Jesus Calls (English) - November 2016

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In Amritsar... On 29th September 2016 a new Jesus Calls Prayer Tower was dedicated for the blessings of the people in Amritsar in the state of Punjab with the prayers of pastors of various churches. Address of the Prayer Tower: Jesus Calls Prayer Tower

5145, Mohini Park, opp. Khalsa College, G.T. Road, Amritsar -143002, Punjab

For details of the prayer meetings held here:

0183 - 2224040

In Dhariwal..

On 3rd October 2016 a new Jesus Calls Prayer Tower was dedicated for the blessings of the people in Dhariwal in the state Punjab in the presence of the Jesus Calls partners, leaders of church and servants of God. Address of the Prayer Tower: Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, No.8, Street 1, Near Dana Mandi, Dhariwal, Punjab.

For details of the prayer meetings held here : +91 8283961378; +91 7087060378 2

These Prayer Towers shall function from 8 AM to 8 PM every day. Please introduce these Prayer Towers to all your friends and relatives so that they too can be blessed. For prayer help at any time (round the clock) 044 -33 999 000

- Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

Let me turn your focus to a wonderful verse in the bible and lead you into this month’s meditation. It is found in Genesis 2:18 And the Lord God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.” These words are coming from the mouth of God Himself. The Lord who created the heavens, firmaments, animals, birds and trees and gave a form to the earth , found it was ‘good’. But when He made man He saw the man was alone and said it was ‘not good’. Man is good but man being alone is not good. Please understand that this verse equally applies to women also and therefore we need to read it as , “ It is not good for a man or a woman to be alone’. Jesus Calls

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My friend! Are you saying, “ I am suffering all alone; I am battling all alone; I am praying all alone; I am believing all alone; I am standing for Jesus all alone”. God tells today, `Yes my child I know, you are suffering all alone and that is not good and so I will make a help mate comparable to you. I don’t want you to be alone any more”. Friend! Today God will end your loneliness. He will end your suffering of going through loneliness. Yes! He will make you a family and build your home. That is the promise of God for you today. Why it is not good for man or a woman to be alone?

Being alone attracts the Tempter First reason – When a person is alone the tempter comes to him or her. If you read Matthew 12:43-45, Jesus talks about a soul which is clean and empty and lonely; a soul that is all by itself and alone; a soul that does not have God in it. “When an impure spirit comes out of a person, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ When it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied, swept clean and put in order (empty and lonely). Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that person is worse than the first.” Friend! Here is a warning for all of us. When a man or a woman becomes all alone the evil spirits comes to that person easily. Being alone gives the devil easy access to the persons mind and life. In Matthew 4:3 Jesus was taken by the Holy Spirit to the wilderness to be all alone and you know who

came and met Him? Mr. Tempter - Satan. But He overcame him by His wisdom and power. Because Jesus went through that affliction of loneliness, He is now able to break that power of Satan and set free those who are ‘alone’ and bring them back to God’s Family. It is for this reason the Holy Spirit took Jesus - to be tempted by Satan. And for that He made Him lonely. He was all alone. Satan comes to tempt us when we are all alone. Look at Eve! She was created to be with Adam. Wherever they went they went together and God too was walking with them. If you read Genesis 3:1, we find that one day she began to drift away from her husband and she was alone and that was the time Satan came and visited her. When the wife drifts away even a little from the husband or when the husband drifts away even a little from the wife, whether physically or in their hearts or minds, Satan visits them immediately. God always expects the husband and wife to be one; cleave to each other. There should be no secrets between them, no fights, no disagreements and no divorce. When Eve walked away from Adam, Satan came to Eve and spoke to her. Yes, many times when we go alone Satan comes and speaks to us. Eve chose to go alone and so was able to hear Satan’s voice. When we drift away from God and His Will ; when we drift away from Holy matrimony we will hear the subtle, seductive and deceptive voice of the devil. The voice will be a deadly but deceptive mixture of logic and lies that you will not be able to judge what the voice says is good or bad.

ungodly advice. Note that his advice does not seem evil or ungodly. It looks logical, sweet and wonderful. Satan said to her, “You can rise up and go to unimaginable heights! You can become like God!”. Yes, that is ungodly advice. The devil always comes in and says, “You can become this and you can become that. You are such a great man, such a great woman so follow my advice. You can even become like God” (Genesis 3:4,5). Yes! He gave her ungodly advice. He boosted the self of Eve and made her want to be like God – a life independent of God; a life alone and free from anyone to direct her! His ungodly advice draws you away from God and makes you alone. The devil deceives you about the beauty of being alone. He convinces you that ‘being alone is beautiful’ while God has declared that it is not good to be alone. Thirdly, Genesis 3:6 says that Satan opened her eyes to see the pleasantness of disobedience and sin. He opened her eyes because she chose to go alone by herself and the pleasantness of flesh got in to her heart. Friend! Note that we don’t need to go after the deceptive beauty of sin, it automatically presents itself before us and begins to talk to us when we walk away from God and go lonely and lead a life all by ourselves. Satan gave her authority over her husband so that she could bring him too into the temptation (Genesis 3:7). When she went away alone she gained the authority to bring her husband also into the nature of sin. Her husband too did not resist her. He rather accompanied her into sin and finally Satan made them bring curse upon themselves - all because she went alone.

Being Alone Attracts Wrong Advice

Being Alone Opens Your Eyes to Sin’s Deceptive Beauty

Secondly, we see that when she chose to go alone, Satan gave her Jesus Calls

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Look at David, if you read

2 Samuel 11:1,2 David also went (1 Kings 19:5,9). Just then he had left his servant there. But he away alone. He was a great man brought fire from heaven and the himself went a day’s journey of God. He heard the voice of God, entire nation bowed down before into the wilderness, and came had the wisdom of God, brought him. and sat down under a broom down Goliath, overcame the natree. And he prayed that he “But...Elijah...wrapped his tions and became the king of namight die, and said, “It is face in his mantle and went tions but he went away alone. The enough! Now, Lord, take my out and stood in the entrance Bible says, life, for I am no better than of the cave. Suddenly a voice “It happened in the spring of my fathers!” Then as he lay came to him, and said, the year, at the time when and slept under a broom tree, “What are you doing here, kings go out to battle, that suddenly an angel touched Elijah? And he said, “I have David sent Joab and his serhim, and said to him, “Arise been very zealous for the vants with him, and all Isand eat.” Then he looked, Lord God of hosts; because rael; and they destroyed the and there by his head was a the children of Israel have people of Ammon and becake baked on coals, and a forsaken Your covenant, torn sieged Rabbah. BUT David jar of water. So he ate and down Your altars, and killed remained at Jerusalem”. drank, and lay down again." Your prophets with the sword. Note the preposition ‘but’. (1 Kings 19:3-6) I alone am left; and they While all his armies, his commander seek to take my life.”” If the prophet Elijah is put to and all Israel went to war to build sleep, the devil can happily reign (I Kings 19:13,14) God’s kingdom, David remained Friend! Many times we too say over the country. That is what he alone in Jerusalem. He got himself expects from you and me also. alone, drifting away from his duty the same. We say, “See Lord! Only Only if you are awake and active, of battling for the Kingdom of God. I am working but everybody is the ministry of God will run withagainst me. Only I am serving You David stayed back to be alone out sleeping. Only when you are by himself. And from the roof, the but everybody is against me. Ev- awake and active you can bring devil ‘opened his eyes to see’. erybody is talking against me”. miracles into your own life and the That’s what the devil does when Many times when we run alone lives of people. But when you behe finds you alone. He opens your Satan brings these thoughts into come alone, you become lazy and eyes to ‘see’ the world. But God our hearts. And we all the time lethargic and go to sleep and once opens our eyes to see His glory but think that we are the only one who you go to sleep the devil begins to when we are alone by ourselves, is suffering and fear comes into reign over your life, family, ministhe devil opens our eyes to see the our hearts. And at that time what try and nation. When we drift away from the presence of God and lead flesh and pleasures it could offer – do we do. Read verse 3 to 6. the exact replica of what he did to When Jezebel was ruling the a lonely life of our own, we go to a Eve. There is no difference be- nation (note that even though her state of spiritual sleep. We stop tween man and woman for the husband was there she was ruling), believing in miracles anymore. We devil. David saw from the roof, a she said , “ Tomorrow this Elijah’s would say, “ Oh! Yes! God did woman bathing. And He saw that head will not be upon his body”. miracles when I prayed years ago but now its not happening but rather shegŠrh¥ was beautiful to behold. And Elijah said, “ Im¡nlhg® am all alone. ãuh®¤jid âUÉHh,That’s 2016 br¥l«g® 30 k‰W« 1, 2I M»a _‹W âd§fS« m«ÇÞl® g£lz¤ âš oppression and discouragements why God says it is not good to be ãwF, eilbg‰wJ. Vw¤jhH 16 M©LfS¡F¥ miH¡»wh®’ ãuh®¤jid âUÉHh V‰ghL brŒa¥g£oUªjJ. amï¥gFâÆš the only ‘ïnaR one who has this death are happening to me so there is no alone. It is not good!x¤JiH¥nghL Yes! It is not mid¤J âU¢rigÆdÇ‹ xG§Fedict brŒa¥g£oUªj ïªj¡ Literally, T£l§fËš gŠrh¥ upon me”. onlykhÃy« k£LÄ‹¿, uh#Þjh‹, #«K fhZÛ®, use praying or believing and so let ïkh¢rytoãunjr«, AÇahdh blšÈ Jezebel M»a gFâfËÈUªJ« good drift away fromk‰W« God and was againstk¡fŸ him MtnyhL but he felttªJ fyªJ bfh©ld®. _‹W eh£fS« Dr. ghš mebrŒjd®. sleep off. Why should I do âdfu‹, rnfhjÇ ïthŠrÈ‹ ghš âdfu‹, rhKntš âdfu‹, Þblšyh unkhyh M»nah® CÊa« Vw¡Fiwa 1 y£r« ng® be alone. that theth®¤ijfis whole kingdom of Israel bg‰wd®. these things for God? Why should ïªj¥ ãuh®¤jid âUÉHh T£l§fŸ _y« M©ltÇ‹ nf£L MÓ®thj« mnef® rßu¤âš, M¤JkhÉš WhatbjhLjiy are thecz®ªjd®; temptations thatRf« bg‰wd®. was against him. When he said that, I suffer? Why should I die?”. Thus M©ltÇ‹ m‰òj come to us when we are alone? he went into the wilderness. get discouraged exhausted ï¡T£l§fËš gŠrh¥ khÃy kh©òÄF ca®fšÉ¤ Jiw mik¢r® âU. jšÍ¤á§ Ókh, you kh©òÄF tU thŒ Jiwand mik¢r® âU. What are the effects of those Elijah’s spirit was ãujk also taken into andbgUªâU.P.K.rk©jhuhŒ, inactive and finally give #yªj® up on ig¡uh«á§ kÍâah cŸË£l mneftempãuKf®fS« tlïªâa âU¢rigÆ‹ nguha® nguUŸ tations upon us andMa® our lives? the wilderness spiritfS« of fyªJyour f¤njhÈ¡f kiwkht£l ~ãu§nfh KŸs¡fš cŸË£l gythrough âU¢rigthe jiyt® bfh©L áw¥ã¤jd®. ïªj ãuh®¤jid spiritual life and ministry. You âUÉHhit âU.Alone m‹t® kÌCauses (jiyt®), nghjf® r«nr®á§ rªJ (bghJ xU§»iz¥ ghs®), âU.nlÅaš âU.nlÅaš loneliness. Being are asrhJkÌ good(bghUshs®), as dead. This is why kÌ (Ãâ xU§»iz¥ghs®) ïiz xU§»iz¥ghs®fŸ ká M»nah® our LordÞOg‹, said, ah¡F¥ “ Its not good for You to Sleep "AndâU.ju«á§, when heâUkâ saw #Þtªj that, bfs®, he nghjf®fŸ cŸË£l xU§ »iz¥ò FGÉd® áw¥ghf brŒâUªjd®. ïªj ãuh®¤jid âUÉHh áw¥ghf eilbgw b#ã¤j, fh¡if man or woman to be alone”. tH§»a LoneFirstly, whenÃiwthŒ you who are a arose and ran for his life, midtiuí« M©lt® MÓ®tâ¥gh®. liness that is caused by drifting child of God go alone you fall and went to Beersheba, away from God and His Will leads asleep. Elijah did the same which belongs to Judah, and Jesus Calls

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us into a sleeping life – an inactive, lethargic, blunt and aimless life. This life will only lead us to guilt and frustration.

Being Alone Makes Us Selfish Look at David in 2 Samuel 11:3,4 and 2 Samuel 12:8,9. The Bible says, David sent his messengers and took her whom he saw. Many times we send our eyes and take the pleasures that we see into our hearts. The devil makes us see the internet when we are ‘alone’. When you go alone then that’s the best time for the devil to approach you with his thoughts and suggestions. He inserts a thought into your mind to view pornographic material. ‘Pornography’ has become a major menace to the minds of the children, teens, the youth and even old men and women all over the world. And note, this detestable destruction is happening – when a person is alone. Yes! My Friend! That’s why the Lord says, “ Its not good for a man or woman to be alone”. Today even when you watch news on the internet, or even a spiritual programme, suddenly an obscene picture pops up by itself. Today a person need not go after pornographic material. It comes to him by itself and presents itself before him. That is how the devil tempts. When someone feels like spending some time to watch news or sports in the internet; when he or she gets alone for just a second, the devil makes us take those pleasures in to us. "So David sent and inquired about the woman. And someone said, “Is this not Bathsheba, the daughter of Eliam, the wife of Uriah the Hittite?” Then David sent messengers, and took her; and she came to him, and he lay with her, for she was cleansed from her impurity;

and she returned to her house." (2 Samuel 11:3,4; 12:8,9) When David drifted away from God and got alone and chose to lead his life by himself he became selfish. The devil showed him the deceptive beauty of sin and he fell a prey to it and wanted that beauty at any cost. His heart drifted further away from God. He closed his conscience to what is ‘good’ and what is ‘bad’ and became highly self centred. He became so selfish that he even went to the extent of committing a murder for the sake of fulfilling his selfish desires of the flesh. David destroyed the wife of another man by becoming selfish. Many times the devil makes us lust over the things that others have ; the positions that people have ; the honour that people have; the money that people have; property that people have and the fun that people have. Why should that man alone be honoured? Why should this woman alone be prosperous? That is selfishness which is brought by the devil when he makes us to get alone with him. He brings in the pride of life, lust of the eyes and the lust of the flesh. "For all that is in the worldthe lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life-is not of the Father but is of the world" (1 John 2:16)

Being Alone Opens Our Ears to Criticism And thirdly, when we get alone we will be able to hear the criticisms that are hurled against us. When we are with God you will never hear the criticisms of the people. Loneliness puts people to sleep. Loneliness makes people selfish. Loneliness deceives people to accept the pleasures of the world. Loneliness makes them hear the criticisms of the people and when they begin to hear the criticism, they begin to blame everybody. When Jesus Calls

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we are alone, when we become alone by our own thoughts and our own actions are not working in correlation with God. That’s why God said, "Elijah I don’t want you to sleep any more. I don’t want you to blame everybody else. I am going to get you out of loneliness. Go and anoint Elisha in your place. Till you are alive, Elisha will be with you. So that you stop blaming people but you will start anointing Kings". Of course, he couldn’t anoint the kings. Friend, we need to be very careful lest we get lonely. God may give a word for us to do things but if we are going to sleep, if we are going to say, “ I am the only honest and holy man in the whole country” , the word that God gives us may not be fulfilled through us. It will go to the next person who would obey God word. Today I encourage you to pray saying, “ Lord! Get me out of my sleep. Lord! Get me out of my attitude of blaming everyone else. Please get me out of the situation of sending my eyes to bring worldly pleasures into my mind. Lord forgive me for drifting away from you and getting lonely to live by myself and get me out of this selfishness”.

Being Alone Turns Us Against People who are Faithful to God and His Ministry Fourthly when we go alone it makes us turn against the people who are faithful to God and His ministry. Look at Judas in John 13:2,27. Satan was speaking into his ears. He said, “ Deny Jesus and take the thirty pieces of silver”. Money! Money!! Money!!! Betray Jesus, betray the ministry, betray the people who are faithful in the ministry and give them trouble”. The devil speaks when we get lonely and when we are alone with him. That is why Judas committed suicide. It’s very sad. Yes! Judas was with Jesus, but

he was ‘alone’. He really wasn’t with Jesus in his heart and purpose. He was alone with the devil and with money. That is why he was plotting against Jesus. He carried the money purse of Jesus but never carried Jesus. He betrayed Jesus. Today, also he keeps crying saying, “ I have betrayed the innocent blood”. Yes! Being alone away from Jesus makes us betray Jesus. The guilt torments us for life. My father Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran saw Judas in the part of hell. He is crying saying, “I have betrayed that innocent blood”. Till today he is still crying for the past 2000 years. It is so dangerous to be alone because it may makes us to betray innocent blood. Yes! Judas thought Jesus would become a mighty King to save Israel. But it did not happen and so he betrayed Him. I am saying this under the power of the Holy Spirit. Such lonely people; such betrayers cannot pray; they can’t sit with Jesus in the communion table. They will leave the communion table. But today Jesus says, “ I don’t want you to be alone. it’s not good to be alone. Friend! When we repent of drifting away from God and the Will of God, He will forgive us and accept us back into His kingdom and we will enter into the land of milk and honey. It is so close that God we need to come out of our loneliness and return to the fellowship of Jesus.

Being Alone Causes Jealousy in Our Hearts The fifth thing that being alone does is it causes Jealousy in our hearts. Jealousy over what others are doing and enjoying and prospering. It happened to John the disciple. "Now John answered and said, “Master, we saw someone casting out demons in Your name, and we forbade

him because he does not follow with us." But Jesus said to him, “Do not forbid him, for he who is not against us is on our side.” (Luke 9:49,50). My beloved friend Jesus is calling you to come into His love. If you say, “I have a greatest weakness then you are the greatest candidate for Jesus to make you into a prophet of God or a prophetess of God.

When we are alone, we cannot pray When we are alone we will not be able to pray! Or else we will make wrong prayers. Our prayers will be full of what we lust after. “Lord! We need this, we need that”, and so on. That’s how we pray when we are alone. Let us look at an incident in 2 Samuel 12:18. David when he entered into Bathsheba and a child was born, it was born sick unto death. He tried to pray for the child to live but it died. There was no miracle. Once there was a servant of God who was being mightily used by God. A few years ago he went for divorce. God did miracles through Him, even today He does. But recently when he spoke he said, “ Since the time of my divorce, even though I have got my wife back now , I am not able to pray; I am not able to have personal communion with God that I once had so intimately. When I get on the platform miracles happens and the presence of God comes down powerfully but when I am alone; I am not able to pray. I don’t have a close walk with God. I have lost millions of my personal money on one side and on the other side, I don’t have the relationship with the Lord. Even though miracles happen in my ministry, a fear has come into my Jesus Calls

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heart that I would not enter into heaven if I die.”

Yes, my friend, that is the greatest fear anyone could have. Will I reach heaven? We can do the greatest ministry in the world yet we can be alone. We have to face Jesus all alone. We have to enter into the kingdom of God all alone. "Do not deprive one another except with consent for a time, that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again so that Satan does not tempt you because of your lack of selfcontrol." (1 Corinthians 7:5) But my friend the good news is that God will set you free from this loneliness. He will send a helper to you and deliver you from this destructive loneliness. Are you feeling alone? Are you feeling that you are drifting away from God? Have you travelled too far from God and have lead your OWN life and now you feel you are alone? Are you feeling you have gone too far from God to return? No! My friend! You are never too far. You are never too late. Today God can set you free from your loneliness and bring you into a family of God. "God sets the solitary in families; He brings out those who are bound into prosperity..." (Psalm 68:6) He will bring you into a large family and give you an important role to play in it. This is the day of your deliverance. " “I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.” (2 Corinthians 6:18) God will put an end to your loneliness and draw you back into track with Him. We will Talk more about being alone in the next issue! Till then please remember that I will be praying for you everyday! (to be continued in the next issue)

In accordance to the vision given to my father Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran the Bethesda Prayer Centre was established in 1993. The Lord said “To those who travail in body, mind and spirit, and yearn to receive My healing touch, raise a structure like the 'Bethesda' of the days of the Bible”. True to this promise, the Lord has been blessing countless people, who throng the Bethesda Prayer Centre every day. It is set amidst the scenic splendour of the Siruvani Hills, 25 kms away from the industrial city of Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. It is a haven of peace, calm and healing to the thousands of beloved people who travel from the different states of India, seeking solace and relief from the worrisome situations and problematic circumstances that they are facing in their life. True to His promise the Lord is blessing the countless number of people, who visit Bethesda seeking prayers. Bethesda which houses the vision spot where a Security Guard had the vision of Lord Jesus, Seven Stations of the Cross, depicting the sufferings of the Lord who died for our sins, Soothing music played in the pathway to create an atmosphere for meditation, Bethesda Pool with 5 porches (A Replica of the Bible Bethesda where the Angel would appear), Children’s Park and Canteen has been a great source of blessing to several lakhs of people, since the past more than 20 years. To commemorate the 25th anniversary of Bethesda in 2017, we are planning to construct new counselling rooms, renovate the Dome Chapel, Pool area, Stations of the Cross, upgrade the Guest rooms, provide for people to carry holy water for drinking purpose, renovate the Pathway, to set up Karunya Help desk at the Bethesda reception lobby to encourage the visitors for free campus tours and to modify the entire Bethesda landscaping. We are also planning to expand the auditorium to hold a capacity of 2000 people. I write this to give you an opportunity to join with us and other donors to establish these free services of prayer for millions to receive comfort, hope, healing and salvation. As you prayerfully consider and come forward to contribute and support this service your reward shall be really great not only on this earth but more importantly in Heaven as these souls will be added into your account. Jesus Calls

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Come, together let us build God’s house, thus establishing His Kingdom! - Dr. Paul Dhinakaran 

You can support us in this mission - Silver Jubilee Project of Bethesda:

Name:............................................................................... Partner code:..................................... (If any) Address:................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................Pincode:.................................... Mobile:................................... Mobile 2:...................................Email: ......................................................... Rs.300/- for renovating 1sq.ft

Rs.1500/- for 5sq.ft

Rs.3000/- for 10sq.ft

Rs.7500/- for 25sq.ft

Or Rs……………/- for …………. Rs.2,00,000/- for Prayers room or Porch in the Bethesda pool or Portion of Healing road . Rs. 5,00,000/- Co- Sponsor Dome Chapel .

For those who provide support for the construction of the counselling rooms, their name will be displayed in the Bethesda Prayer Centre, those providing support for the path way work will have their names placed along either side of the path. You may send your offerings by DD or Cheque drawn in favour of “Jesus Calls” or by money order to the following address. Or you may visit Bethesda Prayer Centre the nearby Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in your local area and give the offering, mentioning, “Bethesda Prayer Centre’ and receive the receipt. You may send it online through credit card/debit card/net banking via our secure website Address for sending: Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028. For more details: Toll free number 1800 425 77 55 (7.00 AM to 9.00 PM) Jesus Calls

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February 8 & 9 - 9 AM to 5 PM February 10 - 9 AM to 1 PM

REGISTRATION BEGINS ON NOVEMBER 5, 2016 (Messages in English and Telugu)

Accommodation for limited numbers will be available (Additional charges applicable) For more details call 0883-2556677 / 2556688 or 1800 425 77 55 (Toll Free - 7.00 AM to 9.00 PM) or Email at: Donation fee can be paid in cash at all the Prayer Towers in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana or by Demand Draft drawn in favour of Jesus Calls or through online in the website Address: Director, Jesus Calls Prayer Academy, 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai – 600 028 Jesus Calls

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November 1, Tuesday – Psalm 34:9 - Lack nothing For meditation: Deut.6:24; Prov.19:23; Neh. 1:11; Luke 1:50; Rev.11:18 November 2, Wednesday - Psalm 42:1 - The longing for God For meditation: Gen.21:14-19; Is. 44:3; Matt. 5:6; Jn. 4:13,14; Rev.7:16,17 November 3, Thursday – Isaiah 62:4 - The Lord's delight For meditation: Jer. 34:22; Eze.36:35; Ps.149:4; 1 Cor.1:21; Heb. 8:8-13 November 4, Friday-Jeremiah 31:13 - Grief will turn to joy For meditation: Ps. 30:11; Is.51:10; 61:1-3; Matt.2:10; Jn. 16:20; Heb. 1:9,12 November 5, Saturday – Zephaniah 3:16,17 - Do not let your hands fall limp For meditation:1 Chr. 28:20; 2 Chr. 15:7; Ps. 27:14; 1 Cor. 3:14; Heb. 6:10 November 6, Sunday - Psalm 121:5 - The shadow of the Almighty For meditation: Ps. 36:7; 91:1; Is. 49:2; Matt. 17:5; Mk. 9:7; Js. 1:17 November 7, Monday – Leviticus 25:19 - Plenty to eat For meditation: Gen.27:28; Ps. 145:15,16; Prov.10:3; Joel 2:19; Zach. 1:17 November 8, Tuesday – Isaiah 12:2 - The Lord is my strength For meditation: Ps. 18:1; 27:1; 37:39; 2 Sam. 22:34; Hab. 3:19; Matt. 19:26; Phil.4:13 November 9, Wednesday – Deuteronomy 28:13 - You will be on top For meditation: 1 Kings 2:3,4; Ps.3:3; Prov. 16:3; Matt. 18:4; 1 Pet. 5:6 November 10, Thursday - Isaiah 60:2 - God's glory will be seen For meditation: Deut. 5:24; Ps. 27:7,8; Is. 4:5; Luke 1:46-55; Jn. 1:14 November 11, Friday – Psalm 91:4 - Shelter of Wings For meditation: Ex. 14:13,14; Deut. 31:6; Ps. 34:19; Nm. 1:7; 2 Cor. 4:8,9 November 12, Saturday – 1 John 1:5 - In Him Is No Darkness For meditation: Gen. 1:3; Ps. 18:28; Is. 9:2; Jn. 1:5; 12:46; Eph. 5:8 November 13, Sunday – Isaiah 52:12 - God’s protection For meditation: Ruth 2:12; Ps.5:11; Jonah 4:6; Eph. 6:11; Rom. 8:31 November 14, Monday – Luke 8:50 - Don’t be afraid; just believe For meditation: 1 Sam. 17:37; Ps.56:3; Gal.5:22; Eph.2:8,9; Heb.11:6 November 15, Tuesday – 2 Samuel 22:31 - The Shield of Faith For meditation: Gen. 15:1; Deut. 33:29; Ps. 28:7; Prov. 30:5; Heb. 10:39 November 16, Wednesday - Psalm 84:11 - Good and Upright Jesus Calls

For meditation: Num. 14:24; Deut. 18:13; 1 Sam.15:28; 2 Chr. 16:9; 19:11; Prov. 2:7 November 17, Thursday – 2 Chronicles 19:11 - Be fearless For meditation: Deut. 31:6; Ps. 31:24; Is. 26:3; Jer. 46:27; Acts. 27:25 November 18, Friday – Jeremiah 31:25 - Satiate For meditation: Deut. 33:19; Job 8:7; Ps.36:8; 119:96; Joel 2:26; 1 Cor. 1:5 November 19, Saturday – 2 Corinthians 3:17 - No More Bondage For meditation: Lev. 25:10; Ps. 50:15; 91:14; Jer. 15:21; Hos. 13:14; Rom. 7:24; 8:2 November 20, Sunday – Genesis 15:1 - Your reward will be grand For meditation: Josh. 1:9; Ps. 32:8; Is. 41:13; Jer. 33:3; Jn. 11:40 November 21, Monday – Deuteronomy 15:5 - Rich Blessings For meditation: Lev. 26:4; Deut. 28:1-14; Prov. 10:22; Ezek. 34:26; Eph. 1:3 November 22, Tuesday – Psalm 34:22 - Redemption of the soul For meditation: Is. 44:22; Luke 1:74, 75; 1 Cor. 6:20; 7:23; Gal. 3:13; 1 Pet. 1:18, 19 November 23, Wednesday – Exodus 14:14 - The Battle is not yours For meditation: Ex. 15:3,6; Deut. 9:3; 1 Sam. 2:9; 2 Chr. 32:8; Is. 42:13 November 24, Thursday – Proverbs 23:18 - There is hope for you For meditation: Ps. 130:5, 6; Is. 30:18; Lam. 3:25, 26; Micah 7:7; Js. 5:11 November 25, Friday – Jeremiah 29:13 - Seek and find For meditation: 1 Chr. 16:11; Is. 55:6; Hos. 10:12; Acts. 17:27; Heb. 11:6 November 26, Saturday – Psalm 32:8 - Teaching and counselling For meditation: Ps. 119:105; Is. 9:6; Jn. 16:13; Rom. 15:14; Gal. 5:18 November 27, Sunday – Matthew 21:13 - House of prayer For meditation: 2 Chr. 7:15; Is. 56:7; Jer. 7:11; Mk. 11:7; Luke 9:46 November 28, Monday – Revelation 2:10 - Tribulation and the crown of life For meditation: Is. 62:3; Mk. 13:13; 1 Cor. 10:13; 2 Pet. 1:3,4; Js. 1:12 November 29, Tuesday - Isaiah 54:17 - No weapon can hurt you For meditation: Ps. 17:8; 91:3; 1 Sam. 14:6; Zech. 2:8; Luke 10:19; 1 Jn. 4:4 November 30, Wednesday - Psalm 121:8 - God guards you always For meditation: Gen. 35:5; Ex. 14:20; Ez. 8:31; Ps. 16:8; Is. 43:1,2

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The Blessing Healing meetings and the Youth Rally in Fiji reached out and touched and blessed thousands of lives. These meetings were held in Fiji Island's capital Suva and Lautoka, which is close to Nadi International Airport.The Lord used Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Sister Evangeline, Samuel Dhinakaran & Stella Ramola Dhinakaran very powerfully as they ministered in these meetings in the Island of Fiji. There was so much of joy flowing out of peoples' hearts as the Lord touched them and they were healed, delivered from their sicknesses and bondage. The revelations of God through Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sister Evangeline during prayer time were very pointed, sharp and clear. There were powerful testimonies of people from the South Pacific Region who prayed with Dr. Paul Dhinakaran through Facebook and Twitter and were healed. All glory and honour be to our Lord Jesus Christ. The Prophetic Conference was held from September 8th to 10th in Church Unlimited, Auckland (New Zealand). 250 people who were registered for this, enjoyed God’s blessings. On the evening of these three days, special Blessing Meetings were held and thousands received the Lord’s blessings. In the Youth Rally held on September 11, hundreds of young men and women eagerly participated in the worship and received God’s blessings. On September 15,16 and 17, Prophetic Prayer Conference was held in Day Spring church, Sidney which was attended by 270 people, mostly by pastors who gleaned deep truths and rich spiritual experiences through this Conference. Special Blessing Meetings were held on all these three days (evening) which were of great blessing to the thousands. Special Blessing Meeting and Jesus Calls Partners’ Meet were held in Melbourne on September 19th and 20th respectively. Hundreds participated in both these meetings. Thousands received direct blessings through these meetings held in Fiji, Australia and New Zealand and lakhs heard the Lord’s message and participated in the prayer through live telecast (Facebook). Jesus Calls

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Fiji culture welcome

A portion of New Zealand crowd A portion of crowd – Fiji meetings

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Eye sight restored

I tried to bend my leg. There was no pain. My leg is healed. The Lord has healed me perfectly.

My eye sight was not clear. When Bro. Paul Dhinakaran was praying, he said, “I see someone’s eyes opening. Keep praising the Lord. The Holy Spirit is creating new eyes and new organs”. As the Lord spoke through him, I am able to see everything now. Jesus has healed me.

Blood flow regularized When I came to this meeting I could not sit. I had severe cough

Chest pain gone I had been suffering

and hence was

from chest pain. But the

planning to go

doctors said that every-

back. That time Dr.Paul Dhinakaran said, “Sarah, you

thing was normal. Yet I

are unable to sit here. The Lord touches you. Re-

had that pain. During the

ceive healing in the name of Jesus. Your blood circu-

prayer time the Lord

lation will be normal. All your organs would return to

healed me. Now there is no chest pain.

normalcy. Your pain is vanishing”. At once all my pains

- Neha.

vanished. The Lord has healed me.

Leg pain gone

Miracle thru’ live telecast

Since a car overrode on my feet, I had a fracture and suffered a lot. When Dr. Paul Dhinakaran prayed Jesus Calls

- Sarah

I had an injury on my back 12 years back. So I could

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not easily rise up from a sitting position. This pain would be more during winter. For the past 1 ½ year, I needed help to raise myself up. Two weeks back, I was watching the live telecast of the Blessing Meeting held by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran in Fiji (September 2nd). When he began to pray, I asked my husband to help me and stood on my knees and prayed, placing my hand on the back. After the prayer, I expected someone to help me as usual. But there was no pain on the back. Since it was winter there was no possibility for that. But truly there was no pain and I shouted in joy. My husband came running and asked me the reason. I told him that my back pain was healed. I share this testimony after two weeks. Now there is no pain. The Lord has healed my 1 ½ year old pain. - Shamila, Sydney, Australia.

said, “Alfred, the grace is coming back to you”. That time I felt the presence of God filling my heart. - Alfred Shanthakumar

Spinal cord healed I had pain in the spinal cord since the past one year. I suffered a lot while getting up from the bed. Doctors could not diagnose it properly. A month ago, they found that one of my discs had swollen. During the prayer time I felt the Lord touching me. Now I am able to bend well which I could not do before. I feel a complete healing. - Shibani.


Felt the presence of God During the prayer time, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran Jesus Calls

(Psalm 126:3)

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My beloved in Christ, My heart is always filled with joy whenever I sit down to write my heart out to you. My heart is rejoicing because I recently participated in the 30th year celebration of Karunya. My heart worships our Lord for His goodness and faithfulness in all these years. I have also initiated new visions and plans; new efforts and endeavours for the Karunya University. We need to look back with gratitude at the 10 months through which God has enabled us to walk victoriously. Even as I contemplate on His goodness, I felt the Holy Spirit drop a word of promise into my spirit for this month – yes! a promise from His unfailing word to all of us. If your soul is searching for a promise from God then here it is : "The bin of flour was not used up, nor did the jar of oil run dry,

according to the word of the Lord which He spoke by Elijah" (1 Kings 17:16)

It is my sincere prayers that God blesses you as promised in His word! Let this month be a month in which you will lack no good thing. Let there be no lack or insufficiency in any aspect of your life. You will experience the move of the Holy Spirit in a unique way in this month. You will see His move upon your personal life; your family life, the work of your hands and there will be a special move especially upon your studies. The ‘life’ and ‘compassion’ of Christ will descend upon you. God will annihilate all those things that have been disturbing you thus far. The Spirit of fear that was making you lose your peace of mind will flee before the presence of God. Yes! The Lord says that proJesus Calls

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phetic protection will surround you during the month of November. So rejoice my friend and be happy! The people around you will fear at the abundance of goodness and peace with which God will fill you (Jeremiah 33:9). You will never again fear anything in future. In this month of November, prophetic blessings, prophetic prosperity and prophetic peace from the Lord will be poured upon you and you and your family will be filled and satisfied. Yes! He shall fill all the places of insufficiencies in your life. You may be struggling with lack of finance right now; your business profit may be down but our Lord who transformed water into wine at the wedding of Cana and filled the insufficiency there will fill you with the same compassion and transform your insufficiencies into abundance (John 2:1-11). God will command such abundance upon

the work of your hands that it would be too difficult for you and those around you to believe!

The Holy Spirit. My friend. It was in the month of November on the 20th day of the year 1980 that the Lord mercifully anointed me with His Holy Spirit. Till then, I was hanging around with worldly friends, being engulfed in worldly pleasures and was moving away from the Lord! But after I surrendered my life to the Lord Jesus Christ and received the anointing of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God told me, “Paul! All these days you had so many friends but hereafter I am your only friend! I will talk to you, lead you and guide you like a friend.” On that day my worldly love came to an end. I began to see great success in my studies where thus far I only saw failures. Step by step I went up and reached the top of the worldly studies by earning a doctorate (Ph.D). It just did not stop there but keeps on growing till today. When I am travelling around the whole world , preaching the gospel (Mark 16:20; Romans 15:18) ,God is confirming the gospel through signs and wonders. I praise and worship God for this grace! Today, I pray that the Lord may touch those young men and women who are struggling being caught in the web of worldly friendships, sinful habits and transient pleasures and make them arise and shine as glorious testimonies to God’s grace and power (Acts 1:8). God will hear the valuable prayers of those parents who are praying for their children to receive the anointing of the Holy Spirit. God will anoint them tremendously in this month (Luke 11:13, Acts 2:39). God will transform their failures into success and enable them to live victories lives!

New Building for Prayer Tower The Lord Jesus Christ said, “Believe Me, a time is coming when you will worship the Father” (John 4:21). With the love, compassion and vision to comfort the broken hearted, and pray for people so that they will experience the love and power of God in their lives and worship the Father, we have established Prayer Towers in many nations around the world and are continuing to establish many Jesus Calls Prayer Towers in many cities according to the definite leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Prayer Towers are established to fulfil the will of God on this earth as it is in heaven. The Jesus Calls Prayer Towers are functioning successfully in France and in a city called Mattakkuli in Sri Lanka. Recently, during the Punjab Prayer Festival we were able to establish the 106th and 107 th Jesus Calls Prayer Tower at Amirstar and Dhariwal respectively. All these Prayer Towers are offering Prayer Services to people only through your sacrificial and cheerful offerings. In some Prayer Towers. we are struggling without space to offer private places for personal counselling to the huge number of thirsty people who are pouring in. Truly! the harvest is plenty but the labourers are few. Will you help us to take the love and compassion of God to these broken – hearted people who desperately need the personal touch of God and His Love by helping us to build enough facilities to offer personal counselling and prayers for them? We need a much spacious place for our Prayer Tower in Hyderabad. The need for space is arising as more and more people are coming, searching for God. We are praying for more space in for the Jesus Jesus Calls

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Calls Prayer Tower in Hyderabad. We are endeavouring with all our strength and commitment to urgently complete that work and meet that pressing need. We are prayerfully planning to lay the foundation of new building for the Hyderabad Jesus Calls Prayer Tower as early as possible. I beseech your precious prayers for God’s strong hands to abide with us and supply our needs to complete this vision. And meanwhile, if the Holy Spirit would speak into your heart to send in your financial support to this meet this need, I encourage you to obey the prompting of the Holy Spirit and sow generously in the fertile field of the Kingdom of God so that you’ll reap an abundant harvest of blessing upon you and your children and your children’s children. You may I give your support by specifying that it is for the Hyderabad Prayer Tower and hand it over to a Jesus Calls Ambassador in your area or sent through MO/DD/ CHEQUE to Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road Chennai 600 028 or send it online at our website

Your part to take the Gospel to the Millions "However, the report went around concerning Him all the more; and great multitudes came together to hear, and to be healed by Him of their infirmities" (Luke 5:15)

The Lord Jesus Christ when He was walking on this earth he relentlessly preaching the Kingdom of God, and healing many people (Luke 9:11) who were desperately searching to be healed. Even today the same need exists and even more. Even today people pour in throngs to listen to the gospel; to receive His healing touch! Yes! Millions of people are pouring-in like a flooded river seeking the Lord Jesus Christ.

We see this is happening right before our eyes as we travel all over the nation. We find people coming in huge numbers to the grounds where we conduct our Prayer Festivals from various parts of the nation. People travel several hundred miles to come and listen to the gospel and receive the touch of our Lord Jesus Christ. They participate in the prayers with great faith and receive many miracles. It many places where the economic condition of people is very low, we ourselves have to take up the task of meeting the entire cost to conduct Jesus Calls Prayer Festival. We need to consider the traffic in the city and the crowds of people and find huge places in the outskirts of the city to accommodate the huge crowds of people who attend our meeting. And these places in the outskirts of the city are completely on attended and therefore full of litter, shrubs and thorns and to clean up the place is a very huge and laborious task and which causes a lot of expenses. Most of the money in our limited budget for the meeting goes-in to clean up the place to accommodate the needy and thirsty people. Yet, we are conducting these meetings out of deep compassion upon the thirsty masses who are searching for God to touch their shattered lives. We pray for these people. And God too looks at our heart to serve the people, and hears our prayers and comforts and heals the people. I here below quote you the schedule of meetings which are going to take place in the coming months so that you can support and uphold us in your prayers: 2016 November 1st week - Israel Prayer Tower 2016 November 12, 13 - Family Blessing Meetings, Ranchi, Jharkhand

2016 December 10 - State Prayer Day (Telangana) - Secunderabad 2017 January 1 - New Year Blessing Meeting, Chennai 2017 January 13, 14, 15 - Prayer Festival, Ambikapur, Chhattisgarh 2017 January 27,28,29 - Prayer Festival, Madurai 2017 February 5 - Prayer for Exam, Chennai 2017 February 8,9,10 - Prophetic Prayer Conference, Rajahmundry, Andhra 2017 February 10, 11, 12 Blessing Festival, Rajahmundry, Andhra 2017 February 24,25,26 - Prayer Festival, Bidar, Karnataka

Please continue to pray for those servants of God who will be working for these meetings, for our physical health conditions, for the presence of God to abide in the meetings and perform powerful miracles and healings. These meetings are endeavours which are so precious in the sight of the Lord because it involves the souls of millions of people for whom He has shed His blood and gave His life. Several Lakhs of souls would be participating in person, millions would be watching through TV. Website, social media, and recorded resources. Surely! The harvest in plenty. Is the Holy Spirit speaking into your heart as you read this message? Then I believe you are one among the chosen to receive His blessings. Act now and send –your seed – offering by handing it over to a Jesus Calls Ambassador, or a Prayer Tower nearest to you or send it through Money Order/Demand Draft/CHEQUE to Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028. Jesus Calls

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Prayer Academy The first sessions of the Jesus Calls Prayer Academy started from September 2016. The Prayer Academy sessions are happening in the mornings and evenings at the Prayer Tower campus at Rajaji Salai. Plans are underway to offer these classes in various parts of India and also offer it online through our website and the candidates who successfully complete these sessions will earn a certificate of value from our reputed Karunya University. To acquire more details about the Prayer Academy, please feel free to contact the Prayer Academy at the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower campus at Rajaji Salai, Chennai or you can call our toll free number 1800 425 77 55 between 7 am to 9 pm everyday or e.mail us at

Karunya I.A.S Academy We are planning to come up with new endeavours in the Karunya University. Besides Karunya School of Christian studies, Agricultural Studies, we have now embarked on a new service that would prepare and train candidates to the highest civilian echelon of our society – the Indian Administrative Services or the Indian Civil Services. Thus we have started the Karunya IAS Academy. I request you to kindly uphold this effort in your prayers. Admissions are about to open from the month of November for the Karunya University, Karunya Christian School. You can acquire the details of Admission to the Karunya University at or you can email at admissions@ you can acquire information about admissions to Karunya Christian School by emailing at kcs@ if you are really serious about admitting your children

into an institution surrounded by Spiritual atmosphere and high quality of education, I encourage you to place your children into the Karunya University or Karunya Christian School.

Seesha - 13 years of Social Service "If you extend your soul to the hungry And satisfy the afflicted soul, Then your light shall dawn in the darkness, And your darkness shall be as the noonday." (Isaiah 58:10)

We began to extend a helping hand - coupled with love and compassion to the abandoned and less fortunate people of our society viz. children in November, 2003. This month of November commemorates 13 years of service in this area. please continue to pray for SEESHA Services. I feel so relieved in my heart to open my heart and share with you my visions and concerns about the ministry and its activities and receive your precious prayers. God will never forget you who uphold the ministry both by your prayers and by your sacrificial contributions. Let me close this month's letter with a word of promise from the Word of God. "The young lions lack and suffer hunger; But those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing" (Psalm 34:10) God will bless you according to this verse. He will meet all your needs and satisfy you and also cause a surplus like there were 12 baskets full of surplus when Christ distributed food for the hungry. God will bless the work of your hands too in the same way. Your brother who is praying for you,

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran Jesus Calls

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I finished my schooling from Pune, Maharashtra. Everything was going fine till one day after my std XII exams, things took a drastic turn. I started having really depressive thoughts which I couldn’t get off my mind. Every moment I could hear voices within me saying that I will never make it in life and that I am good for nothing. I just couldn’t get these thoughts off my mind and I started sinking under the weight of these voices. Then I joined Karunya in the year 2012. Everywhere I went I heard people praying and talking about God. Every morning the word of God would come to me through the counselling sessions that we had before we started the day’s activities. I also attended the prayer cell regularly and the power of God’s word totally renewed and transformed my mind. Before I knew it, I was free from these oppressive thoughts and I started growing in the word of God, wisdom, stature and favour. Academically too God was faithful. He blessed me with amazing scores and my CGPA stands at 8.18. He has also blessed me with a really good placement in a Pune based multi-national company (KPIT). The four years of studies in Karunya have made my life a blessing. - Mr. Ashish John (2012–2016 B.Tech. Electronics and Communication Engineering) I thank God Almighty for giving me the opportunity to do my B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering in Karunya University. Since I did my studies in Karunya, I not only gained knowledge in my academics but also drew closer to God. I was able to attain a CGPA of 8.43 and also get placed in companies like M/s. Tata Elxsi, M/s. Wipro, M/s. Cognizant and M/s. Accenture. With the exposure I got from the college, I gained confidence to attend an off-campus drive conducted by M/s. Mu Sigma Inc. and got placed there with a handsome salary. - Ms. Sneha Liza George (2012–2016 B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering). Karunya made me understand the value and purpose of my life. I can definitely tell that I am a new creation in Christ now. Thanks to Karunya and all my department staff and friends who have supported and encouraged in pruning me all these 4 years. Today I am a better vessel in God’s hand and am useful for many. Academically, God has blessed me with a CGPA of 9.06 and with a core placement in M/s. KPIT. Praise be to GOD!! - Ms. Ashmitha (2012–2016 B.Tech. Electrical and Electronics Engineering)

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Jesus Calls

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Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran


he Love of God is a compelling love. The word ‘compel’ here does not mean ‘compulsion’ or ‘force’ or ‘pressure’ or ‘threat’. God does not force us , pres surize us or threaten us to do anything. There is no fear in love (1 John 4:18). You may be saying, “I am so weak”, but then God’s love will strengthen you, enable you, empower you and move you with compassion to do great things. It is this love that made Jesus die for us all. Apostle Paul says that Jesus died for us all so that God’s love can be poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit ( Romans 5:8) . When this love fills us we will say, “ I am not going to live for myself anymore. I am going to live for Jesus who gave Himself for me and sacrificed Himself as a sweet aroma for me”. ‘You’ will no longer live, but ‘Christ’ Jesus Calls

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will live in you (Galatians 2:20). You will not be doing anything by yourself anymore, but you will be doing everything with the help of God. It is this love that enabled and empowered Paul to say, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13). Yes! My friend! Jesus Christ is full of love for us. In I Corinthians 13th chapter, the bible describes the characteristics of this Love. It says that this love is patient, kind, always protects, always trusts, hopes and perceives and goes on telling about love. Love doesn’t get angry. Love bears all things. And today the Lord is going to pour this love upon you. It is with this love our Lord Jesus Christ healed the sick when He was living in this world; it is with this love He set the captives free (Isaiah 61:1; Luke 4:18) ; it is with this love He gave sight to the blind; it is with this love He washed the feet of disciples; It is with this love Jesus wept for Lazarus; it is with this love Jesus talked with the Samaritan woman; it is with this love He called the simple uneducated fishermen to the ministry. Our Lord Jesus Christ who did all this; will He not do for you dear friend. Our Lord Jesus Christ is a perfect gentle man. He loves us with the loving tender care. When I got newly married my husband took me to a hospital for a general checkup. There the doctor called us to his room and checked my BP. He brought the instrument and he fixed it around my hands and began to check me but then he could not hear any sound of the machine. And so he made me lie down and then again he put the BP machine around my hand and checked it again. Even after that he could not hear anything. So

he made me stand on my feet and checked my BP and this time he could hear a very low sound, and he turned to my husband and asked him, “ Paul, your wife has a very feeble heart, You better take special care of your wife and love her with tender care” and till today my husband is doing that for me. His love for me is so much. It is the Love of the Lord! The love of God makes us love each other with a genuine and pure love. This ‘love’ unites them as one chord. It unites the husband and wife and makes them ‘one’!

Friend! Your health may fail you! Physicians may let you down! But the love of God will not let you down. It will heal you, strengthen you and empower you. Let me quote you the testimony of Brother Edward Immanuel Rajan from Coimbatore . It will strengthen your faith. Read on as he says it in his own words. “I was addicted to drinking alcohol for more than ten long years.This destructive habit ate away all my peace. It also caused me loss of memory, which resulted in me getting to the verge of losing the job that I had. I was wondering whether I would get a bride to get married. I was thus filled with fear about my future. I felt abandoned and lonely. It was at this condition I heard of a Jesus Calls Prayer Festival that was going to be conducted at Coimbatore. I prayed saying, “Lord! Let this meeting create a turning point in my life”, and I participated in the meeting. In that meeting, to my shock and surprise Dr. Paul Dhinakaran called out by name. During the ending prayer he said, “Rajan! God’s power is coming upon you! You are about to lose your job but God’s power is descendJesus Calls

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ing on you. God is transforming your life and is creating a turning point in your life. Your memory- loss is disappearing. When he exactly said what I was going through in my life I froze with surprise. And as he said what I was exactly going through, the power of God descended upon me. I felt a great relief in my heart. I felt that my heart had changed completely. I was miraculously and powerfully delivered from the habit of drinking. After that day I never drank a peg. Now I am going to work at peace. And in 2007, God gave me a suitable bride and also gave me two children and made me have a happy family. We are blessed to the fullest”.

Friend! This is what the love of God can do to everyone who believes in Him. When I lost my mother in 1989, it was just 6 months after I got married. I was totally broken because I loved her very much. She was the one who prayed for my blessings. I remember how that night I cried and said to my husband, “How am I going to live without my mother?. Everything seems to be so dark. How am I going to face my future?” I could not sleep that night. I could not eat. But then my husband prayed over me and said, “Evangeline don’t cry. We are here for you. I am here to love you. The Lord has taken away your mother to make you as a mother. The Lord is placing you in the place of your mother. You are going to comfort your family. Not only that, you are going to comfort the whole world. So from now onwards you should not cry.” Those words really strengthened me. I arose from my worries and I began to work for the Lord and

till today the Lord is using me as a mother to thousands and thousands of people. I took my husband’s words as God’s words. And after that the Lord started to bless me with children. In the place of one person the Lord has given me thousands of people to love me. I have so many mothers in this world.

This is Christ’s love my friends! It strengthens, encourages, comforts and empowers us.

The Love that Builds Families Song of Solomon 2:4 says, “ He brought me to the banqueting house and his banner over me was love”.

Friend! God’s banner over you is love. Though this is a poetic love song between Solomon and his wife Shulamite in which Shulamite sings saying, “My husband Solomon has put a banner over me and his banner over me is love”, this can apply to God’s love also. The Bible says in Psalm 60:4, “but for those who fear you, you have raised a banner to be unfurled against the bow”. He is raising a banner over you. Always remember that the Lord is holding a banner over you saying, “I love you”. God’s banner is always flying over you dear friends and that banner says, “Love”. This Love not only enables us, empowers us, strengthens us and moves us with compassion but also touches and transforms our Families. This Love will first fill our hearts and then through us will flow into our families and bring the family together in peace and harmony. God loves to see us prosper and live joyfully as a family. Let us listen to a live testimony from one of our sisters on how the love of the Lord touched her family life. Here is what Sis. Steffi said:

“My husband and I kept arguing and fighting over many things for about two years. We fought terribly even over trivial issues and with furious exchange of words against each other, the fight would become very big and destroy the peace between us. Due to this I lost my peace of mind and was always filled with agony and frustration. These fights were destroying our family life. It was at this juncture I heard about the Jesus Calls Prayer Festival which was then being conducted at Sawyerpuram, Tamil Nadu. I went to the Second Day of the meeting. Even before we could start and come for the meeting, my husband and I fought with each other and threw hurting words at each other. I participated in the meeting only with a great agony burning in my heart. During the prayer sister Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran prayed for the peace among families. I too joined you and prayed for peace in my family. During the Prayer time I saw a huge blanket of darkness moved out of me and a bright light entered into my soul. Even as I was seeing this vision, the power of God fell upon me and a sudden wave of divine peace entered my heart. It has been six months since that day my husband and I had fought even once over any issue. Today we are living together as a family with peace and joy ruling our hearts.

Friend! Are you suffering due to lack of love in your family? Are you disturbed and hurt in your heart due to the furious arguments between you and your spouse? The Love of God will fill you today. You will be filled with His love and your family will prosper. Usually we see followers holding flags for their leaders in this Jesus Calls

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world when their favorite leader comes to their place they will welcome him by holding flags and waving at them. But the Love of God is more than all this love. It is this Love of God that will hold a banner over you - a banner of love. The love of God will compel (enable, empower, strengthen and move) you to do big exploits for God in your life.

Love Compels to Say NO to Temptations "But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified." (1 Corinthians 9:27)

Friend! Are you crying bitterly saying, “Oh! I am not able to overcome the temptations that are coming against me?” Just turn your heart to Jesus Christ and pray saying, “Lord! Come into my heart and fill me with your compelling love”. When you pray this prayer, the love of God will fill your heart and you will receive power over sin and then you will be able to say ‘NO!’ to sin and its temptations. I know a famous evangelist called Billy Brey. He would often say this wherever and whenever he would minister. He would say, “I hate sin. I am against sin. I will kick it as long as I have feet. I will fight it as long as I have a fist. I will resist it as long as I have a head and I will bite it as long as I have tooth. I will keep doing this till I am old; fistless ,footless and toothless. I will keep it in my mouth even though I may not have a tooth and I will chew it and crush it . I will do this until I go home to glory”. What a wonderful saying. Friend! God’s love was so much burning within him that it compelled him to say this so boldly and courageously.

As the bible says in John 4:10, God’s love will conquer you. Yes! He will conquer you to Himself, because He had died for you dear friend. He was pierced with nails. God’s love is manifested in the cross of Jesus. God loves you dear friend. The blood of Jesus Christ can cleanse from any and every sin (1 John 1:7). The God of peace will crush Satan’s head (Romans 16:20). He had already bruised the head of this serpent. He had destroyed the works of Satan. So you can cheer up. You are going to be more than a conqueror.

A Love that Removes Lack and Insufficiency "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:34-35) “As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love. Hence forth you should be able to say, ”It’s not I; but Christ who lives in me” (John 15:9)

The compelling love of Christ will empower you to say this. After the resurrection, our Lord appears for the third time at the sea shore of Tiberias. He had fried fish for Break fast made ready for His disciples. With great love, our Lord had cooked the fish with His own Lands. He also enabled Peter to catch hundred and fifty fish. He had such a big catch that his net was about to tear (John 21:1-14). Jesus fed them and blessed them in order to make them serve Him with a glad heart. Our Lord will do the same to you too. He will restore each and every loss you have incurred. After having blessed you, He will begin to use you mightily in His ministry. Its’ only after restoring all my

losses did the Lord begin to use me in the ministry. At this juncture let me quote you the testimony of Brother Helen Kumar, which he shared in his own words: “My wife’s name is Sudhamani. I was running a school in the district of Prakasam in the State of Andhra Pradesh. We got married in the year 2004 but since then we could not have a child. Every year during the time of admissions we used to see the parents carrying their cute children to admit them in our school and our hearts used to pain seeing that scene. We used to think, “How wonderful would it be if we had our own children and we put them in our own school and teach them ourselves. We are teaching the children of the outside world but we don’t have our own children whom we can teach with love and care.” We were crushed by these feelings but we put our trust in God and waited patiently for Him to answer. After several years had passed my wife conceived for the first time in the year 2012. We were so happy because we were going to become parents. But to our utter dismay the baby got aborted in the first 4th month itself. Our hearts were shattered. The next year once again my wife got conceived. This time we were very careful and hopeful, but once again in the 4th month the baby got aborted. We gave – up on our hope to have a baby and concluded that we would never again have a baby in our life time. It was at this situation a Jesus Calla Prayer Festival was about to happen at Guntur. I did not know about these meetings. I just went to my sister’s place in Guntur to help her in her mediJesus Calls

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cal check-up. We got the doctor’s appointment at 9:30 PM and so we did not know how to kill our time till then. This was when we heard that a Jesus Calls Prayer Festival was happening in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh. Many times in the past I had desired to attend a Jesus Calls Prayer Festival. My wife did not come that day, but because the first two days meetings were useful to me, I brought my wife on the 3rd day. On that day during the prayer after the message, Sister Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran said, “All those women who does not have child, please stand up to your feet.” We were so happy when she said that statement. It was as if God was calling us directly through her. We stood up to our feet and joined her in prayer. Then she prayed saying, “Lord! Bless these sisters. Heal them now. Remove all weaknesses and all the hurdles to give birth to a baby. Let their womb be healed now. Father touch them now. Let them receive a new womb that is healthy enough to receive a baby. Fill them with you holy spirit.” She prayed with great love and compassion. As my wife stood praying beside me, I was waiting for Sister Evangeline’s prayer. She was praying with such passion as if she would pray for her own brothers and sisters. At that time my wife saw a vision in which a person clad in white came walking towards her and kissed her stomach. I began to think to myself, “Lord! It would be wonderful if we could have a baby,” yet we did not want to believe and got disappointed and so we did not go for any medical examination. But when my wife went to her mother’s place she had secretly gone to meet a doctor and underwent medical examination

without my knowledge. There the doctor examined her and said she had conceived again. When the fourth month come we were so worried , scared and anxious, but the fourth month passed away and the fifth month and then the sixth and seventh and nothing happened to the baby in the womb. And exactly at the time of birth God gave us a girl baby and blessed us. We have enrolled the baby in the Young Partners plan.

My friend! Are you suffering with any need like this due to which you are going through the path of shame and dishonour? Don’t worry. God will meet all your needs. He will restore all your loses. God will first satisfy you and only then He will make you a blessing to others. Yes! His compelling love will make you a blessing to many. When I got married my husband and his parents told me “Its enough if you just remained as a good daughter to us. It is not necessary that you too should join us in the ministry”. But it was the Love of God that compelled me and constrained me to serve Him. I never even imagined in my life that I would be in the ministry. I said, “I am so weak! How will I do ministry?” but God’s love did not leave me. It moved my heart and filled it with love of Compassion for people. It compelled me to serve Him. Today when I pray for other, He uses the same love, to bless others too. Friend! I encourage you too to be filled with this love of God and love others. We are living in the end times. God will return to the earth like a thief. His rapture will happen at a moment totally unexpected by us, so let us get prepared and dedicate ourselves to serve Him and He will fill us with His compelling love and fulfil His will in our lives and do great and exceeding things in our lives.





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Following the divine vision received by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, SEESHA service was started in the year 2003. This service, which was first started with 4 tuition centres and 1 computer centre at Coimbatore, has spread and evolved all over the nation, in these 13 years. With its focus on avenues of education, health, environment and livelihood, SEESHA reaches out to children, youth, women, senior citizens, differentlyabled, persons in need of physical and psychological healthcare and victims of natural disaster – influencing lakhs of lives each year. The Lord has been gracious to SEESHA during these 13 years – helping to gain the goodwill and favour of governments, leaders, communities and individual partners.

Interest in studies “I am a farmer. My son Pranav is studying Class II at the local government school at our village. I have always wanted my son to receive the education which I could not get, but his complete disinterest in going to school had me worried. He could not read or write Gujarati, and English was completely out of the question. However, when SEESHA started the tuition centre in our village, things completely changed. SEESHA’s involvement in his life through the tuition centre, gifts of school kits and new clothes made my son take interest in his studies. He is now regular to school. He has started to spell and write English as well as Gujarati words. Now and then I visit SEESHA tuition centre to keep myself updated about his studies. I also encourage my neighbours to send their children to the tuition centre. Thanks to SEESHA for making my life easier and my child’s future hopeful!” - Aravind – Gujarat.

Our grateful thanks to all who support the services of SEESHA. SEESHA would be providing new clothes to the poor and destitute children, this Christmas. To know more about the SEESHA service, visit or or call +91 9300 600600 Jesus Calls

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Dr. Paul Dhinakaran praying for the Leaders

After a span of nearly 15 years, the Punjab Prayer Festival was held in the city of Amritsar on three days from September 30th to October 2nd. These meetings, arranged with the co-operation of all the church denominations, were attended by people from Punjab, Rajasthan, Jammu Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana and Delhi. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran, Samuel Dhinakaran and Stella Ramola ministered on all the three days. Nearly one lakh people received the Word of God in these meetings and were blessed. Many received the touch of God in their body, soul and spirit and were healed miraculously. Many dignitaries such as Shri. Daljit Singh Cheema, Minister for Higher Education, and Shri. Bikram Singh Majithia, Cabinet Minister, and other church leaders including Most Rev. P.K. Samantaroy, Moderator-CNI & Bishop, Diocese of Amritsar, Rt. Rev. Franco Mulakkal Catholic Bishop, Diocese of Jalandhar, graced these meetings with their august presence. This Prayer Festival was organized in an excellent manner by Mr. Anwar Masih, Chairman, Ps. Shamsher Singh Sandhu, General. Convener, Mr. Daniel Sadhu Masih, Treasurer, Mr. Daniel Masih, Finance Convener, Mr. Tharam Singh, Mrs. Jaswanth Kaur, Co-Coordinators, and committee members Pastor Stephen, and Yakub Masih. Jesus Calls

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Called by name; removed despair There were so many problems in my life because of which I came to this meeting with a broken heart. I was praying that the Lord should remove all the problems and wrote my prayer requests in the form given in the meeting. Realizing that the Lord was calling out to people through Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, I was waiting eagerly for my name to be called. On the second day, I was praying with tears that the Lord should look at my problems and tears. That time, by the grace of God, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran said, “I see a name Hardeep. Hardeep! There are many problems in your life. You have seen loss after loss in your family life. You are filled with fear and despair. Jesus sees you and says that He loves you. Yes, He loves you. His love fills your heart. The evil spirits that bring dejection are now leaving you. You will read the Scriptures. The Lord will revive your life. Hardeep, you will become a big contractor. You will be blessed by the Lord”. Now I am very happy. - Hardeep.

Weakness of Six years gone Since the past 6 years I had been suffering from a terrible back pain. I had problems in both my legs too. I could not go to school and so I have been on leave for the past three months. Doctors who took MRI scan and tested me said that I would not be able to move my legs without a surgery and that it would cost Rs. 3 lakh. A pastor in Chandigarh informed me about this meeting and asked me to attend it. I came here and prayed for my healing. The Lord’s power touched me, right here in this ground. Now I am able to bend. So I am very happy. Praise be to the Lord. - Paramjeet Kaur, Amritsar

Suicidal thought vanished I am working as a teacher. My brother falsely accused me of a particular thing and hence I was broken hearted. Since he had slandered my name in the place where I was living, I was lamenting that it would spoil my career as a teacher. In due course I was filled with bitterness and began to contemplate suicide. Here, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran said, “Here is a teacher. Somebody has committed suicide in your family. Evil spirits are tormenting your family. Now the Lord delivers you. I am not able to see your name. But Jesus delivers you and fills you Jesus Calls

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with His Holy Spirit. You would begin to do ministry for God. You will be delivered now and would teach many youngsters to follow the Lord. The Lord heals your broken heart. His honour and grace will come upon you. You will get back all that you have lost. He will lift you up and use you as His ambassador”. I thank the Lord for remembering me. - Manjubala, Jalandhar.

Called by name and removed my weakness I was sitting here with terrible headache. I even felt giddy. I was weak and waiting with a hope that God would call me by my name. I joined Dr. Paul Dhinakaran in the prayer and that time he said, “I see a name Sourav. The Lord heals you now. All your weakness goes off. Your giddiness is leaving you. Jesus delivers you right now. Come to the stage”. Immediately my weakness was gone. I have got complete healing. - Sourav

Headache of five years gone I suffered from headache for five years. I came to this Prayer Festival for voluntary service. During the prayer time, I was praying for the healing of my headache. That time Dr. Paul Dhinakaran said, “Anwar, You are affected by a severe headache. Jesus delivers you now. Receive healing in the name of Jesus”. I felt the power of the Lord touching me. At once my headache was gone. Now I am completely healed. Praise the Lord. Anwar, Amritsar

Confirmed by the Lord I was sitting on the left side of this meeting. During the prayer time I was wondering, “Are these people really the servants of God?” Yet I was praying that the Lord should show my shortcomings through Dr. Paul Dhinakaran. That time, through His servant the Lord said, “Sagar, the Lord now touches you. He transforms your life and makes you into a clean man. All your sins are vanishing from you”. That time, all the confusions about the servants of God vanished. I thank the Lord who called me by name through His servant, in answer to my prayer. - Sagar, Amritsar

Hope born I was sitting in this meeting with no mind to pray. I was deeply troubled in heart and could not pray. During the prayer time, according to the leading of the Lord, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran said, “Anand, the power of the Lord is coming upon you, now. You are wandering in life and are not yet stable. The Holy Spirit comes upon you. He will fill you and show you His guidance”. That time the Holy Spirit touched me. I saw a bright light. I could feel heavens opening and showering blessings upon me. - Anand, Amritsar

Revealed the secrets I attended the three days meetings. I wanted all my evil habits to Jesus Calls

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leave me. Specially, this morning the Lord impressed upon me to attend this evening meeting. During the prayer time, filled with the Holy Spirit, Dr.Paul Dhinakaran said, “Francis, you are addicted to many bad habits. You have deceived many people. Repent tonight. The Lord wants to build up your family and give you a good future. Ask His pardon”. When he said this, I felt the Lord touching me and delivering me. - Francis, Amritsar

Knee pain gone I had high BP and so suffered from knee pain. I could not walk even a short distance. On the second day meeting, the Holy Spirit spoke through Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and said, “Janaki, the Lord heals you. Now His power is coming upon you. His healing power floods into you”. That time I felt the Lord touching me and His anointing coming upon you. Immediately my physical weakness was gone. On the third day I came to this meeting by walking 2 Kms. There was no pain. Praise be to the Lord for healing me. - Janaki, Amritsar.

Boil broke I had a boil in my mouth for the past three months. Doctors said that I should take treatment from Mumbai. I was praying that the Lord would heal me. In today’s meeting, filled with power Dr. Paul Dhinakaran said, “Savithri, the Lord heals your boils. He touches you”. I was healed instantly. Glory to Jesus. - Savithri, Amritsar

WHEN SAMUEL DHINAKARAN PRAYED… Four year pain gone I had severe back pain since the past 4 to 5 years because of an injury I had. When Samuel Dhinakaran prayed he said that the Lord was healing the back pain. That time the power of the Lord came upon me. My back pain was gone completely. Jesus Calls

The Lord has also filled me with His Holy Spirit. Glory to Him. - Neelam

Healing within five minutes I had problem in my leg for the past 2 years and I could not even stand for more than 5 minutes. When Samuel Dhinakaran asked everyone to stand to their feet and wanted to pray, I too prayed saying, “Lord, it is so painful. Look at me Lord, please remove my pain”. After the prayer Samuel Dhinakaran asked us to test the area where we had pain. I tested my both legs. Now I am able to stand well. There is no pain even if I stand for a long time. I am healed completely. - Deepak

Clear vision without Spectacles I had problem in my eyes for the past two years. I could not see distant objects clearly. So I had to wear glasses. When Samuel Dhinakaran prayed for those who had problem in the eyes, the Lord touched my eyes and healed me. Now I am able to see clearly without spectacles. Praise be to the Lord. - Nibi

Can hear well For the past 20 days I had some problem in my ears. I could not hear anything properly. During this meeting Samuel Dhinakaran prayed for those who had problem in the ears. That time my ears were opened. My son often used to suffer from fits. Last time, dur-

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ing the meetings held in Chandigarh Dr. Paul Dhinakaran prayed for him. He was healed totally. Now he does not have convulsions. - Seetha


there was a problem in my spinal cord. After I was married and had a child, this problem intensified. Recently my husband and I met with an accident after which I could not sit for more than 20 minutes. When Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran said, “The Lord wants to heal you. So place your hands on the affected area”, I placed my hands on my back and prayed. I also kept my hand on the knee and

I was tormented by evil spirits for the past two years. One side of my face would swell up and I would take an injection. When Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran prayed the Lord’s power came upon me. All the swelling vanished and now I am happy. - Majira Mashi

was heaping burning coals on my head. When Sister Evangeline

Spinal cord problem healed

Paul Dhinakaran prayed, I felt something leaving me. Immediately

Since I had a fall when I was small,

prayed. That very moment, the Lord healed me and removed my pain. I also had kidney problem for the past one year. When Sister Evangeline prayed for those who had that problem, that was also healed. The Lord has done many miracles in these meetings. Praise be to Him.

- Kanwaljeet

Headache gone I suffered from terrible headache. I used to feel as if someone

my headache was gone. Now I am healed.

- Saranjeet Kaur

Your offering to take the Gospel to the lakhs ‘Then many….who had… seen the things Jesus did, believed in Him’ (John 11:45).

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“…'Behold, I give to him My covenant of peace” (Numbers 25:12).

Yes, the Almighty God has made a covenant of peace with us. Ezekiel 34:25 and 37:26, talk about the covenant of peace. God says that if a man’s mind is stayed on Him and if a man trusts Him, He will be granted perfect peace (Isaiah 26:3). This is an everlast-

ing covenant! So, no matter what tries to disturb your peace, it cannot change this covenant. The Lord Jesus says, "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you” (John 14:27). From where does this peace come? God is the source of all peace (Romans 15:33; 16:20; Philippians 4:9; 1 Thessalonians 5:23; He-

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brews 13:20). The place in which God dwells is full of peace. He dwells in a sacred place in heaven. Since He dwells amidst the marvellous light, no man can see Him (I Timothy 6:16, Heb.7:26). He is an invisible God. Yet, when necessary, He reveals Himself to man. This is how He appeared to the people of Israel, prophets like Isaiah and Ezekiel and to John, His servant (Exodus 33:20; 24:9-11; Hebrews 11:27; Ezekiel 1:26-28;

Isaiah 6:1-3; Revelation 4:1-3). If you study these verses that talk about God’s appearance to man, it could be seen that they are correlated with each other. Ezekiel says that God was seated on a Throne of sapphire and that He looked like a man; Moses says that He saw Him in the image of a man (Exodus 24:10). Revelation 4:2,6, describes that He who sat there was like a jasper and a sardius stone in appearance. Since words are inadequate to describe Him, the Bible says that He is comparable to jasper and sardius. Song of Songs says that He is altogether lovely (Song of Songs 5:16). God dwells in the marvellous light which no one can see. Several years back I had been to Tehran the capital city of Iran. I had the opportunity to see the various kinds of jewelleries in the palace. And there I saw a huge diamond stone, which was guarded by the guards day and night. They told me that its value was Rs. 33 crores of the then Indian money. When I looked at it, I was surprised to see it giving out different colours in different angles. This was the reason for its preciousness. Similarly, God too is ‘wonderful, extraordinary and altogether lovely’. This Almighty God dwells in the places of peace.

God produces peace in His high places where He dwells (Job 25:2). No man can take away the peace that He gives (John 16:22). Yes, the God of heaven gives great peace to His people (Psalm 119:165). This peace will come in to our souls like a mighty river (Isaiah 66:12). It is a peace which surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:6,7). God gives this peace to every individual (Isaiah 26:3; Psalm 29:11; 85:8).

PEACE TO THE NATION Once, when there was total chaos and confusion in our country, the press reporters asked me, “Brother what do you say about this present situation in the country?” I said, “I would blame me and other people like me. I don’t want to blame anybody else. Bro. Dhinakaran has prayed only for himself and for the people, who come to him. If he had prayed for the nation, there would have been peace in the nation. So I am responsible for this situation”.

Yes, the Lord is able to give peace to the land (Leviticus 26:6). To bring peace into the land, and for us to dwell peacefully, we need to pray (I Tim. 2:1-3). He asked Aaron , the chief priest to speak peace to the Israelites. (Numbers 6:26). When the Lord Jesus was in this world, He preached only on peace (Acts 10:36). He told His disciples to say, “Peace to this house” whenever they entered a house (Luke 10:5, 6). If the head of the family is the Son of peace, divine peace would abide in that family.

PEACE AFTER REMOVING SIN Then He said to her, "Your sins are forgiven….Your faith has saved you. Go in peace." ( Luke 7:48, 50).

We see the Lord Jesus going to a home for dinner. There a woman comes to Him and stands at His feet behind Him weeping; and she begins to wash His feet with her tears, and wipes them with the hair of her head; and she kisses His feet and anoints them with the very precious fragrant oil. The people Jesus Calls

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around her say that she is a sinful woman. But Jesus says, “Daughter, I know that your sins destroyed your peace and joy. Since you have come seeking Me, I am removing them from you. Go back with My peace”. The Bible says that there is no peace for the wicked (Isaiah 48:22). There was a Head of a church and I did not have much chance to get to know him personally. But I kept on receiving phone calls requesting me to meet him as he was in death bed. So I went to see him and pray for him. When I entered into his room, he held my hands and said, “Brother I have been waiting for you”. I said that I would pray for him. He said, “Certainly Brother. But I called you for another purpose. I want to ask your forgiveness”. I was baffled and asked him, “Why?” He said with emotion, “Though I never knew much about you, I have spoken very badly about you. I have been spreading scandals about you; whenever people asked my opinion about you I gave them wrong opinion. Now I am nearing death. If I die without asking your pardon, I cannot go to heaven. Please tell me that you have forgiven me. Then I would close my eyes in peace”.

Yes, sin destroys our peace. Only when sin is removed, we would get peace. The Bible says, “Blows that hurt cleanse away evil, As do stripes the inner depths of the heart” (Proverbs 20:30). However, the Lord Jesus Himself took away these blows for sin on His body. All our sins were laid upon Him (Mark 15:15-20, John 19:2 Isaiah 53:5,6). So, when your sin spoils your peace and when you look up to the Lord of the cross, He would say, “I was beaten and

bruised for him/her. I have carried away all his/her sins”. So saying, He will embrace and kiss you. He will remove the burden of your sin, give you peace and a holy life. That’s why He told the sinful woman, “Go with peace”.

PEACE AFTER REMOVING SICKNESS “And He said to her, "Daughter, be of good cheer; your faith has made you well. Go in peace." (Luke 8:48).

A woman is suffering with the issue of blood, for 12 years. There is no peace for her. She has no healing despite going to many physicians (Mark 5:26). She, whose sickness could not be healed by any medicine, is completely delivered when she touches the hem of His garment. Jesus says to her, who is healed, “Daughter, be of good cheer; your faith has made you well. Go in peace." Today have you lost your peace because of your sickness or weakness? Since He has taken your infirmities and carried your sickness on His own body, He will give you His peace (Matthew 8:17). In 1990, I was terribly ill and was in the hospital for 70 days. I was in agony as I could not even

walk because of my feeble health. I was crying to the Lord saying that I had become a burden to myself. One day, the Holy Spirit came upon me and said, “Haven’t you read what is written in Isaiah 53:5 – ‘By His stripes you are healed’? Now get down from the cot and walk”. God’s presence sustained me. I put my foot down and stood up. Slowly I was able to walk. The Lord also removed the lack of peace caused by my weakness.

My dear friend, the Lord wants to change your sickness and infirmities. When you thus receive this divine healing, He will give you the peace which surpasses all understanding.

PEACE AFTER REMOVING FEAR "Peace be with you." (John 20:19).

The resurrected Lord Jesus appeared to His disciples many times. They were afraid of the Jews and had assembled behind shut doors. They were broken hearted wondering, “Oh, the Lord Jesus is dead. What can we do? What is our future?’ . It was at this time, Jesus appeared to them and said, “Peace be with you”. (John 20:19,21). After the death of Jesus on the cross, the disciples were in a forlorn and lonely state. But the Lord Jesus went seeking them and said ‘Peace be with you”. Dear ones, perhaps you too are forsaken by your husband or by somebody else. You may weep saying, “Oh, I am broken hearted. My future is bleak”. Today you may be languishing without peace because of sin or sickness or by your family’s rejection. But the Lord, who took away your sins, who carried away your sickness and who never forsakes you, will now fill you with the peace that surpasses all understanding. He will also use you in such a way that through you peace would flow into others.

Kindly uphold the magazine ministry by subscribing ‘Jesus Calls’ magazine which brings you and lakhs of people God’s messages, Prophecy fulfilment reports, Testimonies to strengthen your faith, Reports of Prayer Festivals. You may please send more than Rs.250/- also. Please send your offerings mentioning ‘for Jesus Calls magazine’ to Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028. You can also donate online through our secure website using your credit card / debit card or net banking. For more details please call our Toll Free No.1800 425 77 55 ( 7 am to 9 pm) Jesus Calls

November 2016 


Sister Stella Dhinakaran


he Lord Jesus came down to this world as a Man in order that everyone of us who lives in this world should have life and that we may have it more abundantly. On the other hand, like a thief, the devil is all the time seeking to kill and destroy us. As a result, we are assailed by sorrows and pains, on many occasions. Plenty are those, who wallow in tears and try to end their lives. Such an option is not at all pleasing to the Lord. It is the Lord’s desire that we should live well and prosper. “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers” (III John 2). That’s why the Lord Jesus has said, “"Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me” (John 14:1). When the mother, who could not bear seeing her daughter severely tormented by an evil spirit, cried to Him, He heard her and sent her back with comfort and consolation saying, ‘"O woman, great is your faith! Let it be to you as you desire." (Matthew 15:28). Once, when the Lord Jesus was

teaching in the synagogue, He saw a woman who was bent over and could in no way raise herself up. Moved with a great compassion for her, He called her to Him and said to her, "Woman, you are loosed from your infirmity." And He laid His hands on her, and immediately she was made straight, and glorified God (Luke 13;10-13). In both the Old Testament as well as in the New Testament, we can thus read about so many such miracles which the God of gods did by His power and about the various incidents in which He embraced the people, out of compassion. It is the desire of His heart that we should not be troubled. The Lord is great as we read in the Bible - He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world (I John 4:4). He is able to remove all our pains and troubles. Let us examine how the Lord removes all our fretting whenever we are troubled and how He makes us happy?

Fills us with full joy “for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and Jesus Calls

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joy in the Holy Spirit” (Romans 14:17). According to the above Scripture verse, it could be inferred that we can enjoy the Kingdom of God even in this world, apart from entering there after our death. When the presence of God fills us abundantly, we receive this divine experience. What is the joy of the Holy Spirit? Who is the Holy Spirit? ‘Now the Lord is the Spirit’ (II Corinthians 3:17). When the Lord, the Spirit, comes into us, He fills us with this incomparable joy. Many differ in their opinion about this experience. One sect of people say that such an experience is not there since the Holy Spirit comes into everyone, who accepts the Lord as his/her Saviour. Hence they argue that there is no such experience of enjoying the fullness of the Holy Spirit. But, we see clearly in the Bible that the Lord Jesus Christ, the God of gods Himself had this experience (Matthew 3:16). When He took baptism from John the Baptist, the Holy Spirit came upon Him. Likewise, as per His promise, His disciples too re-

ceived this experience visibly on the day of the Pentecost (Acts 1:4). Even today, He fills all those who humble themselves and who ask Him, “I need the anointing of the Holy Spirit”. We read in the Bible, ‘Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good” (Psalm 34:8). It is only when we taste this experience in our life, we can know its glory. Not knowing this truth, many blind their hearts without enjoying this experience and without any desire to receive this. They enter the next world, in this state. Oh, what a heavy loss for them! My dear sister, don’t be dejected by looking at the tribulations of the world. The devil tries to constrain us and destroy us. Not giving room for this, start praying incessantly, in all humility and with deep desire until the Lord gives you this blessing, by telling Him, “Lord, fill me too with Your holy Spirit”. The Lord will surely fill you. A girl by name Jessie, was leading a happy life, being filled with the abundance of the Holy Spirit. Her parents settled her marriage at the due time. But her in-laws were nominal Christians and had no interest in spiritual matters. Initially, she was pained by their activities and in turn they were amused to see her prayer life and Bible reading. As days went by, they began to ridicule her and made fun of her. She was deeply hurt. Yet she was not dejected. She began to pour out her agonies in the presence of God and prayed, being filled with the Holy Spirit, whenever she had

time. The Holy Spirit filled her in an abundant measure. Hence, she was always filled with a divine peace and joy. Her family saw her happy and cheerful countenance. They were amazed to see her strong spiritual life. Days flew! One by one, they began to share their problems to Jessie and poured out their agonies to her. Seizing those opportunities, Jessie showed much love to them and started praying for them. The Lord heard her prayers. He changed their problems. In due course, everyone accepted the Lord as their Saviour, and also they were filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit who gives divine joy. An ordinary woman, like us, held on to the Lord even in that difficult situation. She comforted herself by getting filled with the Spirit of God.

“Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life” (Proverbs 4:23). Accordingly, the fountain of life in her, flowed into the others in her family. The entire family was filled with this divine joy. You too may enjoy receiving this blessing. Wipe off your tears. “… casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you’ (I Peter 5:7). Receive this gift of God and be happy. Make others also happy.

Lifts up a standard against the enemy “…When the enemy comes in like a flood, The Spirit of Jesus Calls

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the LORD will lift up a standard against him” (Isaiah 59:19). When the Lord Jesus Christ received the fullness of the Holy Spirit, the devil came to tempt Him. But He overcame him with the strength of the Holy Spirit. He defeated the devil by answering his questions with the Word of God. When the Lord Himself needed that experience, it is His will that we, the humans too should go through this path. That’s why the Lord Jesus lived an exemplary life before us in everything and it is our duty to follow His foot steps. In this world, we too may be tempted in many ways. Just as He overcame the devil with the Word of God, we too should overcome all temptations and trials with the Word of God. That’s why we should read the Bible diligently whenever we have time. Only when we follow this truly and in all reverence, we can receive this divine grace. These days, people place their trust more on worldly things. When they confront even a single problem, they confuse themselves with the assumption that somebody has done witchcraft or black magic against them. Today, many false prophets, who thus confuse people, have cropped up. People, who are weak in faith believe these prophets and get filled with fear and distress. They lose their spiritual life. We see such things happening in so many Christian families. My dear sisters, our Lord is great! No power of witchcraft or black magic can stand before Him. That’s why He has given us the

Holy Spirit. We read in the Bible, Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty (II Corinthians 3:17). Whatever may be the problem, the Holy Spirit will give you the grace to overcome them just as how He helped Jesus to overcome the temptations of the devil. He will miraculously deliver you out of all bondage. Fill yourself with this faith and hope. Don’t waste your life by getting enslaved by unwanted fears. The Holy Spirit will remove all your bondage. He will destroy all the harms brought by the enemy. David killed the giant Goliath with a pebble. Who did that? It was the mighty hand of the God of gods, whom he trusted. The same God will nullify the problems that rise against you like a giant. A sister had once written to me thus: She and her few friends attended a fasting prayer held in Chennai. In that meeting, through the speaker the Holy Spirit spoke on the benefits of praising the Lord based on the Scripture, ‘Whoever offers praise glorifies Me” (Psalm 50:23). After the meeting, these sisters went back home. On the way, a few wicked boys followed them and so they were deeply troubled and frightened. So they changed their mode of transport to avoid those boys. Yet they followed these sisters in their two wheelers. Not knowing what to do, they remembered the message which they had heard in the afternoon and began to praise the Lord from their heart. As they thus kept praising God, the grace of God

filled them fully (II Corinthians 4:5) and a strange courage and divine joy filled them. They turned back to see whether those boys were still following them. But there was no trace of them. They praised the Lord loudly all the more and reached home safely.

My dear sisters, this is how the wicked enemy would come to touch you. He would try to destroy you. He would try to fill your life with worries and fear and make your life a hell. But when you are filled with the Holy Spirit, He will lift up a standard against the works of the enemy. Read His Word in plenty; implant them in your heart. The Holy Spirit will remind you of these verses at the right time and you will use them and overcome the enemy. Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us (Romans 8:37).

Teaches us and makes us rejoice ‘…the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you’ (John 14:26). Yes, the Holy Spirit will never leave you even for a minute. He will be with you all the time like a close friend and grant you all the blessings that you need. You may need much wisdom in your home or at your work spot. If we trust on our own wisdom and act on that, mostly it ends in a negative way. Jesus Calls

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But when we receive the Holy Spirit and are filled with Him, we would be amazed to see Him filing us with wisdom and leading us. King Solomon asked the Lord for wisdom. The wisdom which the Lord gave him was incredible. Many like queen Sheba went to see and hear his wisdom in person and were amazed. He will do such miracles for us also. There is no need for you to deride yourself saying, “I am ignorant; I am naïve and I don’t know anything. But these people are wise…” The Holy Spirit, who fills you and leads you, will grant you abundant divine wisdom. Many women are ignorant and inexperienced in running a family. The Holy Spirit would change this lack. Once, a girl from a village joined a college and did her studies from the hostel. Her dress, behavior and mannerism were a ridicule and mockery to the other girls in the college. Everybody made fun of her. One of the girls was anointed and was pious. Seeing the village girl squirming uncomfortably whenever she encountered such mockeries, this girl was pained and approached her with love. Gradually she shared with her the love of God and soon this village girl also became pious. In due course, she too received the Holy Spirit who filled her with the needed wisdom and knowledge. He removed all her fears and her conduct, talk and mannerism changed drastically, much to everybody’s amazement. She excelled in her studies and won the good opinion of her teachers. They made her the leader over everything.

My dear young children! The Holy Spirit will teach you the ways of holiness. So obey Him diligently in order that He would teach you. Then your life would be a blessed one, in His sight. Would you open up your heart today and pray earnestly, “Holy Spirit, come into me; fill me. I cast all my matters upon you. Tell me the way in which I should walk”? My dear women, many are the problems that we face in families today. Yet, whatever may be the problems, the Holy Spirit will give you the strength to stand as bold as a lion against those problems. He will show you the way in which you should walk (Isaiah 30:21). Commit your life diligently to Him to walk in His ways. If you are not yet filled with the Holy Spirit, you should cling on to the Lord saying, “I will not let you go Lord, unless and until I receive this’ and receive this divine Holy Spirit. If you read Proverbs 31:10-31, we read many blessed things concerning a woman who fears the Lord. She girds herself with strength and hence is praised. Her children call her ‘blessed and her husband says, ‘"Many daughters have done well, But you excel them all." The Holy Spirit will grant you these blessed experiences. So do not worry yourself by giving room to unwanted things but get filled with the Holy Spirit. He will remove your troubles and make you happy. He will fill you with joy; He will give you the grace to overcome the enemy; He will teach you and lead you in the path of joy.

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November 2016 


God’s awesome presence I am the leader of the Esther Prayer Group in our area. From the Promise verses given in the Esther Prayer Group prayer points, we learn about the ways that are pleasing to God. When we pray with much burden and tears for the perishing souls, mentioning the prayer points, the presence of the Lord fills us abundantly. When we wait for the Lord’s touch, our heart rejoices. - Vidhi Kingsley, Chennai.

Family life rebuilt I am the leader of the Esther Prayer Group in our area. I am married for 18 years and have no child. My husband is a very loving person but all on a sudden he filed a case against me and threw me out of his house. I spent my days in tears. Yet I used to attend all the meetings held in the Madurai Prayer Tower and prayed for my life to be rebuilt. The Lord answered my prayer and has helped me to rejoin my husband. Glory to the Lord for the miracle He has done for me. - Sheeba Abraham, Theni.

Miraculous healing Sis. Kavitha of our Esther Prayer Group joined us in the year 2005. For 11 years we have been praying for her husband to be de-

livered from alcoholism. This June, he strongly forbade her to attend church. Within a few days after this, he fell sick and doctors said that he had developed complications in his kidney, lungs and liver. As sisters of Esther Prayer Group, we prayed for his healing. I had also written a letter to Aunty Stella Dhinakaran for this. She too had prayed and sent a reply that God would heal him. Accordingly, the Lord commanded complete healing to him and now the reports say that everything is normal. He has also come out of his drinking habit and now attends church also. Glory to God. - Jeyamathy Christhurajan, Trivandrum.

Unexpected wonder Along with Sis. Sheila Thamban, I am taking efforts to start new Esther Prayer Groups in Dindugul Tamil Nadu and also am encouraging the hindered groups to resume their prayer fellowship. As I was once going to conduct a prayer group, I got a call from a bank saying that all the jewels which I had pawned were going to be auctioned and that I should go immediately and redeem them by paying the ransom. I did not have money even to go by an auto and was perplexed. Yet I prayed sayJesus Calls

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ing, “Lord, I don’t have any help. I am running around for You to do ministry. Please remember me in this crisis and help me”. I then finished conducting the Esther Prayer Group fellowship. I did not share this problem with anybody. The Lord, who is faithful in His promise, did a miracle. Within a week, my PF amount for which I had been trying for nearly 1 ½ years reached my hands with no effort on my part. I needed Rs.22,000/but I got Rs.30,000/-. The Lord met my need and also made me have some balance. Glory to God who did this miracle. - E. Jane Rosalind, Dindugul.

Fire anointing I am the leader of the Esther Prayer Group in our area. Sisters Reethu, Mary, Sangeetha and Leena Jyotsna received fire anointing. Sis, Kinjal was renewed in her spirit. Sis. Bindhu and Sakunthala received a new strength. Sis. Leen was comforted by the Holy Spirit. Sis. Vandhana was strengthened by the promise verses. Sis. Kokila and Meena received the mighty anointing of the Lord. We give glory to the Lord for the spiritual blessings granted to our group. - Thara Vinodbai Christy, Gujarat.

Useful Promise verse I am the leader of the Esther Prayer Group in our area. The moment I receive the Esther Prayer Group prayer points I used to memorize the promise verse given there. They are of great use to me, When we read the prayer points, we are able to empathy with the people who are in agony and tears and we could pray with burden. This prayer time is of great

blessing to us. - Barsha Shilee Mokthan, Sikkim.

Glorious light When I attended the Thanksgiving meeting of the Esther Prayer Group conducted by dear mother Stella Dhinakaran in Chennai, I saw a bright light on her face as she was sharing God’s message. Divine presence filled that entire place. I had never before seen such

a bright light. I rejoiced on seeing that glorious light. Millions of praises to God, who has given me new strength, health and anointing to continue to run the Esther Prayer Group. Glory to God. - T. Metilda Thavaprakash, Chennai. The testimonies given below will be helpful to follow and be blessed

The Lord’s mighty deeds in the Esther Prayer Group expansion During the Esther Prayer Group fellowship conducted on 19.06.16, the Lord spoke to me saying, ‘Daughter, arise and set your hands to do this”. Thrilled over it, I responded immediately and said, “Father, I will do whatever You ask me to do. I will be Your slave always”. Then we concluded the prayer. The next day, a sister from the Chennai Jesus Calls office contacted me and said, ‘Dear mother has appointed you as the co-coordinator to revive the Esther Prayer Groups that are hindered in your area”. I cried to the Lord saying that I could not do this job unless His presence filled me. The Lord, who saw my tears, strengthened me. Taking five copies of the letter I got from the Esther Prayer Groups, I contacted the leaders, members and co-coordinators of the Esther Prayer Groups. Everybody started working with me jointly. I was very happy. Before starting the Esther

Prayer Group the Lord had promised me, “For it is an awesome thing that I will do with you. I will straighten the crooked things”. That day we prayed with burden. We were greatly encouraged by the promise of the Lord, ‘you shall expand to the right and to the left”. I told my group members, “The Lord says that He will do with us an awesome thing. So be bold. The Lord will restore all the Groups that had been hindered”. So saying, we began to meet the members of the non-functioning groups. When we went to Sis. Joyce Indrani, I said that I was coming from the Esther Prayer Group and immediately she started crying. When I asked her the reason she said, “I am greatly troubled since I have stopped the Esther Prayer Group. I am waiting for someone to help me conduct the fellowship”. I was happy to pray for her. She said joyfully that the Lord had helped her to resume the Esther Prayer fellowship through me. The Lord again strengthened me saying, “Daughter, the journey Jesus Calls

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is too great for you." So from the next day I started contacting the sisters of the Esther Prayer Groups and encouraged them to resume their fellowship and assured that the Lord would bless them. When I met Sis. Hannah Thangathurai and asked her to continue with the Esther Prayer Group, she said, “Today I should have gone for village ministry. But I couldn’t go and hence I could meet you”. Thus she was encouraged to continue with her Esther Prayer Group. Few other sisters gave the reason that they were weak. One sister said to me, “I am in the wheel chair. In that case how can I conduct the Prayer Group?’ I said, “Do it with courage. The Lord will give you the strength. Join your daughter also and continue with the fellowship”. Thus the leaders of all the Groups that were not functioning accepted me and I prayed for them fervently. When I went to a sister’s house she firmly refused to conduct the prayer. But when I encouraged her,

she became happy and assured that she would conduct the prayer regularly. Yet another sister requested me to pray for her children and I too prayed. She was thrilled and said that she would re-start the Esther Prayer Group. Thus many groups that had been hindered have come forward to resume the prayer.

would immediately restart the

of the Lord, let us

group since she had seen that

continue with the

dream and she did it that week it-

ministry of the

self. With prayers many groups

Lord, who says,

could be formed. But we can never

‘"Whom shall I

conduct the prayer if we are le-

send, And who will go for us? The

thargic and indifferent. We need to

Lord will surely increase us.

Next, I prayed to the Lord saying that He should speak to the sisters and make them start new Esther Prayer Groups. Whenever I asked the sisters to whom the Lord urged me to speak, to start a new group, they immediately complied. Thus, many sisters came forward to begin new groups. The God of gods, who said, “For it is an awesome thing that I will do with you”, did everything. All glory and honour to Him.

Dhinakaran will not see us but the

have a burden and commitment for this.




Lord does. He Himself gives us this ministry considering us to be faithful.

- Glory, Rajapalayam. After the Prayer Tower was started in Dindugul, I was surprised to receive a call from Sister Stella Dhinakaran in the midst of her heavy ministerial schedule and I

Recently when we gathered, I

could realize the great burden she

said, “The Lord rejoices to see the

has for the Esther Prayer Groups.

plumb line in the hand of

When she mentioned to me about

Zerubbabel”. We need to set our

the non functioning groups I re-

hands to do things if we want the

quested her prayers and assured

Lord to happily see our plumb line.

her that I would help as much as

I am running to the areas where

possible. She had sent me the de-

the groups are not functioning and

tails of the 23 hindered groups. My

am encouraging the fellow sisters

pastor’s wife encouraged me and


to resume the fellowship. Now all

she too accompanied me when I

dear mother Stella

the Esther Prayer Groups are func-

visited these groups. Also Sis. Ruth

Dhinakaran ap-

tioning in an excellent manner. With

Abraham, an illiterate lady and who

pointed me as the

great desire and oneness of mind,

is shining for the Lord through the

coordinator of the

all of us jointly conduct the fellow-

Esther Prayer Group and who has


ship, listening to one another’s

visited many villages has now

Rajapalayam area. Immediately

words. Dear mother Stella

started 7 new groups. Both of us

we committed everything in the

Dhinakaran often used to tell that

met the groups that were not func-

Lord’s hand and prayed with tears.

we should pray, read the Bible and

tioning and encouraged the sisters.

When I first met a sister she said,

walk accordingly. The 19th and

We also encouraged the Esther

“I saw a dream in which dear

20th prayer points are very impor-

Prayer Group sisters in the

mother Stella Dhinakaran appeared

tant for us. Also we always see

Kodaikanal area. Everybody had

and said with burden, ‘Oh, why

dear mother reiterating much on the

some problem related to their jobs

have you stopped the prayer?’. The

Bible. Doing ministry without read-

or time or something else. Yet I

next day, when Sis. Prema of our

ing the Bible or walking by it is vain.

advised them to resume the Esther

group visited her, she said that she

So if we want to glorify the name

Prayer Group prayer and also to

- Diana Rajasingh, Madurai. Last




Jesus Calls

November 2016 


start new groups. A pastor’s wife could not conduct the Esther Prayer Group because of a few problems in her life. I met her and encouraged her to start the group. We met Sis. Julie Sounderarajan,

wife of the pastor in Dindugul. Sis. Jane, Jesus Calls Evangelist also showed me a few houses and accordingly we have started 4 new groups. Soon more new groups would be started. The Lord coun-

sels us through prayers. By the grace of God He is helping us to conduct the fellowship since the past 15 years. May the name of the Lord be glorified. - Sheila Thamban, Dindugul.

My dear leaders of the Esther Prayer Groups, please conduct the group without fail. You shall expand to the right and to the left. The Lord’s name will be glorified. You shall be blessed abundantly. Dear leaders and members who read this! Write to us your testimonies. We will publish them for the glory of God. God willing, the sisters of the Esther Prayer Groups in Chennai and its surrounding places may attend the Esther Prayer Group Thanksgiving meeting to be held on December 10, in Bro. D.G.S.Dhinakaran’s Memorial Prayer Tower from 10.00 AM to 1.00PM. Let us thank the Lord in one accord, glorify Him and get filled with His grace.

NEW GROUPS If the Spirit of the Lord prompts you to start an Esther Prayer Group or Youth Esther Prayer Group in your area or in your home or hostel or in any place convenient to you, so that the women in your area could be blessed, and revived, please come forward. This is the end time. Contact Address: Sister Stella Dhinakaran (Esther Prayer Group) 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028. Email:

Ranchi (Jharkhand)

Family Blessing Meeting Participate as a family and be blessed

2016 November 12, 13 (Saturday & Sunday) 5:30 PM Ranchi Veterinary Play ground (Gymnasium ground) Ranchi Veterinary College, Near Kanke Block, Kanke, Ranchi. Contact : 09709300400 / 09709517500/09709684500


Women's Annual Thanksgiving Meeting

2016 November 26 (Saturday) 10AM to 1.00 PM Vanagaram Prayer Tower, 96, Poonamallee High Road (Near Outer Ring Road) Vanagaram, Chennai - 600 095 Contact: 09940600228 / 09940600229

Separate Session for Children Jesus Calls

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We invite sisters to participate and be blessed

‘O Lord…. since the beginning of the world Men have not heard nor perceived by the ear, Nor has the eye seen any God besides You, Who acts for the one who waits for Him” (Isaiah 64:4).


his experience is needed for an intimate life with the Lord. These days, there is no room for ‘waiting’ or ‘looking unto the Lord’ in families. Everybody is running like a machine and most people’s lives are spent in getting up in the morning, doing their chores and going to bed at night, totally exhausted. At the same time, many have the desire to live a close life with God. So, let us today examine ourselves and see to which category we belong. Shall we now see about the blessings that we would receive by thus waiting at the feet of the Lord in truth?

Holding on to Him firmly: How would this life be? When we read the lives of men of God like Noah and Enoch, we see that they walked with God, talked to Him, waited at His feet and thus lived with Him (Genesis 5:24; 6:9). Not only that, we read in the Bible how Abraham was God’s friend and lived an intimate life with Him (James 2:23). In the same way we also read about Moses, Daniel, David and Joseph holding on to the Lord firmly.

My dear sisters, whatever may be your chores, you have to allot a specific time to wait at the feet of the Lord. About this the Bible says, ‘Redeem the time’ (Ephesians 5:16). To do this, you need to have real love for God. Also you need to have a godly and faithful heart. We read wonderful things about a woman called Esther in the Bible. Even in her young age, she was aware of the glory of waiting at the feet of the Lord. She knew pretty well that if she sought the Lord with fasting, at times of trials and distress, the Lord would make all things come to pass (Esther 4:16). Hence, in her life she had the chance to handle by herself a destruction that was about to befall the Jewish tribe. She did not let go of this situation saying, “Alas, I am scared; how would I make this possible?” Instead she had the faith, ‘The Lord whom I trust will make this possible and give me victory. There is nothing impossible for Him”. Accordingly, she waited at the feet of the Lord for three days, with fasting. She totally trusted only on the Lord to perfect her matter victoriously. Jesus Calls

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“He (the Lord) is a shield to those who put their trust in Him’ (Proverbs 30:5).

Accordingly, God gave her, who held on to Him and who had Him alone as her hope, a great blessing. He prevented the destruction that was about to come upon her tribe and instead destroyed Haman, who rose against them, as well as his family. Her hope on the Lord and her faithfulness in seeking Him brought her this great blessing from the Lord. My dear sisters, you too should learn to wait at the presence of God as mentioned in the above promise, despite the biggest problems that crop up in your life. When you pour out all the burdens of your heart before Him, just as how Esther did, He will surely deliver you and grant you victory in all things. Similarly, today, many women live in tears because of various ‘lacks’ or ‘needs’ in their lives. In the Bible, we read about a woman called Hannah who was in agony as she had no child (I Samuel 1:1015). Similarly, a Canaanite woman was deeply troubled as her daughter was evil possessed (Matthew

15:22-28). How painful it would be for a mother to see her child suffering! She ran to the presence of Jesus. She waited at His presence, humbled herself and pleaded to Him for His blessing. That moment her daughter received complete healing. Are you today perplexed and worried over your child’s sickness or marriage settlement or problems in married life and so on? There is no other way except to kneel down before the Lord like that mother and cry to Him saying, “There is nobody except You to help me; You alone are my hope; so please do a miracle in this matter”. The Lord will surely wipe away your tears. In the midst of trials, tears and pains, please do not run anywhere else except to the feet of God and wait before Him. The Lord who sees your waiting would surely perfect everything for you in a good way (Psalm 138:8). Today, many women write to me their testimonies. It is amazing

to read how the Lord does good things for them since they seek Him with reverence at times of needs and lacks in their lives. My dear sisters, wipe off your tears. Hold on to Him firmly until you receive these blessings. Perhaps you are troubled that you have lost everything in life. If so, you should commit yourself to Him saying, “Lord, I have lost everything; I am like a lone tree; I need only Your feet; I hold on to Your divine feet”. Then He would make you happy. He will fill you with the anointing of the Holy Spirit and make you rejoice (Matthew 3:15, 16). ‘… whom having not seen you love. Though now you do not see Him, yet believing, you rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory” (I Peter 1:8).

Enjoy this glorious experience! Don’t trouble yourself asking, “How is this possible? How can this happen?” and so on. In the Bible, a woman called Anna, who was a widow, went to the temple Daily promises, messages of blessing, with facilities for watching on line TV programmes, sending donations and prayer requests.

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November 2016 


of God and not anywhere else and held on to the Lord’s feet. That time she received a divine experience. Firstly, since she was filled with the Holy Spirit, her tears of sorrow were turned into tears of joy. Instead of worrying, “Oh, I am a young widow”, she waited at the feet of the Lord and received the divine life of arising and shining for Him. Also she received the gift of prophecy and became a mother of consolation to many. My dear sisters, haven’t we now come to know of the glory of waiting at the feet of the Lord? So, if you are living a life of shortcomings and are not interested in seeking God, I again urge you to commit yourself completely to the Lord telling Him, ‘I will seek You from today”. The more you thus wait at His feet, the more blessings and benefits would be received by you from the Lord. So, in order to receive these blessings, humble yourself totally in the presence of God and enjoy tasting His perfect blessings and benefits.

AT THE VANAGARAM FAMILY BLESSING MEETING Innumerable miracles My son had high fever which persisted for ten days and hence we had to admit him in the hospital. The doctors said that he had some problem in the intestine and advised for surgery. We were greatly troubled and immediately went to the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and enrolled him as a Young Partner. The prayer Warrior also prayed for him earnestly and assured that nothing would happen to him and that we would tell the Lord’s miracle to everyone. That time I made a vow that I would donate my husband’s one month salary to the Prayer Tower building fund if my son was healed. After that when we took him to another hospital, the doctors there said that a miracle had happened and that he did not need any surgery. Also, my daughter could not speak even after completing four years of age. I joined her in the Young Partner’s Plan and wrote a letter to dear mother seeking prayers for her. I also sponsored a TV programme for her birthday. On that day, dear mother gave a promise verse for her and prayed for her to speak well. The Lord heard that prayer, did a miracle and has helped her to speak. Now she speaks well and is doing well in her studies. Also I suffered from severe bleeding. The doctors suspected it to be cancer. Again I made a vow that I would give of-

fering for the Jesus Calls ministry if I got a normal medical report. Accordingly, the Lord helped me to get a normal report. I am sending donation for the Prayer Tower building fund. Glory to God. - Vethavalli, Mugalivakkam, Chennai.

Able to walk I suffered a lot from severe leg pain and came to this meeting with great difficulty. When dear mother prayed, I felt a power coming into me, during the time of prayer. After that I received a miraculous healing. Now I am able to walk well, without any pain. Glory to God. - Kasthuri, Arumbakkam, Chennai.

great desire to do ministry. I am going to conduct many Esther Prayer Groups. - Sakunthala, Valliyoor, Tirunelveli.

Power and healing I was affected by nervous problem because of which I could not even eat properly. I could not even move my tongue. I came to this meeting with severe pain. When dear mother was praying, the Lord filled me with His power and granted me a miraculous healing from all my pains. I, who could not speak for the past 6 months, am able to speak well now. Praise be to the Lord. - Shobana, Thiruverkadu, Chennai.

Miraculous healing and vision

Burning sensation gone

I am doing God’s ministry and so many people have done witchcraft against me. Hence I could not walk and became vexed with life. I even decided not to do ministry. At this juncture I attended this meeting. During the prayer time, dear mother said, “The Lord is giving you His ‘Spirit that compels’. You will arise and shine for the Lord”. That time, the Lord poured upon me the fire anointing. A divine peace filled me and I received miraculous healing from my leg pain. Also I go back with the

I had lost my son and hence was in grief. I came to this meeting with mental burden. When I entered here, my whole body had a burning sensation. I even thought of leaving this place. That time dear mother said, “Nobody should leave this place because the Holy Spirit is walking in your midst”. So I sat down. What a wonder! That moment the burning sensation in my body vanished. I received a miraculous healing.

Jesus Calls

November 2016 


- Esther, Mangadu, Chennai.

Question: How to live as a good mother-in-law/ daughter-in-law, and pleasing to the Lord? (Part - 1) Answer: My dear sisters, particularly dear mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law, this is a good question indeed. Let us find the answer for this question with the help of the Lord’s spirit and enjoy His blessing “But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised” (Proverbs 31:30).

This is the basic verse for the above question. It is the Lord’s desire that our characteristics should be pleasing to Him. For this, we need to seek God devotedly, like David. Today, many women seek the Lord but they do not have cent percent fear of God. These days, we could see them going after the world, out of love for the world and its people. Hence, the devil enters into them and instigates them to do many things that are displeasing to God. The early man Adam and his partner Eve were enjoying the divine blessing of staying and walking in the presence of God. But when the devil created in Eve a fleshly desire, she was enslaved by that and lost all those blessings in a moment. How terrible it was! My dear sisters, please get your life united with the Lord, in all rev-

erence. There should be no room for the devil or his people or for lusty desires caused by them. The Lord wants your ways to be filled with divinity. “Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, "This is the way, walk in it," (Isaiah 30: 21).

My dear sisters, accordingly, you should kneel down in His presence every day for everything, look up to Him and choose the path shown by Him. You should be diligent about this every day. Then according to Psalm 32:8 and Isaiah 48:17, the Lord will teach you, and lead you in the way you should go. Also, as said in Isaiah 45:2, He will go before us and remove all the crooked and displeasing things from us. He will shepherd us, His flock, like a good shepherd (Isaiah 40:11; Psalm 23:1). Perhaps we may know about all these things. But, are we careless in following these things? Examine your life. Every day, seek the Lord firmly through prayer and receive His blessing. In the Bible, we read about a Moabite woman called Ruth. Since she was a Moabite, she knew only about her gods. But when she entered into Naomi’s family as a Jesus Calls

November 2016 


daughter-in-law, she observed her mother-in-law Naomi’s matters. Though Naomi had lost her husband and two sons, she held on to the God of Israel firmly. Seeing this, Ruth too like her mother-inlaw Naomi came under the wings of the Lord God. That is, she too started seeking Him. We read in the Bible, "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matthew 6:33).

Yes, accordingly, a man called Boaz who was a God fearing Israelite married her. The reason, she was virtuous and prudent. As we keep seeking the Lord, He gives us the grace to be of His mind and to live with fine qualities. So, likewise, let us also receive full blessings like Ruth did by seeking Him and getting His mind (Titus 2;14). So, dear mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law, you should firstly hold on to the Lord firmly. Then He would lead you in divine paths. Next, we shall see how Naomi and Ruth received God’s blessings. What did Ruth say? “For wherever you go, I will go; And wherever you lodge, I will lodge; Your people shall be my

people, And your God, my God” (Ruth 1:16).

According to this verse, Ruth got herself firmly united with her mother-in-law Naomi. My dear sisters, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, you too should get united with each other in the family. Trust one another thinking, “What my mother-in-law says would be correct; what my daughter-in-law tells would be correct”. Love one another. The next thing done by Ruth was to make the God of Israel, whom Naomi sought with diligence, as her own God. She held onto Him firmly and did not want to please her gods. She began to love the people of Israel as her

Bible Quiz 57

(Bible Portion: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) (Read the given verses carefully, line by line. You can easily find the answers)

own. So when she came back to Bethlehem, the Lord was pleased with her and made her get favour in the eyes of everybody. Everyone loved her. So, dear ones, you should also be diligent in loving one another and enjoy everything in oneness of mind without saying, ‘this is my house; my people’ and so on. Make everybody as your own being filled with love, without showing any differentiation. If you both thus do everything with prayer and oneness of mind, the Lord would lead you to live united with Him just as how He did for Ruth and Naomi. He will lead you in such a way that there would not be any work of the devil – unwanted anger, irritation, jealousy etc., - in you. He will give

you the grace to love one another always, without any wicked streak cropping up in you. Thus, like Naomi and Ruth when you too get united with one another and walk in His ways by seeking Him in all reverence and by pleasing Him, you would receive peace, joy and oneness of mind. Today, confess all the bitterness and hatred in you to the Lord and leave them. Then the Lord would change all the evil things into good. Always get filled with the presence of Christ so that He would change all your worldly pride and mean mentality. Jesus Christ would come into you as the King and change your life into a life pleasing to Him and grant you peace, joy and blessings. - To be continued

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

What is spoken in what? Who should not be despised? What should you have in yourselves? Who gave a new commandment? What was that? How is he, who seeks…………..of the one who sent him? What is not in Him? 6. Who is kind to whom? 7. Who will uproot what? Answers must 8. What will not match what? reach us before 9. What should come to light? NOVEMBER 30, 10. What is truth? 2016 Address: Bible Quiz - 57, Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028.

ANSWERS FOR QUIZ 55 blood shall pursue you; since you have not hated blood (Ezekiel 35:6) you shall give to the priest the first of your ground meal, to cause a blessing to rest on your house (Ezekiel 44:30). 3. Great is Your faithfulness (Lamentations 3:23). 4. The iniquity of Israel shall be sought, but there shall be none; And the sins of Judah, but they shall not be found (Jeremiah 50:20). 5. Those who depart from the Lord Shall be written in the earth, “ (Jeremiah 17:13). 6. If a man observes the Lord’s judgments, he shall live by them’ (Ezekiel 20:21). 7. The congregation of Jacob shall be established before the Lord (Jeremiah 30:20). 8. The false pen of the scribe certainly works falsehood (Jeremiah 8:8). 9. The Lord’s throne remains from generation to generation (Lamentations 5:19). 10. Cast away from you all the transgressions which you have committed, and get yourselves a new heart and a new spirit (Ezekiel 18:31). 1. 2.

BIBLE QUIZ 55 - WINNERS Chennai: Sumithra David, Godvia Princes, Jonathan Abilash D.,Tanjore: J. R. S. Sharon, Pudhucherry: P. S. Moorthy Vellore:Jaya Kumari Mohan Dass Andhra:Gudisha Sundersingh Karnataka: Florence Nirmala Kesari Jesus Calls

November 2016 


- Yesupatham


ne look at her sister’s face… realization dawned on Sandhya that something serious has happened. She was heading home from school. ‘What happened Vindhya?” “Sis, mom has scribbled on your notebook… the one with thick binding… I tried to snatch it from her, but she beat me… Now she’s torn that notebook…’ Cried Vindhya who was doing seventh standard. Sandhya, doing +2 was an all rounder – first in academics as well as in sports. ‘Oh, My God!” – muttering to herself she rushed in and found her Zoology Record Note in a torn and tattered condition, spread over the floor. Pen and pencils were strewn all over. A loud cry escaped from her lips realizing that it was impossible to re-draw. Her mother was sitting near the door as if she had nothing to do with the mess and was counting ‘One, two, three… ‘ Yes, her mother had been mentally affected ever since she lost her third son after few years of birth. Her father, working as a coolie ten Kms away from home would reach home only at 8 in the night. The family responsibility fell on Sandhya’s shoulder ever since her mother had been affected. Torn between her helplessness to set right the record notebook and

anger over her mother, she banged her head on the wall and shed bitter tears. Vindhya hugged her sister tightly and started weeping.

Gunaseeli Madam sent me here. We will restore your Zoology record notebook and draw everything for you. Don’t discontinue your studies. Priscilla shared with me all your problems. We have spoken to your father and have arranged to admit your mother in the Kilpauk Mental hospital in Chennai. Vindhya said that your father wouldn’t be able to go to Chennai to see her. So Madam will take the responsibility…’ Her teacher ’s words comforted Sandhya.

“Sis, let us both commit suicide…. There’s no other way for us…” – Wept Vindhya. Her cry was drowned by their mother’s loud laughter outside. Once, everybody was in bed, Sandhya woke up, feeling restless. She got up and pondered on her sister’s idea. But her father’s meek face forbade her. She didn’t want to make him suffer more since he was already in agony, working hard for them and taking care of them so lovingly. Tears streamed down. She woke up as usual, cooked and sent off her father.

“Let’s pray Sandhya… Jesus, who has promised that He would never forget us, even if our mother may forget us, will never forsake you. You will surely come first in the school and secure state level in anyone of the subjects…” Priscilla assured her and also prayed for her.

“Sis, why aren’t you getting ready?” Vindhya asked even as her sister was helping her to get ready for school.

Sandhya started reading the Bible and praying regularly. Priscilla’s hope instilling words and prayers not only comforted her broken heart but also gave her hope.

“No… I’m not coming… I won’t continue my studies….” ‘What?” “Now, go Vindhy” – Her sister’s stern tone shut her mouth.

She prepared for her exams with confidence and within a few months, she achieved great success in her exams. She drew closer to the Lord. Her mother too returned home, fully cured. Joy overflowed in that family.

Her mind was milling around and she didn’t feel like eating anything. Her friend Priscilla and Zoology teacher Mrs. Beulah came to see her in the evening. She burst out in tears, on seeing them. ‘Don’t Jesus Calls


‘…whoever trusts in the LORD shall be safe’ (Proverbs 29:25).


November 2016 


Owned by Jesus Calls and Published by Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran from 16,Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai-28. Printed by Mr.Paul Aravamuthan at Bapuji Printers, 5, Kurban Ali St, Woods Road, Chennai-2. Editor: Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran


Regd. Newspaper RNI No.TNENG30411/73 Regn. No.TN / CC(S) Dn/ 513/15-17 Registration No.TN/PMG-CCR/WPP-156/15-17 Published on 25-10-2016

Pray for these meetings from now on! Be ready! Come as a family along with your friends and relatives! Receive the blessings that the Lord has kept in store for you, this New Year!


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