Alien Encounters Issue 4 Magazine

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sl tufrsrnlfmr For the past few years, Mexico has been experiencing an unprecedentedlevel of UFO activity - and much of it has been captured on camcorder. 'We show some of the amazing footage shot by members of the public.

The SwanageLifeboat crew recentlypursueda strange object in the skiesover the sea.Roving reporter Marcus Wa l k e rd i p s h i s t o e i n t o t h e w a r e r .

66 lireInIncSly In 1908, an object crashedinto Siberiaand exploded with such force that it was heard hundreds of miles away. Meteorite, comet or UFO? Stuart Thylor follows the path of explorer Leonid Kulik.

35 ]rom[To BUiaU]0 How do UFOs fly? Mark McAndrew delves into the possiblemeans of extraterrestrial propulsion.

40 The$ecrGt ill$n ]ib$ NASA hasbeensuppressing picturesof incredibleobjects - now at lastthey can takenby its astronauts for decades be revealed.

44 fleilalIncounterc The first actual 'flying saucer' sighting was made by a pilot, and since then aircraft pilots have generally been 'We reluctant to talk about their UFO experiences. meet some who aren't quite so recalcitrant.

49 lhelntenGt Gonsfiracy

t0 GomRetition You saw them last issue,and now-you can win your very own Grey! Scareyour neighbours, unnerve the cat and be a part of the 1990s erperience with this amazing prize, worth over {220!

12 llaueYouBeen miluotGdfl Daniei Brotongile explores the tell-tale signs of alien abduction, and provides a means of determining whether you have been a victim of the Greys.

tO lhe[ ]iles

Everyone is out to get you, and now they can do it over the Internet. NetUser's Paul Bartlett surfs some of the more paranoid UFO sites on the !7eb.

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The readerswrite!

llews0tlhe Woilds

Not since the original Stdr I?ek has a'TV show generated such a cult following. Stuart Thylor looks ahead to the upcoming third series.

tl SuhscriRtions Savemoney! Get free videos!

14 What's ||utThereil

All things strange and extraterrestrial from every part of the planet, and beyond. If it's out there, it's in here.

80 llextlssue

They're going fast...

82 Signins ||ff 'Words

-D Ef â‚Źl 54 Bac[lssues E

Reviews of books, videos and other UFOular stuff.

from the wise.

WGBG GOUIil Mattlansp Following NASAs announcement last month about the potential discovery of life on Mars, Stuart tylor takes a look at one of the more controversial implications of this highly remarkable discovery. On TuesdayAugust 6th 1996, NASA administrator Daniel Goldin said the following, highly significant, words: "NASA has made a startling discovery that points to the possibility that a primitive form of microscopic life may have existed on Mars more than three billion years ago." Ever since that historic moment, the meteorite fragment, labelled ALH 84001, has re-ignited the debate on whether or not we are alone in the universe. However, Goldin made a point that the lifeforms themselvesare only smali, single-ce11 structures and not the likes of a higher life form such as the fictional Martian invaders created by H G \fells.

Thelumpof rockthatstaded it all.Dida meteorite likethisoncebringprimitive organisms to [arth?


Nonetheless,if confirmed, this discovery could potentiallybring our own origins into question - Richard Zare of Stanford University (one of the scientific groups who examined the meteorite) noted that life on Earth may well have been 'seeded'by a meteoriteenteringour orbit from [Lars. Zare added that if this theory

The'tubelike form'found within therock.

became fact then that would technically make us all Martians. Zare's idea is echoed by Ray Bradbury atthor of The Martian Chronicles,who feels that we should land on Mars to find out for ourselves whether there is life on the red planet. NASAs Daniel Goldin echoesthe aut ho r 'ss e n t i m e n t ss, a y i n gt h a t r h e Mars discovery will kick-start 'a worldwide mission' to searchthe planet for more samples.

President Clinton has fully backed Goldin's suggestion,saying that there would be a follow-up investigationinto possiblelife on Mars, which wiil include an unmanned spaceprobe programme. A summit to discussthis programme and future US spacepolicy has been scheduled for November.

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This December, the first in a seriesof Mars missionswill be launched to determine whether life exists beneath the planet's surface.It has been theorised that when the atmosphere was destroyed more than two billion years ago, life-forms may have travelled beneaththe surfaceto track the habitable areasof liquid water. There could be a long wait for conciusive evidenceas, unfortunately, the mission that will bring Martian samplesback to Earth is not scheduled until the year 2005.

0ctoIer 1336


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British Airways pilot Mark Stuart decided that the time was right to finally come forward and tell the story of his UFO experiencewhich occurred ert January6th 1,995. At 6.48pm, BA flight 5061 was cruisingover the Pennines,preparing to begin its descentinto Ringway Airport, Manchester. It was then that Captain Roger lfills and First Officer Mark Stuart saw a triangular object charge towards them. For a few seconds the pair were able to watch the object as it passedby their aircraft and disappeared from sight. lfith the object not being visible to air traffic control, the pair had no choice but to file their experienceas a near air miss, thus leading to an extremely lengthy investigation by the Civil Aviation Authority. Officer Stuart's story was given full page coverage rn the Daily Mail on August 5th. and the following evening Officer Stuart recreated the moment when he thought his aircraft was going to crash into a UFO on BBCl's Out Of This'World. HopefullS Alien Encounters wrllbe able to bring you a full account of the pilots' experiences- and the following investigation - in a future rssue. Cutting O Daily Marl 7996.

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of theUFO, andlessthantwo Iop:TheDailyMailartist'simpression (above) limes'illustration weeks later, TheSunday of l{ASA's Waverider aircraft.Thetwoshapes huniedly announced erperimental lsthisa coincidence, ora conspiracy similar of areamazingly to coverupthelactthatthey disinlormation byIIASA andtheUSAF (theAurora) inservice? have aircraft akeady a hypersonic

Brazil was again the site of a UFO controversy when a large metallic saucer,165 feet in diameter. descendedover a sugar cane field in Guarabira. The incident took place on Saturday August | Oth, and is the third daylight sightingof a disc to take place this year (previous sightings taking place in April and June). Oriel Farias,a Ufologist from Joao Pessoa,said, "Um grande objeto em forma de disco," descendedslowly from the cloudlesssky, startling rwo women in the process.At around 5pm another smaller UFO was spotted high in the sk5 emanatingan extremely bright white light. However, by all accounts the most spectacularsight took place after dark. At around 9pm, three UFOs of a triangular shape were seentravelling slowly acrossthe sky.Then, in a display that lasted only a few minutes, the objects began to zig-zagthrough the night sky. The following day, Ufologists from Ioao Pessoainterviewed *itn.lses and examined the site. After testing the soil at the field where the first saucerwas seen, the Ufologists found high traces of magnetism.

Beligious Gonsequeno

The religious community has slowly been coming to terms with the idea that humanity might not have such a unique status in the universe. According to Sayyid Syeed of the Islamic Society of North America, the Koran gives man a specific mission on Earth, but there is room to interpret that God may have given other life-forms a mission on other planets. Fundamentalist evangelist, Jerry Falwell, states quite categorically that the NASA scientistswill not find the concrete evidence they need to prove that life did exist on Mars. "The Bible makes it clear that Jesus Christ is the only mediator between God and Man", saysFalwell. However, NASAs researchcan only be 'celebrated' according to Rabbi JamesRuden of the American Jewish Committee. He saysthat most Jews' interpretation of Genesisallows for the possibiliry of life on other planets. Rather than damage the structure of their faith, Ruden feels that if the findings became conclusivethen it would only serve to re-affirm the oower of God.

133$ 0ctober

hen I was barely fifteen years old and living in Gibraltar, I witnessed something that I will remember with awe for the rest of my life. I had developed an intense passion for astronomy, and knew virtually every visible feature of the sky at night as we know it. Planets, stars, nebulae, clusters and satellites were all readily identifiable to me, and it was this familiariry with the pattern of the universe that made me gasp in astonishmentone memorable night. There in the western sky above me glowed a huge star where, according to the charts, there shouldn't have been anything at all. Its size rivalled the blazing orb of Venus at its closestapproach. I was baffled - what could it be? lfhen I finally brought my telescopeto bear on the spot, to my amazement I found that it formed a diffuse area of cloud shining from a point deep in space.

THE I'IYSIIRIOUS ORB Over the next week, the cloud continued to expand and disperse until after eight days not even my powerful telescope was capable of resolving it. However, I was still none the wiser as to what it could be. It certainly wasn't a meteorite, a weather balloon, or the planet Venus. Nor was it a comet or a satellite.The only likely explanation seemedto be a supernova, or exploding star, but here again the description didn't quite match the realiry of what I'd witnessedover that week. Yet if it wasn't described in my trusty astronomy manuals, what could it be? For weeks afterwards I scrutinised the papers for news of the incident, but there wasn't even a mention. Eventually,I forgot all about it until many years later. Then one day I came across an article in the Fortean Tin'tes that so perfectly described what I'd

Unexplainedexplosionsin space,the theory of PlanetX and vitrified remainshere on Earth all lead Harry Hinde to concludethat life in our solar systemhas not always been as peacefulas we thought. 0rlober lg30

maybecaused byalienraces at deep od inspace Mysterious explosions warwitheachother:

witnessed that it could have been taken from my very own notes. Quoting an article from the HeraldT|ibune, it said that there had been at least 80 unexplained explosions in deep spaceduring the last decade. This had baffled many of the leading scientists and astronomerswho were at a complete loss to explain the phenomena. According to the article, the largest of these explosions had occurred 180,000 light years away in the large Magellanic Cloud outside our galaxy. The article also related that 'Ray Klebesadel,a leading scientist at Los Alamos, said this event was definitely not a super"nova'.According to him, the explosion was more like a nuclear bomb blast. This was a view also echoed by nuclear physicist Stanton T Friedmann, who declared, "temendous activity of this sort could well be life out there involved in a war". The article also quoted James Oberg of Houston as saying "It is a legitimate theory that star wars may be taking place."

RftIVI R6E[[01{ $IELLRR RecentlS the continuing phenomena was dealt with in a piece tn The Times which outlined the controversy it had sparked. Academics were sharply divided between those who insisted there was no mystery to address and others who were firm conVerts to the idea of a stellar Armageddon being fought out in the depths of the universe. Some felt the explosions to be no more than igniting meteors in the Earth's upper atmosphere. Others were equally as adamant that the evidence pointed unquestionably to a point of origin many trillions of miles distant. Significantly prominent occultists and astrologers have always believed that a devastating form of star wars once occurred much closer to home, within the boundaries of our very own solar system.The basisof these views concern the fact that Mars, and to some extent the moon and Venus, show signs of once having been filled with running rivers and considerablymore of an atmosphere than they have at present, These conditions would certainly make the existence of intelligent life possible, but inter-planetary wars in the solar system?Could it really have happened?


we can say is that rather than rising up on the planetary scale of evolution, Mars and the moon are actually decaying. They once held a reasonable atmosphere with running rivers but now look sparse, empty and barren. ln fact, a closer look at the Martian surface shows that at some stage in its history it was subjected to an enormous collision which literally tore out a canyon over 2,500 miles long. Photographs from the Viking landers showed quite plainly that the surface of the planet is absolutely strewn with small chunks of rock that resemble the debris from a tremendous explosion. But where could such an explosion have come from? The solar system now looks so sedately dormant that it's hard to imagine such violence in our deserted planetary neighbourhooc.

)( PLfll|ET Still these things have been known to happen. It has b'een theorised that a planet between Mars and Jupiter literally exploded into fragments to create what we now know as the asteroid belt. Planet X as it became known has attracted much attention. Its existencewas even theorised by the mathematician Johann Bode. According to the theory known as Bode's Law, (which is actually the work of Johann Titius) a definite and repeatableratio of the distancesof the planets to the sun does exist. Six planets were then known, but the distance of all the rest of the planets were correctly deduced using Bode's Law. This is quite remarkable since scientists have now deduced that this law has no mathematical certainty whatsoever of being correct. 'Ifhat is of great interest to us is that according to Bode's Law there should be another planet between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, exactly where the asteroid belt now lies. Occultists believe this was once the location of a sizeable planet that was literally blown apart by an incredible weapon

)(is PlnneI [hou0h[ [o been hnve bloun dpdr[

brt dtl incredible uedpol| of des[luc[io Ancient ruins around theworld show signs ofhi$erradioactivity than normal - apossible consequence of alien attack?

Iheprocess of vihification, indicative ofenormous heat,hasbeen observed in theruinsof many ancient cities.

There hove beett 00 |Jre)(plnined

explosiors iI| deep spdce during lhe Ins[ decnde

of destruction, or collision with another planetary body. The former would require a weapon considerablymore potent than anything we know of today, since even the latest nuclear weapons are incapable of destroying the structural existenceof the world itself.

I||ERETI OIO|JS [0t'tll|tITt0l'| Many religions have accounts df massive battles intheirancient texts, allof whichsound to modern earslike descriptions of nuclear explosions.

Mythology is habitually a clue to events of long ago, and here you will find frequent mention of celestial wars. Even the Bible makes at least one refetence to a war in the skies.In a nutsheil, occultists believe that the planets Venus. Mars and

the moon were once inhabited by advanced societieswho fought out a planetary war on a scaleoutlined in mythology as the clash between the Olympians and the Titans. The result was a solar system in chaos,the destruction of a planet, and the orbital change of Venus to a position considerablycloser to the sun. In the break-up, vast debris such as that seen on Mars would have been thrown out in all directions. The Martian and Lunar atmospheres,together with their rivers and whatever life existed would quite literaliy have been catapulted into space,rendering the planets forever uninhabitable. On Earth, the evidenceof nuclear wars deep in antiquity is even more convincing. Here, we not only have the physical scarsbut the graphically written accounts of some of the most ancient terts on Earth. The Mahabharata, an ancient Indian epic at least five thousand years old, speaksof flying machines called Vimanas which were used to launch a powerful weapon of destruction, describedas 'a single projectile charged with all the power of the universe'. Here is a reference concerning the destruction unleashedby rwo warring setsof adversaries,'The Earth shook, scorched by the terrible heat of this weapon. Elephants burst into flames and ran to and fro rn a frenzy, seekingprotection from terror. Over a vast area, other animals crumpled to the ground and died. The waters boiled, and the creaturesresiding therein also died. From all points of the compassthe arrows of the flame rained continuousiy'. Later. we find. An incandescentcolumn of smoke and fire, as brilliant as ten thousand suns rose in all its splendour. It was the unknown weapon, the iron thunderbolt...a gigantic messengerof death'. The effect of this weapon

0clober 1336

was horrific, 'The corpseswere so burnt that they were no longer recognisable,Hair and nails fell out. Pottery broke without cause. Birds, disturbed, circled in the air and were turned white. Foodstuffs were poisoned.' To any other generation verses of this nature would surely have seemedno more than poetic hyperbole. They had after all nothing to compare them with. Unfortunately, we know only too well the awesome capability of nuclear weapons, and it would take someone of particularly low imagination to fail to see the similarity berween these accounts and wlat we now know as a nuclear holocaust.

EflRTl| EtlIIE]lIE 01'l

Nor is the Mahabharata the only ancient text to describesuch things. Similar accounts of great destruction are also found in the Tibetan Stanzas of Dzyan, the beliefs of the Hopi Indians, and even in the Bible. The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah is widely thought of in these terms, particularly since their location is now occupied by the mysterious Dead Seahollow, one of the most inhospitable placeson earth. Of course, written evidence is one thing, but is there any physical evidence of these early conflicts? Here, we enter into the realms of another baffling enigma, the vitrified remains of fortresses,ziggurats (ancient stepped temples), and towers that have been subjected to an unaccountably sharp blast of heat. In his book Secretsof the Lost Races, writer Rene Noorbergen talks of charred ruins found between the River Ganges in India and the mountains of Rajamahal. 'The walls have been glazed, corroded, and split by tremendous heat. Within severalof the buildings that remain standing even the surfacesof the stone furniture have been vitrified: melted and then crystallised. 'No natural burning flame or volcanic eruption could have produced heat intense enough to cause this phenomenon. Only the heat releasedthrough atomic energy could have done this damage.' Apparently in this same region, a human body was discovered with a radioactivity 'which was fifty times above the normal level'. This enigma of vitrified ruins is to be found all acrossthe world, especiallyin North America, where the strange remains of vitrified rocks and dwelling placesdefy any logical explanation. In the Brazilian ruins of Sete Ciddaes, author Noorbergen writes of 'ruins melted by apocalyptic energies'.Elsewhere,in Mesopotamia, sizeable ziggurats have been found melted to their base in a vitrified mass.In the Arabian desert, blackened stones litter the sands over a wide area; showing signs of having been subjectedto intense radiation. In Israel, the location of the Dead Seaand its mysterious connection with Sodom and Gomorrah bears evidence of an amaztng focus of heat that is thought to have gouged out the entire area in a


massiveexplosion. Vitrified rock created under intense pressure is a frequent discovery, and in '1952, archaeologists discovered a vitrified area of sand that stretched out over hundreds of square feet. Apparently, deposits like this are similar to those left behind at the V/hite Sandsatomic testing site in America.

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Theamount of roclry debils onthe to some that of Marssugests surface tookplace in a massive explosion ancient times.


we look in the world, the baffling enigma of vitrified ruins challengesour intellect. From Peru, Scotland and Scandinaviato the plateaux of China and India, this indelible evidence atteststo some undeniably violent act, Not everyone will be convinced of a nuclear answer, but as we have seen, the evidence is extremely compelling. Intriguingly, a number of establishedscientistsalso find themselvesseduced by the evidence. In 1909 when academicswere first beginning to grasp the awesome power of the atom, physicist Frederick Soddy wrote inhis Interpretation of Radium.'I believe that there have been civilisations in the past that were familiar with atomic energy, and that by misusing it they were totally destroyed'. Remarkably Robert Oppenheimer, the chief of the Manhattan Project that developed the first atomic device (that we know of) watched the test explosion rise up in a vast mushroom cloud and felt moved to quote from ancient Sanskrit, 'I am become death, the destroyer of worlds'. Perhapshe more than anyone else realisedthat at that very moment man became reacquainted with a piece of his history that had once cost him so dear. The weapon of a 'million suns' was again within his oossession.

law I'waspredicted byBode's 'Planet anasteroid beltisnow to orbitwhere have found - could theentireplanet to rubble byanalien been smashed suFrweapon?



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i f you acceptthe existenceof UFOsas intelligent the next logical question is where do they come from? Where in the vast regions of this universe could such intelligence possibly originate? Are we for instance looking at a single point of origin, or are there literally thousands of inhabited worlds capable of sending out spacevisitors to this tiny planet of ours? The possibilitiesare truly staggering.In facr, whenever we turn our attention to the universe, our limited Earth bound perceptionis in urgenr need of a sudden update to take in the vastnessof what lies around us. By day, this magnitude often eludes us, but on any clear and frosty night, away from street lights and neons, the astral sky is a forceful reminder of our own insignificance. Thousands upon thousands of stars confirm the enormity of creation. Strain your eyesand look deeper into spaceand yet more starsbecome visible. !7ith the aid of a telescope,this number multiplies still further, until at the limits of the most powerful optical device there are still

thousands of stars that stretch on towards infiniry Spiral shaped galaxies,no more than fuzzy pinpricks in the sk5 contain hundreds of millions of '" stars at unimaginable distances.Outside our solar system,the closeststar, Proxima Centauri, is 4.34 light years away. This might not sound like much when expressedin these terms, but it works out as 40,570,700,000,000 kilometres. By comparison, the most distant galaxiesare many millions of light years distant. Faced with this kind of enormity, the quest for intelligent life in the universe makes the old needle in a haystack seem quite good odds. So, if we are being visited by intelligent aliens, how can we determine where they come from? r''rr"

closerto acceptingthe idea that

aliensreally exist, Harry

Hinde suggests alternative locations which these beingsmight call home.

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Early societiesand civilisations who believed they had been educated by beings from other worlds believed their benefactorshad arrived from a planet close to the bright star Sirius. In fact, throughout the ancient world, Sirius acquired an incredibly devout following of belief and worship. It was seen as the abode of the gods, and several

0ctotrsr l$SI

passagewaysof the Great Pyramid at Giza are said to have aligned with Sirius on important dates in the ancient Egyptian calendar. Three great constellations of the autumn and winter sky - Canis Major, Orion and Thurus together with the famous Pleiades star cluster, are all neighbours in a splendid outline of stars that is perhaps the most beautiful cluster in the sky. Many believe we have been visited by beings from the Pleiadean star cluster which has also been worshippedsinceancienttimes. This belief has persistedto the present day though sciencehas cagt doubt on the likelihood of the Pleiadescluster hosting any planet bearing stars. The reason for this doubt is that the Pleiades are a relatively recent development, no more than sixty million years old, which astronomers believe is far too short a time for life bearing planets to have developed. Even so, contacteesof UFO encounters and prominent psychics have always insisted on a Pleiadean connection. They answer the scientific objections by saying that life on this planet developed at the earliest possiblemoment and could likewise have done so on planets close ' to the Pleiades. In his book The Flying Saucerers,author Arthur Shuttlewood draws attention to a possible connection between Arthurian legend and the constellation of the Qreat Bear, also known as Ursa Major. Shuttlewood points out that Arth-ur, or Arth-wr in Velsh means Great Bear. King Arthur was always known and respected for his incredible size, leaving the author to surmise, 'If man on Earth was indeed seededby giants from outer space,they hailed from the Great Bear constellation. Our earliest Celtic people would have greeted them as coming from Arth-wr',


Remarkably, the ancient Egyptian word for star also means door. In other words, they perceived stars as the opening, or the door to something 'Wasit the door to an alien civilisation, but what? the home of the gods or a quick route to a different dimension? Even before the film Stargate, I had been working on a developing theory that the Egyptians considered stars to be the gateway to another dimension. Chambers and passagewaysof prominent pyramids were all aligned to the principal stars, and in the book The Orion Mystery, the authors outline how the Egyptians had laid out adjacent pyramids in the shape of the constellation of Orion. I began to believe that this diligence transcendedmere imagery - that here, as in everything they tackled, the Egyptians had left us a massive encoded puzzle that was itself the gateway to a dimension of completely new knowledge and wisdom. As a result, I began to develop an intense fascination with Egyptian hieroglyphs, which I soon found was an ideal language for hiding a double or even triple meaning within innocent

0ctober l$$6

looking text. Egyptian hieroglyphs consist of alphabetic and pictorial characters which are easily interchangeable, thus shifting their meaning. 'When I came to study the word for Sirius, I found it was composed of symbols that when expanded to their entire range of meaningscame out as 'teach to make ready the Star Door'. I felt really elated. This seemedlike a clue to an incredible mystery, and certainly established the Egyptian belief that stars were the entry point to another dimension. Perhapsone day these strands of knowledge will lead to an incredible discovery that will show us just how easy it is to travel to even the most distant of planetary systems. $ncient wisdom always believed in the eilstence of visitors from the Sirius star system. These visitors were thought of as educators and bringers of knowledge. Perhaps the Egyptian expansion of the name Sirius is to teach us, and ready us for this entry to the star gate and our union with whatever may lie beyond it.

$i l t1[E { $ E ffR IH E $ T 1 |E $ l tIE $ In its own way, the conventional science of today has expended a great deal of effort and money in attempting to find its own star gate and evidence of alien existence.For thirty years or more there have been occasionalendeavoursto scan the heavens for traces of intelligent signals that may have been beamed at our planet from alien worlds. This NASA funded operation, known as SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) first started with 'Project Ozma', the brainchild of American astronomerFrank Drake. This limited search, which lasted for no longer than 150 hours, was directed at a number of stars in the Pleiades,and proved entirely fruitless. However, Drake remained convinced that alien life existed and condensedthe possibilitiesinto a mathematical equation which he believed showed

stars,likethis Theremains of exploded of heary nebula, arethesource essential to life. elements

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likeSETI discover Willprojects evidence of aliencivilisations?

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the overwhelming likelihood of intelligent life on far distant planets. According to his estimates,at least ten thousand advancedextraterrestrial civilisations must exist within our galaxy alone, and he believesthat by the year 2000 we shall have received the first verified and confirmed signal of alien origin. Howeveg Drake's equation could not tell him where to look. The logical answer was to monitor what is known in astronomical circles as the hydrogen 2L hne. This line is also termed the celestial'watering hole', since it is the most likely area for intelliger.rtlife to be found. Since Project Ozma in 1,960, over sixty separate searchesof the hydrogen 21 line have failed to gather a single piece of conclusive evidencethat

life. Theancient Egyptians mayhave been visited byextraterreshial

could conceivabiybe attributed to an intelligent signal of alien origin. On some occasions,likely candidateswere heard and monitored, but only for short periods of time. In the end, these proved impossible to verify.

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Undoubtedly, the most astonishing incident was the discovery of what iater became known as the ''Wow signal'. This was an intermittent signal rather like Morse code received by the 'Big Ear' telescopeat Ohio State University Radio Observatory in the USA. In the end, this proved to be yet another transitory phenomenon that we never heard again. However, in his book Is Anyone Out There, Frank Drake relatesthat, 'The ultimate hallmark of intelligence was the way the signal turned itself on - or off - while it was in the teiescope'sbeam'. Apparently, it became known as the ''Wow signal' after the cry of exclamation given by astronomy professor Jerry Ehman as he watched the signal's data make its completely unexpected appearance. Early searchesof the neareststar systemswere limited to certain bands and wavelengths.There are literally hundreds if not thousands of separate possibilitiesand permutations, and monitoring at this comprehensivelevel was until recently far beyond our reach. Now, powerful computers have extended the potential of research,so that the latest project from NASA, the SETI Microwave Observing Project, can target over 15 million separatechannels.The expectation is that by the start of the new millennium, conclusive proof will exist of alien existenceout there in space. l9$6 0clober

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Ironically, dedicated Ufologists, psychicsand occultists all believe that aliens exist much closer to Earth. They believe that these alien visitors have set up permanent baseson the moon and Mars, which they maintain as logistical facilities for repair and refuelling, and also as convenient vantage points to monitor the Earth. This may sound laughable,but if we accept that UFOs exist, and are indeed visitors from other solar systems, then we also have to accept that occasionally they will be in need of logistical support. Therefore the idea of setting up facilities on comparatively nearbyplanetssoundslogical. One particularly suitable location would be the dark side of the moon. This is permanently shielded from the Earth and radar detection, so these visitors could virtually come and go as they pleased. The existenceof aliens on the moon has even been quoted as the reason why America and the for.mer Soviet Union suddenly appeared to lose all interest in lunar exploration. Up until the beginning of the Seventies,lunar missions were conducted on a frequent basis,but then the emphasis switched to shuttle flights that remain well within the Earth's orbit. The theorists suggest that man was warned'away from the moon by aliens who were not prepared to share their space. So are aliens really in charge of the moon? Numerous comments have been attributed to astronauts alleging alien sightings on the moon, and the outline of strange geometrical shapes, domes and protrusions in some lunar photographs have all heightened the issue.Then there are reports of strange flashes from the lunar surface which date back literally hundreds of years.

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ln Mystery of The Ancienfs, authors Eric and Craig Umland quote source material indicating strange flashes from the lunar surface, including an account of a sighting by William Herschel rn 1783. Herschel, discoverer of the planet Uranus, observedbright flashes'in the dark part of the moon, a luminous spot'. In the book Flying SawcersHaue Landed, authors Desmond Leslie and George Adamski report at least thirty unexplained sightingsof a luminous glow emanating from the surface of the moon. The

0clober l5g0

book maintains that in 1871, the respected astronomer,Birt, 'deposited in the library of the Royal Astronomical Society, a record of some sixteen hundred observations he had made of light changes, moving bodies, geometrical patterns and flashing signalsin the Crater Plato'. The authors complained that no attempt had ever been made to interpret these signals, which they believed were of the utmost importance. The famous Inca Ciry on Mars (the supposed outline of an intelligent construction) was said to have turned up on official photographs that were later claimed to have been censored.Also well known is the notorious B block, which has now become known as the face of Mars. This remarkable rock formation eerily resemblesthe facial features of a humanoid, and is cited as evidence of an intelligent presenceon the intriguing red planet.

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Having started out in the depths of space,and then moved to the planets of our own solar system, our search for UFO origins takes us back to our very own planet. Remarkably, there are those who suggest that UFOs may actually be sophisticated humans from the future, or in other words, time travellers. They reason that mathematically, past, present and future are all very fluid and that given the abiliry to achieve enormous speeds, time travel would certainlv be possible.The renowned astronomer and author Stephen

bgIigvgs [,h0|, H;H:?,:ilij:T.Hnilil::xr,-,' travelling to agespast and present is demonstrably simple. Then, of course, there are others such as the psychologist Jung who believe that UFOs are a figment of our minds, an externalised illusion brought about by wishful thinking. In other words, we see these things because we want to see them. As more and more people add more weight to these sightings, so the phenomenon gains in credibiliry. In other words, alien sightings are no more than a mass delusion. Whatever the truth, and whatever the origins of these strange 'chariots of the sky', UFOs have now become an inseparablepart of this planet's heritage and will no doubt continue to be seen, discussed,and debated for as long as intelligent Iife exists on this Earth. I also believe that sooner or later we shall come to know the whole truth regarding their origins and purpose, and the mysterious affection they seem to have developed for this tinv olanet of ours.

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exico harbours the largest ciry in the world and is currently undergoing an alluring mystery. 'lfhat has already been happening in Mexico and what right now now is one one of is happening happening right

Rg# and well documentedUFO the most spectacular

waves of all time. Eyewitnessreports, radar confirmation and most dazzling of all, video footage of the UFOs has been pooled by Arc Soundwavesand presented on a video entitled Voyagers of the Sixth Sun. Over one hundred separateclips of the UFOs have been culminated into a monumental testimony. It is no wonder that Mexico is becoming the Mecca of UFO lore. Before asking why the UFOs are here, let us examine some of the most staggeringevidence yet revealed to support their existence.

r r r r { c1fr !" f!n tilr

J ffif,ilffitt ilf lrr u clJE '..r8!! The UFOs initially.attracted the most attention for their interest in commercial air traffic, which unfortunately became d very serious problem, as lives were put in potential danger from uncomfortably close calls with these strange metailic objects. For instance, on July 28th 1994, the following * communication was recorded between the control tower and a pilot: Pilot: This is Mexican 180, what traffic do you have on radar? I have an unidentified object on my right moving very fast. Tower: There's nothing on radar. Pilot: You have nothing on radar. lfhat do we do? Tower: Maintain aititude and heading. Later on, Flight 129 was on its final approach to the airport in Mexico City when a UFO almost caused a horrific disaster.The landing gear was being lowered when seasonedpilot, Captain Raymundo Cervantes Ruano heard a loud 'bane'. Here is the recorded response: Pilot: What was that? Copilot: I don't know. Pilot: Check the lamp and the door. Tower, we have an emergency! Tower: You've had a collision. It transpires that Flight I29 had collided with a UFO. Captain Ruano was forced to initiate an emergency landing as a direct result. His comments later were "I felt a very hard hit. I didn't know what it was. Maintenance checked the plane and found the shock absorberswere torn

Independence Dayfly past isshadowed bya saucer shaped craft.

off. After I landed the aeroplane I contacted radar control and they told me the moment I was making my turn there were rwo UFOs! I crossed my path with theirs and that is why I declared an emergency..." Considering Fhght 1,29had a crew and 1,09 passengerson board, the scaleof the potential tragedy can only be wondered at. These close calls were not isolated incidents. in fact. far from it. On Thursday August 4th, 1994, Flight 479 was forced to take evasiveaction when a UFO approached them head on. Four days later, on August the 8th, Captain Fernando Mesquita reported a large silver metallic object coming out of the sky and passingdangerouslyclose, travelling under the plane. One UFO even flew piggyback on an airliner and was recorded on video camera and on radar. These close encounterswere said to occur at an averagerate of two a week for quite some time, with some occurring twice in one day according to two flight engineers.Far from being a problem easily 'swept under the carpet' and forgotten about, these incidents of close contact are potentially hazardous. Apart from the obvious dangersof collision, the UFOs also interfere with digital computers on the aircraft, thus giving false altitude and direction. Y/hen the instruments of an aucraft are not working correctly, the results can be fatal, as has been proven countless times in the past. It is for this reason that the pilots and ground crews in Mexico continue to bravely file official reports of visual contact with UFOs. If they didn't passon these encountersto the media and the general public, how would a serious crash with a UFO be explained if there is no official recognitionof the phenomena?As reporter/Ufologist Jaime Maussan explains, "Someone has to take responsibility.It is affecting security."

Trâ‚Źfl ffiilffi[-

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The UFO's interest in air traffic was not limited to commercial flights. Ironicallg in light of the current box office hitlndependence Day about an alien invasion of Earth, the UFOs have turned up to shadow every Mexican IndependenceDay (September16th) air parade in Mexico Ciry since the first maior UFO wave in 1991. Almost as if

1336 0ctober

Asmall spherical object appears atthelndepen&nce llayairdisplay. Although passes notshown here, inthevideo theobject actually infront ofoneofthehelicopters.

they are part of the parade itself, they follow and buzz the aircrafr at the show. Just after 11am on IndependenceDay in t993, over 20 military helicopters flew in close formation as part of the military display of might. A small metallic oblect then glided ahead of and just under the helicopters, seemingly oblivious to any danger of collision, as they flew in formation through the sky and over the startled crowds. On every other Independence Day preceding last year, video footage and still photographs have revealed these visitors seemingly watching curiously from nearby, following military craft. Their purpose is unknown, but they have not to this date shown malice or overtly obvious hostile intent.

$PtilRL 0lJt$t$

The UFO flap that ensued really set Mexico City alight with speculation. One TV programme called Frenie al Pwblieo debated the UFO phenomena live on broadcast. The host of the programme, Julian, presuming the UFOs were monitoring the airwaves, sent out an open invitation to the visitors to reveal themselves to the city before the end of the show As the show came to a close and the credits were about to roll, two UFOs (in the guise of strange materialising lights suspended in the air) appeared nearby. The host later commented, "It was a very strange moment, nobody could believe it. People had left their homes to look at the UFOs."



$f ll| l0 l| R $ ? This interaction, if it is more than mere coincidence, really has to be the strangest and most exciting aspect of the phenomena. It indicates that they understand us, and can monitor us in a profound way. Even more intriguing is a case of the UFOs possibly trying to help us. It revolved around an incident which attracted international attention, although the UFO's heavy involvement in the incident remained unreported by the media. For three years UFO activity was particularly

heavy around one site. Air traffic control tracked several UFOs to and around the Popcatepteptl volcano in Puebla. Mystified with the apparent heavy UFO activity in this area, an investigation ensued and as a direct result, it was discovered that the volcano, which was thought to be dormant, was in fact showing signs of activity. In February 1994 the volcano began to smoke. In December 1994, the volcano of Popcatepteptl in Puebla erupted violently covering Mexico's fourth largest ciry Puebla, in ash. However, the authorities were by now prepared, and a military assistedevacuation of the area ensured and averted disaster, saving thousands of lives. However, it was the UFOs which had originally guided investigators to rhe region just as it was becoming volatile. UFOs generally seem to be very active around volcanic areas, which Mexico has in abundance. In fact, 80o/ool sightings in central Mexico have been reported within sight of a volcano. Three of the major UFO hot spots, as chosen by air-traffic controllers, were also in areas of volcanic activify. Perhaps it is no coincidence that Mexico City is surrounded by volcanoes. 'Whatever the link, the unknown craft, whether by accident or design, helped bring attention to a major disaster area and perhaps for this reason, the population of Puebla should be eternally grateful to these unidentified flying objects. It can be seen from these reports that the UFOs are curious about us, and they have both endangered lives and helped to save them. Their intentions are not entirely clear. but it seems logical that they do have an agenda.

guided UF0s investigtors totheactive volcano Popcatepteptl.

Iheimpfint leftlromaUt|}which landed.

P | Rrr{V $5 R $ti l l The most remarkable spectaclesof UFO activity are the ones recorded over Mexico's cities by witnesses with home video equipment. These are real events which when captured on film could

0vertwenty silver obieots canh seen flying information inthese spectacrlar UF|} armadas.


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(lneof themutated plantsfoundin the site.Though still vicinityof thelanding continue to mutate alive, theplants overthenextfewdays.


rival any Hollywood blockbuster, so it is baffling that they are not given greater international co\rerage.It is awe-inspiring enough to witness one UFO, but to witness over 20 fly overhead at once must be enough to change anyone's perception of Iife. ln 1.994,entire armadas of metallic UFOs dominated the Mexican skies.One very special piece of footage captured the processby which the armadaswere formed. The film shows at first just one solitary object in the sky. This object then divides like a replicating cell, with each part becoming similar in size to the last, and then divides repeatedly into more and more objects. These eventually assemblein their allotted place before continuing their iourney together in formation. This is fascinatingyet difficult to comprehend. The objects seem like they are solid, with reflective metallic surfaces,and the capability to hit other objects and create damage, as seen earlier with the plane collision. However, this dividing processsuggeststhe craft are not solid in the same way as we perceive the meaning of the word, and are possibly even alive. They often behave like living entities themselves,as they appear to play with each other in the sky and don't seem to be hindered by inertia and propulsion problems. If these objects have pilots, they wouid have to be very robust to withstand the enormous G-forces created by the craft as they often travel erratically, changing speed and direction as if on reflex.

Th{f, il$iliTffiINd[ffi #xxr1;l;:1?:;,:,

In an area near Thllupa, severalUFOs landed in fields, creating flattened impressionsin the tall grassesand crops. Experts in various fields of researchdescendedupon the landing sites only to discover that what had landed had had a strange effect on the environment. It seemedthat overnight the pumpkin plants which had been under or near the ianding sites had mutated. Although still alive, the plants altered their biological composition and makeup every six hours for the next few days. No biologist could explain this behaviour, but it is speculatedthat this is a residual effect of the UFO contact. There was certainly no radiation detected around the plants that were affected. Perhapsit was the same energy responsiblefor disrupting aircraft technology which also affected these living plants in such dramatic ways. The only scientific guesswas that an electromagnetic pulse may he responsible. Tsif*



EffiT ffiIUAJEJT*EE t r EE

So where do they come from? It seemsthat an explanation for the four Mexico UFO waves is available.It transpiresthat these recent events were prophesied 600 years ago by the Mayans, a culture of people who believed that they were visited by people {rom the stars. One prophecy has particular relevanceto the time when the first major UFO wave began rn 1,991". tanslated. it states."In the era of the sixth sun all that was buried will be discovered,truth shall be the seed of life and the sons of the sixth sun will be the ones who travel through the stars." The 'sixth sun' reference seemsrelevant as the first UFO wave occurred when Mexico was host to a rare total solar eclipse.Just as the eclipse occurred, four identical metallic UFOs were spotted in the cities of Puebla, Mexico City and Tepyeji. The age of the sixth sun signified the beginning of a new era, the era of truth. It seemsthat this era has finally arrived...and we are here to experienceit.

One purpose of the armada seemsto be to escort a different type of UFO to the common silver orb or disc. This object has been labelled 'the container' as it seemsto house eight smaller objects within it. It is a long trailing shape in the sky and has only ever been filmed once, despite severaleyewitness accounts.Since the other tlvenry or so smaller ships accompany this 'container', could it be a 'mothership' of some kind? Our concept of technology seemsso far removed from the conceptswhich are utilised for Mexico withMexican cities,making the seem to belascinated these craft that definitions for the UFOs sometimes TheUF0s number oneUt(lhotspot oftheworld. seem a futile exercise.




Mark McAndrew draws on Einstein's


Unified Field

I auI

Theory in an attempt to explain how UFOs pull off those breathtaking manoeuvres.

Could Einstein's tieldTheory Unified explain UF0propulsion? en percent of UFO sightings defy'rational' explanation, mainly becausethey perform fantastic aerial manoeuvres.If you see a distant point of light moving at high speed,it could be one of many things. If it gets closer and looks distinctly un-aircraft shaped, then there's always the possibility that it's an experimental skyplane or such like. However, if it acceleratesfrom 02,000mph in lesstime than it takes to say knife, dancesaround some ponderous F-16s and somehow makes 90o turns, incurring G-forces that would kill a man, then you know it certainly isn't of this world. As the more experienced reader will knoq this describes some of the amaztng aerobatics of the famous UFO over Antwerp, Belgium in 1988, which was seen by 2,500 people and confirmed by radar. There are many other well documented r:.. l .. lchnert3S6

reports of large intelligently controlled craft flitting around our airspace with the agiliry of mosquitoes, btzzing conventional aircr aft without a wisp of turbulence, and hovering a few feet off the ground without making a sound or showing any visible means of propulsion. Close encounter witnesseshave often testified to electrical interference and a'haze' around the UFO. distorting its appearance.Are we seeingthe effects of advancedtechnology, or advanced imagination? It seemsthat whatever propeis these things is beyond our comprehension. However, Einstein was working on the Unified Field Theory when he died, a theory which would mathematically relate evbry known force in the universe to every other. Even when you learn that there are only four of these fundamental forces (electromagnetic, gravity, strong nuclear, weak nuclear), the work is still incredibly complex and represenrsa 'Holy Grail' Surely humans couldnotwithstand the for theorists. Without turnins this article into a huge O-forces incurred bylJF0s?

Uf|[ar frunffi

Ihemostimpressive Uf|lwitnesses have eflects which could be allreported Field atkibuted to Einstein's Unified yetnoneof themhadanyprior Theory knowledge of physics.

physics paper, it is enough to note that strange concepts like dimensional travel, anti-gravity, invisibility etc, are all theoretically possiblewith this complete understanding of the esoteric forces that govern our universe. A disquieting fact is that the most impressive UFO witnesses,with no prior knowledge of physics,aeronauticsand the like, have all reported similar phenomena which, according to some observers,are the normal and predicted effects of a working Unified Field Theory. Let's examine some of these and compare them to the work we aiready know.

"ll il[ [,'l |.|RI?"

'When flyingat Iryto imagine anobiect stop 2,000mph coming to aninstant otl in a completely andthenshooting different direction.

moving at 2,000mph can accomplish such a feat. Not only does it have to 'slam on the brakes' with nothing substantialto brake against,but it then has to somehow acceleratefaster than a rifle bullet from complete rest back to its original speed. As if that wasn't difficult enough (in terms of the huge energy required), it also has to withstand the effects of this explosive deceleration and acceleration.An F-16 can go from 2,000mph to stop in the space of a few metres, but it involves contact with the ground and tends to hamper any further manoeuvring. For a brief moment, let us assumethat unknown craft with advancedtechnology are capable of withstanding such forces. But what about the occupants?A Jivingorganismis comparatively fragile - in fact, some UFOs have shown changesin speed that would turn organic matter in pAt6. This could mean that all such craft are robotic or remote controlled, but evidenceto the contrary is widespread. It would seem that someone - or something - has discovereda way of travelling without all the problems of actually moving. So, is it possibleto warp space?

" l |[l ''l H 0[0 ]'l T fi0L$ THE SPfl[E, [ililITHOL$ l .|J'|IV IH $ [''

something makes a right angled turn, it isn't really a turn at all. Rather,it is an instantcessation Spaceis not nothing, empty and inert. It can be bent, stretched,broken and generally abusedby of movement in one direction followed by an the presenceof energy and matter. Gravity is immediate initiation of movement in another merely the effect of a large body distorting the direction. Tly to imagine how a flying object


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tdaRtl_r*IrYlug--qauaEB THH I{YpERaFACEOR PTANHfARY 6EAR DtIVSE ANO A 6ER|E6OF ELâ‚ŹcrRoNlc BENrnlFUGEsBASED oH M0 uNTEDouTBoAFDoNAoowt . Eoo|s eEs T A E L l S +| g 5 T t | E c H A *A c T E R | s t | c p p g F l L E o F T | {g FLYII.{S ,SAU6ER"

Perhaps Uf0scanbend andfoldspace instead ofactually having to move it. through

spacearound it. If this were not the case,ligl-rt (har,ingno mass)u,ouldn't be subject to gravit,r,, but experinrentshave proved that it is. Einstein explained that light never deviatesfron'r a straightline - it only appearsto bend becauseof the curvature of spacc itself. Reliablervirness reports (and some pictures) of UFOs bencling or warping coulcl well be evidence of a por,verfuland controllable gravitv field or (in other worcls) wi:Lrpedspaceencolnpassingthe craft. This rvoulcl erplain both the apparentdistortion and, to some extent, the method of propulsion. If you can bend and folcl spaceinstead of actuall,vhaving to move through it, then inertia is no longcl a p rob lern .The t r af t x nJ { ' ! aupr nt \ have no momentuml feel no accelerationand are thus able to perforn-r'irnpossible' manoellvres. This could also explain hou' UFOs are able to fl1' in front of an aircraft at supersonicspeedslr.ithout leavingan1'turbulence,as reported by several experiencedand astonishedpilots. A further bonus of this technologf is invisibilitl; a mere party trick when you have the ability to bend light waves.Sure enough,UFOs that appear ar-rdthen disappearhave been documented.If anyone thinks that warping spaceand anti-gravit.y is pure sci-fi,rememberthat ideassuch as antirnatter,once a possibleonly in the realmsof fiction. are now fact.

Another commonly reported e{fectof a close encounteris the UFO's interferencer.vithelectrical equipnrent.This rangesfrom 'compassdials going cr. rl) to comp lererhu tdowr r .c au\ r ngc ar s t o \ t op running or modern jets to suddenlyexperience complete system failures (obviously with dire consequencesin f11.fy-1a71t. aircraft). There are mani' documented casesof unlucky pilots ser-rtto intercept UFOs and promptly falling out of the sky when t}revgot too close.This is yet more evidence of . rn cn crg l-ficld :urro unding t ] le\ e c r af t . bur these effects are more like an intense (and continuous)electromagneticpulse (EMP). An EMP is a rvell l<norr',nconsequenceof a highaltitude (4Okm+) nucleardetonationas the result !cloher 1996

of gamma :rnd X-ra,vsstripping electrons from the air. These then spin do\\rn to Earth giving off huge . t m o l l n t \ o i r r . l i o t v a re s .A n 1 m e t a l e a n a c r l i k c . t radio aerial and consequentl,vabsorb this energl', creating electrical cLlnents strong enor-rghto burn out, or at leastoverload any circuits.In a 1962 experiment,US scientistserploded a 1.5 megatonne device ,40Okmabove the Pacific, causing porver lines to fuse and streer lights to erplode a thousandmiles awa,vin Harvaii. That fact that sorne UFOs have this abilitl' to disrupt all electrical acrivity (intentionallr' or otherr'vise)in their vicinity shows that thel' are

There aremany documented episodes of pilots unlucky sentto intercept UF()s promptly falling outo{theskywhen theygottooclose.

,4, iive year test program to refine the external aerodynamics began in 1976. This study used one,sixth sca'e radio cont.olled modets that were extensively wind-tunnet and flight tesled. The goal and râ‚Ź6ult ot thi$ program was to secure a lcw drag coefficien{ and a higftly stable aerodynamic conftguration for this class of aircraft.

Even if wediddiscover howUt0suse harnessingcolossalamounts of energy - amounts freeenergy themselves, it that we can only 'control' at the end of a warhead. to propel viable forus It also adds more weight to the arguments that would notbeeconomically to useit inoursocietv. these craft are displaying such incredible technology that they are simply not of this Earth. Having said that, if a clean source of virtually infinite power were to be discoveredby some maverick scientist or t!vo, would it be announced to the general public? There are still many well qualified people who claim that cold fusion and other free-energy processeswork very wel1, but their ideas are being consciouslysuppressedbecausefour-fifths of the world's economy is based around the buying and selling of energy.If energy became free overnight then the international monetary system as we know it would collapse,which would be bad news for the rich and powerfu,.

7 7r r * ;"1

HAilDBOOK E.H tke&

T|{E FLII|lT OF B|Jl,lBLI IEI If we assumethat these various effects of UFO encounters are becauseof some esoteric fieidenvelope, then other piecesof the jigsaw fall into place. Most significantlg the shapesof most UFOs

Asealed unitcanbemade to generate lift byusing ananayofgyroscopic here. devices likethose shown

(spherical,disc or cigar-shaped)are definitely not aerodynamic in the conventional sense,but they are shapesthat field-generatingcraft would naturally conform to. This is not a theory, it's establishedscience.In other words, we are already making disc-shaped'anti-gravity' devices.But do they work? It has long been said that according to the laws of physics, a bumble bee shouldn't be able to fly, although more recently the complicated aerodynamics of how its tiny wings work has supposedly been figured out. Another popular myth is that you can't make a sealedunit generate lift. You can. One way is by using a simple array of gyroscopic devices that ring the craft (seebelow diagram). The pioneering antigravity research of Nikola Tesla,John Searle, Bruce DePalma and others is still being used and improved, as the photograph above shows. Tom 'Watson of Geelong, Australia made this prototype (basically a model UFO) and it worked. It has no jets, no propellers and no wings, yet it produced lift. You would have thought that the military would have jumped on ideas like this. 'Well, you'd be right; Russianand American engineerstried to make their own 'flying saucers'over 40 years ago and are still apparently working on prototypes in placeslike Area 51 and S-4, Nevada. Since they started work on these projects shortly after the Roswell incident tn t947, it makes you wonder where they got the idea for disc-shapedcraft from... Ultimately though, most engineersworking with gravity-defying devicesare limited by the massiveamounts of energy consumption. No known form of generating power is suitable, so that brings us full circle - if there are indeed other, unlimited sourcesof energy which humaniry is poised to understand and make use of, then the development of our own flying saucerswill swiftly follow. Maybe someone 'out there' is well aware of that. Thanks to Nexus magazine for their help with the source material for this article. 0doherl$3$

$i}lrlili l,l,


illruit i l,r y*ec'r* thc lerieaeatrep*:*E€, d.iqe*telrmf c3aa Ar*a 5! Resc*rekil*mt*ru has*d i.a E{*a&el"Ffes*da. *eed*di€*r i:g tb*, {ry#*rsef'-afu.e fl3*serl.H.*8,a ta} sewe9*{tera$e.v*cesi irnc*ceri,n* t3c* s*{:r*es c}t &"8*a 55, F{a:e' &;^*.y+sts f#sr r\ecocfterrnars'fli 3rt* 51" a$ri "e,ilsqi:r*u4h, ycrr #r!i c*,:ch* SfcEeds &ev,ertr+ ++ef*r .v'*"ars*lf? I usedto be a computer programmerin Bosron and was fairly tuccessfulat it. I was looking for adventureand becameinterestedin the UFO fieid. in 19q2, bu yin g u p a lIthe t r t er ar ur eI c our d I r nd. I becamevery interested becauseI felt that although most of it was nonsense,that didn't mean that there wasn't a grain of truth in it somewhere, and it w as an inte llectuach l allenger o f ind r hat gr ain. UFOs are very vagueand it's hard to pin them down. If the re is a sig htingin one loc at ionit will very rarely sh ow u p in th e s am e loc at ionagain. Houever. so me UFO lite r ar ur ec laim edt har if v or went to a specificlocation on a remote deserr highw ay yo u cou ld se efl y ing s auc er son dem and. lr w as s pe cifice no ug h fo r m e t o c hec k it out and prove whether it was true or in lare '92 I ,: Area 5 I - that is. Racheland H,*hyil :1T. J' ,) - Ior tn e frrst flme. I dr d t ne t r adr t r onalt ht ng. which is to stay out all night and look for UFOs. I saw fantasticlights in the sky.all of which I came to recogniseas military flares.and other lights connecredwirh the wargamesthere. I almost automaticallyb eg anwrir ing down ev er y t hingt hat I encoun tere d,rig ht do wn t o t he m ilepos t salong the highway.and within a few days rhat started shapingup into rheArea 5l Viewers'Cuide. I wasn't trying to prove or disprove UFOs. I was simply c olle ctin grhe da r a I neededt o c om plet et he guide. At so me p oin t I re ally got hook ed int o t he whole Area 5 I phenomena,becaurealthough all the lights I had seenwere conventional, there was srill a secretmilitary baseout there that cried out for attention. Ther* are pl*nw of fhecries afoa:u!Brhar s*6s s:n inslde fuea 51; sqrm*crfd:$rlsu*rhsrs tasoea" \E&;g d* y*a beiisqe tk* €-iS#oeeffie:*t*Ee.i* fuidi:r.g *ercl The US Governmenris certainlyhiding new aircraft there. The baseis a traditional aircraft testingground ior reconnaissance and srealth



!t Gl6no Campboll,ArH 5t fiesrch

g0ntor, il{q$



hlt{tRtt$RHEfl 5l?

The official line on Area 5 [ from the US Governmentis now not that it doesn't exist - they have been daring enough to admit that'there are facilities at Groom Lake' - but thev won't discuss them anv further. However, Glenn Campbell's map iabove) marks Area 51 within the central airspace zone called 'Dreamland', putting it almost due south of Rachel, the nearesttown, The nearestmajor city, Las Vegas,is to the south of the massiveNellis Range, a restricted military zone the size of Switzerland. aircraft, and there is reliable information that there have been stealth helicopters tested there, as have UAVs (UnmannedAerial Vehicles)and possiblya follow up to the F-l l- stealthfighter. That's the baseitself; of course, what people are most rn_terested in are.theperipheralareaslike Area 5l and PapooseLake. The latter is about I5 miles south of Groom Lake, and i, where Bob Lazarclaimshis flying saucersare. but you can't get in there to examine it so the ly:r1igl.r:Trin. stay.neurral,onrhe UFO field. I rry, to collect all the data rhat's available,whether wild or more reasonable.but I don't really pre-judge the information before I find the truth. Thisunassuming inRachel, building l{evada, ishome to Glenn Campbell's f),-r1*u'!ia\arFir , E*in*s+f chr:qesei;h *s F.,E; lrea5l Research Center. t*aas sfo*.€€rera 51rffir*aqEgl**a$i$-4, *r wfu*e*ser i*s q*$fi*i+3destgcae#*atffi*y ild: ir*-,ases*i*er , oeq',versd EEirq 5g1p6gc€G.!R r!{ i;xx"r-rft huilt *ith ali*n r*thnulnw." Do I believeBob Lazar?I neither believenor disbelievehim; I think his'story is very well told, it's a very coherent story that simply saysthat he worked with alien hardware. it's remarkablefor its restraint- there are plenry of charlatanstelling plenry of exotic talesin the UFO field, but they always seemto exaggeratebeyond the original story. The sort of stories that are common tend to involve aliens lecturing us about how we're screwing up our planet, etc. Lazar's story is different - he simply stateswhere he worked, how

0ctoier l$$6

he got there and what he saw. It stops there, and Lazar doesn't elaborate,which essentiallymeans he's given up a great deal of economic potential to cash in on this story.

trust him on those things, how can you trust him on the things you can't verify? Lazar therefore remains an open question, but it's not something that I activelyinvestigateany more. I've taken all that I can from Lazar's story and it's my choice to move on to other things.

I If thse really are tiFO based aircraft in the USAF inventory, how have they managedto keep thcm seffet for so long when other branchesof goYefrfmentleak like sievest thi, i, on. revelation I've hadwhile beinghereI've recognised that the governmentcan keep secretslIt hasenoughcontrol over its peoplefor lhem not to talk. Everyworkerat Area51 is requiredto takelie detectortestson a reqular

' ,

that's not connected to the Air Force, the NSA or

Campbell's Area51 AmapfromGlenn Yierers'Guide, showing thenortheastern borndary ofthel{ellisRange (topleft).Area andth tonnof Rachel 5l itsoffhat bottom left.Hi$way 375 isnoroffchllyknown asthe 'eiltrdenâ‚ŹS+ial highway', thanks to Fox, bn$irgbyhenththCentury malersof Independence Day,anda man

with it? ;il;; Tlleyfte..rroi",breakiag'ir;i:la*i not breakingany lawsassuch-'this is an "r'.och administrativeaction that had no needto sa ..,, ., ry

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'ffiiill'',wheqhglgloqpdure;wq*prope4y .1i

fod6w*# * *l ; whethir the Air Forceffi tonesi about its ' lntentions and"whetherit had eiventhe correct reasons for the withdrawal of

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t"ni ittoria havebeenwithdrawnwirhout more information being given. However, the act is now complete, these viewpoints have been taken, so we simply moved to further viewpoints. In all, the military lost on this deal - they may have gained the viewpoints but they lost on the


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Vehicle'that I and a news crew were in to obstruct the seizure of the news crew's videotape. I was arrested, I was convicted, I appealed the conviction and the appeal was rejected. I ultimately had to do my time, which was five days of communiry service.I completed this by writing a history of Rachel.


It was a misdemeanour,a very minor charge, but it was completely wrong - the authorities were wrong for attempting to seize material without a warrant in very dubious circumstances. What I learned in the process was how to be my own lawyer. I represented myself at both the trial and the appeal, and I put up a good fight. I produced some legal briefs that I'm very proud of, and which I think will ultimately prove me to be correct to anyone who reads them. Although I could have gotten out of the charge at any time simply by payrng a fine and admitting my guilt, the charge was wrong in the first place, so it was something I had to fight and I fought it for almost two years. Although I lost, I think I

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you look at them more closely.I've seen a lot of bizarre human apparitions at Rachel, and met a great deal of'aliens'- these are humans that claim to be aliens - and plenty of people who tell fantastic stories, but this is anthropology, and is nothins to do with aliens.

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Playingdevil's advocate,doesn'tthe Air Force have a right to kecp its secrettechnologv from


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Yes.of course there's alwavs a need for secrecyin military affairs,there'sno denying this. You don't want to reveal, for example, your troop strength to a potential Saddam Hussein, or what weapons m ieht be us ed.

GlennCampbell'sArea 57 Viewers'Guide is availableby mail order from the Area 51 ResearchCenter,PO Box 448 (DeptC), Rachel,NV 89001, USA,and costs$15.Also avaifabfe is the IJpdate,which costs$9. Ordersby creditcard can be takenon (001 702) ' 729-2648.Fax orderscan be takenon (001 702) 729-2580. Make sureyou checkthe price of p&p beforehand. The Guide is stuffedfull of maps,UFO accounts,details of viewingsites,base informationand'sarcasm when required'.Soundspretty handyto us...

"Area 51" Viewer's Guide ?lr (:lFn


You have to strike a balance berween secrecyand the need for oversight, and I represent the forces that are fighting for greateroversighr.Sincethe

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technologicallysophisticateJ.n.-y that we're in a race with for advancedweaponry, we face a -dif-ferent kind of threat now which means that the

Uameiuei]dgdn olq$â‚Źl$ Ssgtro1,,,,, $ecrecyand changein soffieway - all I'm doing is simply ri,,,,., .r_... :,:::.::.:..,;t,, t,, tl purhirreioi t!i, ii.iai\ii

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dron* {see page 62} - do ynu think this might be part of a deliberate plan to gradu*lly reveal the existsrce of atready operational super-tech aircraft such as the Aurora? Is Groom Lake, *s m*ay have suggeeted, the test sit* f$r Aurora? I know nothing about Aurora - I rate it one notch of credibility below the UFOs, quite frankly. The best information I have is that there was such a programme, it failed to achieve its objectivesand was cancelled.Despite the reports of triangular aircraft over places like the North Sea, the story hasn't advanced in six years. Whst's the most inpressive end out of the ordinary tbing you've $een at or oyer Groom? In my two and a half years of living there full time, spending probably more days and nights out in the desert than an1"one,I've never seen anything I can't explain. I've seen a great deal of fantastic lights, but I know that they are mainly flares and celestialphenomena which you can understand if

N*xt ffionth, is."thesecondpart cf this iaterview, Glenn Campbell renealshis views on aliens, conspiracy theories aod coaspiracy theoristsoas well ar mare *bout the *ecret goings-on af Area 51. Be there!

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photognphing Merely lVarning signsat theboundary of thetlellisRange. getyouintotrouble withtheCammo Dudes. thesigns cansometimes

IheWaveilder revealed in TheSunday Times on Angust lSth;1096.

Hyperionic waveriders take off

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t is virtually impossible to speculate just how many people around the world have reported seeinga UFO that was of a triangular or wedge shape. The best estimate puts the figure

in the rangeof 10,000sightings,but the somewhere

Iheloflyteerperimental drone real figure is probably much higher.Accordingto is verlclose aircraft'sconfiguration newsrecentlyreleasedby NASA and the United fortheAurora to thatclaimed jointly on a hypenonic which the StatesAir Force,who havebeenworking spyplane, project, there may well be an explanation top secret USAf deny exists. Conld Lotlyte be lrom for this triangular intruder of the airways.This is a a wayto divertattention Aurura si$tings? new prototypeplanecalledthe'Waverider. alleged

NASA and the USAF have announced that they have been jointly working on developing an aftcraft capable of travelling at twice the speed of Concorde. This prototype has just been publicly unveiled, but speculation is rife, especiallywhen you consider the remarkably revolutionary design 'Waverider. of the It is now being mooted that a full scale version 'Waverider of the may have been developed years ago. This version could have conducted test flights world-wide, provoking the public to mistakenly report.'Waveridersightings as glimpsesof UFOs. After all, the classic triangular shape of the 'Waverider does suggest that it could be responsible for some sightings. The Waverider's official name is the LoFlyte (Low Observable Flight Test Experiment), and it is believed that it could reach speedsof up to 3,000 miles per hour. The aircraft obtained its nickname due to its ability to surf on a stream of air, as opposed to a conventional aircraft which simply ploughs straight through the air. This surfing effect is achieved mainly due to the

As NASA announcesa new prototypeaircraft, Marcus Walker wonderswhether it could be responsiblefor masssightingsof UFOs. triangular-shaped

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\Taverider's innovative triangular design, which traps a cushion of air below the craft. The 'Waverider is so complicated that a software program has been developed by Accurate Automation Corporation that will teach the aircraft to fly itself, after basic instruction from a pilot. NASA have also commented that the 'Waverider's neural network is more akin to the human brain than a computer.

stealth aircraft would fly so close to a commercial atcraft, endangering both the lives of the 'Waverider's pilots and the lives of the general public travelling on the passenger aircraft.


It has been suggestedon more than one occasion that the American government has entered an agreement with extraterrestrial life-forms, in that they guarantee to allow human beings to be used as guinea pigs for experimentation in return for details of the aliens' advancedtechnology. Bob Lazar claims to have worked at Area 51 on a reverse technology project, where it was his job to establish the functioning capabilities of recovered crashedUFOs, supposedlyhoused at Area 51. If we are to believe everything we are spoonfed by various sources,then it may make perfectly logical sensefor the Americans to have developed an aircraft that is not entirely dissimilar to the triangular-shaped UFO so often reported by civilians. In fact, if the Americans were given the knowledge by aliens, then it stands to reason that the two atrcraft would almost certainly be identical. This bizarre explanation would account for the many sightings of possible alien crafts invading our skies, evading radar and travelling at insurmountable speeds.


It is now believed that the 'Waverider was responsible for a huge wave of sightings in Belgium in December 1989, when over 13,000 witnesses reported a strange triangular-shaped object in the skies. These sightings were corroborated by military pilots and pilots of commercial aircraft, who either came into close contact with the obiect, or tracked it on radar. It would appear, at least from a governmental standpoint, that the Vaverider may make a very convenient solution to the mass sightings, but if you examine the evidence,then glaring discrepancies appear. The Belgian UFO was captured on camera in what is now a legen{ary picture, and to be honest it does not resemble the \(averider, It wouldn't make sense for the American, or any other military for that fact, to make such a display of public unilateralism if they wished the project to remain secret. In short, it is impossible to make an argument for the Belgium UFO flap being attributed to the Vaverider. Another UFO case currently getting the 'Waverider treatment is the Manchester near miss incident of last year. On this occasion, a British Airways Boeing 737 flying from Milan to Manchester was involved in a near fatal collision with a triangular-shaped object. The pilots Mark Stuart and Roger'Wills both filed 'air near miss' reports as a result of their experience.They claimed that the object had passed within just feet of their atrcrak. Radar operators were unable to lock on to the second object, but other eyewitnesseson the ground also saw the object in relation to the Boeing, and ther'efore confirmed what the pilots had reported. The pilots also drew sketches of the object, which do resemble the Waverider with startling accuracy. But could the X(averider be responsible?I think the answer must be no for a number of reasons. The first is that the 'Waverider is supposedly an American atcraft. and as such it would be required to carty a radar beacon which would enable air traffic controllers to identify it. This is a prerequisite of carrying out manoeuvres in British airspace.The second problem with the Vbverider being used as an excuse for the Boeing sighting is that it is virtually unthinkable that an American

'We are now entering an age of advanced technological achievement.The design and capabilities of terrestrial aircraft is starting to reflect this new dawn, but it is essential for Ufology to keep its feet firmly on the ground. Otherwise we will soon find that governments will be passing off many UFO sightings as new technology and before we know it the impetus that Ufology has worked so hard to achieve will begin to wane.

Thenowinfamous'Bel$an Uf0'displays ashapthatisrema*ably similar to thatoftheloFlyte ahcraft.


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Daniel Brotongile distils alien abduction caseresearchto discoverwhat abduction victims go through and how someone suspectingthat they have been abducted

could recognise the tell-talesymptoms. ow that aiien abductions have come to light, several common anomalies have emerged between abducteesin general. Theseanomaliesare so common that they are even used to differentiatebetween real and falseclaimsof abduction. What has surfacedtime and time again with the phenomenonof alien abduction is that the victims rarely have an insighr into the exact evenrsof the abducrion experience.However. hypnotic regression can supposedlyrelax rhe mind to such an extent that thesesubconsciousmemories are gently released. It should be noted ar this point, for the record, that relativelylittle is known about hypnotic regression.As this is the main meansof recallingabduction memories,we should perhapsbe careful not to assumeit is a watertighr method and rhat regressionists are all of the same standardand integrity.After all, it is possibleto place i suggestionduring or prior ro regression.

nteingthe i;ru I':r ;hT,T'.'.'fi ". employed in abductioncases.abductees

abduction', then there are definite clues to look for. However. the cluesand characteristics of alien abducriondo not indicateabduction as the only possible explanationfor thesecharacteristics and the following list is. of course,only a guide for those who are curious. Alternativenatural explanationsare offered for the list, but when all of the following attributesoccur, the odds seem stackedin favour of the paranormal.

3: Cracking Noise A n u n u s u a l ,p o s s i b l yi n t e r n a l ,c r a cki n g noise in the ear. also noted in OBEs. which seemsto repeat itseli at an ever i n c r e a s i n gr a t e u n t i l t h e n e x t p h a seo f r h e experieflce occurs.

R B It| [TIOi [L| J I$ l ill-*H-;lff., "oo "*ion.wherher rhe subjectis randomly chosenor soughr specificallyfor abduction,we can only guess,but UFO sightingsare often the first indication and more often rhan not the startingpoint in hypnotic regression before the whole story is drawn out. In British abducrions,rhere seemro be rwo very common types of UFO which are sightedprecedingthe lossof rime. These are the black triangular UFO of Belgian fame in 1990 and the classicsilver reflectiveflying saucer.

4: OBE - Out of Body Experience Floating abovethe bed or above the position where your physicalbody is suspendedin'spirit-[ike' state.

are more than likely to know somethingis not right. It is this feelingthat something has happenedwhich drives them to seek

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the study of the paranormalin general that there are very interestingcorrelarions to some aspectsof alien abducrionand the paranormal phenomenonof OBE lOui Of Body Experience)and even NDE (Near Dearh Experience).If you are wondering if you have fallen foul to 'alien

2: Intense Light Most often blue, somerimesgreen and very bright. It seemsto strike the forehead.Also nored in OBEs.

5: Night Seizure,Paralyses These night seizuresprevent speechor movement and yer the victim can still be conscious.What is interestins is the correlation of rhis trait with lut of body experiences.The victim remembers floaring in paralysisaway from where they are sleeping,sometimesthrough

solid objecrssuch as walls. In an abductionscenario,this is sometimesakin to the sciencefiction 'rractor beam', a beam of energy which tows the person up

bv forexaminarion ::Jffi;ooffiTft

sympromsare usuallythe result of being medicallyexaminedor tamperedwith. Nose bleedscan occur due to implants which have actuallybeen recoveiedand sureicallyremoved as physicalevidence. These implantswhen analysedhave a strangemineral composition.

7: Heightened Spiritual Awareness After contact and even sightings of UFOs

ilIffifl1:;'":,'#i extremecases,psychicabiliryis

4: Vivid Dreams Theseare vivid memoriesand dreamsof

;H,. fiTllilTr,T P O $I R B I| J[IIOIl#.':1":'# I | | RR RIIEH ISII[$ :ll,iJ ffi Til:i,lilJtit'll*., '", with large black eyes.Such strong images and anxiety when recalledor viewed in an illustration.For those who have not been regressedor have little inkling of why they are fearful of the image, this can becomea very confusingand disturbing

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after days.Often, this loss oI time is

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flBIlJCTIOII Tl|E E TP IR IE I I I E During an abduction.the abducteeis laid on a table, often within a white room, and

.,."r :l;::rH:i;l"** :i:;l::Til anal and genitalareasby small grey humanoidswith large black oval eyes. Sperm or ovariesare often removed.

5: ObsessivePursuit of UFO Knowledge Ir seemsthe prerogativeof abduction victims to pursue their understandingof the UFO and alien phenomena,and can becomean obsession.

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abductors,who are often reported to have

[jiFli:il:{iryH:.,lil $r;' This has even lead to sexl 2: ScreenMemory 'lfhen trying to remember eventswithin the lost time, abducteeshave a strong image of something non ET-related and cannot comprehend why. This is often referred to as an implanted screen memory. Abducteeswiil frequently experiencea strong image,yet will be confused as to why they are remembering it and exactly when it occurred.

3: Nose Bleeds and Scars Nose bleeds and scarring may eventually be accountedfor in regressionor remembered durine abduction. These

l3S6 0ctober

6: Insomnia Insomnia is the fear of sleep, and occurs particularly around 3am or in the early hours of the morning. This is also a time when UFO sightings are remarkably common. The fear of sleep could be linked with the trauma of night abduc t ions a . n d t h e p o s s i b i l i t yt h a t abductions are related with OBEs, which usually happen just prior to sleep.

?,:T :;#.J:ml;t#'jffi: ::;,:: victims due to forced interferencewirh their sexualorgans.

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C o n s i d e r i n ga n a t i o n w i d es u r v e yh a s revealedthat five percentof the American population believedthey had been abducted.and claims of abductionare on the increaseworld-wide, it is hard to ignore the subjectand even harder to claim it has no substance. If you have been abductedor even feel that you may have been,then you may realisethat whar is happeningto you is also happeningon a very wide scale.It's time we woke up to this increasingly c o n v i n c i n gp h e n o m e n a .

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