The purpose of this review is to present topics of educational interest as a basis for our career.
THE AUTHOR "The sovereignty of man is hidden in the dimension of their knowledge." Unknown.
Professional Ethics The role of de Ethics Ethical sense of the profession Ethical and professional commitment Recommended bibliography
t is defined as the set of moral standards that govern human behavior. The National Association of Actuaries (CONAC) assumes this code to ensure that the actuary exercises with the utmost professionalism, thereby enhancing the reputation and recognition and union staff.
ny professional community is to maintain certain levels of demand, competition and quality of work. Therefore, controls and monitors, somehow, the integration of new members and the proper performance of the duties pertaining to his profession. In this sense, some
DIGITAL MEGAZINE professions produce professional codes which specify moral considerations about complex aspects of working life and which generally provides for sanctions in the event if someone openly violates the spirit of this code.
he word "ethics" is commonly given to misunderstandings. Strictly speaking, ethics, often also called moral philosophy and practical philosophy, or political science from classical antiquity, is a philosophical discipline whose object of study is the moral behavior of men. Thus, according to Aranguren (1979, p. 22), comprising primarily the ethical rules in the life of man, his character, his habits and of course morally. The etymology guides us in the sense that ethos means that the character is achieved by habit, that ethos is
DIGITAL MEGAZINE not, as the pathos, given by nature, but acquired by habit (virtue or vice).
his field includes philosophical reflection from what is known as moral conscience, and that is to realize what is right and what is wrong, to judgments and moral values, including the examination of what it means freedom and moral responsibility for the act.
ut one of the most important references in this field are ethical values as human values coincide with ethical values. For Ethics and Humanism match, but also ethics and Paideia, while it is "man training". Juliana Gonzalez (2001, p. 40) emphasizes this point by noting that ethical values, ethical specifically, are the values of man as person. Its axis is the ethos, the indwelling human character or way of being, his paradoxical "free fate" or "destiny of freedom" second nature. The ethical sphere is the realm of interiority, consciousness and experience, the authenticity, the Socratic daimon, the universe of intention, the will, the responsibility, of the unique way of being and responding, only incumbent the person.
he ethical life, according to this interpretation, is also a form of interpersonal relationship and projection to universality. That is, it is to recognize an individual essence yet social ethics, and is about the need to retrieve an ethical-political concept that achieves reconcile freedom and justice in the social sphere. Such budgets are necessary, as a backdrop, based on which we must consider the
DIGITAL MEGAZINE professional perspective individual and the social.
ccording to the above, the areas of human activity are very different, and according to the topic at hand, we must refer to one of them is a job, ie conducting a trade, a job, a profession. While conducting a job is important efficiency factor, as a reason in the work of professions and trades, the profess - in accordance with the meaning of the term refers to "declare or teach in public" and profiteri derived from Latin meaning "openly declare", "doing business", "confess". Just home from the words "teacher" and "profession", used to talk about who is responsible for something and publicly manifested. Thus, we say that someone "made a profession of faith," "he professed at the University of K" The term refers, then, first to publicly declaring, who is a teacher, who professes a belief and, on the other hand, refers to the professional. Thus, it is a somewhat professional waive their personal interests, and "body and soul is at the service of his profession" whose ethical basis (or peculiar ethos of being "ontologically speaking"), based in human dignity, from taking the man as a means. It is ethical dignity posed by Kant in asserting that the human will never be taken as a means but as an end in itself (maximum
DIGITAL MEGAZINE expressed in Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals).
he sense of the work ethic is founded on the connection of the dignity of the person doing it, that is, with what is essentially as being-body working. As noted Camarena Silva (2001), the pragmatic requirement of efficiency using the person as a means to profit or benefit, whereas ethical demand of efficiency generated by the ethical meaning of work respect takes man as an end in itself , and their work, as worthy of the same respect for the human. The work has an ethical sense because it can be good or bad, the ethical meaning of life is possible because it can be lived well or badly. Aristotle in his Nicomachean Ethics concerns as it relates to live well, do good and be happy.
ased on these assumptions and considering the meaning of the terms "profess" and "be professional", you can link the terms to understand what it means REASON AND WORD professional ethics in the sense that it is the moral force which relies on what we profess, our profession. It is therefore, the ethical foundations of our work publicly declared, as for example in the protest is filed when someone in an educational institution is authorized academic and morally for a profession that is in the swearing in a professional examination; this alludes to the publicly recognized, when the same act symbolically societies endorse the authorization. But we can also think if he publicly retired, when the community, through the figure of authority, withdraws into a kind of degradation the
DIGITAL MEGAZINE aforementioned professional recognition failure or unfaithfulness to their ethical commitment.
he ethical commitment is so important that he, as Aristotle says about the virtues, has little or nothing to do with knowledge, they are better for the moral acts of righteousness, temperance, responsibility and authenticity (1979, p. 21 ). For example, it can be a good or bad image consultant, it all depends on who does good or bad job. If you do wrong, be immoral, unethical ie professional, which means it has been incapable of serving the interests of the profession. But professional failure, ie failure of professional ethics, is very serious, because in reality the professional ethos does not allow infidelity or rape, since that is not a professional make. It's like in the case of a scientist who lies, is not it a man a liar, but is someone who is not a scientist, a doctor who is at the service of death ceases to be a doctor, however have a degree in one of the walls of his office.
onsequently, "do things right" has to do, to refer to the essential, to "live a good life." Hence the work ethic makes an ethical imperative of existence. This means that when we act with the work ethic, is that it has integrated with the work and life, and therefore that of the others, in a deep and natural sense of community, social.
Aristóteles Porrúa.
Cortina, Adela (1973). Ética aplicada y democracia radical. Madrid: Ed. Técnos. %C3%B3gico