Jesus Calls (English) - July 2016

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PRAYER TOWERS At Cuttack (Odisha)... On June 2nd, Jesus Calls Prayer Tower at Cuttack, Odisha was dedicated in the presence of the Jesus Calls partners, leaders of church and servants of God.



prayer tower

At Bhubaneswar (Odisha)... On June 2rd, Jesus Calls Prayer Tower at Bhubaneswar, Odisha was dedicated in the presence of the Jesus Calls partners, leaders of church and servants of God. Address: Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, 2nd floor, Plot No.N5/5, IRC Village, ID Market Road, Saliasahi Chowk, Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar - 751015, Odisha. Ph: +91 9439359073 All Prayer Towers function from 8.00 AM to 8.00 PM. For prayer help at any time (day and night):

044 - 33999000




prayer tower

Address: Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, Makarbagh Street, Near Christian Samaj Ghar, Buxi Bazar, Cuttack, Odisha - 751001. Ph: +91 8763989080

Fulfillment of Prophecy:

Uttered Prophecy (2016): There will be new trade avenues and new alignment of countries for trade Jesus Calls

Chabahar is a port located in the Sistan- Balochistan Province of Iran. In the month of May, an Agreement for the development of this port has been signed by the Indian Prime Minister Hon’ble Shri. Modi, President Hassan Rouhani of Iran and by the Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghan. It is said that India will invest $500 million (Nearly Rs.3,250 crores) for the development of Chabahar port. Prime Minister Modi has stated, “This port would open a transit route to Afghanistan and Central Asia for Indian goods products and would boost economic growth in the regions, promoting peace and stability in these regions.” “The distance between Kandala, Gujarat to Chabahar, Iran is less than the distance between Delhi and Mumbai. India can conducts its exports to Afghan, Russia and other European countries by passing Pakistan’ stated Nitin Gadkari, Hon’ble Minister of Road Transport Highways and Shipping. This agreement would enable quick movement of goods first to Iran by ship and then onwards to Afghanistan and Russia through a new rail and road link. Hence this is considered to be a historic agreement. 

July 2016 


Dear beloved, There is so much joy flowing into my heart as I bring a fresh revelation to you every month from the Word of God. Revelations are powerful and they remove sorrow and despair and bring joy and hope into your heart. Every revelation is sent by God to His children with a gift package within it. When the children of God read the revelation and believe in it and apply it, the gift manifests as a blessing in their life. So as you read the message for this month, I pray that the revelation of God’s truth will enter your mind, reach your heart and produce miracles in your life. The Holy Spirit has planned a month of blessings for you. When you feel joy surging in your heart as you read this message, you can know that the truth has entered your heart. This truth will also get you closer to God spiritually and make you more intimate to Him and will usher you into a heavenly life of blessings, joy, strength, faith, love and power. Now! Go ahead and enjoy reading and receive comfort and power. The Holy Spirit led me to a wonderful word in the Scripture. “and you are of Christ, and Christ is of God”. ( 1 Corinthians 3:23) Note the phrase ‘you are of Christ’. It also includes the meaning of the Amplified Version which says, ‘you belong to Christ’ and the ESV which says, ‘you are Christ's’, but NIV puts it much deeper. You are ‘of Christ’ means Christ is here (on the earth) and you are ‘of Him’. It means ‘You are like Him’ or you are ‘as He is’. It means you have ‘His nature’ which means you will live like Him on the earth.

Jesus Calls

July 2016 


Jesus prayed in John 17 saying, “Lord! Let not My children who hear My voice and who receive Me as Lord be taken out of this world, but let them be away from this world. Let them not be of this world let them be of me”. And God Almighty granted it. Yes! My friend! We are ‘in the world’ but we are not ‘of the world’, instead we are ‘of Christ’. That is, we are in the world but we are not made up of the things that are in the world. The things of the world are not in us rather, the things of Christ are in us – His nature, love, character, wisdom and power. Our victorious life is not in leaving this world and going to heaven but to ‘be’ (live) in this world and live victoriously like the Psalmist David says, “I shall not die, but live and declare the works of the Lord” (Psalm 118:17). When we are ‘of Christ’, we will live in this world and shine for God’s glory like our Lord Jesus Christ did. We will overcome this world and fulfill the wonderful plan of God in our lives.

Cleansed of all sin How did we become ‘of Christ’? How did we become ‘His’? How did we get ‘into Him’? How did we receive ‘His Nature’? Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which HE PURCHASED WITH HIS OWN BLOOD. (Acts 20:28) Ye, ‘He purchased us with His own blood’. That is how we became ‘ Of Christ’. It did not come

easily to God. It cost Him His blood. But then why did He purchase us with His blood? Because His blood is the only thing that can cleanse us. His blood has the power to cleanse you and make you as white as snow (Isaiah 1:18). Another New Testament word says it more deeply: But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from ALL SIN. If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from ALL UNRIGHTEOUSNESS. (1 John 1:7-9) I admire these verses because it uses the word ‘all’ two times and both the times it reveals the power of the blood of Christ. It says that the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from ALL SINS and ALL UNRIGHTEOUSNESS. When ‘Sins’ and ‘unrighteousness’ are cleansed then there would be nothing that will stop God’s blessings from flowing upon us. We will come under the heavenly showers of blessings. My friend, when you are ‘of Christ’ you have a wonderful future. You can go ahead and hope and dream of a great future. The privileges in the life ‘Of Christ’ is abundant and God does not want you to miss any of them and that is why He is teaching you this truth by making you read this message. I believe that the Holy Spirit will open your eyes and plant these truths deep into your heart. Jesus Calls

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Cleansed of Dead Works How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God? (Hebrews 9:14) Oh! What a powerful truth and revelation! Look at the cleansing power of the blood of Jesus and observe from what it cleanses us. It cleanses from ‘dead works’. Yes! It cleanses us from the dead works of the world because we are no more of the world but ‘Of Christ’. It cleanses us from the dead works of worry, pain, jealousy, hatred, lies, evil powers, curses, generational curses, spells, sicknesses and everything that stops your blessings. The blood of Jesus has cleansed you from generational curses also and so not only you but all your generations too shall be blessed. Your generations will call you blessed because you will be the channel through which blessings will flow to all of them. The generations that bear your name shall be called ‘blessed’. So cheer up, all the hurdles that had messed up your life are washed clean by the blood of Jesus and you have been ushered into the life ‘Of Christ’. You are ‘of Jesus’ now. Let not your heart be troubled. The blood of Jesus Christ is working in you and is transforming you into the image of Jesus Christ.

Jesus intercedes for us to Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling that speaks better things than that of Abel. (Hebrews 12:24) Therefore He is also able to

save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them. (Hebrews 7:25) Here Jesus is described as ‘the Mediator’ of the New Covenant. He is mediating between God and man by interceding for man. All those who are ‘Of Christ’ are members of the New Covenant church and Jesus is interceding for all of us all the time. This is His present day ministry. He is there seated at the right hand of our Father God, interceding for us. He is pleading to God to give us all the blessings that God has planned for us so that we do not miss any of them. God will always answer the intercession of Jesus and therefore there is no chance of us missing any blessing that God has planned for us. Isn’t it wonderful my friend? While Abel’s blood cried out for revenge, the blood of Jesus cries out for blessings upon us. Jesus is interceding for us through His precious blood and that is one more solid reason for us to believe that we will surely receive God’s blessings. The blood of Jesus in you says, “You are a good man; you are a good woman and no evil power or sin has dominion over you.” The blood of Jesus Christ says, “You are under grace and so you have no condemnation. There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1). Therefore the devil can’t accuse you with anything because you are not under ‘law’ but under ‘grace’. The devil’s head is crushed. He cannot give you thoughts that condemn you. Those thoughts will not

have any power in your mind because you are under the protection of being ‘ Of Christ”. So, let not your heart be troubled my friend. You have peace with God all the time. The bible says in Revelation 12:11,12 that Satan is all the time accusing you before God. He speaks lies into your heart. He says that you have gone away from Him; he says you have betrayed Jesus; he says you have denied Jesus; he says you have doubted Jesus, he says you have not done the things that qualify you for righteousness in this world. But the blood of Jesus Christ on the other side says good things about you and that rises up in your spirit and that breaks the power of Satan. The Bible says that they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony (Rev. 12:10). In the same way you shall overcome Satan and nullify all his works against you because you are ‘Of Christ’. The devil shall not have dominion over you so let not your heart be troubled.

Transformed into the Image of Jesus Christ But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord. (2 Cor. 3:18) We are being transformed into the very image of Jesus Christ so that you and I can live the way Jesus lived on the earth - victoriously. The verse says that the Holy Spirit does this work of transforming us into the very image of Christ. Jesus Calls

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How does He do that? By transforming our hearts and making our hearts like the heart of Jesus. On the one hand, the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses you, removes the dead works in you , speaks good things about you and on the other hand the Spirit of Christ also works in you as you are ‘of Christ’. He transforms you into you the image of Jesus Christ.

The Spirit of Sonship And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying out, “Abba, Father!” (Galatians 4:6) As the Holy Spirit transforms you into the image of Christ, you will get the Spirit of Jesus Christ. What is the Spirit of Jesus ? It is the Spirit of the Son of God by which He calls God, “Abba! Father! ” The Spirit of Sonship (daughtership). The Spirit of Jesus in you makes you too call God, “ Abba! Father!”. Your position in relationship with God changes into a Father-Son relationship; Father-Daughter relationship. Why is the Holy Spirit making us call him “ Abba! Father!”? What’s so unique in that relationship? Why is ‘sonship’ or ‘daughtership’ held in such high value in the spiritual world? Why is this relationship so effective? Because a Son or a Daughter is ‘a heir’; a heir to the Father’s property. The Holy Spirit, by making us call God as Father, is making us ‘heirs’ to all that God owns - His Power, His Love, His protection, His providence, His Grace, His Wisdom, His Nature, His Character, His Promises and all that God

is. Now we have become a heir to all these blessings which means all these blessings belongs to us. It has become our ‘property’, ‘our rightful claim’.

Christ’s Nature in Us We not only partake of His blessings but we also partake of His Nature! That’s what the Scripture reveals: by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be PARTAKERS OF THE DIVINE NATURE, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. (2 Peter 1:4) But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you. (Romans 8:11) My friend, you have the nature of Christ in you. What is the nature of Christ? What is His heart? The heart of Jesus is to GIVE HIS LIFE for others, so that they too will become sons and daughters of God as He is. If you have the same heart then you also have the same nature – the nature ‘to give’. How do you know that you have the heart of Jesus? When you have the heart of Jesus, you too will GIVE like Him. He gave His Life to take the Love and Compassion of God to the peoples of the earth and bring them to God and make them sons and daughters of God. You too are doing the same from your heart. You too are GIVING to the Jesus calls Ministry and thus you are taking the Love and Compassion of

God to the peoples of the earth and bringing them to God and making them sons and daughters of God. You too are giving your ‘life’ by giving your ‘tithes’ and ‘offerings’. Giving money is giving life because you are earning that money by shedding your sweat and blood. That is why I look at each and every penny you send to the Jesus Calls Ministry as ‘your life’; ‘your blood’ and that is why we treat your offering with utmost value and ensure with great care that every penny is being meticulously spent towards taking the love and compassion of God to the hungry and hurting millions. Since the money that you send to the ministry is your sweat and blood, it has life. It has value. You are GIVING so that others could also become the sons and daughters of God.

Glory and Honor What will God do to His children who GIVE their lives for God? He will do the same thing that He did to Jesus when He GAVE His life to God and His purposes. Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross. Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those Jesus Calls

July 2016 


in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. (Philippians 2:5-11) See what God did to Jesus. He LIFTED HIM UP to glory and honor. He will do the same to you too my friend. He will LIFT YOU UP to glory and honor because when you are lifted up, you will bring glory to His Name. You will shine for God like Jesus said, “You are the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14). When you shine for God; God’s Name will be glorified in you. You will LIFT Jesus higher in and through your life and like Jesus said, “When I am lifted up, I will draw all men (women) unto Me” (John 12:32), He will draw all those who see you unto Himself and make them sons and daughters of God. When you lift Jesus higher for the world to see, He will draw all precious souls unto God and make them His children and make them call Him, “Abba! Father! ”. Next, God gave Jesus ‘Honor’ – a position in heaven to be seated at the right hand of the Father. In the same way God will give you honor in this world. He will bring you to a great position in society – an honorable position in your community, friends circle and among relatives. Your honor will bring glory to God’s Name because you are ‘Of Christ’ and the world will know it. God will lift you up in this world to the highest places and make you shine forth His glory. You will experience the presence, guidance and comfort of God as your  Father.


For the very first time, Jesus Calls Prayer Festival was held in Jeypore, Koraput District, state of Odisha, from 3rd - 5 of June 2016. This Prayer Festival which was arranged by all the leaders of the churches in the districts Koraput, Nabarangapur, Raigad and Malkangiri. In spite of heavy winds and rains that lashed that region, right from first day, people thronged in huge numbers. People also came from various parts of Odisha state and neighbouring states of Chhattisgarh and Andhra Pradesh. Around 1.25 Lakh people participated on the last day. God’s awesome power was manifested through Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran. With great thirst, the people listened to the Word of God and received His miracles. Shri Lal Bihari Himirika, Hon'ble Cabinet Minister for SC & ST development, Minorities & Backward classes welfare -Govt. of Odisha, Shri Jhina Hikaka, Member of the Parliament - Koraput, Shri Manohar Randhari, MLA (Nabarangapur), Shri Tara Prasad Bahinipati, MLA (Jeypore), Shri Krushna Chandra Sagaria, MLA (Koraput) and many other dignitaries graced the occasion. Organising Committee headed by Rt. Rev. Julius Santosh, Bishop of Jeypore Evangelical Lutheran Church, leaders & Pastors from various churches organised this prayer festival in a grand manner. th

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran praying for the dignitaries

Leaders of Churches and Organizing Committee members Jesus Calls

July 2016 


Jesus Calls

July 2016 


Evil spirit fled I have six children out of whom my child Magesh, 18 years old, became possessed and was mentally affected. He would run to the forest all on a sudden, yelling and screaming and no one could control him. So we had kept him in chains. He could not go to school also. Hearing about this Prayer Festival, we brought him here by borrowing money for our travel expenses. We brought him in chains since we didn’t want him to trouble anyone. When Dr. Paul Dhinakaran prayed, he was tormented by the devil and fell down. After a while, he got up and was quiet. Now he is in sound mind. He, who did not speak for 18 months, began to speak. He is completely delivered. Our joy knows no bound. Praise the Lord. - Basanthi, Balimela, Phulbani, Odisha.

Nirmal, the Lord delivers you During the prayer time, by the power of the Holy Spirit, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran said, “Here is a brother who is addicted to sinful habits. You are a young man. My dear young man, come to the Lord Jesus now. The Holy Spirit is coming upon you. He is delivering you. All your bad habits are leaving you. The Lord is going to change you into a mighty witness Jesus Calls

July 2016 


for Him”. Now the Lord has come into me and I have become a new man. - Nirmal Nayak, Jeypore.

Knee pain gone

I had been suffering from knee pain since the past one month. I could not bend or sit down. When Dr. Paul Dhinakaran prayed for the sick people, the Lord touched me and healed me completely. Now there is no knee pain. I am able to bend and sit. Praise be to the Lord. - Surya, Jeypore.

Terrible back pain vanished Since the past two years, I had been suffering from a terrible back pain. I could not sit straight or do any work. When Dr. Paul Dhinakaran prayed, the power of the Holy Spirit came into me and my back pain is healed. Now I am able to stand straight and walk well. - Suthamani, Jeypore.

Epilepsy healed I suffered from epilepsy for the past 15 years. When Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran was praying, the power of God came upon me, quite unexpectedly. I did not know what was happening. I fell down. After a while, I realized that I had been delivered of my sickness. Jesus has healed me. - Mohini Nag, Jeypore.

Child healed Since when my daughter Arshika was a 7 months old baby, she had been suffering from a disease called Trigger Syndrome. She could not move her thumb and doctors had advised for a surgery. When Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran prayed for the sick, my daughter was healed. Now she is able to move her finger. - Arshika’s father.

Leg pain gone; filled with anointing I suffered from severe leg pain for the past six months. When Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran prayed, the Lord touched me and now there is no pain. Also, the Lord has given me His anointing and the gift of speaking in tongues. - Reema Nayak

Pain gone I suffered from pain in my arms and knees since when I was two years old and hence could not play. Every day, my father had to massage my leg and I had to take medicines too. Yet there was no relief. When Aunty Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran prayed, the Lord touched me and healed me. Now I am perfectly well. There is absolutely no pain. - Krutanjali, Jeypore.

Deliverance from demonic attack I was under the clutches of the devil for the past 13 years. Today when Aunty Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran prayed, the demon in me left and I am completely delivered by Jesus. I am so happy now. - Rani, Jeypore. Jesus Calls

July 2016 


Shoulder pain gone

Dhinakaran prayed, the Lord touched me and healed me. Now I am able to bend. My pain in the back and leg is gone. I feel good.

I had a terrible pain on my right shoulder because of which I could not move my hand. Hearing that Dr. Paul Dhinakaran was visiting our place, I came to this Prayer Festival joyfully and with much expectation. During the prayer, Brother said, “Place your hand on the affected areas in your body and I will pray for you”. That time I could feel a power touching my shoulder. I tested myself and found that I was completely healed. What a wonder! I am able to lift up my hands, stretch and shake them. The Lord has healed me totally. Glory to Him.

- Ramnath Naik, Jeypore.

Spinal cord healed. I had a problem in my spinal cord for the past two months. I could not bend or walk properly. Doctors suggested surgery. Hearing about this Prayer Festival I attended all the three meetings with faith. On the third day when Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran was praying, I begged the Lord to heal me. That time I felt a difference. When sister asked us to test ourselves, I bent down. What a wonder! The Lord has healed me. Hallelujah! Glory to God.

- Subodh Panboth, Jeypore.

20 year arthritis gone I suffered from acute arthritis for the past 20 years. I could not sit or kneel down and pray. When Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran prayed, the Lord touched me and healed me. Now I am able to sit and pray on my knees. Praise the Lord.

- Theepthi, Jeypore.

Able to walk My daughter Mitila could not walk for the past 4 years. My wife and I had to carry her everywhere. We brought her to this meeting. When Dr. Paul Dhinakaran was praying, God’s power came upon my daughter and she was healed immediately. Now she is able to walk well. - Ananad, Jeypore.

- Ipsila, Jeypore.

Back, leg pain gone I had pain in my back and leg. I could not bend or do any work properly. When Sis. Evangeline Paul

Your offering to take the Gospel to the lakhs ‘Then many….who had… seen the things Jesus did, believed in Him’ (John 11:45). LAKHS OF PEOPLE ARE BLESSED THROUGH THE JESUS CALLS PRAYER FESTIVALS DIRECTLY/ THRU’ LIVE TELECASTS / THRU’ RECORDED MESSAGES. Name:........................................................................... Partner Code:....................................................... Address:.................................................................................................................................................... Mobile 1:................................. Mobile 2:................................ Email:...................................................... I offer Rs........................ for the Prayer Festivals You may send your offerings by DD or Cheque drawn in favour of “Jesus Calls” or by money order to the following address. Or you may visit the nearby Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in your local area and give the offering, mentioning, “Prayer Festival’ and receive the receipt. You may send it online through credit card/debit card/net banking via our secure website

Address for sending: Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028. For more details: Toll free number 1800 425 77 55 (7.00 AM to 9.00 PM) Jesus Calls

July 2016 


Meditation: Mat. 9:22; Mk. 5:34; 10:52; Lk. 8:48; 17:19, 18:42; Rom. 5:1-2; Eph. 2:8-10; Jam. 2:14-26. July 17: Sunday - Promise Verse - Isaiah 25:8 Meditation: Ps. 69:9; 89:50,51; Isa. 30:19; 35:10; 51:7; 51:11; 65:19; Hos. 13:14; Mat. 5:11; Rev. 7:17; 21:4. July 18: Monday - Promise Verse - 2 Kings 6:16 Meditation: Ex. 14:13; 2 Chron. 32:7-8; 32:8; Isa. 41:10-14; Acts 18:9-10; Rom. 8:31. July 19: Tuesday - Promise Verse - Deuteronomy 15:18 Meditation: Deu. 15:10,17,19; 28:8,12; Isa. 16:14; 21:16; Lk. 17:7-8. July 20: Wednesday - Promise Verse - Nehemiah 4:20 Meditation: Ex. 14:14,25; Deut. 1:30; 3:22; 20:4; Josh. 23:10; Zech. 14:3. July 21: Thursday - Promise Verse - Isaiah 40:31 Meditation: Ex. 19:4; Deut. 32:11; Job 17:9; Ps. 103:5; Lk. 18:1; 2 Cor. 4:1,8,16; Gal. 6:9; Heb.12:3. July 22: Friday - Promise Verse - Isaiah 49:16 Meditation: Ps. 48:12-13; Song. 8:6; Isa. 60:18; 62:6-7; Hag. 2:23; Rev. 21:10-21. July 23: Saturday - Promise Verse - Jeremiah 29:12 Meditation: Neh. 2:4-20; Ps. 50:15; 145:19; 102:16-17; Jer. 33:3; Dan. 9:3-19; Mat. 7:7-8. July 24: Sunday - Promise Verse - Isaiah 53:5 Meditation: Deu.11:2; Is. 53:8,10-12; Rom. 4:25; 5:6-10,1521; 1 Cor. 15:3; Heb. 5:8; 9:28; 1 Pet. 2:24-25;3-18. July 25: Monday - Promise Verse - Mark 10:16 Meditation: Gen. 48:14-16; Mk. 9:36; Lk. 2:28-34; John 21:1517; 24:50-51. July 26: Tuesday - Promise Verse - Psalm 40:2 Meditation: Ps. 27:5; 37:23;69:2,14; Jer. 38:6-12; Lam. 3:5355; Jonah 2:5-6; Mat. 13:50; 7:24-25; Acts 2:24,27-31. July 27: Wednesday - Promise Verse - Romans 6:23 Meditation: Gen. 6:8; Mat. 25:46; Rom. 1:32; 5:12,21; 6:21; 8:6,13,38-39; 1 Cor. 6:9-10; Gal. 6:7-8. July 28: Thursday - Promise Verse - Psalm 149:4 Meditation: Job 36:11; Ps. 16:11; 35:27; 132:16; 147:11; Isa. 61:1-3,10; 62:4-5; Rev. 7:14. July 29: Friday - Promise Verse - John 6:35 Meditation: Isa. 55:1-3; John 6:41; 44-45; 48-58; 7:37-38; 1 Cor. 10:16-18; 11:23-29; Rev. 7:16; 22:17. July 30: Saturday - Promise Verse - Jeremiah 1:19 Meditation: Josh. 1:9; Ps. 129:2; Jer. 1:8; 20:1-6; 26:11-24; 38:6-13. July 31: Sunday - Promise Verse - Psalm 145:8 Meditation: Ex. 34:6-7; Num. 14:18; Ps. 86:5,15; 100:5; 103:8; 116:5; Jonah 4:2; Mic. 7:18-20.

July 1: Friday - Promise Verse - Romans 5:19 Meditation: Deut. 11:27; Acts 6:7; Rom. 15,18; 11:32; Eph. 5:21; Phil. 2:8. July 2: Saturday - Promise Verse - Ezekiel 34:26 Meditation: Gen. 12:2; Lev. 25:21; Deut. 11:13; 28:12; Isa. 44:3; Ezek. 34:14. July 3: Sunday - Promise Verse - Psalm 37:6 Meditation: Job 11:17; Ps. 97:11; Isa. 54:17; 58:8,10; Mic. 7:8-9; Mal. 3:18; Matt. 13:43; 1 Cor. 4:5. July 4: Monday - Promise Verse - Judges 6:23 Meditation: Gen. 32:30; 43:23; Ps. 85:8; Dan. 10:19; John 14:27; 20:19,26; Rom. 1:7. July 5: Tuesday - Promise Verse - 2 Chronicles 20:17 Meditation: Exo. 14:13; 1 Sam. 11:13; 19:5; Isa. 26:1; Lk. 1:77; 3:5; 2 Tim. 2:10. July 6: Wednesday - Promise Verse - Psalm 34:10 Meditation: Ps. 84:11; 104:21; Job 4:10-11; Mat. 6:32; Lk. 1:51-53. July 7: Thursday - Promise Verse - Revelation 21:4 Meditation: Isa. 25:8; 35:10; 51:11; 60:20; 65:18-19; Jer. 31:13; 1 Cor. 15:26; 54-58; 2 Cor. 6:17; 2 Pet. 3:10; 1 John 2:17; Rev. 7:17; 20:14; 21:1. July 8: Friday - Promise Verse - Isaiah 60:20 Meditation: Ps. 27:1; 84:11; Isa. 25:8; 30:19,26; 35:10; 65:19; Mal. 4:2; Rev. 7:15-17; 21:4. July 9: Saturday - Promise Verse - Psalm 9:12 Meditation: Gen. 29:32; 41:12; Exo. 3:17; 2 Sam. 16:12; Neh. 9:9; Job 36:6; Ps. 9:18; 10:17; 18:27; 72:12. July 10: Sunday - Promise Verse - John 10:14 Meditation: Jer. 31:10; 43:12; Ezek. 34:12; John 10:11,27; 2 Tim. 1:12; 2:19; 1 John 5:20; Rev. 2:2,13,19; 3:8,15. July 11: Monday - Promise Verse - Ruth 3:11 Meditation: Jud. 6:23; 2 King 6:16; Isa. 41:10; 41:13-14; Dan. 10:19; Lk. 8:50. July 12: Tuesday - Promise Verse - Psalm 81:16 Meditation: Deut. 32:13-14; Jud. 14:8-9,18; 1 Sam. 14:25-26; Job 29:6; Ps. 147:14; Joel 2:24. July 13: Wednesday - Promise Verse - Joshua 1:3 Meditation: Ex. 32:13; Deut. 11:24; 19:9; 34:4; Jos. 14:9; Tit. 1:2. July 14: Thursday - Promise Verse - Psalm 146:7 Meditation: Ps. 68:6; 103:6; 107:9; 142:7; 145:15; Isa. 61:1; Zech. 9:11-12; Mal. 3:5; Lk. 1:53; 4:18; 9:17; Acts 5:19; 16:26. July 15: Friday - Promise Verse - Psalm 128:2 Meditation: Ps. 109:11; Eccl. 5:18-19; 8:12; Isa. 3:10; 65:13; Hag. 2:17; Eph. 6:3. July 16: Saturday - Promise Verse - Luke 7:50

Jesus Calls

July 2016 


Let me start this month’s message with a wonderful statement. There is sure way to experience happiness and fulfillment in our lives. This is what the whole world is searching – Happiness and fulfillment. We, the children of God can receive this and enjoy it. How? “May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my

heart be pleasing in Your sight. (Psalm 19:14) To lead a life that is pleasing to His sight is the sure way to happiness and fulfillment. We need to begin everyday by saying, “Lord! How can I please you today?” Look at the cry of King David’s heart. He says, “Lord! the words of my mouth should be pleasing in your sight”. He was careful with His words not only with God but also with people. Jesus Calls

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Other kings of his days and people, waited for words from David to bring them some comfort, counsel and rest. They looked at him like ‘an angel of the Lord’ (2 Samuel 14:17). God too testifies about him saying, “He’s a man after my own heart” (Acts 13:22). This is the reason why he experienced ‘goodness’, ‘happiness’, ‘prosperity’ and ‘fulfillment’ in his life. “Oh, how great is Your good-

ness, which You have laid up for those who fear You, which You have prepared for those who trust in You...” (Psalm 31:19). Once, in one of the western countries, an evangelist had finished a meeting during Lenten season and was returning home. It was dark and the road was empty. Suddenly he saw someone standing on the way, blocking the car. The evangelist stopped the car. The man came to the window and pointed a gun at the evangelist. Then he forced himself into the car. He then demanded the evangelist to handover all the money he had. The evangelist put his hands into his pocket to pull out the little money he had. At that time the robber observed the evangelist’s collar and asked him, “Sir! Are you a Priest?” The evangelist told him who he was and from where he was returning. The robber put down his gun and said, “Sorry! Sir, I don’t rob God’s servants. You may go now.” Saying thus he got out of the car and bade the evangelist to leave. The Evangelist, as a token of gratitude pulled out a Candy from his pocket and handed it over to the robber. The robber refused the Candy and said, “Sir! I don’t take candy during Lenten season.”

Every human being, deep inside his heart, wants to please God. If a robber could have the desire to please God then why won’t we? Yes! We have the desire in us to please our God and the scripture shows us how to please Him – by controlling the words of our mouth and the meditations of our heart. Even Daniel of the Bible lead a life that was pleasing to God and that was why even before he could open his mouth and pray for something, the command to answer his

prayer was made in heaven (Daniel 9:23). Look at Apostle Paul and the kind of life he led. He says, “My brother, I have fulfilled my duty to God in all good conscience to this day” (Acts 23:1). He then says, “I strive always to keep my conscience clear before God and man” (Acts 24:16). So as children of God we need to strive to please God by keeping our conscience clean before God and man. When our conscience becomes clean then the words of our mouth and the meditation of the heart will become clean and then like Paul we will also be able to fulfill all our duty to God in good conscience and thus enjoy a life of happiness and fulfillment.

COMFORT “The Lord God has given Me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him who is weary. He awakens Me morning by morning, He awakens My ear to hear as the learned” (Isaiah 50:4). “Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers” (Ephesians 4:29). Yes! Our words should impart grace to our hearers. Our Lord Jesus Christ spoke such graceful words that comforted the broken hearted and healed the hurting ones. The Bible says that people who heard Him speak ‘were marveled at the gracious words that proceeded out of His mouth (Luke 4:22). How do we speak words like the Words of Jesus – words that were full of love and grace? When we offer ourselves as a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1), and be Jesus Calls

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washed clear by His blood, our conscience will be cleared from all dead works (Hebrews 9:14) and we will be filled by the Holy Spirit (Joel 2:28, Acts 2:1,2) and then our words too will flow with grace and love like the words of Jesus. It will bring comfort and healing to the people (Psalm 107:20). Then people’s needs will be met and they will be blessed and they will worship God with a rejoicing heart. Let me share with you the testimony of Sister Deva Priya who wrote this to me from Chennai. “My husband and I were very much depressed because it was 7 years since we got married and we were childless. We visited many doctors and underwent many treatments but the doctors concluded saying, “There is a serious problem in your uterus therefore it is very difficult for you to bear a child.” I was shattered but continued with the treatments for a long period but I could not conceive. At one point of time, I reached the peak of my frustration and I stopped all medication and treatment. It was at this juncture we heard of a meeting that was being conducted in memory of Bro. D.G.S.Dhinakaran’s birthday in the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower. I went to this meeting and met Sister Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran and shared to her my condition. Being moved with love and compassion she prayed over me saying, “Lord! on this birthday of our father D.G.S.Dhinakaran, please grant this sister the gift of a baby.” Then I left the meeting and to my shock and surprise that week itself I got conceived and after I gave birth to a beautiful boy baby. Praise be to God.”

Yes! This sister was so heartbroken and depressed but God put

good words into my mouth and made me pray for her with words of love and compassion. God honoured those words in the sister’s life. See what a comfort it brought to her. I praised God for the words of comfort that God put into my mouth for her and brought a miracle in her life. When we surrender our body, mind and soul into God’s hands and decide to lead a life that is pleasing in His sight, He will fill our lives with His Holy Spirit. He will put words of grace and love into our mouths and through those words many broken-hearted people like the bruised reed will be touched, healed and built-up (Isaiah 42:3). So my friend! Surrender your life into His hands today as a living sacrifice and God will use you mightily to speak words of grace; words suiting the situation and words of love and comfort (Proverbs 12:18; 25:11). When you do this; not only you will be blessed but you will also become a channel of blessing to others. Blessings will flow to people though you.

FAST So He said to them, “This kind can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting” (Mark 9:29). Once a man brought his possessed son to the disciples of Jesus but they were not able to send out the devils that possessed that son. He then came to Jesus and told Him how His disciples were not able to deliver him. Jesus replied and said, “These type of devils do not go except by fasting and prayer.” Why did He say those words? He meant that while going for ministry one should always keep themselves prepared by praying and fasting. Before our Lord began His ministry, the Bible says that He fasted and prayed for 40 days. We too need to fast and pray if we want

to have a fruitful ministry. We need to fast and pray saying, “Lord! I want to get closer to you! I want more of your power! I want to lead a life that is pleasing in your sight.” When we pray this prayer with fasting, the repentance that comes out of such prayer and fasting will move us closer to God and increase the intimacy between God and us. It is the godly sorrow that comes into our hearts while we fast and pray that will make us more intimate with God. (2 Corinthians 7:10). In Psalm 31:5, King David too prays saying, “Into your hands I commit my spirit; you have redeemed me O! Lord! God of truth.” The ministry that Jesus began after fasting and prayer was highly successful and glorious. The Lord Jesus Christ who returned after fasting and prayer did ministry in a powerful way. He performed several signs, wonders and miracles. Even as we thus prepare through fasting and prayer, will also be able to do a powerful ministry with God’s power and wisdom. God will take us and use us by performing miracles and healings through us. Let me tell you a wonderful true incident that will help you build your faith. Let the sister Christy who experienced the wonder say it herself. “When my son Jose turned two, his health was severely affected. We took him for medical examination and the doctors concluded that his kidneys were affected. He showed Nephrotic Syndrome. They prescribed heavy medication for him. Due to intake of heavy medicines he developed allergy due to which his body began to swell. But the doctors said that if he stopped medication then all the good things that his body needs for health will excrete out through Jesus Calls

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his urine and the child will become very weak and tired. Our whole family sunk in sorrow, thinking of our child’s condition. It was at this time of life that we heard that sister Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran is speaking in the Bethesda Prayer Centre and we participated in that meeting. After the meeting we met Sister Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran personally and asked her to pray for my son’s sickness. She placed her hands upon his head and said, “Let this little child’s kidney be healed now!” And from that moment my son was healed. He became normal. He stopped taking any more medicine. Today he is healthy and happily goes to school. The doctors who examined him were surprised at his healing.

Friend! This is how God will use us when we lead a life that is pleasing in the sight of God. When we fast and pray we will become intimate with him and when we become intimate with Him, He will make us righteous and the Bible says that “an effective fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much” (James 5:16). So let us cry unto the Lord like Apostle Paul cries unto the Lord saying, “I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection! (Philippians 3:10). And the Lord will have mercy on us and make us righteous; He will fill us with His power and when you pray, the power of God will be manifested in and through you.

REJOICE Another result of leading a life that is pleasing in God’s sight is “rejoicing in the spirit.” We will have the wonderful experience of rejoicing in the spirit. Let me explain it through a verse in the Bible, “In that hour Jesus rejoiced in the Spirit and said, I thank You, Father, Lord of heaven

and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and prudent and revealed them to babes. Even so, Father, for so it seemed good in Your sight” (Luke 10:21). This verse shows how Jesus rejoiced in His Spirit. Such rejoicing comes out of keeping our hearts connected and surrendered to God. Such rejoicing comes out of leading a life that is pleasing to the sight of God. Let us also pray every day saying “Father! Let the joy of the Holy Spirit fill me today.” Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit and that is why He was able to move around the world doing good to people through miracles, signs and wonders. (Acts 10:38) Let us pray today saying, “Lord! Let there be a U- turn in my life. I want to achieve great things for your glory.” When the Holy Spirit comes into us divine joy will fill our hearts and we will rejoice. Divine joy will overflow from our hearts and flow into the lives of others and be a blessing to them. When they are engulfed in sorrow this joy that overflows from you and touches them will heal their sorrow and their sorrow will be turned into joy (John 16:20); their needs will be fulfilled (1 Corinthians 13:10) and they too will rejoice in the Lord! So let us pray saying, “Lord! Let not my prayer return to me void.” When you pray like this, the Holy Spirit who intercedes for us, will work miracles in and through us. (Romans 8:26). The Holy Spirit performs wondrous miracles in the lives of those who come to the meetings conducted in our Prayer Towers and changes their sorrow into joy. Let me quote one among the hundreds of miracles that happen in our Prayer Towers. This will surely build your faith.

My name is Jemima. My husband and I were working in the same concern for meagre salaries. Both the salaries put together will not be able to make both ends meet but somehow we barely managed. We lived in a small rented house which was not built properly. It had holes in the roof through which rain water would drip making it highly uncomfortable for us to sleep. Somehow we adjusted and lived with great difficulty. In this situation, one day the owner of the concern in which my husband and I were working called me and asked me not to report to work from the next day. They were reducing staff and I came in the list and I was sent away. This put us into deep shock and sorrow. We did not know what to do as our strings tightened and so did our difficulties. We were managing with my husband’s salary alone and lived with great difficulties. It was at this juncture that we attended a meeting in Prayer Tower where Sister Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran was delivering the message and prayed for everyone who came to that meeting. After the meeting, I met her personally and told her the situation of my family. She placed her hands upon me and said, “God will surely perform a miracle is your life.” Those words touched my heart. We then made a donation for the Delhi Prayer Tower building project and returned home. The next month after Sister Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran prayed for me miracle began to happen in my life. I was a qualified Lab Technician and my friends, suggested to me that I start a laboratory of my own. I began my efforts towards the same. Before I did anything towards this endeavour, I called up the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and got prayed and every effort of mine succeeded miraculously. I Jesus Calls

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would call the Prayer Tower before I took any effort and get prayed and immediately a closed door will open and I will succeed in that effort. Step-by-step I prayed in the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and miracles began to unfold. Soon all my efforts succeeded and the laboratory was set-up and began to function. And now the second phase of miracle started. We inaugurated the Laboratory. Once again I got prayed in the Prayer Tower and orders began to flow. We began purchasing all the necessary equipments and the Lab became full-fledged. More orders poured in and the business flourished. Prosperity began to flow. We began to contribute to the Jesus Calls Family Blessing plan and God blessed us even more. Then came this one more big miracle. We bought a house of our own. A few months ago we were living in a broken house and today we are living in our own house. This is unimaginable! We join Sister Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran and praise and worship our living God.”

Friend! This is what happens to a person who leads a life that is pleasing in the sight of God. Our God not only gives us what we ask but also gives us more than what we ask. Yes! When we pray for others the blessing that pours upon us will overflow and pour into others’ lives too and make them rejoice. Let us pray saying, “Father! I give myself unto you. Strengthen me to live for you!” Then the Lord will make your body as a vessel that pleases His sight. He will fill you with His Holy Spirit. And the words of your mouth will be pleasing in His sight. Your words will bring comfort and joy to people’s hearts. The Spirit of God will fill you (2 Corinthians 4:7) and then you will lead a life that is pleasing to His sight (Colossians 1:10; 1 Thessalonians 2:4) 

The Lord God is my strength; He will make my feet like deer’s feet, and He will make me walk on my high hills. (Habakkuk 3:19)

Birthday of the Apostle of Love

My beloved in Christ, What joy floods my heart when I sit down to pour out my heart to you – my family. As I told you, amidst all my travel around the world and my hectic schedules I never miss taking time out to write to you. Whenever I write to you I feel like home-coming because when I write to you I feel like family.

We want to fondly remember the birthday of the Apostle of Love and my father Brother D.G.S. Dhinakaran on 1st July. Though the man of love and compassion is not with us, the light that He has lit within our souls is still burning in our hearts. The Visions that God has given him and that which he shared with us are still upon our shoulders. But we cannot do this by our family alone. It is brothers and sisters like you whose prayers and sacrificial support that would enable our family to carry forward the vision of Bro. D.G.S.Dhinakaran. We praise and thank God for you in our everyday prayers.

May this month of July be a month of blessing in your life; in your family and in the work of your hands. God will fill and set right all the barriers and hurdles in your life and set you on the path of success and prosperity. May be, you could have gone through a tough time in your life in the last few months in your family, with Please uphold us in your prayers as we your friends and relatives and in your busitirelessly go forward in carrying the love ness efforts, but even as you cry out to and compassion of God through Prayers Towers, T.V. God and say, “Lord! Strengthen my hands” you will find the hands of God strengthen you and build you Programmes, Prayer Festivals, Correspondence, website, magazine, social media and every possible up. avenue, and thus win souls for the Kingdom of God When your hands are strengthened even you will and prepare them for the Second Coming of our Lord open your mouth and say,” Jesus Calls

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and Saviour Jesus Christ. Further, we are working on fulfilling the construction of the Bro. D.G.S.Dhinakaran Memorial Library, digitizing old and precious messages and setting up an ultra – modern recording studio. We need your partnership to complete these projects. I am sure the Lord will keep a careful account of every penny you sow into these missions, multiply it and shower it back on you a hundredfold.

Young Partners Plan In the year 1985 in the month of July, our Lord Jesus Christ revealed the Young Partners Plan to my father Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran. Many parents felt very happy about this plan because they were now able to make even their children as partners in the Lord’s ministry and thus make them receive the blessings that God promises upon those that partner in building the Kingdom of God on the earth. Once enrolled in the plan the person’s photograph and details are included in an album and sent to the Prayer Tower. Immediately they are brought under Prayer Coverage. Anointed Prayer Intercessors start praying for them in the Prayer Tower. They specifically pray for three major aspects of their lives - divine wisdom, protection from evil and a bright future. Children from their birth up to the time they get married can enroll in this plan. When a Young Partners Meeting is being conducted in their area, we may have an opportunity to meet them in person and pray for them. Every day plenty of letters heap up in my office from Young Partners who testify of having received blessings,

miracles, healing, success in studies, interviews, career, promotions and remunerations beyond their expectation. As much as space permits we are publishing these real testimonies in our magazine, TV programmes and website so that other’s faith could also be strengthened. So go ahead and enroll your children in this plan if you haven’t done so. Also become a channel of blessing by encouraging your friends and relatives too to enroll their children in the Young Partners Plan.

hearts with us and prayed for blessings upon youngsters. It is becoming more and more important to pray for our children – our young ones who are facing a tough and evil world out there every day. That is why I am pleading with you to enroll your children and young ones in the Jesus Calls Young Partners Plan and bring them under Prayer Cover.

Prayer Tower Ministry “.. I looked for someone to take pity, but there was none; And for comforters, but I found none” (Psalm 69:20)

These are days when our young ones need a lot of prayers. They need to be covered and soaked in prayers because the world in which they are living is turning worse and worse every day. Their exposures to so many evil things are increasing as technology invents new gadgets that make it possible for a youth to have access to an ocean of knowledge. I remember what I prophesied for this year. Being filled with the Holy Spirit I said,

This is the cry of millions of people today. People all over the world are crying for love and compassion. The Jesus Calls Prayer Towers, have been praying for people and leading them into the path of peace, joy, and blessing. The need of prayer has been growing so much that we are hard pressed to establish many Prayer Towers to meet this need. Since then the number of Prayer Towers have been increasing with time.

“New deceptions to entice the youth to decay spiritually and morally shall rise through new technology. But there will be an army of youth to proclaim God's righteousness through their sacrifice and obedience. They shall shine being bold as a lion doing miracles. “

We are taking huge steps of faith to build Jesus Calls Prayer Towers in many cities and towns and even in places where prayers cannot reach people. All these days the National Prayer Tower and Delhi Prayer Tower joined together in offering prophetic prayers for the nation round the clock. But now in order to extend and enlarge the Prayer Services and to take it to people more effectively, we have split the services and thus we have converted it their into the 99th Prayer Tower. Further, New Prayer Towers were dedicated to service in Shillong and Guwahati as the 100 th and 101 st Prayer Tower. Further two Prayer Tow-

Oh! Our children need to be covered by prayers. God has poured a big burden in my heart to pray for these youngsters. The Holy Spirit led me to offer a special prayer for youngsters in the Prophetic Conference that was held in Chennai on May 27-29, during which the youngsters who participated in the conference and several servants of God united our Jesus Calls

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ers were inaugurated at Bhubaneswar in Odisha and the city of Cuttack. We have further visions and plans to establish Prayer Towers at Amristar and Dhariwal in the State of Punjab and Dehradun in Uttarkhand State. Please pray for the efforts and works related to establishing Prayer Towers. My heart is flowing with gratitude and appreciation for those of you who have sincerely prayed and offered your valuable contributions; towards the building works of the Bengaluru Prayer Tower which is proceeding very well. Even as you read these visions, do you feel the prompting of the Holy Spirit inviting you to join hands with Him in building the Prayer Towers? Then without hesitating any further rush to the Prayer Tower near your area or get in touch with a Jesus Calls Ambassador and extend your support. You can also sow your seed offering online through our website at Do it cheerfully because the Bible says, “God loves (and will therefore bless abundantly) a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7).

More Ministries I want to give you the schedules of the Jesus Calls Meeting through which the love and compassion of our Lord Jesus Christ will be taken to millions of people around the nation and the world. I am furnishing you the details so that you’ll join hands and hearts with me and pray unitedly for the success of these meetings. “Again I say to you that if

two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven” (Matthew 18:19) Yes! Our united prayers will open ways for the salvation of millions of souls. July 2 : Karunya Graduation Ceremony July 3 : Bethesda Blessing Meeting July 9 : UTurn Concert, Mumbai July 10: Fasting Vanagaram, Chennai


July 17: UTurn Concert Bengaluru July 29 & 30 : Los Angeles Meetings August 27 : Chicago Meeting September 2, 3, 4 : Fiji Meetings September 8,9,10 : Prophetic Prayer Conferences in Auckland, New Zealand September 15, 16, 17: P r o phetic Prayer Conferences in Sydney, Australia

God to fill him with His mighty power and anointing and to use him effectively in the ministry. Pray for our journey mercies as we travel to many cities and countries.

Karunya University By God’s immense grace the admissions for the technology courses went very well. Admissions for Arts, Science and Post Graduate courses are on the process. The Graduation Ceremony is to be held on 2nd July. Please pray sincerely that the students who complete their studies and pass out of college may find suitable jobs in reputed institutions and shine there as glory to God’s name. Pray that they should be filled with divine wisdom and knowledge coupled with spiritual passion and love for God and shine as stars for the glory of God. God will bless you and bring you to place where you’ll say

September 18, 19 : Melbourne Meetings

In the day when I cried out, You answered me, and made me bold with strength in my soul (Psalm 138:3).

September 25 : Malaysia Meeting

And please do not forget that I am with you in praying for you!

September 29 : Amritsar (Punjab) Prayer Tower Inauguration

I am earnestly praying for God to bless your bread and water this month and battle on your behalf whenever it would be necessary (Exodus 23:25).

September 30 - October 2 : Amritsar Prayer Festival October 15-16 : Kochi Meetings

Pray for us I am happy to share with you my joy of celebrating the birthday of our beloved son Samuel Dhinakaran on 15th July. I request your precious prayers for him for Jesus Calls

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God will answer all your prayers in this month and bless you more than you asked or desire and make you glad and happy (Ephesians 3:20). Your brother who is praying for you,

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

Jesus Calls

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Chennai Prophetic Conference - A Report. The Jesus Calls Prophetic Conference was held at YMCA Ground, Royapettah, Chennai from May 27th to 29th. Nearly 3,200 people, from all the districts of Tamil Nadu, other states including Jammu Kashmir and from other nations such as Sri Lanka and Middle East, chosen by God to do His service, eagerly participated in this Conference. Sis. Stella Dhinakaran, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran and Samuel Dhinakaran taught on spiritual gifts and prophetic ministry. Stella Ramola conducted the worship session. Many, who attended this Conference testified that they received the anointing of the Holy Spirit for the first time in their life. The teachings presented in English were translated in Tamil,

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Hindi, Telugu, Malayalam and Kannada. Along with the Jesus Calls partners and evangelists, many servants of God too attended this conference. More than 500 people, who took training in this Conference have expressed their willingness to voluntarily serve the Jesus Calls ministry in their respective areas. We thank the Lord for these dear ones, who have associated themselves with our vision of preparing the world for the second coming of the Lord.

THIRST, REWARD FOR THE SACRIFICE I am a partner with the Jesus Calls ministry for the past 15 years. My husband is no more. I have a mentally challenged son of 9 years and an 8 year old daughter. My son would never leave me. However, deciding to receive the anointing of the Holy Spirit, I attended this Prophetic Conference. During the prayer time, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran said, “Regina, the Lord is touching you. Now His hands are coming upon you. You would hear His voice”. Immediately I was filled with the Holy Spirit, and I saw His hands resting upon me and the Lord coming towards me, clothed in white robe. Now I am very happy. - Regina, Erode. ANOINTING AT A YOUNG AGE When everybody was praying for the anointing, I felt someone touching me. At once, I began to tremble and my mother who was near me, hugged me and assured me that I should not fear. The Lord anointed me. - Angel (daughter of Bro. Anand, brother of Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran) Tirunelveli.

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On July 25, 1985, when Brother D.G.S.Dhinakaran was staying in the city of Houston, United States of America, the Lord’s presence filled him, at 4 O Clock, early morning. It was then the Jesus Calls Young Partner’s Plan was born, according to the Lord’s command, with the purpose that children/youngsters should enjoy God’s blessings. Children can join this Plan right from their birth till they begin their family life through marriage and receive His blessings. The offering that you send in your son’s/daughter’s name towards the Young Partners Plan, helps us to wipe away the tears of lakhs of people and makes them receive God’s blessings through the various free services such as Television programmes, letters, magazine, social networks, Out reach meetings etc., When these lakhs of people are blessed, the Lord showers the reward for their blessings upon the Young Partners. ‘And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, “Oh, God that You would bless me indeed and enlarge my territory that Your hand would be with me and that You would keep me from evil that I may not cause pain”. So God granted him what he requested’ (I Chronicles 4:10). Accordingly, the Lord Jesus would protect and guide the young partners; fill them with wisdom, knowledge and memory power; lead them towards a healthy, prosperous and bright future. Every day, Prayer Intercessor in the Jesus Calls Prayer Towers pray for the Young Partners. The Dhinakarans meet the Young Partners and pray for them, when they visit places.

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Amazing miracle

District First I am a Jesus Calls Young Partner. I appeared for my +2 exams last year. Initially I was doing well in my studies; however, after the quarterly exams, I could not study properly. Also I became physically weak. So I wrote a letter to the Prayer Tower seeking prayers. My mother also wrote letters to Uncle Paul Dhinakaran before I appeared for my exams. Uncle sent her replies quoting the promise verses, ‘The horse is prepared for the day of battle; but deliverance is of the Lord’ (Proverbs 21:31) and ‘I will show them wonders’ (Micah 7:15). The Lord filled me with strength and wisdom and helped me to write my exams well. He made me secure the first place in the Kanyakumari District with a total of 1182/1200 (Tamil – 197, English 193, Maths 199, Physics 195, Chemistry 199 and Biology 199). Glory to God. - C.J. Javis Rich, Pampanvillai, Kanyakumari.

I had conceived for the second time in the year 2006. Doctor had given my due date as March 7th. But on January 5, when I was six months and 15 days pregnant, I had severe stomach pain and hence the child was taken out through cesarean. The baby weighed 850gms and was kept in the incubator for nearly a month. After this, the baby developed breathing trouble and so the doctors informed me and my husband that it was extremely difficult to save the child and that we could always go for another child. We

will live. He will grow into a loving child and bring you blessings”. We were comforted by this and joined our son in the Jesus Calls Young Partner’s Plan. After this his condition improved and he gained weight. The doctors were amazed and finally said that we could take him home. Now our son Joshua Daniel is studying V std and is healthy. He has no defect as the doctors feared. Thanks to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, who prayed for our son. Praise be to the Lord, who gave him life and is making him grow with blessings and with no defect. - Grace Nallapazham, Tuticorin.

Success in exam

were heart broken and begged the doctor to somehow save the baby. But he kept on saying that it was not possible and that even so, the child would have some defect or the other. At this time, hearing about the Jesus Calls Partner’s Meet held in Tirunelveli in 2006, we went there and met Dr. Paul Dhinakaran. We shed tears and shared our problem to him. He placed his hands on us and prayed saying, “Don’t worry; your son Jesus Calls

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Last year I was preparing to write my IPCC exam for Auditor. I was scared of it since it is a tough exam. I struggled to concentrate and hence was putting off writing the exam as I had no confidence. However I wrote the first exam on May 3rd after which I plunged into fear and depression. I could not prepare for my further exams and felt as if an evil spirit had entered into me and confused me. On May 6th, the day when I had to appear for the second exam, my mother contacted the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and miraculously that day, the call was attended by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

himself who prayed fervently for me and encouraged me to write my exams well. It seemed as if I had forgotten all that I had learnt. However when I entered my exam hall, I became normal and could write my exams well. I felt the presence of Jesus. I could write all the exams well. I used the prayer for the students in the Jesus Calls website before every exam. My parents also joined me in the Jesus Calls Young partner’s Plan. The Prayer warrior also prayed that I should be successful in my exam. My result was published on July 31, 20015. The Lord helped me to score 63% in those very tough exams. Glory to Him. - Aravind Jeyaraman, Thane, Mumbai.

Centum in three subjects The Lord has done many wonders in the life of my daughter Jecintha Grace, who is a Young Partner. He helped her to successfully complete her dancing class and Hindi. She wrote her tenth public exams last year. I requested the prayer warriors in the Prayer Tower to pray for her. In response to the prayers offered for her in the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, she could score 493/500 with centum in Maths, Science and Social and 98 in Tamil and 95 in English. She stood school first. Glory to God. Thanks to the prayer warriors who prayed for her.- H. Johnson Rajkumar, Chennai - 17

Crossing the hurdles

Medical College in Tamil Nadu. I wrote my final year MBBS exam last February. The professor of a particular subject discouraged me telling that I would not succeed in that paper. He was the examiner for the practical of that paper and hence I was deeply troubled. I visited the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in Salem and shared my problem with the prayer warrior there. He prayed for me earnestly. I also joined the Young partner’s Plan. After the prayer, my faith was strengthened. I continued to pray with faith for my exams. When the result was published, I was happy to see that I had passed in both the practical and theory. Glory to God.

I studied in a Government

- S. Hannah Eunice, Salem.

(Proposed pledge offering Rs.3,000/-) • Donations of Rs 3000 will entitle a Partner to receive a Certificate • Donations of Rs 5000 will entitle a Partner to receive both a wall hanging (with a promise verse) and a promise verse book • Donations of Rs 10,000 or more will entitle a Partner to be prayed for by the Dhinakarans in a T.V. programme YOUNG PARTNER REGISTRATION FORM

Name:............................... Date of Birth:............................Parent’s Name:.............................................. Address:.................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................... PIN:.................................. Mobile:.................................... Email:............................................................ I wish to donate for my ward  Rs.3,000/-  Rs.5,000/-  Rs.10,000/- or  Rs........... /- every month. Address: Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028. You can also donate online through our secure website using your credit card / debit card or net banking. For more details please call our Toll Free No.1800 425 77 55 ( 7 am to 9 pm) Jesus Calls

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Jesus Calls

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‘…and many others who provided for Him from their substance’ (Luke 8:3).

is earing h d H . e m rogram ving an Radio p d be a very lo a s m a l l e h t h shoul try in throug akaran he proclaims s u s C a l l s m i n i s n i h D . hom f Bro he Je lled know o e Lord Jesus w a n t o s u p p o r t t o t e Lord ca ou m e h a h g t t c e , t b I a g o h n 4 t i s t ey ear 198 ealized our. I al the mee u. I will also us g n i r u In the y of talking, I r i m a s m y S a v i D ugh yo njore. way ed H ld in Ta be blessed thro e s h l humble o d a n d a c c e p t a v i ill est band wa s F w u r G y h l e i e y l y a m b r m a f P se hum s Calls nd said, “Your hat time id, “Your hou e u T s . e n J o e s . r h a t way an, a ded ally s will b n in pe hinakar , I atten inakara e o f u s a n d f i n your house. It ing to h D . o In 2000 through Bro. D try”. r z n d eeting B y e d f o r e a c h o ll of fire aroun it”. It was ama inis m ame f n m o y e e h m t g r a a t i e ou t in ly Sp He pr privil be a w strumen had the e D e p a r t m e n t . rnelius. I will led with the Ho I , r try. a as an in e y l o c e fi hen. e m i n i s in of C b t Poli wing h l t t e o l e i l s i l h h u t d t o w i o f n n e h a w i e Th e the ficer nteer iated r hous nderst as an of generations lik comes to you We couldn’t u e t a s s o c serve as a volu g g o n t i k e r c o o r n . h w e fo the cha tore and nd hous ryone, w blessed i s I h a d eld in Coimba he h t will be ling place. Eve n g m y f a m i l y a r e t f hennai, r .A yh r l C i r e e t n f n s r i i s w e n n d g c i a n n y o r i f t . M o M as work , who prayed a nnai on itute of Power Prayer Group prayer c e w s h i n h C o r s o a t n s y r t e a e e h ns hen m hinakar se you a the Esth nd the I , we cam athish. Wtry. Dr. Paul D abroad and u orking in S In 2003 lped me to atte a member of d n a inis eepa tly w e you also d he ildren D e Jesus Calls m er. He will tak d he is curren h The Lor er Tower. I am c y m n g to th nner a e partn ed both the Pray by as bless alary as offerin h a suitable lif in a grand ma h d uttered y r o y L c t s e i e h s c w ’ a p l The h u o t p o n db pr first mo od will bless y marriage took r e d t h e and for the Lor , a s e s i b h m e e v ’s ga “G We rem r that l ys. We my son n said, nelveli. decided to offe ed in many wa urtallam u r i him the . Accordingly, T m ” bless o we m fro he Co prophet . ourtalla ing that land. S mily has been nd situated on t this land and C o t y a a a c oncern hrough Ameri n the w ennai ch our f nts of la a land o he year 2001, c y through whi nated that 4 ce ld bless many t an, Porur, Ch d a h e W ishn hou n in t inistr willingly do r the etha Kr inakara e Lord s Calls m place fo e Bro. Dh it to the Jesus hildren and I – r desire that th Aruna Navane r i e h t c u g t th iven donatin – my husband, inistry. It is o h has g e blessings tha this c i m h y s w l l i l y a sC a fam ve th famil ry in . the Jesu is dear o should recei ort the minist h t r o r o a d , t o m towards Him f e he Lord that others to r heart to supp thers. draw th thank t e u

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July 2016 


SEESHA’S MEDICAL OUTREACH In the urban slums and remote rural areas where SEESHA works, health is of the utmost concern as many of these communities lack both awareness and access to quality healthcare services. This is why SEESHA works through institutional healthcare initiatives, alongside government bodies and through community outreach programmes to facilitate the process of bringing good health within the reach of such people. Health, being one of our primary areas of focus, we aim is to promote health and prevent disease in such communities. The SEESHA Karunya Community Hospital located in Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore, is our major health initiative. With an inpatient capacity of 45 and outpatient capacity of 150, and equipped with advanced facilities, this hospital provides quality healthcare either free of cost or at highly subsidized costs.

To support us in our medical mission, visit our website or call us at +91 9300-600-600.

IMPACT OF THE SEESHA SCHOOL KIT “My name is Rakhi Kumari. I am a student of Class X. There are 6 members in my family; 5 children and our mother. After the passing away of my father, the responsibilities of the family fell on my mother. My mother works as a housemaid to run the family. Even though my mother works in many homes, the money she earns is not enough to take care of all the needs in our large family. Because of this, my sister and I are also forced to work in people’s homes as housemaids. Since it is difficult to meet the needs of our family, buying pencil, pens, erasers, geometry box, colour pencils, etc. which are needed for our education, is extremely hard. When we need such things, we ask our mother, but she is unable to buy them for us immediately. Sometimes she would buy these things when we ask her but most of the time, she makes us wait for a long time, and this delays our school work. Several times, we have received scolding from our teacher for delaying in our work. We felt bad since though we were eager to study, we could not get these things easily. At this juncture, the SEESHA Tuition Centre started functioning in our area. All 5 of us joined the Tuition Centre. In the beginning of the school year itself, SEESHA has given us a school kit which contains all the essential items needed for school work. With the help of all these items, we are able to study well and finish our assignments on time. We are no longer reprimanded by our teachers, because we don’t delay in doing our work. Thanks to SEESHA that fulfills our wishes concerning our studies. Jesus Calls

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After a span of 23 years, the Dhinakarans ministered in Shillong, the capital city of Meghalaya, one of the North Eastern states of India. Jesus Calls Prayer Festival was conducted meetings from 20th to 22nd May, 2016 in the Polo Ground. Multitudes of people from the mountain regions of Khasi and Jaintia and Garo and from the nearby states such as Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Tripura, Nagaland, Manipur & West Bengal also attended the meeting. More than 40,000 people eagerly attended these meetings to receive God’s miracles through messages and prayers. The people of this locality enjoyed adorning Sis. Evangeline with their traditional Khasi costume. These meetings, were organised in an excellent manner by pastors & leaders of all denominations. Hon’ble Minister Roshan Warjri, Minister for Home Department (Jails & Police) & PWD (buildings),

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Govt. of Meghalaya graced occasion. On the second day, a great multitude of people intently listened to the God’s message, without dispersing, despite the pouring rains. The Lord mightily used Samuel Dhinakaran, Stella Ramola, Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran and Dr. Paul Dhinakaran. People received God’s blessings and went back with great joy. The organizing committee members including Ps.T.J.Moksha (Chairman), Ps. Jonathan Mawlong (Vice Chairman), Eld.A.S. Mawlong (General Coordinator), Ps. R.Shullai (Treasurer), Mr. W.S. Mawlong, Mr. B.L. Buam, Mr.Dalangstar Warjri, many other committee members and pastors helped to organise the Prayer Festival in a grand manner.

Hearing Good News even in the midst of heavy downpour

Sister Evangeline in Khasi cultural dress

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran praying for the dignitaries

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es, the God of gods is full of love and concern for every one of us. He is moved with compassion when He sees our lacks and difficulties.

Within a few months of our marriage, we lost our child in the womb. Totally heartbroken, I went to attend a gospel meeting, with the question, ‘Why, this happened to me, a devout man?’ I was highly depressed. I heard the message shared by that particular man of God, whom later was brought to me by a mutual friend. That servant of God came near me, held both my hands so lovingly and said, “I heard everything about you. There is no loss in this world for the children of God. I would keep praying for you” His words that there is no loss for God’s children, who trust Him, comforted me and all my worries fled. I came home and shared this with my wife. She too was comforted and shed tears.

‘Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, Sweetness to the soul and health to the bones’ (Proverbs 16:24). Multitudes thronged to hear the God of gods when He was sojourning in this world as Jesus Christ, in the form of a Man, for three and a half years. The reason, His words comforted them.

Knows our needs ‘My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus’ (Philippians 4:19). He, who was moved with compassion on seeing the needs of the people, granted them all their needs (Matthew 6:25,31). He knows what our needs are. So, don’t worry

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about your requirements. Perhaps you are rejected by everyone. But never forget that the Lord is full of love for you. Several years back, a person, who was working in a big company, was compelled by his superior to indulge in a fraudulent act. This person was an honest and sincere man. So, he refused to comply and hence was removed from his job. Not knowing what to do, he began to apply to other companies with the prayer, “Lord, I have to run my family; please give me a job”. One day, he got an interview from an Oil Firm. He had to face the interview panel consisting of higher officials and answered their queries. Finally they asked him how much salary he expected. He said, “Sir, it is enough if I am paid Rs.1,500/With this I would be able to manage”. Everyone, who heard this laughed aloud and this person was baffled. One of the officers said, “We are paying this amount to the house keeping boy of this company”. They saw his sincere heart and fixed his salary ten times more than what he asked. He was also given many other benefits. They said, “This is the salary fixed by our company for people who hold this position”.

Such is the heart of our Lord, our dear Father. He knows all our needs. He knows that our income is not sufficient to meet our expenses. The Lord, who is concerned about us, speaks in the hearts of others and meets our needs. Yes, He supplies all our needs according to His riches in glory. The Bible says that He ‘is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think’ (Ephesians 3:20).

Hears our prayers ‘O You who hear prayer, To

You all flesh will come…. (Psalm 65:2). Several years back, I had been to the Airport in the big city of Frankfurt. Here, everybody speaks only German language. So, in the Airport they had deputed a person, who could speak English. He was sitting under a board that said, “English Speaking Official’. There was a long queue of people before him and I too stood there since there was nobody else to find help. I got the needed information from him.

Our Lord has a name – ‘He, who hears prayer’. Our Lord hears all our problems. What a joy! The Bible says, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened” (Matthew 7:7,8). In another translation, this says, “Ask and keep asking”. He will not send back anyone, who asks Him, empty handed. Perhaps, many doors in this world may not open up to you. But when you knock, the doors in heaven would be immediately opened for you. I had a pet dog by name Dinky. It was from Tibet and was gifted to me by my friend. It had an amusing appearance – long hairs covered its eyes, like a curtain and hence we would not know where it was looking. The moment I sat by the dining table, Dinky would come running to me, wag its tail, expecting me to give him something. When I threw a morsel of food, it would jump up and catch hold of it. Once its stomach was full, it would leave the place quietly. After that, it would totally ignore us, no matter how many times Jesus Calls

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we call, ‘Dinky, Dinky…” Yet, for the next meal, it would arrive on the dot!

The Bible too talks about such a man in Luke 18. There was a judge who did not fear God nor regard man. A poor widow came seeking him every day to get a help. That hard hearted man, who saw her coming daily said, “Though I do not fear God nor regard man, yet because this widow keeps knocking at my door every day, I should do something for her and send her back” So saying he avenged her according to her wish. Our Lord is not hard hearted. The Bible says that He is full of ‘mercy and grace’ (Luke 4:22). That’s why, great multitude of people from all directions went seeking Him, when He was in this world (Mark 1:45; 6:34; Luke 6:1719). Even today, tell Him your needs boldly. He, who is compassionate, will grant you all your needs.

Prayer: Our heavenly Father, I fall at Your feet with tears and pray. Help me get my promotion/ property/blessing that are due for me. Make all the hindered inheritances reach me. I look up to you, the Hill from whence comes my help. Look at my broken heart and my sorrows. You are the God, who said, ‘Ask Me what you desire”. Grant me my desire and my need right now. I know that You are a God of miracles. So I have come, trusting You. You have promised that You would give whatever is asked in Your name. I plead that You should supply all my needs according to Your riches in glory. Grant me Your miracle, healing and deliverance. Prove that You are alive even today. In Jesus’ name I  pray” Amen.

IN CHENNAI… Special Training sessions (Morning and Evening) to learn the secrets of prayer! Venue: JESUS CALLS PRAYER ACADEMY JC House, 72, Rajaji Road (Opp:Beach Railway station), Chennai - 600 001

Certificates will be issued on behalf of the Karunya University. Classes conducted by anointed and trained personnel. Training would be provided by the Dhinakarans occasionally. For details: Director, Jesus Calls Prayer Academy, 72, Rajaji Road, Chennai - 600 001 Telephone: 044 - 23456677 (Extn.4009) Mobile: 97899 77807

Jesus Calls

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Sister Stella Dhinakaran ‘…a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised’ (Proverbs 31:30).


your God, to walk in all His ways and to love Him, to serve the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and to keep the commandments of the LORD and His statutes which I command you today for your good?” (Deuteronomy 10:12,13).

any women are under the assumption that they can live with fame in this world only if their outward physical appearance is beautiful. In a sense, it may be true. Young girls, even middle aged women, spend a lot of time in beautifying themselves. But the Bible says, ‘The fear of the LORD is to hate evil’ (Proverbs 8:13). In the things that we do in our daily life our conscience also bears witness accusing or else excusing us (Romans 2:15). When we decide to deviate, our conscience warns us, “Don’t go there; it is not pleasing to the Lord; remember that you are His child”. When we yield to this and discard that evil thing, our life becomes pleasing to God. All that the Lord wants from us is,

The Lord Jesus, who loves us dearly, wants us to walk in the good path and live a life that pleases Him.

"And now, Israel, what does the LORD your God require of you, but to fear the LORD

We read in the Bible how Mary, the mother of the Lord, received divine mercy from God (Luke

Let us meditate on how a few women, who delighted over the Lord and not on their beauty, received His blessings and what kinds of blessings:

Received Mercy: “His mercy is on those who fear Him From generation to generation” (Luke 1:50).

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1:46-55). Similarly, a woman, who indulged in much sins and who was known as a sinner by the people around her, came to the Lord Jesus, held on to His feet, shed tears, washed His feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair, which is a glory to women. The Lord looked at her heart; He saw the real love that she had for Him. He had mercy on her. Hence she received forgiveness of sin, peace and mercy from Him and went back home joyfully (Luke 7:37-50). Similar is the case of yet another woman by name Hannah! When she was in agony as she had no child, she prayed to the Lord, wept in anguish (I Samuel 1:15) and poured out her heart like water before the face of the Lord (Lamentations 2:19; Psalm 62:8; 142:1,2). Knowing her mental agony, the Lord had mercy on her

and blessed her womb. He blessed her with not one child but several children and made her happy. Likewise, a woman called Hagar, ran to the wilderness all by herself as she was dealt harshly by her mistress Sarah, wife of Abraham. The Angel of the Lord had compassion on her and said to her, “I will multiply your descendants exceedingly, so that they shall not be counted for multitude.". She then said, ‘"Have I also here seen Him who sees me?" and called the name of the LORD who spoke to her, You-Are-the-God-Who-Sees (Genesis 16:6-13). "Can a woman forget her nursing child, And not have compassion on the son of her womb? Surely they may forget, Yet I will not forget you’ (Isaiah 49:15) The Lord, who has promised thus, will never forget you. He will be merciful to you also. All we have to do is to hold on to His feet, and pour out our tears and pains in His presence. Let us confess all our sins and shortcomings at His feet, in all humility. Then the blood of Jesus Christ His Son will cleanse us from all sin (I John 1:7). “He who covers his sins will not prosper, But whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy” (Proverbs 28:13). Accordingly, it is highly necessary that every one of us receives this mercy. In the days of my youth, I was a nominal Christian without knowing the glory of Christ and without giving room to Him. At that time, when I was far away

from my parents, doing my studies, I once felt lonely and was shedding tears thinking of my parents. That time the Lord came seeking me and said to me, “Daughter, don’t cry; get up and read the Bible on your table”. Without my knowledge, I took the Bible and began to read it. From that minute, a divine love which I had never enjoyed before flooded into me. My useless life was transformed and I began to love the Lord with my whole heart.

Yes, dear ones! The Lord Jesus is rich in mercy; He is eager to forgive us and give us a new life, no matter what our shortcomings are (Titus 3:5). He says, "I will have mercy on whomever I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whomever I will have compassion." (Romans 9:15). When a sinful woman anointed Jesus with the costly oil, Simon and other disciples who were ignorant of its glory said, ‘Why is she wasting this? She could have sold it for three hundred denarii and given it to the poor’. Since their hearts were filled with worldly thoughts, they spoke thus. But, knowing her inner genuine love for Him, the Lord whole heartedly forgave all her sins and showed her mercy. He completely transformed her old life and made her into a new creation. A sister, who was holding a high position in a company, had no connection with Christ, though she knew about Him. She was not sincere in her job and was a very bad example to her colleagues. One day, she lost her Jesus Calls

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job all of a sudden. She went through a tough path. It was at this time she realized her need for God, through a few other sisters. Baffled over her future, she began to seek the Lord. One day, a sister took her to a Gospel meeting and made her know the love of Jesus. That day, she committed her heart to the Lord and received His mercy. She became His child and a mighty servant of God for His glory. Ten years rolled by. She got back her job in the same place. Now her life is totally transformed much to her colleagues’ amazement.

‘…be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness’ (Ephesians 4:23,24). Yes, the Lord gives this divine life to everyone who accepts Him as his/her personal Saviour. My dear sisters, if you have not yet accepted the Lord Jesus and have been displeasing Him, confess your sins to Him today and receive His mercy. He will enter into your heart and family. He will bless you.

Blessings by Believing: ‘…if you would believe you would see the glory of God’ (John 11:40). In the Bible, we read about a family consisting of two sisters Martha and Mary and a brother Lazarus. Whenever the Lord visited their house, Martha served him tasty food and made Him happy. On the other hand, Mary used to sit at His feet, listen to His teachings and receive the good part.

Both these two sisters loved Jesus much and kept their trust on Him. Their brother Lazarus also had much love for Him. When he became sick and was dead, these two sisters got him back because of the faith they had on the Lord. Martha, who was weak in her faith, was also strengthened. Once, a man was admitted in the hospital for treatment. He was a Christian but had no knowledge of God. One day, the doctors said to him, “We’ve done what we could; but your condition is bad. Only God can help you now. So pray to Him”. Totally depressed, this man asked a fellow Christian to read aloud the Bible for him. But that brother declined saying that he was not habituated to read the Bible. Not knowing what to do, this man got up from his bed with great difficulty and began to read the Bible. As he was reading he was stirred by the verse, ‘they (scriptures) are life to those who find them, And health to all their flesh’ (Proverbs 4:22). From that day, he started to read the Bible on his own. One day, when the doctor did another checkup, he was surprised to see that he was completely healed of his dreadful disease. He asked the man, ‘What is this? There is no trace of this horrible disease. Did you take any other medicine?” The man showed him the Bible and said, “ I read this regularly; this is the medicine that I drank with delight”.

In these last days, the Word of God is manifested mightily through

His servants. The Lord is pouring down His Spirit in a mighty way. When you look up to Him and ask Him with faith, He will fill you with His Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will receive the power and be witness for Him (Acts 1:8). He has not given you a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind (II Timothy 1:7). When you are filled with the Holy Spirit, the love

peace, and the God of Israel grant your petition which you have asked of Him’, she went with peace and ate her food. Her face was no longer sad. The faith and trust, ‘If the Lord says something, He will fulfill it’ was strong in her. She received blessing from the Lord according to her faith. The Lord Jesus too for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and

Yes, dear sisters! A day will come when the Lord would see your zealous devotion for Him and your faith and deliver you out of all your distresses, trials and sufferings and exalt you. He will grant you a happy and a victorious life. of God is poured into your heart (Romans 5:5). The Holy Spirit will surely give you divine love and help you to live victoriously with faith. It was my desire to bring up my son in the fear of God since when he was a child. When he was a little boy, I used to keep him on my lap and pray that he should become a mighty servant of God more than his father and be filled with zealous godliness. Every Sunday I used to make him memorize a song and a Psalm. Seeing all these things, today the Lord is using him mightily for His glory with double fold anointing, much to everyone’s amazement.

Look at Hannah! When the man of God Eli said to her, "Go in Jesus Calls

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has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God, according to His faith (Hebrews 12:1,2). Yes, dear sisters! A day will come when the Lord would see your zealous devotion for Him and your faith and deliver you out of all your distresses, trials and sufferings and exalt you. He will grant you a happy and a victorious life.

Received Grace: And having come in, the angel said to her, "Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women!" (Luke 1:28). Why did Mary receive this special grace or favour? She humbled herself saying, ‘"Behold the maidservant of the Lord!’ (Luke 1:38).

“For He has regarded the lowly state of His maidservant (Mary); For behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed’ (Luke 1:38).

was small. While doing her

Yes, the Lord gives grace to those who are humble. He resists the proud (James 4:6; I Peter 5:5; Proverbs 3:34). When the angel of God announced her, ‘you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son’, Mary did not worry, “Oh, I am unmarried; if I conceive now, I would have to face lot of sufferings and shame; I would be undergoing hardships”. Instead, she humbled herself and accepted the Lord’s plan whole heartedly and said, "Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word."

she committed her life to Him.

A particular servant of God used to be very shy when she

schooling, she could not even stand on the stage and would tremble. However, the Lord touched her heart one day and She was filled with the Holy Spirit and said, ‘Lord, I don’t want anything in this world; I want to live pleasing to You and glorify You. This is my joy and pride” Knowing the depth of her heart, the Lord began to use her in His ministry. Today, He has given her such a great grace that she is able to stand boldly before thousands of people and speak about Him.

The Lord tells you, A little one shall become a thousand, And a small one a strong nation. I, the LORD, will hasten it in its time." (Isaiah 60:22).

Bible Quiz 53 (Bible Portion Esther, Job and Psalm) (Read the given portions line by line to easily find the answers) 1. Who shall not be established, where? 2. Who should be master, where? 3. Which is truth and what endures forever? 4. What gives understanding and to whom? 5. By whom is the escape for what? 6. Who will be stronger and stronger? 7. What is given into whose hand? 8. Who is known by what? 9. Which thing loves what? 10. Whom does God not cast away? Whom will He not uphold? Answers must reach us before

JULY 20, 2016

Address: Bible Quiz - 53, Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028. Jesus Calls

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Don’t say, “I am not educated; I don’t have wisdom. I lack in everything”. The Lord wants to fill you, who consider yourself to be useless, with His power, change you into His image and use you. "If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We (Father, Son and the Holy Spirit) will come to him and make Our home with him’ (John 14:23). Accordingly, if God is in you, He will grant you His abundant grace. You shall be praised as a woman who fears the Lord. You will receive divine mercy from Him; you will become a blessed woman by your faith; His divine grace will surround you. May the Lord help you to live as a blessed woman with His grace and praises  in this world!

Bible Quiz 51 Answer 1. There has not failed one word of all His good promise I Kings 8:56 2. "Will there not be peace and truth at least in my days?" II Kings 20:19 3. ‘…the remnant who have escaped of the house of Judah Shall again take root downward, And bear fruit upward II Kings 19:30 4. My wrath shall be aroused against this place and shall not be quenched.'" II Kings 22:17 5. …the LORD has loved Israel forever I Kings 10:9 6. …all the earth sought the presence of Solomon to hear his wisdom, which God had put in his heart I Kings 10:24 7. …from it (water) there shall be no more death or barrenness II Kings 2:21 8. "Let your heart therefore be loyal to the LORD our God, I Kings 8:61 9. the LORD was very angry with Israel, and removed them from His sight II Kings 17:18 10. a great and strong wind…before the LORD I Kings 19:11

Miracles during Family Blessing Meeting Tumour vanished My wife had a tumour in the uterus and doctors said that it should be operated. We consulted more than five doctors, all of whom suggested surgery. At this time, I visited the Prayer Tower for prayers. Also my wife and I attended the Family Blessing meeting and got personal prayers from Sis. Stella Dhinakaran. She too placed her hands on our head and prayed earnestly. After that when we took a scan, the result came out to be normal. Doctors sent back my wife saying that there was no need for surgery. Now my wife is in robust health. - Goutham Chand, Vadapazhani, Chennai 26.

Saw Jesus, received healing I attended the Family Blessing meeting and was blessed. That night, I saw Jesus. After that I began to hold on to Him firmly. I had tumour in my uterus and hence I suffered a lot. After the prayer, the tumour vanished without a surgery. The Lord has also helped my son who studied in Karunya, to go abroad. Also, because of dear mother’s prayers, the Lord has helped us to register a house. Glory to the Lord. - Kamatchi, West Mambalam, Chennai 33

Healed with a Touch I had been suffering from fi-

broid since the past 8 years. I could not stand properly and do any work. I could not even eat anything. I took treatments but there was no use. I came to this meeting along with my husband, in a miserable condition. When dear mother prayed during the prayer time, my husband and I joined her in the prayer, holding our hands. That time, the Lord Jesus touched me. That moment, I received a miraculous healing. Now I am well and I go back with no pain. Praise be to the Lord. - Kalaiarasi, Chennai 28

Touched and Healed I came to the Family Blessing meeting with severe throat pain. During the prayer time, when dear mother was praying, the Lord touched me and granted me a miraculous healing. Now I am perfectly well. Glory to God. - Idhayaveni, Vyasarpadi, Chennai 37

Addiction of 28 years gone; peace restored I was addicted to alcoholism since the past 28 years. In the year 2013, I lost everything in life and had nothing. My 35 year old sister was not married and I was in agony. I came for prayer and committed my life to the Lord. He changed my life completely. After this, I began to get up early in the morning, pray to the Lord and read

the Bible. My sister’s marriage was settled. Not only that, I got back all that I had lost – my house and job – and am now exalted. Now we are living as a peaceful family. - Susai Ravikumar, Kottur, Chennai - 85

Lost power restored Ten years back, I had been doing the Lord’s ministry. However, because of certain reasons, I could not continue with the ministry. It was at this time, I started visiting the Prayer Tower regularly, for prayers. I attended the Family Blessing meeting and joined dear mother Stella Dhinakaran in the prayer. That time the Lord helped me to get back the anointing and power of the Holy Spirit. I am going to do ministry with renewed strength. Praise the Lord. - Daniel Gurusamy, Kotturpuram, Chennai - 85.

Miraculous healing, divine peace I came to this meeting, feeling weak and with no peace. During the prayer time, when dear mother was praying, my weakness was gone and I had a miraculous healing from my leg pain. Also a divine peace filled me. Praise the Lord. - Pushparani, Chemmancheri, Chennai.


QUIZ NO: 51 WINNERS Chennai: Godvia Princes D., Sumithra David, Tanjore: J. R. S. Shalom Pudhucherry: P. S. Moorthy Andhra: P.H. Swarna Vidyullatha, J. Thanuja, Dr. T. S. Sudhakar Raju, Karnataka: K. Dhanamani, Manju M., Jesus Calls

July 2016 


How can those who live with worries and burdens and shed tears in life receive divine peace and joy? Answer: These days, gripped by anxieties and misery over the problems in life, women shed tears and are at a loss to know what to do. As a result, they become victims of dreadful diseases such as heart problem, blood pressure, etc., even at a young age. But, our Lord does not want to give us this kind of life. In the Bible we read about two sisters Mary and Martha in Luke 10:38-42 and John 11:1- 45. Though, both were sisters and had great love for the Lord Jesus, they differed in many things. The Lord tells about Martha, ‘…you are worried and troubled about many things’ (Luke 10:41). On the other hand, what does He tell about her sister Mary? "But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her." (Luke 10:42). Look at the vast difference between them! Martha gave much room for worldly worries and weariness. But the Lord Himself testifies about Mary. When we examine the reason, it could be seen that Mary sat at His feet and listened

to the words that came out of His mouth, with great enthusiasm. His Words are full of life and power. It was His Word that took away all the worries and burdens in her life and brought into her a strong faith and hope on the Lord. This is the good part that we need to choose, as said by the Lord. Dear sisters, what should you do when you face worries and burdens in your life? ‘…casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you’ (I Peter 5:7). Yes, when the burdens and cares of this world distress you, all you have to do is to pour out your heart in the presence of the Lord, as said in the above mentioned verse. Hannah of the Bible, was burdened over her childlessness and poured out her heart in the presence of the Lord with tears. What happened? The Lord removed her worries and filled her heart with His divine peace. Did He stop with that? No. He also gave her the perfect blessing that she desired. Yes, the Lord knows the heart of every one of you. He keenly observes the reason for your dejecJesus Calls

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tion and what you are doing that time. There is no use if you keep on carrying all your burdens and concerns over your head, lamenting ‘Why there’s no child for me? Why my marriage is not getting settled? Why am I not getting a job? Why there is no peace in my family? Why there is no sufficient income in my family?’. You are not going to receive anything by this. Hannah did not do like this but poured out her heart in the presence of the Lord and received full blessings. Yet another woman by name Anna, who had lost her husband even at a young age, did not sit at home, immersed in self pity and lamenting to everyone, “Oh, My husband is no more…”. Instead she headed straight towards the Lord’s presence and sought Him by holding on to Him day and night with fasting. These days, most of the women who lose their husband immediately think of second marriage. Sometimes, this may be the right thing to do for certain women. But when you commit yourself in His presence and ask Him ‘Lord, what do you want me to do?”, His guid-

ance would be wonderful. He will lead you by His hand, every day. This young widow Anna, did not depart from His presence till her 84 years and held on to Him. What happened because of this? God filled her with His Holy Spirit and blessed her with the gift of prophecy. She was a blessing to many.

you a divine strength. He will increase your strength (Isaiah 40:29). So, wait with fasting, in His presence. He will perfect everything for you.

So, dear sisters, do not carry your worries and burdens by yourself but kneel down in the presence of the Lord and pour out your heart as said in Lamentations 2:19, Psalm 62:8, 142:1,2, I Samuel 1:15. Commit everything in His hands, telling Him, “Lord, I cannot manage this situation at all; You are my everything”. Then the Lord, who sees your tears, will wipe away your tears and fill you with His grace exceedingly abundantly above all that you ask or think (Ephesians 3:20).

started asking her father how he

Not only that, whenever you are assailed by different kinds of burdens and worries, you should not be dejected. If you submit all your matters to the Lord, even in the midst of your despair, He will give

Today, both the children are

When my daughter-in-law Evangeline was betrothed to my son, her elder sister’s marriage was also fixed. So her relatives would conduct both the daughters’ marriage. Do you know what he said? He said, “My Lord will perfect everything for me” (Psalm 138:8). He kept on telling this to everyone who asked him. He did not take his worries and burdens upon himself but held on to the Lord firmly. What happened? One by one, his relatives came forward to undertake each and every responsibility and the Lord helped him to conduct both the marriages in a grand manner. blessed in every way. That dear father is resting in peace in the Kingdom of God.

Dear sisters, you too should learn to cast all your burdens and

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worries on the Lord. A life without prayer is an empty life and you can never be happy. But when you pour out your burdens and concerns in the presence of the Lord and hold on to Him, your life would be filled with divine peace, joy and blessings. My dear sisters, these days, the wicked devil confuses us, the women with unwanted worries. Yet the Lord tells you, “Don’t worry for anything; don’t fear”. “Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.' (Isaiah 41:10) Cling on to this promise and pour out your heart in the Lord’s presence like Hannah and pray with thanksgiving. Learn to praise God even before you receive. Then the Lord will be with you and do wondrous deeds; He will guide you wonderfully (Exodus 34:6). "And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive." (Matthew 21:22).

The Lord’s abundant blessing was manifested in the Jesus Calls Esther Prayer Group meeting and Family Blessing Meetings held on May 20,21 and 22, 2016 in Trivandrum, state of Kerala. Esther Prayer Group Meeting: This was conducted on May 20th, in Nandavanampalyam, Trivandrum. Many sisters in and around Trivandrum participated in this meeting as groups. The Lord’s presence filled the meeting right from the beginning. Every sister was touched and strengthened by the God’s message shared by Sister Stella Dhinakaran and rejoiced in Esther Prayer Group meetings the Spirit. Family Blessing Meetings: These meetings were held on May 21 and 22 at 5.30 PM in Puthrikandam Ground, Trivandrum. Heavy rains lashed the city prior to these meetings. Yet the Lord stopped the rain on the day of the meeting and blessed the meeting. Many had thronged the meeting despite the rains. The Lord used Sis. Stella Dhinakaran mightily and did awesome deeds through her powerful message, prayer and anointing. On the second day, there was a heavy downpour of rain during the message time. Yet, not a single person left the venue. When Sis. Stella Dhinakaran offered earnest prayers, the rain stopped miraculously and everyone was thrilled. The meeting went on without any hurdle. God poured out His showers of blessing when Sis. Stella Dhinakaran shared the word of God and prayed for the people, filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. The Lord performed mighty deeds; people were blessed; many received miraculous healing and many shared their testimony and glorified God.

Hearing Good News even in the midst of heavy downpour

Jesus Calls

July 2016 


Trivandrum Family Blessing Meeting - Testimonies Filled with the power of the Holy Spirit I came to this meeting with the desire that I should receive the anointing of the Holy Spirit. During the prayer time, Sis. Stella Dhinakaran said, “All those who desire for the filling of the Holy Spirit may please stand to your feet’. I too got up and prayed with closed eyes that the Lord should fill me with the power of the Holy Spirit. Suddenly a bright light came on my side and that time the Lord filled me with His power and a divine peace. My joy knew no bounds. Glory to Jesus. - Lyla Srikumar, Perurkadai, Trivandrum.

Agony Gone I came to this meeting with terrible pain on my back and swelling in my feet. I was sitting here with pain. When Sister Stella Dhinakaran was praying, I saw the picture of Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran before my eyes. As I continued to pray, all my back pain and leg pain

was completely gone. Glory to God. - Rajamani, Thiruvallam, Trivandrum.

Complete healing from back pain I came to this meeting with great difficulty. After my delivery, I had developed severe back pain. I came to this meeting with this terrible pain. After a while, the pain intensified and I even thought of leaving this meeting. But I prayed that the Lord should touch and heal me and that time a square shaped bright light came upon me. Immediately my pain left me. The Lord touched me and healed me completely. Glory to Him. - Anita, Valiyaveli.

Pain gone; received peace I suffered a lot from chest pain. All treatments proved futile. Also my both feet had swollen. I had no peace. I heard about these Jesus Calls meetings conducted by Sis. Stella Dhinakaran and came here. I joined her in the prayer and that time the Lord delivered me from

all pains. Jesus is alive even today. Now I am filled with a divine peace. - Elsie, Trivandrum.

Jesus touched me During the prayer time, Sis. Stella Dhinakaran said, “Jesus is now touching all of you”. That time I was also praying along with her and felt someone touching my head. I had this experience on both the days of the meeting. When I was praying I felt the Lord Jesus passing by me like a bright breeze. I felt the divine presence. I came here with lot of burdens and worries in my heart. After the Lord Jesus touched me, a divine peace came into me. Earlier I could not even sit properly, but now my body is strengthened and is made healthy. I am also filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus touched me; His presence filled me. All my mental agonies are gone and I am filled with divine peace and joy. I could not even pray. Now the Lord has helped me to pray, by filling me with His Holy Spirit. - Omana Varghese, Pallithurai, Trivandrum.

Jesus did many more miracles. All glory to Him.

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July 2016 


All your children shall be taught by the LORD, And great shall be the peace of your children (Isaiah 54:13). These days, it is quite rare to see this kind of blessing in the children’s lives. The reason, they know the Lord only a little and lack the knowledge to know Him deeply and walk in the ways pleasing to Him and thus fail to fulfil His will. The parents too are ignorant that the children should receive full blessings in their lives by knowing God. In many families, everyone sleeps soundly in the morning, as they like; they get up hurriedly and run to their office. There is no personal prayer or Bible reading or family prayer in such families. ‘…those who seek the LORD shall not lack any good thing’ (Psalm 34:10). Accordingly, in such families, which do not seek the Lord, there is no peace because of the children. Such children never respect the parents. What is the use of bringing this kind of state upon themselves and shedding tears? My dear sisters, it is important that you, as women, pray for your children much. Think for a while about your connection with the

Lord. It is not enough to bring the children into the world; it is in your hands to lead them in the good way, with burden for them. But you cannot achieve anything on your own effort, in any way.

my son into His servant, as per my request. Today, He is using him mightily for His glory. Now because of his zealous prayer, the Lord has also helped him to serve Him as a family.

My son Paul Dhinakaran was born after I had lost two children. First, I had a miscarriage; next, I had a still born child. So I was broken hearted. That time, my husband and I started praying every day that the Lord should give us a child with His blessings. Many servants of God also prayed for us. So, the Lord blessed us with our dear son. When he was a baby, I used to keep him on my lap and pray every day, “Lord, You’ve given me this child in answer to my tears; even now I commit him into your hands; accept Him and use Him mightily as Your servant with gifts, for the glory of Your name”. Then I would thank God for hearing my prayer. The Lord heard this simple prayer. Of course, there were many hindrances. Yet the Lord was moved by that prayer and has changed

My dear sisters, your children’s blessings are in your hands. This is our responsibility after delivering our child. You should be an example to your children in seeking the Lord and you should be diligent to teach them the ways of Christ. Seeing your ways and seeing the way in which you seek the Lord with reverence, they too would follow you and seek the Lord.

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Christ’s Way: First of all get a copy of the Bible as a gift for your children. Mothers should read the Bible in the morning, sitting near the children, in spite of your heavy works. After that you should meditate as a family. When you diligently read the Word of God along with your children and meditate upon it as per Psalm 1:2,3, you would be blessed through your children. You will see their lives blossoming because of

that. Also, it is necessary that you teach your children the way in which they should go and guide them. Only then they would be filled with the fear of God. As the Bible says, ‘The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge’ (Psalm 1:7; 9:10). Proverbs 8:13 says, ‘The fear of the LORD is to hate evil’. So, when your children have this fear of God, they would run away from evil things. A divine fear would grip them and they would change their lives saying, “How beautifully my mother had taught me about the Lord. So I’ll walk in fear of God”. What would be their benefits by this? ‘I traverse the way of righteousness, In the midst of the paths of justice, That I may cause those who love me to inherit wealth, That I may fill their treasuries’ (Proverbs 8:20,21). Yes, the Lord will change them into righteous persons. This is how David clearly taught Solomon about holding on to the Lord firmly and living a pleasing life to Him and guided him. When the fear of God came upon Solomon, he walked in the righteous path. But when he departed from it, his life became displeasing to God.

Christ’s love Right from their young age, children should be taught about the sacrifice of the Lord on the cross. When my son Paul was a little boy, my husband Bro. Dhinkaran used to go to other places for the sake of ministry. That time my

son and I would be left alone at home. Once, when he was six years old, I was explaining to Him the things in the Bible, and he was listening to me with rapt attention. That time I elaborated on how Jesus Christ was beaten up for his sake, how His body

should have the assurance of sal-

was broken and how our life gets transformed because of the love that flows out of His sufferings on the cross of Calvary. As I was describing it, tears streamed down his cheeks. The love of Christ came into him. It was this love that prevented him from going in the devil’s path and established him as a servant of God.

work in their lives. My son clung

My dear sisters, this is how you should also teach your children about how the Lord Jesus would lead them as a Saviour and grant them all the benefits that they need. If they lack this knowledge, their life would be empty. Perhaps your children may be sons of perdition, living as they like; if so, it is you, who have to look up to the Lord and pray for them. Your prayer of faith will surely bring transformations in their lives.

get filled with His love. Examine

When my son Paul Dhinakaran fell into evil company and had gone astray, every Tuesday I used to fast even without drinking water and cry to God. I used to hold on to the promises in the Bible and pour out my tears at His feet. The Lord heard that plea. Within a few weeks, He changed his life upside down and took possession of him.

receive a divine life? We read in

So, dear sisters, first of all, you

the Lord from the bottom of your

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vation in your life – You should have received the life of having been cleansed by the blood of Jesus. Then when you plead for your children with fasting, the Lord will surely answer your prayer and to the Lord at the age of 18. Many ridiculed him and made fun of him; yet he was not concerned about anything but held on to the ways of the Lord firmly and is serving Him even today, filled with His love. Hence, it is necessary that you too pray together as a family, receive the salvation of the Lord and yourself today. The Lord will give you the strength to live a life with no lack. Your children will not be ruined. Instead, they will walk in the righteous ways and be pleasing witnesses for the Lord.

Divine peace: Today, there is no oneness of mind in many families. There is no presence of God. How can you Psalm 22:3, ‘You are holy, Enthroned in the praises of Israel’. In that case, you can realize that it is necessary for you and your children to praise the Lord. In Psalm 34:1, David has written this for us as an example, ‘I will bless the LORD at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth’. So, let us also follow this. Learn to thank

heart, remembering the blessings that the Lord gives for your children. The Lord will accept your


praises as a sweet aroma. Read about the lives of the men of God in the Bible. All of them praised the Lord with their whole heart and thus gave Him glory. So teach your children as to how to glorify God and why. Then they would develop a close fellowship and relationship with God. They would then commit themselves to walk in the ways shown by Him. They would never




step on the path shown by the

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devil. The Lord would be pleased

8:30 pm to 9:00 pm



with them. According to Psalm

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32:8, ‘He will instruct them and

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Madhya Pradesh / Chhattisgarh

teach them in the way they should go; He will guide them with His

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Bihar / Jharkhand

eye’. They will not be baffled and will not stumble even when there

6:30 am - 7:00 am

Surya TV


is drought in their lives as seen in

6:30 am - 7:00 am

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Mon - Sat

Isaiah 58:11. Instead, they would

9:30 pm - 10:00 pm

Power Vision


hold on to the Lord firmly. Then

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7:00 am - 7:30 am

Kasturi News


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the Lord given peace and contentment would increase in their lives. They shall be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail. Shouldn’t you be a guide to you children for them to receive this divine life? First, examine yourself. Get connected to the Lord, get filled with the Spirit of God and do all that is possible for your children to be blessed by the Lord. May the Lord be with you and bless your children by leading them in the righteous path!

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July 2016 


- Yesupatham


truck by the sound of a

as she saw it and she plunged into

us…. But it seems your uncle

squirrel from the guava tree,

self pity – ‘Even these animals with

would be getting his transfer next

Shalini stopped her job of

only five senses have parents to

month… After settling there, I’ll

changing the window curtain and

take care of and feed. But, me…

take you with me”.

turned to look through the glass. A

a human being with six senses…”

Her mother’s younger sister

squirrel was climbing down from

Unable to bear the loneliness, emp-

dearly loved her mother. She had

the guava branch and was scurry-

tiness and rejection that engulfed

two daughters and so Shalini felt

ing to the opposite house window.

her, she burst into tears. Nostalgic

that it would be safe for her to live

Sharpening her eyes, she looked at

memories brought fresh tears to her

with them.

the window and saw a nest with


“Your uncle’s earnings are mea-

baby squirrels. The big one fed

Though she had lost her father

ger dear! It’s very difficult for me

something to them and again got

at a young age, her mother was

to manage in Chennai with this in-

up the guava tree.

everything to her and so she basked

come… rent, fees, food… ex-

She was surprised to see yet

in her mother’s love which never

penses are too much… So I’ll con-

another big squirrel, sitting on the

made her miss her father. Hence,

sult with uncle and let you know…”

branch and making noise. ‘Oh this

it was a blow when her mother died

This was from her mother’s sister.

must be the father squirrel’ – Shalini

quite suddenly.

All the relatives left, on the third

concluded and again looked at the

‘You look exactly like my

day. The emptiness around her

nest. The baby squirrels got down

brother… I feel as if I am seeing

oppressed her and she cried bit-

from their nest and played for a

my late brother…. “ Her aunt’s

terly, “Oh, what will I do? Mom,

while and hurried back to their

words soothed her a little even as

where will I go….?”

nest. Greatly amused by this sight,

she was struggling to recover from

She was shocked to feel some-

she left her work and began to click

her shock. Encouraged by her

one hugging her from behind and

the sight in her mobile and also

aunt’s endearing words, hugs and

turned to see who it was…

video recorded it.

kisses, she asked her tentatively,

Mrs. Vasanthy, the sexton’s

“Aunty, can I come and live with

wife was standing there with a



She then turned back to her work and after finishing it, she again played the video and watched it.

“Oh, dear! I too very much

“Daughter, you may cry now

Tears welled up in her eyes even

want you to come and stay with

thinking that your mother had not

Jesus Calls

July 2016 


done or given anything for you. But she has given you what should be given. Yes, she has taught you about Jesus, our Father. He will see to it that you don’t shed tears”. Days passed. Everything that happened after that seemed to be a dream for her – once all the wealthy people deserted her, that poor lady took her under her care, the church supported her education and the church member Er. Koilpillai, took her as his daughter-in-law. The sound of the squirrel jolted her out of her reveries and she said aloud, “What foolishness! Forgive me God! You’ve lifted me out of dust and have kept me in Your palm… Who’s there to exalt me more, except You?” She continued with her chores, cheerfully. You came in search of me, an orphan You showed me love and embraced me…” The song reverberated in her heart. “The eternal God is your refuge, And underneath are the everlasting arms” (Deuteronomy 33:27). (Dear sister, are you forsaken by everyone and wallowing in loneliness and tears? Come under the wings of the Lord Jesus, taking Him as the refuge, saying with faith, “The Lord is my help”. Then He will grant you full reward (Ruth 2:12; Psalm 91:1,2). 

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July 2016 


Miraculous change Valian Moses, son of Sis. Pavizham of our Esther Prayer Group, is doing second year B.E in the Karunya University. He had absolutely no connection with God. We had been praying for his salvation in the Esther Prayer Group, since the past two months. The Lord, who hears prayers, brought a miraculous transformation in his life and made him go to church regularly, read the Bible and pray to Him. Also, he has received the joy of salvation. Sis. Sasikala’s son had no child even after 4 years of married life. We prayed for him with great burden. Hearing our prayers, the Lord has blessed him with a boy baby. The Lord did these miracles in response to the prayers offered in the Esther Prayer Group and by Sister Stella Dhinakaran. I give all glory to Him alone! - A. Kasthuri Abishekam, Coimbatore.

Divine experiences I am the leader of the Esther Prayer Group in our area. Sis. Loraine received the fire anointing for the first time and rejoiced in the Lord by speaking in tongues. Sis. Janet enjoyed the Lord’s power and divine touch. Yet another sis-

ter and I enjoyed the Lord’s miraculous presence, His divine joy and peace during the Esther Prayer Group prayer time. I give all glory to the Lord for the spiritual blessings He has given us in the Esther Prayer Group. - Reni Pillai, South Africa.

Peace of God Sis. Elima of our Esther Prayer Group was charged with a false accusation and she requested our prayers. Before attending the Esther Prayer Group prayer, she committed this matter in the hands of God, with faith. Hearing the prayer, God solved this problem and helped her, who was broken hearted because of her fellow students, to get reconciled with them even before her exams. All glory to the Lord, who answered the prayer. - Felicia Jenita Vaz, Sri Lanka

Sorrow into joy Sis. Jeyaseeli is attending our Esther Prayer Group since the past two months. Last month she came for the prayer with unbearable burden and tears. All of us as sisters prayed for her with one mind. Hearing the prayer, the Lord changed her sorrow into joy and has blessed her with His peace. Jesus Calls

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Glory to the Lord. - Rani Ravi, Chennai.

Divine protection I am the leader of the Esther Prayer Group in our area. After attending the Esther Prayer Group conference, I had the desire to serve the Lord more. As I was going to Trichy, after the conference, the Lord miraculously protected me from a grave accident. I could understand how concerned and faithful He is towards those who do His will. The Lord gives this divine protection to all the members of the Esther Prayer Group in response to the prayers offered for them. Glory to Him. - Annie Joseph, Chennai.

Answers prayers I am the leader of the Esther Prayer Group in our area. Sis. Alhing has got the great desire to read the Bible after she joined the Esther Prayer Group. Sis. Vasanthy is now zealous to read the Word and in conducting family prayer. I have the faith that the Lord answers all the prayers offered in the Esther Prayer Group. I thank the Lord for the Esther Prayer Group. - Lynda, New Delhi.

Vision I am the leader of the Esther Prayer Group in our area. During the prayer time, all the sisters enjoyed the glorious presence of the Lord. One sister had the vision of seeing the hand of God coming upon every sister who had gathered there. Sis. Rithu was filled with the presence of God and received God’s strength and peace. Sis. Elvina saw a vision of a fountain springing up from the field and buds blossoming. Sis. Alice and Sis. Rithu were greatly encouraged and emboldened by the Word of God. All glory to the Lord for the spiri-

tual experiences given to our Esther Prayer Group. - Rajini Pavesh Mcvaan, Gujarat

Glory to the Lord. - Dr. Daffy, Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore.

Power of the promise

I am the leader of the Esther Prayer Group in our area. One morning, we forgot to switch off the gas stove and left for office. When we came back home, we were shocked by the strong smell of the gas that had engulfed the whole house. That whole day, there had been power cut because of which the Lord had kept our family as well as those in other flats, away from a terrible accident and protected us. Glory to the Lord. - Lydia Papa, Telungana.

I am the leader of the Esther Prayer Group in our area. The Promise verse made us ponder whether we, the parents, are really concerned about our children’s spiritual life. Every one of us realized our fault and committed our lives to the Lord. That time, the Holy Spirit filled each one of us with His mighty presence and power. All the sisters received the anointing of the Holy Spirit in a glorious way.

Protection from accident

My Dear sisters, Accordingly, if the Spirit of the Lord prompts you to start an Esther Prayer Group or Youth Esther Prayer Group in your area or in your home or hostel or in any place convenient to you, so that the women in your area could be blessed, and revived, please come forward. This is the end time. Start your work right now. This is the time to watch and pray. Contact Address:

Sister. Stella Dhinakaran (Esther Prayer Group) 16, Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028 Email: Dear sisters, who pray in the Prayer Group, pray with much burden for the each and every prayer point sent to you and hold on firmly to the promise word given to you with fervency in the spirit. The Lord will do a miracle. He will also bless you. Let us arise to revive, comfort and guide souls before the Lord’s coming! Let us shine!

- Dr. D. G. S. Dhinakaran · · · ·

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July 2016 


Owned by Jesus Calls and Published by Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran from 16,Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai-28. Printed by Mr.Paul Aravamuthan at Bapuji Printers, 5, Kurban Ali St, Woods Road, Chennai-2. Editor: Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran


Regd. Newspaper RNI No.TNENG30411/73 Regn. No.TN / CC(S) Dn/ 513/15-17 Registration No.TN/PMG-CCR/WPP-156/15-17 Published on 25-6-2016


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