12 Coatings & Paints Providing the UK with an almost clinically clean environment BT1 Ultimate Bathroom Sealant & Adhesive TRIBRID® Technology. Made in Britain
NO MORE MOULD OR FUNGAL GROWTH CT 1 who lead the way in research and development have pioneered the latest technology for the building industry over the last 18 years. The first to introduce a h y b r i d s ea l a n t almost 18 years ago, pioneered the way forward with a new era of sealants. CT1 showed the industry that you only need one tube for most applications with the correct raw materials and formulation. This new technology presented itself in a tube CT1. CT1 created a formulation with no solvents, allowing CT1 to perform under any difficult conditions, even under water. CT1 can guarantee that it will never shrink or crack, so it will not lose its bonding and sealing capabilities over time. Realising that hybrid formulations would be soon dated with old technology, as demands increase in what we expect from products and with the building industry producing more complex builds. CT1 was proactive rather than re-active. Introducing TRIBRID® technology. Another new era of sealants and adhesives. Now three times stronger, longer colour retention and elongation, TRIBRID® CT1 can’t be matched or compared to again for a long time. CT1’s technical field team also realised that in today’s current conditions people are demanding much cleaner environments and surface areas. Using the
correct sealants and adhesives in installations and repairs is key keeping a surface area healthier. BT 1- The Ultimate Bathroom Sealant and Adhesive was created as most sealants over time will allow bacterial and fungal growth. Some will grow quicker than others. The bathroom can be a contaminated area, with heat, fluids and lack of UV light. BT1 based on the revolutionary TRIBRID® formulation, was created to prevent fungal and bacteria growth happening over long periods of time. This unique formulation makes it impossible for bacteria or microbes to form on the surface, and with almost zero indoor emissions, makes this the heathiest choice for your home. But what became apparent after vigorous testing was that using BT1 would reduce the risk of MRSA, E. Coli and campylobacter. Reducing bacteria by 99.99% and being able to retain its clinically clean white appearance is now proving to be the only sealant and adhesive being used by Hospitals, Aged Care Facilities, Clinics, Schools, Universities and Public Buildings. Solihull Hospital in Birmingham and Good Hope Hospital in Sutton to name a few have used and will only use BT1. BT 1 - which can also be used in kitchen installations, launched initially in The IPG Member Stores. The IPG is the largest and fastest growing membership group for plumbing, heating and bathroom specialists, wanted to add BT1 to their stock profile and give their members the latest technology for plumbing and installations. Since the growth and reputation of BT1 and the important role it plays in keeping a healthier environment, Wickes stores, will now also be stocking BT1 nationwide. Go to www.CT1.com and https://youtu.be/kirVUrwWbaY