Automation Update - Issue 98

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AUTOMATION PDATE Certified Pump System Auditor Course 4 day course 7th – 10th November 2022 and 9th – 12th May 2023 Classroom & hands on training Held at BPMA offices, West Bromwich B70 6PY For more information call 0121 601 6691 scan code for the training guide or email: Independent Pump Training from

Energy efficiency – are attitudes changing?

Of course, greater autonomy in our energy provision is now understood and acknowledged as a stand out way to protect ourselves from market volatility caused by unstable regimes. But the drive for improved efficiency across all the avenues of energy use, will simply mean that the energy we do produce and secure as a country will go that much further. This will not only allow us to make big savings on our domestic bills and to ensure our homes stay warm through the winter months, it will also have a massive impact on the efficiency, and ultimately, the profitability of our commercial and industrial sectors.

The British Pump Manufacturers Association (BPMA) has been a longstanding advocate of not only the need for improved energy efficiency across the UK’s vast installed base of pumps and pump systems, but also the massive opportunity it presents for significant energy use reduction.

The subject of energy, or rather energy efficiency, has long been a topic of vague disinterest among the vast majority of households and billpayers. Energy, or rather the complex business sector that produces and delivers it, has historically struggled with engagement. Energy efficiency, in particular, has more often than not been misrepresented as simply a penny-saving exercise involving the change of lightbulbs for modern replacements, and switching lights off when rooms are unoccupied. Boiling the kettle less, another suggestion often heard.

However, with the huge global rise in the cost of energy, and its near constant headline coverage by the broadcast media, not to mention the financial pain we are all now enduring, perhaps 2023 has the potential to see a real change in attitudes. A change that could positively impact all aspects of energy use.

The operation of pumps and their associated systems accounts for around 20% of the world’s entire electrical energy consumption, and in some high-use industrial applications, this can be as much as 25-50% of the total electrical energy usage. Across the European continent pumps are the single largest user of electricity within industry, consuming over 300 TWhpa of electricity, which in turn accounts for over 65 Mton of CO2 emissions.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of pump systems operating today were not originally designed with energy conservation as a major consideration. It is now well documented that rotodynamic pumps, which account for 80% of the installed base across Europe are between 20-30% oversized. This is usually due to an in-built ‘safety factor’ allowing for potential future uprates, or any wear in the pump or fouling of the system. But this simply means they are using far too much energy for the required duty. As such, there is huge potential to save massive amounts of energy if these pumps are properly sized, operated and maintained. In fact, if pump systems are initially designed with energy use in mind, and the pumps are optimised for efficiency, a saving up to 50% in electrical energy can be achieved.

Steve Schofield, CEO at the British Pump Manufacturers’ Association, considers whether there is at last a change in attitudes towards energy efficiency amongst the general public. And if so, whether this can have a meaningful impact on decreasing the energy consumption across UK industry.

In essence, it is important to know as much about the pump system as possible and to create a pressure/flow profile for the system, as the energy required to drive the pump is directly related to the flow and pressure required.

Energy Audits

It is also important to carry out regularly energy audits to help determine where energy use reduction measures can be employed, and in turn how operating costs can be lowered. The government has estimated that most companies can reduce their energy consumption by 10-20%, and energy audits carried out in accordance with ISO 14414 have shown that savings of 30-50% are not unusual. By reviewing utility bills, you can get an indication of the savings to be made and the investment that you should be prepared to put into the auditing process.

Across most industrial sites, some two-thirds of the total energy consumption is used to power electric motors, an integral part of any pump system. The overall cost associated with operating these essential pieces of equipment throughout their entire life span can be broken down as follows; 5% accounts for the initial purchase/installation costs, 10% for ongoing maintenance and a massive 85% for the energy used to run them.

Clearly, any reduction in the energy consumed by electric motors is important, and with modern designs, that reduction can be as much as 30%. It is also evident that many pumps and motors are constantly operated at full power, irrespective of process needs, something which can managed with the addition of variable speed drives, and so across Europe’s installed base there is the potential for significant energy savings; savings which can in turn drop to the bottom line and increase the profitability of any business.

Certified Pumps Systems Auditor Scheme

Given the amount of energy consumed by pumps in their normal operation, and the potential for energy efficiency gains within pump systems, the BPMA has developed the Certified Pump System Auditor Scheme (CPSA).

Through the CPSA, pump engineers are being trained to correctly assess the efficiency of pump systems, and to provide appropriate recommendations in order to improve the efficiency of those systems. The CPSA accreditation is achieved by successfully completing a four-day residential course, followed by the satisfactory completion of a pump system audit. Only then can ‘Certified Pump System Auditor’ status be achieved.

Within the full ESOS Guidance document, the ISO/14414Pump System Energy Assessment standard is referenced as an auditing methodology that can be accepted by “Lead Assessors” approved by the Environment Agency. Accordingly, it is hoped that CPSA accredited persons (who are trained according to the IS0 14414 standard) will be recommended by Lead Assessors to undertake the pumping system elements of company-wide energy audits.

The next CPSA Training Course is scheduled for 9th-12th May 2023. For more detailed information, please visit

In conclusion, it is hoped that with the heightened publicity around the cost of energy, and society’s growing appreciation of its importance to our very existence, we will begin to see far greater urgency in the adoption of energy reduction measures across our commercial and industrial sectors.

Ultimately it’s a question of choice, and whether businesses are prepared to finally address the ‘Capex vs Opex’ argument and begin to enjoy the long term financial gains available through improved operational efficiency. The offer being; pay for the new equipment now, and recoup the cost through the energy savings made over its operational life. But either way, supported by the documented evidence that significant savings can be made through the correct selection and efficient operation of pumps and their related systems, the BPMA will continue its efforts to drive this clear and important message.

Further information on the work carried out by the BPMA can be found through the website - - or for any specific enquiries, please email

Certified Pump System Auditor Course 4 day course 9th - 12th May 2023 Classroom & hands on training Held at BPMA Offices West Bromwich B70 6PY For more information call 0121 601 6691, scan code for the training guide or email: Independent Pump Training from


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Compact modular detectors for biomolecular applications

Biotech Fluidics reports that the biocompatible flow path and minimal heat output of its Runge Mikron detectors makes them perfect for analysis and preparative purification of biomolecules, especially in refrigerated environments.

Based upon fixed wavelength LED light sources with a lifetime of more than 5000 hours, power consumption below 2.5 watts, and start-up within seconds, Runge Mikron detectors are ideal for incorporation into portable field instruments and online monitoring devices.

Runge Mikron detectors are available for photometric, fluorimetry and conductivity measurements. Measuring only 80-150 mm long, each modular detector light source, filter and measuring cell can be adapted to provide an optimized solution for your application.

Different modules can also be combined to provide a fluidic monitoring system for more challenging biomolecular applications. Typically, Runge Mikron detectors are more affordable and compact than a fully variable detector.

Runge Mikron detectors are easy to connect to almost any instrument as they communicate through and draw power from a single USB-C port. Drivers are provided for a growing range of laboratory control and chromatography software. Alternatively, an open protocol can be used for customized implementation. The detectors conform to international standards and are CE marked.

To learn more about these versatile detectors please visit detectors/mikron/ or contact Biotech Fluidics on + 46 300 56 91 80 / + 612-703-5718 /

Automation Update - 5

Advances in Data Collection in the Smart Factory

Smart Manufacturing, Industry 4.0, Industrial Internet of Things – whatever you call it and wherever you sit in terms of development, implementation and use, machines are processing huge amounts of data to make real-time decisions on their own, often with little or no human interference. For this article we are going to stick with ‘Smart Manufacturing’.

Storing and analysing data is a key requirement for Smart Manufacturing. Machine health, down-time, throughput, to name a few are all types of data that needs to be stored accessed and analysed. The human interface to accessing this information is generally straight forward through a PC or terminal and also having the ability to look at multiple machine data in a custom software application.

In order for data to be valuable, processing has to happen in the appropriate fashion and Smart Manufacturing can enable better competitiveness by changing production processes using high-speed data.

Data challenges

In the smart facility, sensors collect data such as temperature, light and air flow. Devices track production yield, monitor assets, worker safety and many more. Machines generate a lot of content with changing characteristics: some processes require high-speed data whose value will diminish as time passes, and usually comes from a variety of sources, and the constant flow being streamed from sensors and devices are typically unstandardised and unstructured. Considering all these, the big challenge is how to transform “content” into “context” and

enable machines to process this constant stream of high-speed data in real- or near-real time, to self-diagnose and learn, and facilitate decisions that will improve processes and/or prevent disruptions.

For many critical operations, latency is a major issue. Any additional wait time can disrupt operations and heavily impact the business. Due to the intense need and demand to accelerate the manufacturing process, storage is shifting from heavy reliance on the cloud to the edge.

Data Challenges:

Traditional vs. Smart Factory

Edge computing as applied to smart manufacturing refers to storage and processing capabilities right where data is collected or where certain actions are performed. In contrast to a centralized location (cloud), edge computing is decentralised, as resources and services are distributed among storage computing gateways or servers which serve as intermediaries before data is sent to the cloud. Herein lies the problem. Latency.

Latency is the amount of time it takes a message, or data, to traverse a computer network. High or long latency is slow and fast is low latency. To put this into numbers 100 milliseconds is considered

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good and 50 or below very good latency. Using a wi-fi network with vast amounts of machines will ultimately have a higher latency. ‘Hardwiring them’ would solve this problem but who wants miles of wires in a Smart Factory. It defeats the object of being Smart.

We are now seeing more automated process collecting data at the edge, or a local device or machine. By shifting from a centralised (cloud) storage to distributed (edge) storage, businesses can realise numerous benefits, such as better equipment uptime, lower maintenance costs, reduced equipment failure, boosted manufacturing and overall enhanced operations. Edge storage is enabling the collection of factory data that will help manufacturers quickly identify the root cause of problems resulting in poor production quality or machine downtime.

Edge storage.

What does that mean? Edge storage is data that is collected and stored within a device or a machine. This could mean an internal SSD, or even something as small as an SD or microSD card. We are not talking Commercial grade storage. Industrial storage is for industrial devices and there is a wealth of differences between the two.

Next generation of memory cards

Endurance in mid-capacity (8-64GB) memory cards has always been the Achilles heel for this kind of storage, which is largely down to the type of NAND Flash (or memory chip) being used within the card. Until now.

ATP Electronics is the first company to have developed a high-capacity memory card capable of over 109K hours of continuous recording with a whopping 3,840TBW endurance in pSLC mode utilising industrial grade 3D TLC NAND Flash. All this at a price point which sits comfortably between purchasing and engineering requirements. The S750 SD and microSD cards are available in both commercial and industrial operating temperatures and offer a whole host of customisation options. These low latency cards are perfectly suited for write intensive smart manufacturing equipment and can also be used in surveillance, automotive, autonomous vehicles and DVR applications.

You can get your hands on a free sample of the memory cards by clicking here . Our memory experts can help you get the right fit, form and function for your application.

Automation Update - 7
UK eco AC LTD POWER ENCLOSED POWER SUPPLY DIN RAIL POWER SUPPLY OPEN FRAME POWER SUPPLY MEAN WELL POWER SUPPLIES Ecopac (UK) Power Ltd, Unit 4, Ridgeway, Crendon Industrial Area, Long Crendon, Bucks, HP18 9BF CALL OUR EXPERT TEAM TODAY! +44 (0) 1844 204420 Email us at

2023 Already a Gilded Year for TMI™

Team Leadership and Lean public courses receive City & Guilds Assurance.

The Manufacturing Institute (TMI) has been trusted in delivering high-quality and impactful training since 1994. Offering courses that create impactful changes to a business such as Six Sigma, Lean Manufacturing, and Team Leadership. This year has started off with a bang for TMI, receiving City & Guilds assurance for the Team Leadership Development Programme (TLDP) and the Accelerated Route to Lean Manufacturing (ARTL). These are often the gateway onto the MSc in Manufacturing Leadership, or even larger continuous improvement consultancy projects and Shingo.

The City & Guilds Assured Benchmark is a quality assurance framework, which evaluates eight areas of programme design and delivery. It is the Benchmark Standard to confirm that an organisation has met the global quality standard set by City & Guilds. Lisa Riley, Executive Director at TMI reflected, “These programmes are so enduring that customers old and new refer to them by their acronyms. In the last 12-months, both programmes have been updated and refreshed. It felt like time to get them formally ratified by one of the Nation’s most familiar educational organisations – City & Guilds.”

Joe Bell, Strategic Commercial Manager at City & Guilds said, “City & Guilds is delighted to be able to work with organisations who value good quality skills development. The Manufacturing Institute has invested in developing these programmes to achieve the City & Guilds Assured benchmarks, which now evidences that the courses meet world-class quality standards on all aspects from planning and design, to delivery and evaluation.  Congratulations TMI!”.

These programmes help build a coaching culture, giving employees the opportunity of personal development, which reflects on their business. TMI understands this culture and encourages delegates to continuously develop. Upon successful completion of the Programme, delegates receive a co-branded digital credential highlighting their personal development, which includes detailed information about the learner’s skills and achievements.

For more information about Leadership and Lean training, please visit or telephone +44 (0)161 245 4845 for a prospectus.

10 - Automation Update

Railtex 2023

Railtex 2023 will gather the UK’s railway industry from 9 - 11 May 2023 at the NEC in Birmingham.

Renewed public interest in rail travel and the need for more digitalised and greener solutions are driving the attention of many key players towards more innovative and sustainable mobility. The upcoming Railtex edition is an unmissable opportunity for railway professionals to discover the latest innovations and technologies in person, learn more about topics that move the industry from decarbonisation to digitalisation and meet business partners and new suppliers from around the world.

Attendees can expect an excellent cross-section of technologies and solutions to facilitate the safe, efficient, and sustainable operation of rail transport. Exhibits cover rolling stock technology, track, and infrastructure, signalling and communications, vehicle maintenance, fare collection systems, cable technology and many other railrelated sectors.

• Discover the latest technology in person and experience products and services from numerous exhibitors in more than 180 different categories.

• Connect with industry experts and make impactful business relationships

• Gain valuable insider knowledge and find out about the current trends and topics

On-Track Display: an established and successful feature

Placed in the hall, one length of track will be used by exhibitors to display and demonstrate tools and equipment in an authentic rail setting. There is no better way to experience a product than to see how it sits and operates on track as it would in the field.

Meet the experts and learn about rail industry trends

Railtex provides an excellent opportunity to rekindle contacts and will bring prominent industry experts, stakeholders, and decision-makers in attendance, along with the exhibitor presentations and an extensive conference programme. The programme will accentuate not only the opportunities but also the challenges that the industry has been going through, and it creates a chance to expand in-depth discussions about the latest developments in the rail industry.

Interested in attending Railtex 2023? Tickets are now available and can be ordered online free-of-charge before the show or purchased online and on-site during the exhibition.

Register now!

Automation Update - 11

How can my business reduce its carbon emissions?

As businesses step up on meeting ESG targets and cutting carbon emissions, we’re seeing an increase in clients asking for help to meet their sustainability goals. When scrutinising the entire supply chain, many manufacturers are finding that changing the chemicals in their cleaning processes can significantly reduce carbon footprint.

Historically, cleaning solvents were notorious for having very high global warming potential (GWP) and had seriously detrimental effects on the atmosphere but the new generation of solvents have been developed specifically with the environment in mind, and are far less harmful than comparable solutions.

Fraser Technologies, who have been supplying precision cleaning solutions for over 50 years, are committed to minimising negative impact on the environment and ensuring we offer the most advanced and sustainable products on the market. One such product is Opteon™ SF80 from Chemours. SF80 has an ultralow GWP of less than 2.5 and is just as effective as competitor products that have a GWP of up to 11,000, so changing can have a huge impact on helping to lower carbon emissions, and it can improve the cleaning process and save money in the process.

One of our customers, a leading aerospace manufacturer, was looking for an alternative to the high-GWP solvent they were using. They switched to SF80, reducing their overall usage of solvent by 28%. This saved them around £30,000 per year, and dramatically reduced their carbon emissions. Previously, their GWP of their previous product was 990 – so the CO2 emissions being created were equivalent to driving around the world 143 times. After switching to SF80, the new emissions were around the same as driving from Edinburgh to Moscow.

To know more about whether your organisation can reduce the carbon impact of its cleaning process, please contact one of our team. We can look at your existing set up and suggest efficiencies, and if superior solvents can be used. It could be one of the easiest ways to help meet your company’s sustainability targets.

For more information click here

12 - Automation Update
Lamonde Automation Limited Quality Products: Expert Advice +44 (0)20 3026 2670  Built-in Option Module Slot(s)  RJ45 Ethernet and Micro-USB Ports  RS-232 and RS-485 Serial Comms  Built-in Micro SD Port  Built-in WLAN/Bluetooth  IIoT Ready microSD Wi-Fi Bluetooth
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Serial (RS-232/ RS-485)

It will take place on March 28th & 29th at the NEC Birmingham. This step up in venue will produce a similar step up in scale – the larger venue provides room to grow. Also, the event will be co-located with IntraLogisteX, a show focused on technologies for warehouses and distribution centres.

As this year, there will be a wide range of factory and warehouse automation on

show, and it will be an ideal opportunity to make sure your business can survive and thrive.

Visitors to Robotics & Automation 2023 will discover how the latest technology can be applied to their operations to provide massive improvements in productivity and accuracy. Products include Robots & Robotic Systems, Automated Assembly Machines & Systems, Parts Handling

Equipment, Conveyors and materials, Industrial Automation Control and more. There are also live demonstrations of the latest solutions taking place throughout the exhibition, so visitors can get first-hand insight into how they work in practice.

Once again, a comprehensive conference programme which will allow attendees to hear directly from people implementing projects using the latest technology. Experts from manufacturing businesses and more will share their insights and give real world examples of how they have automated their own, and their customers’, operations.

Invest a day or two in your future, and visit the show, which is free to attend for qualifying professionals. To register, visit

14 - Automation Update
Visit the UK’s largest robotics & automation exhibition this March!
Robotics & Automation
2023 is moving, both in terms of the venue and the time of year.

There has never been a more important time for our sector to pull together and to work together, to create a shared agenda and Manufacturing and Engineering Week will do exactly that. I am delighted to be part of the Advisory Board and that MAKE UK are a partner of this groundbreaking event.”

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Register your interest here: register-interest Find out more at @mandeweek2023
Discover our newest range of digital pressure measurement solutions. With RS-485 output.

Innovative brushless DC motor technology for KNF diaphragm pumps

With the new DCB-I drive, KNF is introducing an in-house developed BLDC motor generation for the first time in its history.

This new generation of brushless motors further increases the advantages of KNF diaphragm pumps to the next level in terms of performance, robustness, and durability in combination with the ability to digitally customise the motor parameters. By integrating the motor directly into the pump housing, it was thus possible to implement these features in a more compact size.

The development of our own BLDC motor allowed KNF to specify the individual components so that they are perfectly matched for their use in diaphragm pumps.

Compared to what is usual for other motors, the DCB-I features much larger ball bearings. This significantly improves the robustness and durability, which is reflected in a life expectancy of >20’000h. Furthermore, the unique design creates not only a visually appealing look, but also technical advantages. The cooling fins on the aluminium motor cover also improves heat management, especially when the motor is permanently under heavy load.

The development and manufacture of this new generation of motors is the outcome of a cooperation between KNF and a leading motor manufacturer.

As a result, not only is the motor more powerful (in relation to its size), but the development of its electronics makes it possible to use additional functionalities. As a result, this allows total control over the motor to fully exploit the potential of KNF pumps.

KNF offers the DCB-I for the following pump types:

Gas Pumps

• NMP830

• NMP830 HP

• NMP850

• NMP830 HP

Liquid Pumps

• NF30

• NF60

• FP70

KNF develops, produces and distributes high-quality diaphragm pumps and systems for neutral and aggressive gases and liquids.

For more information please click here

18 - Automation Update

A Recipe for Success: Titan Enterprises discusses the process and challenges of research and development

By investing in research and development and continually pushing the boundaries of technology – and running down a few rabbit holes along the way – Titan maintains its competitive edge in the flowmeter market.

Titans’ focus for R&D is achieving a solution for our OEM customers, driven by flow technology. This can take the form of:

1. Product portfolio development: such as identifying where products can be improved as Titan has recently achieved with the launch of the new Pulsite® Link pulse & analog converter.

2. Breakout R&D: Exploring a new market focus or application such as developing a low-cost ultrasonic flow measuring device utilising our technology.

Titan Enterprises is a leading international manufacturer and supplier of small-bore liquid flowmeters, building their reputation designing and producing cost-effective reliable flow sensor products. New product development is the lifeblood of any manufacturing company.

Customer / OEM bespoke product development to be incorporated into a customer’s specific application.

Where do ideas come from?

The R&D creative process is generally sparked by a customer who presents a problem that the development team can progress and investigate workable solutions. Development routes can also derive from a ‘Eureka’ moment, a mistake (3Ms post-it notes come to mind) or where we feel the market is going – driven by emerging technology.

Neil Hannay, Senior Development Engineer with Titan Enterprises, explains: “OEM customers come to us with a problem or need and we scope out a bespoke design concept that has the potential to solve this.”

Concept Designs

In forming the initial concept designs, close working with the customer to develop specific design parameters and overcoming fundamental difficulties that

may be encountered is key from the outset. Understanding what the priority is for the customer is also essential at this early stage as it will influence the development route and technology used within the concept design process. In the simplest terms, is the customer prioritising accuracy over product costs, or looking for a lowcost solution with reliable performance?

Design Specification

Defining a more comprehensive design specification will enable concept models of designs to be composed that meet both Titan’s performance specifications and the customer’s process or system.

Working with a drinks dispenser OEM, the design brief needed to consider:

• Dimensions to fit within the limited physical space available

• Dual fluids – a single unit being able to measure both non-viscous and viscous liquids side by side

• Specific connections to fit existing equipment

• Use of approved (NSF/FDA) food grade materials

• Cost and production window

Prototypes and Testing

Once the concept designs are agreed, the next phase is to agree pricing of the tooling and final meter, based on expected production quantities. For Titan, typically our OEM customers invest in the injection moulded tooling which is bespoke for them and they ultimately own this; the design remains within Titan’s intellectual property.

Machined prototypes are put through a rigorous in-house testing process for design and performance before being issued to the OEM to test in-situ. “This allows us to uncover any unexpected issues - or indeed cause unexpected issues!” says Neil. “We often find ourselves doing lots of ‘head scratching’ in the testing phase and it’s where the team’s problem-solving skills come into their own,” Neil continues.

For example, a recent machined prototype unit in test was below its expected performance. Several rounds of rebuilding followed, from gears to body parts, but the performance of the meter was still erratic. Two crucial aspects were discovered:

1. The surface finish of the machined body was not good enough for the oval gears to freely rotate so friction lowered performance.

2. The softer material of the unit was fractionally distorted when clamped in the calibration rig, causing a minor impedance of the gear rotation which constricted the flow.

The prototype here was reworked using a harder material and polishing the internal surface, resolving the performance issues identified.

In-Situ Testing and Final Design

The prototype is sent to the customer to test in situ and verify both the meter’s physical and mechanical performance meets their requirements in all operational situations. Any modifications to dimensions for example, or adjustments to fittings within the system are worked into the final design. This iterative process of finalising design requires close working with OEM customers, including re-evaluating costings and agreeing production volumes.

Titan’s flow meters are typically incorporated into much larger industrial systems where accurate, reliable recording or control are required. Neil concludes: “Investing in R&D is paramount to us staying ahead of the game and taking advantage of the latest technologies, and our R&D spend is more than three times the industry average.” A team that combines suitable training and commercial experience, market awareness, problem solving skills and a creative spark enables Titan to deliver solutions for their customers or inventions for breakthrough markets.

For further information on Titan’s range of liquid flowmeters visit To discuss a flow measurement solution for your specific OEM application, contact Titan Enterprises on +44 (0)1935 812790 or

Automation Update - 21


C.K Tools, the trusted choice for trade professionals, has launched a brand-new Wide Field Head Light (T9630) to ensure greater visibility and safety when accessing wires or cables in dark and confined spaces.

The COB LED head light comes with an RRP of £39.00 and four modes of operation – spotlight, wide field, full beam, and dipped beam –providing the versatility needed to suit all manner of environments electricians find themselves in.

More importantly, the head light performs at a high CRI (Colour Rendering Index) rating of 80, which when optimised with a combination of 400 lumens of brightness (equivalent to a 40w LED bulb) and 5,700 kelvins of colour temperature (similar to natural light) means it can more closely project the true colour of the object it is shining on –critical when working with coloured electrical wires in dark spaces.

For extra portability, the head light is charged via USB, with six hours of runtime, three hours of charge

time, and a charging indicator. To withstand the variety of environments and spaces it will be used in, the head light also comes with an IK-07 impact rating and IP54 ingress protection from limited dust and water spray, for extra durability.

Paul Pugh, Head of Marketing at C.K Tools, said: “Accessing wires in dark and confined spaces is a necessity for every electrical engineer, and it becomes that little bit harder in the winter months when brighter, natural light is less abundant.

“What many don’t consider is that the source of light is just as important as the tools being used on the wires – if not more so; it can make the difference in cutting or connecting the right wires. This is where electrical engineers should be looking beyond just practical elements, such as the portability and price, and placing more important on the CRI and Kelvin capabilities of their light choices.”

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Flow Sensing Challenges in Food & Beverage Production

Titan Enterprises offers a range of highperformance flowmeters in food grade materials where both food hygiene and precision flow measurement are required.

Flow measurement is a critical tool for food and beverage manufacturers, the industry having a diverse range of processes that require the precise control of liquid flow rates. Production processes including filling of vessels or bottles, measuring liquid ingredients, and controlling cleaning processes, require varying degrees of complexity and accuracy to ensure consistent product yield and minimise wastage. Although there are a wide variety of general flowmeters on the market, only a few high-performance measuring devices will ensure the high levels of hygiene and precision are maintained for applications in the food and drinks sector.

“The physical properties of the liquids themselves lend additional complexities to the choice of flow measuring equipment,” says Neil Hannay, Senior Development Engineer at Titan Enterprises. “Consideration of whether the liquid is viscous, volatile, corrosive, flammable, or contaminated with particles, for example, or

needs to be maintained at a high temperature, are key factors in deciding a suitable flow meter.”

Monitoring Flow of High and Low Viscosity Fluids

Flow monitoring of high viscosity liquids, such as cooking oils, sauces and syrups (e.g. syrup injections in beverage lines) require devices such as Titan’s oval gear flowmeters, which provide highly accurate flow measurement. Unlike other flowmeters, measurement accuracy of oval gear flowmeters improves as the liquid viscosity increases, from a nominal 1% to around 0.1% of flow rate at higher viscosities.

Whereas for low viscosity liquids such as water, beer, wine and spirits, Titan’s NSF-approved 800-series and beverage flowmeters provide a low-cost drink dispensing solution. Designed to give high performance over 6 flow ranges from 0.05 to 15 l/min, these devices have totally non-metallic NSF-approved wetted components making them ideally suited for applications where both food hygiene and precision flow measurement are required.

Flow Monitoring at High Temperatures

In processes where ingredients need to be maintained at high temperatures – chocolate for example – a flowmeter designed for applications requiring precise flow measurement at elevated temperatures would be needed. Capable of operating up to 110°C, Titan’s inline non-invasive Atrato® ultrasonic flowmeter is largely immune from viscosity and offers excellent turndown and repeatability.

Titan Enterprises offers a range of oval gear flowmeters in food grade materials for viscous products such as sauces, oils and syrups, as well as NSF-approved miniturbine flowmeters for drink dispensing. As an experienced OEM supplier, Titan develop customised flow meters for specific customer applications within the food and beverage industry.

To discuss an optimised flow measurement device for your OEM application please contact Titan Enterprises on +44 (0)1935 812790 or email Or visit our website for further information.

24 - Automation Update
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Is the photographer’s knowledge of your industry important?

“Carter Manufacturing is a global supplier of precision bearings and tooling to aerospace, medical, nuclear and defence. We require exceptional images to support our business and make it stand out across all the markets in which we are active. Having used various photographers in the past, we have a good idea of what we need in a photographer to achieve our desired images. Experience in all the sectors in which we are involved is not realistic but having knowledge of some plus the ability to adapt those to others is the

Turning Heads in a Rotating Industry

Industrial photographer, Adrian Waine, is no stranger to the pages of Manufacturing Update. His imagery ranks amongst the best we feature. In this article we get a new perspective on what it takes to create stunning images in challenging environments – Mel Meader, Chief Operating Officer, of Carter Manufacturing, explains in this interview with editor Taylor Owens how Adrian provides the creative spark for their pictures.

What references do you seek before hiring a photographer?

“We discovered Adrian Waine through his images being credited in an associates website. For us, the work speaks for itself and having found these images we started to dig a little deeper. Once satisfied with the imagery, we set about talking with Adrian informally to get a feel for him and how he approaches each commission. His wider industry expertise and experience quickly shone through and gave us the confidence we were seeking.”

Does the photographer’s equipment or lack of it have any consequences?

“The right equipment is necessary, especially lighting. We strive to create original images to capture the imagination of our target audience. Ambient light alone is very limiting in this respect. With the equipment must come knowledge in how to use it for maximum creative effect. We discuss a shot list in advance which defines who needs to obtain what. Adrian supplies all photography and lighting equipment required to capture a shot. He also brings a time-served assistant with him and suggests must-haves in terms of relevant props. This makes the photography process much easier on the day as everything is to hand when needed.”

When the photographs are completed do you feel that the investment in time and money are worthy of the results?

“Without a doubt. We have had several uses from the imagery and expect more. They are being used in our website and have been used in exhibition stands, within our social media and marketing campaigns. The key to getting the most out of the time hinges on the advance preparation. The magical creative flair, if you like, is left to Adrian.”

26 - Automation Update

Is organising a photographic shoot in a working factory disruptive?

“I know it sounds repetitive, but again preparation is key when commissioning a professional photographer like Adrian. Disruption is often minimal when you append time building a shot list, prop portfolio and select the people involved in advance. Adrian adapts where he can and will always adjust or generate an additional shot outside of the plan if he can and so maximise the useable shots taken on the day.”

Modern cameras and high-end phone cameras, pack a lot of punch these days, are you not tempted to try taking your own pictures?

“You cannot capture the images of this quality using a phone or personal camera. Attention to detail comes from experience and Adrian’s speaks for itself. Lighting, camera angles and feel cannot be re-created without using a time served photographer. Owning an oil painting set doesn’t make you an artist! Working at the forefront of emerging technologies you need to create the right feel when drawing in customers. Adrian achieves this well and we believe that it is well received by our customers, ‘a homemade shot’ will not do.”

Is building a long-term relationship with a photography important?

We began working with Adrian in 2020, and have already completed three shoots with him, with more in the pipeline. Adrian seems to keep well on top of trends. We see our future relationship with Adrian being a constant to keep our imagery fresh, current and eye-catching in an ever changing world.

Does photography help the business attract new talent?

Carter Manufacturing is a pioneering company and to inspire and attract a new generation of engineers to propel our industry forward we need to show

our workplaces for the centres of technological excellence that they are. Adrian’s images come together to tell that story.

Mel Meader, Chief Operating Officer, Carter Manufacturing Limited

+44 1865 821 720

Mob 07859 879040

Photography : Adrian Waine

Tel 0151 356 3855

Adrian was formerly staff photographer with Saudi ARAMCO and was regularly commissioned within the oil processing facilities of Saudi Arabia.

Automation Update - 27
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