Jesus Calls (English) - October 2017

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Every day 20,000 people across the world send their prayer requests through post card, inland letters & covers, email, website, facebook and various channels to the Prayer Tower. These requests are sent to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran by email every day and in whichever part of the world he is in, he lays his hands on it and prays for them. God hears the prayers and answers them all and we are receiving many testimonial reports. Hundreds of people send prayer requests for life-making decisions to know God’s will in choosing between the two. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran waits at the feet of the Lord and gets the guidance from the Holy Spirit and reveals the will of God. God is faithful in answering them and everyone gets tremendously blessed in their lives.

I am Durai Selva Kumar, working in a government company in Qatar. I got this job by God's Grace and due to the prophecy revealed by Dr. Paul to select this job instead of choosing a job in Oman. I obeyed and took the job offer in Qatar and since then my family and I have been greatly blessed. In the midst of an economic crisis in the world, God saved my job and helped us to lead a peaceful life in Qatar. In 2014 and 2017, there was a structural reorganization in my company and that time too, my job was not affected. In spite of all these trials and tribulations, God's hand was with us to protect and guide us. I strongly believe that this was only because of God's grace, and the sincere prayers of our dear brother Dr. Paul and the prayer intercessors. In addition to the above blessing, God blessed us with a boy child in 2010. When my wife conceived, we enrolled the baby while in the womb as a Young Partner. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran prayed for us and prophesied that a baby boy would be born and he would be a prophet of God. Exactly as he said, my son Samuel was born in June 2010. God also blessed us with a beautiful independent house in a very good location in Chennai. I thank Dr. Paul and his family for their fervent prayers and I will continue to support this ministry with my tithes and offerings till my last breath.

Like Mr. Durai Selvakumar you too can send your prayer requests seeking God’s will to: Address: Dr. Paul Dhinakaran,16, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028 (or) Jesus Calls, Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore - 641114. Email: Website: Facebook: 2


f you ask God, He is willing to give us His Holy Spirit. When He comes to live in us, He teaches us to pray according to His will and hears our prayers. He knows that we are not able to pray according to His will and that’s why the Holy Spirit prays through us (Romans 8:26). Praying in the Holy Spirit, reaching the throne of God, and getting answers from God establishes the kingdom of God on earth in the life of one who prays as well as on earth. God wants you to live in His Kingdom here and now. When a satellite is connected to a rocket and fired, it zips through the sky releasing flames of fire, defying earth’s gravitation.Without the rocket, a satellite can never pass through earth’s gravitational force. Otherwise the gravitation force will pull the satellite

down. In the same way there are forces in this world which pull us down all the time. For example, thoughts like - I can’t do anything, I always fail, I will fall sick, I have no future. God is fitting a rocket to your life today. That rocket is the Holy Spirit. He will help you to walk and talk with God and will enable you to be more than a conqueror, breaking the barriers of the devil and the flesh. In essence, the Holy Spirit prays the mind of God and prays the plan of God through your lips. Remember, Jesus said, “Ask anything in My name” (John14:14). What does the Holy Spirit pray through us? John 16:8-11 says, “The Holy Spirit - October 2017 JESUS CALLS


speaks about sin, about righteousness and about the judgment that is coming...” The Holy Spirit prays through you to make you perfect. When a young man who wanted to be perfect asked Jesus, “What must I to do to enter into eternal life,” Jesus said to him, “Go and sell all your possessions and give it to the poor. And you will have treasures in heaven. Then come and follow Me” (Matthew 19:20-21). Yes, you don’t have to carry the treasures of this world; it will weigh you down like a gravitational force and slow you down from following Jesus. If you look at Peter, in Matthew 19:27,29, he said to Jesus, “Lord, we have left everything and have followed you. What will we get?”Jesus said, “And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My name’s sake, shall receive a hundredfold, and inherit eternal life.” Soon after we were married, Evangeline lost her beloved mother, her brother and her father, all in a short span of time, plunging her into deep sorrow. One day when she saw me, my father and my mother praying in the Holy Spirit and rejoicing in the Holy Spirit, she cried, “Lord, I have lost all my loved ones; I have no one in my own family on whom I could put my dependence now. I now confess that you are the only one who can carry me through. I need you and so fill me with your Holy Spirit.” One fine morning, when my wife and I were praying, the 4


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Lord Jesus appeared to her and filled her with His Holy Spirit and we both were speaking in new tongues. She was lost in His presence and she was filled with joy.That was the last day of her sorrow. Though she lost everyone in her life, from that day, she started to gain back in hundred times. Today when she prays, the presence of Jesus fills the people and they receive the Holy Spirit. She was instrumental in leading our children Sam and Sharon to receive the Holy Spirit at ages 12 and 10 respectively, and Sweety is greatly touched by God, and our family life is full of joy. We started travelling everywhere together; the power of God united us and we minister together and make our children to become godlier.This is how godly generations come into being.(Mal. 2:14,15). When the Holy Spirit comes, He turns the hearts of the children to the parents and the hearts of the parents to children (Mal. 4:6) causing perfect relationship in families. When my father went to be with the Lord on February 20, 2008, great fear gripped my heart and I wondered who can be a father to these millions of people to whom my father was a ‘spiritual father’, because one million people came to pay their last respects to his body, and everybody cried, ‘Oh father, father’. For 23 days I could not sleep. I cried night and day saying “I know Lord,the ministry will continue, I know you have given me your word, I know your grace is upon me, I know you are doing

miracles when I pray and I know it’s not Paul Dhinakaran, it’s You Jesus through the Holy Spirit. I Paul Dhinakaran, am only mud and clay. It is Jesus who does the miracles. I know Lord, your grace is upon me, but then Lord, I have to carry the millions of people that they should not backslide and I need your word for these people. I must receive from you what you want to speak to them and only then can I deliver it to them. How can I do this?” On March 14, 2008, the 23rd day, I had a divine visitation. The Holy Spirit came upon me and the Lord spoke to me for nearly two hours about the things that would happen. He said: “Now a new era is beginning; this is the era to prepare the world for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.I am coming soon and so I am going to pour my Spirit upon all flesh (Acts 2:17).” The Lord said, “It’s no longer one D.G.S. Dhinakaran, one prophet, one apostle for the preparation of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. I will pour my Spirit upon all flesh,” even children will begin to prophesy. Those who humble themselves as little children (Luke 12:32; John 21:5; Matthew 18:4-5) they shall prophesy. You may be eighty years old but if you humble yourself before the Lord as a little child, you will prophesy.

No Worry, No Pride He makes us as little children and helps to trust in Jesus(1 Tim. 6:17). Hence, there is no room for worry or pride. God hates pride and worry. When you pray in the Holy

Spirit, you will become as a little child trusting God and God’s power will operate through you. If you have gone through much sorrow, pain or loss or criticism and humiliation, you can be assured that God is working on you to prepare you to do great exploits for Him! It is the first step – to make you like a little child. With the tongues He gives you, He will make you prophesy. As you prophesy, you will have hundred times of whatever you have lost. God will crush Satan under your feet (Romans 16:20; Psa. 44:5). The Lord told me, “My son, tell the world about my Holy Spirit. I will fill everyone with my Holy Spirit; they will prophesy my will for themselves, for their family and for the nation. As they prophesy my will and pray for its fulfillment, my will shall come into the family, the nation and their lives and my kingdom will come on the earth and the devil’s kingdom will be crushed (Daniel 2:35). Today because my people are not proclaiming my will and praying my will the devil is getting his will (John 10:10) into this world. Yes, that’s why you see terrorism, hatred, poverty and drought. Teach people to pray; I will make them prophesy my plan. Go, and preach the gospel; go and conduct prophetic conferences everywhere and build Karunya to become a research institution. Build the Prayer Tower in New Delhi next to the seat of power.Then build the Israel Prayer Tower to pray and prophesy for the nations of the

world. Establish Prayer Towers across the nation to enable prayer intercessors to go from each country to Israel to pray for My will for their nation.” Therefore, my wife and I have gone everywhere to preach the gospel. It’s a joy to see people coming to the Lord, Prayer Towers rising up - the Delhi Prayer Tower and the Israel Prayer Tower. The Prime Minister opened his door for us to bring God’s plan for the nation. Prayer Towers in the nations are opening up. When God gave me this

When you pray in the Holy Spirit, you will become as a little child trusting God and God’s power will operate through you. vision, Jesus Calls and Karunya were in debt. I was appalled and I asked the Lord, how I could undertake these huge projects? But God said, “Obey me, and I will fulfill my will.” That’s how the power of the Holy Spirit exhibits. Yes, trust the Lord to take care of your family and you go and do what He commands you. By the grace of God, at the time of establishing Delhi Prayer Tower and Israel Prayer Tower, God made Jesus Calls and Karunya become totally debtfree.

Today, if you ask Lord to fill you with His Holy Spirit, He will bestow His wisdom on you; whatever you do will prosper and He will heal you (Physical, financial and emotional). Looking back over the last nine years since the revelation, I can testify that God has blessed our Ministry. Our Prayer Towers have increased from 15 to 110 without any human effort. God did it!He has blessed our family, relationships in the family and blessed us with His peace and health (3 John 2). It’s the same with our staff and prayer intercessors.God wants to build your families too. Come to Him as a family husband, wife and children (2 Chronicles 20:13).The greatest words of prophecies have come to us during our family prayers. Finally, ask God for the Holy Spirit.It’s yours for the asking! Leave your pride and worry behind, and obey and trust God, and God will bless millions to hear His voice through you. Today, by the grace of God, hundreds of thousands of people are blessed through the Ministry because of the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus, the sacrifice of the martyrs who have shed their blood as well as the prayers of the saints who would not have seen the answers to their prayers during their lifetime.But God needs somebody to reap the harvest. Will you be that person? People of our nation are going to be blessed and experience the light of the gospel. Who is the reaper who is going to bring them into the Light of Christ?It is you. Would you say, “Lord, I believe that it’s me”. - October 2017 JESUS CALLS



essages of comfort, powerful prayers, counselling, advices and songs which God gave through my dear father and apostle of love Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran, even today leads many to Christ. Along with my father’s messages those messages given by our family is also being digitized. This digitizing work is carried out in order to make God’s messages, songs, prayers, testimonies, Jesus Calls magazines and pictures (from 1975 to till date) easily available for the coming generations to be blessed. If that is done with the latest technology it will be helpful for the Prayer Academy course, Research studies, Social Media, Book Editing, Magazine Publications, TV Production and the Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Memorial Library. There is no doubt that millions would be blessed by this. The Brother D.G.S. Dhinakaran Library would house these categorized messages in order that the people could come, listen to the messages needed for them personally both in audio and video form and receive God’s comfort, edification and peace.



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With the intention to “All God’s work for all” modern technical equipments for digitizing and restoration is purchased and many experts have been appointed exclusively for this work. Let us praise the Lord for these services which are being carried out ceaselessly amidst several needs. Thank God for loved ones like you and for your liberal offerings sent for this project. That has enabled us to

I am blessed with a wonderful wife and a daughter. I started the ‘Rita Agency’, packers and movers in the year 2007 and at the same time I was working in a company also. Everything was fine with me. From 2008, I started supporting the Jesus Calls ministry with my offering. Every time I received an amount, whether it was big or small, I would give a part from that for the ministry. But suddenly, the Packers and movers business went down and because of that I started facing terrible financial problems in the family. We were perplexed not knowing what to do. Business orders were going down drastically at that stage. Luckily, in 2015, I had an opportunity to attend the meetings of Dr. Paul Dhinakaran at Palace Grounds, Bengaluru. In his prayer he said,

digitize nearly 9,500 audio and 44,000 video messages. However 4,500 audio and 23,000 video messages are yet to be digitized Please pray for the Brother D.G.S. Dhinakaran Memorial Library as well as for the digitizing services. We need to pay a bigger amount to continue this project. The need is 3 crores. Support this ministry, as prompted by the Lord! Your seed will nurture the future generations

“God will bless you and fulfil your hearts desires.” I took that word for me. Also, I always aspired to give more offering to ‘Jesus Calls’ ministry and so in faith I sent Rs. 3000/- for Media Digitization Facet hoping God would change my captivity. Miraculously, God started multiplying of what I gave and blessings started to pour into my family. I started receiving lot of orders and my income increased. Also the company where I was working for so long, increased my salary and gave me a good post. Now I am proud to say that we are partners in the Jesus Calls ministry in Family Blessing Plan, Business Blessing Plan, Media Digitization Project, Seesha and my daughter a Young Partner. I thank God and the Jesus Calls ministry for lifting us up to -Shankar, Bengaluru this great height.

I am led by the Lord to support the Digitisation Project in the following ways (please tick) My donation of Rs.500/- to digitize one audio message My donation of Rs.3,000 to digitize one video message My donation of Rs.15,000 to digitize five video messages My donation of Rs.30,000 to digitize ten video messages I would like to make an offering of Rs.................../- to digitize ..........Audio / Video messages To know the easy ways of sending your offering, kindly refer page 22. - October 2017 JESUS CALLS



his is the Lord’s promise for us. The Lord is powerful, He is mighty. When we ask God, we usually ask for small things. But, He grants us great and mighty things because our Lord is mighty to give exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think (Ephesians 3:20). The Lord will make each one of us overflow with blessing in such a way that there will not be room enough to receive it (Malachi 3:10). When Sam and Sharon were kids they used to ask me, “Mom, Grandpa, Grandma, Dad and you are all filled with the anointing and power of the Holy Spirit. But, we still do not have that experience! If the Lord’s second coming takes place now, won’t the Lord leave us 8


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behind and take you alone with Him? How could we get the anointing of the Holy Spirit?”

The Lord’s glory continues to shine upon us. Ask the Lord, “I too need the power of the Holy Spirit, Please fill me”.

I knew that it was the right time. So, I explained them in detail, what the Spirit’s anointing was? I then led them to pray, “Lord, Please fill me also with your Holy Spirit”. They both prayed in tears. After some days, the Jesus Calls Institute of Power Ministry was held. There Sam and Sharon knelt down and prayed along with the elders. Sharon received The Holy Spirit first. As she was filled with the Holy Spirit, she could not bear the power of the Holy Spirit and she fell down. She experienced the power of the Lord in a mighty way. I thanked God in tears as I saw her filled with the Holy Spirit.

If you enter any home in Israel, first they give you an overly filled (such that it’s about to overflow) cup of water to drink. This shows their love. The Lord’s heart is also the same. He blesses us so much that our cup overflows. The Psalmist says, “My cup runs over” (Psalm 23:5). He will give you that running over experience. The Lord says, “Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.”Our heavenly Father is so benevolent to give good things, especially the Holy Spirit, to those who ask Him (Mat. 7:11).

That is the Lord’s mercy. His compassions fail not (Lamentations 3:22).

THE OVERFLOWING LOVE OF GOD “…because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us” (Romans 5:5). When the Holy Spirit comes, God’s love fill our hearts and we are changed into the image of God.

A sister named Sangeetha, from Panruti, shared the blessings she received in her life in the recent prayer meeting held in Chidambaram as follows: I got married in 2005. I came to know about ‘Jesus Calls’ ministry through my husband. I was suffering from bleeding for 1 1/2 years. Medicines and tablets were of no use. Each day was spent in pain. The doctors abandoned me saying, ‘There’s no chance for you to conceive’. Although we kept praying daily, there was a fear within.

In 2006, one Sunday night, I was watching ‘Jesus Calls’ TV program. Brother Paul Dhinakaran was praying for the sick. At that time he said, “Dreadful diseases, sicknesses, I command you to get out … in Jesus’ name. Sangeetha, the Lord is touching and healing you. The Lord is setting you free right now!” That very moment, I felt a divine power descending upon me. Within two days, the stomach pain vanished away and I received the healing. In the same month, I got conceived and my son was born. God graciously gave a girl child also after four years. Right now, my son and daughter are in 7th and 3rd grades respectively. If I fail to send our offerings and prayer requests every month to ‘Jesus Calls’, I feel like I lost something. The peace we receive after sending the offerings is filling our married life each day. I thank the Lord and Brother Paul Dhinakaran. Likewise, the Lord will chase away every sin that is making you weak (Luke 13:11-13). If sin and filth are blocking your heart, then the Lord’s love cannot descend into your heart. When the sins leave you, the Lord’s blessings will abide with you and your family. - October 2017 JESUS CALLS


The Bible says, “He who covers his sins will not prosper, But whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy” (Proverbs 28:13). When you say, “Please wash my sins and cleanse me Lord”, the Lord will have mercy on you. Even if you have the anointing, just tell the Lord, ‘it’s not enough; please give me the overflowing experience’. He will fill you with the overflowing anointing from head to toe (Ezekiel 47:3 -5).

THE OVERFLOWING PRESENCE OF THE LORD “I will set My tabernacle among you ... I will walk among you and be your God, and you shall be My people.” (Leviticus 26:11,12) When we went to Israel to inaugurate the Prayer Tower, we spent our time in prayer as we entered the hotel room. The Lord began to speak through my husband and said, “My beloved children, you are going to inaugurate a Prayer Tower in this country, Israel. I’m well pleased! I am sanctifying the Prayer Tower for your sake. When you enter that place, My Holiness will be revealed.” God Graciously enabled the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower to be one among the tallest buildings in Israel. 10


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During inauguration of the prayer tower, my husband was sharing the word of God, and we were all praying. Just then, a strong wind filled the place and each one of us could feel that. A latched window opened by itself and the wind blew in and filled the place. The wind disturbed my husband’s hair who was preaching. The Lord’s Presence filled that place. What a great joy! We could not hold back our hap-

Just tell the Lord, ‘it’s not enough; please give me the overflowing experience’. He will fill you with the overflowing anointing from head to toe piness. We could feel that the Lord Himself had entered that place. As the psalmist says, “In the multitude of my anxieties within me, Your comforts delight my soul” (Psalm 94:19). The Lord will come amidst your problems, lift your heart up and comfort you. The Lord shall restore double portion of your loss and make you glad. The Lord shall bless all those who are praying for their promotions and jobs. You might have lost a

loved one in the family and are grieving. The Lord shall come amidst the situation and shall abide with you and comfort you.

THE OVERFLOWING JOY “…your sorrow will be turned into joy” (John 16:20). The Lord shall not only fill us with His Holiness but also with His Joy. He said, “…and your joy, no one will take from you” (John 16:22). On the day of Pentecost, when the disciples were waiting upon the Lord, the Holy Spirit filled the whole place like a rushing wind. The disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak about the Lord’s mightiness in different tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. The Jews who gathered from all over the world were amazed and said, “What is this? They’re all speaking the Lord’s marvels in our languages.” As we trust in the Holy name of the Lord, our hearts shall rejoice. The Lord shall bless you with His Holiness and Joy. The Lord shall help you to experience the Joy you have received and no man can take it away from you. The Lord shall cast away all your sins; dwell in your hearts; fill your heart with His glorious joy and bless you.

52:13. You will be exalted. Isaiah 49:25. 1Isaiah For Meditation: Psa. 71:16,21; 12The Lord will fight for you. 148:14; Isa. 40:4; 49:11; Matt. 23:12. Isaiah 52:9. You are redeemed of the Lord. For Meditation: Isa. 35:10; 43:1; 1 Pet. 1:18,19; Rev. 5:9,10. Isaiah 52:7. You are God’s Servant/Evangelist. For Meditation: Isa. 40:9; Hag. 2:23; Mal. 3:18; Col. 4:17; 2 Tim. 4:5. Isaiah 51:3. You shall be like a Garden of Eden. For Meditation: Gen. 2:10,11; Isa. 62:3,4; 3 John 2. Isaiah 51:3. You shall have joy. For Meditation: Psa. 16:11; 51:12; 68:3; Jer. 33:11; Rom. 14:17; 3 John 4. Isaiah 51:2. The Lord shall bless you. For Meditation: Gen. 12:2; 32:26; Psa. 115:12-15; Acts 3:26. Isaiah 51:3. God will guide you. For Meditation: Isa. 49:8,9; 61:4; Ezek. 36:33-36; 2 Kings 2:19-22. Isaiah 51:16. The Lord will cover you with the shadow of His hand. For Meditation: Deu. 33:27; Psalm 91:1; Isaiah 48:13; 49:2. Isaiah 59:1. The Lord is our Saviour. For Meditation: Isa. 12:2; 35:4; Zec. 9:9; Matt. 1:21; Rom. 1:16; Eph. 2:8. Isaiah 50:4. God gives you the tongue of the learned. For Meditation: Prov. 15:2; 31:26; Luke 4:22; Col. 4:6; 1 Pet. 3:9,10. Isaiah 50:4. Speaking apt word in season. For Meditation: Gen. 50:20,21; 2 Chro. 10:7; Prov. 25:11,15; Isa. 40:1; John 20:19,20.

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For Meditation: Exo. 14:14; 17:813; Psa. 46:9,10; Jer. 15:20; Col. 2:14,15. Isaiah 49:6. Jesus, Saviour of the world. For Meditation: Luke 2:10,11; Acts 4:12; 1 Tim. 2:4-6; Heb. 2:9,10; 1 John 2:2. Job 36:5. God will not reject you. For Meditation: Psa. 9:9,10; 51:17; Matt. 11:28; John 6:37; Heb. 13:5. Genesis 24:60. You will increase to thousands. For Meditation: Gen. 22:17; Isaiah 58:11; Matthew 6:33; Luke 17:5; John 3:30. Luke 14:11. Humble yourself; you will be exalted. For Meditation: Psa. 78:70-72; 113:7,8; Rom. 12:16; Philippians 2:5-11; 1 Pet. 5:5,6. Revelation 1:17,18. Fear not, the Lord is with you. For Meditation: Josh. 1:9; 2 Chro. 20:17; 32:7; Psa. 16:8; Isa. 41:10; 54:17; Jer. 20:11. Psalm 118:15. The voice of rejoicing and salvation. For Meditation: Num. 23:21,22; Psa. 64:10; 89:15; Zep. 3:17; Luke 19:8-10. Proverbs 24:16. Righteous shall rise again. For Meditation: Psa. 37:24,25; 51:9-13; Jer. 8:4; Micah 7:8; Rom. 1:17; 3:20-24. Deuteronomy 33:12. The Lord shall dwell in your territory. For Meditation: Exo. 25:8; Deu. 23:14; Ezek. 37:26-28; John 14:20, 23; Rev. 3:20. Psalm 23:5. A table before the enemies.

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For Meditation: Gen. 14:18-20; 2 Kings 7:3-9; Psa. 3:1-4; 86:17. Micah 7:15. God will show wonders to you. For Meditation: Job 5:9; 1 Chro. 16:9; Psalm 9:1; Matt. 21:15. Jeremiah 17:17. Lord is your hope in the day of evil. For Meditation: Deu. 33:27; 2 Sam. 8:14; Psa. 59:16; Jer. 15:11; 16:19. Daniel 9:23. You are greatly beloved of the Lord. For Meditation: Dan. 10:11,19; Matt. 3:16,17; 17:5-8; Rom. 14:1719; Heb. 11:5. Proverbs 16:33. The Lord shall bring it to pass. For Meditation: 2 Chro. 20:21,22; Psa. 37:5; Prov. 3:5,6; 16:3; Isa. 45:2; Rom. 8:32,37. Isaiah 29:14. God performs miracles, wonders and marvellous deeds. For Meditation: Psa. 77:14; Isa. 9:6; Micah 7:15; Luke 5:25,26; Acts 2:19-21. Isaiah 65:21. The Lord will build your house. For Meditation: 2 Sam. 7:11; Psalm 127:1; 128; Prov. 12:7; 24:3,4. Jeremiah 29:13. Seek God with all your heart. For Meditation: Deu. 4:7,29; 2 Chro. 16:9; Psa. 14:2; Mark 12:30; 2 Tim. 2:22. Jeremiah 32:41. Rejoice in doing good to others. For Meditation: Gen. 50:20,21; Num. 10:32; 1 Thes. 5:15; James 2:8. Luke 12:48. Much expected; much given. For Meditation: Matt. 13:12; Luke 19:13-26; 2 Cor. 8:1-3; 9:6-10. Acts 16:31. You and your household shall be saved. For Meditation: Gen. 6:8,9; 7:6,7; 18:19; Josh. 24:15; Acts 10:1,2.

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The Prayer Festival Ministry proclaims the love of God to masses of people, who stand in need of God’s comfort and healing - a ministry that gives God’s miraculous touch that rejuvenates body and spirit.

From the day that late Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran accepted Jesus as his Lord and Saviour, he started to preach the gospel on the streets. He did this because he had an overwhelming thrust to let people know that there is a God who loves them. Bro D.G.S. Dhinakaran was contemplating suicide when the Lord met him and changed his life. His experience of the love of Jesus was so profound in his own life that he never waited for an opportunity – every street and every moment was an opportunity to him! That was in 1970. The upscale 12


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began when he was invited to preach in churches and cottage prayer meetings. His very first public meeting was held in Vellore, in Tamil Nadu, followed by one at Erode the next year. It was at Erode that the public meetings got the name “Jesus Calls Good News Festival”. Over the years, the number of people who attend the meetings have grown from hundreds to thousands to millions at present, thanks be to God! Even after the Home Call of Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran, the ministry of Prayer Festivals continue throughout India. Today Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran, Sis. Stella Dhinakaran, Samuel Dhinakaran, Sharon Dhinakaran and Stella Ramola minister in these Prayer Festivals.

Apart from the lakhs of people who directly participate in the Prayer Festivals, many others are blessed by the live streaming through television, internet and facebook.

We prayerfully spend a lump sum amount to conduct Prayer Festivals with the only vision that “not even one soul should be lost”. The Lord on His part fills His children with His power so that His Word goes out to bless the people. God has been blessing our dear partners who voluntarily support these Prayer Festivals thereby making them channels of blessing to others. As the Lord leads you, we invite you to be a part of this ministry and sponsor the expenses towards the “Prayer Festivals” scheduled for October, 13 -15 at Bidar (Karnataka) and Jabalpur, October 27 -29 (Madhya Pradesh).

Here’s how you can help:

I. PRAYER TOWER OPERATIONAL COSTS Opening new Jesus Calls Prayer Towers in Madhya Pradesh and Karnataka at: Jabalpur Indore Bhopal Bidar (It costs Rs. 3-5 lakhs every month to operate each Prayer Tower. Kindly pray that God will meet all these expenses. We invite you to contribute for this noble cause). Rs ................... each month (OR) one time offering of Rs. 50,000 Rs. 1 lakh Rs. 3 lakhs II. PRAYER FESTIVALEXPENSE Arrangements have to be done for - Stage, Seating, Live TV telecast airtime cost, Production cost for Facebook live, Advertising, Branding & Promotions, Audio, Video & Lighting, Training and arranging for prayer intercessors to pray at the Camp Prayer Tower, Newspaper advts, Printed invitations, TV Productions, Travel. (For each of these, the expense would be about 5 lakhs. We encourage you to pray that, God will supply all these needs and enable us to minister to the needs of every broken hearted person). Jabalpur Prayer Festival, Madhya Pradesh Bidar Prayer Festival, Karnataka one time offering




 D.No.78-3-5,1st Floor, SS Towers, Near RTC Complex, Rajahmundry 533 101. Ph: 0883 - 2556677  First Floor, 19-8-85/4B 1st Floor, R.C. Road, Annamaiah Circle, Tirupati,Chittoor (Dt) 517 501. Ph: 0877 - 2244010 / 2244242


 D.No;15-2438, Ist Floor, Palemaneru Road,

Near Garga Circle, Chittoor 517 001. Ph: 8572231244 First Floor, Sasirekha plaza,

Opp S.B.H Subbammadevi High School Road, R.R.Pet, Eluru 534 002. Ph: 08812 - 223223 / 297333

 No. 7-12-8/2, Panthulugarimeda Bus Stop, NH-5, Gajuwaka, Visakhapatnam 530 026; Ph: 0891 - 6562444  Usha Mansion 1st Floor, 6-29-13,

Brahmamgari Matam St., Opp Lakshmipuram Main Road, Naidupet, Guntur 522 007. Ph: 0863 - 2338800 / 2359900

 C.S.I. Church Compound,1st Floor,

Near Koti Reddy Circle, Kadapa. Y.S.R (D.T) - 516001. Ph: 08562-243366/243377

 H. No. 2-43-3, 1st floor, 50 Buildings

Centre, Bhaskar Nagar, Kakinada 533 003. Ph: 0884 - 2389955 / 2389933

 D.No. 6-1-280/3/B/1, Opp HDFC Bank

Lane, Adjacent to MCH Park, Padmarao Nagar, Secunderabad 500 025. Ph: 040 2750 3111 / 08885572278

 Door No. 1-12- 106/A/9 & 10,

Chanakiya Centre, Alwal, Secunderabad 500 010. Ph: 040 27967225 / 27967226

 Chalasani Complex, 1st floor Opp - Mari's Stella College, Beside NH-5.Service Road, Ramachandranagar, Vijayawada 520008. Ph: 0866 - 2545033 / 2545034

 No.6-1-225/4/A, First Floor, North East

 D.No: 2-35-72, Sri Shiridi Sai Enclave, Opp. A.S. Raja Womens College, MVP Colony, Sector 10, Vizag - 530 017. Ph: 0891 - 2541444 / 2546444 / 2547444

Road, Palarivattom (p.o) Cochin-682025 Ph:0484-2348003/2348005/9447798112

 Door No. 30-15-154/1, 1st Floor, G.K.P Heavenue Dabagardens, Visakhapatnam 530 020. Ph: 0891 - 2726444 / 2742444  PG Block, 1st Floor, P.S.R.Complex be-

hind Mayuri Tiffins, Lower Tank bund Road, Opp.R.T.C Bus stand, Vizianagaram 535003. Phone: 08922 239777 / 888 66 28 112.  Door No: 3-6-4/1, Near Gnananda Eye

Hospital, Town Railway Station Road, Bhimavaram 534 202. Ph: 08816 – 222114 / 9963095461 TELANGANA...  H. No. 12-6-11/4, 1st & 2nd Floors, Bhagyanagar Complex, Adjacent to Reliance Digitals, Opp: Metro Train Pillar No. KUK 15, Main Road, Kukatpally, Hyderabad 500 072. Ph: 040 - 65656133 / 65656144  H.No.16-11-20/13/4/ A&B, R R Complex

Side, Baptist Complex, Hanamkonda, Warangal 506 001. Ph: 0870 - 2576700 KERALA...

 Sabari Lane # 35/1872, South Janatha

 2nd Floor, CSI Ascension Square Building Collectorate (P.O), Kottayam-686002 Ph:0481-2585100/2566601/8281180297  Upper Pattom Road, Plamoodu, Pattom,

Trivandrum-695004. Ph: 0471-2305551 / 9447182998 KARNATAKA...

 Plot No.34,H.No.8-9-192/2, Vijayanagar

Colony, Near SR Pandit School, Opp. New Bus Stand, Bidar -585401. Ph:7624836188  #12, Ashoka Enclave, Netaji Road, Frazer Town Bengaluru 560 005. Ph: 080 – 41467878 / 9880602308  #10, Krishna Reddy Building,

HBR Layout, 3rd Block, Near Hennur Bus Depot, Bengaluru 560043, Ph:080-41493592/40917051/8050556111  #24 Mahalakshmi Krupa, Opp. Traffic

Police Station, Kusugal Road, Keshwapur, Hubbali - 23. Ph:9108857051

Below Old Meghana Degree College, Moosarambagh, MALAKPET, Hyderabad 500 036. Ph: 040 24543336 / 24553336

 22/1, JP Chambers, 46th cross

Hotel Anurag, Nellore 524 001. Ph: 0861 - 2334453 / 2334454

 No. 22-102, Kanukunta, NH Opp Gandamma Temple, Ramachandrapuram Post, Medak District, Hyderabad -502 032. Ph: 040 65122344 / 8885572283

 Behind Kudla Hotel, Kaces Campus, Near Jyothi Circle, Balmatta, Mangalore 575 001. Ph: 0824 - 2465588 / 2412221.

 37-1-2 (C) LIC Old Building, 2nd Floor, Opp: IDBI Bank, Ongole, Prakasam(Dt) 523 001. Ph: 08592 - 281500 / 280600

 10-3-163/3 (Old No.16C) Old Lancer Lines, (near rail house) Himmat Nagar - P.O Secunderabad 500 025. Ph: 040 - 2782 4499 / 27824444

 No.4522 / 1, New No. L / 44, 1st Floor,

Sai Srinivasam Complex,

H. No. 44/171, Plot No. 85,Ward No. 44, 1st Floor, Prakash Nagar, Kurnool 518 004. Ph: 08518 - 220077 / 225500  Trunk Road, V.R.C Centre, Opposite



October 2017 -

Opp Varamahalakshmi Silk House, 5th Block, Jayanagar, Bengaluru 560 041. Ph: 080 – 65555680 / 8050556222

Shivaji Main Road, NR Mohalla, Mysore 570 007. Ph: 0821 - 2452233 / 2451133

 100, 2nd floor, 2nd Main Road, Pai

Layout, Opp. BESCOM, Dooravaninagar Post, Bengaluru 560 016 Ph: 080 – 65652535 / 8050002728 #3, 1st Floor, SNS Plaza, Above BATA

showroom, Dr. Modi Hospital Road, Rajajinagar, Bengaluru 560 086 Ph: 080 – 23105266 / 9845212472 GOA...

 FF-2, Kapsons Building, 1st Floor, Hotel

Surya Palace Above Bank of India, Opposite Arlem Petrol Pump Arlem Square, Fatorda, Margao, Goa - 403602. Ph: 09225983860 MAHARASHTRA...

 1st Floor Business Center,

Professors Colony Chowk, Savedi, Ahmednagar-414003 Ph: 0241-2325656 / 2326565  2

floor, Plot .No.316,N-3,Cidco, Opp.Hotel Lemon Tree, Jalna Road, Aurangabad - 431003 Ph: 0240-2474496 / 2483663 nd

 10, National library road, Nandi cinema lane

Opp. Bandra rly. Station west Mumbai 400050. Ph: 022- 26411122 / 022- 65661234 / 09819631900

 Saidham Building, Office No. 2, 1st Floor, L.T. Road, Opposite Fish Market, Next to Axis Bank, Dahisar – West, Mumbai 400 068. Ph: 022 28911122 / 022 65681234 / 022 28958805  Melville Estate, Behind Everest Garden,

Lakshmi Nagar, Next To Kanara Buisness Centre. Ghatkopar (Et), Mumbai 400075. Ph: 022 - 25007722 / 25007733

 1st Floor,Patni Complex, Opp. Duwa Hotel, near Patni automobiles,Kamptee Road, Nagpur -440001. Ph: 0712-6604070 / 09552965912 / 09552039847  Room No 3, 1st floor, Sri Rama Krishna

Housing CHS, Above Canara Bank, Sector - 40, Plot Mo 46-47, Opp:Seawoods grand central mall, Nr.seawoods Railway Station (wt), Navi mumbai 400706 Ph: 022-27729944 / 9820459166.

 "Chandra Bhavan", Opp. Ksb Pumps,

Land mark: Besides Old BSNL Customer care centre Kharalwadi, Pimpri, Pune 411017, Ph: 020-27426677 / 020-27420777 / 9511908059

 922, Synagogu Street, Near Geeta Society

Next To Mukesh Hotel, Pune Camp, Pune 411 001. Ph: 020-26120022/26120044 GUJARAT...

 1st Floor, Pelican Tower,

Gujarat Chamber of Commerce Compound,

Land Mark : Near Vijay Sales & Croma, Ashram Road, Ahmedabad - 380 009, Ph: 079-66144401 / 079-26585850

Makerbag Sahi, Near Christian Samaj

 Unai Cross Road, Nr. Kapura Panchal Engineering Works At.Po.Vyara Di. Tapi - 394650. Ph: 02626 - 221234 / 224924 BIHAR...  No.2, 1st Floor, Signature Tower KurjiPul, Patna 800010. Ph: 7273841301 JHARKHAND... Estate Plaza, 1st Floor Behind Mangal Tower, Old HB Road KantaToli, Ranchi 834 001 Ph: 09709517500 / 09709684500 / 09709300400 AMBIKAPUR… Ursuline Akashvani Road, Above State Bank of India ATM, Ambikapur, Surguja,Chattisgarh. Ph: +91 8959232323/+91 7869573299 WEST BENGAL...  Old Mission Church Campus Landmark - Near Lalbazar Police Station 5, R.N. Mukherjee Road, Kolkata - 700001. Ph: 033 22316711 / 22316712 / 9748201092/ 9874084183 SIKKIM...  C/o Theyzong Heem Above Daffodils' Home Secondary School Development area, Gangtok East Sikkim Pin code 737101 Ph: 03592 209438 / 9735990170 NAGALAND...  2nd Floor City Tower, Near Reliance Petrol Pump Lotha Baptist Church Pin-797112 Dimapur, Nagaland Ph: 0386 2224224 03862 248333 / 8011266364 / 8638942804 ASSAM...  1st Floor, M. R. Mullick Arcade, Near Khadim Showroom, Six Mile, Guwahati, Assam-781022. Ph: 0361-2330027 / +918471885771 / +919954254997. MEGHALAYA...  G.g swell house Nongthymmai, Nongkhriem Shillong – 793008, Meghalaya. Ph: 03642534019 / 8974323169 / 7085062344 / 7085062345

 NuaSahi 3rd lane, Jeypore District-


Sandesh Bandhu Building No. – 237

Near Telibandha Railway Crossing, Above Bank of India, Telibandha, Raipur – 492006 (Chhattisgarh) Ph: 0771-2445678 / 07024269165

ODISHA... Plot no-N 5/5,2nd floor, IRC Village, Bhubaneswar PS-Nayapalli,Dist-Khurda State-Odisha-751015 Ph: 0674 2360903 / +917381786228

Ghar, Buxi Bazar, Cuttack-753001, Ph: 0671-2424477, 09439359073

Koraput -764001. Ph: 8763172192 NEW DELHI

 National Prayer Tower, 5th Floor,

CNI Building, 16, Pandit Pant Marg, New Delhi 110 001. Ph: 011 - 44600625, 8826340055

 2nd Floor, IPC Church Building, C- 8 DDA Market, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi – 110085 Ph: 011-49404750 / +91-8826340066


 635, Shalimar Garden Extn 1, Gate No .9,

Budh Bazar Road, Sahibabad 201005. Ph. 0120-4572375 / 0120-4572385 / 91-9599049851 / 91-9599049861

 No. 2/398, Ground Floor, C.N.G Road,

Near: K.E.S.A. Sub Station, Makri Khera, Kanpur – 208017, Ph: 0512-2582461 / 09454569843/08707649910/08303243420

Plot no-2, 2A Khwaja enclave near Ambedkar University, Shaheed Path, Lucknow, Landmark:- Near Shaheed Nagar Gate no-2 , Rana Youth Hostel Ph: 9839738404 / 9651975907 / 9651975267


 Ist Floor, Krishna Market, Subhashnagar,

Main Saharanpur Road, Dehradun-248001 Opposite Harley-Davidson,Wild Life Chowk, Ph: 0135-2645441 / 09411554040 PUNJAB...

 5145, Mohini Park, Opp.Khalsa College,

G.T Road, Amritsar - 143002, Ph: 0183 2224040 / 09815585645

 Ward No 8, Bedi Colony, Near Dhana Mandi, Dhariwal - 143519 Ph: 07087060378 / 08283961378  First Floor, Plot No. 155, Urban Estate Phase-1, Garha Road, Jalandhar, (Adjoining Cosmos Hospital, Above Jio Digital, Jalandhar - 144001, Ph: 09815585631  SCF No. 7, 2nd Floor, Kalgidhar Enclave, Baltana, Zirakpur.– 140604. Punjab Phone: 7087033890 / 7087033891

Madhya Pradesh...

 1st Floor, Vikas aasha Kendra Mission

press Compound Napier Town, Jabalpur (M.P.)- 482001, Ph: 9179060075, 8770460792

Do not forget to write to us the blessings you received for us to jointly glorify God Address: Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 6000028 (or) Jesus Calls, Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore - 641114. Email: Website: Facebook: For more details on Prayer Towers and ministry resources please contact the Toll Free at 1800 425 77 55 (7 a.m. to 9 p.m.) For 24x7 Prayers: TAMIL/ENGLISH (044 - 33 999 000) TELUGU (040 - 33 999 000) MARATHI (022 - 33 999 000) HINDI/ PUNJABI (011 - 33 999 000) KANNADA (080 - 33 999 000) GUJARATI (079 - 33 999 000) MALAYALAM (0471 - 33 999 000) - October 2017 JESUS CALLS


Beloved in Christ, I wish you with all my heart for this month of October to be a blessing to you. “…his burden will be taken away from your shoulder, and his yoke from your neck, and the yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing oil.” (Isaiah 10:27) According to this word of promise from our faithful God, may all the burdens in your life - your family, your work, your career and your business be crushed out of your life by the powerful anointing of the Holy Spirit upon you.May all the burdens that are pressing you down and keeping you from arising and shining 16


October 2017 -

be removed from your life by this anointing. So for this month focus your prayer on ‘anointing’ of the H o l y Spirit. Surely, the anointing given by God to you will bring forth a new and refreshing transformation in your life. Apostle In the year 1955, my father experienced the love of Christ and surrendered his life to Him. Though, from the day of his salvation he was striving to take the love and the forgiveness of God to the people, he was also concerned for the people who came to his meetings struggling in sin and sickness.

“How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.” (Acts 10:38) According to this verse, he understood that if people need to be delivered from sickness and bondages of demons, a servant of God must be anointed by the Holy Spirit. He decided to be that servant of God and so he began to seek the anointing for 7 long years. Then in the year 1962, on the 10th October, God anointed my father with the Holy Spirit. After that there was a huge turning point in the Jesus Calls Ministries. Many who came to the Jesus Calls Meetings received the miraculous touch of God and experienced His love and power. Hope was born in their lives. So, my friend, in this month of October I would like to encourage you to pray for the anointing of the Holy Spirit in your life. I will also pray for you on this same point. When you receive the Holy Spirit’s anointing the Lord Himself will teach you and direct you (1 John 2:27). The messages delivered by my father and me under the power of the anointing of the Holy Spirit are being upgraded and stored by the process of “Digitization”. This effort is underway and the messages and revelations of God will be made available for the benefit of the current generation and the future generations. With your precious offerings we were able to purchase hi-tech equipments exclusively for this purpose. We need a further expense of 3 crores to continue this process. Please pray for the Holy Spirit to help us to continue this project and complete it.

Silver Jubilee for Bethesda During the days our Lord Jesus Christ was walking on this earth, many received healing through the Bethesda Pool (John 5th Chapter). According to the vision that God gave my father that people should receive the same healing from God even during these days, my father established the Bethesda International Prayer Centre on 10th October, 1993, in Karunya Nagar. A replica of the Bethesda Pool as described in the Scripture has been constructed there with a pool in the middle of 5 domes. People have the facility to sit in these domes and meditate on the Lord. There is also a Central Prayer Dome for people to congregate and pray. Besides this, there are also the sculptural representations of the Stations of the Cross, for people to remember the sacrifice and atonement of our Lord and dedicate their lives into His hands. There are also the prayer intercessors to pray for those who come to the Bethesda Prayer Centre for prayers. Every year more than three hundred thousand people visit the Bethesda Prayer Centre to pray. They have testified of having received many miracles and healings. Now, as we celebrate 25 years of the Bethesda Prayer Centre, I would like to thank God for His unfailing mercies over the years. At this point of time, let me also indicate the fact that the Bethesda Prayer Centre requires renovations. As you know Bethesda was built by the generous donations of precious partners like you, in the same way, I exhort you to uphold us in this renovation work through your prayerful support. If led by the Lord to extend your support to the renovation of the Bethesda Prayer Centre please draw a DD or cheque in favour of ‘Jesus Calls’ and post it to Prayer

Tower, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 28, or to Jesus Calls, Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore 641114 or you can also donate through our website To get more details and clarifications on this, you can call our Toll Free number 1800 425 77 55.

Forthcoming Ministries There are many ministries filling the month of October. I furnish you the details below so that you can pray for them. 2017 October 2 : Mega Special Prayer day, Chennai 2017 October 7,8 : Partners Meet, Colombo, Kandy, Srilanka 2017 October 13-15 : Prayer Festival, Bidar, Karnataka 2017 October 19,20 : P r o phetic Prayer Conference, Mauritius 2017 October 21,22 : Blessing Meeting, Mauritius 2017 October 23 : Prayer Tower Opening, Mauritius 2017 October 27-29 : Prayer Festival, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh I earnestly request you to pray that the Lord will use us mightily in these meetings, for miracles to happen and for all the participants to experience Christ in their lives. His legacy is carried on to this day through the Prayer Festivals to bless millions. It has been 47 years since my dad first began preaching in these Prayer Festivals in the 70’s. So please continue to pray for these Prayer Festivals. Also do not forget to pray for those precious souls which have been saved through these Prayer Festivals. Let us join together and praise our God for this ministry and the numerous souls saved through the same.

The Growing Karunya ‘Karunya’ was birthed from the vision given by God to my father late Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran to start - October 2017 JESUS CALLS


a Christian University. By God’s grace Karunya was established on October 4th, 1986. It began as an Engineering College. Today it has grown into a University and is functioning in three campuses. According to the directions of God, we are prayerfully taking steps to open Karunya Campuses in various other states. Research Projects are being conducted in Karunya University to find solutions for human problems of food, water and medical needs. Praise God for Karunya! Please pray continuously for God’s name to be glorified through Karunya. October 1st is World Senior Citizens Day and I take this opportunity to wish the elders in your home with all my heart. Dear Elders, God will make you fruitful

even in this old age and will prosper and flourish you so that you will shine as glorious testimonies for His goodness and power(Psalm92:14). There are 96 Prayer Towers in India. You can visit any one of these Prayer Towers closest to your location for prayers. You can also render your voluntary services in these Prayer Towers and do what little you can for the Lord in the ministry. You will be blessed and also comforted. The Lord is willing and wanting to bless those who sincerely pray and generously give to the Lord’s ministry. God will never fail to bless them and their descendants. “… your God has anointed You With the oil of gladness more than Your compan-

ions.” (Psalm 45:7) According to this verse, may God anoint you with the oil of gladness and keep filling you with His Holy Spirit throughout this month. He will fill you with joy and happiness. “Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.” (Psalm 55:22) Friend! God has given this wonderful word as the word of promise for this month from my mother Sis. Stella Dhinakaran. You can read it in this issue and be blessed. Your loving brother who prays for you

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

I come from a family which has not tasted the love of God. Moreover I was under the clutches of the devil. Even after marriage the situation didn’t change. I used to quarrel with my wife all the time. But she was very patient because she loved God so much. At a particular point of time, as the problems became very severe, my wife left me for her mother’s house. Because of this, I became intolerable and got addicted to drinks. Night and day I used to be fully drunk. I was in a stage where I didn’t know who I was. I had a strange fear and so spent sleepless nights. Seven to eight years rolled by in this terrible situation. But one fine morning at, even without my knowledge I got up and went towards a book on the table and it was ‘Jesus Calls’ magazine. Because I had much fear and no peace in my heart, I started to read the magazine and completed reading it full in one sitting. In particular, the message given by Sis. Stella Dhinakaran was very touching and at that time I had a unique experience. A big bright light shone in my room and a great peace entered into my heart. The very next day I went to the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower from the address given in the magazine. The prayer intercessors over there prayed for me fervently. The same day my drinking habit and all my bad qualities left me. My wife and my child came back to me. From that day we are enjoying God’s joy and peace in our family life. All Glory to God. -Nagaraju, Bangalore. Like Bro. Nagaraju, ‘Jesus Calls’ magazine is a comfort, upholding many families. It transforms lives which is the peak of all miracles. It is the offering that you send for this magazine ministry that brings the right word at the right time for people who are waiting for God’s comfort. Hence, we lovingly invite you to continually support this great magazine ministry for millions to be blessed. Kindly introduce this ‘Jesus Calls’ magazine to your friends and relatives. Don’t forget to write to us about your blessings, miracles that you have received through ‘Jesus Calls’ ministry to the above mentioned address or to ; You can read ‘Jesus Calls’ magazine through To know the easy ways of sending your offering, kindly refer page 22.



October 2017 -

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sister Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran visited Singapore and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia during the second week of July to personally meet with the partners of the ministry, to thank them as they stood with them and faithfully supported them in the work that God had placed upon their shoulders. Partner’s Blessing Meeting was organized at the Smyrna Assembly Church, Singapore on July 15th and on Sunday 16th July 2017 at the Renewal Lutheran, Malaysia. This meeting was attended by the faithful and regular partners along with their friends and families. The families were overjoyed to have received the Word of Blessing from the promise that the Lord God had given Dr. Paul as found in Ephesians 3:20. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sister Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran, at the end of the meeting, met everyone personally and very lovingly prayed for every family. The entire hall was filled with God’s glory as all of the Partners united their hearts in prayer. The partners at both the events, in Singapore and Malaysia were

simply amazed to see from a short video clip, how the seeds that they had sown in the rich soil of the ministry had produced a bountiful harvest through the various channels of the ministry such as: TV ministry, Prayer Tower ministry, Telephone Prayer Tower ministry and various facets in terms of the millions of lives that were reached, touched, blessed and transformed. Dr. Paul was also invited by Pas. Joshua Yee, Senior Pastor of the Renewal Lutheran Church to minister in their morning services on Sunday July 16th. Both the services were a blessing to all those who attended. We want to thank the Lord for so powerfully using Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sister Evangeline in Singapore and Malaysia. - Bro. Arun Thomas, Group Director International Affairs, Jesus Calls Global Partnership - October 2017 JESUS CALLS


(late) Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran …you are the temple of the living God… God has said: “I will dwell in them and walk among them. I will be their God, and they shall be My people.” (2 Corinthians 6:16) We might appear like ordinary people living under ordinary conditions to the eyes of our society or to our world but when we look at how God looks at us it makes us feel thrilled and excited. The Scripture says, “You are the salt of this earth; You are the light of this earth” (Matthew 5:13,14). “You are God’s garden and His palace. You are the temple of God” (1 Cor. 3:9,16,17). Yes! How wonderful it is to know that our body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 20


October 2017 -

6:19,20). The world may look down on us and speak ill of us but God looks at us and says, “You are My temple” However, we need to ask ourselves, “Have I given the prime place for God in my heart?” It will bless us in a great way if only we could meditate on this one thing. “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.” (Revelation 3:20) Jesus has promised saying, “If a man loves me he will do and keep my words; My Father will love him; we will come and dwell in him” (John 14:23). It is a glorious experience to have God come

into us and dwell in us. Apostle Paul who experienced this, expresses this reality in Him in many ways saying, “Christ lives in me” (Galatians 2:20), “Christ speaks within me” (2 Cor. 13:3) and “I am bearing the marks of Jesus Christ in my body” (Gal. 6:17). Yes! It is a marvelous experience for Christ to dwell inside us in a personal way. A lady doctor in the USA has written a book proving the reality of the presence of a spirit inside every human body. She observed the weight of a dying man before his death. Then she weighed him again after he died. There was a difference of an ounce in the man’s weight by which she concluded that something leaves a man when he dies. She repeated the same

experiment with a dog and then other animals and found there were no differences in their weights before and after their deaths and so she concluded that animals don’t have a soul.

What benefits we receive when God dwells in our heart, our soul? One day, a couple was traveling in their own aeroplane. The husband was flying the plane. Suddenly he had a heart attack and died within a few minutes. His wife did not know how to fly a plane. So she stood there completely confused and not knowing what to do. Suddenly she pressed the button that put the pilot in touch with the Ground Control Room through radio. There was one person who responded to her call and asked her if she needed help. He could guide her from the ground itself as to which lever to pull and which switch to press. She exactly followed his instructions and landed the airplane safely into the airport. Yes! It is in the same way the Lord Jesus Christ keeps guiding us by speaking in our spirits and saying, “Go this way! Go that way! Do this! Don’t do this! Be careful of that man. The devil is coming to tempt you. You don’t worry” (1 Kings 19:12). He directs us very wisely, safely and victoriously.

Why did God make man?

1. TO WALK WITH GOD! In the cool of the day, God walked with Adam and Eve. They heard the sound of the Lord God (Gen. 3:8). Let us allow ourselves unto God to hear His voice and to obey Him.

2. FOR THE GLORY OF GOD’S NAME; TO PRAISE HIM! “This people I have formed for Myself; They shall declare My praise.” (Isaiah 43:21) God lives among praises (Psalm 22:3) and that is why He created Adam and Eve in His own image so that they would sing His praises.

3. TO BRING FORTH A HOLY GENERATION “But did He not make them one, having a remnant of the Spirit? And why one? He seeks godly offspring.” (Malachi 2:15) Adam and Eve sinned and lost the glory of God (Romans 3:23; 5:19,20). As a result of sin they departed from being a godly generation. They ran away from God to hide themselves amidst the trees and bushes (Genesis 3:9). Oh! They had sinned and lost the glorious experience of walking with God. Therefore God chose the forthcoming generations. “Enoch walked with God.” (Gen. 5:24) “Noah walked with God.” (Gen. 6:9)

“Abraham was called’ the friend of God.” (James 2:23) “God spoke to Moses face to - face like a friend speaks to another friend.” (Exodus 33:11) What will God do when He dwells in us?

A. He Knows Us “But if anyone loves God, this one is known by Him.” (1 Corinthians 8:3) Once, a couple childless for ten years, graciously gave birth to a child and had come to meet me. They named him Dhinakaran and so they needed my blessings on the child. At that time suddenly the baby began to cry. The child’s parents did everything they could to stop the baby from crying but the child did not stop crying. By nature, I love babies. So I looked at the child and asked in a petting language saying, “What my boy, are you hungry?” And then I continued petting the child and the child seemed to understand what I was talking. Suddenly it stopped crying and began to look at me and smile. Then I smiled and then the baby smiled and laughed and the two of us began laughing at each other. The baby began to talk something in its baby language. The parents were greatly surprised. This is what happens when we worship and praise God – especially in the church. When people come to worship God with great fear in their hearts about their future and various other worries and - October 2017 JESUS CALLS


anxieties, God too comes there. When we begin to worship Him, He begins to pet us, comfort us, console us; heal us; pours His love and peace in our hearts and makes us strong, peaceful and happy.

B. He saves Us! “The Lord your God in your midst, The Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.” (Zephaniah 3:17) When communism came to Russia, the communists butchered and heaped up the Christian missionaries and servants of God living there. One night amidst the very cold weather that made people freeze, there came these heavily clad Russian soldiers to a Catholic convent. They took hold of four nuns who were there and

took them to the snow covered Siberia and dragged them up on an ice mountain. They threw them at the peak where ice-winds froze flesh and bones and killed people, and told them, “We will come tomorrow morning to bury you here,” and left them there. The next day morning, the same soldiers knowing for sure that they would be dead by that time, went to the mountaion peak and were stunned to see what was happening there. The four nuns were kneeling down on the ice and lifting their hands towards the sky and were praying. Shocked to their bones they went near to the nuns to check if what they were seeing was real. When they went near them, they felt the presence at a strange supernatural heat around the four nuns, protecting them from the killing chillness. The soldiers were thunder struck.

Yes! When the four nuns looked unto the heavens from whence came their help, they fulfilled the words of Jesus which said, “Where two or three people are gathered in My name, I will be there.” According to His unfailing promise Jesus came there and was present amidst them as the fifth member. The confused soldiers released them and set them free. Friend! This is the result of God dwelling in us and walking with us. Therefore let us shed all our differences, stop criticizing one another and love one another. let us love one another; be affectionate to each other and be bound by the chord of love(Ephesians 4:32). Then, the Lord will dwell in our bodies which He considers as His holy temple. He will save us. He will protect us from our enemies and set us free from all our bondages.

EASY WAYS TO SEND YOUR DONATIONS Through Prayer Tower: You can visit the Jesus Calls Tower in your area to make a donation in person by Cash / Swiping Machine. Through Post Office: By Money Order & EMO or by “Mobile Money Transfer” through Post Offices to the number 9840 900 480. By Demand Draft / Cheque: Drawn in favour of “Jesus Calls” and can be sent by Registered Post to the address: 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028 (or) Jesus Calls, Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore 641114. Through Online: using Credit / Debit card / Net Banking and Mobile Wallets through the website Transaction details can be intimated to our Toll Free 18004257755 – Functions daily from 7 am to 9 pm By Bank: Beneficiary: JESUS CALLS Account No.: 000901056144, Bank: ICICI Bank Ltd, Nungambakkam Branch, Chennai 600 034. IFSC: ICIC0000009 Details of the donations sent directly to the Bank can be intimated through the email: Through Ambassadors: To know the Jesus Calls Ambassador in your local area please contact the Toll Free 18004257755 (functions daily from 7 am to 9 pm) Jesus Calls Mobile App: Download the new Jesus Calls mobile app from Google play store and then you can make your donation through the mobile app. Paytm: Can donate using Paytm For 24x7 Prayers: TAMIL/ENGLISH (044 - 33 999 000)  TELUGU (040 - 33 999 000)  MARATHI (022 - 33 999 000)  HINDI/PUNJABI (011 - 33 999 000)  KANNADA (080 - 33 999 000)  GUJARATI (079 - 33 999 000)  MALAYALAM (0471 - 33 999 000)



October 2017 -

Inauguration of SEESHA-Tech Mahindra SMART Training Centre The SEESHA-Tech Mahindra SMART Training Centre at Vanagaram, Chennai was inaugurated on Thursday, the 24th of August 2017 by Thiru. P. Benjamin, Honourable Minister for Rural, Small and Cottage Industries, Govt. of Tamil Nadu along with leaders of SEESHA and Tech Mahindra. CSR Heads and representatives from a number of corporate companies were also special invitees at the event. Some of the companies represented at the event were TVS Brakes, Mahindra Logistics, Mahindra Housing, HCL Technologies, Live Connections, Hyundai Glovis, VST Motors, etc.

CELEBRATE THE JOY OF GIVING: The “Joy of Giving Week” is a modern-day festival celebrated in India during the first week of October. It is a festival which encourages us to turn away from our self-centered, busy lives and explore what it means to make a selfless gesture to help someone who is less privileged. It is an opportunity to experience the magic in a simple act of kindness, which

benefits not only the receiver, but also the giver! In essence, the “Joy of Giving” celebrates “cheerful giving”, the kind of giving that God loves to see his children demonstrate.

Are you a cheerful giver? This “Joy of Giving Week”, celebrate with SEESHA and gift a set of new clothes to a child in need at just Rs. 500/Send a cheque/money order in favour of “SEESHA” to: SEESHA, No. 16, DGS Dhinakaran Road, Chennai-600 028. Or Donate online at

A SECOND CHANCE, A FRESH START: This is Bikram. Coming from a financially and socially backward family, Bikram had to work alongside his father as a daily-wage labourer. Poverty and caste – the two evils prevailing in the Indian society even today, had stolen away his childhood. Today, through the intervention of SEESHA, he is enrolled in Class IX at the local Government School and also attends the SEESHA Child Learning Centre in Madhubani, Bihar regularly. He is one of the brightest students in his class!

You, too, can gift a second chance to a child like Bikram today by supporting SEESHA’s Child Development Projects. - October 2017 JESUS CALLS


ENRICHING ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE Prof. Rangaraj M Rangayyan, University of Calgary, Canada delivered the Key Note address and gifted a book on ‘Biomedical Image Analysis’ authored by him.

Prof. Yoash Levron, Department of Electrical Engineering, Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Israel sharing his expertise at the Two-Day International Workshop on Power System Dynamics and Renewable Integration. PATENTS published on Spherical Combustor for gas turbines by Dr. Godson and Kevin Thomas, Mechanical Engineering INNOVATIONS CONSULTANCY IN CONSTRUCTION Department of Civil Engineering - assessing bearing capacity of the soil



October 2017 -

COLOURFUL CULTURALS WITH FOREIGN INTERNS IAESTE Students from Canada, Poland, Argentina, Switzerland, Brazil, Luxemburg and Spain dressed in colours of India.



Chancellor Dr. Paul Dhinakaran’s Birthday Marathon along Siruvani High Road on 1/9/2017



The American space research Centre NASA, conducts annual competition for school students and awards for the winners with the chance to attend the conference that are conducted by them. In the month of May, Jesus Calls’ Young Partner Jeshurun Sam Johnson went to United States of America to attend the conferences conducted by NASA. Here are the excerpts of the interview with him: individually, and as small & large groups; they were from 21 countries including India and 18 states of USA. Almost 1,500 projects were submitted for this competition. Which position did you secure in this competition? Prizes are given to the first three place holders from grade 7 to grade 12, as individuals and groups. Hearty congratulations for your award Jeshurun! In which competition did you win? NASA AMES had asked the students to submit a project for survival of life in outer space. The competition had several divisions, me and my friends studying in ninth standard participated under the grade 9 division. How many people participated in this competition totally? 6674 students participated in this competition 26


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We won the first place in the grade 9 division as a group. What was your contribution? We submitted a project titled “Infinity” for survival of life in space. We worked very hard for this for more than 8 months in various dimensions and submitted our research in the form of a book. The action plan book had more than 365 pages. We had discussed about strategies that can tackle the prob-

lems we face on earth like global warming, greenhouse

prayer request to the prayer intercessors in the


Prayer Tower. Honestly, I didn’t expect this vicWhat was the prize given to you for

tory. So I accept this as a gift from God. I would

winning in the competition?

like to thank the prayer intercessors and Paul

As we won the competition, we were invited to visit NASA international space station and attend the conferences conducted over there. So, I went to America last May month along with my parents. I got a chance to attend the International Space Development Conference which took place in Missouri and interacted with the scientists there. It is indeed a great achievement. How do you say that being a “Young Partner” aided you to achieve such a feat? My Grandmother Mrs.Chandra was the one who encouraged my parents Mr. Johnson and Mrs. Christy to be a part of “Jesus Calls Ministries”. My parents enrolled me and my brother Jeremy to the “Young partner plan” based on her guidance. A Jesus Calls ambassador regularly visits our house to pray. While I was preparing for this competition, my mother placed this as a prayer request to him and asked him to pray for it. He not only prayed for me, he also handed our

Dhinakaran uncle’s family, who prayed for me, a young partner.

Jeshurun, we pray and wish that God will lead you into many such victories. We also ask God to bless each and every one of your family. The prayer intercessors are praying 24/7 for the “Young Partners” of Jesus Calls ministry. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran’s family also prays specifically for these partners. God has heard their prayers and gifted the young partners with excellent wisdom, protection and bright future. You can contact your nearest “Jesus Calls” Prayer Towers to know more about the Young Partner facet. Alternatively, you can also get information via or through our Toll Free 1800 425 77 55. - October 2017 JESUS CALLS


nally escalate to suicide.


was just wondering, what made our teenagers who are smart and intelligent, who keep on dreaming of their future become victims of this suicide game called “ Blue Whale Challenge”. More than 130 have committed suicide in Russia and other parts of the world. The victims of this game include teenagers from India like Parth Singh( UP), Man preet (Mumbai), Manoj (Kerala) and Vignesh ( Madurai). I know for sure, these teenagers never had suicide in their thought nor it was in their destiny! But in 50 Days they are brain washed to believe and persuaded to perform 50 tasks and then to kill themselves, as per the instructions given by a remote administrator of the game called “ The Curator.” These teenagers would have dreamt to become doctors, engineers, collectors, lawyers and much more. But then, how do these so called “dreamers” choose to end



October 2017 -

their lives so soon? In this article we will try to analyse and understand the real problem and the real person who is scheming and destroying the destinies of our teenagers.

Why “Dreamers” love to pen a death note? “Suicide” implies the pinnacle of a problem is reached. A person who thinks of suicide would have been gradually pushed many steps down , before he or she would decide to kill themselves. A teenager may have undergone some kind of failure; or undergone a constant physical, verbal or sexual abuse; or has a low self-esteem; or might be rejected by parents or friends; or have not received sufficient love from his parents. This teenager then will be emotionally unstable, have a lower self-esteem and will be vulnerable for any kind of attack. This internal defeat will lead to stress, depression and then fi-

Teenage is a very confusing age; this is the season of their life where they try to find who they are; they long for recognition, love and appreciation in order to understand who they are; curiosity leads them to experiment new things in life; they are highly energetic and want to achieve something in life; emotionally they are like a roller coaster with sudden high’s and drastic low’s. But the sad thing is they lack knowledge and experience hence they make hasty decisions which end up in disaster. “Blue Whale Challenge” is designed precisely to feed the inner needs of a teenager. It kindles the curiosity to check out what is the game is all about; then it appreciates whenever they finish a task; it gives a sense of achievement when they do a new tasks like standing on a large building; this also gives a feeling of love and acceptance by the curator. As a teenager, he or she, is unable to reason it out and is hasty in decisions and often becomes a victim to any kind of trap set by the enemy satan. That’s the cause of Anitha of Ariyalur to commit suicide as well.

The real curator behind this…. The Russian police has identified that Philipp Budeikin, 21, of Russia, is the master mind behind this “Blue Whale game”. A 17 year old Russian girl has been also arrested who has been the ‘death

group administrator’ for this deadly site, to help others to commit the

 Parents and teachers, kindly

worry or be afraid but kindly

offer positive strokes and

reach out for help. Your life

fatal act. But the real master mind or the real curator is the “very old

words of appreciation when

is more important than your

they do something right.

secret being disclosed. What

serpent” whose agenda is always to steal, kill and destroy lives (John

 Try to identify their talents

the curator tells is a lie, so

and create opportunities so

boldly come out of the game

10:10). Remember, 2000 years ago he entered into the mind of Judas

that their self-esteem can

and ask for help.

Iscariot convinced him to betray Jesus for a few silver coins (John

 When a teenager is too silent

and think you may come out

13:2). But once he obeyed satan’s command, he made him feel guilty

or spending a lot of time in

of the game at any point, but

solitude, kindly monitor

behind this game is a suicide

phone or computer.

spirit that is in control and


 You might be a bold person

and according to the “cunning curator’s” command he committed

 Friends, if you will notice any

hence your enemy is stronger

suicide. The same old spirit is now donning new garments to deceive

abnormal behaviour patterns

than you. So just don’t take it

of your friend and if you are

lightly. Vignesh from Madurai

doubtful of some of their ac-

thought he would come out of

tivities kindly inform their

the game, but he ended up by

parents or some elders with-

committing suicide.

and to attack the youth. I think it’s time for us to rise up, as Christians, as church, as parents, as teachers and as a society to stop this ‘Blue Whale epidemic’ which destroys our teenagers. The Bible says, “Resist the devil, and he will flee from you” (James 4:7)

How to Become a Help-Agent?  Parents, instead of giving a

phone to play, kindly plan some outdoor games and events. Help them to be more relational than being attached to their electronic gadgets.  Parents, make sure you are

always available to your children so that they can share the activities of their world.

out delay. Maheswari from Pondichery was rescued by her colleague by giving a timely information to the police. An engineering student in Kolkata, believed to have completed several levels of the "Blue Whale" suicide game was saved by his college friends, faculty and counselling by the West Bengal police  If you see someone with some

injuries on their hand or if they are standing lonely on the top of the building or some river, immediately inform police or some elders.

Many parents of the victims

As an individual

never knew what the teenager

 If you are playing the game

was doing with phone and to

and afraid that someone will

whom he was talking to.

disclose your secrets, don’t

 This is not only a social me-

dia or a technology problem. This is a serious spiritual problem. We are actually fighting with evil and unclean spirits, so the best way to fight back is to pray for our teenagers. Churches should organize special fasting prayers for this, so that the devil will flee from our territory. Parents kindly take time to pray for your children. Only fervent prayers can protect our children from this old cunning serpent.  Let’s fight back this old ser-

pent called “Suicide” by being vigilant and through fervent prayers.

- Roselind Rex - October 2017 JESUS CALLS


he can meet God. The thirst and the hunger for God is an all day long experience. That’s the kind of bubbling love and longing David had for the Lord. No wonder David was called the beloved of God. And no wonder God was with him when he faced the beast, the giant and the wrath of the king. Young people, you need to keep the Holy Spirit

“But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.”

(Acts 1:8)

When the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will receive the power of God. Why? So that we may go to the ends of the world to be His witnesses; for this, God wants us to experience a few things:

GOD STRENGTHENS OUR HEARTS He wants to strengthen our hearts, so that we desire for Him alone. He wants to completely occupy our hearts. “ As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?” (Psalm 42:1,2) Here, the Psalmist David says, that his soul thirsts for the Lord with such intense thirst that he asks when 30


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burning in your hearts. That is my only prayer, my primary prayer. Whether I am watching TV or reading a book, I want the Holy Spirit to be burning in my spirit. This will enable us to align with His purposes and desire only what He desires for us. Young people, be assured, for God’s plans and thoughts for you are marvellous as recorded for you in His Word: “’For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future’”

(Jeremiah 29:11), and “How precious also are Your

make a conscious effort to confess our sins and seek

thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of

the Lord’s forgiveness in leading our lives.

them! (Psalm 139:17). Go to the end of Psalm 139


to see what kept the Holy Spirit burning in David’s

In Proverbs 6:6-11, we read about the greatness

heart - verse 24: “...see if there is any wicked way in

of the ants. Ants are not lazy; they keep working

me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” Let us also

even without a leader. They do their job. Wise Solomon says: “be like the ants, don’t be sluggish but keep working hard.” When your body slows down, you feel very sleepy and exhausted. Because of that, your mind also slows down. It refuses to do or think anything. It doesn’t get excited over things you need to do. It becomes dull. That’s why the Bible says, “Work with energy” (Ecc. 9:10). We know the familiar proverb which says: “An idle mind is a devil’s workshop.” When you let your body go to sleep, your mind goes to sleep as well. And then the devil can take over. He can put the things that he wants you to do in your mind. You go seeking after the pleasures of this world. That’s why

Let the Holy Spirit be burning in your heart. This will enable you to align with God’s purposes and desire only what He desires for you.

we need to get up in the morning, get filled with the Holy Spirit, get His Word for the day and get our physical bodies energized to be able to execute that Word. And so our mind also gets active and ready to do the will of God for that day. God wants our body, mind and spirit to be energized and ready to carry out His plan every day. So we have to look after it. The devil prowls around trying to steal, kill and - October 2017 JESUS CALLS


stroy (John 10:10; 1 Peter 5:8). Be careful, “and do not give the devil a foothold” (Eph 4:27). If you give him one inch of space in your body or mind, he gets in and starts working havoc. My grandfather who loved to eat sweets had to battle with the mangos, milk sweets and gulabjamun spread on the dining table. After dinner there would be an announcement: “The sweets are for the children only!” How tempting it would have been for my grandfather to resist the temptation because he was diabetic! Discreetly he’d take half of a sweet and give it to me saying, “Eat well” and the other half he’d pop into his mouth! I’d yell out, “Grandpa, what are you doing?” Yes, such temptation is hard to over-

Let not our physical strength be an obstacle to do God’s work. Maintain your body strength so that your mind is focused and your spirit remains ignited.

come! We read in the Bible the temptations encountered by Samson (Judges, Chapters 13-16). With the


strength of God we see him going everywhere fulfill-

When you desire to live for Jesus by being what

ing God’s will and purposes. Then came Delilah and

he wants you to be, you will receive the love of Jesus

Samson started to slow down. And he gave way for

to accomplish it. “Even among faith, hope and love,

Delilah to take control of his life. She tempted him

love is greatest” (1 Cor. 13:13-14). Follow the way

many times. Samson resisted her a little bit, but then

of love, and eagerly desire the gifts, especially the

he couldn’t keep it up like the way Joseph did. He

gift of prophecy (1 Corinthians14:1).

told her the secret of where the strength of his body is. He revealed his weakness. That’s what the devil is waiting to do. When a weakness in our body is revealed, he brings in natural sicknesses, pains, headaches, etc. That way, he tries to stop us from doing what brings joy to God. So, don’t even give him a chance to catch a weak-

When you please God, He will pour His love into you to show that He is pleased with you and this love will unlock the fruits of the Holy Spirit (Gal. 5:22,23) and the gifts of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 12:810). Love is the most necessary element even in ministry. It is the key ingredient. Without the love of God,

ness in your body. Take care of your body the best

we cannot minister to people. It was that love that

you can and ask God to bless you. Let not our physi-

made Jesus to accept the cross and accomplish the

cal strength be an obstacle to do God’s work. I am

mission that he came to do on earth. It is that same

thankful to a friend of mine, who lectured me on this,

love which will open our eyes to fulfil the mission

to maintain our body strength so that our mind is

God has for us in this world. My friends, this love

focused and our spirit remains ignited.

makes us obey what the Lord tells us from His Word.



October 2017 -

God has taught me three things: to be obedient,

world. I never want to go back, Lord. Help me,

to be humble and to have reverence for God

keep my body, heart and spirit fit, strong and

(Jeremiah 44:10). And so even now shall we ask

well-tuned to hear from you all day long. Make

God to strengthen us in all these three areas? Young

me sign an agreement with you to desire after

people, pray with me:

you and to follow your plans and dreams that

“Lord, as you have declared that my body is the

you showed me through Jesus. Promise me that

temple of the Holy Spirit, I want to operate with

you will stand by my side O Lord. Fill me Lord,

your love so as to bring your power into this

In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

To know the easy ways of sending your offering for TV Ministry, kindly refer page 22. - October 2017 JESUS CALLS


Beloved friends in Christ, The much awaited convention is about to take off! It’s the ‘Jesus Calls’ World Prayer Convention in Jerusalem! I am truly delighted to invite you to join us for the 3-day convention from 22-24 May 2018. This is your opportunity to have a life changing encounter with Jesus in Jerusalem, Israel. We are going to have three days of in-depth teaching and mighty prophetic prayer anointing. Great servants of God from different parts of the world will handle different sessions and will help us get soaked in His presence and grace along with moments of intense worship led by different anointed worship leaders. This convention will be held in a State of the art auditorium in Jerusalem and your stay will be at star rated world class hotels. Also, the JESUS CALLS WORLD PRAYER CONVENTION at Jerusalem coincides with the 5th Anniversary of the “Jesus Calls Israel Prayer Tower” and the 70th Anniversary of the formation of the State of Israel.

You have three options if you have decided to travel. You can attend only the Convention or with the Convention undertake a three day Holy Land Tour or a six day Holy Land Tour of Israel with the Convention. This will include visit to some of the anointed prayer sites. Call us on the number given below or write to us or log onto our website to get complete information. I pray that God will give you the finances, the heart, the strength and the required permissions to take time off to come and meet Jesus at Jerusalem. At that time Jerusalem shall be called the Throne of the Lord, and all the nations shall be gathered to it…” (Jeremiah 3:17) COME AND BE A PART OF THIS MISSION... TRULY A LIFE TIME OPPORTUNITY Hoping to meet you at the convention in JERUSALEM!

Hurry! Make your plans now! For details: Tamil/English (Ph.044-32000281 & 32000282) Hindi (Ph.044-32000283) Telugu/Kannada (Ph. 044-32000284) Email contacts:; Mobile/Whatsapp: +919500996470, +919840999906 34


October 2017 -

Your brother

Paul Dhinakaran SCAN THE QR CODE


It gives me great pleasure to greet you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, in this month of October.

The divine promise given to you by the Lord for this month is: “Cast your burden on the LORD, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.” (Psalm 55:22) According to this promise verse, there is no need for us to carry any kind of burdens. However, the Lord is ready to carry our burdens and sustain us. Today, many carry their own problems and burdens and are miserable and keep crying. Today, let us see how to place our worldly worries, burdens, and problems in the hands of the Almighty God.

shall be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33) Yes, we should strictly seek God at all times. For this, Bible reading and prayer are very, very important in the life of every true Christian. But, today you may say that you are a true Christian. However, do you have your own Bible?

Seek the Kingdom of God

When I was a little girl, the first thing that our mother bought for us, her children, was the Holy Bible. Only after this, she got us other essential things including clothes. This is how she brought us up in godly ways. Hence, the Lord led us in godly ways and blessed us abundantly.

"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things

Dear ones, you too should take your Bible every day and read it. After that, talk to the Lord wher-

ever you are or in your prayer room. This is prayer. What a blessing to thus have the Almighty God near you all the 24 hours! Today, some people lament saying, “Why these problems for me? Why should I bear all these burdens? Why these things should happen to me?” Yes, all these are from Satan. But, you should read the Bible and seek the Lord with your whole heart. Then you can feel the presence of God in your life. Your house will be filled with the presence of the Almighty God. You would be delivered from darkness and worldly problems, at all times. Hence, dear sisters, seek God’s Words and His kingdom with your whole heart. What is the Kingdom of God? - October 2017 JESUS CALLS


“For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 14:17)

and bitterness because of division and lack of peace in their family life. Similarly, plenty are those who live in loneliness, having lost their peace.

This is a righteous divine life! The Kingdom of God is full of righteousness, peace of God, and the joy of the Holy Spirit. God wants to bless you with three important divine benefits that are needed for you in this world. Let us see about these in detail.

In the Bible we read that God is the God of peace (Romans 15:33; I Thessalonians 5:23; Hebrews 13:20).

Righteous Life First of all, if you want to live a righteous life, your sins should be forgiven by the Almighty God. Jesus Christ died for you on the cross in order to make you righteous people. Hence, when you cry to Him in His presence, saying, “Jesus, forgive me; I am a sinner; wash me and cleanse me with Your precious blood”, the Lord Jesus will have mercy on you, forgive you, cleanse you from your sinful ways and change you into a new woman. This is righteous life! Now you become a woman, cleansed by the blood of Christ Jesus. Your sins are forgiven. The presence of God is with you. Hence, nothing shall harm you. Yes, my dear sisters, God will give you this righteous life. The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:7)

Peace Today, many are the couples who are in agony and live in tears 36


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Just as we read in Romans 16:20, ‘the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly,’ when trials and problems surround us. God delivers His beloved children from the hands of Satan and saves them. He comforts us through His verse, “…nothing shall by any means hurt you” (Luke 10:19). Whenever we are drowned in tears because of trials, He is with us as seen in Hebrews 2:18 and gives us victory. What should you do? Let us read the incident where the Lord was hungry after 40 days of fasting and how the devil tempted Him and how He overcame him with Scriptures and Promises (Matthew 4th chapter) and let us thus overcome trials, using promise verses. Let us get filled with divine peace. When worries and burdens oppress us, let us hold on to the Lord’s feet as Mary did. Let us pour out our burdens to the Lord, with thanksgiving, without being anxious for anything. Then, as the Bible says, He will fill you with divine peace that surpasses all under-

standing and the God of peace will lead you.

Holy Spirit Now you are ready to receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit, which is the power and blessing of God. The Bible says, “…ask, and it will be given to you.” (Luke 11:9) When you ask God for the Holy Spirit with reverence, He will surely grant you His Holy Spirit without making you to wait (Luke 11:13). On October 10, 1962, my husband received the anointing of the Holy Spirit. When I saw Him being filled with the Holy Spirit and rejoicing in the spirit, I started crying day and night for the Lord to fill me with that divine joy. Within few months, the Lord filled me with the His Spirit in an abundant measure. From that day on, both of us filled with the Holy Spirit started working with oneness of mind in doing everything together in the ministry, in our everyday family life, in bringing up the children and in everything. The reason, our life was ruled over by divine power. In case this oneness of mind and divine peace are not in you, cry to the Lord right now. If you have received this divine peace and righteous life, kneel down and ask the Lord to fill you with the Holy Spirit right now. One by one, count all the blessings He has graciously

given you and keep praising Him. He will fill you with the Holy Spirit immeasurably. This is how He anointed me. Today, everybody in my family have received the anointing of the Holy Spirit and the power of God. That’s why we always enjoy God’s presence in our family. We do everything, being filled with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit has kept our whole life under His control. He is our guide showing us what we should do. When I lost my loving husband in the year 2008, I cried in

agony all through the day, unable to bear his loss. But, the very next day the Holy Spirit Himself took control my life. He has led me wonderfully for the past 9 years. The reason, the Holy Spirit converses with me and leads me miraculously to fulfill His will. Dear ones! We are living in the last days. As we read in Joel 2:28, the Lord is not changing in His word and is pouring out His Spirit on all flesh. In the Bible, in the 10th chapter of the Book of Acts, we read about Cornelius, the Centurion, who

Rs.65/(including postal charges)

sought the Lord with reverence, though he was not a Jew but a gentile and how the Lord beautifully led him and how he received this glorious blessing along with his family, friends and relatives. Read this passage in the Bible diligently, wait in His presence and receive this divine blessing and live for the glory of God. The Lord will be with you and change your burdens and lead you through. The anointing of God’s Spirit, His righteousness and divine peace will sustain you wonderfully and lead you to receive eternal life.

This book is written with the sole aim of reviving the good Christian culture in every home. The Lord would inspire everyone who reads this book and draw them closer to Him and fill their house with His presence, salvation, love and peace.

To get a copy you can send the amount in the favour of “True Friend Management Support Services”, through money order/Demand draft to, 72, Rajaji Salai, Chennai -600001 and get it by post. For details, contact: +91 9500155588 - For online orders: - October 2017 JESUS CALLS


Power of prayer The husband of Sis. Melba of our Esther Prayer Group was disinterested in Bible reading and family prayer. When he visited Goa, he met with an accident and his ankle was fractured. He suffered a lot with excruciating pain. He was bedridden for two months. At this juncture, seeing his wife praying much in the Esther Prayer Group as well as at home, he turned to God and accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour. After that his body pain and agony lessened considerably. Also he now reads the Bible regularly. Presently he says that he visits the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower. I give all glory and heartfelt thanks to God who did this miracle, in response to the prayers offered by us in the group. - Selekshi Manilal, Mumbai.

Anointing and vision This month’s Esther Prayer Group fellowship was very much blessed. When we meditated on the anointing and prayed, we began to think about it deeply. Many who have not received the anointing are there in our group. Hence all of us prayed earnestly with the decision that we should get filled with the anointing and only then we should 38


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start to pray for the given prayer points. As we did so, some were filled with the anointing and saw divine visions. We prayed that God should inspire similar prayer ministries to Sis. Stella Dhinakaran and use her more mightily. Glory to the Lord for the great things He has done. - G. Rajammal, Thirupur.

prayer points was of great help to all of us to realize and repent for our wrongs, confess them and to commit ourselves to the Lord with the realization that we too should wear humility to live like Jesus. Glory to God! - J. Anlet Julie, Tirunelveli.

Anointing for all; boy baby after 23 years

The promise verse given in the prayer points spoke to Sis. Rita and was of great guidance to her. The promise verse helps us to pray calmly for any problem, without getting anxious and agitated. By attending the Esther Prayer Group fellowship, Sis.Victoria’s life has changed and she has learnt patience, faith and tolerance in her life. She said that all the prayer points were applicable to her. For Sis. Uma, every word given in the Esther Prayer Group is from the Lord and works in her life. Sis. Sasikala testified that the Lord speaks to her through every word and that she had received the burden to pray as well as the grace to be bold, without any fear. Sis. Poornima said that she eagerly anticipated for the Esther Prayer Group prayer time and the verses given for each prayer point instilled in her a feeling of guilt and thereby

As per the counsel given by Sis.Stella Dhinakaran in the Esther Prayer Group Meet which was held in Tirunelveli on 4.6.2017, we decided to get filled with the Holy Spirit before praying for the prayer requests. Accordingly, when we prayed as a group of 9 sisters on 11.6.2017, God anointed all the 9 of us in an immeasurable way. Also, we prayed earnestly for Sis. Amutha’s sister-in law, who was childless for 23 years. She had also requested Sis.Stella Dhinakaran to pray for this. The Lord heard the prayers and blessed them with a boy baby after 23 years of married life. I give glory to the Lord for doing this miracle in response to our prayers. - J. Esther John Chinnathurai, Virudhunagar.

Apt prayer points This month’s (June 2017)

Unlimited Miracles

she was able to discard her mistakes. Sis. Chithra who was in a critical condition because of kidney problem, made a prayer of vow that she would testify in the Esther Prayer Group prayer if healed and to her surprise the Lord granted her a miraculous healing. Hearing the prayers offered for Bro. Martin in the Esther Prayer Group, God

graciously helped him to undergo a successful brain surgery and enabled him to regain consciousness. Glory to God! - Leela Rani, Chennai.

Complete Deliverance The Lord, in His grace, helped us to gather as a group and pray on 10.5.2017. That day Sis. Cecily was terribly tormented by the clutches of the evil spirit. When we

began to worship the Lord, the evil spirit began to torment her much. When all of us gathered together and prayed for her, the Lord granted her complete deliverance. Also, at 3 O’ Clock that same day, she got the call to go for the job which had been hindered until then. Now she goes for job regularly. Praise be to the Lord! - Mahilal Samuel, Chennai.

JUNIOR ESTHER PRAYER GROUP Totally new During summer holidays we used to go to our native village. When I went there this May, I had the idea to start a Junior Esther Prayer Group and took with me the prayer points sent to me. I visited the houses there and invited the children for prayer. 11 children came and we gathered and prayed on 18.5.2017 from 5.00 PM to 6.30 PM. All the children were eager to know how to pray and they wanted to pray. Even the children who did not know how to pray, prayed. Though this was new to me, I give all glory to the Lord who gave me the desire to start a Junior Esther Prayer Group in that village. - M. Princy, Chennai.


We, as young girls as we were praying, when we prayed for the 4th prayer point for the month of May, a girl by name Arthi of our group had a vision of a big bird lifting up a nest full of young sparrows from getting burnt by a huge fire that was burning fiercely. The Lord gave us the grace to get filled with the anointing and pray for the prayer points. Glory to God! - I. Ramya, Chennai. My Dear sisters, Accordingly, if the Spirit of the Lord prompts you or young girls/children to start an Esther Prayer Group or Youth Esther Prayer Group or Junior Esther Prayer Group in your area or in your home or hostel or in any place convenient to you, so that the women/young girls/children in your area could be blessed, and revived, please come forward. This is the end time. Make use of the time. Contact Address: Sister. Stella Dhinakaran (Esther Prayer Group) 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028. Email: - October 2017 JESUS CALLS


Answer: Yes, these days wherever we turn, we see lack of peace, fights,

We see such hor-

Jesus Christ to this world as a re-

rible conditions in

deemer of sin. The Bible clearly

this world, quite

tells us about the sufferings of

commonly. What

Christ Jesus on the cross. All the

is the way for this

Scriptures are 100 percent true. So



kindly read the Bible diligently and

changed and for

inherit the promises given there. It

the people to receive peace? Let

is this divine sacrifice offered by

us examine this today:

the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross


God of peace:

that totally transforms our lives into a pure one. It is the only way to

and my hope have perished from

Our God wants to give us His divine peace. For this purpose the Lord sent His Son Jesus Christ into the world in the form of Man for Him to be wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities and to be placed as chastisement for our peace upon Him. By His stripes we are healed (Isaiah 53:5). How wonderful are the works of God! His plans and purposes are a wonder to our eyes. We clearly read the same thing in Micah 5:5, Romans 5:1, Ephesians 2:14, Colossians 1:20 and in several other places in the Bible. Hence it is His purpose that we, the children of God, should receive His peace in our life and live blessedly. For

the LORD" (Lamentations 3:1,17).

this purpose He sent His own Son

and problems being rampant. The reason, there is no divine love, oneness of mind and unity between husband and wife in the family. Division, bitterness, envy and other such works of the devil are ruining family life. These days we hear terrible things happening in families. Family lives are wrecked because of loveless states. About this the Bible says that ‘the way of peace they have not known’ (Romans 3:17) and the reason is that ‘there is no fear of God in their hearts’ (Romans 3:18). Also we read in the Bible, “I am the man who has seen affliction by the rod of His wrath” and "My strength



October 2017 -

remove the worries, burdens and unwanted agonies in our heart. It alone has the power to remove the worldly sufferings and tears caused by sin and curse. About this we read in the Bible, ‘the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly’ (Romans 16:20). So, my dear sisters, hold on firmly to this God of peace. When He comes into you, He will remove all the burdens and lacks in your life. “Therefore let us pursue the things which make for peace and the things by which one may edify another’’ (Romans 14:19).

According to this verse, sit at

was righteous before God. My dear

larly you and I should cling on to

His feet and ask Him to give you

sisters, now examine your life!

God. We should be careful to do

this divine peace. Do not depart

Realizing the shortcomings in your

only the things, that are pleasing to

from His feet till you receive it.

life commit yourself at His feet in

Him. Then the God of peace would

Then divine peace would enter into

all reverence and tell Him, “Lord,

always be with us.

you. May the God of peace heed

deliver me from these things; fill

Read the life of young Joseph

your prayer and fill you with this

me with Your character and mind;

in the Bible. Fears, sins and prob-

divine peace!

help me to live like You in this

lems surrounded him. Yet, what did

How to receive divine

world”. The Lord expects such

he do at that situation? He held on


kind of humility from you. We read

firmly to the God of peace even

It is very important that we do

in the Bible how the Lord made a

then. Hence God was with him

things that are pleasing to God, in

tax collector who was called a sin-

(Genesis 39:2,21,23; Acts 7:10). As

our daily life. Even while walking

ner and who humbled himself, into

a result God the God of peace did

as we like, in the ways of the world,

a righteous man (Luke 18:13,14).

not forsake him in the midst of that

it is not at all right to ask, ‘Why,

Dear sisters, if you say, ‘I don’t

won’t He give me peace?” This

have this experience; I have not yet

would never be beneficial to us.

accepted the Lord Jesus Christ

Instead humble yourself as much

with my whole heart’, first humble

as possible. Plead to Him and pray,

yourself before the Lord. Then God

‘O, God of Peace! Come into me;

will lift you up as a righteous per-

fill my life with You; teach me to do that which pleases You; go before me as my Guide”. The Lord who hears prayers (Psalm 65:2) will fill you with divine peace and guard you. We read in the Bible, ‘seek the Kingdom of God’. What is the Kingdom of God? ‘for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit’ (Romans 14:17).

Righteous ways

son (James 4:10).

Joy that gives peace

horrible situation. Yes, our God is a God who never forsakes. Perhaps, like Joseph, you too are young. But, how far do you seek the Lord? How much place have you given for Him in your heart and life? Examine yourself. Only when you cling on to Him firmly, His divine peace would come into you. Even

These days it is quite common

when the people of the world give

to see man languishing without

you trouble, His peace would come

peace. But the Lord was born as

upon you in that situation too.

the Prince of Peace and the God

Nobody can touch you. David

of peace in this world and wants

enjoyed this and said,

to give us His perfect peace. What should we do for this?

‘I have set the LORD always before me; Because He is at

‘You will keep him in perfect

my right hand I shall not be

peace, whose mind is stayed


on You, Because he trusts in You’

(Isaiah 26:3).

(Psalm 16:8).

King Saul was jealous of David for no reason at all and tried to kill

My dear sisters, hold on to the

him. Yet since the God of peace

Lord firmly as seen in the above

was with David, Saul lost all his

verse. We read in the Bible that

blessings and died. David, on the

Read the life of Abraham in the

the Lord Jesus has said, "I and My

other hand, received God’s bless-

Bible. He feared God, did His will

Father are one." (John 10:30) and

ings and his peaceful end was won-

and obeyed Him in everything. It

has thus set us an example. Simi-

derful. - October 2017 JESUS CALLS


My dear sisters, you should live

pleaded to the Lord for my hus-

closely with God in order to receive

band who was battling for his life

Hence, you should be diligent

this peace. Also the habit of read-

in sorrow and in a hopeless con-

to live closely with the Lord. Also

ing the Bible and praying should

dition. I trusted Him alone and

when you make all the above ex-

increase in your life, every day.

held on to Him firmly. The Lord

periences as your own, God’s pres-

There should not be any lack in this.

heard that tear-filled prayers

ence would always be with you.

Then the trust you have on the Lord

and gave back my husband’s life.

The peace of God would fill you

would keep increasing at all situa-

God helped him to do His minis-

perfectly. May the Prince of peace


try for several more years and

and the God of peace be with you

I can never forget the year 1969

to fulfil it peacefully with His

and fill your life richly with His joy

in my life. The reason - I

strength. God would give you the

and peace.

same experience.

Bible Portion from Acts to Colossians (Answer with Biblical reference) 1. What should you do and seek and what will He give? 2. Who is not upright? And who is upright? 3. Whom are you serving? What will you receive and by whom? 4. Who, in what was he taught and how did he become? 5. In whom, why and press toward what? 6. In what you will abound, who and in what He will fill you? 7. Why and in whom we are created and how are we? 8. Who and what got ignored and what does He command now to do and to whom? 9. What is considered as foolishness and to whom? And how is it to whom? 10.Who, what and in which are they crucified? Answers must reach us before OCTOBER 20, 2017 Address: Bible Quiz - 68 Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028. Email:

ANSWERS FOR BIBLE QUIZ - 66 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 42

The Lord became jealous for his land and had pity on his people (Joel 2:18). Truth and peace; the Lord of hosts (Zechariah 8:19 latter part). The mystery was revealed to Daniel in a vision of the night (Daniel 2:19). A people humble and lowly; they shall seek refuge in the name of the Lord (Zephaniah 3:12). For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the water cover the sea (Habakkuk 2:14). You shall see the distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between one who serves God and one who does not serve him (Malachi 3:18). Let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream (Amos 5:24). The latter glory of this house shall be greater than the former says the LORD of hosts (Haggai 2:9). His way is in whirlwind and storm and the clouds are the dust of his feet (Nahum 1:3 latter part). For I desire steadfast love and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings (Hosea 6:6). JESUS CALLS

October 2017 -

By the immense grace of God and as per His promise ‘You will see greater things than these’ (John 1:50), the Lord is expanding the Esther Prayer Ministry with yet another different Prayer Ministry, apart from EPG, YEPG, JEPG (Esther Prayer Group, Youth Esther Prayer Group and Junior Esther Prayer Group). This ministry is CEPG which means Couples Esther Prayer Group. Below is the picture of three couples and Sis.Shoba Paulson (for the expansion of JEPG service) who are willing to help in this ministry along with me. Along with them, the following couples also participated in this ministry with great enthusiasm. As announced in the Magazine, on 5th August 2017 the CEPG Ministry was dedicated by Rev. Jebaraj Samuel for the glory of the Lord’s name. Thus far, we have been undertaking the responsibilities of the EPG ministry. We covet your prayers for the Lord to guide us further and for several women, young girls, children and couples to get involved in the service devotedly and fulfil the will of God.


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Photo 1: Sis. Stella Dhinakaran (President), Mrs & Dr Kingsley (Directors, EPG), Mrs & Mr Theodore (Directors, YEPG), Mrs Shoba Paulson (Director, JEPG), Mrs & Mr Helkiah (Directors, CEPG) Photo 2: Rev. Jebaraj Samuel dedicating these 3 couples and the sister for the expansion of the Esther Prayer Group Service The following are the few couples among the 34 couples who came to the Prayer Tower on 5/8/17 and committed themselves for the CEPG ministry 1. Mrs & Mr Wesley Jeyavendhan 2. Mrs & Dr. Immanuel Jeyachandran 3. Mrs & Mr Anthony Babu 4. Mrs & Mr Immanuel Mathiyalagan 5. Mrs & Mr Amirtharaj 6. Mrs & Mr Ravikumar 7. Mrs & Mr Christopher 8. Mrs & Mr Isaac Mohan 9. Mrs & Mr Dhairiyanathan 10. Mrs & Mr John Clement - October 2017 JESUS CALLS


Saw the sight of Crucifixion

were gone. Praise the Lord. - Hepzibah, Chennai - 116

I came to this meeting and gave the prayer request that I should be filled with the gifts of the Spirit. Sis. Stella Dhinakaran prayed specially for me, during the prayer time. That time I saw the sight of the Lord shedding blood on the cross. I give millions of thanks to the Lord for giving me such vision. - Kathija Deborah, Chennai - 81

The Lord’s mighty touch

Anxiety and burden gone I came to this meeting with anxiety and burden and prayed for the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Dear mother was on the stage and leading us in prayer. But I did not see her and instead saw a cross in her place. After I had this vision, a divine peace came into me. At that instant all my anxieties and burdens 44


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I came to this meeting with the prayer that I should get the anointing of the Holy Spirit. When I was praying along with dear mother, during the prayer time, I felt a power coming upon my hand, like electricity. I felt someone touching me. I cannot describe the divine experience I had. Yes, I received the mighty touch of the Lord. He has filled me mightily with His Holy Spirit. - Sheila, Chennai -118

good job. Also I prayed that the Lord should fill me with the anointing. When dear mother prayed, the Lord filled me with the anointing of the Holy Spirit. - Gowri Mangalam, Chennai - 7

Saw Jesus

Every Word gave peace and comfort

When dear mother was praying for the anointing of the Holy Spirit, I too joined her in the prayer. That time I saw the crucified Jesus. I was filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. Glory to God. - Amalorpava Mary, Chennai -118

I came to this meeting with my husband. I joined dear mother in prayer and prayed with burden for my husband’s job. Every word spoken by dear mother gave me peace and comfort. I have the hope that surely my husband would get a

I have come to this meeting for the very first time. My mother is 72 years old. She was admitted in the hospital since her haemoglobin was becoming low every 20 days, despite giving blood transfusion for

Touch of God

her. I attended this meeting for her sake and gave the prayer request. Finally, when Sis. Stella Dhinakaran was praying for all the prayer requests, I too joined her in the prayer and prayed for my mother. That time I felt someone touching me. Now I have the hope that the Lord would grant my mother good health. - Ravi, Chennai - 18

Complete healing When dear Sis. Stella Dhinakaran was sharing the Lord’s message, I saw the vision of the crucified Jesus standing before me. That time I was crying even without my knowledge. I, who was suffering from hip pain, was completely healed after this vision. Now I am in good health. - Uma, Chennai - 4

Clear Eyesight I was in agony as I had pain

and no clear vision in my eyes. When I went to the hospital I was advised for surgery. At this juncture I attended this meeting and joined dear mother in prayer when she was praying. That time I saw a bright, white light. After that I was healed. Now I am able to see clearly. - Sujatha, Chennai 20.

Much joy and peace I gave the prayer request seeking prayers for me to receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit. When dear mother was praying during the prayer time, I saw a golden thing after which my heart was filled with joy and peace. - Rebecca, Chennai.

God touched; burden gone I faced lot of obstacles in attending this meeting. Hence I was burdened. Yet, even amidst this,

I attended the meeting and joined Sis. Stella Dhinakaran in prayer. That time I felt someone touching me. At that instant I felt my burden leaving me. Now I am at peace. Glory to God. - Parthiban, Chennai - 78

Miraculous Healing Though I knew the Lord, I was living far away from Him. We are running a grocery shop in Chennai and I am taking care of it. I had skin problem because of which I could not do any work. I took many medical treatments but in vain. At this juncture I attended the Family Blessing Meeting. When Sis. Stella Dhinakaran was praying for the sick I too joined her in the prayer. The Lord heard the prayer and granted me a miraculous healing. Glory to God. - G. Mary George, Chennai - 16

The Lord Jesus did many more miracles!


Do not forget to write to us the miracles you reveive. Let us unitedly Praise God. Rs.65/(including postal charges)

Authored by Sister Stella Dhinakaran

IMPORTANCE OF PRAYER IN FAMILY LIFE - Part 2 Sister Stella Dhinakaran waited at the feet of the Lord and with God’s help received the answers for the ten questions that usually arise in the hearts of women related to the subject, “Prayer in Family Life”. To get a copy you can send the amount in the favour of “True Friend Management Support Services”, through money order/Demand draft to, 72, Rajaji Salai, Chennai -600001 and get it by post. For details, contact: +91 9500155588 For online orders: THIS BOOK IS AVAILABLE IN TAMIL AND ENGLISH - October 2017 JESUS CALLS


We are living in the last days. This is the time of the Holy Spirit. We read God saying, “"And it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions” (Joel 2:28). Our Lord Jesus Christ left us an example in everything (I Peter 2:21). He will grant a divine and blessed life to all those who reverentially follow His footsteps. The Lord Jesus Christ was an example to us in the prayer life as well as in the knowledge of knowing the Scriptures. He revealed to us the divine truth that no matter how hard the devil tempts us in various ways, we can overcome them through the Scriptures. Hence, if we diligently read His divine experiences and follow His 46


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examples, there is no doubt that our life would also be an example to many others. Above all, as per the promise verse given above, we read that Jesus was anointed by God. “how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.” (Acts 10:38) As a result, a divine life full of godly love, power, wisdom, good testimony and good works, was found in Him. He toiled day and night and accomplished the divine will of God. My dear sisters! May you also glorify God by living a pleasing life to Him till the end just as how He

lived, getting filled with the anointing of the Holy Spirit which He had, living a holy life in overflowing capacity, doing good works and bearing witness for Him both in your family as well as in the worldly life! Let us see about three important things that you need to follow, for this purpose:

1. PRAYER LIFE (WAITING) Cornelius was a heathen (Acts 10th chapter). Yet, he feared God with all his household. Also He prayed to God always. Hence, God prepared Peter, His servant, arranged everything by Himself and made Peter go to his place, and share God’s truth to him, his household and to his friends. The Lord Himself led everything in such a way that the gift of the Holy Spirit was poured upon everyone.

Accordingly, like Cornelius, you, my dear sisters, should be diligent to love the Lord jointly as a family, to seek Him diligently in prayer and to live a pleasing life to Him. Also walk in such a way that not only you, but also your relatives would change one by one and thus make your house a house of prayer. Then our ‘Lord, who shows no partiality’ (Acts 10:34; Romans 2:11; Galatians 2:6), would fill you and your household with the anointing of the Holy Spirit just as how He did for Cornelius and make it into a divine house.

2. LIFE OF BEING FILLED WITH THE LOVE OF CHRIST “Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.” (Romans 5:5) When such a divine life, overflowing with the Holy Spirit is received as a family, that house would be filled with God’s love and be adorned with divine characteristics such as divine fellowship, humility and the love to forgive. Also the divine nature of ‘not blowing up others’ lacks’ and being united with oneness of mind would be seen in them. When every member of the family is filled with the love of Christ, such glorious life of divinity could be enjoyed. “Their descendants shall be known among the Gentiles, and their offspring

among the people. All who see them shall acknowledge them, that they are the posterity whom the LORD has blessed." (Isaiah 61:9) “…you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.” (Colossians 1:9,10)

3. BLESSED IS HE, WHO IS STRENGTHENED IN YOU (PSALM 84:5) “But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:31) Accordingly, if we wait in the presence of God in all reverence, we can surely receive divine strength. On October 10th, 1962, I saw my husband receiving this divine anointing and getting filled with divine strength and since then I waited on the Lord day and night and prayed with burden and desire. The Lord, who saw my thirst, filled me with the anointing of divine love when I was praising Him one evening, thinking of His love. He filled me with the strength of the Spirit. It was February 14th, 1963. Till date,

I am praising the Lord for the day that He anointed me and for the anointing He gave me. My dear sisters, you too should wait in the presence of the Lord day and night, with the same thirst and plead to Him for His divine anointing. “For I will pour water on him who is thirsty, and floods on the dry ground; I will pour My Spirit on your descendants, and My blessing on your offspring.” (Isaiah 44:3) The Lord would diligently fulfil this promise. Not stopping with this, seek the Lord’s presence every day, follow His divine ways as said in Psalm 32:8 and Isaiah 48:17, live a God fearing life of ‘cup overflowing’ and fulfil His will with reverence. May the Lord grant you His divine grace and enable you to arise and shine for the glory of His name.

4. “STRENGTHENED WITH ALL MIGHT, ACCORDING TO HIS GLORIOUS POWER” (COLOSSIANS 1:11) ‘"For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him…” (II Chronicles 16:9) As this verse says, if you whoever you may be - seek the Lord with a loyal heart, the Lord will anoint you with the Holy Spirit as you desire and rule over you - October 2017 JESUS CALLS


with His divine strength. In the Bible we read about Deborah, a woman like us. If you read Judges 4th and 5th chapters, it could be seen that though a woman, she was a judge among the people of Israel and had the power to go to the forefront of the battle and lead the people by the Holy Spirit. Yes, a woman may be a weak vessel. But the Holy Spirit in her was all powerful. He will

manifest His divine power in you too. Even in my family, by the grace of God the Lord is leading us as vessels used by Him, comforting and consoling many, being filled with the Holy Spirit and leading them by His power. In that case, shouldn’t you also arise and shine for the Lord as a mighty vessel? "If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts

to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!" (Luke 11:13) According to this promise, plead to the Lord with reverence that He should grant you this divine, spiritual experience. Then seeing your genuine desire and thirst, He will fill you. He will prosper you with the fruit yielding life for Him.

Miraculous change Though I knew the Lord Jesus, I was living far away from Him during my young days. Initially, I started taking drinks. As days went by, I became addicted to alcohol, lost everything and was a nobody. At this time, my father also became addicted to drinks. Hence, our family was in ruins. I could not stay without taking drinks even for a single day since otherwise my hands and legs would begin to tremble. So, I was always taking drinks and hence I could not do any work also. My mother always used to contact the Prayer Tower and get prayers for me. At this state, I began to visit the Prayer Tower even without my knowledge. I also started watching the Jesus Calls TV programme. One day when I was at home I saw a vision. I saw the Lord standing outside our house and knocking the door. That very day I committed my life to the Lord and a divine peace filled me. Since that day I feel Him with me. From then on, my life has totally changed. Now I am a new man. The Lord is with me and I am doing my own welding business. My business is good. My father also has left his drinking habit and has become the Lord’s son. Now I am sharing the Lord’s love with others. - John Joseph, Chennai - 11

MANY RECEIVE SUCH MIRACLES THROUGH THE “JESUS CALLS” TELEVISION PROGRAMME! YOU TOO CAN BE BLESSED! INTRODUCE TO OTHERS ALSO BIBLE QUIZ NO.66 WINNERS Chennai: Ingrith Roy Andhra: T. S. Shalini Raj, P. H. Swarna Vidyullatha, J. Thanuja, Dr. Samuel Rajendram Maisa Karnataka: K. Dhanamani Pudhucherry: P. S. Moorthy, Dr. K. P. Ruth 48


October 2017 -



ulcy, who was residing in America, had come to her grandma Ruby’s house. Grandma al ways made it a point to go to her daughter’s Beulah’s house in Chennai to see Dulcy whenever she came to India. However, this time she hesitated to undertake the journey and had requested Dulcy to visit her in her home town Menjgnanapuram. So, now Dulcy had come to meet her grandma Ruby, her mother’s mother. Grandma was thrilled that Dulcy’s children spoke to her in Tamil. Dulcy had trained them well in spoken Tamil. Friends and relatives came to see her. Dulcy very much wanted to meet Mercy who was her classmate for two years, whom she had not met since a long time. ‘Granny, you said Mercy is married and settled in Tuticorin. Please get her phone number from somebody….” said she. “It is nearly 6 years since she came here. Now she is not in Tuticorin also. Hmm… She just wasted her time while studying here by roaming around the streets in her bicycle….’ Grandma said in disgust and continued with her task of making kozukaati which was Ducly’s favourite snack. Dulcy looked at grandma with pride – her 80 year old grandma still remained younger, dynamic and above all with the same love! Taking her children with her, Dulcy visited David uncle’s farm where he was growing bees. Totally excited, the children began to bombard him with Yesupatham

‘Brother David, here is the husk for the hens….” Dulcy turned around to see a familiar face standing beside her and handing over a small sack to uncle David. ‘Hey, do you know who this is? It’s Dulcy, Ruby grandma’s grand daughter…” “Who? Is it Dulcy?’ – So saying the woman fondly caught hold of Dulcy’s hand. “How are you? I heard that you are in America… “Don’t you recognize her? She is Mercy who studied with you…..” Dulcy was dumbfounded to hear uncle David’s words. “Oh, she used to be very fair, chubby and beautiful… Now she is dark, thin and doing odd jobs for others…. why this drastic change…?” Dulcy stared at her in silence. “We were in fourth standard.. Weren’t we? We were like sisters… since your father was in Nigeria, you and your mother stayed with Ruby granny… Isn’t it? You were put in the hostel in Nazareth for 6th standard. I refused to stay in the hostel but they joined me there along with you. But I came back since I didn’t like the food and other things. If only I had studied with you…..” “Stop it Mercy! Ruby aunty begged and pleaded you to somehow study. But you just roamed around in your cycle without studying and wasted your time in tying flowers and going to shops… your mother too died because of worrying over you. Your husband has also chased you out saying that you are an illiterate….” Uncle David began to admonish her. “Mercy, I feel really bad. I never thought that I would see you like this. Only now I understand why grandma gets upset whenever your name is mentioned. You know how good my grandma’s cooking is. So I too did not like the hostel stay. I have cried for many days. Yet I could study well by the grace of God and today am blessed.” So saying she took a Rs. 2000/- note and pushed it into Mercy’s hand. She was broken hearted to give the money from her hand which used to get money from Mercy in the school days. Her flowing tears showed her pain. ‘…redeeming the time, because the days are evil’ (Ephesians 5:16). - October 2017 JESUS CALLS


Special Deliverance Prayers will be offered for those in needs, problems, sickness and addictions. Come! Receive the deliverance from the Lord and be blessed! This fasting prayer will be conducted in all “Jesus Calls” Prayer Towers throughout India on the same day. (Oct 2nd from 10.30 a.m. till 5 p.m.) We kindly request you to participate as a family at the nearby prayer tower without fail and be blessed. Your prayer requests: There will be a special interceding prayer for your prayer requests. So, please mention “Oct 2nd - fasting prayer day prayer request” on your prayer requests, which can be given in person at your nearest “Jesus calls” Prayer Tower or via email to or through post to the address: Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600028 ( or ) Jesus Calls, Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore - 641 114.

For more details contact: 9940600228 / 9940600229

God’s message will be translated to Telugu and Hindi ADMISSION FREE 50


October 2017 -


Owned by Jesus Calls and Published by Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran from 16,Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai-28. Printed by Mr.Paul Aravamuthan at Bapuji Printers, 5, Kurban Ali St, Woods Road, Chennai-2. Editor: Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran


Regd. Newspaper RNI No.TNENG30411/73 Regn. No.TN / CC(S) Dn/ 513/15-17 Registration No.TN/PMG-CCR/WPP-156/15-17 Published on 25-09-2017


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