lord will surely take the

families, according to the above

May the Lord grant each one of

people who are filled with such

Scripture verse, if you genuinely

you this blessing!

LETTER MINISTRY Divided Family Reunited My husband was tormented by the devil and by depression. Hence we were always fighting for no reason at all. The quarrel which started in a small way eventually became a big fight and finally both of us got separated. I took all my belongings and came to my mother’s place, along with my daughter. We were living separated since 2011. At this juncture, I heard about the Jesus Calls ministry and started visiting the Prayer Tower for prayers. After that I wrote all about my problems in a letter and requested Sis. Stella Dhinakaran to pray for our reunion. At this situation, without my knowledge my husband too had been visiting the Prayer Tower and getting prayers from the prayer intercessors. What a wonder! By Sis. Stella Dhinakaran’s prayers, my husband was delivered from the demonic problem and came seeking me, saying that he wanted both of us to live together. My joy knew no bounds. By the grace of God, my husband and I have reunited and are living as God’s children. - S. Aruna Sakila Babu, Chennai.

Bible Portion from Daniel to Malachi (Answer with Biblical reference) (Please read the portion line by line carefully. Do not search for any other help.) 1.

What am I full of? By whom? What will I declare? To whom? 2. Who distinguished himself? What was in him? Who gave thought to set him? Over what? 3. What should we ask the Lord for? What will He make? What will He give to them and to everyone else? 4. Who will speak to one another? Who listened and heard them? What was written before Him? For whom? 5. What was prepared by whom? What would it do? For what period of time would he be where? 6. Who said this to whom? What did he say he was not? But, who was he? 7. Who will be saved? Where will there be deliverance? Who said this? Whom does He call? 8. What shall we pursue? What is established? In what manner? How will He come to us? 9. Who is my strength? How will He make my feet? Where will He make me walk? 10. What is near and hastens quickly? What is bitter? Who will cry out? 38

JESUS CALLS September 2018 -

Answers must reach us before September 20, 2018 Address: Bible Quiz - 79 Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028 Email:

Transformation of the whole family I am a teacher and have two children. My husband was addicted to alcohol for more than 23 years. Every day he used to come home from work, fully drunk. Every night he used to fight with me terribly and harass me with harsh words. Hence my neighbours began to look at me with derision. Added to this, my son too got addicted to alcohol. Both father and son led a wayward life. My life became bleak. At this juncture one of my colleagues told me about the Vanagaram Prayer Tower and took me there. I went there without any hope on the Lord. Even as I entered there, a divine peace filled me. I attended the Tuesday fasting prayer and gave my prayer request. The Lord heard the prayer and helped my husband and son to leave their drinking habit. After that when I did not know how to grow in the Lord, Sis. Stella Dhinakaran’s meeting was held in Vanagaram, Chennai. I attended that meeting and that day she taught us several spiritual things such as how to live as a daughter pleasing to the Lord and how to arise and shine for Him. Those words touched me. During the prayer, I committed my life to the Lord and prayed. Today, not only me, also my husband, son, daugh-

ter-in-law and daughter have become the Lord’s children. Also, I heard Sis. Stella Dhinakaran’s message in the You Tube and started praying continually, placing my faith on Him. The Lord filled me with the anointing of the Spirit. Now as a family we are living happily as God’s children. Glory to God. - B.Annal, Chennai.

Sorrow Turned into Joy My husband was addicted to alcohol for more than 15 years because of which there was no peace in the family. Our family had no sufficient income also. Hence we could not even have proper food. At this juncture, on knowing about the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, I went there, became Lord’s child and started praying for my family peace. On hearing about the Family Blessing Meeting which was held in Vanagaram, I attended it with the prayer that my husband should be delivered from alcoholism. That day, Sister Stella Dhinakaran shared God’s message on the topic, ‘The Lord will change your sorrows into joy’ and prayed earnestly at the end of the meeting. I too joined her in the prayer. After the meeting I met her in person and requested her prayers for peace in the family. Placing her hands on my head she prayed for me fervently and sent me back. The Lord heard

the prayer. What a wonder! Suddenly, on a particular day, my husband announced that he would not take drinks any more and stopped the habit from that day. Since then he does not touch liquor and has become a new man. Our sorrow has been changed into joy. We, who could not even pay rent for our house, are now peacefully living in our own house. Glory to God. - Malathy Raguraman, Chennai.

Made a New Man My husband was addicted to alcohol for more than 20 years. Since he did not take care of the family or the children, I was in agony. I was scared what would happen to my family life. Because of this fear, I even decided to end my life. At this juncture, I started watching the Jesus Calls Television programme. One day, Sister Stella Dhinakaran mentioned the promise verse Isaiah 41:10 and said, “The Lord will be a help to you; so don’t worry”. Finally when she prayed I too joined her in the prayer, held on to the promise and prayed that my fear should go and that my husband’s drinking habit should change. Then the Lord’s power came upon me and removed all my fears. Miraculously my husband’s alcoholism was gone. Now he is living as a new man. Glory to God. - Shanthakumari Sekar, Bengaluru. - September 2018 JESUS CALLS


‘I am my beloved's, and his desire is toward me’ (Song of Solomon 7:10). All humanity longs for love - to love and to be loved. No one is exempt from this. Let us see what true love is and meditate on how to live as the most blessed daughters in this world.

Divine Love My dear ones, the Bible says, ‘God is love’ (I John 4:8, 16). We can never see such divine love in any man or woman. It is that divine love that brought the Lord Jesus Christ into this world in human form—the incarnation of God. He was made sin for us to offer Himself as that one perfect sacrifice to save us from eternal separation from God. This is the ultimate expression of God’s love for us. Let’s see how Jesus Christ reveals His divine love to us: “Now thanks be to God who 40

JESUS CALLS September 2018 -

always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing” (II Corinthians 2:14-15). According to the above Scriptures, the Lord Jesus Christ has borne all our shortcomings such as our transgressions, unrighteousness, filthy desires and lusts as well as the curses that would come upon us, on His body. For this purpose God gave Him up to suffer on the cross (Isaiah 53:10). He was bruised and broken on the cross, scourged and a crown of thorns was placed on His head - He suffered for you and me, dear sister. First of all do you realize this? Or like so many others, do you get

satisfied only with the celebrations of Christmas and Easter? No, dear ones, Jesus manifested His love on the cross because He wanted His children to live well; Thus the Lord offered Himself for us, with sacrificial love. All of us should realize the power of this commitment. When we look up to the cross and pray sincerely saying, “Lord, I am full of sinful lusts; I am cursed; show on me Your Calvary love”, He will surely show His love for us. According to the Scriptures Titus 2:14 and I Peter 2:9,10, He would change all our shortcomings, wash us with His pure blood which He shed on the cross and cleanse us and make us His own people. This love comes from the cross of Calvary. We should understand clearly that the Lord Jesus Christ alone can give us this love. My dear sisters, have you not

yet tasted the love given by Christ and become His children? The first thing that you need to do is to receive this divine love from the Lord and become His own daughter. His love, care and kindness would be more immeasurable than the love of worldly father and mother. That’s why we read in the Bible, ‘I am my beloved's, and his desire is toward me’. While hanging on the cross, one of the thieves who was crucified on the cross along with Him asked His forgiveness and the Lord did not condemn him or hate him but loved Him. Just read this in the Bible. But the Lord, as the personification of love, made him His own at that time. From today, may this love, come upon everyone of you and your family who read this! Let this sacrificial divine love of the bruised and broken Lord, work in your life. If you have received the love of this Lord, truly you are blessed.

(Acts 13:22). Though he faced several afflictions since his childhood, he was not alone. God’s love was with him. Since the presence of God was with him, he boldly said, “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me” (Psalm 23:4). When David stood against Goliath, the giant, God fought for him since he was filled with God’s love. Though King Saul tried to kill him several times, God’s love which was upon him wonderfully saved him from harm, every time. The Lord filled him with His divine love and lifted him up from being shepherd to be a mighty king and also did a glorious thing of making the Lord Jesus Christ to be born in his lineage.

“Bless the LORD, all you His hosts, You ministers of His, who do His pleasure” (Psalm 103:21).

“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28).

We read in the Bible “Blessed is everyone who fears the LORD, Who walks in His ways’ (Psalm 128:1). Look at the life of David in the Bible, he was an ordinary shepherd boy but He lived a life of trusting God, singing praises to Him from his youth. No wonder the Lord was pleased with him and declared him to be ‘a man after My own heart, who will do all My will’

This scripture has been proved in the life of David who loved God dearly. Our God is the same, yesterday, today and forever. Look into yourself and see how much you love the Lord. Like David, do you have the experience of ‘always keeping the Lord before you’? Do you believe that the Lord is with you and He will do everything for you? You need to experience de-

Divine Life

lighting yourself in the Lord and that will lift you up to unknown heights. In my spiritual life, I was at a very ordinary level. Though a Christian, I did not know to pray properly. I was not interested to read the Bible also. But God’s love came seeking me and drew me closer to Him. That’s why I started loving Him even without my knowledge. Till date His love is wonderfully leading me. Neither I nor my family would have ever imagined that my life would change like this. Similarly, you too shall love the Lord truly. Hold on to Him firmly. Then the thing that He would do in your life would be awesome. You won’t be able to believe it. Discard all your hard heartedness and the love of the world and love only the Lord and trust Him.

Divine will of God “….make you complete in every good work to do His will, working in you what is well pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever” (Hebrews 13:21). My dear sisters when we love the Lord and are being led by Him, He gives us this kind of experience. When Saul tasted God’s love and became Paul, he said, “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me…” (Galatians 2:20). - September 2018 JESUS CALLS


In this verse it is clear that he had the assurance that ‘it is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me’. Similarly, you can know for sure that Christ lives in you and not your nature or your old ways. Christ Himself would lead you as you begin to read the word of God more and more, for He says He will teach us, give us instructions and guide us as said in Psalm 32:8. Just learn to experience this. When you love Christ truly, you can see Him leading you every day. We read about this in Isaiah 58:11, ‘the Lord will guide you continually’. Also that He would go before us


and make all the crooked places straight (Isaiah 45:2) and in Isaiah 52:12, He will go before you; He will be your rearguard. If you would think of how great God’s love is, you would not long for ordinary human love and become weary lamenting, ‘Oh, none to show love; there is nobody in this world to love me”. Our God is not partial. It would be amazing. You, yourself would wonder whether it is really you who are doing such great things. Also, according to Hebrews 4:16, His mercy upon you would be great! The Lord would be with you as the

Helper in time of need. Though men of God like Joseph and Daniel were young, they had this experience. My dear young children, do not seek for human love in your young days. It would be for today but vanish tomorrow. However, God’s love would abide forever. My dear sisters, when the Lord delights in you and you are known as His ‘beloved’, you are the most blessed woman in the world! I have experienced this in my life and hence I am writing this. May the Lord speak to you! May He wrap His loving arms around you and lead you!

JESUS CALLS September 2018 - Owned by Jesus Calls and Published by Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran from 16,Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai-28. Printed by Mr.Paul Aravamuthan at Bapuji Printers, 5, Kurban Ali St, Woods Road, Chennai-2. Editor: Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran


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