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MSA SAFETY SPONSORS Hard Hat Awareness Week 2023
MSA Safety, a leading global manufacturer and supplier of safety equipment and PPE for the construction industry, is delighted to announce that it will be sponsoring the UK’s Hard Hat Awareness Week in 2023.
Now in its fourth year, Hard Hat Awareness Week was specifically designed and created to encourage best practice around safety equipment, awareness of head injuries, and to educate on real-life impact scenarios.
As chief sponsor of Hard Hat Awareness Week, MSA Safety will be taking part in the event in a variety of ways, from roundtables and discussion panels to product demos – all with the aim of supporting the initiative’s efforts to highlight the criticality of wearing head protection when working in risky situations.
Russel Pieters, Senior Field Sales Manager for MSA comments: “We’re absolutely delighted to be sponsoring Hard Hat Awareness Week this year, as a company that has a lasting heritage and huge focus on head protection helping to keep people safe whilst they work.”
Head protection is a critical issue that warrants greater attention. According to research conducted in the UK, around one in five of all fatal and non-fatal injuries are head related. This is compounded by unsafe habits.
Despite hard hats being a critical component of keeping employees safe from harm, a MSA Safety survey revealed that nearly half of workers “rarely” or “don’t ever” wear a hard hat, while less than one in five wear a hard hat most of the time.
“HHAW is a great event which presents a fantastic opportunity to really raise awareness of the risks of not getting head protection right, as well as the benefits of choosing the best safety equipment for workers. At MSA we disregard the notion that hard hats serve one purpose. Physical safety is paramount, but there are many associated benefits of great head protection, from confident and happy workers to more productive and efficient businesses” explains Pieters.
Chris Tidy, Founder of Hard Hat Awareness Week, adds: “We’re extremely pleased to welcome MSA Safety on board as key sponsor of HHAW. Manufacturers have such a fundamental role to play in ensuring the highest levels of safety when it comes to head protection, so we’re excited to have such a formidable player in safety strongly represented during this year’s edition. MSA has been really forthcoming in their support of what we’re trying to achieve.”
From June 12-18, Hard Hat Awareness Week promises to be week packed of networking and educational opportunities. Those interested in taking part and/or helping to raise awareness of head injuries and the need for appropriate PPE should visit the event’s website at www.hardhatawarenessweek.com.