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Industry News
Speaking about the partnership, Philip Hines, Chair of the FPS said: “The decision to support ‘Mates in Mind’ is in complete alignment with the FPS’s remit to promote and address issues surrounding occupational health and wellbeing. Mates in Mind tackles one of the still taboo subjects of mental health within the workplace, helping to not only lift the legacy stigma that surrounds the issue, but put in place solutions that can contribute to good mental health. “As now a Supporter of Mates in Mind, we Becomes ‘Mates can demonstrate leadership that we are committed to improving the health and wellbeing of our members, the piling sector in Mind’ Charity and the wider construction community. “ Speaking about the partnership, Recheal Valderama, Support Manager, Mates in
Supporter for Mind said “We’re delighted the Federation of Piling Specialists has chosen Mates in Mind as its charity partner for 2020. The support of the FPS will not only help us continue the work we 2020 undertake as acharity, but will also help us reach more people within the specialist construction sector with our vital message.”
The Federation of Piling Specialists (FPS) is pleased to announce that it has chosen ‘Mates in Mind’ as its Charity Partner for 2020.
As the FPS Charity Partner, ‘Mates in Mind’ will benefit from funds raised through sponsorship and the many social and Association events it runs through the course of the year, as well as benefiting from individual FPS members who choose to align with the FPS in offering their own support for the charity. ‘Mates in Mind’ is a registered charity dedicated to both raising awareness and addressing the stigma of poor mental health, whilst also promoting positive mental wellbeing across workplaces. Working across industries, but focusing on construction, the charity helps to make sense of available options and support employers to address mental health within their workplace. For more information about the charity Mates in Mind, and the work that it undertakes for the construction sector visit: www.matesinmind.org