The Students' Prayer Meet 2025, themed Showers of Victory, was organized to encourage and strengthen students through faith, prayer, and worship. This significant event took place at the Wings Convention Centre, St. George's School Grounds, Chennai, on February 2, 2025. It witnessed an overwhelming participation of more than 5,000 attendees, including students, teachers, and spiritual leaders.
The gathering focused on empowering students to overcome challenges, particularly academic stress, through prayer.
Sis. Stella Ramola emphasized that God

would provide strength to overcome struggles and fill students with wisdom, reassuring them that His presence would help them succeed in their studies.
Bro. Daniel Davidson urged students not to worry about their exams but to trust in God and led a prayer to remove distractions from students’ lives, urging them to seek first the Kingdom of God, believing that wisdom and success would follow.
Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran delivered a motivational talk on overcoming fear and anxiety about exams. He reminded students of Joseph’s success in Egypt, highlighting that
God’s wisdom leads to great achievements. He encouraged students to believe in God for state and national ranks, affirming that “Victory comes from the Lord.”
Karunya Students performed a special skit illustrating how faith and perseverance can help overcome life’s obstacles, inspiring students to rely on God in difficult times.
Dr. Paul Dhinakaran prayed over the event’s souvenir before releasing it. He then delivered a powerful message emphasizing the importance of faith over worldly pursuits, using compelling stories to illustrate his points.
During the prayer session, specific individuals were prophetically called by name, with declarations of healing and blessings. Some of them included: Bro. Vasudevan – He was healed from liver

disease and received a prophetic promise of becoming a lawyer.
Bro. Julius – Dr. Paul Dhinakaran declared through prophecy that he would be called to serve God through music, impacting the world.
The event concluded with a final prayer by Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran, emphasizing God’s presence during exams, blessings of wisdom, and encouragement to be a testimony of faith.
Students left the event reassured that God’s wisdom and strength would guide them to victory in their exams and future endeavors. The event successfully reinforced the importance of prayer, preparation, and faith in achieving both academic and personal success.
My Precious Friend,
God’s promise to you this month is found in Matthew 11:28:
"Come to Me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."
God will shelter you in His presence, allowing you to dwell securely. He will provide for you abundantly, and this will be a year filled with songs of praise. The trials, struggles, afflictions, and obstacles you have endured will be removed. He will surely grant you rest from all your suffering.
However, in the midst of that rest, you will not become complacent. Instead, you will witness new doors opening before you.
As the Lord continues in the next verse, the Lord will provide for you and strengthen you for the mission ahead.
“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”
(Matthew 11:29)
In 2 Corinthians 4:8, Paul declares, "We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair." This is

the Lord’s promise to you.
There is a profound difference between carrying the burdens of the world and carrying the Lord’s burden.
There was a young man in America with an extraordinary singing talent. One day, he performed at a small nightclub with only about 20 people in the audience. The owner of a major record company happened to be there and was captivated by his voice. He called the young man and said, “You have an incredible gift! You have a voice that can shake the world. Will you sing for me?”
The young man was confused. The owner then told him, “Bring your parents.” When they arrived, the owner said, “We are going to sign your son to our music label.” The family was astonished. Then, the owner asked them, “What financial problems do you have?” The parents replied, “We have huge debts.” The owner responded, “This company will clear all your debts.
Happy now?” Then, he asked, “Do you have a house?” They replied, “No.” He said, “This company will give you a house—completely free.”
Then, turning to the mother, he asked, “Do you have a car?” She replied, “No.” He said, “What color car do you want?” She told him, and he assured her that by the next day, the car would be delivered to her. The family was overwhelmed with joy.
After that, they asked, “What do we need to do in return?” The owner said, “Your son must sign a contract agreeing to sing whenever we ask him to. That’s all.” It seemed like an easy deal. The young man signed the contract and continued singing. His albums started selling in huge numbers. His songs spread across the world, and millions of people started listening to them.
As he gained fame, more and more concerts were booked for him. He traveled from city to city, performing non-stop. His popularity soared, and his security detail increased. He had reached the peak of success. But over time, the record company began to control every aspect of his life. They decided where he would sing, at what time, and how many hours he would travel between concerts. After one concert, he would have to travel 10 hours to the next city to perform. After that, he would travel another 20 hours to another city. The company handled all the bookings and arrangements.
At first, they provided him with luxurious hotels, and everything seemed fine. But as time passed, he started losing sleep. He couldn’t meet anyone. He was always surrounded by bodyguards. He couldn’t go anywhere freely. The company controlled everything. Loneliness began to consume him. He couldn’t go out with his family or even walk on the streets. Even if he did, bodyguards would follow him everywhere. If he signed autographs, the company took the money. Money kept flowing in, but peace of mind was
lost. There was no rest, no sleep. In the midst of this, someone suggested he try something to relax. He started taking drugs and eventually became addicted.
At the peak of his career, they pressured him even more. "Have you written new songs? Your old songs were great, but now you need to write something even better. It has to break previous records." Another person came in and said, "Look at how well his songs are selling. You need to write even greater songs and produce new music. Your records must sell more than his!"
Pressure upon pressure upon pressure—until one day, he overdosed on drugs and was found dead in the morning. No family, no one by his

side. A world-famous artist, yet he died alone. And what about the contract he had signed?
The company took everything. His house, his car—everything was sold off to repay the company. In the end, his family too were left with nothing. This is how the world, though it lures each one with success, money, fame finally puts great burdens and kills those who fall into it. Even those who do the ministry and does it for their fame, gratification without carrying the burden of Jesus get crushed under its pressure.
That is why the Lord says, "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."

burden is too heavy. He will refuse it."
Jesus said, “Here I am—it is written about me in the scroll-I have come to do your will, my God.”
(Hebrews 10:7)
John 9:4 shows us the burden of the Lord Jesus as He says: "As long as it is day, I must do the works of Him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work." A time is coming when no one will be able to labor for the Lord. Isaiah 60:2 declares: "Darkness covers the earth, and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you, and His glory appears over you." Darkness is spreading rapidly all around us.
In these troubling times, the Lord says, "There is only one thing you must do - carry My burden and do the work of the One who sent you while there is still time. Not for your own glory, not to gain followers, but carry My burden so that millions will follow Me. If you do not do that, darkness will overtake you."
Jesus faced this moment. In Luke 22:42-44, as darkness surrounded Him, His sweat became like drops of blood; That was the power of darkness dissuading him to give up doing the Heavenly Father’s will, the Cross . He wrestled within Himself, struggling to surrender to carry the burden of God for the forgivenessof humanity by accepting to carry the cross for it and to sacrifice Himself on the cross. But Jesus chose to accept this burden of God by saying “Not My will but let Thy will be done”.
My father saw a vision. As the Lord agonized, Satan stood beside Him, waiting. Satan said, "Surely, Jesus will reject the Father. This
At that moment, the Holy Spirit descended and revealed to Jesus what was to come. The Spirit said, "Jesus, Merciful Lord, You have now surrendered to the Father’s plan, even to the point of death. Because of this, the Father will give You authority over death. He will raise You to life. So, just trust the Lord. Trust, trust, and surrender Your life to Him. Surrender Your burden to Him."
Then Jesus said, "Father, not My will, but Yours be done." When Satan heard it, he fell to the ground and wept. Indeed, Jesus defeated Satan at Gethsemane through His surrender to carry the burden of God.
After that, Jesus stood up. His disciples, who were supposed to stay awake with Him, were still sleeping. That is what pains us the most— that even those closest to Him did not recognize the significance of that moment. Jesus looked at them and said, without any anger or condemnation "How long will you sleep?"
The appointed time had come. The season had arrived. Judas approached and betrayed Him. Yet, Jesus still called him "Friend." Even after his betrayal, Jesus addressed him as "Friend." Judas later took his own life unable to bear the love of Jesus as Jesus had still called him "Friend."
Then came the chief priests. Then came Pilate. In the midst of them all, Jesus stood as a King. His future was not determined by them—the Lord had already established His plan. Once Jesus carried the burden of God upon Himself and surrendered himself to accomplish His will even through His death, He had so much Heavenly authority; No man or His power could ever make Him afraid.
The one who pierced Him declared, "Truly, He was the Son of God." He went to death but rose again. Today, that is why Jesus is the King of kings today.
That same grace is given to each of us today. Whether we carry our cross with burden, stand before the chief priests, face today’s Judases, or find ourselves surrounded by sleeping disciples-no matter the situation, we will

receive His peace and rest. In the end, He will give us the grace to fulfill His will and glorify the Name above all names.
From this day forward as you commit to carry the burden of Jesus to bring salvation through Jesus to as many people as possible, every closed door will be opened for you. You must always say, "Lord, let Your will be done. Here I come to do Your will." No matter where I am placed, no matter what Satan does when he rises against me, no matter who betrays me or spreads false accusations-I will not fight back. I will go on doing the will of God destined for me.
Along with carrying the burden of the Lord, we are called to carry the burdens of the people.
Every day, thousands call the Prayer Tower presenting their desperate cry for help to be delivered out of their suffering. When we hear their cries, saying my mother is dying, my daughter has run away, my husband has deserted me and so on, it keeps ringing in my ears. I’m unable to sleep. This morning, I woke up at 1:30 AM. Then amidst hearing the cries of the people the Lord gave me this word of carrying such burdens and how He calls us to Him to put those burdens on Him in order for Him to give us rest. How He takes over the cries of the people and unburdens them through His power in answer to our prayers. My father used to say that carrying the burdens of others can become overwhelming and can even crush us. It can take a toll on the body, family, finances, and relationships and so on.
Moses cried out, “Lord, I cannot carry all these people's burdens alone. What can I do if You do not show me grace?” He pleaded, “Why did You give me these people? Why should I carry them? They will kill me!” When we carry the burdens of others, they
can feel so heavy that we may think we cannot go on. But the Lord knows this. This is the essence of ministry. It is how the work of God expands. It is how miracles happen. It is how His will is fulfilled through unwavering commitment. This is how He reveals Himself through His presence.
It might seem that we will be crushed, yet, the Lord has provided a way. In Numbers 16:1725, the Lord instructed Moses, “Choose seventy people for yourself. I will not choose them-you must. You know who they are. Gather them and bring them.” When Moses brought them, some were still in the camp, but most came. The Lord poured out His prophetic Spirit upon all of them. The Spirit that was upon Moses was shared with them. And after that, the Lord provided rest to Moses. But everyone among the nearly 2 million Israelites was cared for by the anointing that was on the 70 prophets. Those who received this rest led hundreds of thousands into the land flowing with milk and honey. Likewise, you too will lead every soul entrusted to you into the Promised Land.
For this purpose, the Lord raised seventy prophets, and He will raise them again from among our children. The same Spirit that is upon you will descend upon them. You will not be crushed under this burden. Your ministry will not be destroyed. Right now, you may carry this weight alone, but in the days to come, the Lord will raise the seventy in your life and ministry.
Some may fear, “If we train and raise others, will my ministry be taken over by them?” No! The ministry will expand a thousand fold. The Lord will raise a mighty army of Joshuas through you. He will raise Deborahs. This nation will be saved.
The Lord will fill every lack. Just as He provided meat in the wilderness, ensuring that no one went hungry, He will take this burden

upon Himself and raise up prophets among your children. He will establish spiritual sons and daughters in your midst. The ministry will continue without shortage, for the Lord Himself will be at work.
Finally, concerning the burden for the churches-Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 11:28, “Besides everything else, I face daily the pressure of my concern for all the churches.” What is this concern? “That my children must walk in the truth. That all people must walk in the truth”.
In 3 John 4, we read a similar sentiment: “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.”
This is why, Jesus washed the feet of His disciples-because each one must walk in the truth. Even among them, He washed the feet of the one who would betray Him. He did what was required.
He sanctified Himself for His disciples’ sake. Moreover, Jesus said, “For their sake, I sanctify Myself.” He purified Himself, refining Himself over and over, setting Himself apart for them.
Thirdly, when the disciples lacked faith, we see in Matthew 17:15-20 that a father brought his son to the disciples, but they could not cast out the demon.
Jesus said, “Bring him to me.” He commanded the demon to leave, and it left immediately. The disciples asked, “Lord, you cast the demon out, but why couldn’t we?”
Jesus replied, “If you had even a little faith, it would have been enough.” On that day, He imparted the spirit of faith to them and taught them about their ministry-not through
seminars, not through training programs, but through demonstration of miracles. He taught His disciples everything.
Before your disciples, before your family, before your workers, the Lord should perform mighty miracles through you. Speaking is one thing, but demonstrating miracles is another. This story is about Pastor S.P. Daniel from Tirunelveli. There was a large public meeting arranged in Virudhunagar where my father was invited to speak. But he couldn’t come. I was 19 years old then. I had never preached on stage before and had no experience of ministry. But my father asked me to go and minister in his place. I obeyed and stood up to speak. The Lord gave me grace. I preached. People came to me on the stage and appreciated me on my maiden mission. But Pastor Daniel who was seated behind me said, Paul you speech is nice but it needs to be powerful. Come with me. I will put the power of the Spirit in you. Just then, a demon possessed lady had come by our side and was shrieking in God’s presence. The bystanders expected me to cast out the demon but since I was inexperienced then, I hesitated. But the Pastor said to that demon, you fowl dog, leave! Instantly she was delivered. That one act of exhibiting God’s power and faith empowered me. From then on it has been a journey of miracles for the people since 43 years of my life.
Faith increases when people witness the works of God. In the coming days, He will grant this grace. God will help you to carry the burden of Jesus, the people and the churches and witness rest and peace in your life. God bless you.
In the year 2025 the Lord gave prophetic revelations to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran as published in the February 2025 Jesus Calls magazine (page 4-5) and uploaded across social media platforms.

One of the prophecies as uttered by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran: “THERE
On January 7th, 2025, breaking news in the US reported a new wildfire in Los Angeles, Southern California. This wildfire has forced thousands of evacuations since January 7th, as more than 42,000 acres of land burned across Los Angeles County due to multiple wildfires. Over 80,000 people have been evacuated, including several major celebrities. The fire has destroyed entire neighbourhoods in Los Angeles, making it one of the most powerful firestorms ever recorded in the area. Homes have been consumed by the flames, sending thick smoke into the sky.
CLICK THIS LINK TO WATCH PROPHECY VIDEO: www.jesuscalls.org/prophecy-for-2025

"And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come." – Matthew 24:14
We are filled with joy and excitement to invite you to the Jesus Calls Prayer Festivals. This May, the Lord has opened the doors for us to conduct these lifechanging prayer gatherings in Tirunelveli and Pune. We believe that the outpouring of His blessings will bring healing, deliverance, and breakthroughs—not only to these cities but to the entire states of Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra.
Whenever the Jesus Calls Prayer Festivals take place, the Dhinakaran family unites in prayer, interceding for those in need. As they minister, the Lord goes before them, hearing the cries of His people and responding with miraculous signs and wonders. His divine presence becomes evident through healings, deliverance, and transformed lives, revealing His boundless love and power.
Each festival stands as a testimony to God's reality and faithfulness, as He reveals His power through:
*Names are called prophetically
*Demons are cast out
*Miraculous healings take place
*People are delivered from pain, suffering, and bondage
*Hearts are set free by the truth of the Gospel
These gatherings showcase the unconditional love of Christ, where souls are saved, lives are restored, and countless testimonies rise for His glory.

Here’s a powerful testimony from a brother who experienced God’s blessings through a Prayer Festival:
In Hyderabad Prayer Festival, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran called me by my nickname, Deevan Kumar, and prophesied that I would go to the U.S. Though we faced financial struggles, God miraculously fulfilled this prophecy! He opened doors for my education, provided a part-time job, and blessed me to excel academically. Today, we are blessed as a family, and I glorify God for His faithfulness and for making the impossible possible in my life.
- Mr. Ch. Sethu Swaroop, Hyderabad
Join Hands in this Mighty Mission
We are going to reach the 7 lakhs people in Tirunelveli and 45 lakhs people in Pune through these Prayer Festivals. This is our chance to reach out to people with the gospel of Christ. Would you help us reach out to them?
Hosting these grand events comes with great financial challenges, covering:
* Stage Setup, Sound & Lighting
* Publicity & Promotions
* Food & Accommodation
* Pandals/Tents & Seating Arrangements
* Transportation for Ministry Teams & Volunteers
* Live Broadcasting & Webcasting
* Technical Equipment & Internet Facilities
To make this divine mission possible, we need faithful believers like you to stand with us in prayer and generous giving.
Would you sow into this Kingdom mission and be a reason for someone’s salvation, healing, or breakthrough?
You can partner with us by making a faith offering of your choice: * Rs. 3,00,000/* Rs. 1,00,000/- * Rs. 50,000/- * Any other amount the Lord leads you to offer Every seed you sow will go towards preaching the Gospel and transforming lives.
You can conveniently donate towards the Prayer Festival Ministry through our secure website: www.jesuscalls.org Or Scan the QR code to donate
May the Lord multiply His blessings upon you and your family as you stand with us in this mission! See you at the Prayer Festival!
Beloved friend in Christ, God’s promise for this month comes from the book of Isaiah:
"The Sovereign Lord has given me a wellinstructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary. He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being taught" (Isaiah 50:4).
What a profound assurance we have from God’s Word! This promise reminds us that our Heavenly Father is eager to guide us, instruct us, and equip us to be a blessing to others.

From today onward, may you hear the voice of God clearly. May the Lord Himself become your instructor, gently waking you each morning to pour His words of life into your spirit. His wisdom will teach you how to run your family and be for your family a prophet or prophetess.
Calling for a Morning Encounter
Morning is a sacred
time-a fresh and untainted moment to meet with God. It is during these still hours that our hearts and minds can be most receptive to His voice. Yet, how often are we tempted to roll over in bed, delaying this divine appointment? Let us resolve to set aside all distractions and open our ears to hear Him.
"I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in His word, I put my hope" (Psalm 130:5).
Imagine the sweetness of that moment when the Lord wakes you, His beloved child, calling your name just as He did with young Samuel. When Samuel heard his name, he responded, "Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening" (1 Samuel 3:10). Four times the Lord called Samuel, tenderly and purposefully. Throughout Scripture, we see God calling individuals by name-Moses, Jacob, Martha, Simon-each name spoken with love and

intention. And today, He longs to call your name too. Are you ready to respond?
During prayer meetings, I have often witnessed the tender way the Lord calls His children by name. As my husband would call out the names of people during these times, the Lord would also move mightily, often calling them not once, but twice-just as He called Samuel.
The Lord’s voice is always personal and purposeful. Throughout Scripture, we see how He calls individuals by name and each time, the repetition of their name underscores His love, urgency, and attention. Our God is truly wonderful, for He knows each of us intimately and desires that we hear and respond to His call.
Dear friend, in the days to come, I believe you will hear the Lord calling your name and revealing life’s details to you. He will awaken your heart with His gentle voice. Just wait at His feet, ready to listen and respond with obedience and love.
Promise of Wisdom
David, in his wisdom, passed on this counsel to Solomon:
"My son, pay attention to what I say; turn your ear to my words. Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to one’s whole body" (Proverbs 4:20-22).
God’s words are not merely instructionsthey are life and healing. They refresh the weary and revive the soul. As we incline our ears to Him each morning, His words will transform us, strengthen us, and prepare us to share His love with those around us.
We also see in the life of Daniel that God had given him a well-instructed tongue. “When Arioch, the commander of the king’s guard, had gone out to put to death the wise men of Babylon, Daniel spoke to him with wisdom and tact” (Daniel 2:14). When King Nebuchadnezzar ordered the execution of Babylon's wise men for failing to interpret his troubling dream, Daniel, a young exile, acted
with courage and wisdom. He approached Arioch, the commander, and inquired about the harsh decree. Learning the details, Daniel requested time from the king to interpret the dream. Returning home, he shared the urgency with his friends Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, urging them to pray for God’s mercy. That night, God revealed the mystery in a vision. Overwhelmed with gratitude, Daniel praised God for His wisdom, power, and light, acknowledging Him as the revealer of hidden things. Similarly, when you seek God every day especially every early morning, God will astound you with wisdom, revelations and prophecies that will lift you and others in life.
Promise for a Prophetic Calling
Yes, the Lord is preparing you for a higher calling. He is shaping you to be a prophet or prophetess, someone who carries His words to the weary and brokenhearted. He will lift your head high and position you as a beacon of hope. Your obedience in listening to His voice will enable you to speak words of encouragement, bringing healing and restoration to others especially your family. Through you, your family will come to know Christ and also receive the anointing that God gives you. They too will be transformed and your generation will be secured for God’s purposes.
So, commit to waiting at His feet, eagerly anticipating His voice in the quiet of the morning. The Lord, who knows us by name, is faithful to meet you, instruct you, and empower you for His purposes.From this day forward, may you rise early, ready to hear His call and ready to respond, “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.” GOD BLESS YOU.

Experience Divine Favour & Supernatural Blessings
Prayer has the power to transform your family life! It can turn distress, pain, and difficulties into blessings; Break the plans of the enemy and release hindered blessings; Restore honour, bring divine favour, and prosper your home. When you enroll in the Family Blessing Plan, your family will be covered daily by the intercessory prayers of the Dhinakarans and the Prayer Tower prayer intercessors. Countless families across the nation have witnessed miraculous breakthroughs and God’s abundant blessings.
Real Stories of God’s Miraculous Hand at Work Sis. Meenakshi (Aurangabad)
– As a devoted Family Blessing Plan partner, she has experienced God’s abundant blessings in every area of her life. The Lord has filled her with the gifts of the Holy Spirit, enriching her spiritual journey and guiding her family toward divine prosperity. She and her husband are now faithfully serving the Lord at the Prayer Tower, where her husband has also been blessed with a well-deserved promotion. Their children are excelling in their studies as a result of God’s favour and grace upon their household.
Bro. Rajendran (Tuticorin)
– His family is an ardent Family Blessing Plan partner. They have been spiritually filled and led by the Holy Spirit. His children are successful in their endeavours, and their home has become a channel of blessing, touching and uplifting the lives of many others.

Arockiya Jhansi (Chennai)
– With little money, she put her trust in God and enrolled in the Family Blessing Plan. God blessed her family abundantly. Her daughter excelled in her studies, securing a full scholarship and now works in IT. Her son is working for HCL, and they even started a successful business. Today, they own their own home.
Every prayer that we have invested in families never goes in vain. Seeing families thrive in God’s favour fills our hearts with joyful tears.
As you commit to the Family Blessing Plan, God's Spirit of direction will guide your family towards His intended blessings, making your home secure and prosperous in the Lord. Your pledged contribution will not only bring miracles to your family but also help thousands of households seeking refuge in the Lord.
Privileges of Joining the Family Blessing Plan:
•When your donations reach Rs.5,000/-, you will receive a certificate with a special promise verse for your family.
•You will receive a Special Wedding Anniversary Card from the Dhinakarans.
•Our Prayer Intercessors will call and pray on your Wedding Anniversary.
You can join the Jesus Calls Family Blessing Plan by sending
• Rs. 300/- per month • Rs. 500/- per month • Rs. 1,000/- per month Send your family photographs to fbp@jesuscalls.org or WhatsApp: 98409 00477 along with:
• Family members' names Date of birth • Wedding date • Mobile number
For More Details: Visit: www.jesuscalls.org
My Dear Partner in the Ministry, Every time I write to you, my heart is filled with gratitude and awe for the way you have dedicated yourself to serving God through the Jesus Calls Ministry. Your faithfulness is a beautiful testimony of God’s work in and through you.
“And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” – II Corinthians 9:8
The Lord has called us to His great harvest, and we are seeking His grace to reach the unreached, bringing souls into His Kingdom through the message of His love.

A Glimpse of God’s Mighty Works
This February, we had the privilege of organising the Students’ Prayer Meet, where thousands of young students from different schools and colleges gathered in God’s presence. The Lord moved powerfully among them, and we witnessed remarkable testimonies. Some students, despite great challenges, achieved outstanding success. Many were filled with the Holy Spirit, giving them the boldness to face their exams with faith.
To continue standing with our exam-going students, we are collecting their exam timetables and placing them in Chain Prayer, covering them in intercession until their exams are over. We trust that the Lord will guide and bless these precious children as they step into their futures. You can mail us your exam timetable for prayers.
We also had the honour of ministering in a 3-day Prayer Festival in Eluru, Andhra Pradesh, where the Lord’s presence filled the gathering.
His prophetic word touched the people, bondages were broken, and lives were restored. We also met with our beloved ministry partners in Eluru during the Partners’ Meet and had the privilege of praying for them individually and blessing them with all our hearts.
God raised a mighty testimony for Him through Bro. Ramesh who was delivered from gastric trouble and demonic oppression instantly. Praise be to God.
We thank God for making these events a great blessing, touching every soul present. But we know that there is still so much more to do for His Kingdom. So, we continue to seek the Lord’s guidance to open doors so that the Gospel can reach every corner of this world.
Upcoming Events
We seek your earnest prayers for the upcoming Prayer Festivals, asking God to fill

these meetings with His power so that His word may be ministered with authority and without hindrance.
Tirunelveli Prayer Festival – May 3rd & 4th
Pune Prayer Festival – May 10th & 11th
You are also welcome to financially support these gatherings, helping us arrange for these events where thousands will experience God’s touch.
If you live near these areas, we encourage you to visit our Prayer Towers in Tirunelveli and Pune, where you can receive prayer and spiritual support. To know more, please visit our website: www.jesuscalls.org.
Media Ministry
We rejoice in how the Lord is using Jesus Calls New Year's Promise Song 2025, "Aaseervaatha Mazhai", to bring His blessings to people. This prophetic song has already reached over 1.5 crore people, and we continue to pray that it will touch even more lives.
Exciting new program-mes are also being launched in the Family Channel to nurture and strengthen believers of all ages: For Children - Yesuvodu Kutties, Kutties Galatta; For Young People – Enna, Yean, Yeppadi? and Do You Know Your Bible?; For Women - Mangaiyyar Neram; Song Production - Thuthikka Vaipaarae; Worship - Mellisai Aaradhanigal
Important Announcement – Jesus Calls Magazine
Starting next month, the Jesus Calls Magazine will be available in digital format for easier access. It will be sent to you via WhatsApp so you can receive spiritual nourishment anytime, anywhere.
However, if you wish to continue receiving the printed magazine, please let us know by
sending a WhatsApp message saying: "I want the hard copy of the monthly Jesus Calls Magazine" to 98409 99923 or call 044 23456677 (available from 8 AM to 8 PM).
Raising 1,000 Prayer Intercessors in Every Cities
The Lord has placed a burden in our hearts to raise 1,000 prayer intercessors in every Cities who will shine God’s light in towns, cities, and villages. If you have a heart for prayer and a desire to stand in the gap for others, we invite you to join this mission. To become a prayer intercessor, write to us at volunteer@jesuscalls.org.
A New Season in the Ministry
On March 14, 2008, I had a deep and personal encounter with the Lord. It was a moment when He released His prophetic anointing upon the Ministry, performing signs and wonders and opening doors for the expansion of the Jesus Calls Ministry.
In March 2022, the Lord ushered us into a new phase – the Apostolic Era. This is not just for us but also for you, our dear partners. The Lord has promised that He will equip you, His people, to do great and mighty things for His glory.
Dear Partner, this is the season where the Gospel must be preached boldly and powerfully. As you serve the Lord alongside us, you will witness His mighty hand move in your life. The same anointing that God has poured out on this ministry will also rest upon you.
May you walk in His divine calling, see miracles unfold in your life, and experience the overflow of His blessings. Let us continue to labour for His Kingdom, knowing that our work in the Lord is never in vain.
Your brother, who prays for you, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran
Dear friend,
Bible reading is essential. The Bible says in Psalm 119:9, “How can a young man keep his way pure?
By living according to Your word.”
It is through hearing and obeying God’s word that we remain pure. God desires a holy, blameless generation. When we live by His word, He causes us to shine in this world. We need holiness, and God blesses us by reading His word. Each day, as you receive God’s word from the Bible, you receive Jesus. He comes alongside you through His word, fulfilling His promises and granting you victory for that day. He keeps us holy. He fills us with joy. He strengthens us. Reading the Bible and praying give us great strength, enabling us to do things beyond our imagination.
So, how should we read and pray with the Bible?
Jesus provides clear guidance on this in Matthew 6:913, where He teaches the Lord’s Prayer. We will now examine these words closely to understand how to read the Bible and pray effectively.
First, verse 9 says: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name.”

We are first to acknowledge our Father in heaven and pray to Him. He loves to be called Father. At the same time, the verse says, “Hallowed be Your name.” This means we should approach prayer with reverence, honoring His greatness and calling upon His name. We need the Holy Spirit to guide us in prayer. Even if you haven’t received Him yet, today ask for the Holy Spirit. He will help you to read the Bible and pray. Invite Him by praising God’s name, which will awaken both spirit and bodyeven when you feel tired or sleepy.
Secondly, verse 12 says, "Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.”
So, pray saying, “Lord, forgive my sins.” If we have sin in our hearts or hands-wrongful ways0our prayers may not be heard, because sin is not pleasing to God. How can we live in sin and still ask something

from God? We must first get rid of sin and cry out for forgiveness. So, we should pray: “Lord, please forgive all the wrong in my life. Lead me into holiness.” As we submit our heart, the Lord fills us, and He is pleased to dwell within us.
Thirdly, ask Him: “Lord, now teach me Your word.” For it is said in verse 11: “Give us this day our daily bread.” And in verse 13: “Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.”
God provides us with the daily bread of His Word. We are strengthened, kept from temptation, and delivered from evil when we receive it. So, pray saying: “Lord, teach me and give me Your daily Word.” Then, open the Bible and start reading, asking the Holy Spirit: “Fill me, Lord. Teach me. Let me hear Your voice.” It is essential to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit as we read the Bible. We may not fully understand what God is saying if we don't.
So, before reading, ask Him to fill you. Then, start reading a chapter. Sometimes, you may not immediately recognize which verse God is speaking through. In such moments, keep reading. Read again. Continue reading until you sense that God is speaking to you. You may read one chapter, two chapters, or more—but read until you hear the Word of God for you.
How do you know
God is speaking to you?
As you read with the Holy Spirit, your heart will be filled with great joy and boldness. A specific passage will stand out, filling you with peace and assurance. When that happens, take the verse and ask: “Lord, what exactly are You speaking to me through this verse?” Then, sit, meditate, and wait for Him to reveal it in your heart.
God speaks through different scriptures to different people, according to their
circumstances. That is why waiting to hear the Holy Spirit’s voice is so important. Once you begin hearing His voice daily, it becomes a practice. You will recognize God’s voice in your heart and start communicating with Him constantly. This is why the Word of God is vital-it trains your ears to listen to Him.
Fourthly, consume that daily bread-the Word God gave you-because it carries power for the day. Through it, He will accomplish great things in your life. And it will give you victory in every situation of your life. Consuming God’s word is nothing but memorizing those verses and claiming them in every situation. For the scripture says in Psalm 119:11, “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” So, not just reading but having God’s word in your heart will help you to live a holy life.
Finally, we also need to pray over the Word each morning.
That’s why in verse 10, Jesus taught us to pray: “Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”
As you pray according to God’s will asking for his word to fulfill in your life, His plans will be accomplished. You will be praying in alignment with His Word-the very scripture He has spoken to you. So, start praying over the verses God has revealed to you. Seek His blessing for that day-He will be glad to give it to you.
Practice this, my friend. Just like in school, where you gradually learn, you will begin to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit. He will teach you the Bible. He will teach you how to pray. And He will fulfill the scripture that Jesus taught us to pray. This will become your strength, allowing you to witness daily miracles. God bless you.

Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran has been entrusted with a divine mission to lead a special end-times prayer movement, inspired by the call in Ezekiel 22:30: "I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land..." This movement focuses on interceding for the protection of nations and the salvation of souls. This initiative has transformed countless lives through daily prayers, aligning with the urgency expressed in Matthew 24:14: "And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come." With the Lord’s return drawing near and many yet to hear the Gospel, you are invited to join this vital mission. By registering, you can select a prayer time that suits you and receive specific prayer points to guide your intercession from wherever you are. The Daily Trumpet Prayer Group meets regularly via Zoom from 1:00 PM to 1:30 PM, uniting believers in fervent prayer, just as Jesus urged in Matthew 26:41: "Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak."
I have been praying through the Trumpet Prayer Group for the past 5 years. God's presence fills me every time I pray for the prayer requests. God has made me grow spiritually through this group. I give all praise and glory be to God. - Sis. Prathiba Ramkumar, Chennai
You too will experience the power of God when you pray for others. So join the Trumpet Prayer Group and become the Lord's warrior.
Here’s an opportunity for you to join the TRUMPET PRAYER GROUP
Scan QR code to register as a Trumpet Prayer Group Member. For more information, you can: Visit the nearest Prayer Tower. Contact us on phone number 6380752257 Contact us via email trumpet@jesuscalls.org
- www.jesuscalls.org
Jesus Calls Prayer Towers are places of hope where lives are transformed through prayer. Every day, we rejoice in the Lord for the mighty miracles happening in these Prayer Towers.

About Trichy
There are around 12,40,000 people in Trichy. The people of Trichy are facing challenges such as increasing suicidal tendencies, alcohol addiction, sickness, unemployment, marital problems, debt and so on. Many send their prayer requests to Jesus Calls, seeking divine intervention. The growing needs of the people call for even more fervent prayers.
We believe the new Trichy Prayer Tower will serve as a beacon of hope, healing, and transformation for the city. The present Trichy Prayer Tower has already been a blessing to countless families, and we have received numerous testimonies of God’s miraculous work.
Listen to Mr. Muralidharan from Trichy
I met with an accident on December 31, 2024, while returning home. A car hit me, causing a skull fracture, despite wearing a helmet. I was admitted to a hospital in Trichy, unconscious, and the doctors said I would not regain mobility. My family sought prayers from the Trichy Prayer Tower, where intercessors fervently prayed. Our covenant-keeping God performed a miracle-I regained consciousness and mobility within a week! I am a living witness to the power of prayer and God’s incredible work through the Prayer Towers. Glory be to God!
Dear Partner, Our current Trichy Prayer Tower, located opposite the Trichy Government Hospital, lacks sufficient space to accommodate the growing number of visitors. To serve the people of Trichy better and expand our reach in bringing God’s kingdom into their lives, we are planning to move to a larger facility.
We aim to establish a new Trichy Prayer Tower with approximately 3,000 square feet in our own building. This space will include: * A seating hall for prayer and worship * Counseling rooms for personal ministry * A chapel for prayer and intercession
Currently, we have 70 dedicated prayer intercessors in Trichy. Additionally, our mission is to raise 1,000 prayer intercessors in the city in the next 3 years who can pray from the Prayer Tower area as well as from their homes using computer facilities. We are also preparing to raise 100 ambassadors in the 5 districts, 50 youth leaders, and 50 evangelists to spread the good news throughout the city this year.
We invite you to join us in prayer and service. Come and be a blessing to many lives! If you wish to volunteer, send your details to volunteer@jesuscalls.org or contact the Prayer Tower Manager9840497036 (8 AM to 8 PM).
To fulfill this God-given mission, we seek your prayerful and financial support for:
* Establishing the new Trichy Prayer Tower building * Raising a powerful team of prayer intercessors * Expanding various ministry services
Your generous contribution will help countless individuals experience God’s miraculous power in their lives. The estimated budget for this project is 5 crores. You can give * 3 lakhs, *1 lakh, *50,000, *10,000, or any amount the Lord leads you to offer.
To Donate & Support This God-Ordained Work Visit www.jesuscalls.org or scan the QR code to give.
May the Lord bless you abundantly as you partner in this mission.
Dear friend,
Have you ever longed for a divine increase in your life? A blessing that goes beyond your expectations? This month, God has a special promise for you from Scripture-Deuteronomy 1:11, "May the Lord, the God of your ancestors, increase you a thousand times and bless you as he has promised!" This verse is a powerful declaration of God's desire to bless His people abundantly. But how do we step into this promise? How can we receive such an increase in our lives?

Let’s explore three key principles that open the door to God’s overflowing blessings: RELATIONSHIP, OBEDIENCE,
1. Seeking a Relationship with God
The foundation of every blessing is a deep and personal relationship with God. Matthew 6:33 reminds us, "Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." God desires that our focus remains on Him, not just on the blessings He provides.
It’s easy to become consumed with material gifts and personal success, but the Lord calls us to seek Him
first. He is the ultimate source of every good thing in our lives. When we prioritize our relationship with God-reading His Word daily, praying, and drawing closer to Him-He fills us with His presence. And as we align with His will, the blessings naturally follow.
2. Walking in Obedience
God’s blessings are not just about hearing His Word but also about living it out. Deuteronomy 28:1-2 declares, "If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations on earth. All these blessings will

come on you and accompany you if you obey the Lord your God."
True obedience goes beyond listening-it requires action. God calls us to follow His commands, even when it’s challenging. At times, our own desires and plans may conflict with His will, but His ways are always higher. When we surrender to His guidance, He leads us into a place of supernatural favor and provision.
3. The Power of Giving
Many people hesitate to give, fearing they have too little. However, Jesus Himself assures us in Luke 6:38, "Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."
God does not measure the size of our gift; He looks at the heart behind it. Whether it’s financial giving, offering our time, or using our skills to serve others, generosity unlocks divine increase. When we give selflessly, we not only bless others but also position ourselves to receive even more from God. His provision multiplies, allowing us to continue being a vessel of blessing.
Why Does God Want to Increase Us?
God’s blessings are not just for our benefitthey bring glory to His name. When we prosper in different areas of life, we become a testimony of His power, wisdom, and goodness. Our success, whether in business, education, family, or ministry, becomes a channel through which others can see God’s hand at work.
As we receive His increase, we are called to extend it to others. Our financial blessings enable us to support those in need. Our talents
and knowledge can uplift and guide others. The love and grace we receive from God can be shared to encourage those around us.
A Blessing for Generations
God’s plan for increase is not just for todayit’s for generations to come. When we walk in His favor, our families, communities, and even future generations are impacted. The blessings He pours out on us ripple beyond our own lives, creating a legacy of faith and abundance.
Embrace the Promise Today
Are you ready to step into God’s promise of a thousand-fold blessing? Today, make a commitment to seek Him wholeheartedly, obey His Word, and give generously. As you do, you will experience an increase beyond what you can imagine-one that not only transforms your life but also brings glory to God and blesses countless others. God bless you.
Claim His promise, walk in faith, and watch as He multiplies His blessings in ways beyond measure!
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for Your promise that You will bless me and increase me 1000 times. As I spend time with You, building my relationship with You each day-reading Your Word, doing Your will, obeying Your commands, living for You, giving to others, serving people, and building Your Kingdom-I pray that You will increase me 1000 times. Let every blessing You pour into my life overflow to those around me so that they, too, will be blessed. May my children be blessed, and may their children be blessed, continuing from generation to generation. Thank You for blessing me and increasing me 1000 times today. I give You all the glory and pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

In the Bible, we clearly read about the Lord Jesus Himself saying, “I do not seek My own will but the will of the Father who sent Me” (John 5:30) and that it was “His food to do His will” (John 4:34). He specifically expresses the same in Matthew 6:10 and in Luke 11:2 wherein He has taught us His prayer.
Yes, it is His will that we should praise and thank Him in everything and walk in reverence, according to His will. So, dear ones! Open your mouth and heart wide and give thanks to Him in everything. Let us meditate on how to practice this and thus glorify the Lord.
“…but in everything by prayer “and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.”
(Philippians 4:6)
This worldly life cannot be always filled

with happiness. Both sorrow and joy take turns in life. Yet the Bible says that we should ‘rejoice in the Lord always’ and that we should commend ourselves as ‘sorrowful, yet always rejoicing’ (II Corinthians 6:10). But the question is ‘Is it possible to be so?’ The Bible states that such prayer and supplication with thanksgiving was practised by men of God like David and Daniel. Once, as we read in I Samuel 30th chapter, David was distressed on all sides. Yet even in that state, “he strengthened himself in the Lord” (I Samuel 30:6). This resulted in him gaining mental strength, faith and hope. That’s why he was able to say, “The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want …surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life” (Psalm 23:1,6). What happened in the end? As we read in I Samuel 30:18 he recovered all that he had lost.

In the same way, Daniel faced a big trial in his life. His wicked and jealous enemies made King Darius pass a decree that anyone who worshipped any gods or man other than Darius would be thrown into the lions’ den. Despite knowing their evil plots against him, Daniel knelt down on his knees three times that day, and prayed and gave thanks before his God, as was his custom since early days (Daniel 6:10). He was thrown into the lions’ den and we read in the Bible that God sent His angel and shut the lions’ mouths so that they would not hurt him and thus He kept him alive (Daniel 6:22). The reason is the sacrifice of praise offered by these men of God even in the midst of their afflictions.
Yes, dear ones! No matter what happens or what your situation is, you should kneel down at the Lord’s feet and praise Him from the bottom of your heart. Then the ‘Lord will fight for you’. As the Bible says, “No weapon formed against you shall prosper” (Isaiah 54:17). In your life too, you shall experience the miracles and wonders received by these men of God in the Bible. Hence, whenever you pray to the Lord, offer your prayers with thanksgiving and receive miracles and signs from His hand.
In my life too, as I drew closer and closer to the Lord, He taught me many lessons. In the initial days of our marriage, we had financial problem. At that time, the Lord taught me to praise and thank Him, fully trusting Him even at that dire state; and as a result I have personally tasted Him leading me wonderfully by changing things ‘which did not exist as though they did’. He has led me in such a beautiful way that like
David I could also say, “The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want.”
Yes, my dear ones! You should also be filled with the Spirit and sing and praise the Lord in your heart at all times and thank Him for everything in His name. Then, the Lord would be with you and fill you with His abundant blessings.
Abounding Through many thanksgivings to God
(II Corinthians 9:12)
Firstly, the Bible clearly says that when two or three are gathered together in His name and pray, the Lord would be there in the midst of them.
“For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” (Matthew 18:20)
According to this promise, God dwells in our midst. It is highly essential that we pray together as a family. Then the Lord would come and dwell in our midst. Also, when we remember the glory of His divine love and pray to Him for His presence, He would stay with our family and do everything for us according to the Scripture verse, “The Lord will perfect everything concerning me” (Psalm 138:8). What a blessed and perfect life would that be!
Dear ones, do you have the habit of joining together as a family and praying in the presence of the Lord in the morning and night? If not, do take a decision to gather as a family and wait in the presence of the
Lord, in the morning and night, with oneness of mind. Do follow this in reverence and the Lord would be pleased with you. As David says, He would be a shepherd to your family and fill you with abundant blessings as read in Psalm 23.
This is the lesson that the Lord graciously taught us when my husband and I started our family life, according to the Lord’s guidance. He, who held our hand that day, had been adorning our family life with His divine presence, boundless blessings and divine peace and joy and leading us wonderfully. All glory, honour and praise be to His name!
If you have not yet looked up to the Lord as a family, in prayerful attitude, start practising this in all reverence. Then the Lord would be present in your family life. He will perfect everything for you. He will be with you in all your afflictions, bear you, carry you and will sustain you. As we read in Deuteronomy 31:8, the Lord, who gave promise to His people, the Israelites and led them, would go before you, be with you and will not leave you or forsake you but would teach you and lead you. Dear ones, seek the Lord as a family and with oneness of mind and walk in the ways pleasing to Him and thus receive abundant blessings.

Be Established in Faith Abounding in it with Thanksgiving (Colossians 2:7)
The first step towards the way of salvation is accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as our personal Saviour. After this, we should get rooted in Christ. We clearly read about this in Ephesians 4:15. “We should be speaking in truth, and grow up in all things into Him who is the head – Christ.” In the verses found in Ephesians 4: 22 – 24, we read about how we should imbibe this growth and accomplish it. We should put off the old man, which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts. What does Paul, who was once a ‘son of perdition’ and who changed into a ‘vessel of grace’ say about this life?
“I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.” (Galatians 2:20)
Yes, dear ones, our lives will change upside down according to, II Corinthians 5:17 which says, “old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” Our old man is crucified on the cross. Thus the sins of man are forgiven and he becomes a new creation and receives the divine salvation given by the Lord. Once, he is thus saved and cleansed and becomes righteous, he needs to receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit. As we read in Luke 11:13, we should ask the Lord. The Lord, who is never changing in His promise, will surely grant His Holy Spirit to all those who ask Him. When we are thus filled with the Holy Spirit, divine love is poured
into us as read in Romans 5:8. We should desire that our family also should get filled with such divine love and receive a holy life. Thus, as the Bible says, we would fulfil His will that all men should be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth (I Timothy 2:4).
Dear ones, today, how many of you have received this divine life of being filled with the Holy Spirit? Also, have you every prayed for your relatives also to receive this divine blessing? – Just think for a while!
In the Bible we read about a man called Cornelius, who was a heathen. He sought the Lord reverentially; also he had the spiritual burden for his relatives and special friends and so gathered them together and waited for the arrival of Peter, the man of God, as told by the Angel. As a result, all those who had gathered there received the anointing.
My dear children of God, let us also praise the Lord always and thank Him for all the good things He has done for us and

receive His blessings!
When the Lord filled me and my husband with such divine experiences, the other members of our family were ignorant of its glory and hence we were ridiculed by them. However, both of us, being fiery in the spirit, persisted in earnest prayers for them because of which the Lord saved many of them and adorned them with His salvation and anointing; He thus helped them to joyfully lead a divine life.
Dear ones, commit your life fully to the Lord to praise Him with your whole heart, to glorify His name in faith and to live a divine life of being filled with fiery anointing. Also, pray that others should also receive this blessing. Thus, be diligent in praising the Lord always and for everything with your whole heart and mind. The Lord’s name would be glorified through our lives as we read in Psalm 50:23, “Whoever offers praise glorifies Me.” Then He would delight over us and fill us with His glorious divine blessings. So surrender your lives to the Lord to enjoy these blessings!
The Esther Prayer Group Ministry is a great and unique ministry given by the Holy Spirit to dear mother Stella Dhinakaran in order that women are delivered by the grace of God from their various afflictions, sufferings, trials, problems, losses and distresses caused by family members and for them to arise as witnesses for Him and shine for the glory of His name.
Today this prayer ministry, which was started in 1986, is being conducted for His glory as more than 1300 Esther Prayer Groups, not only in India but also in other nations of the world. Apart from the women, married couples also take part in this ministry and pray as groups because of which they shine for Christ personally and as families (Matthew 18: 19,20). In His mighty name, the Lord is doing numerous and glorious miracles in each group and is thus glorifying His name. He has raised up many women as testimonies for this. We are publishing here one such testimony! Enjoy reading it!
Blessing Every Day Through the Verse

I am conducting the Esther Prayer Group in my area. Since the day I started this ministry, the Lord has been doing lot of good things in my life. Particularly, my son, who was working in Chennai, fell critically ill suddenly. We prayed with tears for him in our group. Also we had written to dear Sister. Stella Dhinakaran to pray for him. The Lord heard the prayers and healed him completely. Also the Lord granted him success in the competitive exam he had

written and helped him to continue working in the same company. The Lord also granted me good health and helped me to retire peacefully. Every morning, I read the verses given in the Esther Prayer Group prayer points and receive the blessings for that day. The Lord is doing several miracles and signs in the life of every sister, who prays along with me in the group. Millions of praises to the Lord who has helped us to pray jointly through the Esther Prayer Group and who is leading us towards His blessings!
– Sister. Jeya Samson, Aathur, Tuticorin District.
in your area as well and pray for other sisters, as a group.
more Details: Sis. Stella Dhinakaran, Esther Prayer Group, 16, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai – 600 028
2 Corinthians 9:8 - Abound in good works Meditation: Matt. 5:16; James 3:13; Rev. 2:19
Matthew 5:14 - You are the light of the world Meditation: Psalm 18:28; Matt. 5:16; Eph. 5:8
John 15:5 – Spiritual Fruits Meditation: Matt. 7:17,18; John 15:2-16; Col. 1:10
Acts 1:8 - You will be strong Meditation: 2 Chron. 14:11; Psalm 138:3; Isaiah 40:31
Proverbs 15:6 - Treasures in the house of the righteous Meditation: Deut. 28:1-12; Isaiah 33:6; Matthew 19:21
Matthew 5:8 - Purity of heart Meditation: Heb. 10:22; James 4:8; 1 Peter 1:22
Psalm 1:6 - The path of the righteous Meditation: Prov. 2:20; 15:19; Isaiah 26:7; Hosea 14:9
2 Corinthians 6:2 - Grace Meditation: Lev. 25:21; Deut. 26:11; Eccl. 5:19
Ephesians 2:7 - The Lord will exalt you Meditation: Deut. 28:14;Psalm 37:34; James 4:10
Philippians 4:13 - Christ who strengthens us Meditation: Exod. 15:2; Psalm 18:1; 2 Tim. 4:17
Ephesians 3:12 - Confidence Meditation: Prov. 14:26; Acts 27:25; 2 Cor. 7:16
1 Corinthians 6:20 - You were bought with a price Meditation: Romans 12:1; 1 Corinthians 7:23; 1 Peter 2:9
Ephesians 2:10 - Good works Meditation: Matthew 5:16; Romans 2:7; Rev. 2:19
2 Timothy 1:7 - Spirit of love Meditation: Hosea 11:4; Rom. 5:5,8; Eph. 2:4,5
2 Corinthians 5:20 - Ambassador of Christ Meditation: Proverbs 13:17; 25:13; Ephesians 6:19,20
Psalm 23:3 - God who comforts the soul

Ruth 2:12 - Full reward Meditation: Gen. 26:12,13; Psalm 19:9-11; Luke 5:1-7
Psalm 126:5 - Your sorrow will be turned into joy
Meditation: 1 Sam. 18:6; Psalm 126:6; 2 Cor. 7:4
Isaiah 58:8 - Your light will rise Meditation: Psalm 18:28; Isaiah 58:10; Matt. 5:14-16
Psalm 138:8 - The Lord will do all things for you
Meditation: Job 9:10; Psalm 57:2; John 14:14
Job 42:2 - God is the Almighty Meditation: Psalm 33:9; Jer. 32:17,27; Luke 1:37
Psalm 147:13 - The Lord will bless your children
Meditation: Gen. 22:17; Prov. 20:7; Isaiah 54:13
1 Chronicles 22:16 - God will be with you Meditation: Gen. 26:1-3; Joshua 3:7; Isaiah 43:2
Colossians 3:3 - Christ is our life Meditation: Phil. 1:21; Col. 3:4; 1 John 5:11,12
Zechariah 2:8 - God is like the apple of the eye Meditation: Deut. 32:10; Psalm 121:3-8; Isaiah 49:16
Psalm 71:21 - You will be exalted Meditation: Deut. 28:1; Joshua 4:14; Isaiah 33:10
2 Chronicles 1:12 - Riches and honor Meditation: 1 Kings 10:23; 2 Chronicles 1:12; 32:27,28
Malachi 4:2 - Fear the Lord Meditation: Psalm 34:9,10; Eccl. 8:12; Haggai 1:12
Job 37:5 - The Lord does great things Meditation: 2 Sam. 7:23,24; Psalm 126:2,3; Joel 2:21
Nehemiah 2:8 - God's gracious hand Reflections: Jeremiah 7:9; 8:18; Psalm 144:7; Isaiah 11:11
Meditation: Psalm 94:19; Jer. 31:13; 2 Thess. 2:17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 18 24 17 13 20 22 26 14 23 27 19 21 25 28 15 16 29 31 30
Proverbs 12:12 - You will bear fruit Reflections: Luke 6:43-45; Colossians 1:9-11

In India, nearly 1 in 7 women, i.e., approximately 14.7% of women & girls, particularly those in marginalised communities, live in extreme poverty. Major issues that limit women's earning potential include inadequate access to education, healthcare, skill training & finance, and discrimination. Through SEESHA's Women Empowerment Program, SEESHA has been fostering self-reliance among women from disadvantaged families by providing them vocational skills training, livelihood support, seed money funding through SEESHA-backed Self-Help Groups, building support networks for aspiring entrepreneurs, and empowering their sustainable futures.
Here are a few highlights from our recent activities:
* More than 550 women from deprived backgrounds across India were provided training in tailoring, Aariwork, jute-products making, digital literacy, etc., last year.
* 355 women-led microenterprises were successfully established with more than 81.5 lakh worth of loans disbursed from revolving funds through SEESHA-backed SHGs.
* Nearly 50 aspiring entrepreneurs, including widows, deserted, and differently-abled women, received livelihood support equipment last year, such as pushcarts & sewing machines, to help them start their own microenterprises. On average, the beneficiaries are able to earn Rs. 10,000/month.
From Dependency to Dignity!
“Born with a hearing loss, I faced a gloomy future when my husband passed away, leaving me with 2 children. After struggling in menial jobs, I received training in tailoring & sought SEESHA’s help to start my own business. My sorrow turned to joy when SEESHA presented me with a sewing machine recently. I’m now able to earn around Rs.10,000/month, ensuring a brighter future for my children!”
- Mrs. R. Sudha Beulah, Livelihood Support Beneficiary, Chennai
With the financial year coming to an end, we would like to kindly remind you that donations to SEESHA’s projects are tax exempted under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act. By making a donation before March 31st, you can enable a brighter future for a deprived person & save on your taxes too!
You may contribute in the following ways:
* Sponsor the education for a girl child: Rs. 500/month
* Sponsor a sewing machine/pushcart for a disadvantaged woman: Rs. 15,000/-