What is DISC
By Jesus Vazquez
MGMT 461
It is a way of defining a person’s behavior, and using that knowledge to predict how they are likely act in the future. It provides an assessment that can be used to hire, develop and retain talent. DISC instruments have been developed to assist people in maximizing their personal potential & the potential of their human resource. DISC reports came about from a research psychologist William Marston, Ph. D Harvard University. Research was refined and validated
by Target Training International (TTI) founder and CEO, Bill Bonnstettar
High D: Driven, Ambitious, Strong-Willed Low D: Unobtrusive, Cautious, Agreeable Famous High Ds: Gordon Ramsay Steve Jobsj Kanye West LeBron James Christian Bale
High I: Enthusiastic, Warm, Persuasive Low I: Logical, Matter-of-Fact, Incisive Famous High Is: Angelina Jolie Taylor Swift Jimmy Fallon Kelly Ripa Kurt Warner
High S: Loyal, Relaxed, Passive, Patient Low S: Impulsive, Eager, Flexible, Restless Famous High Ss: Brad Pitt Dr. Drew Pinsky Scarlett Johannson Carrie Underwood
High C: Detail Oriented, Conventional, Exacting Low C: Arbitrary, Unbending, Unsystematic Famous High Cs: James Franco Bill Belichick Martha Stewar
DOMINANCE How we respond to problems or challenges Can often be angry Sometimes impatient Usually characterized by directness Tend to be extroverted and task oriented
HIGH D Can give the impression that they are inconsiderate, pushy and difficult to work with, it is there ambition and vision that motivates and drives them. They may not know how to get there but they know where the want to go. Someone with a high D is usually a CEO, a manager or entrepreneur.
DO: Get straight to the point DON’T: Make generalizations.
LOW D Just because a person with low Dominance has an agreeable, low-key and conservative approach doesn’t mean they’re uncaring. Low Ds are calculated and cautious in their business and social dealings. They enjoy working independently, but want to see all the facts before deciding.
DO: Let them examine all the facts without pressure. DON’T: Force them to make quick decisions
Refers to how someone influences and relates to others Trusting Optimistic Sometimes disorganized or indirect Extroverted and people oriented
HIGH I Succeeds by engaging with others and is unafraid of being the center of attention. A person who is high Influence is enthusiastic, optimistic, talkative, persuasive, impulsive and emotional. They function best in groups and positive environments.
DO: Ask feeling questions.
DON’T: Overburden them with details.
LOW I Low I’s tend to favor logical conversation and discussions. Can be considered pessimistic and can be seen as moody. A low I avoids group works, instead they like to work alone in order to achieve optimal results.
DO: Get to the root of the matter right away. DON’T: Avoid small talk
STEADINESS How someone responds to pace and consistency Can often be reserved and non-emotional Sometimes be possessive or indirect Introverted and people-oriented.
HIGH S Steady, stable and predictable. That’s the calling card of a person with high Steadiness, who is composed, resistant to change and prefers to focus on one or two tasks rather than working several. They are even-tempered, good listeners who are friendly, sympathetic and very generous with loved ones.
DO: Focus on explaining the “how” behind your plan. DON’T: Never be confrontational.
LOW S People may confuse low S’s with high D’s due to their impatient and impulsive nature because they also like to embrace new challenges. They enjoy variety and like to multitask in order to achieve workplace success.
DO: Make deadlines very clear. DON’T: Tell them how to do their job
COMPLIANCE How someone responds to procedures and constraints Can often be fearful Sometimes be critical and direct Compliance is introverted, very reserved and task-oriented.
HIGH C This person is accurate, precise, detail-oriented and conscientiousness. Seen by others as cautious and
passive, but it is only because they are very systematic. They make calculated decisions based on concrete data and facts not instinct.
DO: Be patient yet persistent.
DON’T: Speak in overgeneralizations.
LOW C A low C is very firm, strong-willed and stubborn when it comes to decision making and interacting with others. Low C’s are very opinionated. They know what they want and can be considered fixed or arbitrary.
DO: Give them plenty of time to come to their own conclusion. DON’T: Try to persuade them without supporting facts
Natural VS Adapted (Response to Environment) Styles
Why DISC DISC reports show the user step-by-step exactly what to do—and stop doing in order to unleash potential and enhance personal effectiveness Shows how to open lines of communication to you and from you Designed for professional use Gaining Commitment and Cooperation Building effective teams Resolving and preventing conflict Gaining credibility and influence
Business & DISC
Team building and engineering for optimal project performance Tool to handle conflict and misunderstanding Interviewing, hiring and promoting for optimal job-candidate matching Annual reviews Time management evaluation and improvement Optimizing customer service Improving Manager-Staff relations and performance Improving Executive-Direct relations and performance Motivating employees Benchmarking Sales training Personal and professional development Coaching
References: DISC reports.com. (2015, September, 22). DISC F.A.Q. Retrieved from: http://www.discreports.com/ed-center/faq/ Green, V. (2015, January 25). Managing conflict in the workplace. Class meeting at Woodbury University in a conflicts management course TTI Success Insights (2015, January 25). Management-staff.