The Editor’s View
The American Front—the Next Battleground for Israel Since the Yom Kippur War ten armaments in the Arab arsenals. The months ago, the political, economic, combined effects of deep recession at and military circumstances which have home, and the subtle economic and dominated events in the Middle East political offensive o f the Arab oil since the birth, of the modem State of sheiks pose a grave challenge to the Israel have been seriously challenged American Jewish community. It calls or totally reversed. Not the least of into serious question our ability to sus these is the continued strength, vitality, tain the crucial domestic institutions and support of the American Jewish and services basic to our survival as a community, which is the cornerstone of viable community. Unless we are cap Israel’s economic and political system. able of maintaining our internal The economic and political crisis strength through these essential institu which has enveloped the American tions, we will, in the long run, be un Jewish community in recent months is, able to sustain Israel. therefore, no less a threat to Israel’s Specifically, institutions of Jewish survival than all of the sophisticated learning throughout the continent find