2016 JFHP Winter Newsletter

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Light of

Christmas has Come

John 1:4-13

2016 Winter Newsletter




Faces of the Film Reaching the Lost at Home and Abroad When Pastor Curt Lunsford preaches to his congregation of 81 people, he is staring at hundreds of faces. New Life Community Church of the Nazarene in Tucson, Arizona is aiming to completely cover the back wall of their sanctuary with pictures of faces, representing as many potential decisions for Christ as possible. Lunsford received inspiration to do this fundraiser after JESUS Film Harvest Partners ( JFHP) Executive Director Brian Helstrom spoke at the Arizona District Assembly. “He shared how every $3 given to JFHP leads to a potential decision for Jesus Christ. Where else are you going to have that kind of return on investment?” Lunsford said. “Every

“It’s tangible—what I think is so inspiring to the people is connecting the gift to a person. You feel as though this is making a real difference. Because most of these faces don’t look anything like them, it’s connecting them to people around the world,” Lunsford said. It’s not just adults getting excited to see more faces on the wall. During Vacation Bible School week, the children were challenged to bring their money. Most of these children are in foster care, so they have very little to give. Even though many are displaced, they raised enough for 28 faces ($84). At the end of the service, the kids who gave helped staple the new faces on the wall. The church used children’s faces so the children could see they made it possible for a child like them to accept Jesus. time

I look at the back wall, New Life Community is a small church in an Seeing Faces, Meeting Needs Lunsford wanted to give his congregation economically struggling area. Many small I am stunned a unique way to visualize the impact they churches often worry that giving to missions will by what God is doing, ” could make with this small investment across take away from tithes, but Lunsford reports that Pastor Lunsford the world. On average, they raise enough to isn’t the case. add between 20-30 faces every week. Each week, Lunsford goes to Google and searches “The good news is [this missions emphasis] hasn’t faces of Argentina, Nepal, and other places the negatively impacted our tithes and offerings. Our overall JESUS Film has been shown, and prints off a diverse selection giving is up during the time we’ve been doing this,” Lunsford said. of 5x7 portraits for the wall. Lunsford often reads testimonies to his congregation from the weekly JFHP Prayer & Praise Continued e-newsletter as a reminder of what each $3 can accomplish on Page 2 —transformation of hearts and lives.


Continued from Page 1 The faces on the back wall have changed how the church views missions both abroad and at home. Lunsford described how members and visitors alike can’t help but stop and stare at the faces.

Challenge to Others New Life Community has used their walls to begin to think outside them. Lunsford hopes others can realize they can make an eternal difference, no matter their circumstances.

“Every time I look at the back wall, I am stunned by what God is doing,” Lunsford said.

“If our small, fairly impoverished church can do this, what can other churches do? That’s my challenge to other churches—to think outside their walls,” Lunsford said.

Reaching Refugee Neighbors The congregation’s excitement inspired Lunsford to reach out to the local schools and encourage staff and teachers. In meeting with them, he found there are up to 23 different languages spoken in the schools because their neighborhood has become an official refugee resettlement location. He brought this news to his congregation and they discussed the opportunities.

Just three months into the fundraiser, there are 776 faces on the back wall. This equals $2,328 towards possible decisions for Christ. Lunsford isn’t letting the idea of running out of space concern him. He told his congregation he wouldn’t let filling up the back wall limit them.

Lunsford laughed as he said, “Some of them New Life Community Church of the Nazarene in Tucson, “I’ve been asking our people now, isn’t it AZ is raising funds to cover the back wall of their sanctuary have taken it as a challenge—they want to see if with faces, representing those who potentially will make somewhat hypocritical to say we’re willing they can cover more walls.” decisions for Christ. to reach around the world to bring God’s salvation to people when we’re not willing to walk across the street Every person who makes a decision for Christ has a and share Jesus with the refugees who are here?” Lunsford said. name and a face. Historically, for every $3 you give, “The world is not just out there, it’s come to us.” one more person’s life is transformed. New Life Community members have begun to discuss ways to minister to the refugees in their community. They hope to host several screenings of How many decisions would you like to sponsor? 10 for $30, the JESUS Film in all the different languages spoken in the area. Tucson 100 for $300, 1,000 for $3,000, or whatever quantity God Refugee Ministry recently hosted an information night and nine New Life leads. Please respond by going to JFHP.org/BringLight, Community members attended. Lunsford gives credit to their inspiration or by calling 913-663-5700. and involvement in the JESUS Film fundraiser. “God is changing hearts and lives—He’s helping people realize they can make a difference,” Lunsford said.

To read more success stories and get inspiration for your own JFHP fundraising event, visit JFHP.org/DIY

Bringing Light to the Ends of the Earth John is a JESUS Film missionary serving in an African country with a backpack filled with hope. Come on a journey to understand what “peace will come” means in a war-torn and broken world. “The JESUS Film is very effective in a very small backpack because it is easy to transport, doesn’t need fuel, and is very light—one person go on their own. Last year, we had a team go out with the JESUS Film and visit many camps. Even though we are in a vast area, it was very simple for them to use. The equipment set makes getting the gospel out very effective.”


Read Peace Will Come This is just one example of how John is able to share the gospel in refugee camps because of your support. To read his miraculous testimony told in a graphic novel style and to see other giving opportunities, visit JFHP.org/PeaceWillCome.

John 1:4-5 — In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind.

Seeing the World from your Living Room a harvest partner tribute

Mary McCaslin Horst saw the world from her living room. God gave her a vision of His Kingdom that was much broader and bigger than some world travelers could imagine. She believed in Jesus for 90 of her 96 years on this Earth! “She had a long wonderful life. Serving the Lord was always such a big part of her and my father’s life,” her daughter, Virginia Childress, said.

Christ. It amazed them to see so many people saved. She felt she was putting her money in a good organization,” Childress explained. For decades, Mary prayed every day that people would see the film and find Jesus. She also prayed for her four children, their spouses, her nine grandchildren, their spouses, and her 16 great-grandchildren by name every day. She was a prayer warrior.

Childress learned from her mother the value of sharing the legacy from generation to generation.

“She taught us it’s very important that we give to others, because there are people who won’t hear about Jesus unless we do something,” Childress said.

When Mary and her first husband H. Glen McCaslin first heard of JFHP, they knew it was a ministry they wanted to give to. “They were impressed with what the money did and how far it went to win people for

Virginia Childress

But she wanted to make sure we tithed the money left to the JESUS Film.”

Mary’s faith was deeply rooted in the Great Commission. Growing up, Childress saw from her mother’s example how to give back to those around the world, even without leaving home.

Mary was also a faithful Harvest Partner. Childress said her mother always had an interest and a burden for JESUS Film Harvest Partners ( JFHP). She added, “It was just her thing—her calling,”

She taught... there are people who won’t hear about Jesus unless we do something.

She said, “The example parents set carries down through the generations. Her example affected the whole family and bound us together. We’ve got to stick together and challenge ourselves to keep that going.” Mary McCaslin Horst, center, on her 95th birthday with her four children. From left to right: Janet Hostetler, Tom McCaslin, Jim McCaslin, Virginia Childress

Her children recently gave a generous gift to JESUS Film Harvest Partners as a tithe of her estate.

Mary lived a humble life in faithful service to the Lord. Be encouraged as you purposefully consider your legacy. To find out how you can leave a lasting legacy, contact Patty Montague at 913-663-5700 or pmontague@JFHP.org.

Childress explained, “We always told her, “spend it, mother, spend it. When you get to the end, go out with a dollar or two left.”

Darkness has not Overcome: Death and New Life in Peru This JESUS Film Team Report from Peru shows how one decision for Christ can create a ripple effect, and ultimately how, “God works all things for the good of those who love Him” (Romans 8:28 NIV ) “Eugenia died from childbirth complications just three weeks after giving birth to her third child, Luana. Her little baby was also very ill, but thanks to God, she left the hospital and will be in the care of her father and grandmother. Eugenia made a decision for Christ after seeing the JESUS Film. We believe she now rests in the arms of the Lord Jesus Christ. Our team has continued ministering to Eugenia’s family. Her husband, David, made a decision for Christ during her wake and funeral services! We thank God because we were able to share the JESUS Film in time with this young mother.”

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. (NIV)


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