The Real Me 4th eso students

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The Real Me 4th ESO students 2016-2017 IES Historiador Chabàs Teachers: Jesús Cerdà, Julia Gozálvez & Bea Jimeno

Dedicatòria A totes les alumnes i a tots els alumnes de 4t d’ESO Gràcies per compartir els vostres textos i les imatges en aquesta activitat e-PEL (+14) Al professorat implicat, Bea Jimeno, Julia Gozálvez i Jesús Cerdà


THE REAL ME 1) Aprendre vocabulari per poder descriure la personalitat dels individus. Learn vocabulary in order to describe people’s personalities.

Objectius Objectives

2)Descriure persones. Describe people. 
 3) Memoritzar vocabulari per indicar possibilitat. Memorize vocabulary to indicate possibility. 4) Aprendre a utilitzar adjectius acabats en -ed/-ing per descriure sentiments i impressions. Aprendre’n el significat i utilitzar correctament els pronoms relatius who, which i where. Learn the use of adjectives ending in -ed and -ing to describe feelings and impressions. Learn the meaning and correct use of relative pronouns who, which and where. 5) Utilitzar el present continu. Use the present continuous. 6) Comparar el present simple i el present continu. Compare simple present and present continuous. 7) Estudiar diferents formes de fer una descripció. Study different ways of writing a description. 8) Fer una descripció personal. Write a personal description. 9) Identificar persones a partir de la seva descripció. Identify people through their personal descriptions.


The Real Me Text and Pictures from 4th ESO Students.

THE REAL ME Activitat e-PEL (+14)



Arbeláez Kelly

My full name is Kelly Ainara Arbeláez Sánchez, I’m 15 years old and I’m from Dénia (Alicante). I don’t have a lot of hobbies but there’s one that I share with my dad and is going to the cinema. When he’s at home we always go together. One of the things I like the most is listening to music, as I like listening salsa. I also like listening to rock (Spanish or English, I like both). Dancing, photography and speed skate are hobbies which I love, too. My entire family are from Colombia so I have Colombian culture pretty inside of me thanks to my parents (that is something that I really appreciate). The past two years I lived there for the third time and sometimes I really miss being there. ‘Family and God first’ is a sentence that it’s said repeatedly in my family. By the way, I believe in God, yes, but I’m not the type of person who goes to church every Sunday. About my personality I tend to be shy and quiet, but with my friends I’m the opposite, I’m so chatty and laugh for everything, I’m the type of person that if something bothers me I have to say it. You can see in my face when I don’t like a thing. And I know that being like that sometimes is not good, but sorry not sorry, that’s the way I am.



Baidal Ruth

My name is Ruth Baidal Llobell. I was born on 14-07-2000. I’m 16 years old. I have two sisters, they’re called Sara and Carla. I like playing football so much. I’ve played football my whole life. I like music, too. I can play the guitar, the flemish box and drums. I had to leave drum lessons because of tendinitis in my arm. In my free time I like to speak with my parents or go running with my friends. I’m a girl who doesn’t give importance to physical appearance. I find it hard to study because I can’t concentrate and sometimes I relax to easy and switch off from the topic. Because of this I repeated 3rd of ESO. Now I’m in 4th oh ESO. Next year I’m going to go to TCAF (Physical Education).



Ballester VĂ­ctor


My name is Victor and I'm fifteen. I was born in DĂŠnia on March 15th, 2001. I live in La Xara with my mum, my dad, my sister and my dog. I study 4th of ESO (Scientific branch) at IES Historiador ChabĂ s. I'm tall and thin. I have short brown hair and dark brown eyes. I like listening to electronic music, skating at the skateboard park and going out with my friends. I love everything related to technology. In fact, I would like to study computer engineering. I don't practise any sport but I would like to practise basketball. At the weekends, I like going out with my friends, going to the cinema, sleeping late in the mornings and playing with my dog.


Benavent Angela

My name is Àngela, but everybody calls me Angie. I’m 15 years old. I’m from Spain, and I live in Dénia. My father is Ángel, my mother Joana and my little sister’s name is Anna. I think my personality has got two parts. One part shows a polite person who listens to her parents, a good student and a happy person. The real me is a funny person who likes meeting her friends and having a great time. Sometimes I’m vert crazy. I care a lot about the ones who are important to me and I like doing things the right way even though it may be harder sometimes. I find darkness very frightening! I don’t know why! Things I love are nature and animals. I have always played basketball! I love it, because I spend a lot of time time training with my friends. Before playing a match I feel so nervous but when I’m playing the nerves disappear. I really love my two pets: my dog, Rudolph, and my cat, Coco. I sometimes feel insecure but one thing I love about me are my big eyes.



Benítez Rosalia


I was born in Jerez de la Frontera in Cádiz, on 27th September of 2001. I lived in Cádiz until I was 4 years. Then I came to Dénia to meet my mother's family. When I was 7 years old, I moved to la Xara and changed school. When my parents were working I was with my grandparents in the “countryside”. I had a lot of cats and my favourite was “Canela” which died some time ago. Since I was little, I have watched TV soap operas with my grandmother and my aunt. I liked drawing, and I went to an academy to learn how to paint in oil. I went to “tabalet” clases, too. When I was in 1st of ESO I played football with the Dénia's Team, but I don’t play any more. I am in 4th of ESO now and the moment I'm learning to drive a moped. Oh, and I also have a cat whose name is “Zamimaru”! I love it!


Benlloch Alfonso


Hi!!! My name is Alfonso I´m 16 year old I´m an extrovert person I live in Denia. I like Rugby, I play video games, My favourite class is Computer Science, My favourite food is pizza and noodles. In my free time I read books and watch TV, I love heavy metal songs, I usually make friends easily I’m a very distracted boy. I like staying at home and I like going out with my friends.


Bertarelli Giorgia

My name is Giorgia and I’m 15 years old. I consider myself a really shy, insecure, person, but maybe this part of me has changed and improved with the time travelling.
 Travelling and living in different countries has changed my life. It has made me more mature and has given me the opportunity to see many points of view, to make a lot of friends, and to learn different languages which is the part of me I like the most. I love being able to help people, to give advices to others when they need them, to smile and treat people as I would like them to treat me. I’m not patient at all. If I can’t do something or something goes wrong, I get really mad and sad, because I have no patience. I don’t like people who judge others for their physical appearance, or people who just judge others in general! People sometimes judge me too fast. Maybe their first impression is that I’m not a gentle person because I don’t talk a lot, but if you get to know me well, I can be really polite, kind and sweet! All in all I’m a mature, kind and impatient person, with a lot of insecurities, but I love myself as I am!



Betka Nacer


Hi my name is Nacer. I live in DĂŠnia and I have got 2 dogs: Pachi and Mia. I am 16 years old. I was born on 3rd October, 2000 in DĂŠnia. My favourite food is "rice in the oven" and pasta. I like playing "playstation 4" and playing football. My colour is blue because I like it. I study at IES ChabĂ s. I like listening to pop music when I'm feeling energetic. I'm an extroverted and very funny person with my friends but I am a bit shy with strangers. I live with my mother, father and my 2 dogs. My favourite actor is Vin diesel because of his films "Fast and Furious".


Bianco MartĂ­n


Hi! I'm Martin Bianco, I am 15 years old and I love videogames. I'm not a "social guy", I prefer staying at home and play new and old videogames. My favorite things are the sperheroes, using pc and make videos for Youtube. I think I'm the perfect exemple of a "Nerd". Normally I can't make friends easily because I can't found people who like the things I do. The "normal people" (who got a lot of friends, go to parties, etc..), 90% aren't trying to be my friends, but someone is trying to be, but they don't like the same things I do, then I don't like staying with them. My best ability is computing and, obviously, play videogames.

10 Collado Marina

My name is Marina and my surnames are Collado SĂĄenz de Jubera. I'm fifteen years old. I was born on 25th July, 2001 in DĂŠnia. I have got long and dark hair, and I have dark eyes, too. My weigh is 53 kilograms and I'm 1,64 height. I have two sides of my personality. On the one hand, there is a first side which shows me as an sports girl and a bit nervous; on the other hand, there is my calm side. When I was six years old, I won my first race and I got a gold medal. When I was twelve years old, I took an interest on volleyball and then I joined a volleyball club. As of today , I have got 51 medals and 23 trophies. I have also competed at the Federation of Valencian Community of Athletics and this year I'm going to compete with the Volleyball Federation of Alicante. I have only one hobby which is sport (I love it!). My other side is quieter than my first side. I'm a very shy person when I don't know other people, but when I know them, I'm not shy anymore. When I'm with my friends, I'm beaming, happy, likeable, funny... (I'm a person who transmits security).



Corts Alba


My name is Alba Corts and I'm 14 years old, but I'm going to be 15 years on 30th of October. My favourite sport is swimming, but when I was 4 years I hated it. My favourite subject is Biology and I love dogs. In my free time I like staying with my family and speaking with them or watching films. At the weekend I like meeting friends and visiting my grandmother. About my personality I can say I'm fun and open and I speak a lot. But all of this is when I'm with my family and friends. When I'm with other people I'm very shy, serious and quiet. Some people think the first impresion is very important, but I don't think so. I think people are all different and all have different personalities. I like to know people everywhere.

12 Cubells Gastón


My name is Gastón Grabriel Cubells. I´m a quiet person but I get angry easily. I am a little responsible and independent, I don´t often think when I act. I´m not very sociable, I show myself “cold” with strangers, but with close friends I´m very friendly.

I like to share things with my friends and play videogames, I like pokemon, I like listening to music very much, watching movies and collecting comics.


Curi Giuliana

My name is Giuliana Curi D'Agostino. I'm 15 years and my birthday is on April 27. I live in DĂŠnia. My parents are from Argentina but I was born in DĂŠnia, Spain. I swim and compete around the Comunitat Valenciana. My first goal is to compete with people from all over Spain. I love going to the cinema. I usually go once a week. I love shopping, too. I like to buy shoes. I like travelling. I would travel around the word if I could. I'm shy but when people know me, I have always a smile on my face, I'm not serious,I'm polite. Thanks to swimming I have a competitive personality, I'm lazy but fulfill my obligations, I'm not scoundrel, I'm open, I'm sincere and I sleep a lot. I have got dark brown eyes and light brown hair, I'm not very tall but I'm strong. My favorite colors are black and white. And the most important things in my life are my family, my friends and music.


14 Dietrich Olena

My name is Olena, I’m 15 years old, my birthdayis on 19th March. I was born in Ukraine but now I live in Dénia. I’m a fairly quiet person with my parents but with my friends is just the opposite and more if I’m with my best friend, Amaya. You could say that she and I are inseparable. But I’m not always with friends, I also like being alone because I’m pretty independent. When I’m alone I love watching videos on YouTube or listening to music. Besides I’m very fan of the series. This summer I’ve watched more than 5 TV series. Although my time is already quite limited I also go to the gym and to a private English academy. When I get bored I occasionally draw, sing or play the piano. And I think this is all I can say about me.



Dumitrescu Filip

My name is Filip and I'm 15 years old, I was born in Romania (Constanta) on 29th of January. I have a big sister who's 2 years older than me, her name is Hana. I began to play computer games and PS1 when I was 4 years old. When I was a kid I practiced football, tennis and swimming. At the moment, I have a dog (Pomerania), I'm not out-going, I only go out with my friends to the cinema, so I prefer to stay in my bedroom and play computer games and PS4 or watch anime and movies. I'm tall and thin and my hair is brown like my eyes. My hobbies are watching anime and playing video games. I think I'll study I.T.



El Maymouni Sukaina


My name is Sukaina. I always say that everybody has two personalities, a bad and a good personality. At part of my personality shows a person who wants to be a little bit crazy and extroverted, not everybody knows that side of me. I like that people do not know me at all because then they have a surprise. I have a dark side and a light side, if you treat me good, I will treat you better and if you treat me bad I will treat you worse and you will suffer. I can seem a quiet person but I am absolutely the opposite. I like positive people that aren't fake, and make me feel like I can trust them. I like belly dancing.

17 Escortell Maria

I’m Maria Escortell, I’m 15 years old. I was born in Dénia on the 4th of February, 2001. I’ve got a mother, a father and one sister. My sister is younger than me. She is 10 years old. I have two grandmothers and one grandfather (the other died 2 years before I was born). I went to a primary school in Dénia and now I’m studying ESO in a high school. I’m a middle sized person. I’ve wavy long dark hair. My eyes are brown. I’ve got a skinny face. I’m a very chatty girl, I talk all day long. I’m sometimes shy. I like doing silly things but I don’t do it all the time. I help my friends when they need me. People think or say me that I’m very talkative and daring, but they don’t know that I’m not so daring. Also they think I’m studious. They say I sometimes say things without thinking and without knowing whether or not it affects others. I am a bit impulsive.


18 Far Joan

I’m Joan Far Noguera and I’m from Dénia. I am an intelligent boy but I don´t like to study. I love animals. Animals for me are a passion, I couldn’t live without having a pet, (my favourite animals are horses). My other passion is sports, and my favourite sport is football. I started playing football in the street with my sister when I was ittle, and later I started to play football at E.M.F. Dénia . I like to eat, too! I know it isn’t a normal hobby but I like it. Normally when I’m bored I start to eat. I love challenges because I like to beat myself, I think I can do every thing if I never give up. In my free time I ride a horse, go cycling, study a little, play football and watch tv… Physically I am a thin boy because I only weigh 53 kg but I am a strong boy. I’m not the tallest of the class but I am quite tall. I have short brown hair and brown eyes.



Ferrer Tania

My name is Tania Ferrer, I am studying 4th ESO and I am 16 years old. I live in DĂŠnia (Spain), the town where I was born My father is Spanish and my mum is French. Half of my family is French. I have got long brown hair and green eyes. I am kind and friendly. I have two sisters: one is called Nerea and the other one is called Sofia. I love them lots. I also have two pet cats called Audi and Mancheta. My hobbies are reading books, watching films and playing the piano. My favourite football team is F.C BARCELONA. I've admired them since I was little.



Fielding Rhiannon


My name is Rhiannon, but i prefer Rhi. I’m named after the song Rhiannon by Fleetwood Mac. I’m 17 years old and a Taurus. I’m a quiet person until i get to know you but i come across mean when shy. I love to read young adult fiction novels of nearly every genre, except love (i dislike love novels) and i love to listen to music and watch my favourite TV series. I also love to sleep. I love old rock music, like Led Zeppelin, Nirvana, The Smashing Pumkins, etc. The only “pop” artists i like are Melanie Martinez and Lana Del Rey. I also like listening to Heavy Metal type music. I was born in Liverpool, England (1999) and moved to Spain with my mum and my sister when i was 10 (2011) when my parents split up. I wish i lived in the 70s, 80s or 90s though. I love to travel and one day hope to travel around the whole world. I go to Barcelona and France every summer to see my best friend, that is just like me, who lives in France with her parents, little brother and 3 dogs. I love animals and have 2 cats called Manolo and Ginger. One day i hope to have many more animals. I’m a feminist, which means i believe in equality and i’m also against animal abuse, the bull fighting, etc. I am a supporter on the LGBTQ+ community. I’m very interested in mental health and want to be a psychologist. I also like working with children. I’m a vegetarian and one day hope to be vegan.


Fornés Raúl

I’m Raúl. I’m 15 years old. I’m a bit hyperactive and at the same time, a little lazy. I’m a friendly and open-minded boy but a bit shy with people who I don’t know. With the people I know I am really extroverted. I really like doing sport especially basketball. It makes me forget everything while I am playing. My mom Agnieta is 50 years old and works as a secretary and my dad is 53 years old and works as a janitor in quite a few urbanizations. I have a brother and a sister. Luís, my brother is 24 years old. He has finished studying 5 years at university and he’s come back home. Laura, who studies at my school, is 13 years old.



Fortea Lluna May

My name is Lluna, I’m seventeen years old. I like going to parties with my friends and listening to music, my favourite hobby is watching movies and series, my favourite series is “Pretty Little Liars.” I’m extroverted, energetic, cheerful and I’m friend of my friends. I like animals, I’m in love with my two dogs, Nano and Chanel. I’m a tall girl and I am neither fat nor thin. My hair is straight, short and brown, my eyes are brown and I have long eyelashes, I wear round glasses like Harry Potter (I love all Harry Potter movies). I live with my parents, my brother and my two dogs. My best friend Laura is very important in my life. My favourite colour is navy blue and pink, I like navy blue because I think it is a calm colour, and I like colour pink because it is a positive and cheerful colour and I think the two colours define two parts of my personality. This picture is the real me, because I love drawing represented how cheerful I am.


and flowers


Francis Sam



GabaldĂłn Cristina

My name is Cristina, I am 15 years; I have got a brother, he is 12 years. I was born on Sunday 3rd June 2001 at 6pm. Since I was 3 years old, I have liked studying. I'm usually a study girl Right now I'm in 4th ESO B. I want to study the I want to study the humanistic baccalaureate. I'm a girl with brown hair and green eyes and I’m1,57 tall, I'm a nice, cheerful, funny, friendly, girl. But sometimes I get angry. Friend of friends, I don't stand false people who feel superior to others others, because I have a big heart. I don't like gender violence or bullying, and I hate animal abuse and wars. I like helping people and animals (although they aren't humans they are living beings). People have different visions of me (it depends). Some people think that I'm a false or I'm not interested in things and they go inventing things to create problems with other people. Other people think I am not an open person but I am. This is my real me.


25 Gamero Ainhoa


My name is Ainhoa, I'm seventeen years old. Physically I'm a tall girl. I have brown and curly hair. I have a very nice personality, I'm very friendly but I always say whatever I think, and sometimes people get mad at me becouse of that. I'm a very active person. I love pasta and pizza, I go to the gym everyday except Fridays and weekends. On my free days I like going out with my friends. I love them so much, but the one that I love the most is Isabel.

26 García Bianca


My name is Bianca I am 17 years old, I have long hair with the Californian wicks, my height is 1,67 , I like drawing while liste-­‐ ning to music. I am a funny , friendly and cheerful person, I li-­‐ ke party , I also like to go shopping with my friends. I like trave-­‐ lling and visiAng new places. I do not like boring and arrogant people. I would like to study something that is related to de-­‐ sign because, I love drawing. My friends say I´m very nervous and cheerful.


García Luís

My name is Luis and my surnames are García Mut. I was born in Dénia (Spain) on 14th October 2001. I’m tall, my eyes are brown and my hair is short and dark. My lips are full and cheeks round. I’m a very nice, generous, fair, sociable boy and I’m always laughing. I grew up in a house near the beach but 9 years ago we moved to a villa and I studied in a school called Cervantes. When I was 6 years old, I began to play football and 2 years ago I stopped because I got bored. At the moment, I spend time playing videogames, reading manga, learning Japanese and other activities. My dreams are simple: I want to travel to Japan and the United States. My dad is 49 years old and works as a mechanice; my mother is 43 years old and works as an administrative. I have got a sister who is 3 years older than me and she is also studying. I have a big family, my mother has four sisters and one brother and my dad has three brothers.


28 Gioffrè Adrian


My name is Adrián Gioffrè. I`m 15 years old. I have brown eyes and I`m not very tall. My mother is from Spain, but my father is from Italy. I like to play videogames, make videos, read comics... My favourite subject is Physical Education. I was born in Denia but I live in La Xara. My best friends are Martín, Gastón y Alfonso, and I play with them my favourite games: Pokemon and Overwatch. I have a 6 years old sister and a 24 years old brother. I´m a little shy, but I love laughing. My mother is a pedagogue and my father is a worker. I love superheroes. My favourite films are X-Men Apocalypse, Justice League, The Flashpoint Paradox, Batman V and Superman. I like going to school, but I do not like some classes.

29 GonzĂĄlez Liseth

My name is Liseth, I am 17 years old. I was born in Ecuador but I live in Denia since I was two years old. My family, my friends and my boyfriend are very important in my life. I have one brother. He is 16 years old and two sisters of 9 years old. I am funny. I am always smiling even though sometimes I am mean but not very often. I like going out with my friends. My best friends are Laura and Sergio. They always understand me and help me with everything. When I do not know a person I feel shy and quiet but with my friends I am always talking and I think I am the most talkative among them. I am always shy in class but when I leave class I am always happy with my friends. I hate fake people those who care about other people’s lives because they don't have their own life. I like spending time with my parents and my brothers.



González Alejandro

My name is Alejandro González García and was born in Dénia on February 7 2001 at La Pedrera Hospital. I started school with three years at Rodat. My teacher’s name was Malu. I have very good memories. There I met almost all of my current friends and those who are now my friends. Then I went to to study at Pou de la Muntanya school (as we called it, the school of the biggest boys) where I finished primary school. Acording to my teachers I was a good student. I am currently in 4th of ESO at Chabàs. I like sports! I started playing football team with the Pou school team, and later, I played with the Dénia team for 4 years. Acording to my friends I'm a funny, cheerful guy and like to have fun but always with responsibility.


31 González German

My name is Germán and my surnames are González Galera. I’m from Gandia, but I have lived in Dénia since 2007. I am 15 years old and my birthday is on 23rd of March. My hobbies are playing football and riding my mountain bike with my friends. I go to football training three times a week and at the weekends, I usually play a match. I am a hard-working person. I am a friendly and sociable person, I am a good friend of my friends and I never lie. I want to become an architect. My favorite subject is maths. For me this subject is easy. I am an intelligent person and I never fail a subject. I always try to get the best possible mark.



Handzyuk Sasha

This is me. I’m a normal person. People sometimes used to consider me special, but I don’t think so. With my family and my good friends I’m very honest. I’m funny, too. I like being helpful to my friends. I don’t like being quiet, but with my mum or my bfs I can be like 1 hour being quiet and feeling comfortable. I can be burdensome, but all my friends are used to it. On the other hand, I can be very happy and change to being sad. I’m so loving. Only my bf knows this part of me. I love being alone and thinking about my things. I used to be so unfriendly with the people I don’t know. I love animals so much. I have 3 pets. I’m very creative, too. I like watching movies and reading books. I prefer winter to summer. Physically I’m tall and thin. I have got blue eyes and blonde hair. My nose is big and my mouth is small. I look like my father. We are very similar.



HernĂĄndez Javi


My name is Javi and I am 15 years old. I live in DĂŠnia, and study at Historiador ChabĂĄs. I like sports especially football and UFC. I'm always joking and I'm a funny boy. I don't like studying but I do it. It is something I have to do. I am passionate about motorbikes. My favourite is a road motorbike. I'm always doing things with my friends. I don't like wasting my time playing video games. One of my favourite moments of the day is when I listen to music. I love to play blaring music. Physically I am tall, I have honey colored eyes and have dark hair.


Huerta Nerea

My name is Nerea Huerta Hernán and I’m 15 years old. I’m half Spanish and half Chilean but I have always lived in Spain. There isn’t much more to say about how I am physically. I’m just a black haired girl with tan skin, brown eyes and dark circles whose hair is always messy and wears eyeliner. I usually dress black clothes or dark colours. I love them. But, who’s the real me? Well, I think I am just how I show to everyone. People see me as that really shy girl who sings well and listens to weird music, but there is much more. Sure, I don’t talk that much and social events make me nervous if I don’t know someone but with the ones that I love and trust I can be more open, funny and weirder (in the good sense of the word). For example, only with them I can show the obsessed fangirl who I really am. And there is even more than that. Half of 2015 and 2016 has been all about overcoming obstacles and learning to love myself. I can say that I’m happy and proud of myself. Talking about the drawing, I made it simple, just the outlines, because that’s what I am. For me, less is more. I painted the background purple, the lines black and my lips red because those are my favourite colours.I think I don’t have anything more to say so… I don’t know, I hope you’ll know me better after reading this.



Ibañez Lluna

My name is Lluna Ibañez Soler, and I’m 15 years old. I am usually happy and extroverted. I make friends easily. I like positive people and above all I like people who are honest. I have got long, brown, curly hair and brown eyers. I think my nose is too big for my face and I hate wearing glasses. I’m medium height which is ok but I would like to be taller. My family is important in my life, because I don’t have any brothers or sisters. I find speaking English frightening not like my cousin, who lives in Reading, London. I’m also afraid of cockroaches. I like swimming and listening to pop music. I’m interested in photography and ICT. I’m not sure about future studies because I’m interested in various careers.



Jiménez Carla


My name is Carla, I’m sixteen years old and I have a sister who is twelve years old.My hair is straight and blond and my eyes are brown and small, My favorite food is pizza.I like going out with my friends, going to cinema, reading and listening to music.I would like to travel around the world.I find cockroaches frightening. Family and friends are important in my life.My favorite colour is blue.My favorite TV series is “teen wolf”. I’m extroverted, cheerful and positive.


Jiménez Alba

My name is Alba Jimenez Jimenez, I'm from Denia, Alicante, I am15 years and I'm4ESO. I'm tall, I have long brown hair, although I always wear it up, big brown eyes and a nice smile. I always go with unpainted nails, and I wear the same bracelets every day. I love wearing long jeans, sweatshirts. I like hipster style and "street" style. I have several hobbies as drawing, watching movies, listening to music, watching the stars. But, one of my favourite hobbies is watching anime. I'm a real geek, besides the anime, I like all sagas you can imagine: Harry Potter, Narnia, the Hunger games, the maze runner and I´m very keen on studying things about the Second World War too. I also love writing about life, things which happen to you, how to overcome problems or simply reflections and visiting other cities and taking a lot of photos of buildings and monuments. I adore animals especially dogs, cats, guinea pigs, hamsters, horses, but I hate reptiles. Another thing I really love is baking, bake cakes and decorating them with fondant. I´m the best doing that!. I´m very adventurous, cheerful and generous because I always worry about my family and friends. I always have a smile on my face. But not everything is good, I'm very clumsy, lazy and a bit sentimental. Well this is me Alba, the girl who always smiles and everyone knows.



Kmari Amina

My name is Amina, I'm 16 years old . I'm a very nice girl, friendly and avery polite person , affectionate... I'm one of those people who loves helping other people ,giving them the best posible advice . Also , I'm a person who if don't treat me well I won´t treat you well either . I love honest and sincere people. I behave the same way at home as at school but when I go out with friends , sometimes, I get a bit crazy because. I have more confidence with my close friends, than with other people. I like being happy and laughing all the time. The only thing that I most hate as tu me is that . I am a transparent girl , I mean, when I'm angry, for example, everybody can notice it because my face reveals everything.



Ladquiem Eloy


Hello, my name is Eloy, I am 15 years old and I was born in Denia and I live there.I like to play football, my favorite animal is the dog and my favorite food is macaroni with tomato sauce. I am very friendly and funny. I study in I.E.S. Chabas, I have 3 brothers, 2 older and 1 younger. My favourie colour is red. My favorite series is The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones, and my actor favorite is Andrew Lincoln and Norman Reedus


Laz Claudia


My name is Claudia Laz, I was born in Madrid, 18 june 2001. My parent's names are Grazyna and Mariusz.When I was 4 years old I started school in Los Delfines. At 6 years I started Primary School at “Gabriel y Galán”.After Primary I entered in Secundary School at “Palas Atenea”. I like playing basketball, but I love horse riding. I like reading, going with my friends... Ah, I also love theatre. My favorite class is P.E and Art. My hair is blond, my eyes are brown-green and my height is 1,62 cm. Sometimes I am shy, but also crazy.


Mañas Ainara

Hello! My name is Ainara Manas Molina. I was born on September 6, 2001, in Dénia. My mother's name is Ana and my father's name is Juan. I have got a sister called Laura and they are a great support for me. I am physically tall, skinny and with few curves. I have curly brown hair and brown eyes. I have swarthy skin and one of the things I like about me is my mouth. I think I am a happy, fun and cheerful girl .. but at the same time I'm a bit grumpy. People who know me think I'm a crazy, shouting, funny girl .. they think I'm strong and I'm always there for those who need me. What I like to do is have fun with my friends and family, dance, play basketball .. This is my real me.



MarĂ­ Marc

Hello, my name is Marc. I am 16 years old and my birthday is on the 24th December. My favorite color is green , I am an extroverted and happy person. I love Burger King. I live with my mum and my brother. I have got a cat . I like going out with my friends. My future plan is to be a mechanic. I don't like English at all.



MarĂ­n, Ă lvaro

My name is Alvaro Marin Garcia.In my free time I like to rest. I play soccer in the youth team of Denia. I am a person who often has trouble saying things clear. I am 17 years old and my birthday is on 22nd September. My favourite colour is blue. I am a cheerful and estroverted person.Many times I am a crazy and stressed person. I have got a brother.He is 12 years old. I live with my mum and my brother.I have got one cat and two turtles. My future plan is to be a player football.



Martí Josep

My name is Josep and my surnames are Martí and Puig. I was born on January 14, 2001 at clinic Aquario. I live in Dénia at the Independencia street. I have got a little brother. On October 11th he will be 13 years old. I studied primary education at Les Vessanes school. For ESO I went to Paidos school where I studied two years and now I am studying at the Chabás school. I have thought about finishing Bachillerato and going to university in Valencia. At school I am a nice and friendly guy, but I like talking too much. Outside the school I am the same, I do not change my personality. I am a neat kid, I always enjoy going well dressed, clean and smelling good. I like to take care of myself physically and always practice some sport. Since I was little I have always played football. I also like to read because it distracts me and it is fun. Oh, and I love music, too.



Martín Pedro

My name is Pedro and my surname is Martín. I was born in Dénia where I’ve been all my life. I have one brother who’s five years older than me (21). His name is Pablo and he is at university. He is my role model to follow. My parents are both fron Granada so sometimes I can’t hide my accent. I’ve spent all summers in Granada with family and friends, going to the swimming pool or the beach every day. In my routine I normally go to high school in the mornings. In the evenings, I do my homework while I listen to music and then go to Aquialia or The English Institute. At nightI I finish my homework, watch series or read books. What people see of me is that I am a guy with lot of hair with glasses and brown eyes. Apart from that people also see that I’m calm and shy without lots of friends. I’m the real me only with friends: a little crazy and a knot of nerves. I like to share with them my series, books, EDM or rock music, ... Normally I’m one of the funniest guys of the “band” with my characteristic black humor. Knowing this I think people can recognise me.


46 MartĂ­nez Irene


Hello my name is Irene, I am seventeen years old and I live in Denia. I consider myself a happy and funny girl when I'm with my friends. In class I am more serious, when I'm with my family I'm shier than when I'm with my friends.I like to dance and sing because I'm good at it. I hate to study but I love to read books that have nothing to do with school.


Mas Maria

My name is Maria Más Far. I am 14 years old and I was born in Dénia,Spain. My birthday in on December 13th. I am the youngest of the class. I am tall and Slim. I have blond hair and médium length. My eyes are Brown and big. My favorite color is pink , I love it! My hobbies are listening to music, shopping when I need things and swimming. I swim four days a week. I love electronic music and pop.

Many people think I’m not shy , but those who know me really, know I really am. I consider my self a person who has trouble speaking. I am nice with people. I love my family and my real friends.They know that I am there for all of them. In the photo I am wearing a blue T-Shirt and “flower hairband”



48 Mengual Iratxe

Hi. My name’s Iratxe and I’m 15 years old. Even though I was born in Madrid, I’ve always lived in Dénia. I used to be a very quiet girl, but I’ve changed. Even though I’ve changed, people still think I’m the typical girl who the only thing she does is studying and more studying. But that is not the truth. This is the truth: Actually, I hate going to school as much as doing homework. I can’t focus on studying more than five minutes, I spend more time distracting myself from studying than actually studying. I go to an English Academy which I love. In my free time, I like reading, listening to music, writing and hanging out with my friends. As I’ve mentioned before, I used to be very quiet, and my friends are still surprised when I do something they don’t expect from me. I think that’s all I can say about myself.


49 Mengual Cynthia


My name is Cynthia Mengual Vives and I am 15 years old. I live in Ondara. I have got a sister who is two years old younger than me and a dog. My hobbies are horse riding ( I love horses), listening to music (I would spend all day listening to music), meeting my friends and playing play station with my cousin. I like watching football when Real Madrid plays. I also like going to the cinema (I like all movies except the scary ones). My favourite subject is Biology and I want to be a vet. The most important thing for me is my family. I have two sides to my personality. One of them is when I’m with my family, when I’m with my family I am funny and never stop talking but on the other hand, when I am not with my family I’m shy, I’m not very funny and I’m quiet. I get very nervous when I have to speak in public. I’m a responsible girl.

50 Minguell Arantxa

I’m Arantxa, I’m fifteen years old. I was born on the 18th of June, 2001. My daddy is Sergio and my mummy is Cristina. They are two essential pillars in my life. I consider myself a friendly person, direct and a bit crazy. I’m very sensitive and I think more about other people than about me. I’m innocent and easily frightened, and true to myself. My hobby is athletics. I really like sport. When I’m training, I feel nothing is important. I think that everything is fine. When my world is falling, sport is where I hide. I also like going out with friends and staying with my family , but I haven’t got too much for myself. I love listening to music, it relaxes me. My favourite group is “El canto del loco”. In the future I would like to have a career and work on what I like and have a family, like most people want. I would also like to travel in my spare time and one of the places I want to go is Asturias.



Montaner Lucia

Hello, my name is Lucia Montaner Ferrer. I live in La Xara a town near to DĂŠnia. I was born on 12th October 2001. Now I am 14 years ago, but in one week I will be 15 years. I am a girl with curly and short hair. I have blue eyes and I am an average height. About my personality, I am quite curious. I'm nice and very funny but, I do not have patience. I somentimes get angry very easily. I hate people who insult my friends and my family. My family and my friends are the most important things for me. But, I know that I will always be there. Without them, there would be nothing. I love animals. My dog is the best thing that I have. Since little I always wanted a dog, but my parents didn't want me to have one. But one year ago I got Laia, my dog. I have taken dance lessons since I was six. My life is about dancing, I love dancing!! It is someting fundamental in my life. Two years ago I went to an international competition and got second place!! It was the happiest moment of my life. It took me ten years dancing and at last I got an award, AMAZING!!! I also love music and reading. My favourite colors are puple, black, orange and blue.


52 Mouimi Fatna


My name is Fatna, I'am 16 years old, I was born in Morocco on 7th April 2000. I live with my parents and my brother. I like all sports but my favorite sports are football and rhythmic gymnastics. My favorite food is pizza and hamburger and I hate fish. I like to draw when I'm bored. I love music, pop in particular. I am a big Justin Bieber fan! I'm a little aggressive and impulsive sometimes, but with those who treat me well I'm really kind and gentle. I have the same attitude at home amd when I'm with my friends.

53 Mouimi Hajar

My name is Hajar and I am 15 years old,. I was born in Murcia, but my parents are from Morocco. I have an older brother who is 21 years old, he is from Morocco too. I'm a quite reserved person but I don't let anybody trample my head. My favorite color is red, Don't ask me why, but I don't even know. When I go out with my friends I'm different than when I'm with my family. But I like playing with other people's minds. It seems like I'm crazy but I like knowing how people react to different personalities. And how they judge themselves. Yes, people talk, but then they do the opposite. Anyway, I like singing and acting, but what I really love is writing and dancing. I dance all kind of style. I am better at some of them, but, in general, I'm quite good. And writing is something I've been doing since I was very little. I always carried a notebook where I wrote everything that happened to me, dreams, anecdotes or stories they told me or that I invented. I have thought about publishing my notebook as my biography, but that's to make me fairly popular. I like all kinds of music but I can’t stand Spanish rap. I do not like it! I don’t like animals. It’s simply that I do not see me with a cat at home or taking it for a walk and feeding it. I like to be different.


54 Navarro Adrián


My name is Adrian and I´m 15 years old. I´m from Spain and I study in a high school called IES CHABÀS. I am a normal boy who likes playing videogames and practising different sports with my friends, especially basketball. I like it a lot! Normally I´m a nice and funny boy. I like sunny days to go swimiming in the swimming pool or to the beach with my family. Physically I´m short and thin. I have got brown hair. My eyes are brown, too. I have white and shiny teeth and I´m a healthy boy. I usually like to wear sports clothes and Nike trainers.

55 Noguera Christian

My name is Christian. I am 15 years old. I would describe myself as a normal teenager. I was born in Dénia, Spain. I consider myself tall for my age. I have strong thick dark brown hair, brown eyes and I wear glasses. I am not a morning person but I do enjoy a cooked breakfast. My favourite food is a Thai chicken dish which my mother prepares. At home we have pets. I like playing with my two dogs. They are boxers. We also have goldfish in the garden but I find them boring. I also like to play football and basketball with my brother in the garden. I love to spend time on my own, playing on my mobile whenever I can but I also use it to communicate with my friends and google things. I do a lot of work around the house to help out. My brother sees me as a person who can achieve anything I want in life but he also thinks that I can be a right pain in the arse. My mother sees me always through pink glasses although she corrects me a lot. I feel very loved by both of them and I think I am a lucky person to have good people and things in my life.


56 Olmedo Juliana

My complete name is Juliana Itziar Olmedo but everybody calls me July. I’m fifteen years old. I was born in Rio Grande, Argentina but I have lived in Denia since I was three years old. I am not a tall person and I’ve got brown eyes and wavy hair. I study at Chabàs and I go to English lessons twice a week. I have a lot of free time so I have a lot of hobbies. I like reading, listening to music, writing… but above all I love dancing. When I dance it’s like everything stops and it’s just me and the music. I go to dancing classes three times a week. I also spend time playing with my dog. His name is Oddie. He’s very cute. I think I’m a polite and friendly person. I have a lot of friends and I love them. They often say to me I am a very good person and too sensitive. I agree but I don’t think it’s bad being like that. I also think I’m original. I don’t usually like the same things as other people, such as music, films, books, etc. And I also like talking about and giving my opinion, something that often people of my age think that is irrelevant. I don’t get angry easily, except for when it’s with my mom. I’m always smiling and laughing and I think people like that on me. I like me, in general. Here’s a picture/drawing of myself:



Peña Julian


My name is Julian Peña. I am fifteen years old. I am a friendly boy. I am tall and thin and very nervous. I‘ve got short and dark hair and I wear glasses since I was eleven years old. I like playing football and playing playstation. I hate eating fish and vegetables. I prefer eating chicken and chips or nuggets. I study a lot because it‘s very difficult to pass the exams and the subjects but I finally pass them. My friends tell me that I am very funny because I imitate famous persons from the TV or cinema. I think I am kind and polite. I am a good hardworker. I‘ve got enough skills to play football very well.


Podroznik Teo


My name is Teo, I'm 14 years old. I'm a guy who has a lot of hobbies, most of them related to art, for example, I love to play my guitar, to listen to music and to draw. I think I am a creative boy. When I was a child I was a very good student, but now I have no motivation to study some subjects. When I finish secondary school I would like to study sociology or something related with music. My principal defect is that I'm too unquiet and I talk constantly, and sometimes it makes me irritating, but I'm also a sociable and extroverted person. That's who I am, but how do other people see me? Well, they see me just as I am, I'm an open book, I have nothing to hide. I don't really care what other people think about me. Some people love me and some people hate me, I can't change it, and I don't want to change.


Riera Marc

My name is Marc and I am 15 years old. I was born in February so my star is Aquarius. I am a tall and skinny boy. I have got short black hair. I usually wear tracksuit and I rarely wear jeans because I feel uncomfortable. I am a sports boy. I go training four days a week. I go rowing. I love rowing! My favorite music is the Rock & Roll and Indi. My favorite groups are Fito y los Fitipalids and Izal. I consider myself a calm, honest and friendly person, but if I get on my nerves, I am very unfriendly and selfish with others. I usually let my feelings go which sometimes can be very bad. It looks that I usually spend all day in a different world, but I also hear about everything that happens around me. I find it hard to gain confidence with people, which it makes me shy. I AM SO, MORE OR LESS!


60 Ripoll Natalia

Hi! I’m Natalia Ripoll Ortolá and I’m fifteen years old. I live in Dénia, Alicante, Spain. I have one brother but I consider my cousin like a sister. One year ago, I made the best decision I have ever made: learn to draw and paint well. I really like do it. I like also the fashion design. My favorite color is turquoise. I love seeing sunsets and taking photos of them. I like also watching good films and reading books. I like going to the sea and diving and seeing all the marine animals. I think the best of me is that I’m a creative person. What I most value of a person is sincerity. Maybe the first impression of me in front of public is that I’m quiet or shy. But, my family and friends can tell you that I’m really crazy. I love having fun but I can also be the most serious girl at some point. I think the secret resides on knowing the moment to be mature or crazy. I’m a hardworking girl. I’m a bit tall, I’ve got brown eyes and wavy hair.



RodrĂ­guez Alejandro


Hi. My name is Alejandro Rodriguez and I am sixteen years old. I live in DĂŠnia with my parents. My favourite color is blue and my favourite food is rice. I like to play basketball and I like all sports. I have a big brother. He is twenty three years old. My favourite music is rap. I am a happy person even though sometimes I get angry.

62 Rojo Sara

My name is Sara Rojo Hurkens and I'm 15 years old. I was born in DĂŠnia on 1st October, 2001. My mother is Dutch and my father was born in Madrid. I have a sister and her name is Laura. She is 17 years old. I love to travel and we all go to Holland for 2 weeks every year in August. My hobbies are riding my bike, reading books, drawimg and listening to all types of music. I also love to dance and sing. I'm a loving person, I always try to make everybody smile and I have a lot of friends. My character is sometimes very strong and I'm not afraid of saying what I think. People sometimes think that I'm stronger than I really am. I do not like to show my real feelings in front of everybody. I only show my real feelings and thoughts with my best friends.



Rubio Ana


My name is Ana I am 16 years old and I live in Denia, I study in IES Historiador Chabas, and I am in 4ยบ ESO, with regards to my way of being with people. I am nice , friendly and generous but I am a moody person and I can often be a bit on an edge, my friends and family see me like this. With regards to music I like all the styles less rock and heavy metal. In my free time or as hobbies I am in the habit of listening to music or seeing some series in the PC, do ryhthmic gymnastics and some days I am going to run or walk along the Marineta.

64 Ruzafa Amaya

My name is Amaya Ruzafa Pastor. I am 15 years old. My birthday is on June 29. I was born in Dénia. My mother was born in Paris, France, and came to Dénia when she was 6 years old. My father was born in La Font d’En Carròs, a small town near Oliva, and came to Dénia when he met my mother. I have a little sister. She is called Nerea and is 10 years old. A lot of times we fight, but sometimes we have fun together. In my house I have one dog, two turtles and one fish. I love dancing! I took ballet clases for 10 years and Spanish dance for 7 months. Although I dance, I’m very shy. People think that since I’m a dancer I have no shyness, but they are wrong. My best friend is Olena She knows all about me and I know all about her. My best Friends are Alex, Rubén and Yago, I can’t choose one because I love them all! With my friends I’m very different from when I’m with my family. I’m very sentimental. I love to annoy my friends. I always say that if I ever bother you, I’ll never like you. I love to go to parties with my friends and dance with them. I also love watching films with my friends, especially horror films, althought I’m a coward and everything scares me. Finally, my favorite music is rap, trap and reggaetón, and sometimes I listen to pop. Now, my favorite singer is Nikone.


65 SĂĄnchez Oscar


Hello, my name is Oscar. I am 16 years old. I am from DĂŠnia, Alicante. I love to workout in the gym. I'm a shy and quiet person. My favourite colour is green. My future plan is to have my own gym. I love motorbikes. I have a 21 years old sister. My mum lives in Germany, Hamburg. I don't speak German. I don't like English at all. I live with my dad. I am tall and strong.


Serna Rubén

Hello, my name is Rubén. I was born on March 12, 2001, in Dénia, with my twin brother, Yago. At three I started going to the nursey where I met people those who have been my classmates since then. At six I started school where I felt very comfortable. In fourth grade I signed up for football with some friends. But I was unlucky to get injured at midseason and had to spend four months without playing. Two years later, I got into the school basketball team in which they emphasized my skills and height. At the end of the year, the Dénia team offered us to play the following year. During my ESO studies, I have met a lot of people. In these four years I must say that I focused a little more on the studies, enjoyed myself and left part of the sport. And it is something that I do not like. If I could, I would have got into karting because I love it.



Serna Yago

Hello, my name is Yago, I was born on March 12 2001, in Dénia (Alicante). I have a twin brother named Rubén. When I was three years, I started to go to the Rodat. It was like a nursery where I met people those who became my friends. At six I started primary with my friends and my brother. In the 4th and 5th grade of primary school I signed up the football team. It was the sport which I played at that time. About 12 years old, I signed up the basketball team. I was very good at basketball thanks to my great height and speed. When I was 13 years I was offered a position at the Dénia team but because of my studies I gave it up. Later I got to ESO, and so far I have not repeated a year and I've made new friends so well. I am now more focused on the studies, but in my spare time I usually hang out with my friends.


68 Slemmen Abbey


My name is Abbey Slemmen and I am sixteen years old. I was born on the 12th of September 2000 in Liverpool, England. I’m English but I now live in Dénia, Spain with my mum, sister and step-dad, we also have to pets; a dog called Bailey and a cat called Hope. I moved here in August 2015 and I think it was the best decision we have ever made as a family. Even though it was hard i the beginning, I didn’t know any Spanish when I started school, I soon settled in and made a lot of new friends. Most people think I’m very shy, until you get to know me. I don’t open up to people very easily as it takes me a while to get to know people properly. The reason for this is because I’ve moved around a lot in my life, but hopefully I’m here for good. When I’m with my friends I’m quite outspoken and speak my mind, which may sometimes come across in a standoffish way, however, I also love to have a laugh and giggle as well. On the other hand, when I’m with my family I can be quite timid but laid back at the same time. People may say I have a ‘split’ personality. I’m usually quite a judgemental person, but not in a horrible way. I can normally judge a person correctly on first impressions. People who don’t know me would say I’m quite shy and don’t talk a lot but also very polite.


Suárez Dani

My name is Dani Suarez Lamers. I’m almost 17 years I was born in Spain. I live in Dénia and my birthday is on the 23rd of October . I go to Chabàs school which is in Dénia. My father is from Spain and my mother was born in Holland. At home we only speak Spanish. I have got a sister and a brother. My sister is older than me, she is 20 years old; my brother is only one year younger than me and he also studies at Chabàs school. I am tall and I have got short brown hair and brown eyes. My eyes aren’t big but I have large eyeslashes. My lips are full and my cheeks round my skin are pale and I wear some tattoos on my arms. I am a friendly and open-minded boy. I like making jokes with my friends and I am a great fan of Manga and Anime. I love all kinds of music from rock to pop and even classical music. My favorite singers are: Natos y Waor, Arce, Bob Dylan, Baby Metal, and Michael Bublé.



Suรกrez Victor


I'm a guy who likes to talk a lot, make people laugh and have fun whenever possible. I'm pretty shy around people I do not know much, even though with family. I like to play PS4 with my friends and see Anime and talk to them about it. I love animals, especially dogs. I have a dog named Kika. I don't like being the center of attention, because I get very nervous when people stare at me. I think those who know that I can become annoying at certain times could be upset with me. But if my friends need me, they can count on me.


Villavicencio Marina


Hello, my name is Marina I'm sixteen years old, I like sport, my favourite sport is football, I was a football player during my chidhood. My favourite football player is Fernando Torres the best in the world. I love eating sweets, and eating in general. I am 1'60 m height and 55 kg of weght. I have curly and black hair, I have light skin, I have a lot of freckles, my eyes are dark brown. I like meeting with my friends, and I'm a very sensitive and happy person. My favourite colour is blue, I like all types of music, I don't have brothers neither sisters. I want to travel around the world, it's my dream. AH!!! FORGET ME!! HALA MADRID!!

72 Vizcaya Carlos


I was born on 11 May, 2000 in DÊnia. Since I was a child, I liked football and motorbikes. I have a sister two years younger than me. My parents are from a village in Albacete and we go there when we can. I also like listening to music. My favourite type of music in Spanish pop. I don´t like reading books. I like playing football and my favourite team is FC Barcelona. Some people think that I am a boy who knows a lot of things about football because I play it every day. They also think that I am talkative in the classroom.


Ward Pau

My nane is Pau Ward Donderis and I’m 15 years old. I was born on the 31st August 2001 in Dénia, a town in the Valencian Community, Spain. I’m medium height and slim. I’m pretty optimist, funny with the friends and serious with the adults. I’m quite generous because I share things and time with friends. I’m hard-working in the subjects I like. I don’t like being late so I always try to be punctual. My hobbies are dancing, reading, waveboarding, swimming, listening to music, photography, playing video games, watching anime and editing videos. I dance hip-hop, electro and funky music. I like reading fantasy books about other worlds, supernatural species or magic in the Middle Ages. A waveboard is a type of skate but with only 2 wheels and an iron bar in the middle. I prefer swimming in the sea than in an indoor swimming pool because I can see fish and other aquatic beings. I listen to electro (house, swing, Arabic, rock and neurofunk), hip-hop, funky and Japanese anime music. I play shooter (Call of duty: Black Ops 3 and Overwatch), creative (Minecraft), and medieval (The witcher 3: Wild hunt) video games. I love animals and insects, in particular reptiles and spiders with the exception of wasps. I have phobia of them. I have 4 pets (3 birds and 1 Guinea pig). The birds are an exotic breed and they are always chirping happily. The Guinea pig is very shy and she loves vegetables, especially red pepper.



Zurita Mireia

I’m Mireia Zurita and I’m 15 years old. I’m from Dénia; at the moment I’m studying 4th ESO at I.E.S Historiador Chabàs. My birthday is on March 21st. My hobbies are: listen to music, read some books, etc… I’m a person who loves being with my family; I always want to go my aunt’s house or my nana’s house. I love my friends too, but at the weekends I don’t wanna go anywhere. It’s true that when I’m out (go dinner, etc..) I don’t want to go home, because I’m having fun with my friends. Physically, I’ve got brown short hair, my eyes are so rare, because sometimes they’re green and sometimes they’re brown. I’m not the tallest person in my class, but I’m not short, I’ve an average height. My weight isn’t perfect, but that’s okay. For now I’m happy with it. I think that sometimes I should close my mouth, because I can become very annoying in the meaning. I may say things which do not interest to the people who I’m talking to. With my family and friends, I do a lot of silly things. I say the first thing that comes to my mind, etc. But when I meet a person for the first time I’m shy and I don’t say very much. I think that people who know me very well know that sometimes I’m funny. Sometimes I’m the latest person to talk because I get angry very fast. I think my friends love the way I am. With people I don’t know, I don’t really mind what they think about me. And that’s it.


The Real Me Alumnes de 4t d’ESO de l’IES Historiador Chabàs de Dénia (Alacant) participants en e-Pel (+14)

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