Jesus Calls International November 2014

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Vol.5 Issue 7 November 2014

(Promoting Human values & Inter-religious Harmony)


n 20th September 2014, Dr.Paul Dhinakaran addressed the plenary session of

the “Meeting of Diverse Spiritual Traditions in India� convened by

His Holiness the Dalai Lama at New Delhi. Dr.Paul Dhinakaran spoke about how serving the distressed and those who are suffering would bring the reality of religion to benefit the people. Jesus Calls International TNovember 2014 2

– Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran

“…O LORD my God, You are very great: You are clothed with honor and majesty” (Psalm 104:1)


od the Father is great; likewise His son Jesus Christ is also great (Luke 1:32). He is able to lay His hands on everyone and heal them (Luke 4:40). Jesus, who rebuked the wind and the raging of the water (Luke 8:24) has the authority to forgive all our sins (Matthew 9:2). He is able to help everyone, at all times. In France there was a king by name Louis XIV. Everybody used to call him Louis the Great. He died in the year 1715. He was wearing an expensive coat and his dead body was kept in a golden casket. A candle was burning on top of the casket. Because of his name and fame, the service was held in a grand and magnificent manner, much to the amazement of everyone in the church. Thousands had gathered in that church which was dimly lit. Rt. Rev. Massillon who began to speak about the king, slowly got down from the pulpit, put off the candle and said, ‘The Lord alone is great”. ‘Nobody except the Lord is great in this world’ was his message during the funeral service of Louis XIV. Jesus Calls International 3

November 2014

He performs Miracles

Dearly beloved, the Lord is great. Let us

“And the whole multitude sought to touch Him, for power went out from Him and healed them all.” (Luke 6:19)

see how He is going to do great things in our

Truly our God is great. He is the greatest God. He is able to answer our every question.

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The Lord Jesus is able to heal the sick and do miracles. The Bible does not say that power went from Jesus and healed a few. Rather it says that the power went from Him and healed them all. Even today Jesus is able to touch you and heal you. Our Jesus was a Prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people (Luke 24:19).

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Dearly beloved, today the Lord is able to bless you in double-fold. Let us seek and find Him. Let us touch at least the hem of His garment. Let us receive His power. We live in Him; we move in Him (Acts 17:28). He has promised, “Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you” (Luke 10:19).

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The power of God will come down in the place where you gather and will shake that place. Yes, the place where Peter and John gathered was shaken (Acts 4:31). This was a supernatural miracle. When the ‘Day of Pentecost’ had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance (Acts 2:1-4).

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God is able to deliver you from all afflictions (Psalm 119:67,71). It is He, who tells you, “My dear children, do not be afraid; do not worry; I am with you. I will strengthen you” (Isaiah 41:10). The Lord Jesus is love. No power can ever separate us from His love. You shall conquer everything through the Lord Jesus; He will do great things in and through your life.

My children Sam and Sharon used to beautifully sing the song, “Don’t play hide and seek from the Lord who loves you” by running and hiding behind trees when they were small. Yes, we can never hide from the Lord. Sharon used to raise both her hands up and sing, “Our God is all powerful”. So, nobody can ever say, “The Lord has not heard my prayer…” Every one of your prayers, even the smallest one, shall be answered (Psalm 56:8).

Dearly beloved, our Lord is greater than our trials. He, who is in you, is greater than he, who is in the world (I John 4:4).

Man is just like dust in the eyes of the Lord. In this world, today man will lift us up; tomorrow he will throw us down. But the Lord is mindful of you and me. Every moment He visits us (Job 7:17,18). Perhaps you may lament, “The devil tests me so much... How long should I endure this test? My body is full of sickness... I am surrounded by trials…”

visit him...” (Psalm 8:3-6)

mindful of him, and the son of man that You

David says, “…What is man that You are

He is Mindful of us


When my dear parents and brother died, I asked the Lord, “Lord, give me back the peace

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and joy that I had lost”. Hearing my plea, that day the Lord mightily filled me with His Holy Spirit. After that I received blessings in my life one after the other. Even today I am in this position because of the power of the Holy Spirit. The Lord filled me with His Holy Spirit and emboldened me. Today He is using me as a useful vessel to millions of people. I am doing ministry for the Lord because the Holy Spirit is with me.

Dearly beloved, the Lord wants to transform you into a new man/woman. The blood of Jesus Christ will cleanse you of all sins (I John 1:7). He is able to forgive your sins, to hear your pleas, to heal your sickness and to do miracles in your life. The Lord Almighty who is mindful of you and who is clothed with honor and majesty will fill you with all the spiritual blessings. He will do great things in your life and make you glad. ◆

1. What is appointed for men? 2. Who is approved? 3. Which was exchanged for the lie? 4. Where is the tabernacle of God? [Bible portion: Romans - Revelation] [Answers to be supported with adequate Bible references] Your answers should reach us before: November 30, 2014

5. Whom does the Lord know? 6. What is light? 7. What do we have in Christ Jesus? 8. Who will be blessed in what he does? 9. What does the grace of God bring? 10. Who keeps himself?


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November 2014

Amazing Testimony


ince the age of 18, I have been suffering from a constant neck pain for eight years, which limited my head movements. I went to a number of specialists all of whom saw my X-ray and said the same thing that my backbone was misaligned and I had to live with it. I had only two options in front of me. One, going through a very risky surgery that could paralyze me or I could go for physiotherapy to ease the pain. I was greatly depressed by this and started to live thinking nothing else could be done. Two years ago, my mother invited me to attend a Jesus Calls Healing and Anointing Meeting at Malaysia Prayer Tower. At first I was reluctant but eventually agreed to go. During the meeting as people were giving their testimonies, I thought to myself ‘Well it only happens to others but not me’. After the meeting ended, my parents brought me to the servant of God who ministered that day for prayers. He asked me to stretch my hands wide and bring it closer together, and we found out that my right hand was shorter than my left. Next he asked me a question “Do you believe that Jesus Christ could heal you?” I replied “Yes” even though I was sceptical I could be healed. As he was praying, I felt as though my right arm was being pulled, so I opened my eyes to see who was pulling it. To my amazement, nobody was. I kept feeling the pull and as it was getting stronger than ever, I began to shiver as this was the first time I was experiencing something supernatural. The prayer went on for a couple of minutes and when it stopped, the pulling stopped. Then he asked me to check the length of both my hands and to my amazement, they were of the same length. I just couldn’t believe it. Instantly the neck pain disappeared too. I was so shocked and stood still. After that experience, my walk with God has been stronger than before. As every time I have doubts (being an engineer and have a very logical mind), I think back of the miracle and remember what a great God I have. Truly God is good. - Gerald For more information mail us at

+60-3-7960 7370


For prayers in person: 10.00 am to 6.00 pm from Monday to Saturday (Except for Sunday and National Public holidays) Jesus Calls International TNovember 2014 6


am a regular caller to the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, Canada. I have been going through many problems in my life, and the Lord delivered me from all my problems when I started visiting prayer tower and taking part in the Friday fasting prayer and Saturday meetings. I decided to join the prayer team and pray for the donors enrolled in Young Partners Plan, Family Blessing Plan and Business Blessing Plan. When I started praying for others I noticed a great change in my life. I am blessed in all ways. So, I encourage everyone to join the prayer team and pray for others and for the world. - Celia, Toronto

Special Report…

Special Blessing Meeting was held at Canada Prayer Tower from 3rd to 6th of September 2014. Many attended and a dear Pastor from Nagaland, India ministered God’s word and prayed for them. All were blessed and many committed themselves to serve at Prayer Tower. For Prayers:

1855 522 7729 (TOLL FREE) / 416 385 7677

POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box Number 87181, RPO village square, 50 Gervais Drive, Suite 208, Scarborough, Ontario, MIW 3Z2, Toronto, Ontario, M3C 1Z3, Canada. Email: (Prayer Tower functions from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm) Fax Number: 416 385 7783 Admin Line: 416 385 7576 For more information visit JESUS CALLS CANADA

Every Sunday Rogers Channel 174 Bell Channel

12.30 pm to 1.00 pm and 5.00 pm to 5.30 pm 591 12.30 pm to 1.00 pm and 5.00 pm to 5.30 pm

Every Monday Channel 174 and 591

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1.30 pm – 2.00 pm

Dearly beloved in the Lord, Loving Greetings to you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Promise for the month of November: “And the Lord, He is the one who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed,” (Deuteronomy 31:8) According to this promise, the Lord Himself shall go before you all throughout this month. He will keep you without forsaking you. Do not be troubled!

Wondrous works of God in the last month ◆ At the “Meeting of Diverse Spiritual Traditions in India” on September 20th 2014, Delhi in response to the invitation extended to me by Dalai Lama, the Tibetan spiritual leader, I spoke about the importance of jointly offering sacrificial services to the distressed people in the nation.

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In India… The Prayer Tower expansion works are being carried out in 5 locations - Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Trivandrum, Mumbai and Chennai. New Prayer Towers are proposed to be launched in Ennoor and Avadi in Chennai, and in cities like Sholapur (Maharashtra) and Bhimavaram (Andhra Pradesh). We also are in the process of establishing new Prayer Towers in numerous cities throughout the Land of India.

Other cities and countries abroad… New Prayer Towers are to be established in South Africa, In Brazil, and Washington DC in America. Prayer Towers have to be established in many more nations of the world.

◆ Prayer Tower Ministry Expansion Works:

Be blessed as a family… if you have not enrolled in any of the following, now is the time…

Young Partners Plan - for your children to be blessed.

Family Blessing Plan - for your family to be covered with God’s blessing.

Prayer Tower Building Project - By raising new Prayer Towers your family will be built. (Spiritually-financially-physically)

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Dr. D.G.S.Dhinakaran Memorial Library project.

Digitization Project.

Business Blessing Plan – for your business/ profession to prosper.

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Many more…

◆ Prayer Festivals/Events: By God’s grace, we will be ministering as a family in the following Prayer Festivals. Events in December 2014 and January 2015 2014, December 12th-14th - Special Meetings in UK. 2014, December 27th, 28th – Special Blessing Meetings, ACA Chennai. 2015, January 4 - New Year Blessing Meeting, St. George’s Higher Secondary School campus, Chennai. 2015, January 9-11 – Guntur Prayer Festival, State of Andhra. 2015 January 23-25 – Raipur Prayer Festival, Chhattisgarh.

Please pray for a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the forthcoming events.

TV Club partner or sponsoring a TV Program.

The proposed schedule for the next few months…

◆ October 7, 8, 9 – The South India level Karunya Evangeline Memorial Tournament was held in an excellent manner in the Karunya University campus. ◆ October 12 – The Jesus Calls Partners Meet in Ooty, Tamil Nadu; Partners and their families who attended were immensely blessed and the new Prayer Tower in Ooty was dedicated for the glory of God along with the blessings of the people present. ◆ October 13 - The Partners Meet at Warangal Andhra Pradesh; hundreds of Jesus Calls partners and families in and around Warangal were blessed by God and the new Prayer Tower was opened on 14th October in order to prepare people for the second coming of Christ. ◆ October 19 – The Jesus Calls Partners Meet at Kottayam and the new Prayer Tower opening was a grand success. ◆ Countless people have been benefitted through the various free services rendered through the JC International Prayer Towers, Television programs, Website, etc. Let us give all glory to the Lord for His wondrous deeds and mighty acts.

It is the poor, simple and ordinary people who willingly send offerings for the Jesus Calls ministry according to their capacity. My heart melts when I think of their faithfulness in sending a portion of what little they have every month, despite their difficulty to meet their daily needs. May the Lord richly bless these dear ones! I never forget to pray for you, my beloved partner. So do not hesitate to send me your prayer requests. May the Lord increase you more and more (Isaiah 32:20). Yours affectionately, –Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

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November 2014

Here are the testimonies of people blessed through our Prayer Tower. Miraculous Healing


y husband met with an accident and was admitted in ICU. After examining my husband the doctors said that he was very serious and gave only 48 hours for him to live. We did not know what to do. Our only hope was Jesus Calls Prayer Tower at Colombo and we contacted the Prayer Tower and received prayers. What a wonder! God did a miracle and healed my husband completely. Now he can walk normally. We praise and thank God. - Manuel Ithayakumar, Batticaloa.

Sickness vanishes


very month in our family one after the other we were falling sick and all that we earned was spent for treatment. My youngest child who was six years old suffered from a fever for eight months. We had to admit him in the hospital. The doctors said that the child had iron deficiency but no medicine was administered. We called Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, Colombo and received prayers for my child. The sickness vanished. Praise the Lord. Also our family was delivered from the curse of sickness. First and foremost I thank my God the Father and also the prayer warriors who prayed for my child. - Gamini, Eppawala

Are you lonely? Depressed? Sick? Visit our Prayer Tower in Sri Lanka and receive your miracle. Prayer Towers in Sri Lanka Colombo Prayer Tower 15/1B, Joseph Lane, Colombo 4, Sri Lanka. For details call: 094 11 2502520

Mattakkuliya Prayer Tower 65/373, Vystwyke Road, 5th Lane, Mattakkuliya, Colombo 15, Sri Lanka. For details call: 094 11 3288553

Jaffna Prayer Tower 10A, Old Park Road, Jaffna, Sri Lanka. For details call: 094 21 3207411 / 094 21 2212737 Send your prayer request and testimonies to 24 x 7 – PRAYER HOTLINE –

094 11 2555400

Television Program Every Sunday from 8.15 pm to 8.45 pm on TNL channel. Radio Programs – PIRAI – on Saturday at 11.00 – 11.15 a.m. JAFFNA – On Tuesday at 8.30 to 9.00 a.m

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ur son Abraham was 2 months premature baby and had undergone 5-6 operations. Part of his intestines had been removed and many other complications took place. We went to Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, Australia seeking for prayers. The prayer intercessors prayed with burden for the baby. It is amazing that God did a miracle, very soon his health started to improve and he was transferred to the surgical children’s ward from the ICU ward. All glory to God. We believe Abraham has been saved by grace to do extraordinary things for the Glory of God. Prita & Sanjay, Australia If you want to experience such miracles in life, visit our Prayer Tower Our Address 66 Terminus Street, Liverpool, NSW – 2170, Sydney, Australia. Admin line: (02) 9602 3200 For prayers 24/7: 1300 728 378 (Free Call)

Television Program Watch Jesus Calls Prayer time in TBN TV channel Every Sunday Time: 5.30 pm (Australia Time) (repeat program on Thursday 3.30 pm) For more details visit You can send your prayer request and donations to PO Box 575, Liverpool, NSW - 2170, Sydney, Australia. Jesus Calls International TNovember 2014 11

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There is an enemy in this world who oppresses us

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When the people of Israel were oppressed by Pharaoh in Egypt, God, moved with compassion, chose the Prophet called Moses and said, “…I will send you to Pharaoh that you may bring My people, the children of Israel, out of Egypt

A father brought his son who was tormented by the devil since childhood to Jesus and cried out saying, ‘Teacher, I brought You my son, who has a mute spirit. And whenever it seizes him, it throws him down; he foams at

the mouth, gnashes his teeth, and becomes rigid. But if You can do anything, have compassion on us and help us’ (Luke 9:38, 39).

Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” Immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!” (Mark 9:23, 24).

- Late Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran

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That’s why seeing the oppression of the oppressor, the God of gods took the form of man and came down to this earth to comfort those who mourn (Isaiah 61:2) and to wipe away the tears (Isaiah 25:8). He was moved with compassion seeing the people who shed tears of sorrow. He wiped away their sorrow.

He oppresses the one who is the cause of tears

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The Holy Spirit is mighty and strong (Isaiah 28:2). He will change us into challengers of the devil. When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him (Isaiah 59:19). He will oppress the devil that oppresses us, through us.

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Once, a mother from North India had brought her daughter to meet me. The mother alone entered my room but the daughter stood outside. The mother said with tears, “Sir, someone has done witchcraft against my daughter. All the time she laments that snakes, millipedes and scorpions are running inside her head. I don’t know what to do. All the doctors in our place had given her treatments but they are baffled. Please pray for her healing.” When the daughter was called inside the room, she shut both her eyes tightly saying, “God’s presence is here. There is a big light. I am not able to come in…” With great difficulty she was brought in and the power of God came down on her. Unable to bear the strength and might of the Holy Spirit, she fell down and all the devils, the wicked enemies, ran away from her screaming. That very moment our dear Savior Jesus healed her.

Delivers from the oppression of sickness

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Several years ago, a person got married. His wife had epilepsy. The doctors who tested her said that she can not conceive a child. The husband’s heart was broken. Yet, according to the advice of his family members, he married another woman. The second wife gave birth to a sweet boy child. One day, when there was nobody around, the first wife jumped on the second wife’s chest and stamped her. She, who was weak and frail after the delivery could not do anything, but could only scream. Then the first wife stamped over the baby with all her strength. The child was crushed to death. On hearing the scream, the neighbours came running; but by then the second wife had also died. The police rushed and arrested her on the spot. When she was asked why she had committed such a cruel crime, she said, “I was seized by jealousy and rage whenever I saw my

This incomparable God loves humankind and created man in His image (Genesis 1:27). He created him with perfect knowledge (Colossians 3:10). He created him in true righteousness and holiness (Ephesians 4:24). Not only that, He also made him excel in nature, knowledge and righteousness.

Yes, our God was manifested in the flesh in order to wipe away the sorrows of those who mourn.

“…to console those who mourn in Zion, to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning…” (Isaiah 61:3)

Manifested to wipe away sorrow

husband petting the baby. So I killed both the child and the mother. Only now I am peaceful.”

Let us see how God delivers us from the hand of the oppressor and wipes away our tears

(Exodus 3:9,10). I will deliver them through you and take you to the land of milk and honey.” He did mighty miracles and wonders through Moses and thrilled the Israelites who were oppressed. They, who went to Egypt as seventy, multiplied as the stars of heaven (Deuteronomy 1:10; 10:22).

When Satan struck Job with painful boils from the sole of his foot to the crown of his

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this, the lawyers rushed to him, and asked why he wrote such a letter to the Judge, when they were trying hard to save his life. The man made an honest admission of his crime and said, “Sir, I shot dead the owner of a jewel shop, when he was sitting alone. He fell down unconscious and was profusely bleeding. When I came out, after robbing all the jewels, I heard him crying, “Somebody please help me…” When I turned back I saw him struggling to get up and walk but could not. He slipped over his own blood, which was flooding the floor. He kept on screaming, “Somebody help me…” But I hardened my heart and ran out. His scream has been echoing in my heart for the past ten years day and night and is tormenting me. I am not able to sleep or eat. I have absolutely no peace. Please help me die.”

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My dear friend, our dear Savior was manifested in the flesh for the sake of every one of us, without any discrimination, rich or poor, literate or illiterate. He loves each one of us. He will oppress the oppressor (the devil) and will deliver us; He will wipe away our sorrows; He will heal us of sickness; He will help us live joyfully. ◆

In the United States of America, a man who had been sentenced to death was in the prison for ten years. Many lawyers were pleading his case for ten years to somehow save his life. Finally, he wrote a letter to the Judge saying, “Judge, please hang me. It is enough that I waited for ten years…” On coming to know of

Man is oppressed when transgression and sin come in his life; when the punishment for sins comes upon him, he stumbles (Lamentations 3:39). He is tormented by restlessness. As a result he is oppressed by sickness in his body, problems and sufferings. His heart itself condemns him to be an offender (I John 3:20). He laments, “Oh, what should I do to remove my sins?”

Delivers from the oppression of sin

head, he cried out saying, “that it would please God to crush me, that He would loose His hand and cut me off!” (Job 6:9). Yes, sickness is terrible. Devil, the oppressor also strikes us with diseases (Jeremiah 21:12). That’s why the God of gods came down to wipe away the tears of the people who shed tears because of sickness.

Jesus Calls Prayer Tower … South Africa Testimony… On October 3rd 2014 my wife had to face an interview for job. We were anxious about the interview because if my wife gets this good job it would bring a great financial prosperity to our lives. Few hours after my wife left for the interview, I unexpectedly received a call from a prayer intercessor asking for prayer requests to pray. I mentioned about my wife’s interview and the prayer intercessor earnestly prayed for her. After some moments my wife called with joyous news that she has got the job. I thank the prayer –Vinoathan, South Africa intercessor and above all I give all glory to Jesus Christ.

Address of our Prayer Tower Faith Revival Church Premises, 34, Herencroft Drive, Longcroft, Phoenix, Za 4068. Office: +27 31 500 24 82/87 Admin email: Open from Monday to Friday (9 am - 4 pm). Jesus Calls International 14

Postal Address: P.O. BOX 61207, PHOENIX 4068, KWAZULU NATAL. For prayers call 24/7 PRAYER LINE 0-800-981-929

November 2014

“Take heed that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that in heaven their angels always see the face of My Father who is in heaven” - Jesus (Matthew 18:10).

Would you like to support us? New clothes for a child - US $ 10 or its equivalent New clothes for two children - US $ 20 or its equivalent New clothes for five children - US $ 50 or its equivalent New clothes for ten children - US $ 100 or its equivalent New clothes for more than ten children - US $ ….. or its equivalent You may directly give your donation for this noble cause at the nearest Jesus Calls Prayer Tower or you may send a Cheque drawn in favor of SEESHA to the below address: Jesus Calls International Inc. 8855 N Stemmons Freeway, Dallas, TX 75247 For more information mail us

Come let’s give life

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran Jesus Calls International TNovember 2014 15

I am from a very poor family. As both my parents are affected by leprosy, they are unable to go for work. They look after me and my brother by taking alms. In this situation it was difficult for them to provide us even one meal a day; it was very hard for them to fulfill our needs and desires. We have no relatives to help us also. At this juncture, the staff from the Seesha visited us, assessed our situation and gave beautiful new clothes for me and my younger brother. After that they helped us join the Seesha Free Tuition Centre. This help was totally unexpected by me and my parents. Thanks to God and the Seesha which has provided us with new clothes and education.

Special Message for the youth

– Samuel Paul Dhinakaran My friends, Jesus is so happy to be with us and I know that you will be happy to be with Him. It is important to feel and experience the faithfulness of Jesus and be established in Him. We must receive the Holy Spirit whom He has given to be with us.

No Compulsion While no one is going to force anyone by saying, “Hey, you need Jesus, I will not let you go until you accept Him” and hold him/her hostage to receive Jesus. My grandfather (Brother D.G.S.Dhinakaran) always used to say that Jesus never forces Himself upon anyone. He has the power to do so but God never forces Himself into anyone’s heart. The Scripture states in Matthew 7:7, “Ask and it will be given to you.” It is our responsibility to share Christ and it is the choice of the individual whether to receive Jesus or not (Revelation 3:20). Jesus comes into our hearts through love. What do children say when their parents tell them not to go out with their friends? Do they say, “Yes, mother, I will obey you and respect you, and I will never again go out with my friends?”No, never, we murmur, “Why is she commanding to me like this; she ruins my life by locking me up in this room!” I had a friend in college whose parents were really strict. Even though he was a boy, his parents would not let him go out with his friends. I have nothing against parents;I am talking about the thought life of young people. Even though our parents tell us things for our good, yet we are filled with anger and somehow want to reject what they are saying, and try to go out with our friends without their knowledge. Jesus Calls International 16

November 2014

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Jesus loves you

Say with all sincerity, “Jesus, come into my heart!” According to the Bible, whoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be accepted by Him.

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My friend, do you know how much love and forgiveness He desires to give as well as accept you unto Himself (Luke 15:20). He loves His children (John 3:16; Deut.33:3). What is the requirement for us to accept Jesus into our hearts? When are you called a child of God?

A heart that does what He says

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Thus far… T he Lord blessed the UTurn meetings held at Anna Nagar and Tambaram, Chennai on 14th and 21st September, 2014. Thank you for upholding the programs in your prayers; continue to do so. Upcoming…UTurn Meeting is scheduled at Trivandrum, Kerala on 20 th December, 2014. Sharon Dhinakaran will lead into a time of Praise & worship and also share God’s word.

“Whatever you say to the Lord no matter how I feel, I will do accordingly.”You just have to ask, “Jesus, come into my heart” if you want the Lord to do great things in your life. He will speak to you when you are filled with the Holy Spirit. Read your Bible everyday. Allow God to speak to you through His Word. Simply read the Bible and talk to Jesus. Prayer is communicating with Jesus. The Lord will do awesome things in your life as you begin to study the Bible and spend time in prayer. Welcome to the journey of faith! God bless you. ◆

Do uphold the meeting in your prayers and inform your friends back in India.



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repeatedly done wrong things.Every time I do something wrong and ask for forgiveness, He forgives my sins; but I go back to my sinful ways again. It seems I have been bound together with sin. The thought that I cannot come back to Jesus dominates me. Will He accept a person such as me? How do I approach Him with this weakness?”

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With a vision to build the inner self of the youth through the word of God Sam, Sharon and Sweety along with the UTurn team are conducting various programs across India.

Today, is one worthy enough to receive Jesus? Perhaps you are thinking, “I have done a lot of evil things even though my parents told me that it was not pleasing to Jesus. I have

Come to Jesus, and ask for deliverance.

What should one do in order to accept Him?

Everyone saw the dirt on the outside, but the Lord, who sees the heart, saw the troubles that they experienced and the unbearable sorrows that they had in their hearts. Jesus saw the sin due to the temptation brought by the devil, no peace due to that sin and the pain they were experiencing in their lives. Jesus saw the extent to which they were struggling with the devil as well as sickness brought on by him, but Jesus had compassion on them. His plan and purpose was and is to set hurting humanity free. He simply wants you to know, “My child, I am setting you free today.”

In the Bible, when Jesus saw someone who was in sin, pain, or misery, the first thing He did was lower himself to their level. Even though they were adults, He said,“Son/daughter,you are My child, how can I cast you away?” Notice, Jesus did not condemn the sinners but He had compassion on them and forgave their sin.

We should not approach people with the intention of forcing Jesus into them. Jesus comes into our hearts through love and not through compulsion.

Jesus does not like to force Himself into your heart in this manner.

Jesus Calls International 17

November 2014

PRAYER ANSWERED I was diagnosed with tumour in my kidneys, which according to the medical advices, had to be removed through a surgery. But my health and age were not favourable for an operation. With much anxiety I called Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and the prayer intercessors earnestly prayed for me. Later the doctors again requested to rescan my kidneys. Praise be to God. The growth had completely vanished without a trace. - Eugio

Do you need a similar miracle in life? Visit our prayer tower and be blessed. Prayer Line for European countries

WEEKLY HEALING SERVICE Jesus Calls London Prayer


+33 (0) 176758219

Tower is conducting

Germany: +49 (0)69222213191

weekly Healing service

Switzerland: +41 (0) 445807196

Every Sunday 6.30- 8.30 pm.


+46 (0) 856642605



+44 (0) 8000882370

Southall Church of God Hall, 9 Norwood Road, Southall, Middx UB2 4EA

You can also donate online through our secure website Jesus Calls International TNovember 2014 18

The Lord Jesus wipes away the tears of millions of people all over the world through the Jesus Calls Prayer Towers. By the immense grace of God, we are launching new Prayer Towers in many parts of India and across the globe. Currently there are 57 Prayer Towers in India and 12 Prayer Towers in other countries. Many more Prayer Towers have to be established in places where they do not exist to prepare the people for the second coming of Jesus. Extension works are going on in many of the existing Prayer Towers. We incur large expenses to establish these Prayer Towers. Pray earnestly that these needs should be met New Prayer Towers to be established in pipeline

Washington DC, USA, South Africa, Brazil, Egypt… For the construction of Prayer Towers in India at Bangalore, Trivandrum, Hyderabad, and Mumbai

Here is a testimony of a Partner blessed by giving... For the past 20 years we are residing in Sri Lanka. We were trying to purchase a own house for us but could not. Due to this we went through a lot of sufferings. In this situation we happened to watch the Jesus Calls TV program. In that program Dr. Paul Dhinakaran was giving an appeal for building the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, “Build God’s house...the Lord will build your house.” We were touched by these words. We started to contribute Rs.1, 000/- every month towards the Sri Lanka Prayer Tower. God did a miracle. Within few months, after all these years of long suffering, God blessed us with a beautiful house. Financial blessings started to pour from then onwards. All Glory to God! - Elizabeth, Sri Lanka.

You too can support us by gifting US 60$, 120$, 180$, 600$ or as prompted by the Lord Come forward to sow your seed for this. You may send a Cheque drawn in favor of “JESUS CALLS” and send it to the address below: Jesus Calls International Inc. 8855 N Stemmons Freeway, Dallas, TX 75247 For more information visit our website “…For My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.” Isaiah 56:7

“Build God’s house...the Lord will build your house.” Jesus Calls International TNovember 2014 19

Ms. Apurupa (2010–2014 B.Tech.), Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, School of Electrical Sciences


thank and praise God for making me a testimony. I am from Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh. I am a young partner in Jesus Calls. All these years in Karunya were truly a

blessing for me. Surely the journey was not easy but God was always there with me, helping me to face every challenge. There were times I fell but God picked me up and helped me to stand for His Glory. Every morning assembly, every Sunday service helped me to grow spiritually. God helped me in my academics as well. I have been placed in two companies Infosys I just want to encourage each one of you to such as M/s. Accenture and M/s. Infosys. have faith in Him and let Him take control of your life. “Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous fall” Psalm 55:22 True to its motto, ‘Arise and Shine’, Karunya University has been the driving force and a place of inculcating academic brilliance and the values imbibed in the student complements it all, making the students stand out tall and strong in today’s fast paced competitive world. Karunya University has raised up intellectuals and leaders par excellence, who will as per the vision, go ahead in addressing problems in socially relevant areas through teaching and research that would go a long way in helping a deteriorated and a suffering humanity. For more details on admission, course details visit Jesus Calls International TNovember 2014 20

New Zealand Prayer Tower

My son Jonathan was diagnosed of pneumonia and was unable to take any oral medication and was reluctant to take any food as well. His oxygen saturation levels were low. The doctors were doing all the tests and had changed to a couple of different drugs to see if his health condition could make any improvement. I called the Jesus Calls prayer tower in Auckland and the prayer intercessors prayed over the phone for my son. The very next day my son started responding to the medication and started drinking and eating small amounts; our joy knew no bounds. The following day he was discharged from the hospital. He is now enjoying good health by the grace of God. I thank the prayer intercessors at Jesus Calls for their prayers and give all glory to our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen - Bernadette, Auckland

If you have a need and there seem to be no answers, you can drop in at the Prayer Tower; trained prayer warriors are available to minister to you and pray for your needs and intercede daily to our Heavenly Father.

Prayer Line (24 x 7): 0800 53 78 72 (0800JESUSC) Special Upcoming Meetings:

Physical address: 1/80 Carr Road, Mt Roskill, Auckland, New Zealand  Marriage Seminar – Saturday 8 November 2014, 2.00 – 5.00 pm. (For married couples only) Postal address: P O Box 27736,  Worship & Testimony Night: Tuesday 25th Mt Roskill 1440, Auckland, NZ November 2014, 7.00 pm; thanksgiving meeting Landline: (09) 620 7160 to mark the second anniversary of the existence Email: of Jesus Calls NZ Prayer Tower. Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm  Carols Night: Tuesday 23rd December 2014, To make a Donation: 7.00 pm Name: Jesus Calls NZ Trust ANZ Bank For more details visit our website: Account Number: 06-0241-0259945-01 th

Jesus Calls International * November 2014 21

“I will go before you and make the crooked places straight…” (Isaiah 45:2) My precious friend, the Lord has chosen you for Jesus Calls ministry with the purpose of blessing millions of people. In 1962, the Lord spoke to my father face to face. He filled him with His love and compassion. He said, “When you hear the misery of the people and when they share their problems with you, your heart will melt. Love and compassion will flow from your heart. When you cry out for them, seeing your tears, I, Jesus will wipe away their tears. For this purpose I have anointed you today.” Yes, truly the Lord loves the people. He loves those who are filled with His love and who love Him. Dear one, you too love the people, being filled with the love of Christ. To wipe away the tears of the millions, you too have joined Jesus and the Jesus Calls ministry as a partner. You have been called and chosen to bring blessing and healing from the Lord for others.

How is the Lord going to bless you this month? The Lord showed me the verses in Exodus 23:20-27. The Lord is going to bless you according to these Scriptures.

Message of Blessing – Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

Jesus Calls International 22

November 2014

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“The Lord God is my strength; He will make my feet like deer's feet, and He will make me walk on my high hills” (Habakkuk 3:19). As the Bible thus says, the Lord is going to elevate you in a special way from this month. You will jump like deer and go up to the high hills, the high place that the Lord has prepared for you.

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Several years ago, while narrating his first experience of travelling by Jumbo Jet my father’s comments were as follows: “When the Jumbo Jet landed at the airport, a small vehicle went before it. The words ‘Follow me’ were written on it. The double decker big Jumbo jet followed it slowly. This small vehicle brought the Jet to the place where it had to be stationed”.

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Like that small vehicle, we too are like a mosquito before the Lord. Our Lord, who is greater than the Jumbo goes before us, the small ones and takes us to the place that He has prepared for us. What a privilege!

I will cut off the enemies

“For My Angel will go before you and bring you in to the Amorites and the Hittites and the Perizzites and the Canaanites and the Hivites and the Jebusites; and I will cut them off.” (Exodus 23:23)

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If we want to receive this blessing, we should heed His voice and be careful to walk in His ways. He is your Shepherd. He will go before you. In John 10:11, Jesus said, “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep.” Heed the voice of Jesus every day and obey Him. The Scriptures given to us are His Words. Read the Bible every day. You will hear the voice of the Lord. When you follow that He will go before you. When you read the Bible, hear His voice and follow Him, two things shall happen in your life.

Secondly, the Angel of God will come with you till you reach the place which the Lord has prepared for you. He has prepared a place for you not only in heaven but also in this world. A particular version of the Bible says, “He will elevate you to the place which He has prepared for you.” That’s why He makes your feet like deer’s feet and makes you walk on high hills.

"…I will bring you into the place which I have prepared.” (Exodus 23:20)

I have prepared a place for you

Dear one, in this world that is full of wicked people and evil power, the Lord will go before you and protect you and everything that belongs to you. You need not fear. You need not fear thinking, “Will I fall into sin? Will my family fall into sin? Will I lose my job? Will I become weak and die?” The Angel of God will go before you and take care of everything. He will keep you.

According to these Scriptures, first of all, God sends an Angel to go before you. The Angels of the little ones, who have committed themselves to God, always see the face of the Father in heaven. So, when you give your life to Jesus, and accept Him as your Father, you become a little child in His sight and become a partaker of heaven. The Angel of God mentioned in this passage is ‘Jesus Christ’. He says, “I will go before you; and make the crooked places straight…” (Isaiah 45:2).

“Take heed that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that in heaven their angels always see the face of My Father who is in heaven.” (Matthew 18:10)

“Behold, I send an Angel before you to keep you in the way and to bring you into the place which I have prepared.”

First of all, in Exodus 23:20, the Lord says,

I will send an Angel before you

Jesus Calls International 23

November 2014

to the high places.

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ings. He will bless the labor of your hands. You shall prosper. You will be elevated by the Lord,

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This month, the Lord has kept these blessings for you. Receive and enjoy.

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The Lord will bless your job, your family life, your bread, water, finance, and your family

"So you shall serve the Lord your God, and He will bless your bread and your water. And I will take sickness away from the midst of you.” (Exodus 23:25)

b. Will take away sickness from you

Yes, my friend, when you follow the word of God every day, all the enemies before you will flee. The enemies called sin, deceit, wicked people, devil, folly, sickness and curses may be before you. All these enemies before you will run away. Jesus alone will be before you. He will keep you.

"I will send My fear before you, I will cause confusion among all the people to whom you come, and will make all your enemies turn their backs to you. And I will send hornets before you…” (Exodus 23:27, 28)

relationship. He will keep you away from all sickness. Nothing shall take away your bless-

a. Will Make your enemies turn their backs

Prayer: Father, Help me receive now all the blessings that You have promised me through Your servant. Give me the grace to open my heart and accept You as my personal Savior. Give me the grace to read the Bible every day. Let me hear Your voice every day. Let all these blessings follow me, all through this month. Deliver me from all my weaknesses, pains, agony, sickness and misery. Give me Your divine protection. Let the Angels of God keep me wherever I go. Let this month be a month of blessing to me. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.” ◆

From Fiji Prayer Tower… Testimony

PRAISE THE LORD. Recently, I suffered from a terrible sickness which led me into tremendous pain resulting in bleeding and swelling in the lips. I was bed ridden for more than a period of two weeks having great difficulty in eating and even drinking. I had a feeling that I was under the clutches of devil. At this juncture I was directed to visit Jesus Calls prayer tower, Fiji. The prayer intercessors earnestly prayed for me from the depth of their heart. The lord touched me the very moment and healed me completely. All glory to the Lord Jesus and I thank the prayer intercessors at Fiji prayer tower. – Shavneel,Fiji

Address of Fiji Prayer Tower 178 Ratu Mara road, Samabula, Suva, Fiji For prayers call (24x7) + 679 3632925 or mail us at Jesus Calls International 24

November 2014

Refreshed in spirit

I had been struggling with a lot of issues and was looking for answers to it. I came to know about

Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and started visiting regularly. With the help of all the ministers in the Prayer

Tower I got more encouragement and understanding over things that I was facing. I got more zeal to

trust God and surrender all things at His feet and felt a strong desire to have the anointing of Lord. In the midst of all my troubles that I was going through, I felt peace at the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower at the time of worship and found strength and peace with the Lord. I attended the 3 days conference of

Dr. Paul, Evangeline and Samuel Paul held in July, 2014. I was filled with the Holy Spirit and received the Gift of tongues. Today I enjoy speaking in tongues and my family is amazed by it. I have boldness in spirit now. I seek God’s wisdom in all things. I was looking for a job for a very long time and the Lord has now blessed me with a job. I give all thanks and glory to our Lord.

- Jisha

Family Blessing Meeting (English)

Family Blessing Meeting (Tamil)

1st and 3rd Saturday of every month

2nd and 4th Saturday of every month

Time: 6.00 pm

Time : 6.00 pm

Come and be blessed

Invite your friends too, to experience a marvellous transformation in life. 70 A, Race Course Road, Singapore 218572 (near Little India MRT) Fax: +65-63830629

For Prayers call: +65-63830160

For further details visit our website or mail us Jesus Calls International * November 2014 25

Healed of Arthritis Mary Manonmani of Coimbatore testifies God’s Power


am working as a teacher in a School for the Blind. In the year 2009, one day, as I was getting ready to go to the school, suddenly I had giddiness and severe pain in my legs and hands and could not fold my fingers. I took pain killers to subside the pain. But it was of no use. Sometimes I even contemplated of leaving my job. Since it is the only source of income to run the family I could not leave it. I could very well feel that my health was deteriorating hence I went for a medical test. It was then I was diagnosed with arthritis. I began to undergo treatment for this. At this miserable state, as a family we were watching Dr. Paul Dhinakaran’s TV Program. It was a recorded message of Jesus Calls crusade. In that program, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran after the message started praying for the crowd saying, “I tell what the Lord tells me. Arthritis pain is vanishing; those of you, who are unable to walk, because of knee pain, get up and try to walk. Bent legs are getting straightened now; God is giving you new legs and is healing you”. After this, a sister who was unable to walk because of Arthritis for ten years, got up and walked to the stage. She walked perfectly and shared her testimony. My faith was kindled by this miracle The Lord strengthened me and miraculously gave me complete deliverance from Arthritis. I stopped taking all the medicines. It is four years since I’m healed. There is absolutely no symptom of this disease in my body. Millions of praises to the Lord who healed me. I also thank Dr.Paul Dhinakaran and his family who are praying for the deliverance of thousands of people like me. Our precious friend, we thank God for the wonderful opportunity He has given us to preach His word, not only preach but also to pray and bring His love to millions of people through the TV programs. We invite you to be a part of this mission, to reach the unreached across the globe through the commercial channel network. We want you to be a blessing for others and thus be blessed.

Sponsor a TV Program. Your gift of US $ 1000 (or its equivalent) towards a TV program will bring blessings to millions of viewers across the globe. For more details visit US: Canada: Australia: UK: Singapore: New Zealand: Malaysia: Israel: Jesus Calls International TNovember 2014 26


oving Lord, the whole world is under the sway of the wicked one; there is no truth in the land; today, the faithful disappear from among the sons of men. It is rare to find a faithful man. However, You, who are the Creator, have promised and have called me, are faithful. You keep truth forever. So, help me, who has been called and separated by You to be faithful in the job You have given me, in the ministry, in the family and for You as long as I am in this world, just as how You are truthful. O, God, You desire truth in the inward parts; You repay every man for his righteousness and his faithfulness; so help me to be blameless before You, to increase the talents You have given me for the glory of Your name, and to do whatever my hand finds to do with all my might and thus be honoured. Lord, You judge the people; judge me according to my righteousness and my integrity. Devout Hezekiah, who walked before You in truth and with a loyal heart, cried out to You bitterly when struck with a terrible disease and was confirmed of death and You extended his life span. Likewise, help me to walk in Your statutes, keep Your judgments faithfully and walk before You in truth with a loyal heart and declare Your works. Lord, You delight in those who are truthful in the spirit, who walk in truth and speak the truth. Since Daniel, Your servant, purposed in his heart, was faithful in seeking You in spirit and truth and in doing the work entrusted to his hands by the king and since he sought the glory of the One, who sent him, no fault or error could be found in him. He reached the highest position in the nation. He prospered in the reign. Prophet Moses indeed was

faithful in all God’s house as a servant, had the privilege of talking to You face to face and to lead the millions of people. Help me to please You by being a faithful messenger, and to do whatever I do heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, and reach a great position in life. O, God, Your eyes run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him. You see me and my work! From today help me to be faithful until death, in my family, in the ministry, in the job and in money matters and receive the crown of life from You with the good testimony, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’ “A faithful man will abound with blessings” – According to this promise, help me to be truthful and faithful in everything and to do my work accordingly and receive perfect blessings. God, help me to be faithful like You, to do that which delights You, do faithfully what You ask me to do and come up in life. Millions of praises to You for lifting me up. In Jesus’ name I pray – Amen. (Based on the Scriptures: I John 5:19; Hosea 4:1; Psalm 12:1, 51:6, Proverbs 20:6, I Peter 4:19; Hebrews 10:23; I Corinthians 1:9; 10:13; I Thessalonians 5:24; II Thessalonians 3:3; Psalm 146:6; I Samuel 26:23; Psalm 18:23; Proverbs 12:22; Ecclesiastes 9:10; Psalm 7:8; II Kings 20:3; Isaiah 38:3; Ezekiel 18:9; Proverbs 11:13; Psalm 118:17; John 4:23,24; Zechariah 8:16; Daniel 6:4,10,28; John 7:18; Hebrews 3:3,5; Proverbs 25:13; Colossians 3:24; II Chronicles 16:9; Revelation 2:10; Matthew 25:21,23; Luke 19:17; Proverbs 28:20).

Jesus Calls International TNovember 2014 27

Dallas Prayer Tower - 8855 N Stemmons Fwy, Dallas, TX - 972-499-4995

Serving the broken hearted Our Dallas Prayer Tower is here to bring spiritual HOPE & HEALING to those in need. Our

representatives, passionate about people stay convicted with the Lord 24 hours and 7 days a week and want to see them healed by the love of Jesus Christ.

You can also help us wipe away the tears of millions through your generous support to Dallas Prayer

Tower and become a Hope and Healing Partner. All we ask for is a simple monthly gift of $31. As our partner you receive a beautiful golden wall plaque engraved with your name, family names, business

name, or ministry, the plaque will be displayed on our HOPE & HEALING wall at the Dallas Prayer Tower.

As you wipe away the tears of others, Jesus will wipe away yours.

Jesus Calls International * November 2014 28

Dallas Prayer Tower Miraculous Report ... I was hit by a speeding truck on the road and was rushed to the hospital immediately, where the

doctors said that I wouldn`t survive. It was at this time, my parents called the Dallas Prayer Tower and a prayer intercessor prayed with burden and assured them that my life would be saved. The very next day there was a marvelous improvement in my condition. Very soon I recovered from all my injuries and now I am completely healed. I give all glory to God for restoring my life.

- Susan

For quite sometime I was suffering from a tingling kind of pain on my left leg from my knee down to the sole of my foot. Inspite of this intense pain, I attended the Friday

Blessing Service at the Dallas Prayer Tower on August 8, 2014. That day Samuel Paul Dhinakaran was leading the Praise and Worship. During the worship he was singing the song, “I am the Lord that healeth thee…” As I joined in the worship and was

praising God, all of a sudden I could no longer feel the pain in my left leg. When I left

for home that evening I did not have any pain. Till now I don’t have the pain at all. I give all glory to God our Healer. - Rexy Mathew

For prayer help call our

Toll free number 1-855(557-8722)

For more information visit our website Follow us at Jesus Calls International * November 2014 29



Israel and the Nations

“I will bring them to My holy mountain and make them joyful in My house of prayer. For My house will be called a house of prayer for all the peoples.” – Isaiah 56:7 The Israel Prayer Tower is a House of Prayer, open 24/7, for the local body of believers in Israel and the Nations to seek the Lord and experience His presence through prayer & worship. Located on the 20th floor in downtown Jerusalem, the spectacular panoramic view of the Mt. of Olives, the Old city, the Temple Mt. and the modern city of Jerusalem, captivate the visitors and inspire them to pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122), the Governments of the world, global revival and for the second coming of Jesus.

Testimony I was suffering from mental health issues and many other fears. I was living a secular life without knowing the love of Christ until I met some friends who introduced me to the ‘Jesus Calls’ Ministries. I was touched by their services and in particular how they pray with burden for others. I called up Jesus Calls Israel Prayer Tower and came to know more about the love of God and received Jesus into my heart. Now I am free from all the health problems and all my fears have gone. He has given me a sound mind. Hallelujah! Praise be to God! Kimble

Blessing Meeting

Dr.Paul Dhinakaran & Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran with the Holy Land Tour group at Israel Prayer Tower

Every Wednesday/Saturday Time: 8:00 p.m. Venue: Israel Prayer Tower, 20th floor, Migdal Ha’ir City Tower, 34, Ben Yehuda, Jerusalem

Come and be blessed!

A Korean group, having a time of worship at Israel Prayer Tower

For more information visit or write to us at Jesus Calls International * November 2014 30

DVD In this revealing exclusive interview Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran with the power of the Holy Spirit recollects all his ministerial experiences he had for the past five decades right from his childhood to salvation and how the Lord visited him personally when he sought for Him diligently for seven full years. Then he goes on to unveil his supernatural experiences he encountered with the deity and reveals indescribable deeper truths about the God, Heaven, Angels, the fall of Lucifer, hell and evil spirits.

Order now and receive your blessing —— US $5 (inclusive of postal charges US $ 7) You can also place your orders through our website US:





New Zealand:

Malaysia: Jesus JesusCalls CallsInternational InternationalTNovember September 2014 2014 31

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