Five Towns Jewish Home 7.14.22

Page 1

July 14, 2022

Distributed weekly in the Five Towns, Long Island, Queens & Brooklyn

Always Fresh. Always Gourmet. See page 7

Around the

Community 40

YUConnects and YI Woodmere Team Up

46 Nikolsburg Rebbe Brings in the Summer This week we’re talking to… Camp Funshine

48 PAGES 27 & 104

Your Favorite Five Towns Family Newspaper

When the kids are in school and if the parents can work, some families can scrape by. But without school lunch, missing meals becomes a serious problem. And not being able to afford a summer outing, or even a bus ride into town makes for a summer of misery. Help B’ezri bring joy back to summer.



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Summer Is Serious.

Summer is an exciting time…when you can afford it. But for many Israeli families, summer camp is far out of reach. A weekend getaway is way off the table. Even three meals a day is a lucky treat.

The Jewish Home | JULY 14, 2022



JULY 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home



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The Jewish Home | JULY 14, 2022


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JULY 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home


The Jewish Home | JULY 14, 2022


Dear Readers,


imits can sometimes feel so freeing. I was thinking about that recently while doing some online shopping. I had clicked on the icon for skirts while perusing a clothing website. This particular website, though, lumps skirts and shorts into one category, so I was forced to look through both items as I shopped for skirts. There were so many shorts to choose from and so little skirts. As I scrolled and scrolled and scrolled some more, I realized that it actually felt so good to not have to sort and compare all those shorts. How would I be able to choose the shorts I would want to wear if I had the option of wearing them? I know that it’s a silly example. Believe me, there are so many skirts and dresses in the world that I could wear if I’d like, but at that particular moment, knowing that there were so few skirts to choose from on that site and knowing that those shorts were not meant for me made me feel as if I had extra time on my hands and less decision-making to do. At that moment, it felt freeing. We are limited in many ways. The truth is, putting it that way makes it seem as if our lives feel restrictive, but that’s not what I mean. In our lives – and in everyone’s lives – there are limits. We are limited by the time we have in the day, by the money we have in our accounts, by the places where we live, by the jobs and role that we have, and by the choices that we made earlier in our lives. Sometimes, those limits can feel constricting. You walk into a store and want – really want – a specific chandelier. It would look amazing in your dining room, would light up the area and change the

whole décor, but it costs $20K more than your budget allows. That restriction feels limiting. You really want that object, and you wish that you weren’t limited by your budget. But your budget, in a way, can help you feel more free. It’s a guideline that you are using to make the most of your money. It’s leading you to items that you can afford. Yes, you’ll have to settle for less extravagant pieces to light up your home, but in the end, those restrictions are guiding you to a less stressful outcome, ensuring that you will have money left over for other items needed to decorate your house. And sometimes it feels as if there’s never enough time in the day. There are numerous obligations that we need to meet, countless tasks that need to be completed, and it feels as if we’re racing the clock as its hands tick towards midnight. But maybe we need to look at our limited time as a gift. It defines what we can and can’t do in the stretch that we are committing to completing those tasks. Perhaps we can utilize the time we have to prioritize what really is important to us to complete and leave those other obligations for another time or for another person to complete. We can’t do it all, and our time constraints can help us determine what most needs our attention during that period. Viewing our limits as freeing instead of constricting requires a shift in perspective. And perhaps, the summer – when time does seem to slow down – is the best season to change that mentality. Wishing you a wonderful weekend, Shoshana

Yitzy Halpern, PUBLISHER

Yosef Feinerman, MANAGING EDITOR

Shoshana Soroka, EDITOR

Nate Davis Editorial Assistant Nechama Wein Copy Editor Rachel Bergida Aliza Nugiel Lani White Design & Production Gabe Solomon Distribution & Logistics P.O. BOX 266 Lawrence, NY 11559 Phone | 516-734-0858 Fax | 516-734-0857 Classified Deadline: Monday 5:00PM text 443-929-4003 PAYMENT VIA CREDIT CARD MUST BE SUBMITTED ALONG WITH CLASSIFIED ADS The Jewish Home is an independent weekly magazine. Opinions expressed by writers are not neces­sarily the opinions of the publisher or editor. The Jewish Home is not responsible for typographical errors, or for the kashrus of any product or business advertised within. The Jewish Home contains words of Torah. Please treat accordingly.

Shabbos Zemanim

Weekly Weather | July 15 – July 21

Friday, July 15 Parshas Balak








Partly Cloudy

Partly Cloudy

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JULY 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home




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The Jewish Home | JULY 14, 2022




COMMUNITY Readers’ Poll


Community Happenings


This Week We’re Talking to…Camp Funshine








That’s Odd


ISRAEL Israel News


The Shuk by Mrs. Barbara Deutsch


JEWISH THOUGHT Rabbi Wein on the Parsha


Toras Moshe by Rav Moshe Weinberger


Delving into the Daf by Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow


Lessons from a Blind Seer by Rechie Eisner


The Seeds of David HaMelech in Shivah Asar B’Tammuz by Rabbi Daniel Glatstein


PEOPLE The Wandering Jew


Legends in the Marines by Avi Heiligman


“Canada’s Rabbi” But First a [Grand]father by Nochum Aharon Shonek


HEALTH & FITNESS Eating Meals Later in the Day by Cindy Weinberger, MS RD CDN


What Does an Ideal Therapy Approach Look Like? by Dr. Deb Hirschhorn


FOOD & LEISURE The Aussie Gourmet: Bouillabaisse




Mind Your Business


Dating Dialogue, Moderated by Jennifer Mann, LCSW


Parenting Pearls


Your Money

The Costs of Costco by Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS

Dear Editor, I am sickened to hear that the bodega worker who defended himself against a thug who came to attack and rob him is now sitting in jail. Where is the justice in this world? It is clear there is none. Do the politicians in New York (and in some other states in the U.S.) truly expect citizens to dumbly allow criminals to attack them without fighting back? Are supposed to allow them to attack us and hurt us without lifting a hand? What if that thug was threatening D.A. Bragg or his family? Would he have told them to just take it and allow that criminal to hurt his family members? We must speak up about this injustice. We must tell politicians in New York that we are sick of criminals running the state. We must stand by police and law enforcement, and we must stand up against those who stand with the criminals. Elliott Felder Dear Editor, I am so happy that you started your Continued on page 10





A Court Case Shows the Limits of Saudi Tolerance by David Ignatius


Biden’s Reckless Spending Set Off Inflation by Marc A. Thiessen


When the IRS Targeted Jewish Activists by Dr. Rafael Medoff



Dear Editor, Your article on Julia Blum was so inspiring to me. You see, I also have a certain talent that I cannot use in a public way because I am Orthodox. Still, I use it in my home and give classes to others, so I feel that I am sharing and using the gift that Hashem gave me in that way.

But Julia really inspired me because she “chose” this way of life. She could have continued in Hollywood, using her talents. Instead, she chose to become frum and use her talents in a less conventional way. And she seems happy and content with the path she chose. That, to me, was so inspiring. Hashem has given us all special talents and kochos. Each of us has gems inside of us that we were gifted with. It is up to us to use it in the right way to further our role in this world. Thank you for an exceptional paper! Talia M.


HUMOR Centerfold

Dear Editor, As we are in the midst of a beautiful summer, if it is OK, I would like to reach out to the community and share a thought of mine. The summer is vacation time for many. Even for people who work, many times, the summer is more relaxed, with many people going away and less pressures in certain areas in life. A thought came to mind, and I figured I’d share it. Throughout the year, we are always thinking, “Oh, maybe we should invite So-and-So for Shabbos,” or “Maybe I should call this person, who is lonely, for a cup of coffee.” But then, life intercedes, and that thought is tucked away. Now is the time to take out that inspiration and utilize it. There are many lonely people in town, people who don’t have families or are searching for a connection. Use this time to go on a walk with them, drop by their house with a bag of strawberries, invite them for a meal, or give them a call. They will appreciate it. Every person wants to feel valued; every person wants to be seen as an important part of someone’s world. Be that person who reaches out and connects. You will have changed their world. Sincerely, Your neighbor


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43 57 %





JULY 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

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The Jewish Home | JULY 14, 2022


Continued from page 8

“Mind Your Business” column again. I remember that you used to publish it and am happy that I see that are you continuing the column. I truly agreed with what Marc Bodner said in this week’s issue. In any company – and really, in any situation in life – it all boils down to an office culture. In an office, where the culture is warm, understanding and appreciative, workers feel happy and valued. They want to give back to the company because they feel that they are valued and their thoughts are important. Who wouldn’t want to work in a place where they are an integral part of its growth? And, as Marc says, it all boils down to gratitude. The same is true in a family. Think about it. If a child knows that his thoughts are appreciated and valued, he will have self-confidence to grow and succeed. If a father knows that his role in the family is appreciated, he will head to work and shul in the family with a sense of purpose. If a mother knows that what she does on a day-to-day basis is integral to running the home and appreciated and needed, she will be happy to cook dinner, do homework with the kids, and drive carpools. If you want to live a happier and more productive life, if you want to surround yourself with people who love to spend time with you, if you want to have an office culture where your employees are galvanized to work, then spend a few moments each day showing your gratitude,

send an appreciative email once in a while, thank each person for coming into work, buy your wife something special once in a while… And you will be happy you did. Gavriel Adlerstein Dear Editor, I would like to add my hakaras hatov to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Stolper, a”h, and the work of the NCSY organization. Their family might appreciate hearing the far-reaching effect his work accomplished for many families. In 2022, three boys graduated from Yeshiva Darchei Torah in Far Rockaway, and one boy graduated from Yeshiva Chaim Berlin in Brooklyn. What these boys had in common was that each one had a grandparent who was a member of NCSY in the 1970s in Asbury Park, N.J. In those days, there was no other infrastructure for guiding young people. Families sometimes joined a synagogue until bar mitzvah, and then there was nothing. There was one small Hebrew Day School but no local high school to follow. It was the NCSY program, under the direction of Rabbi Stolper, that sparked a beautiful baal teshuvah movement and more meaningful life for many families. Many who grew up at that time are living in Israel today. These are just some of the reasons Rabbi Stolper and his Rebbetzin deserve a big thank you. May their memory be a zechus for all Israel. Elli Epstein Ocean, N.J.

Did you know? In 1994, 7-Eleven trademarked the term “brain freeze” to communicate the painful joy of drinking a frozen Slurpee.


JULY 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

The Jewish Home | JULY 14, 2022


The Week In News

Chaos in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka’s President Gotabaya Rajapaksa was forced to resign this week after months of protests of a failing economy that rocked the country. He was set to leave office on Wednesday. On Monday, though, as he attempted to leave the country with his family, officials blocked his departure when he refused to join a public line at the airport to have his passport checked by immigration officials. He

had been booked on an evening flight to Dubai; the flight left without Rajapaksa or his family. Another attempt was made to get the family on an Etihad flight scheduled to leave Colombo for Abu Dhabi later that day. The same problem occurred, with Rajapaksa refusing to meet with immigration officials and leaving his aides to deal with them. Immigration officials maintain that they need to check passports with the passport holders present. In both instances, the Rajapaksa family was in a nearby airport lounge, waiting for confirmation they could board without queuing among members of the public. On Sunday, Rajapaksa had agreed to step down from office. More than 100,000 people had amassed outside his residence, demanding his resignation. Throngs of people then broke into his property. Photos of people splashing in the pool, grilling food, and lounging in his house abounded on social media. Rajapaksa stands accused of high-level corruption and economic mismanagement, which ultimately bankrupted the country and triggered its worst financial crisis since independence. The Rajapaksa family had led Sri Lanka for almost two decades.

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India’s Population is Soaring

China will no longer be the most populous country in 2023, according to a recent United Nations report. Instead, that title will be given to India, whose population is set to explode over the next year. According to the report, both China and India boast more than 1.4 billion residents. The world’s population is estimated to reach 8 billion by this November, and it could grow to 8.5 billion in 2030, reaching a soaring 10.4 billion in 2100. The world’s population is growing at its slowest pace since 1950, having fallen below 1% in 2020, UN estimates showed. In 2021, the average fertility of the world’s population stood at 2.3 births per woman over a lifetime, having fallen from about 5 births in 1950. Global fertility is projected to decline further to 2.1 births per woman by 2050. “This is an occasion to celebrate our diversity, recognize our common humanity, and marvel at advancements in health that have extended lifespans and dramatically reduced maternal and child mortality rates,” UN Secretary-General António Guterres said in a statement. The United Nations noted that more than half of the projected increase in the global population in the years leading up to 2050 will be concentrated in eight countries: Democratic Republic of Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Nigeria, Pakistan, the Philippines and Tanzania.

Wildfires Blaze in Portugal Several wildfires are blazing across Portugal, where a state of emergency has been declared. Europe is currently suffering from a heat wave, and temperatures are expected to rise in the coming days. Portugal and Spain are already enduring temperatures well above 100°F. Parts of France, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg are set to see similar temperatures this weekend. Forecasters

warn temperatures in the U.K. could top 104°F for the first time ever. According to Portugal’s civil protection agency, as of Sunday, an estimated 3,000 firefighters were working to extinguish the flames. Areas along Lisbon’s outskirts were hardest hit. Local authorities said that at least 29 people have suffered injuries since the fires broke out.

On Monday, the European Commission said that it “mobilized its firefighting fleet to help Portugal fight destructive forest fires.” Spain, for its part, sent Portugal two firefighting planes on Sunday. Forest fires are not uncommon in Portugal, but experts say extreme heat and unseasonably warm weather will only worsen and increase in frequency. Meanwhile, people are barred from forest areas deemed high risk, and farmers are being asked not to use any type of machinery that may cause a spark. Fireworks have also been banned.


Better head to Europe soon if you want more bang for your buck. For the first time in 20 years, the exchange rate between the euro and the U.S. dollar has reached parity – meaning the two currencies are worth the same. The euro hit $1 on Tuesday, down about 12% since the start of the year. Fears of recession on the continent abound, stoked by high inflation and energy supply uncertainty caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The European Union, which received roughly 40% of its gas through Russian pipelines before the war, is attempting to reduce its dependence on



JULY 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home






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The Jewish Home | JULY 14, 2022



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Russian oil and gas. At the same, Russia has throttled back gas supplies to some EU countries and recently cut the flow in the Nord Stream pipeline to Germany by 60%. The energy crisis comes alongside an economic slowdown, which has cast doubts over whether the European Central Bank can adequately tighten policy to bring down inflation. The ECB announced that it will hike interest rates this month for the first time since 2011, as the eurozone inflation rate sits at 8.6%. “Given the nature of Germany’s exports which are commodity-price sensitive, it remains hard to imagine that the trade balance could improve significantly from here in the next few months given the expected slowdown in the eurozone economy,” Saxo Bank foreign exchange strategists wrote in a recent note.

Mexico Upset with Mennonites


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Mennonites in Mexico have been farming the land in the state of Campeche on the Yucatan Peninsula at the northern edge of the Maya Forest. They say that they want to use their farms to provide a simple life for their families, which is MODEL HOME A the will of G-d. But the government and KESSER TORAH ESTATES ecologists are becoming frustrated with SPACIOUS YESHIVAS OHR HACHAIM BRAND NEW 5 their way of life. It seems that their farm874 MAY STREET, NAUGATUCK, CONN. 199 PARK ROAD EXTENSION, SUITE 105 MIDDLEBURY, CT 06762 BEDROOM HOMES PG. 01 VI 2019.08.20 ing methods are razing the jungle and HOMES 15 MINUTES TO the Maya Forest, which is shrinking anWATERBURY, CT STARTING AT nually. 90 MINUTES TO The government of President Andres MONSEY AND NYC Manuel Lopez is now pressuring the LOCAL JOB Mennonites to shift to more sustainable OPPORTUNITIES practices. Despite a deal between some Mennonite settlements and the government that was signed last year, ongoing land clearance is still apparent. C A L L N OW TO B U Y YO U R H O M E In search of land and isolation, Mennonites – for whom agricultural toil is a core tenet of their Christian faith – grew in numbers and expanded into reLIC. REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATE BROKER mote parts of Mexico after first arriving from Canada in the early 20th century. CALL/ TEXT/ WHATSAPP TIRTZA TODAY 845.596.0235 W: TIRTZABEER.COM W: MAPLESPRINGESTATES.COM Despite shunning electricity and other modern amenities away from work, their Approved Mortgage Lender: ANN ZEILINGOLD NMLS# 41850 Branch Manager & Vice President 845.354.9700 farming has evolved to include bulldozers and chainsaws as well as tractors and LIC. REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATE BROKER




harvesters. In Campeche, where Mennonites arrived in the 1980s, nearly a fifth of the state’s tree cover has been lost in the last 20 years, with 2020 the worst on record, according to Global Forest Watch. Still, it’s unclear how much deforestation stems from the Mennonite community and how much comes from palm oil farmers and cattle ranchers nearby. One 2017 study, though, led by Mexico’s Universidad Veracruzana, found that property owned by Mennonites in Campeche had rates of deforestation four times higher than non-Mennonite properties. Last summer, the government and some Mennonite communities signed an agreement that created a permanent working group between the two groups to try to resolve permitting, land ownership, and administrative and criminal complaints against them from local people, including for illegal logging.

Evil Partners

Russian President Vladimir Putin is set to visit Iran next week, the Kremlin said. The announcement came a day after the U.S. warned that Tehran could provide Moscow with drones for its action in Ukraine. Putin will attend a trilateral meeting with the leaders of Iran and Turkey, the so-called Astana format of meetings for Syria-related talks, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said. Putin’s visit to Iran will follow U.S. President Joe Biden’s trip to Israel and Saudi Arabia this week, where Iran’s nuclear program and activities in the region will be a key subject of discussion. On his visit to Tehran, Putin will also have a separate meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The White House said this week that it believes that Russia is turning to Iran to provide it with “hundreds” of drones, including those capable of carrying weapons, for use in Ukraine. U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said it was unclear whether Iran had already provided any of the vehicles to Russia but said the U.S. has “informa-





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JULY 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home


L !! A E D


The Jewish Home | JULY 14, 2022


tion” that indicates Iran is preparing to train Russian forces to use them as soon as this month. “Our information indicates that the Iranian government is preparing to provide Russia with up to several hundred UAVs, including weapons-capable UAVs on an expedited timeline,” Sullivan told reporters on Monday, referring to drones by the acronym for unmanned aerial vehicles. Iranian Foreign Minister spokesman Nasser Kanaani acknowledged, “Iran’s cooperation with Russia in some sophisticated technologies dates to before the Russia-Ukraine war,” he said. “There has not been any special development in this regard recently.” In Tehran, Mohammadrez Pourebrahimi, the head of the Iranian Parliament’s economic committee, told state-run news agency IRNA that Putin’s trip would seek to improve economic relations between the two sanctions-hit nations.

ISIS Leader Killed On Tuesday, the United States assassinated the leader of ISIS in Syria, Maher al-Agal, in an airstrike, U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) announced.

The strike targeted al-Agal, one of the top five leaders in ISIS; a senior ISIS official nearby was seriously injured. Al-Agal was responsible for “aggressively pursuing” the development of ISIS networks outside of Iraq and Syria.

“This strike reaffirms CENTCOM’s steadfast commitment to the region and the enduring defeat of ISIS,” said Col. Joe Buccino, a CENTCOM spokesperson. “The removal of these ISIS leaders will disrupt the terrorist organization’s ability to further plot and carry out global attacks. “ISIS continues to represent a threat to the US and partners in the region,” he said. “CENTCOM maintains a sufficient and sustainable presence in the region and will continue to counter threats against regional security.” The reported assassination comes just a day before U.S. President Joe Biden

was set to begin his visit to Israel and Saudi Arabia. In June, U.S. forces captured senior ISIS leader Hani Ahmed al-Kurdi in Syria. In February, ISIS leader Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Quraishi killed himself and his family during a raid by U.S. Special Forces in northern Syria. Al-Quraishi had led the movement since the death of its founder, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who was also killed when he detonated explosives during a U.S. raid in 2019.

UK Ship Seizes Advanced Iranian Missiles

A warship belonging to the British Royal Navy seized a shipment of Iranian missiles in the Gulf of Oman earlier this

year. The missiles were destined for Yemen’s Houthi rebels. The seizure marks the “first time a British naval warship has interdicted a vessel carrying such sophisticated weapons from Iran,” the UK Embassy in the United Arab Emirates said. James Heappey, Minister for the Armed Forces, said, “The UK will continue to work in support of an enduring peace in Yemen and is committed to international maritime security so that commercial shipping can transit safely without threat of disruption.” The British Navy, citing a forensic analysis, linked the batch of rocket engines seized earlier this year to an Iranian-made cruise missile with a 1,000-kilometer range. The cruise missile was also used to attack an Abu Dhabi oil facility in January, the Navy said. Fighting in Yemen has been going on for years, with Iran backing the Houthis, who have been fighting the Sunni-majority government in Yemen since 2004. The Houthis took control of the capital in September 2014; since then, Saudi Arabia and other Sunni states launched a military campaign against the Houthis, who are primarily backed by Iran and Hezbollah, both of whom deny their active role in the conflict.








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Perek 8 Mishnah 2-3


Perek 8 Mishnah 4-5


Perek 8 Mishnah 6-7

Perek 8 Perek 8 Mishnah 8-9 Mishnah 10-11

W W W. A R T S C R O L L . C O M |

Perek 8:12Perek 9:1


Perek 9 Mishnah 2-3


JULY 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

New from

The Jewish Home | JULY 14, 2022


Russia’s Space War?

NASA last week accused Russia of politicizing the International Space Station (ISS). The accusation follows Russian space agency Roscosmos’ posting of photos of three cosmonauts parading the flags of the Luhansk People’s Republic and Donetsk People’s Republic aboard the ISS, with captions celebrating their “liberation.” In a statement, NASA said, “NASA strongly rebukes Russia using the International Space Station for political purposes to support its war against Ukraine, which is fundamentally inconsistent with the station’s primary function among the

15 international participating countries to advance science and develop technology for peaceful purposes.” NASA Administrator Bill Nelson told Germany’s Der Spiegel, “Peaceful cooperation continued even after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Our space shuttle docked with the Russian space station Mir. And then we decided to build the International Space Station together.” He noted, “Both countries are needed for operations, the Russians for propulsion, the Americans for power. We will continue to have a very professional relationship between cosmonauts and astronauts to keep this station alive.” Dmitry Rogozin, the head of Roscosmos, who is known for his bravado, suggested that “aggressors speak to us more politely.”

Boris Has Left the Building UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson last week announced his decision to resign, following pressure from top government officials, including the mass resignation of about 60 of them. In his statement, Johnson announced

that he would resign immediately as leader of the Conservative Party but remain temporarily in his post as prime minister until a successor is chosen, presumably by the end of the summer.

“In the last few days, I tried to persuade my colleagues that it would be eccentric to change governments when we’re delivering so much and when we have such a vast mandate,” Johnson said. “I regret not to have been successful in those arguments, and of course, it’s painful not to be able to see through so many ideas and projects myself.” He added that it is “clearly now the will of the parliamentary Conservative Party that there should be a new leader of that party and therefore a new prime minister.” Among the possible candidates to succeed Johnson are former Health Sec-

retary Sajid Javid, former Treasury chief Rishi Sunak, Foreign Secretary Liz Truss, and Defense Secretary Ben Wallace. Johnson has in recent months been engulfed in a series of scandals that forced even his most stalwart supporters to abandon him. The latest was Downing Street’s botched handling of the resignation by Johnson’s former deputy chief whip, Chris Pincher. The leader of the opposition Labour Party, Keir Starmer, said it was “good news for the country” that Johnson had decided to resign, adding that “it should have happened long ago.”

Chinese Want Their Money

Hundreds of angry Chinese bank depositors on Sunday faced off with police


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across the country. Several were hurt as they were taken away, and one protester said that after they were bused from the protest to various locations, they were forced to sign a letter promising not to gather anymore. The protesters held banners and chanted slogans on the steps of the People’s Bank, China’s central bank, in the city of Zhengzhou in Henan province. Footage by a protester shows security teams being pelted with various objects as they walk through the crowd. The protesters were some of the thousands of customers who opened accounts at six rural banks that offered higher interest rates but later found they could not withdraw their money since the head of the banks’ parent company was wanted for financial crimes and on the run. Even more than the money that they left, many of those who set out for Zhengzhou found that the COVID-19 tracking app on their phones had set their health status to red, preventing them from traveling. Some were questioned by the police after checking into their hotel. According to the Washington Times, five Zhengzhou officials were later punished.

PM Abe is Assassinated

Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was shot dead with a homemade firearm on Friday last week. Abe was killed in the city of Naro while campaigning for the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) on the street. The suspect in the murder, Tetsuya Yamagami, 41, was arrested minutes after the shooting. Yamagami formerly served in the Maritime Self-Defense Force, essentially the Japanese Navy, and confessed to shooting Abe, the Nara Nishi police said. According to NHK, Yamagami originally planned to set off explosives but changed his plan and used a homemade gun. “It was apparently handmade and was

40cm long and 20cm high,” a Nara police spokesperson said at a press conference. NHK added that police located several different models of homemade guns and are investigating how Yamagami tested the guns and chose the most effective model. Tomoaki Onizuka, chief of Japan’s Nara police, noted, “It is undeniable that there were problems in the security.” The gunman supposedly targeted Abe after blaming him for his family’s financial woes. One of the most significant parts of the killing is that Japan has strict gun safety laws, regulating gun sales and ownership, and has had these laws for decades. As a result of these laws, gun deaths in Japan are usually in the single digits: In 2019, Japan saw just nine deaths from firearms. The U.S. Census Bureau estimated that that year, there were 0.16 firearm owners per 100 people in Japan. Alison Young, a professor with expertise in Japanese governance at the School of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Melbourne, shared, “Even with police, they’re not armed in a militaristic way, as they are in some other countries. Police in Japan have access to guns, but they’re much more discreet.”

“Guns are present in popular culture,” she added, “movies, TV, etc.…but there’s a big divide between that and everyday experience.” On Sunday, Japan’s ruling coalition – the party Abe was stumping for when he was assassinated – was swept to victory in the upper house election that took place that day. Many called Abe’s murder an attack on Japan’s democracy and urged citizens to come out and vote. Since Abe’s passing, leaders from around the world have paid tribute to Abe, who was a defining and sometimes divisive figure for Japan as the country navigated economic stagnation and China’s rise next door during his two terms, from 2006-07 and 2012-20. He was a security hawk, a fiscal dove, a defender of Japan’s alliance with the U.S., and an advocate for maintaining the postwar global order.

30 Countries in Special-Ops Exercise The U.S. Special Operations Command recently held its largest-ever exer-

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values. This joint, combined training in Europe will continue to build and strengthen those relationships with our allies and partners, establishing a common sight-picture for combat and peacekeeping missions abroad.”

South Africa: Mass Shooting

The exercise focused on mission command for special-operations units rotating between the Baltics and the Black Sea. According to the exercise’s planners, it also set conditions for increased interoperability between special-operations forces and conventional units during “during combined, joint, and multi-domain warfare.” The 2022 exercise marked the first time an exercise had a combined joint force headquarters that simulated the joint command of several special-operations units from different NATO militaries. In a press release, Derek Coker, lead exercise planner, said, “It was designed to be a slow-boil — a low-intensity conflict that can span years but creates constant pressure in various ways. The adversary attacks certain nations’ ability to govern, creating internal dissonance and infighting that hacks away at the legitimacy of these governments, in essence trying to demonstrate that these nations are unable to govern themselves.” Maj. Gen. David Tabor, the head of Special Operations Command Europe, said, “One of our priorities is building resilience against adversary efforts to undermine democratic processes and

A mass shooting at a bar in Soweto, South Africa, on Sunday left at least 15 people dead. Several other people suffered injuries in the shooting, local authorities noted. According to Gauteng Police, the incident took place shortly after midnight, when a group of people armed with rifles and 9-mm pistols entered the bar in Nomzamo, near Johannesburg, and began shooting “randomly” at patrons. The police said that 23 people were shot, with 12 dying at the scene and 11 rushed to a nearby hospital. At least two of the victims were declared dead at the hospital. The police also said that the suspects are still at large and have asked witnesses to come forward. Gauteng Police Commissioner Elias Mawela said, “It’s a bad scene. When you see the bodies [that] are piled up, you can see that every one of those people [was] struggling to get out of the tavern.”

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cise in Europe. Participating in May’s Trojan Footprint 22 event were over 3,300 special operators from 30 countries – double the size of last year’s exercise.

The Jewish Home | JULY 14, 2022

22 Police are still looking for a motive for the shooting, but Mawela added, “I have no doubt that with the cooperation of the community here, we will be able to crack this.” There was a second, separate shooting in a bar in Sweetwaters in Pietermaritzburg on Saturday evening. In that shooting, four people were killed, police said. South African President Cyril Ramaphosa on Sunday told his citizens, “As a nation, we cannot allow violent criminals to terrorize us in this way, regardless of where such incidents may occur. “As government, citizens, and structures of civil society, we must all work together even more closely to improve social and economic conditions in communities, reduce violent crime, and stamp out the illicit circulation of firearms. “Every single violent death is unacceptable and worrying, and killings on the scale we have seen in Soweto, Pietermaritzburg, and previously Khayelitsha must spur us into a collective effort to build communities and make South Africa an unsafe place for criminals.”

1 Million Tourists

Razbozov continued. “Despite the situation, we did not give up at any stage. We worked hard to open up the industry and we brought the tourism industry back to life in spite of the challenges.” Indeed, tourism does seem to be regaining its stride in Israel, a country that benefits greatly from the steady spending of sightseers. According to the Tourism Ministry, there were 244,500 tourist entries in June 2022, just 33% less than the record set in June 2019. Based on the recovery trend in incoming tourism, it is expected that up to two million tourists will arrive in Israel by the end of the year. “In contrast to all the pessimistic forecasts, we can see today that tourism has returned to Israel,” Razbozov said. “A million tourists inject money into the Israeli economy, create job opportunities throughout the country and provide a livelihood for whole families. Now we look forward to the objective I have set for the industry: 10 million tourists in 2030.” The Tourism Ministry announced last month that it was launching an initiative to develop the country’s tourism infrastructure with an expected budget of NIS 300 million. Razbozov explained, “The ministry hopes that the initiative will result in a stronger Israeli economy, which will in turn lower the cost of living and reduced vacation costs for Israelis. Taking a vacation is not only for the rich.”

Online Marriage Ceremonies Must Be Legal Belinda Desoyo Lee Marcelo is one lucky number. The 53-year-old from the United Arab Emirates was crowned with the title of Israel’s millionth tourist in 2022. She arrived at Ben-Gurion Airport on Sunday, where she was greeted by Tourism Minister Yoel Razbozov and Tourism Ministry representatives. “At first we thought and hoped that U.S. President Joe Biden would be the millionth tourist to arrive in Israel in 2022, but once again, we have beaten the forecast,” Razbozov said. “Last year, our skies were closed, there were corona restrictions in place with new variants emerging, and serious concerns about incoming tourism,”

Israel’s Central District Court, in an unprecedented ruling this week, declared that the State is required to recognize as married Israeli citizens whose ceremonies were performed “abroad” over Zoom – even if the citizens never physically leave Israel. In her decision, Judge Efrat Fink ruled that the parties’ failure to leave

Israel did not constitute a disqualifying unwillingness to engage in the actions necessary to have their marriages recognized and therefore there was no reason not to recognize the marriages as legal. Despite the ruling, the State still has the option to appeal to the Supreme Court, but if the Supreme Court upholds the District Court’s decision, there will be no choice other than to recognize the Zoom marriages. The case began after Israel’s Population Authority recognized as married three couples who civilly married over Zoom at the height of the COVID-19 outbreak. Those couples “married” through the U.S. State of Utah, without ever leaving Israel’s borders. Then-Interior Minister Aryeh Deri (Shas) froze the State’s recognition of the marriages, a position which current Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked (Yamina) continued.

Blue and White, New Hope to Unite

The Blue and White and New Hope parties have announced that they will run together in Israel’s upcoming elections in November. Previous polls showed New Hope struggling to pass the electoral threshold. According to the report, Defense Minister Benny Gantz, who chairs Blue and White, will be number one on the joint list, while Justice Minister Gideon Sa’ar, who chairs New Hope, will be the list’s number two. Next in line, in order, would be Absorption Minister Penina Tamano-Shata, Culture Minister Yehiel Tropper, Education Minister Yifat Shasha-Biton, Michael Biton, and Construction and Housing Minister Ze’ev Elkin. Two-thirds of the remaining seats would be filled by Blue and White, while the remaining third would be filled by New Hope. If former IDF Chief of Staff

Gadi Eizenkot decides to join the party, he would be given second place, pushing Sa’ar down to third. Communications Minister Yoaz Hendel, founder of the Derech Eretz party who ran together with New Hope last year, was not invited to the meeting that was held last week with regards to the elections.

Stinky Suitcase Situation

Some of the suitcases piling up at Ben Gurion International Airport are being tossed in the trash, Israel’s Channel 12 News reported on Sunday. Hundreds of suitcases are piling up at the airport due to staff shortages which cause the luggage not to be placed on the plane or not to disembark together with the passengers. According to Channel 12, some of the airport staff were said to have rummaged through the suitcases before tossing them out. One witness told Channel 12, “I saw them destroying the suitcases in a compactor and stealing clothes, perfumes, and all kinds of other valuables. They placed them to one side. “No one in Ben Gurion bothered to photograph the suitcases to try to find their owners, and in some of them, there were personal items. The workers raided them in broad daylight and stole the items.” An airport source told Channel 12, “If this is accurate it is very serious. This is being done against procedures, and it must not be ignored.” That source also said that any theft requires a police investigation and that lost luggage is supposed to be placed in a storeroom and efforts made to locate the owner. Responding to the report, Transportation Minister Merav Michaeli (Labor) said that such disposal of the lost suitcases is a “a very serious incident that


JULY 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

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cannot be allowed to happen.” She tweeted that she had instructed the airport’s managers to investigate the claims. Last month, Ben Gurion’s Director, Shmuel Zakai, told Channel 12 that the delays are due to increased international flights combined with a post-COVID shortage of airport workers. He explained that he was allowing the delays because canceling flights may lead to higher prices and that he is working to recruit new

employees and retrain existing workers to help with security screenings. Earlier this month, Zakai announced his resignation.

Bedouin Charged with Spying The father of Bedouin Arab Shehadeh Abu Alquian, 25, has said that if the ac-

cusations against his son are true, then his son should face punishment. The younger Abu Alqian was charged last week with joining the IDF in May in order to act as a spy for a Gaza-based terror group. Speaking to Israel’s Channel 12 News, Abu Alqian’s father, Shahadaeh, said he would “sign off” on his son’s punishment if the charges are proven as fact. He said, “I didn’t know about this, but if my son did do it, he should be

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punished. I really hope they look into this and find out whether it’s true or not.”

He added, “If, let’s say, my son made a mistake, and did something stupid, he will receive the punishment, and I will even sign off on the punishment. “Anyone who acts against the State of Israel, and against the security [of Israel], doesn’t matter if it’s my son, my brother, anyone who does such difficult, dangerous [things], should receive a punishment.” He emphasized, “I have nothing bad to say about Israel, it’s my country and it’s where I will die. “My son enlisted [to the IDF] on his own accord. He wanted to live in dignity and to follow his heart,” he added. Supposedly, the younger Abu Alqian, originally from a Bedouin village near Hura in southern Israel, was requested by the Mujahideen Brigades to join the IDF “for the purpose of promoting terrorist activity and gathering intelligence in Israeli territory.” He was detained on May 30, over a week after enlisting in the IDF. According to Shabak (Israel Security Agency), Abu Alqian performed various tasks for the terror group, including gathering internal intelligence from the IDF, photographing sites in Israel, and stealing weapons in order to transfer them to terrorist sources. Most of these actions were performed before he enlisted in the IDF. The indictment charges Abu Alqian with acting “against the State of Israel and against its security” in revenge for a demolition order issued against his family’s illegally-constructed home.

Providing Ukraine with Protective Equipment Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz (Blue and White) on Tuesday approved



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the delivery of additional equipment to emergency and civilian organizations in Ukraine. The delivery will include 1,500 helmets, 1,500 protective vests, hundreds of protective suits for mine clearance, 1,000 gas masks and tens of CBRN filters. The equipment was acquired by the Defense Ministry and will be delivered over the next several weeks.

In May, Israel delivered defensive gear for emergency and civilian organizations in Ukraine, providing 2,000 helmets and 500 vests for emergency and civilian organizations in Ukraine. Since the beginning of the war, Israel has provided humanitarian aid packages, sent first responders, and even set up a field hospital in Ukraine.

Israel Warns Hamas Against Escalating Tensions

Israel is working with regional brokers to rein in the Hamas terror group and prevent a security escalation in Gaza during U.S. President Joe Biden’s upcoming visit to the Middle East, Arutz Sheva reported. The site quoted the Al Akhbar newspaper, which relied on Hamas sources that said that senior sources in Egypt and Qatar turned to Hamas with a warning that a security escalation would have negative consequences both for Gaza and Hamas. The report also said that Israel threatened, by means of the mediators, to act

harshly towards Gaza, including tightening the recently-loosened restrictions. According to the report, Hamas representatives responded: “The Palestinian nation’s fighting activities are not connected to the visit of any person to the region. Rather, an escalation will take place in accordance with vested interests, according to how the Palestinians understand it.” Meanwhile, Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan has warned the UN Security Council that provocations on the part of Hezbollah may lead to an escalation in the region. “Israel does not want an escalation,” Erdan asserted in a letter to the Security Council. “But we will not accept any harm to our sovereignty, and we will take the necessary steps to protect Israeli civilians and the country’s infrastructure.”

Bibi Met Somalian Pres. in Secret Somalia’s former President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed secretly met with then-Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in early 2020, a former diplomat with knowledge of the trips told the

Times of Israel this week. Israel does not have diplomatic relations with Somalia, and Somalia has never recognized the State of Israel.

Mohamed, popularly known as “Farmaajo,” flew to Jerusalem in February 2020 together with Balal Osman, his special envoy for the Horn of Africa, Red Sea, and Gulf of Aden, the diplomat said. During the meeting, the two leaders discussed the possibility of establishing ties between the two countries, but thenU.S. President Donald Trump did not wish to include Somalia in the Abraham Accords, the diplomat said. According to the former diplomat, “He didn’t want to deal with the country; he thought it was a ‘[Third World] country.’” He added that U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar turned Trump off to her home country with her attacks on the U.S. president. The diplomat also said that Mohamed told Somalia’s ambassador to Switzer-


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land to abstain from a 2019 United Nations Human Rights Council vote to condemn Israel over the Golan Heights. He was later forced to punish the ambassador, after receiving both internal and external threats, the diplomat added. On Saturday, a spokesperson for Somalia’s president said that the government is expected to consult its Parliament on the possibility of establishing diplomatic relations with Israel.

Florida Battles Giant Snails

Efforts have begun in Florida to eradicate invasive giant African snails capa-

ble of eating building plaster and stucco. The snails also consume 500 varieties of plants and carry diseases that affect humans. According to officials, work began last week to eradicate the snails, which can grow to a length of eight inches. State agriculture officials in New Port Richey, Florida, confirmed late in June that the snails bearing whirled, brown mottled shells were seen in the area just north of the Tampa Bay area.. Florida has eradicated these snails twice before in other parts of the state, most recently in a decade-long effort which ended in 2021 and collected about 170,000 of the snails. The snails have likely returned due to illegal international exotic pet trade or arriving hidden in cargo from overseas. In a statement, Nikki Fried, commissioner of the state Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, promised, “We will eradicate these snails. We’ve done it before, and we will do it again. “They are one of the most damaging snails in the world,” Fried added. He emphasized, “This is not something you want to touch. It is not something you want to eat.” A quarantine area has been set up in Pasco County, where the snails were

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initially found by a homeowner. The affected properties will be treated with a molluscicide bait, and snails are being collected by state workers aided by dogs trained to sniff them out.

American Airlines to Triple Pilots’ Pay

American Airlines has agreed to pay its pilots triple their usual rate after a computer glitch left thousands of flights with understaffed cockpits last week. The malfunction, which occurred early Saturday morning, allowed pilots to drop flights the airline was counting on them to fly throughout the rest of July, in order to take time off. The number of affected flights has already surged past 12,000, the Allied Pilots Association (APA) reported. American Airlines employs approximately 13,000 APA members. In addition to the triple pay, American has also agreed to permanent double-time pay for pilots who fly on peak days, which often fall during holiday periods. In a statement, American Airlines said, “We’re pleased to have reached an agreement with the APA and appreciate their partnership in coming to a resolution quickly to take care of our pilots, our team and our customers.” Ed Sicher, president of the APA, added in a message that he hopes the new agreement can act as a springboard to reach a new labor deal for American Airlines pilots. The staff shortage is not unique to American: This summer, the entire aviation industry has had to cancel thousands of U.S. flights due to a shortage of crew members, with cancellations often spiking over holiday weekends.

Elon Musk Backs Out of Twitter Deal Tesla CEO Elon Musk last week announced that he will back out of a deal to purchase Twitter.

Following the announcement, Musk spent the weekend at the Sun Valley Conference in Idaho. At the conference, he spoke on stage but off record, though a source in the room told CNN that Musk had “tripled down on his decision to try to back out of the deal and claimed it was all about the bots.”

“Musk originally said he was going to fix the bot problem,” CNN’s Brian Stelter said on Reliable Sources on Sunday. “The same problem that he now says is stopping him from doing the deal.” He added that although the bots are “no doubt” a problem for Twitter, Musk may be more affected by them than the average user. “I suspect what’s going on here is, Musk has a very different experience on Twitter than the average user,” Stelter said. “He is overwhelmed by … replies and spam.” According to The New York Times’ reporter Lauren Hirsch, the stock market “basically dropped off the cliff,” including shares of Tesla, after Musk’s announcement. Meanwhile Musk’s lawyer sent Twitter a letter saying that he is pulling out since the social media platform is “in material breach of multiple provisions” of the original agreement. Twitter has promised to take Musk to court. Musk had announced his intention to buy Twitter in April for $44 billion.

They’re Coming from Cuba

The United States is seeing a surge of Cubans coming to the U.S. in numbers not seen in decades. From October to May, more than 140,000 Cubans have


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The Jewish Home | JULY 14, 2022


fled the island and come to the U.S. – a tenfold increase from the fiscal year 2020, according to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection. The recent wave is greater than the Mariel exodus of 1980, when 125,000 Cubans fled the island. It comes down to dollars and cents. Cuba is facing its worse fiscal crisis in 30 years. The pandemic decimated its tourist industry, and many businesses relied on those dollars and euros flowing in. “The scale of the numbers is really historic,” Michael Bustamante, the Emilio Bacardí Moreau Chair in Cuban and Cuban-American Studies at the University of Miami and an associate professor of history, said. American border agents have increased their patrols to address the rise in Cubans arriving by boat or through the border. The U.S. Coast Guard said it has increased the number of patrols between the U.S. and Cuba to look for suspicious activity and to respond to distress calls. The Coast Guard reported last year that 114 Cuban migrants were interdicted between October 2019 and September 2020 by the agency and other U.S. law enforcement forces. Ten Cuban migrants in a sinking vessel were rescued off the Florida coast in

February, according to the Coast Guard. A political spat between the Trump administration and Cuba led to the closure of the U.S. Embassy in Cuba and the stoppage of visa approvals. The Biden administration has allowed Cubans to apply for visas and has granted 2,000 annually over the past two years, according to federal data.

Fires Rage in National Park

National parks have nabbed headlines recently, with flooding threatening homes and roads in Yellowstone two weeks ago. Now, California’s Yosemite National Park is being threatened by fire. The wildfire is taking aim at the Mariposa Grove of giant sequoia trees. So far, none of the trees have suffered dam-

age. To prevent the fires from licking the trees, park workers have removed logs and dead trees and branches from near the iconic trees. “And then firefighters did a prescribed burn to clear that out, so what we have is what’s like a ‘donut hole’ and it’s safe around it,” Robbie Johnson, a fire incident public information officer, said. “In fact, one ecologist said he was pleased with the way the sequoias are being protected.” Mariposa Grove is home to more than 500 giant sequoia trees, which can grow to more than 250 feet. The grove was founded in 1857 but the trees existed long before that, with some believed to be hundreds of years old. The Washburn Fire began July 7 and doubled in size from Saturday to Sunday, burning near the lower portion of the grove, park officials said . A total of 360 fire personnel are working to contain the 1591-acre fire from the ground and air. “Fire is naturally part of the ecosystem, but it’s these high-intensity fires that are causing the damage that happened, for example, in the Creek Fire and the TCF complex last year in Sequoia National Park,” spokesman Scott Gediman said. Yosemite is one of the most visited national parks in the U.S., drawing more than 3.3 million people in 2021. It encompasses nearly 1,200 square miles in the Sierra Nevada range in eastern California. Meanwhile, California crews are also battling the Electra Fire, which has scorched more than 4,400 acres across Amador and Calaveras counties, also in the Sierra Nevada. The western United States has been ravaged by wildfires in recent years, exacerbated by drought conditions. In California alone, more than 2.5 million acres were destroyed in nearly 9,000 fires last year. The threat is not limited to California. Robert Garcia, the U.S. Forest Service’s fire chief for the Angeles National Forest, said the summer months are off to a “concerning start.” Firefighting resources have been mobilizing since March to Arizona and New Mexico, where the Black Fire just became the state’s second-largest blaze in history.

NY will Scan Social Media Accounts New York State will now require those applying for concealed carry permits to submit lists of their social media accounts, for a review of their “character

and conduct.” Despite the announcement, some of the officials likely to be tasked with reviewing the content are not sure whether they will have the resources or legal backing to do so.

Peter Kehoe, executive director of the New York Sheriffs’ Assn., believes that the law infringes on rights protected by the Second Amendment. “I think it would be a constitutional invasion of privacy,” he said. The new law, which passed last week, is set to take effect in September and would require applicants to submit a list of current and former social media accounts from the past three years. It does not specify whether applicants will be required to provide access to posts and accounts not visible to the public. Examination of the accounts will be left to the local sheriff’s staff, judges, or county clerks. The law will also require applicants to undergo safety training, prove shooting proficiency, provide four character references, and come in for an in-person interview.

Former Theranos COO Guilty of Fraud

Theranos’ former COO, Ramesh “Sunny” Balwani, has been found guilty of defrauding investors and patients. Theranos was a blood testing startup which failed. Founded in 2003 by Elizabeth Holmes, who was 19 at the time, the company claimed that it had devised blood tests that required very small amounts of blood and could be performed rapidly, thanks to the small automated devices the company had developed. However, these claims were later


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The Jewish Home | JULY 14, 2022


proven to be false. After several years of lawsuits, the company dissolved in 2018. Jury deliberations last week lasted four full days and followed a lengthy trial, which began in March. The jury declared that Balwani had defrauded both patients and investors, and found him guilty on all 12 charges, which included 10 counts of federal wire fraud and two counts of conspiracy to commit wire fraud. In another trial, Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes was acquitted by a separate jury on charges pertaining to defrauding patients; the jury was unable to reach a unanimous verdict on three of the charges regarding defrauding investors. Holmes was found guilty on four charges relating to investors. Balwani and Holmes were indicted four years ago, but their trials were severed after Holmes’ legal team outlined plans to make accusations about their relationship as part of her defense. Holmes’ trial concluded around six months ago. In a statement read outside the courthouse, U.S. Attorney Stephanie Hinds thanked the jurors for “dutifully navigating through the complex issues presented by this case,” adding, “we appreciate the verdict and look forward to sentencing proceedings.” Balwani faces up to 20 years in pris-

on, as well as a fine of $250,000 plus restitution for each count of wire fraud and each conspiracy count. He is expected to be sentenced in November; Holmes is expected to be sentenced in September.

CA Targets Gun Industry

California is taking on guns. This week, in response to a recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling against restrictions on carrying firearms in public, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed at least three major gun control measures into law to restrict access to the weapons and create an avenue for private citizens to sue the industry. Assembly Bill 1594 establishes a “firearm industry standard of conduct” and allows local governments, the state Department of Justice, and gun violence

survivors to sue for egregious violations of state sales and marketing regulations. “To the victims of gun violence and their families: California stands with you. The gun industry can no longer hide from the devastating harm their products cause,” Newsom said. “Our kids, families and communities deserve streets free of gun violence and gun makers must be held accountable for their role in this crisis. Nearly every industry is held liable when people are hurt or killed by their products — guns should be no different.” The new law will go into effect on July 1, 2023, while others will be implemented immediately due to an urgency clause, which required a two-thirds majority vote in both houses of the Legislature. Two bills Newsom signed on June 30 will limit firearm advertising to minors and add restrictions against already highly regulated ghost guns. On June 23, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a New York law that requires people to prove a “special need for self protection” in order to bring guns outside their homes. The 6-3 ruling creates legal jeopardy for a range of state firearms laws nationwide and looms over the bills Newsom has signed. In response to SCOTUS’s ruling, Congress passed bipartisan legislation that prevents abusive intimate partners from buying firearms and encourages states to pass so-called red flag laws. President Biden signed it into law on June 25. Newsom is expected to sign more gun bills in August, after lawmakers return from their summer break and adjourn this year’s legislative session. Among them is Senate Bill 1327, a closely watched proposal to increase legal liability in the industry by authorizing private lawsuits against anyone who imports, distributes, manufactures or sells illegal firearms such as assault weapons, .50 BMG rifles and so-called ghost guns. California has long required that applicants prove “good cause” to obtain a concealed carry gun permit, but the Supreme Court’s New York decision rendered that requirement unconstitutional. Even so, Newsom said that he had been working closely with the attorney general and legislative leaders “for months” on Senate Bill 918, which would “update and strengthen our public-carry law and make it consistent with the Supreme Court ruling.” The bill aims to specify where guns are prohibited in California, including on school grounds and universities, public transportation, bars and public parks. Firearm owners who want to obtain a concealed carry license would also face a more

stringent application process and additional storage and training requirements. Lawmakers approved the bill during a key committee hearing last month.

No Small Fry

In this restaurant, you don’t get fries on the side. In fact, you only get French fries if your wallet is feeling particularly hefty. That’s because this New York eatery is home to the world’s most expensive French fries. Serendipity3, located on Manhattan’s Upper East Side, has earned the Guinness World Record for the world’s most expensive french fries with its Creme de la Creme Pommes Frites. For now, the restaurant is bringing back the $200 chips for July 13, National French Fry Day. Lest you think that the expensive spuds are just potatoes, think again. The fries feature ingredients including Chipperbeck potatoes, Dom Perignon Champagne, J. LeBlanc French Champagne Ardenne Vinegar, cage-free goose fat from France, Guerande Truffle Salt, truffle oil, Crete Senesi Pecorino Tartufello cheese, shaved black summer truffles from Italy, truffle butter, organic A2 A2 100% grass fed cream from Jersey Cows, Gruyere Truffled Swiss Raclette and a topping of 23-karat edible gold dust. Serendipity3 is also home to the world’s most expensive burger ($295) and ice cream sundae ($1,000), so the fries are not much of a surprise. That’s an expensive mouthful.

Buried Treasure Rich Gilson is now a bit richer than before. The New Jersey man was doing home renovations when he made a surprising discovery under his porch: $1,000 in $10 and $20 bills from 1934. Gilson and his wife, Suzanne, bought a 1920s-era cottage in Wildwood about

“I thought they were weeds,” Gilson told “I picked them up and just threw them aside and they went into the pile I was using for fill.” Thankfully, it rained on Saturday. The next day, when Gilson returned to work, he noticed what looked like rolledup paper bound with rubber bands. “I got to look at the edge and it had a green tint to it and I said, ‘This is money,’” Gilson said. “It looked like little mini-cigars all bound up together. As I broke it apart, I started to see what it was.” Gilson thinks the money is connected to something illegal, since a person would have had to crawl under the porch to dig the hole in which the money was found. “My sense is that something fishy happened,” he said about the money that would have been worth around $20,000 back then. “Somehow, somebody got new bills, rolled them up like that, put them in a jar. Somebody was hiding it, not just under their bed or in a wall for safekeeping.” For now, Gilson’s holding onto the new-found cash. “I don’t see myself spending this money,” Gilson said. “The story’s too good for what it’s worth.” Money talks.

Safe Landing

It’s a bird. No, it’s a plane – yup, that was a plane landing on the freeway last week in the middle of July 4th traffic. Marine Corps veteran Vince Fraser was the pilot of the aircraft when it was forced to make a landing after losing power at 5,000 feet. Fraser had to fly under power lines

and over cars on a freeway in North Carolina in order to make the safe landing. “When I was coming down, and I saw those power lines and I saw the cars I almost had an out-of-body or out-of-plane experience,” Fraser told Fox News. “I was just trying to observe and take everything in and make adjustments, and just not hit anybody or kill ourselves.” Fraser was on the plane with his father-in-law. After the plane landed, it was revealed that the engine failure was traced to a plugged fuel line in the wing. Once fixed, the plane was deemed safe, and Fraser was free to fly it again. He then made a seven-minute flight to a larger airport nearby, where the plane is undergoing a more thorough inspection. Police say Fraser’s plane came to a complete stop right in front of a stop sign after traffic slowed down behind it. Sounds like he landed with flying colors.

Marine Music

Like to swim? Love music? If you answered yes to both questions, you should have been at the underwater music festival that took place over the weekend off the Florida Keys. Guests, many dressed like mermaids and sea creatures, enjoyed the waves with snorkels and underwater masks at the Lower Keys Underwater Music Festival. They listened to music through waterproof speakers dangling from boats floating above the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. It wasn’t just all showtunes and melodies at the festival. The event at the continental United States’ only living coral barrier reef urged participants to face the music and raised awareness on how divers can protect the reef by not touching corals or leaving litter underwater, using mooring buoys instead of anchoring when boating, respecting dive flags, and other ways of minimizing environmental impacts. Participants swam among marine life and coral formations and described the music as ethereal, a bit muted, but emanating from all directions. And that was music to their ears.


JULY 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

four years ago, and they have since elevated the house and added a new foundation. He was using a mini-excavator to remove parts of the old foundation on Friday when he encountered a pair of strange objects.

The Jewish Home | JULY 14, 2022


Around the

Community Summer Fun at Simcha Day Camp



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JULY 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

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Around the Community

The Jewish Home | JULY 14, 2022


Rabbi Yitzy Haber and R’ Zezzi Fuld of Camp Machaneh Yisroel before the intercamp staff basketball game

Rabbi Witkin, rav in North Woodmere and Camp Lemala Mora D’asrah, speaking to campers at Camp Machane Yisroel who spent an overnight in Camp Lemala last week playing inte-camp games and enjoying the amenities

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JULY 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

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The Jewish Home | JULY 14, 2022


Around the Community

Avnet Campers Join the Circus


he circus came to town at Avnet last week. It wasn’t just any circus but an entertaining show and interactive experience led by the National Circus Project. Over two days, campers were made to feel like circus performers. The Avnet auditorium became a circus tent when the fun kicked off with a performance by the professional crew. Then it was time for hands-on workshops with specially trained circus education staff.

Campers were taught impressive skills and tricks like juggling, walking on stilts, spinning plates, tossing scarves, and flipping sticks. “It was thrilling to bring the circus to Avnet,” said Daniel Stroock, camp director. “We’re always looking for new and innovative activities to amaze and inspire our campers. The circus was a hit, and the children will certainly be showing off their new skills at home.”

Summer Fun at Camp Matov


JULY 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

got fleishigs? 845-863-4246

Glatt Kosher

Around the Community

Youth Program at YI of Far Rockaway

The Jewish Home | JULY 14, 2022



Camp Machaneh Hakayitz met Camp Machaneh Yisroel at Six Flags New England this week

he Three Weeks begin this Sunday with the somber fast of Shiva Asar b’Tammuz. This fast day commemorates the tragic start to the Three Weeks of mourning preceding Tisha B’Av. Chazal teach us that the walls of Jerusalem were shattered on this day and other tragedies occurred as well, including Moshe breaking the luchos and avoda zarah being placed in the Bais Hamikdash. Adults will be fasting on this day to recall these events. What will our children do while we are fasting? Why not

send them to the Young Israel of Far Rockaway, 716 Beach 9th Street, Far Rockaway, where our amazing youth department will keep them entertained with an appropriate story and a nice project they can bring home? We promise they will have a meaningful enjoyable time! It’s a great way to keep them occupied while we are busy with the long fast day! Bring your children to YIFR, ages 4-6, this Sunday July 17, from 1:002:30 PM. $15 per child, includes materials.

YUConnects and YI Woodmere Team Up by Marjorie Glatt


UConnects, together with Young Israel of Woodmere, recently hosted its very successful Shabbos for singles, dedicated in memory of Linda Mitgang, a”h. Offering a fun, comfortable environment to mix and mingle, Shabbos Parshas Chukas was a wonderful weekend of neighborhood hospitality with multiple meeting opportunities. Each event targets different ages, hashkafos and backgrounds. This year, Woodmere welcomed 80 guests, ages 24 to 32, evenly mixed between men and women. Friday night, after their own minyan for Kabbalas Shabbos, there was an elegant, catered meal at the Young Israel of Woodmere with participants enjoying the delicious food and making new friends. Conversations flowed freely, divrei torah were offered, and many of the participants stayed and talked for a while, and then formed their own walking groups back to their hosts’ homes. Shabbos afternoon offered something for everyone. A dessert oneg with “Connect Four” – ​a fun speed dating program – allowed all the participants to meet every attendee. Afterwards, ten dedicated local matchmakers volunteered their time to informally interview those interested, while many guests played board games, conversed and relaxed for a while. A highlight of the Shabbos was the shalosh seudos hosted by Penina and Tzvi Wiener in their beautiful outdoor tent. With the community pitching in to create a gala spread, each guest was amazed at the tastefulness (and tasti-

ness) of the lovely event. Of course, the organizers also offered “Build a Bayis,” a team-building challenge which encouraged further mixing and mingling. One young man remarked that he was impressed with all the attentive details – including a musical havdala sung by Dr. Josh Mitgang with Adam Kaufman on guitar, cars waiting after Shabbos to chauffer each person back to their host, and a comprehensive online method for follow-up. Most importantly, there were many dates already made from the Shabbos! Several couples wasted no time exchanging numbers, and many others are requesting contact information from the YUConnects Connectors. By Monday, two days after the event, 24 couples expressed mutual interest in each other and were arranging dates. One of the YIWMeet committee members said the success of the program was due to the tremendous outpouring of support from shul families who opened their homes and sponsored various parts of the weekend. Young Israel of Woodmere, under the leadership of Rabbi Shalom Axelrod, president Josh Kalter and executive director Steve Myers, has been at the forefront of community shuls championing initiatives for singles. This is the third year the event was underwritten by the Mitgang, Silvera, Silver, and Kaminetzky families in memory of their dear wife/mother, Mrs. Linda Mitgang, a”h. Linda was a beloved community member, wife, mother, and grandmother. She was the ultimate aish-

es chayil who loved her family and wanted to see others happily married and living a Jewish life. For this reason, her family thought that sponsoring this annual weekend together with YUConnects and Young Israel of Woodmere would be a loving tribute to her memory. YUConnects, open to all members of the Jewish community​, maintains a friendly office at Yeshiva University, offers unique social events, targeted matchmaking and educational programs to foster healthy relationships toward marriage. Celebrating over 550 engagements, it appreciates sponsorships for future endeavors and welcomes any inquiries. Learn more about YUConnects by visiting or email

Dr. Charles Mitgang, Saritte Silvera, and Allison Silver

Some members of the YIWMeet organizing committee


JULY 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

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The Jewish Home | JULY 14, 2022


Around the Community

New Community Summer Morning Kollel in Long Beach


n the morning of Monday, July 4, the Young Israel of Long Beach (YILB), in conjunction with Temple Zion Atlantic and Long Beach Jewish Center, hosted the kickoff event for the new Community Summer Morning Kollel after the 8:30 AM Minyan at the Young Israel. After davening and people enjoying the lavish breakfast spread, Dr. Moishe Jeger, a prominent Marbitz Torah and

Dr. Moshe Jeger, Rabbi Binyomin Silver, and Rabbi Menachem Leib Brenner

member of the Lawrence community, gave the opening shiur to a large crowd who spent their morning in Torah study. The new Kollel, which will run every morning from approximately 9:3011:30 AM (10-11:30 AM on Sundays) after the daily 8:30 AM Minyan at the Young Israel, features an expanded breakfast including bagels, fruit, cereal, Danishes, oatmeal, cold brew and hot coffee, orange juice, and more. There will be an open Beis Medrash (study hall) for people in and out of the community to come and learn what their hearts desire in a structured setting. Additionally, there will be a weekly Chaburah given by Dr. Moishe Jeger, who organized the Kollel together with Rabbi Menachem Leib Brenner, rabbi at Temple Zion, and Rabbi Binyamin Silver, rabbi at the Young Israel. “We are excited to expand the menu of Torah learning options in Long Beach and look forward to continued growth and Harbatzas Torah,” stated

Rabbi Silver. “This has been an important day for Long Beach and the entire Barrier Island Jewish Community,” said Rabbi Brenner. “For those who are retired, have off from work, or have extra time in the summer months, there now is a place for people in and out of the community to come and learn in a structured environment in the mornings.

“The Temple Zion Atlantic and Long Beach Jewish Center is proud to join with the Young Israel of Long Beach to be at the forefront of strengthening Torah life and the Kol Torah in our community.” Everyone is welcome to attend. For more information or to sponsor, please email MorningKollelLB@gmail. com.

Members of the Chaburah learning with Dr. Moishe Jeger





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Around the Community

JULY 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

Sports and Smiles at Camp Areivim


The Jewish Home | JULY 14, 2022


Around the Community

Ezra Summer Series Continues

Hillel Day Camp in Full Swing


zra Academy energizes their students at every opportunity. The summer series, now in its fourth year, utilizes the talents and energy of all their faculty to keep learning alive in the summertime. For the students who attend Ezra Academy during the school year, and those who have attended previously and sometimes even those who have recently been accepted as students, the summer lectures are an opportunity to keep students invigorated about Torah learning and observance of mitzvos. It gives the opportunity for students to consult face-to-face with their rebbeim and morahs as well as other members of the staff who serve as mentors. The evenings are sponsored by the fans of the program and community members who believe in the Ezra Energy. This past week, lecture #2 was led by a popular morah (thank you Mrs. Forman) and the never-tiring Rabbi Diamond who spearheads the whole program (thank you again, Rabbi Diamond). As week 3 lectures are being prepared, the participants all know that Ezra remains dedicated to engaging and energizing all their students.


his week, Hillel Day campers engaged in a variety of activities that allowed them to grow physically, socially, and emotionally. Our happy campers and happy staff are reaching new heights and accomplishing great things. The smiling faces as the children rode on our visiting ponies, the exhilaration of the winning goal, and the red bracelets indicating deep water swimming accomplishments are worth everything in the world! It has been a special week at Hillel Day Camp because of our campers. They are happy coming off the bus, playing games throughout the day, going on trips, and swimming in our refreshing pools. Each new activity is such fun! We are getting accli-

mated to the pools with our awesome lifeguards, singing and dancing nonstop in Music, and jumping and rolling on the TumbleBus and our Moonbouncers, to name just a few!

Sanitation Commissioner Results


own of Hempstead’s Sanitation District 1 held elections on Monday for Sanitation commissioner. Incumbent Commissioner James Vilardi, who ran unopposed for a five-year term, garnered 552 votes. With regards to the race between Gabriel Boxer and Gwynette Campbell, the unofficial results showed Boxer in the lead, nabbing 388 votes to Campbell’s 295. They were running for a four-year term. According to the District, there are absentee ballots that are yet to be counted. Boxer expressed his appreciation to the community for coming out to vote for him.

“I’m so thankful for the community coming out for the election and showing what we can do as a united community, and thank all for their support and vote,” Boxer told TJH. “I’m sure truth and justice will prevail for the integrity of this and every election is at the core of our values and who we are as a nation. We must not only teach but show our children that the only way is truth, and I will lead our community with truth and transparency.” Boxer is known as the “Kosher Guru” and founded Kosher Response, which was involved in food distribution to workers in hospitals and first responders and to the community during the pandemic.

Did you know?

Did you know?

On July 11, 7-Eleven stores give away around 9 million Slurpees.

7-Eleven sells more than 1 million cups of fresh-brewed coffee each day.


JULY 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

The Jewish Home | JULY 14, 2022


Around the Community

Love of Torah, Tefillah, and Klal Yisroel at Nikolsburg Shul in Woodbourne, NY


Around the Community

Siyum in Home of Rav Chaim Kanievsky Who Guided the Program By Chaim Gold


t was a bittersweet feeling. We were back in Rav Chaim’s house…to celebrate a siyum on a program that we had begun in his home, in his presence, less than a year earlier. On the one hand, the gaping void was right in front of us, but on the other hand, there was a simcha and a nechama. After all, over 1,600 avreichim had completed the Dirshu Kinyan Sheviis program during a shemitta year, in a program founded and designed by the Sar HaTorah, Rav Chaim Kanievsky, zt”l, and the siyum was being celebrated in his home, exactly where the haschala, the beginning had been less than a year ago!” Those were the feelings of the participants in the event as described by Rabbi Avigdor Bernstein, a senior member of Dirshu’s hanhala, who participated in the siyum. The demanding program is run by Dirshu in conjunction with Siach Emunah, which was founded by Rav Chaim Kanievsky. The 1,600 avreichim who completed the program learned the entire masechta Sheviis with the commentary of Rabbeinu Shimshon and the Rambam. In addition, they had to learn the entire volume from Rav Chaim Kanivesky’s magnum opus sefer, Derech Emunah, that was devoted to Hilchos Sheviis and be tested monthly on the material. The siyum was completed by Rav Chaim’s son, HaGaon HaRav Yitzchok Shaul Kanievsky, shlita. Drashos and divrei chizuk were given by HaGaon HaRav Chizkiyahu Avrohom Broide, shlita, rav of Achisomoch and a distinguished dayan in Bnei Brak; Rav Dovid Hofstedter, shlita, Nasi Dirshu; and HaGaon HaRav Boruch Dov Diskin, shlita. Learning the Halachos is Akin to Fulfilling the Mitzvah Last year, when Rav Chaim instituted the program at his home, he wrote a letter on 26 Sivan wherein he specified the tremendous benefits of the program. He wrote: “It is well known that keeping the laws of sheviis brings the geulah closer and saves us from all tzaros. Maran, the Chazon Ish, zt”l, writes that when one actually observes the halachos, he merits

these things but the only way to properly observe these halachos are by learning them well. The Gemara at the end of the first perek of Kiddushin tells us that learning brings to actually keeping these halachos in a practical way. Even those who do not own fields are considered as if they fulfilled the mitzvah when they learn the halachos. “There are many instances in the Gemara [where we see] that in order to urge talmidim to properly learn, the amoraim tested their talmidim on what they learned… The Dirshu organization has merited to encourage and urge talmidei chachomim through their testing programs. Now, in advance of the upcoming shemitta year, they are strengthening themselves in this even more. I have therefore joined with them [in this endeavor.] May we be zoche to the geulah sheleima bimheira b’yameinu amein. “[signed] Chaim Kanievsky.” “What we learned from Rav Chaim,” said HaGaon HaRav Boruch Dov Diskin, “is that not only is it critically important to keep the halachos of shemitta properly as dictated by Rav Chaim’s illustrious uncle, the Chazon Ish, but learning the halachos of sheviis properly, with iyun is another way to show the importance of sheviis. Rav Chaim was perhaps the primary person in our generation who constantly urged the learning of hilchos sheviis and because of him, we have thousands of people who know these intricate, complex halachos so well that they are able to be tested on them.” Rav Broide, in his remarks, related, “One of the things that Rav Chaim taught us was that whatever we learn should be done with a seder and a plan. A person should know what he will be learning today, what he will be learning tomorrow, keep to his goals and reach his goals. That is the way that Rav Chaim wanted the Kinyan Sheviis program to run. In truth, that is the wonderful way that Dirshu runs all its programs. Dirshu is not just an organization that promotes limud haTorah, rather it is an organization that promotes kinyan Torah, acquiring Torah with a comprehensive knowledge! And kinyan Torah extends well beyond learning. Rav Broide continued, “We have no way of even describing with mere words

the magnitude of this Kinyan Sheviis program and what it has accomplished. Suffice it to say that I have no doubt that the ruach, the spirit of Rav Chaim is with us, accompanying us today as we make the siyum. Just like he stood with us and was mashpia so much Torah and ruchniyus on us during his lifetime, so too, he is continuing to be mashpia tova and bracha upon us and especially upon those who are learning what was so near and dear to him.” Living with Hashem

Rav Dovid Hofstedter giving l’chaim to HaRav Yitzchok Shaul Kanievsky

After the siyum and the l’chaim made by Rav Yitzchok Shaul Kanievsky, shlita, Rav Dovid Hofstedter, Nasi of Dirshu, was asked to address the crowd. Rav Dovid highlighted the uniqueness of the mitzvah of sheviis. “The uniqueness of this mitzvah is that it is a declaration that there is no teva, there is no regular order of nature when it comes to Am Yisroel or Eretz Yisroel. We are living because of Hashem. We are living with Hashem. During the shemitta year, we live a year of closeness with Hashem because we live a year of emunah in Hashem. It is so appropriate to celebrate a siyum on Kinyan Sheviis, here in Rav Chaim’s home because Rav Chaim lived his entire life above and beyond teva. Rav Chaim lived with Hashem, with complete emunah and bitachon in Hashem, his whole life was one of sheviis.” Dirshu’s role in shemitta, however, goes beyond promoting the learning of hilchos shemitta,” Rav Dovid emphasized. “This year, during the shemitta, at every Dirshu test, avreichim were given significant amounts of wonderful peiros sheviis that came from the farms of Shomrei Sheviis and were distributed through Otzar Beis Din, to enjoy at no cost. Not only did they learn sheviis this year, but they were able to practically observe all the halachos of kedushas sheviis from the peiros they were given.”

with Mr. Friedman, one of the farmers whose peiros sheviis are distributed to the avreichim free of charge. Rav Hofstedter had a fascinating conversation with Mr. Friedman, who is a child of Holocaust survivors from Slovakia. Although he himself is not religious, he became deeply attached to the mitzvos of Shabbos, both Shabbos, the seventh day of the week and Shabbos Ha’aretz, the seventh year. There is an organization called Mishnas Yosef that buys large amounts of fruits and vegetables from farmers at wholesale prices and passes the savings on to kollel families by selling them the produce at cost price. One farmer with whom Mishnas Yosef made a deal was Mr. Friedman. Through his connection with them, he began to refrain from working on his fields on Shabbos. This year, for the first time, he undertook to keep shemitta. It was a pure act of tremendous mesiras nefesh. He told Rav Hofstedter how the son of Rav Nissim Karelitz told him that he must wait until November to cut his trees. He replied that if he waits, his trees will die in the winter. The Rav convinced him to wait anyway, and in an act of pure emunah peshuta, he agreed. “Inexplicably,” he said, “that year the trees produced far more fruit than in any previous year! I don’t have to hear stories about emunah,” he exclaimed to Rav Hofsteder, “I have seen the Divine promise of v’tizvisi es birchasi with my own eyes!” Indeed, shemitta brings with it the greatest bracha and learning the halachos of shemitta has brought the greatest bracha to the lomdim and to all of Klal Yisroel!

The Farmer in Kfar Wharberg Dirshu’s Nasi, Rav Dovid Hofstedter, together with other members of hanhalas Dirshu, personally traveled to Kfar Wharberg, a large moshav located not far from Kiryat Malachi, where they met

JULY 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

1,600 Avreichim Complete Dirshu Keren Sheviis Program


The Jewish Home | JULY 14, 2022

THIs Week, TJH speaks WITH…

Camp Funshine

By SuSan Schwamm

Two months of amazing summer fun! For the last few weeks, our children have been basking in the sun, swimming, singing, and soaking up the fun every day. How are they spending their time away from their desks? In this series, we speak with camp directors and head counselors to learn more about our community’s amazing, spectacular, incredible, marvelous, unbelievable (you get the point!) camps.

GoinG to camp when you’re younG is nonstop fun if you’re in camp funshine. Located in north woodmere, camp funshine provides miLes of smiLes for around 100 chiLdren in our community. whether it’s sinGinG or dancinG to the beat, these younGsters can’t stop GiGGLinG the whoLe summer throuGh. this week we spoke with mrs. eLkie foGeL, camp funshine’s director, to Learn more about aLL the fun.

Mrs. Fogel, we hear such wonderful things about Camp Funshine. Tell us more about the camp. We are an adorable camp for 3-5 yearolds, based out of Ohr Torah in North Woodmere. We attract campers from North Woodmere and across the Five Towns! Everyone loves Camp Funshine for its warmth and non-stop activities, perfect for preschool age children. Now, we even have a year-round school called Little Friends Gan of North Woodmere. A lot of our school-year students are now our campers. How many campers are enjoying Camp Funshine currently? Every summer we have around 100 campers. Since our spots are

so limited, we fill up right away each year. The beauty of that number of campers is that we are able to provide big camp perks, while at the same time give attention and love to each and every camper! So some of these kids are students there during the year. How do you make them feel at home and excited to come to camp every day? How do you differentiate it for them? I love that, because camp provides an opportunity to do different things with them than the school year. The kids enjoy a whole new dimension as their building suddenly transforms into a camp, and there are water slides and trips and so

much more. They also enjoy the consistency of knowing the building and the layout. It’s fun and familiar at the same time. You’re dealing with little ones. Do you have nap time or time during the day for a little “downtime”? Some of our youngest bunks do real naptime, while other bunks just have a story-time break to relax and provide a midday rest. Sandwiched around that “rest time” is nonstop action and fun! Tell us about your amazing staff. They are the best! Everyone applying to work at Camp Funshine did so because they want to work with young children and make a difference in each child’s


JULY 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

summer. Our staff love their campers, and the campers love them right back!

can’t wait to see what our theme-related activity will be.

How is the day structured? We have a super-exciting, well-rounded schedule with a good mix of activities for every bunk. A bunk might have a specialty, then ride-ons, then a craft, then water play, and then lunch. Each period is 30 minutes long to keep the children interested and occupied. Our bunks have an exciting water play area with slides and fishing pools and a huge water slide inflatable!

Do you bring in special performers or special acts for the kids to enjoy? Yes, we offer the best preschool shows

Sounds like the perfect balance between excitement and downtime for these youngsters. Is there a theme this year? This summer’s dynamic theme is “Out of the Box”! Our Assistant Director, Tehilla Kenigsberg, created an adorable program with weekly themes like Jackin-the-BOX, crayon BOX, mail BOX, etc. Each week includes theme-related activities. Crayon Box Week brought tons of colorful fun. We painted Harold’s car (from Harold and the Purple Crayon) with purple paint. The next day, we enjoyed some fun in the sun (Yellow Crayon Day) and had a car wash to wash off the paint. Bunk Color Dress Up Day and a color hunt on Friday ended off the week. Every day we come to camp and

Are there special songs that they love to sing? Our very own Camp Funshine song, of course! We produced and recorded it professionally. We all sing the chorus together, “Yes, we all love Camp Funshine!” It is precious to hear. Many of them know

“we are abLe to provide biG camp perks, whiLe at the same time Give attention and Love to each and every camper!” and outings in town! We have a weekly trip for the older bunks and a weekly show for all bunks. This summer, we also have an Erev Shabbos concert from Mr. Shabbos, who has the whole camp singing and dancing to different interactive songs!

Kids say the cutest things. Anything cute today that you’ve overheard between the little ones? We love to overhear the kids chatting! One boy was jumping on a big inflatable slide and said to his friend, “Best day ever!”

all the words and sing it at home all the time, too! Were there any “surprises” this summer at Camp Funshine? Although every day is structured similarly, every day is also a surprise! The children never know what activity to expect. For example, one day they came to camp and saw a circus tent hanging on the door. We had tons of circus fun and corn pops for a treat! We also had a surprise BOX activity where each camper ended up with a special prize.

Camp Funshine by the Numbers

6 shows 10 trips 25 loving counselors 500 ices weekly 100 smiling faces daily

The Jewish Home | JULY 14, 2022


1. *



Hook, Line & Sinker Fishing is boring, unless you catch an actual fish, and then it is disgusting. - Dave Barry

Three-fourths of the Earth’s surface is water, and one-fourth is land. It is quite clear that the good L-rd intended us to spend triple the amount of time fishing as taking care of the lawn. - Chuck Clark

There’s a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot. - Steven Wright

Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after. - Henry David Thoreau

Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day. - George Carlin If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there’d be a shortage of fishing poles.- Doug Larson The charm of fishing is that it is the pursuit of what is elusive but attainable, a perpetual series of occasions of hope. – John Buchan

If fishing is interfering with your business, give up your business. - Alfred W. Miller Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. Leave the dude alone and he’ll figure it out. - Louis C. K. The solution to any problem, work, money, whatever, is to go fishing. And the worse the problem, the longer the trip should be. - John Gierach

You Gotta Be Kidding Me! Jimbo from Alabama heads north to Minnesota to try ice fishing. He stops at a bait shop near a frozen lake and goes to get some supplies, including an ice pick. A few hours later, he returns for a second ice pick and wanders off. An hour later, he returns to the shop again, storms up to the counter and says, “Ice fishing’s terrible. I want my money back!” The confused clerk asks him, “Are you not having any luck?” Looking furious, JImbo replies, “Of course not! I don’t even have the boat in the water yet!”


1. In 1959, off the coast of Australia, it took fisherman Alfred Dean 50 minutes to reel in a large white shark. This was the largest fish ever caught. How much did it weigh? a. 1,469 pounds b. 2,664 pounds c. 17,040 pounds d. 1,107,472 pounds e. What is a group of fish called? f. School g. Band h. Convoy i. Group

4. Approximately how many fish are there in the ocean? a. 4 billion b. 27 billion c. 300 billion d. 3.5 trillion

2. Approximately how many species of known fish are there in the world? a. 7,500 b. 22,000 c. 33,000 d. 105,000

5. Which of the following companies sells a fishing rod for approximately $13,000? a. Penn b. Fenwick c. Silstar d. Hermès

3. Kiyoshi Kimura, also known as The Tuna King, a Japanese sushi chef who runs several sushi restaurants, paid the most money

6. In 2020, Jeff Kolodzinski, a fisherman known as the Marathon Man, earned a Guinness World Record for

ever for a fish when he purchased a 600-pound Bluefin Tuna in early 2020. How much did he pay for it? a. $300,000 b. $700,500 c. $1.2 million d. $1.7 million

catching the most fish from a dock over a 24-hour period. How many did he catch? a. 738 b. 947 c. 1,488 d. 2,645

Answers: 1-B 2-A 3-C 4-D 5-D 6-D 7-D Wisdom key: 6-7 correct: I would give you one of my Hermès rods as a reward, but each of the 14 that I have match a different Hermès belt and I like fishing in style. 3-5 correct: Keep at it…fishing requires patience. 0-2 correct: You certainly have the mind of a 600-pound Bluefin Tuna!

Riddle Me This There are 10 fish in a tank and half of them drown. How many are left?

JULY 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

Fishing Trivia

Answer: 10. Fish don’t drown! Helllllooo!

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Torah Thought

Parshas Balak By Rabbi Berel Wein


e are taught in the book of Mishlei that it is better to hear criticism from a friend than compliments from someone who is truly one’s enemy. This week’s Torah reading abounds in compliments given to the Jewish people by the leading prophet of the non-Jewish world, Bilaam. From all of the compliments

showered upon us by this person of evil, we are able learn the true intentions of the one blessing us. Our Sages remark that the criticism leveled by our father Jacob against Shimon are to be counted amongst the blessings that he bestowed individually on each of his children. The words of review and correction

serve to save these tribes from extinction and wrongdoing. It is not only the superficial words of blessing that are important but, perhaps, much more importantly, it is the intent and goal of the one who is blessing that determines whether these seemingly beautiful words contain within them the poison of hatred and curses. The Talmud teaches us that from the words of blessing that escaped the mouth of Bilaam, we can determine what his true intent was. The rabbis

that flattering words could have an inglorious deception. A thousand years later, the prophets would warn us to remember the true intent of both Balak and Bilaam. Over our long history, and especially during the millennia of exile, we have suffered much persecution and negative hatred directed towards us. We also, paradoxically, have had to withstand the blandishments and false compliments paid to Judaism by those who only wish to destroy our faith and our future.

Poison is often injected into candies and other sweet objects that are pleasant to the palate but are destructive to the existence of the human being.

read his blessings as being delivered with a voice of sarcasm and criticism. Words and inflections can have many meanings, and since we did not actually hear the tone of voice used by Bilaam, we may be tempted to accept his words at face value and become flattered and seduced by the compliments he granted to us. The Talmud, however, judged his words more deeply, and realized that unless the Jewish people were careful in their observance of the Torah’s commandments, the words of blessing of Bilaam would only serve to mock them in later generations. It is difficult in the extreme to resist the temptation of actually believing

There is no question that one would rather be liked in this life. The true intent has to be judged correctly and factored into the acceptance of compliments, seemingly bestowed by our former or current enemies and critics. The compliments given by Bilaam caused the death of thousands of Jews. That is the reason that the Jews felt justified in avenging themselves upon Bilaam. Poison is often injected into candies and other sweet objects that are pleasant to the palate but are destructive to the existence of the human being. This is one of the overriding messages contained in this week’s reading. Shabbat shalom.


JULY 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home


The Jewish Home | JULY 14, 2022

From the Fire Parshas Balak

Toras Moshe vs. Parshas Bilaam By Rav Moshe Weinberger Adapted for publication by Binyomin Wolf


hereas in many other parshios we focus on deriving lessons from the subtleties of various psukim, the whole Parshas Balak is difficult to understand. Adding to the mystery, the Gemara (Bava Basra 14b) says, “Moshe wrote his book [the Torah], Parshas Bilaam, and Iyov.” Rashi explains that “Parshas Bilaam” refers to “his prophecy and parables, even though these do not serve the needs of Moshe, his Torah, and the events of his life.” This is very difficult to understand. Moshe wrote the whole Torah, including “Parshas Bilaam” within Parshas Balak according to G-d’s command. Why does Rashi explain the nature of “Parshas Bilaam” in a way that implies it was not part of the Torah at all? The Torah also includes Sefer Bereishis, which took place before Moshe was born and cer-

tainly does not include “the events of his life.” So why is Bereishis considered part of “Toras Moshe”? In order to understand what Rashi teaches us, we must first define “Toras Moshe.” Rashi on the Gemara (Chulin 137a) explains that the word Torah comes from the root word horaah, “teaching,” so that the essence of the Torah is that it is a “teaching for all generations.” The Maharal at the beginning of Gur Aryeh explains along the lines of the following words of the Ramban that “the Torah includes the stories from the beginning of Bereishis because this teaches people the path of emunah.” All parts of the Torah which teach the Jewish people what they need to know to live as Jews are considered part of “Toras Moshe.” This seems to imply that Rashi teaches us that “Parshas Bilaam” has nothing to teach the Jewish people.

How can we understand this idea? The Midrash (Sifri on Devarim 34:10) says, “‘No other prophet has arisen among the Jewish people like Moshe’; among the Jewish people there has arisen no prophet like Moshe, but there has arisen [a prophet like Moshe] among the nations of the world. Who? This refers to Bilaam.” How could the Midrash compare this sorcerer’s “prophecy” to Moshe, the master of all prophets? The Ramban explains that Bilaam was not a prophet at all and was certainly not even on the level of regular prophets, much less Moshe. What, then, was the similarity? He explains that it was in the clarity of the message. When Moshe opened his mouth, the Divine presence spoke. Similarly, Hashem placed His words directly into Bilaam’s mouth without any room for interpretation. All other prophets

received visions which required interpretation through their own human, albeit lofty, understanding. But Bilaam’s prophetic message was perfectly clear because it came straight from Hashem. Why did Hashem give Bilaam such a clear prophetic message? The Ramban explains that He did so in order to deprive the nations of the world of the ability to claim, “If only we had a prophet like Moshe, we would serve Hashem, too.” He explains (commenting on Bamidbar 22:31) that Bilaam was merely a sorcerer, not a prophet, and that Hashem only gave him the ability to prophesize in order to increase the honor of the Jewish people, “because it was Hashem’s will that the Jewish people be blessed through the mouth of a prophet of the nations.” If so, who was the primary beneficiary of Bilaam’s prophecy? The Jewish people or the nations of the world?

57 presence in the world, i.e., the “Jewish problem.” They can join with us in revealing the Divine in this physical world by accepting the seven mitzvos which are applicable to them or by converting. Alternatively, they can pursue, oppress, and enslave us. They learned of this choice through the prophecy of Bilaam.

people will be punished. Bilaam’s prophetic message was that the nations’ true mission is to follow the Jewish people by partnering with them to reveal the Divine presence. This is their purpose, their raison d’être. The purpose of Bilaam’s prophecy was to deprive them of the ability to excuse themselves by

The role of the Jewish people is to bring about the revelation of G-dliness in the world.

He taught them that the Jewish people are “a nation which dwells alone.” As Bilaam says in various ways throughout perek 24, the Jewish people will successfully conquer Eretz Yisroel, the land primed to reveal Hashem’s presence in the world, and ultimately, Moshiach will come and all of the nations who have oppressed the Jewish

claiming that they did not know their purpose. We now understand why Hashem wanted the Jewish people to be blessed by a gentile prophet. He wanted the nations to understand clearly, from one of their own, that the role of the Jewish people is to bring about the revelation of G-dliness in the world. After receiv-

ing that message, the nations must now choose which side of history they will be on. We can now understand why Rashi explains that “Parshas Bilaam” is something separate from “Toras Moshe.” The purpose of the latter is to teach the Jewish people what is expected of them for all generations, while the former was meant as a message primarily for the nations of the world and not the Jewish people. The nations had to be told about the Jewish people’s purpose in Creation, as well as a clear understanding of their own choice in how to relate to the Jewish people. May we merit, soon in our days, to see Hashem take revenge upon those who have tormented us throughout the generations and the reward of the righteous people among the nations who have joined with us to reveal Hashem’s presence in the world.

Rav Moshe Weinberger, shlita, is the founding Morah d’Asrah of Congregation Aish Kodesh in Woodmere, NY, and serves as leader of the new mechina Emek HaMelech.

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JULY 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

I believe that we can understand the answer to this question by studying the Ramban on Parshas Ha’azinu (Devarim 32:26, 40). There, he explains that the Jewish people are G-d’s nation, the only people who know Hashem and through whom G-d’s name becomes known in the world. In addition, he explains that the fundamental reason for anti-Semitism in the world is the fact that we reveal G-d’s presence in the world. We bring G-d, and therefore conscience, obligation, and responsibility, into a world that doesn’t want to hear of such things. The deeper reason anti-Semites hate Jews is because they hate G-d. The natural result is that they hate Hashem’s messengers in the world. Dovid Hamelech said (Tehillim 44:23), “It is for Your sake that we are killed all of the time.” Based on this, the Ramban says, “Because of their hatred for Hashem, they do all of these evil things to us ... He must take vengeance on them.” Since their hatred and oppression of us is because of Hashem, it is His obligation to punish them. It appears that the nations have two basic choices with regard to how to approach the those who reveal Hashem’s


The Jewish Home | JULY 14, 2022

Torah Thought

Present Tents Lessons from a Blind Seer By Rechie Eisner


h, my darling Eeyore! You can speak! It’s a miracle! …. I’m so sorry I lost it and

beat you…” Isn’t that what one would expect Bilaam’s response to his trusted donkey’s oratory to be? Imagine your pet suddenly opened a mouth to you? Would you be at all inclined to tell him he has made a mockery of you? Yet here we have Bilaam, prominent prophet, seer, esteemed council to kings, saying just that. Parashat Balak reads like a comedy with our visionary continuously oblivious. It is clear from the donkey seeing, what Bilaam was meant to see, that our seer is somewhat blind. Bilaam attests to this himself, “Vayomar…ne’um hagever shetum ha’ayin.” He said, Here is the speech of the man whose eye is…. Is what? Various commentaries translate “shetum” as both open and closed, with the Gemara telling us that Bilaam was, in fact, blind in one eye. Throughout the parasha, this blindness exhibits itself to be figuratively so. One cannot help but ask, “How can someone so smart be so stupid?” This question hits me, because I have been asking it in numerous contexts these past few years. How is it that people I consider bright and good, whose opinions I would expect to value, believe things that are so beyond the pale? How is it, that they act upon these beliefs in ways that are dangerous to society? This problem seems to be global. How is it that news commentators, despite the glaring evidence, cannot figure out who the good guys are and who the bad guys are? Who would expect the media to promote the cause of hooded thugs carrying submachine guns, advocating for mass murder, over that of those whose every song, dream, and action displays a yearning for peace? This, among an entirety of mind-boggling media distortion, hits close to home.

How is it that humans can be so deluded about reality? I believe it is in part because, as social beings, we are all perception impaired. In our morning brachot, when we acknowledge that “Hashem opens the eyes of those who cannot see,” we are not thanking Him for the cornea transplants of a minority but are acknowledging that, in fact, if we look at things only from our individual vistas, or only from a place of group think, we get but a sliver of a glimpse of all that is. (See Ted Talk “Can We Trust Our Own Brains” for an interesting account on the subject.) Knowing this, as my father, tz”b, would say, we have to do our best to think things through and then ask Hakadosh Baruch Hu who is chonen ha’daat, the Granter of perception, to “grant us knowledge, understanding, and intellect.” In this quest for truth, how can we enable ourselves to find more clarity? Perhaps we can look at our “Blind Seer” Bilaam, to notice what gets in his way and in doing so acquire some tools to help us see what gets in ours. The Tiferet Shmuel seeks to explain what Bilaam was trying to do in cursing Bnei Yisrael. He speaks about the three

primary organs which drive all of our human actions: Our Moach/brain, the source of our neshama, from which intellect arises. Our Lev/heart, the source of desire/ taavot. Our Kaved/liver, the source of middot/character traits. It is our purpose to elevate our sechel in our moach, over our lev and kaved, so as to direct our middot and desires for good. The Tiferet Shmuel says, that Bilaam’s aim was to cause Bnei Yisrael to fall victim to their bad character traits and desires. The first letters of Kaved – Lev – Moach, in that order, spells out kalem, meaning destroy them. Bnei Yisrael however, when acting as a whole, prioritized the mo’ach over the lev and kaved, in the order that spells melech, king. Bilaam, on the other hand, is a kavod seeker. This primary desire for honor blinds him and has him losing his vision all along. It is Balak’s promise of kavod that sets him on his ill-fated mission altogether and his sense of losing honor that has him in a personal power struggle with a donkey, among other things. (Not so, lehavdil, as when adults feel the

need to show their wonderful two-yearolds “who is boss.”) In choosing our perspectives, it is helpful to ask ourselves whether there might be character traits (resentment, fear, selfishness, dishonesty, honor seeking) that might be driving our thoughts. All this comes together very nicely in a Mishnah in the fifth chapter of Pirkei Avot. Whoever possesses these three things is of the disciples of Abraham, our father; and three other things, is of the disciples of Balaam, the wicked. A good eye, a low spirit and a humble soul, he is of the disciples of Abraham, our father. An evil eye, a haughty spirit and a broad soul, he is of the disciples of Balaam, the wicked. What is the difference between the disciples of Abraham, our father, and the disciples of Balaam, the wicked? The disciples of Abraham, our father, enjoy this world, and inherit the World to Come…. But the disciples of Balaam, the wicked, inherit gehinnom… To summarize: The disciples of Abraham Avinu possess: 1) Good eye (brain/neshama/intellect); 2) low spirit (heart/desires/taavot); 3) humble soul (middot/character traits) On the other hand, the disciples of Bilaam HaRasha have: 3) Evil eye (brain/neshama/intellect); 2) haughty spirit (heart/desires/ taavot); 1) broad soul (middot/character traits) In the disciples of Avraham Avinu, the good eye/brain/neshama takes precedence over the others. This is chochmah, the ko’ach of mah. As Onkelos explains, when Hashem breathed a neshama into Adam, he was granted knowledge and speech. It may be what is implied in Bilaam saying, “Mah tovu,” i.e. Your (koach)mah is good, and in


The Stanford marshmallow experiment conducted in 1972 demonstrated this point. In this study, children were offered a marshmallow which they were told they could eat immediately. They were also told that if they could wait 15 minutes while the researcher left to take care of an errand, they would receive two marshmallows when he returned. What is fascinating about this longitudinal study is that it tracked into adulthood the four-year-olds who were able to wait for a second marshmallow, who were shown to do better throughout life, socially, educationally, economically, and in general wellbeing. It turns out that the ability to delay gratification is key to success in all areas of importance. (Why else study for tests, work out, or plow fields?) This ability to delay gratification, to know that it is all about the future, is the legacy of the disciples of Avraham Avinu. Avraham Avinu is told to leave everything he is familiar with, to set off on a journey into the unknown, for which he will be blessed with eternal reward. At Hashem’s instruction, he sets off for the Land, only to be faced with trial upon trial, famine, war… What I believe enables Avraham Avinu to flow with each challenge as it comes is his ayin tovah, his knowledge that everything in the now is for a future good. This is, in fact, the Bris Bein Habesarim, the covenant given to Avraham, our legacy throughout generations. “Know that your offspring…. will be oppressed for 400 years…. And afterwards they will go forth with a great reward.” Clarity about building for the future enables one to thrive through present struggles. Thus, Pirkei Avot tells us that the disciples of Avraham Avinu eat in this world and receive as an everlasting inheritance the World to Come.

It is all about the afterwards. And we, who have the benefit of the hindsight are able to glimpse our history’s hardships, along with beginning of the reward. Having an ayin tovah is not something one is born with. It is something that can be learned, exercised, and developed. Hence Pirkei Avot calls those who have it “disciples” rather than “de-

sight, can almost yell out to them, saying, “No! Just hang on. In literally a few more days you’ll be in the land flowing with milk and honey.” Yet, although we cannot say it to them, perhaps we can say it to ourselves. When Bilaam said, “Mah tovu ohalecha Yaakov, meeshkenotecha Yisrael,” How great are your tents oh Yaakov, Your dwellings, O’ Israel, he was not

It means that one has the ability to set aside the desires of the moment in exchange for something of more value in the future.

scendants” of Avraham Avinu. By interacting with our children in ways that don’t encourage a Me Me Me Now Now Now Generation attitude, we are doing them a favor. We are creating “Marshmallow Kids” and are ensuring their future success, and that of society. People with a good eye know that it is beneficial to everyone, themselves included, to help others through challenging times. People who have an ayin tovah are able to do without, for they see clearly that in doing so they are keeping alive those who did without in ways they will never grasp. When we demonstrate this to our children and include them in the process, we are teaching them not to be victims. We are showing them that they can be part of a solution and ensuring a future in which they are resilient and confident. At the end of the day, Bilaam HaRasha was able to see past his ta’avot and desire for honor and in his moment of clarity to say, “Erenu ve’loh atah, ashurenu veloh karov,” I see that it is not about the near and now. He was able to look out over the glorious expanse of Am Yisrael and see the good that they truly are and will be. Unfortunately, the Bnei Yisrael he was speaking of, despite their miraculous existence, despite the fact that the nation of Emori had just fallen before them, could not see the breathtaking greatness they had and were. With their slave mentality, they were still caught up in the blandness of their desert menus and the desires that lead into the next parsha. We, who do have the luxury of hind-

simply speaking to himself. He was putting forth the attitude with which we in our tefilot set our intention each day. When Rashi comments about these words, that Bilaam noticed that the openings of Bnei Yisrael’s tents were not facing each other, I believe he is also saying that despite what looked from above like a vast unity, each person was

an individual. Not looking into another’s tent enables one to avoid group think and confirmation bias. It enables one to process and to discern what is right and wrong for himself. Looking at Bnei Yisrael from our vantage point, are we able apply this lesson to ourselves? Are we able to step beyond, to see what is? Are we able to see all the good we already have, all the promises Hashem made to Avraham that have already been fulfilled? Are we able to make decisions and direct our actions to create the future we pray for each day? Let us learn from the parsha to create “Present Tents,” in which we are able together to “Ur’eh be’tuv Yerushalayim,” to see the goodness of Yerushalayim with our good eye. And then, may we be zocheh to the fulfillment of “Ha’rachaman Hu yanchilenu yom she’kuloh tov,” He who is merciful will grant us as an everlasting inheritance, the day which is completely Good.

Rechie Eisner is a morah who has made aliyah who thinks about stuff.

JULY 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

Pirkei Avot stating, “Mah ben talmidav shel Avraham Avinu,” the difference between the disciples of Avraham Avinu and Bilaam HaRasha is in the use of (koach)mah. Why is this all so important? What does it mean to have an ayin tovah, in this context? It means that one has the ability to set aside the desires of the moment in exchange for something of more value in the future. It is what enables us to avoid temptation, one decision at a time, in exchange future growth.


The Jewish Home | JULY 14, 2022

Delving into the Daf

Sheva Brachos Shailos By Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow


n the first perek of Kesuvos, there is a lengthy exposition on Sheva Brachos. What follows is some selected halachos regarding Sheva Brachos with a focus on the psakim of Rav Moshe Feinstein, zt”l. This article is not intended to issue practical rulings but to engender discussion. The Rema (EH 62:6) writes that the seven days of celebration start at the conclusion of the Sheva Brachos recited at the chuppah. However, Rav Moshe ruled that if the chuppah took place close to sunset and the wedding meal did not start until after sunset, the first day of Sheva Brachos is the Hebrew calendar day on which the wedding meal took place. Rav Elyashiv, zt”l, ruled that on the seventh day of Sheva Brachos, the Sheva Brachos should not be recited past sunset. Rav Elyashiv once related that the Klausenberger Rebbe invited him to the last Sheva Brachos meal being made in honor of his daughter (who married Rav Dov Weiss). He was to be honored

with one of the Sheva Brachos. Rav Elyashiv politely declined, explaining that presumably the Sheva Brachos will be recited way after sunset in accordance with the chassidishe custom that halachic nighttime occurs 72 minutes after sunset. Rav Elyashiv felt that according to his custom, Sheva Brachos recited after sunset would be considered blessings in vain. The Klausenberger Rebbe assured him that the Sheva Brachos would conclude before sunset, and then Rav Elyashiv graciously accepted the invitation. However, Rav Moshe Feinstein, zt”l, ruled that (at least) in New York, Sheva Brachos may be recited on the 7th day until 40 minutes after sunset. There is a dispute among the Rishonim whether Sheva Brachos can be recited when only the chosson or the kallah is present. Rav Moshe ruled that they both must be present to recite Sheva Brachos. The Gerrer Rebbe, zt”l, only allowed someone to recite one of the Sheva Brachos if they ate bread and thereby

joined the festive meal. Rav Elyashiv, zt”l, ruled that someone may recite one of the Sheva Brachos even if he didn’t eat anything. It was reported that he himself followed this practice. Rav Moshe, zt”l, and Rav Shlomo Zalman, zt”l, both held that while one does not need to eat bread to recite Sheva Brachos, one should at least eat or drink something. On a weekday, Sheva Brachos are only recited if panim chadashos are present. This means that there should be someone new present at the meal to rejoice with the groom and bride, someone who was not present at the wedding. This new guest increases the joy of the chosson and kallah. A complete stranger does not qualify for panim chadashos. However, Rav Moshe ruled that if any of the parents of the chosson or kallah know the individual, then he qualifies. This guest indirectly increases the joy of the bride and the groom, when they see their parents rejoicing with this new guest. However, if the stranger is a Torah scholar, then, regardless, he qual-

ifies as panim chadashos. The Torah scholar increases the joy of the chosson and kallah by making them feel honored to have a distinguished individual rejoice with them. There is a dispute between the Shulchan Aruch and the Rema if the individual who qualifies as panim chadoshos has to actually eat something from the seudah. (EH 62:7) Although the Rema ruled that he does not have to eat, Rav Elyashiv said as a matter of practical halacha, he should preferably eat bread. An eminent scholar once joined a Sheva Brachos. He was supposed to be the panim chadoshos. However, since he only drank a soft drink, Rav Elyashiv said that he did not qualify as a new guest, although, if an individual ate food, even though he did not eat bread, Rav Elyashiv said that he would qualify. Likewise, Rav Moshe ruled that the individual being counted on for panim chadashos should eat something from the meal. (Some Sefardim are very meticulous about this halacha and require

drink is available. In that case, the remaining six brachos should be recited without a cup. Under the chuppah, HaGefen is the first of the Sheva Brachos. When recited after a meal, HaGefen is the last of the Sheva Brachos. If one mistakenly recited HaGefen first, Rav Moshe said it is acceptable. They should then proceed to the rest of the Sheva Brachos and not repeat HaGefen at the end.

before zimun, which one can somewhat ameliorate by making a zimun with a group of three. However, if one knows that he will have to leave early, it is highly preferable that one adopt one of the following suggestions from the Sovaya Semachos: 1. One should join the meal without eating bread or a quantity of cake/crackers that would require one to bentch. 2. One should wash and start eating

One should not leave a Sheva Brachos meal before bentching and the recitation of Sheva Brachos.

One should not leave a Sheva Brachos meal before bentching and the recitation of Sheva Brachos. Rav Moshe noted that this applies to both men and women. If one has to leave early, there is room to be lenient based upon the ruling of the Aruch HaShulchan. Still, there is the additional issue of leaving

before others and finish and bentch before they finish their meal. 3. If the first two options are unavailable, one can rely on the opinion that when one starts the meal, one can have in mind not to halachically join with the others in the meal. (Rav Moshe mentions this idea.)

4. If one ate bread, started with everyone else, and didn’t have in mind not to halachically join the others, one should at least finish eating before the others and bentch before them. If the first four options did not work out, and he really must leave before the recitation of the Sheva Brachos, he can bentch with a zimun of three people and depart without Sheva Brachos (relying on the Aruch HaShulchan). This article is based upon an exposition written by Rabbi Gamliel HaCohen Rabbinowitz and Rabbi Yaakov Skotzilz that was printed in the Torah Journal “Mah Tovu Ohalecha Yaakov,” Volume 17. The Torah Journal is available for free as a PDF. Among other avenues, one can obtain a copy volume 17 by emailing the author of this article at the address below.

Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow is a rebbe at Yeshiva Ateres Shimon in Far Rockaway. In addition, Rabbi Sebrow leads a daf yomi chaburah at Eitz Chayim of Dogwood Park in West Hempstead, NY. He can be contacted at


JULY 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

two new individuals who ate bread.) If a chosson and kallah are eating a meal in a hotel or restaurant, and most people are not there for the simcha, can Sheva Brachos be recited? Rav Moshe said they may be recited if it is made clear that the meal is in honor of the chosson and kallah. For example, the chosson and kallah should sit together at a head table. The Sefer Sovaya Simchos suggests that in this scenario, a special food should be added to the meal in honor of the chosson and kallah. There are opinions that all the Sheva Brachos should be recited by one individual. Rav Moshe pointed out, as is well known, the common custom is to distribute the blessings among different people. The custom is to use two cups of wine for Sheva Brachos: one for bentching and one for honorees to hold while reciting the Sheva Brachos. Rav Moshe held that both cups should hold a minimum of 3.3 ounces of wine. If no regular cups are available, Rav Moshe wrote in the Igros Moshe that one may use disposable plastic cups. Rav Moshe ruled that if wine or alcoholic drinks are unavailable, one can use tea. However, soda should not be used even if no other

The Jewish Home | JULY 14, 2022


The Seeds of David HaMelech in Shivah Asar B’Tammuz By RaBBi Daniel Glatstein


aseches Megillah tells us that Rebbi, Rabbi Yehudah HaNasi, was known to engage in several practices that, on the surface, appear questionable. He planted a tree on Purim, despite the prohibition of performing melachah, work, on Purim. He bathed publicly in a wagon situated in the city of Tzippori on the fast of Shivah Asar B’Tammuz. While rechitzah, bathing, may not be specifically prohibited on a fast day other than Yom Kippur and Tishah B’Av, it does not seem appropriate to bathe publicly on a fast day. Furthermore, he sought to abolish Tishah B’Av. However, the Chachamim disagreed with him and would not allow Tishah B’Av to be eliminated from the calendar. Rav Abba bar Zavda explains that Rebbi did not strive to completely eradicate Tishah B’Av from the calendar. Rather, there was a year in which Tishah B’Av, the ninth of Av, fell on Shabbos. We do not observe fast days on Shabbos (other than Yom Kippur). In keeping with the principle akdumei puranusa lo makdeminan, we do not advance the arrival of a day commemorating a punishment, the fast was postponed to Sunday. It was in this specific circumstance that Rabbi Yehudah HaNasi felt that Tishah B’Av should not be observed. He theorized that because the fast was already being moved to another day and would not be observed on

the actual ninth of Av, it may as well not be observed at all that year. As noted, the Chachamim did not agree with him, and when the ninth of Av falls on Shabbos, the fast is observed on Sunday. Why did Rabbi Yehudah HaNasi suggest that Tishah B’Av should not be observed on a year when it is postponed? Rabbi Akiva, Hillel, Shammai, and all the other Chachamim had no issue with the fast day being postponed due to Shabbos. Why did Rebbi want to abolish the fast day? Moreover, why did Rebbi seem to disregard the solemnity of Shivah Asar B’Tammuz and bath publicly on the fast day?

The Luchos Were shaTTered Among the tragedies that the Mishnah lists as having transpired on Shivah Asar B’Tammuz is that Moshe Rabbeinu shattered the Luchos, the Tablets, when he descended from Har Sinai and found the Jews dancing as they worshiped the Eigel HaZahav, the Golden Calf. This is alluded to in the pasuk, “They exchanged their Glory for the likeness of a grass-eating ox” (Tehillim 106:20). Why did David HaMelech include in his criticism the food that the ox consumes? The aveirah of avodah zarah, worshiping the Eigel, is independent of its diet. Why mention that it feeds on grass?

The Arizal teaches us that David HaMelech is not informing us of the diet of the ox. He is alluding to when the Cheit HaEigel took place. It took place on the date whose acronym is eisav, grass – namely, Shiva Assur B’Tammuz. When Moshe Rabbeinu did not return at the expected time, the Jewish people became worried. Aharon attempted to stall for time, and he told the impatient people to return the following day, saying, “A festival for Hashem tomorrow!” (Shemos 32:5). He referred to the next day as a holiday because he knew prophetically that eventually Shivah Asar B’Tammuz would be a joyous day, a day of celebration, as the Navi tells us, “Thus said Hashem, Master of Legions: The fast of the fourth [month], the fast of the fifth, the fast of the seventh, and the fast of the tenth will be to the House of Yehudah for joy and gladness and for happy festivals. [Only] love truth and peace!” (Zechariah 8:19). It is our tradition that l’asid lavo the fast days will transform into Yamim Tovim, festivals. The term machar, tomorrow, which Aharon employed can also be interpreted as a day sometime in the future; it does not necessarily literally mean the very next day. Aharon was telling them that sometime in the future, this will be a date on which we will celebrate. When Mashiach comes, the seventeenth of Tammuz


The encounTer of rus and Boaz When Naomi advised Rus to approach Boaz, she made it absolutely clear to her that Boaz would not procrastinate in resolving matters. He would act with alacrity and execute whatever needed to be done on that very day. The pasuk states, “Sit [patiently], my daughter, until you know how the matter turns out, for the man will not rest until he settles the matter today” (Rus 3:18). How could Naomi have possibly known that Boaz would come to a decision and act upon it on that very day? There were many issues at hand, among them whether it was even permissible to wed Rus, as she was of Moavite descent. In addition, Boaz knew that he was not first in line to marry Rus. He was required to provide Naomi’s closest relative with the opportunity to marry Rus, to be the goel, redeemer. These and other issues had to be ironed out before Boaz could marry Rus. It would seem highly implausible, if not downright impossible, to assume that the many issues at hand would all be satisfactorily resolved on that very day. How did Naomi know that Boaz would triumph over all the obstacles in his way, and would marry Rus on that very day?

Mashiach’s BirThday The Midrash introduces a novel depiction of Tishah B’Av, not as a tragic and painful day, but rather as a day of joy, a day upon which we should be full of simchah. Menachem, Mashiach, is to be born on the ninth of Av, rendering it a very happy occasion. Furthermore, Tishah B’Av is the day on which all of Klal Yisrael’s sins are atoned. Historically, we know that Tishah B’Av is an ominous and foreboding day. Throughout the generations, the Jewish nation has suffered immeasurably on this very day. Why, then, out of all the possible days throughout the entire year, was this the very day chosen for the birth of Mashiach?

The KeruviM The Navi describes the appearance of the Keruvim

at the time of the destruction of the Beis HaMikdash. “And he engraved upon the tablets, upon its rods and upon its frames, Keruvim, lions, and palms, all braced firmly roundabout” (I Melachim 7:36). Rabba bar Rav Shila explains that these words liken the Keruvim to a man who is intertwined with his companion. Reish Lakish adds that when the nonJews defiled the Beis HaMikdash and entered into the Heichal, they witnessed the Keruvim hugging and embracing each other. However, this description seems at odds with the Gemara in Bava Basra, which addresses seemingly contradictory pesukim. The Torah tells us that the Keruvim faced each other, “toward the Cover shall be the faces of the Keruvim” (Shemos 25:20), while elsewhere the Navi informs us that the Keruvim faced the walls of the Heichal: “The wings of these Keruvim thus spread out over twenty cubits. They stood upon their feet, facing the Temple” (II Divrei HaYamim 3:13).

Tishah B’Av is the anniversary of this most intense and passionate love that Hashem has for us, and we for Him. The Gemara explains that both pesukim are correct. The position of the Keruvim was not fixed. Their positions relative to each other varied according to the behavior of Klal Yisrael. When the Jewish people were performing mitzvos and following the will of Hashem, the Keruvim faced each other. However, on occasions when the Jews were not fulfilling the ratzon haBorei, the will of the Creator, the Keruvim turned away from each other and faced the wall. The Beis HaMikdash was destroyed because Klal Yisrael sinned and did not heed the words of the Navi admonishing them to repent. They were clearly violating the will of Hashem and not keeping the Torah properly. Why, then, were the Keruvim facing each other at the time of the Churban HaBayis? We would expect that at the time that such a severe punishment was being meted out to the nation, the Keruvim would have moved as far away from each other as they could, rather than facing each other in a loving embrace! How can we explain this anomaly? This question is addressed by the Bnei Yissaschar, who quotes Rav Pinchas Koritzer, stating that a commonly observed human behavior can be employed to help us understand the incongruous position of the Keruvim. Picture a couple who live together for many years,

engaging in numerous activities. A bystander may not be able to appreciate the love they have for each other. As they proceed with their daily routines, their love and affection are not always readily apparent. However, when people take leave of one another, such as when someone is embarking on a long journey, then it is very common for them to embrace, openly displaying their love. The impending period during which they will be absent from each other serves to make them even fonder and their love becomes more obvious to anyone observing them. Even if they had been involved in a disagreement, when the departure time arrives, they embrace prior to going their separate ways. The realization that they won’t be seeing each other for a long time arouses feelings of longing and affection that might otherwise not have been present. As the common adage goes, “Absence makes the heart grow fonder.” This is the same reason why a person is obligated to spend time with his spouse prior to embarking on a journey. The impending absence creates a wife’s longing for her husband, and halacha dictates that this is a time when the husband must pay special attention to his wife. When Hashem took leave of us, kaviyachol, and embarked on a journey that would take Him very far from us for a prolonged and indeterminate amount of time, this same phenomenon occurred. Hashem felt a longing for His children, Klal Yisrael, and we felt a longing toward Him. The love was more apparent, the affection more noticeable. When we left Yerushalayim, the pasuk states that it was akin to a woman being rendered a widow: “Alas — she sits in solitude! The city that was great with people has become like a widow” (Eichah 1:1). While not an actual widow, because Hashem will ultimately return to us, the holy city of Jerusalem was left alone for millennia, without its Beloved, as if it were widowed. Hashem leaving us stirred up emotions of yearning, of affection, of love between the Ribbono Shel Olam and His people. Despite the fact that Hashem was taking leave of us because of the many sins we had committed, His departure created this intense sense of longing, which increased the mutual feelings of love and affection, which was reflected in the Keruvim embracing each other. The feeling of ahavah that was palpable at that moment was incomparable, unique in its intensity. The intimacy between Hashem and the Jewish people was at its strongest level at the time of the Churban, at the time that we were leaving. Knowing that we were going our separate ways served to enhance and amplify the affection we had for each other. Tishah B’Av is the anniversary of this most intense and passionate love that Hashem has for us, and we for Him. We can clearly comprehend that this would then be the most appropriate date on which Mashiach should be born. It is most fitting that he be born at a time when Hashem’s love for us is unparalleled. Only this unique and exceptional level of affection can lead

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will be a Yom Tov. However, a closer analysis of this pasuk in Zechariah seems curious and requires explaining. When the Navi informs us that the fast days will become days of festivity, he writes that this will occur “to the House of Yehudah.” Why will Shevet Yehudah be the beneficiary of these holidays? Why not say “to the Bnei Yisrael”? Will the taaneisim remain fast days for the rest of Klal Yisrael, and only Yehudah’s descendants, for some reason, be privileged to have these sad days be transformed into holidays? It stands to reason that the Navi’s words ought to apply to all of Klal Yisrael and therefore we must understand why Zechariah tells us that this will happen specifically in reference to the House of Yehudah.

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64 to the level of intimacy required to produce a neshama as holy as that of Mashiach. Mashiach therefore had to be born on Tishah B’Av.

WhaT happened on shivah asar B’TaMMuz The Mishnah informs us of five tragedies that took place on Shivah Asar B’Tammuz. Moshe Rabbeinu shattered the Luchos on Shivah Asar B’Tammuz. We were forced to cease bringing the korban tamid. The walls of Yerushalayim were breached, an idol was placed in the Beis HaMikdash, and Apostumos burned a Sefer Torah. These are five calamities that occurred on this date. The Chasam Sofer presents another event that took place on Shivah Asar B’Tammuz. He reveals that Hashem, in His infinite wisdom, brought the refuah, the cure, before the makkah, the ailment. After suffering numerous challenges while residing in Moav, Naomi and Rus returned to Eretz Yisrael. “And so Naomi returned, and Ruth the Moavite, her daughter-in-law, with her — who returned from the fields of Moav. They came to Beis Lechem at the beginning of the barley harvest” (Rus 1:22). The Targum teaches us what their arrival date was. “So Naomi returned, and with her was Ruth, the Moavite, her daughter-in-law, who returned from the field of Moav. And they came to Beis Lechem on the eve of Passover” (ibid.). Naomi and Rus arrived on Erev Pesach, and for the following three months, until the end of the harvest season, Rus spent her days at Boaz’s threshing floor. “So she stayed close to Boaz’s maidens to glean, until the end of the barley harvest and of the wheat harvest” (ibid. 2:23). The three months concluded on the fifteenth of Tammuz. Rus was then advised by Naomi to approach Boaz and ask him to marry her as part of redeeming the fields that had belonged to Elimelech. On the eve of the sixteenth day of Tammuz, Rus complied with her mother-in-law’s instructions and paid Boaz a visit while he slept on the threshing floor. Boaz was eager to perform the mitzvah of redeem-

ing Elimelech’s fields and marrying Rus, but he advised Rus that there was a relative closer than he who had to be given the opportunity to redeem the fields and marry her. Only if he were to decline would Boaz be able to be the goel and marry Rus in his stead. On the morning of the sixteenth of Tammuz, Rus returned home to Naomi and related what Boaz had said. It was at this point that Naomi assured Rus that Boaz would undoubtedly come to a conclusion on that very day. The Chasam Sofer explains how Naomi could be so confident in this timeline. The period of the Three Weeks is a time of tragedy for Beis Yehudah, the House of the Davidic dynasty, of which Boaz was a member. The other ten tribes had been exiled a hundred years before the destruction of the Beis HaMikdash; thus, they were not sent into galus during the Three Weeks. The period of the Bein HaMetzarim was a foreboding time specifically for Beis Yehudah. Boaz would not delay marrying Rus because he would exert every effort to ensure that he would marry her before Shivah Asar B’Tammuz, since, as a progenitor of Malchus Beis David, he knew that the austere time period would not be a fortuitous time for him to wed. Once the seventeenth day of Tammuz began, the koach of Shevet Yehudah would wane, the mazal of Yehudah would no longer be favorable, and thus it would not be an optimal time for him to marry. Naomi was therefore confident that Boaz would “settle the matter today” — on the sixteenth of Tammuz. Boaz did, in fact, marry Rus that very day and consummated the marriage that night, the eve of Shivah Asar B’Tammuz. Boaz then passed away. Mashiach will be born on Tishah B’Av, and Oved, the first member of Malchus Beis David, the grandfather of David HaMelech, was conceived on leil Shivah Asar B’Tammuz.1 Thus, concludes the Chasam Sofer, the eve of Shivah Asar B’Tammuz was the initiation of the tzemichas keren David HaMelech, the sprouting of the Davidic dynasty. Malchus Beis David began to come to fruition. This, adds the Chasam Sofer, is an instance of

Hashem, the ultimate Healer, providing the “cure” prior to the affliction — just as Mashiach is destined to be born on Tishah B’Av itself. Illustrating another instance of this pattern, Rav Yonasan Eibeshutz presents the idea that Mashiach, who celebrates his birthday on Tishah B’Av, was conceived on Asarah B’Teves, the tenth of Teves, and the day upon which the siege of Yerushalayim commenced. While each of these taaneisim is the anniversary of tragedies that our nation experienced, there is still a kernel of good in each, as each of these dates played a role in the tzemichas Malchus Beis David.

Tishah B’av as vieWed By a MeMBer of Beis david Tishah B’Av is a tragic day. It is a mournful day. But one who kept connected to Malchus Beis David, the Davidic Dynasty, may not view it in entirely the same light as the rest of Klal Yisrael. A member of the royal family might very well feel a special connection to the day, a sense that there is potential for salvation on this otherwise disastrous day. Maseches Shabbos admonishes us that whoever states that David HaMelech sinned is in error. The pasuk tells us, “David was successful in all his ways, and Hashem was with him” (I Shmuel 18:14). Hashem was “with” David in all his endeavors and campaigns, and Hashem would not have accompanied him if he had truly sinned. David had, in fact, intended to sin, adds the Gemara, but he did not follow through, and he never actually committed any infraction. Rav then mentions that because Rabbi Yehudah HaNasi was a descendant of David HaMelech, a member of the House of David, he sought to defend David’s actions. Rabbi Yehudah HaNasi would interpret the pesukim in any way that would shield David from censure. The Yerushalmi teaches us: “Nolad ben zachar b’osah mishpachah, nisrap’eis kol osah mishpachah,” When a boy is born into a family, the entire mishpachah is cured. The birth of a boy in the Davidic family, the birth of Mashiach on the afternoon of Tishah B’Av, would then provide exceptional healing to the entirety of Beis David. The Bnei Yissaschar explains that when the observance of Tishah B’Av was postponed from Shabbos to Sunday, it was specifically then that Rabbi Yehudah HaNasi sought to abolish it for that year. As a member of the Davidic Dynasty, his family had already been healed, and there was no longer a need to dwell on the mourning and tragedy! As Mashiach had already been born — on Shabbos, the actual ninth of Av — the refuah had arrived! Once the ninth of Av had come and gone, Rebbi felt a premonition of the coming of the Geulah, and therefore felt no need to observe the fast any longer. Ho’il v’idchi, idchi! Once it is already pushed off, push it off completely (for this year). The other Chachamim, who were not of the Davidic family, disagreed. For them, the birth of Mashiach did

65 died. The bas kol then issued a second proclamation, stating that due to his genuine act of remorse at having lost this opportunity, the launderer would be granted a place in Olam Haba. Many tzaddikim have passed away on Erev Shabbos, yet this is the only time that Hashem made time pause so that Shabbos did not begin until all the funeral attendees were ready. The Bnei Yissaschar posits that the reason for this remarkable miracle on the day of Rebbi’s levayah is because of the special esteem in which he held the kedushah of Shabbos. The kavod that Rebbi afforded Shabbos was exemplary, as is evidenced by the fact that when Tishah B’Av was on Shabbos, he maintained that there would be no aveilus that year, and he was docheh Tishah B’Av. As a reward for the special regard Rebbi had for Shabbos, Hashem pushed off Shabbos. He was docheh Shabbos for the kavod acharon of Rebbi.

The significance of 312 The Three Weeks, the Bein HaMetzarim, begin on Shivah Asar B’Tammuz. The first thirteen days are

We squandered the holiness imparted to us with 312, and all 312 permutations of Hashem went into galus with us. in Tammuz, and the remainder are in the month of Av. This totals 312 hours of the Three Weeks that take place in the month of Tammuz. This is the same value as the Name of Hashem multiplied twelve times (26 X 12 = 312). With the four letters in the Name of Hashem, there are twelve permutations (the hei appears twice). Thus, the significance of the number 312 is that it is the sum of all twelve permutations of Hashem’s Name. Klal Yisrael is gifted with tremendous kedushah. Hashem’s Name rests upon us — all twelve permutations of the Name. Three hundred twelve. Unfortunately, due to our sins and iniquities, we were exiled: halchu b’shvi, we went into captivity. Shvi, captivity, has a gematria of 312. We squandered the holiness imparted to us with 312, and all 312 permutations of Hashem went into galus with us. One day soon, writes the Bnei Yissaschar, Hashem will once again combine all twelve permutations of His Name, and, out of an abundance of mercy, yashav v’yerachamenu, He will return us to Eretz Yisrael. Yashav also has the gematria 312; thus, Hashem will restore the 312. Earlier, we mentioned that Naomi informed Rus that she was confident that Boaz would resolve every-

thing on that very day. Naomi was telling Rus, “shevi” — gematria 312 — tomorrow begin the 312 hours of sadness that will last until the end of the month. The 312 hours of Tammuz during which the mazal of Malchus Beis David begin to wane start tomorrow, and Boaz will be sure to marry you before that happens. The Three Weeks are specifically tragic and have especially bad mazal for the family of David HaMelech, for Beis Yehudah. L’asid lavo, when Mashiach comes, it will be most appropriate that when the taaneisim are transformed into days of Yamim Tovim, the Navi promises: Beis Yehudah is the family for whom this time is especially challenging, and therefore they will have much greater cause for celebration. Rebbi wanted to abolish Tishah B’Av because Mashiach’s birthday is Tishah B’Av. Rebbi bathed on Shivah Asar B’Tammuz because Oved was conceived on that day. And it was Rebbi who yearned and hoped, rachatz, in the restoration of the glory of the tzippor, Klal Yisrael, on Shivah Asar B’Tammuz. May we be zocheh to utilize these three weeks to restore all 312 permutations of Yud Kei Vav Kei that went into galus with us. And may we merit the fulfillment of the words of the Navi, “Tzom ha’revi’I, v’tzom ha’chamishi, v’tzom ha’shevi’I, v’tzom ha’asiri yehiyeh l’beis Yehudah l’sasson u’l’simcha u’l’moadim tovim.” The Chasam Sofer offers an additional reason as to why Boaz would not delay in marrying Rus. HaKadosh Baruch Hu provides tzaddikim with a certain symmetry to their lives, and He allows them to live complete years. They pass away on their birthday. Boaz was niftar on Shivah Asar B’Tammuz. We can therefore extrapolate that he must have also been born on that same date. It was only natural, then, that annually, as his birthday drew near, he would become concerned that this year might be his time to leave this world.


When faced with the opportunity to marry Rus on the day before his birthday, he most definitely would not postpone the marriage even a single day, since he was concerned that he would die on his birthday, on Shivah Asar B’Tammuz, and thus lose the opportunity to establish Malchus Beis David.

This article was excerpted from Rabbi Glatstein’s book, The Darkness and the Dawn, printed with permission from Artscroll.

Rabbi Daniel Glatstein is the Mara D’asra of Kehilas Tiferes Mordechai in Cedarhurst, NY, and author of numerous seforim in Lashon Hakodesh and in English for ArtScroll. He is an international lecturer and maggid shiur. His thousands of recorded shiurim are available on, podcast, his website, and other venues. Rabbi Glatstein is currently running a campaign to build a new international learning center in Cedarhurst called Machon Maggid Harakiah. Go to mmh for more information.

JULY 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

not provide any degree of healing, and they felt that the observance of the fast day should proceed as usual. Rebbi saw the seeds of redemption on Tishah B’Av and therefore opted not to observe the taanis on a year when it fell on Shabbos. It would seem logical that just as Rebbi saw the origin of Geulah inherent in the day of Tishah B’Av, he appreciated the same for Shivah Asar B’Tammuz. Oved, the progenitor of Malchus Beis David, was conceived at that time, as revealed by the Chasam Sofer, and Rebbi did not feel the need to fully observe practices of mourning. He readily bathed, even publicly. “V’rachatz b’krona shel Tzippori,” And he bathed in a wagon, in public, in Tzippori. We would like to suggest a novel way to interpret this phrase. The word employed by the Gemara, rachatz, bathed, has a different meaning in Aramaic. As we recite in the tefillah B’rich Shmei, we are not referring to bathing or washing. We are stating bei ana rachitz, in Hashem, I trust; in Hashem, I place my hope. Krona, with its root keren, can be referring to the glory of Mashiach, as the pasuk says, “And raise the pride of His anointed one” (I Shmuel 2:10). Tzippori, the last word of this phrase, can refer to the people in Tanach who are represented by the tzippor, bird. When Hashem entered into the covenant with Avraham Avinu, He instructed Avraham to split animals in two. The pasuk tells us, “The birds, however, he [Avraham] did not cut up” (Bereishis 15:10). Rashi points out that Klal Yisrael is represented by the bird, and therefore the two birds were left intact. This was symbolic of the fact that eventually all the other nations of the world will dissipate, while Klal Yisrael will last forever. As a nation, we are immortal. The Gemara’s statement can thus be understood as follows: V’rachatz b’krona shel Tzippori, Rebbi trusted in the glory of Klal Yisrael on Shivah Asar B’Tammuz. He yearned and hoped for the restoration of the pride of Klal Yisrael, even though it was a sad day, since the initiation of Malchus Beis David occurred on that day. The Yerushalmi lists numerous miracles that transpired on the day of Rebbi’s petirah. Rebbi passed away on Erev Shabbos, and people from all the cities gathered together to be maspid, to eulogize him. Hashem suspended time and the onset of Shabbos was delayed in order to allow all the funeral attendees to return home before Shabbos began. Upon arrival, they had sufficient time to cook their food and light the Shabbos candles. When the sun eventually set, the roosters crowed. People were worried that perhaps they had inadvertently violated the Shabbos. A bas kol, Heavenly voice, rang out, proclaiming that all those who were not lazy in eulogizing Rabbi Yehudah HaNasi are guaranteed a place in Olam Haba. The Gemara then relates an anecdote regarding a launderer who did not participate in the eulogies. He was bereft, thinking that he had lost out on the opportunity of a lifetime, to earn a place in the World to Come. In utter despair, he jumped from a roof and


The Jewish Home | JULY 14, 2022

The Wandering


Mini Trips Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania By Hershel Lieber


t the tail end of May 2003, we went on a mini vacation trip to Pittsburgh, PA. Our trips usually combine visiting general tourist sites with an emphasis on finding opportunities to meet members of the tribe. We arrived Monday afternoon and left Friday morning, which gave us three full days to discover the City of Bridges. Staying on an upper floor of the Hilton across Point State Park gave us a bird’s eye view of the confluence of the Allegheny, Ohio, and Monongahela Rivers that surround Pittsburgh and some of the 446 bridges that service this city. In fact, Pittsburgh has more bridges than any city in the world including Venice, Italy! Another anomaly is that all the bridges are traditionally painted a yellowish gold. Pittsburgh has another nickname, Steel City, because of its history as the center of America’s steel industry. Hence, the name of its football team is The Pittsburgh Steelers. Enough history. The day we arrived, we went out for a short walk in the Park, which included a visit at the Block House, the only remnant of the largest and most elaborate British fort, Fort Pitt. Then we headed to Squirrel Hill to eat supper at Platters, a Middle Eastern restaurant. We also went to a kosher supermarket and stocked up on food to take back to our hotel for breakfasts and lunches. Squirrel Hill is the Jewish neighborhood of Pittsburgh. About forty percent of the residents are Jewish, and about a third of Pittsburgh Jews live there. There are shuls of every denomination, kosher food stores, restaurants, Jewish schools, mikvehs, a kollel, a Jewish book and Judaica shop, and, of course, the neighborhood has a prominent Chabad presence. Recently, the neighborhood gained worldwide recognition from the tragic shooting at the Tree of Life Congregation in October of 2018. Generally, Squirrel Hill is considered one of the city’s safest areas, and the epicenter of its Jewish presence is undoubtedly Murray Avenue. The drive from Point State Park to Squirrel Hill takes about fifteen minutes, and I drove to Shacharis every morning. I made a point to daven in different

The funicular to the top of Mount Washington

shuls so that I would experience the diversity among the Orthodox population. On Tuesday, I davened at the Shaare Torah Shul of Rabbi Daniel Wasserman. We were just a bit over a minyan in this huge famous shul whose spiritual leader was once the legendary Rabbi Bernard Poupko. When I came back to the hotel, Pesi was having an issue with her eye in that her vision was marred with her seeing specks. We immediately went to see an ophthalmologist who, baruch Hashem, did not

think that it was a serious problem. We began our day by walking in the downtown area for about two hours which included a bit of shopping. After lunch, we went to the Phips Conservatory and Botanical Gardens. This oasis in the middle of a bustling city has over twenty first class gardens and a fourteen-room glasshouse. The weather was just right, and many flowers were in full bloom. What a delightful day! When we finished at the Gardens, I stopped on Murray Avenue to get a haircut. There, I met Rabbi Yisroel Rosenfeld, the rav of the Lubavitch Center and the Dean of the Yeshiva Schools of Pittsburgh. We had a very nice conversation, and he invited me to daven with the bar mitzvah age boys on Thursday morning at the yeshiva. Before heading back to our hotel, we partook in a Chinese buffet at the Golden China restaurant. On Wednesday, I davened Shacharis at Poale Zedeck, which is referred to by everyone as P-Z. One of the people who greeted me was someone named Yale Butler. He was very friendly and wanted to schmooze with me after davening. I had to excuse myself because Pesi was waiting for me at the hotel, and we had scheduled an itinerary which involved specific timing. I made a suggestion that we meet that evening with our spouses at a restaurant where we could leisurely get to know each other. He accepted and suggested Sari’s, where Wednesday’s dinner was dedicated to Mexican food, and we set a time. After a rushed breakfast, Pesi and I headed to the University of Pittsburgh’s Cathedral of Learning. There, they had a collection of thirty-one classrooms as part of an exhibition called “The Nationality Rooms.” The architecture and design of each classroom depicted different nationalities, cultures, and traditions. Twenty of those rooms represented European nations, while the remainder illustrated other countries including one called Israeli Heritage. We were overwhelmed by this beautifully arranged exhibit and spent a long time marveling at this special treat. We stopped by the Carnegie Museum of Natural


JULY 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

In the glasshouse at the Phips Botanical Gardens

The Pittsburgh skyline from Mount Washington

us to view the courtroom procedures while he presides over some marriage abuse cases. When I reached Yale, he said that he made the arrangements with his brother and told us what time to be at the courtroom. We could not find the right building, and we were panicking that we would not arrive on time to enter together with Dan. As we were searching aimlessly for the right building, we heard a voice call out from a passing jeep, “Lieber!” We turned towards the vehicle and saw

With Judge Dan Butler in the courtroom

History and took a funicular up Mount Washington to get a panoramic view of Pittsburgh and the surrounding rivers. Before long, it was time to meet Yale and his wife Bayla at Sari’s. We had the most wonderful time together for the next two and a half hours kibbitzing and sharing our lives and experiences. After dinner, Yale dropped off Bayla and took us for a drive to see the new Homestead Waterfront Shopping Complex, which was built over abandoned steel mills. We also passed the former Duquesne Steel Mills, which had the largest blast furnace in the world. It was a very fulfilling day, but tomorrow’s schedule was still on the horizon. On Thursday morning, I took up Rabbi Yisroel Rosenfeld’s invitation and joined the bar mitzvah bochurim at the Chabad Yeshiva for Shacharis. I was rewarded with an aliyah and the treat of seeing those young boys start their passage into adulthood. Pesi and I decided to make this day a bit lighter, and we walked around the downtown area and stopped into a few shops to browse. Actually, Pesi found a suit at Kaufman’s Department Store, which was a great buy. Then I called Yale. While we had dinner together with our wives, Yale was telling me about his brother, Judge Daniel Butler. Dan, as he is fondly called, was a District Judge at the Allegheny County Municipal Court. Yale said that attending his courtroom is a great lesson in civics and legal jurisprudence as well as a very entertaining experience. Yale said that he would ask his brother to invite

from both sides. We watched as the prisoners in their bright orange prison garb were brought into the courtroom, and the charges were read by Judge Butler. Most cases were about physical abuse, including the use of weapons. The spouses of the prisoners were given a chance to present their allegations, and the judge listened to the rebuttals given by the prisoners. I do not recall any attorneys representing the prisoners. Judge Butler allowed us to read the documents containing the

As we were searching aimlessly for the right building, we heard a voice call out from a passing jeep, “Lieber!”

a man waving at us towards a building while telling us to wait in front of the door until he parks. When the man joined us, he introduced himself as Dan Butler and said we should follow him through the door which led to his private chambers. In his chamber, Dan donned his judicial robe and put on a toupee. He said he does not sit bareheaded in the courtroom. He told us that we would be sitting on the bench beside him, and he would introduce as fellow jurists from New York. We followed him into the courtroom and sat ourselves flanking Dan

charges and even asked us for our opinions. This made us feel as if we had a vital role in the entire three-hour long procedure. It was a scene that we would long remember and an encounter that we will never forget. The evening ended with dinner at the Milky Way, which was followed by a concert by the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra at Heinz Hall. As we reflected during our six-hour drive back home, we felt very accomplished during this trip. We relaxed, we toured, we met other Jews, and we had some extraordinary experiences.

Hershel Lieber has been involved in kiruv activities for over 30 years. As a founding member of the Vaad L’Hatzolas Nidchei Yisroel he has traveled with his wife, Pesi, to the Soviet Union during the harsh years of the Communist regimes to advance Yiddishkeit. He has spearheaded a yeshiva in the city of Kishinev that had 12 successful years with many students making Torah their way of life. In Poland, he lectured in the summers at the Ronald S. Lauder Foundation camp for nearly 30 years. He still travels to Warsaw every year – since 1979 – to be the chazzan for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur for the Jews there. Together with Pesi, he organized and led trips to Europe on behalf of Gateways and Aish Hatorah for college students finding their paths to Jewish identity. His passion for travel has taken them to many interesting places and afforded them unique experiences. Their open home gave them opportunities to meet and develop relationships with a variety of people. Hershel’s column will appear in The Jewish Home on a bi-weekly basis.

The Jewish Home | JULY 14, 2022


Israel Today

The Shuk By Mrs. Barbara Deutsch


e are finally home; we are in Israel! There has always been something about Israel that fixes my leftright orientation confusion. I am one of those blessed people who cannot carry a tune, though I love music, don’t know my left from my right instinctively, always go the wrong way when getting off an elevator in a hotel, and when in the shower, turn on the hot water in looking for the cold. I have been burned and lost so many times. Yet, when I’m in Israel, I remember landmarks and which way to go; I don’t know why. One of my all time favorite places to visit and shop while in Israel is the Jerusalem shuk. When we first started coming regularly after one of my daughters moved here more than 21 years ago, the shuk was a noisy outdoor and indoor shopping mall where you could find food, drinks, odds and ends, and busy people. On Fridays, it bustled with the happy sounds of Shabbos prep. Not so much anymore. It has become a happy tradition for my husband and I to join our kids on Fridays to shop with them; we hop from stall to stall buying our favorite fruits and vegetables, special candies, and nuts and are always tempted to sample and buy the halva from the “Halva King.” We always buy more than we want or need; some we taste, buy and don’t enjoy. We are unusually shocked by the sticker price. Who needs to spend $100 on halvah? Not so sure about the whiskey or pretzel variety that we just purchased. After we are finished shopping, we then go into the underground Boureka Bakery for oily, delicious, hot bourekas filled with vegetables, eggs or cheese – yummy. This first week in the shuk, we changed our routine and instead of a Friday morning visit, we went on a Thursday night; it was as if my comfortable “familiar’’ was

turned into the “upside down.” The noisy bustle of busy shoppers was replaced with loud, thumping dance music, loud singing, with some of the stalls morphing into packed bars. There was even a happy place called Barbara, yes, Barbara. The whole shuk vibrated with the sound of dancing, partying, and drinking people. One bartender led his circle of people in a rousing dance-filled song; the shuk was now a fun-filled stage for participants and bystanders alike. We finished our shopping and instead of bourekas decided to eat in a very popular fast food restaurant beloved by tourists and Israelis. The place is tiny, indoor seating for 16 maybe, with a long bar with seating for 10 out front in the center of the shuck. There is also a tiny spot at the front corner that is for takeout and seating. There is no such thing as a reservation. We put our names on the waiting-tobe-seated list and ask when there will be an available table for 6. The young hostess tells us that it will take about 15 minutes; we agree to wait. My daughter and I go off to do some more errands and return to find an interesting group of campers from London, a number of them handicapped, holding special coupons from the restaurant and waiting 4 deep outside. The restaurant has now filled up with yeshiva boys who are eating along the bar. We continue to wait; my husband and my son-in-law go to prayers. We continue to wait. The inside table for six, for which we had now been waiting over a half hour, has opened up – our table at last! But as this is Israel and things are not always what they seem, we were wrong. The people sitting at the bar were next to get that table, not us! Empowered by my previous “Keurig win,” I ask why we are not being seated; the camp group and their coupons get seated along the inside of the bar. We continue to wait. The hapless hostess, new

to her job, forgot to tell us that the group seated previously at the bar was ahead of us in the line, she explained. We would have to wait until they were done. I pushed back, arguing that had we known that we were not going to be next, the inside being so small and crowded, we would have changed plans and not waited this long for hamburgers and chicken wings no matter how good. The shuk nighttime vibe was not really for us for all kinds of reasons, so when they offered us the outside bar now vacated by the campers, we responded with a “no, thank you.” Frustrated, I demanded to see the manager. Confronted with so many guests, a hostess who did not give us the real facts and an unhappy me, the manager asked me what he could do for us I turned it back to him and asked, “What can you offer?” His offer was a 15 percent discount on the whole bill and seats at the bar until the inside table opened up. I countered with a 20 percent off request; he shared that he could not do that but that he can give us a bowl of 30 chicken wings. We made a deal! I cannot say that this felt like a win. Sitting at the noisy bar in a crowded, frolicking shuk filled with “very happy” people looking at you and your food is not ideal for dining as a family. The whole experience was capped off with some random guy asking for money and a bite of our food; he took an onion ring from my granddaughter’s plate.

But it was an adventure. When the bill came, we gave the waiter a 15 percent tip. I recommended to him that in the future the seating policy should be posted to forestall confused customers. I’m sure that will not happen; it’s Israel. Many will recognize my need to make a point when I feel there is injustice. Some would say why didn’t we just leave and avoid the conflict. My kids would roll their eyes and say, “Again, Mom, again” – good questions all. But as my daughter wanted us to have the full shuk experience, enjoy good food, and have an interesting time, we stayed. We are looking forward to Shabbos and time with our family in Israel. When you have a family who lives far away, you must make every effort to spend time together; be it the day-to-day ordinary and the adventurous. We plan on continuing to do just that. Even though I can’t carry a tune and have been often warned not to sing – another story – I look forward to the magnificent zmirot around our daughter’s Shabbos table; everyone sings. Listening fills my heart. Shabbat shalom. Barbara Deutsch is currently the associate principal at HANC 609 and a longtime reflective educator, parent, grandparent, and new great-grandparent. Even after all these years, she still loves what she does and looks forward to working with kids every single day. She is vacationing in Israel for the summer.


JULY 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

The Jewish Home | JULY 14, 2022


Dating Dialogue

What Would You Do If… Moderated by Jennifer Mann, LCSW of The Navidaters

Dear Navidaters,

Hi, my daughter is 21 years old. She’s been in shidduchim for over a year now. Over the past year, we’ve contacted over fifty shadchanim (I’m literally not exaggerating), and none on those shadchanim responded or even tried to make an effort to set her up. All they did was ask for her

resume and picture and afterwards there was no response whatsoever. My daughter is a very gifted and refined young lady; she’s beautiful, she’s highly educated, and her middos are simply remarkable. I don’t understand why those shadchanim are not setting her up or responding to any of her calls or texts. Am I just contacting the wrong shadchanim? I’m really frustrated and not sure what to do at this point. I would greatly appreciate your input on this matter. Thank you!

Disclaimer: This column is not intended to diagnose or otherwise conclude resolutions to any questions. Our intention is not to offer any definitive conclusions to any particular question, rather offer areas of exploration for the author and reader. Due to the nature of the column receiving only a short snapshot of an issue, without the benefit of an actual discussion, the panel’s role is to offer a range of possibilities. We hope to open up meaningful dialogue and individual exploration.


The Rebbetzin Rebbetzin Faigie Horowitz, M.S.


ear Concerned Mother, The lack of responsiveness on the part of the shadchanim you have contacted says nothing about your daughter’s qualities. Shadchanim are overwhelmed by the number of people who reach out to them. Once one makes a shidduch, one is deluged, as I know from my personal experience. How much more so, the number of names and resumes that flow to veteran shadchanim. That’s also why they usually don’t even ask to meet the girl. At the same time, if an idea comes to mind when the resume is reviewed (if it is indeed reviewed), it is acted on right away and the suggestion is put forth. Most regular shadchanim don’t go back to perusing their piles (or digital files) of resumes, I am told. That’s why the properly constructed data bases used by some community dating groups makes sense. Those groups do cross-check, update their information, and review. I know because some of them have contacted me after seeing my name as a reference on a resume. General shadchanim are dealing with boxes for the most part; they don’t have the time to deal with people beyond general niches. And that’s hard for someone who doesn’t fit into their boxes or isn’t well connected socially. In other words, lack of familiar names, communities, and references on a resume will not motivate a shadchan to make some suggestions if s/he is overwhelmed. So what’s a mother to do for her daughter? Reach out to people who have met your daughter or who are willing to meet your daughter, whether they are shadchanim or not. Update your fellow congregants, broader family members, and people in your social and professional circles as to what type of boy she is looking for. Follow up immediately by sending the resume. Then send friendly Rosh Chodesh greetings and use them

to remind the receiver that you welcome suggestions for dates. Make sure your community’s shidduch circles and shidduch organizations have met her and have her resume. People in your community will be familiar with people listed on the resume-neighbors, rabbis, principals, friends, fellow congregants, etc. You can also aim to develop an agent in some communities/cities outside your geographic area who can meet your daughter by Zoom or in person when they come back east. There are more creative ideas around these days, but you have to be sure your daughter is comfortable. Network, network, network with responsible adults and don’t feel discouraged. Daven, do your hishtadlus, and feel confident that the right one will present himself at the right time. Harbeh shluchim lamakom; Hashem has many messengers to do His work.

The Shadchan Michelle Mond


our daughter sounds like a stellar young lady. I am so sorry you are dealing with this predicament. I cannot answer to these particular unresponsive shadchanim; however, I can help advise you on ways your daughter can attain a more meaningful level of attention. From a single’s perspective, a shadchan should be looked at as a volunteer job recruiter. Anyone can find another person a job, not just official recruiters. Don’t wait around for only official shadchanim. Akin to a person searching for a job, your daughter must place herself in communities and internships she will get noticed. To transfer this idea to shidduchim, think: Is your daughter passionate about chessed? Have her volunteer for organizations. Have her get close with families in communities which she aligns. Send her on trips to different states to stay with friends so

she can network. Try not to reach out for help from your shadchanim during extremely busy “seasons” – such as Pesach, beginning of a summer, etc. Although these are times most eligible guys are home with their families, so are shadchanim. Rather than reminding shadchanim to keep you in mind at those times, send a flower bouquet, chocolate platter, or gift card with a thank you note for keeping her in mind. This accomplishes two things. It expresses appreciation for the shadchan you have already met, as well as serves a reminder to the shadchan to keep said single in mind. Remember Hashem is the ultimate Shadchan, don’t wait by the phone. Be proactive and live your life with simcha and do your hishtadlus networking. This way, you create many funnels your shidduch may eventually come from.

At best, it’s like throwing darts while blindfolded and wondering why you’re not hitting the bullseye.

The Single Tzipora Grodko


t’s extremely confusing when we feel like we can’t control an outcome and

JULY 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

The Panel

The Jewish Home | JULY 14, 2022


are forced to face the daunting unknown. I don’t know why these shadchanim did not respond and feel extremely sad for you if you only received radio silence back. That is insulting, disheartening, and rude. For any shadchanim reading this column, it takes less than 10 seconds to type out an encouraging text stating, “I hope to be the shaliach for your beautiful daughter” (especially if you don’t “have time” to offer helpful feedback or referrals). It’s important to know that regardless of what you invest, G-d has a plan as to the how and when your daughter will get married. Yes, there’s a concept of hishtadlus that’s specific to each person and many people may offer multiple “methods” of how you can simply (even though it isn’t) “get your daughter married.” However, there are no algorithms or instructions that lead to a predictable outcome. We are told, “Betach b’Hashem, chesed yisovivenu,” that when we trust in G-d, we will be surrounded by goodness. In my experience, I have found that the more my friends (and their moms) exercise emunah and bitachon, the happier they are and the more peace of mind they feel.

The facts may not make sense but that can never interfere with G-d’s plan.

The Zaidy Dr. Jeffrey Galler


lease don’t be insulted, but… Albert Einstein is reputed to have remarked, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.” Nothing screams, “BROKEN SYSTEM” like the frustration that you’re experiencing right now. Why so many folks are so dependent upon this insane, antiquated, and infuriating shadchan system is beyond my understanding. There’s so much more we could be doing for our singles. For example, in individuals’ homes we should be inviting groups of singles for Shabbos meals; in our shuls, we should be hosting events, like the recent singles weekend at the Young Israel of Woodmere. In any event, you are an exasperated mother in need of immediate,

Pulling It All Together

practical advice, so here goes: First, try online databases such as YUConnects, Adopt a Shadchan, and SawYouAtSinai. These are great sites for Orthodox singles to network. Each of those systems cater to a slightly different religious clientele, so choose which one is the best fit. Second, your daughter should be an active, visible presence in shul, school, professional, work-related, or gemilat chessed meetings and events. And, ask friends, relatives, teachers, Rebbetzins, gym-partners, and co-workers if they could recommend suitable dating prospects. Third, if you do wish to utilize the existing shadchan system, you might be going about this the wrong way. Sending multiple resumes and photos is not the way to have someone get to know your daughter; at best, it’s like throwing darts while blindfolded and wondering why you’re not hitting the bullseye. Here is a better plan: *Find out from friends which shadchanim have the reputation of being kind, successful, and accessible and who have access to the type of boys in in your daughter’s hashkafic range. *Have your daughter call or text those shadchanim and ask them if it would be possible to meet them in person. If the shadchan does not have time or lives too far away for a personal meeting, ask if a

There are no algorithms or instructions that lead to a predictable outcome. Zoom meeting or a phone call is an option. *Prepare your daughter as if she were going for a job interview. She needs to know how to articulately express what her strengths are, what is special about her, and what is important to her in the young men she would like to meet. *Have your daughter dress nicely for the meeting. She doesn’t have to be “made-up,” but she needs to look presentable, like she would for a job interview. *It is a good strategy to express hakaras hatov to the shadchan after the meeting. Follow up with a heartfelt thank you card or nicely written email, and, perhaps, a small gift certificate or Shabbos flowers/chocolates. It is important to acknowledge that the shadchan has taken the time to get to know, and help, your daughter. These seemingly small gestures might go a long way. Good luck!

The Navidaters Dating and Relationship Coaches and Therapists


hank you for your email. I can’t imagine your frustration upon facing these dead ends. It’s hard to comprehend that not one of fif-

ty shadchanim has responded. Perhaps it is time to contact

other shadchanim or explore other avenues for your daughter to meet guys. Maybe her resume can use a little pizazz. I recommend sending the resume to a dating coach for review. Have you tried contacting the shadchanim yourself?

If your daughter is open to suggestion, she can join Saw You at Sinai or YU Connects and attend singles events. I hope this situation turns around and that she finds her bashert soon! Sincerely, Jennifer

Jennifer Mann, LCSW is a licensed psychotherapist and certified trauma healing life coach, as well as a dating and relationship coach working with individuals, couples, and families in private practice at 123 Maple Avenue in Cedarhurst, NY. She also teaches a psychology course at Touro College. To set up a consultation or to ask questions, please call 718-908-0512. Visit www. for more information. If you would like to submit a dating or relationship question to the panel anonymously, please email You can follow The Navidaters on FB and Instagram for dating and relationship advice.


JULY 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home


The Jewish Home | JULY 14, 2022

Health & F tness

Eating Meals Later in the Day By Cindy Weinberger MS, RD, CDN


ating at night has long been associated with weight gain. Still, many people feel that a calorie is a calorie, regardless of when you eat it, and that what causes weight gain is simply eating more calories than you burn. Yet the question remains, does eating at night really make you gain weight? The short answer is yes. Dr. Daniela Jakubowicz, an Israeli researcher at the Wolfson Medical Center in Tel Aviv, recruited dozens of obese and overweight women with metabolic problems. She placed them all on identical 1,400-calorie-a-day diets. Half of the women were instructed to consume 700 calories at breakfast, 500 calories at lunch and 200 calories at supper. The other group was told to reverse the order. The large meal included foods like tuna, whole wheat bread, a tomato and mozzarella salad, skim milk and a small amount of chocolate, regardless of when it was eaten. Results showed that after 12 weeks, the women in both groups lost weight. However, those who ate the large meal in the morning lost two-and-a-half times as much as those eating the large dinner.

Additionally, the large breakfast group also lost more body fat (mostly belly fat) and saw more of an overall improvement in metabolic factors like fasting glucose levels. Dr. Jakubowicz stated, “We observed that the time of the meal is more important than what you eat and how much you eat – it’s more important than anything else in regulating metabolism.”

individuals’ eating patterns over seven years. The results indicated that we should frontload our calories early in the day to jumpstart our metabolisms and prevent obesity. Ideally, one should start with a big breakfast, slow down to a smaller lunch and a light supper. A big breakfast doesn’t mean a hamburger, French fries and cake for breakfast. A “big” breakfast may include eggs, whole grain toast, cut up vege-

“Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.”

Of course, she means that all meals should be balanced with lean protein, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, but the bottom line is that the timing of the meal has a great impact on your metabolism and your weight. Another study reviewed the dietary patterns of 50,000 adults who are Seventh Day Adventists. The study followed these

tables, fresh fruit, or hot cereal. A smaller lunch can be salad and grilled chicken cutlets, or a piece of fish, or a scoop of tuna. A light dinner can be yogurt and granola with a fruit, oatmeal and berries, fruit smoothie, or a salad. Basically, the idea is that breakfast should be your main meal, and your meals should get lighter as the day goes on.

While some might still be skeptical, the American Heart Association endorsed the principle that “the timing of meals may help reduce risk factors for heart disease, like high blood pressure and high cholesterol.” They further explained that skipping breakfast, which includes approximately 20 to 30% of Americans, is linked to a higher risk of obesity and diabetes. No meals should be skipped. It is no secret that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Now we see that breakfast should be the main meal of the day and slowly trend down as the day goes on. A pioneer nutritionist once said, “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.”

Cindy Weinberger MS, RD, CDN, is a Master’s level Registered Dietitian and Certified Dietitian-Nutritionist. She graduated CUNY Brooklyn College receiving a Bachelor’s in Science and Master’s degree in Nutrition and Food Sciences. She is currently a private nutritionist. She can be reached at or 917-623-6237.


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JULY 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home







The Jewish Home | JULY 14, 2022

Dr. Deb

What Does an Ideal Therapy Approach Look Like? By Deb Hirschhorn, Ph.D.


tiny scratch in an antique changes the price value from a lot of money to almost no money. So it is with lots of things. Sometimes small differences turn out to make a big difference, after all. Like the time you cried to your therapist about all the problems in the marriage, and he said you should get divorced… That was not the answer you wanted. So I’d like to give you a rundown of what I think an ideal therapy modality would look like. Ideally, therapy should be a form of work that fosters the individual’s self-love, self-compassion, and joy. Here’s what I believe all therapists share: * We all care. * We for sure better be good listeners * We believe in you * We all have tons of patience I think that’s where the similarities end between conventional therapy and one that fosters self-love. Here are some differences that make a real difference in the outcome: Therapy that fosters self-love absolutely knows, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you and your spouse are NOT crazy, sick, mentally ill, narcissistic, borderline, or bipolar no matter how many “esteemed” doctors said so. Well, that’s different! In one work, this approach is called “non-pathologizing.” Looking at clients this way has long roots. Milton Erickson, the father of modern hypnosis, simply went with whatever clients brought into the room as a starting point for healing. He called this “utilization.” Thomas Szasz wrote a book, “The

Myth of Mental Illness,” back in 1960, defying the psychiatric profession to define “mental” illness. His position was that it is whatever you call it. Proof was the vastly different approach to those definitions between Europe which, postwar, had an aversion to labeling people, and the United States, which had no such aversion. Another of his proofs was in the changing definition of mental illness over time. No better example could be used than the changing – and expanding – definitions in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Somewhat later, in 1971, Seymour L. Halleck published “The Politics of Therapy” which had an approbation on the front cover by Karl Menninger. But the topics inside covered such things as, “Psychiatric Treatment in an Oppressive Environment,” “The Political Nature of Psychiatric Practice,” “The Social Mean-

ing of Symptoms,” and “The Repressive Use of Drugs.” Why have people like Halleck, Szasz and others expended so much energy over so many years fighting against the stupidity of diagnosing “mental illness”? Simple answer: Because you will never solve the problem by putting a label on it. Instead, the very act of diagnosing makes everything worse. For the following reasons: 1. It takes away hope. People start to feel that if they are saddled with a diagnosis, they’re stuck in it. 2. It takes away agency. By “agency,” I mean a person’s ability to take action. When you are told that, basically, you’re sub-par, you figure there’s nothing you can do. 3. It makes The Man (or woman) into a Superior Being – that is, the doc who

diagnosed you suddenly gets inflated with all sorts of Power because he/she was so brilliant as to be able to “give” you that diagnosis. Which, by implication, makes you into less than nothing. Ugh. But the most important aspect of this is that a diagnosis does not lead to a particular course of action; there are too many differences in how therapists see things to have the same approach to a diagnosis. Which leads me to the next point: If the diagnosis doesn’t help, then what does? An approach that says that our coping behaviors make sense. That is, they were necessary to help us handle painful, difficult, traumatic, or abusive circumstances. That was all we knew, so we did what we had to. See, this is the exact opposite of a diagnosis. It is an Anti-Diagnosis! It says that everything people ever did that looked crazy to other people was actually pretty smart. It also says that the people who made the diagnoses were too terrified to peek inside their clients’ windows to discover their true Selves. Think about it. What options does a kid have when someone is yelling at him because he didn’t understand his homework? Or when his parents are fighting? Or when someone dies? How does the kid handle any of it? The answer is: the best he can. He’s only a kid. So – you can argue – why does he keep doing the stuff he did as a kid if it’s not helping? Because at some level, he is on auto-

thing Bill does not want to do: He has to recall why and how he learned to have a temper. He doesn’t want to because it hurts. And yelling doesn’t. But without doing that work, he’s only sweeping the dust under the rug. Not only that, he has to then take leadership over the part of him that needed to learn to yell.

And he screamed at her. Wow, that felt so good. Getting all that pent-up hurt, insult, rejection, and rage for the mistreatment out of his little heart. And, oddly, no one yelled at him for it. His father knew he couldn’t yell again; he knew in his heart that he’d overdone it and he hated himself at that moment.

You will never solve the problem by putting a label on it.

If Bill sits quietly and clears his mind after asking the question Where did the temper come from? he can see his younger self sitting in the kitchen being yelled at. He can see how frightened that younger self felt. He can also see that as he finally made his escape from the humiliation, disconnection, and aloneness he felt, he noticed his sister playing with his toy.

So Bill got away with it. And it felt so good. Like a thousand-pound weight off his back. Over time, he learned that if he was being invalidated, dismissed, mistreated or misunderstood, all he had to do was take it out on someone else, and his power returned. So when he went to that weekend, what, exactly, did he learn about soothing and healing that rage inside of him?

Nothing. Nothing at all. And that’s the problem. The tools told him what to do but not how to feel better. So a few weeks later, he forgot to call Gloria’s brother about something important. It was an oversight. Gloria was upset, and her voice inched up. A bit. But that bit was too much for Bill. It triggered the past injuries. That’s the part that the tools workshops don’t cover: When your past pains get triggered, how do you heal them on the spot? The answer is, you need to work with the past pain when you’re not triggered so as to be well prepared for times when you are. The ideal therapy goes beyond finding out what went wrong. It teaches you how to heal. And might even hold your hand along the way.

Dr. Deb Hirschhorn is a Marriage and Family Therapist. If you want help with your marriage, begin by signing up to watch her Masterclass at


JULY 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

matic. These behaviors worked to some degree when he was a kid so he or she keeps relying on them. Now, you can argue some more: But we went to a Weekend which taught us new tools. Why did we stop using them? Habits. Habits die hard. The reason for that is that they are tied to emotions. Emotions rule. Let me give you an example: Let’s take Bill and Gloria (making this one up as I go along, the way I always do.). Bill loses his temper and that is Gloria’s complaint. In particular, she reasons, she didn’t even do anything to provoke him. So they go to a weekend where they learn how to make “bids” towards each other . . . . . .and how to make attempts to “repair” broken communication. They’re both enthusiastic at this. After all, Bill doesn’t want to be a jerk, right? It lasts for two or three weeks if they’re lucky. And then it breaks down. What did the weekend miss that the “symptoms make sense” approach will help Bill and Gloria with? What the weekend missed is some-


The Jewish Home | JULY 14, 2022

Parenting Pearls

The Joys of Summer Reading By Sara Rayvych, MSEd


t is such a shame that so many kids associate reading exclusively with school and assignments. While learning to read and using those literary skills are a major part of classroom time, they are certainly not the main purpose of learning to read. Reading is truly a gift that goes beyond school and required assignments. I confess it does seem strange to bring up the topic of reading just as camps have opened and books are the furthest thing from the minds of most children. On the contrary, this is the perfect time to broach the topic of reading for enjoyment. It is exactly now, when there is less pressure to read for someone else, that children can begin to read for themselves.

Reading Creates Readers We know that one mitzvah brings another. Similarly (l’havdil), reading leads to further reading. The more a child reads, the better they will read, and the more proficient they are at reading, the more they will want to read. It’s a simple cycle that promotes infinite learning opportunities. While our children will spend the first years learning to read, the subsequent years they will read to learn. Reading is a vital skill for all of us, but

for students, it’s potentially the most important tool they will have in their educational toolbox. It’s nearly impossible to succeed in school without literacy. The best way to create readers is by having them read. It’s a simple formula but one that we may need to initially encourage to set into motion.

Learning Leads to Learning Reading is an easy way to learn other subjects. Summer reading can be the foundation for other learning. For example, the child that leaves the Shabbos table before the d’var Torah may enjoy picking up a well-illustrated parsha book. Those summer parshiyos tend to get less attention, and this is a simple way to cover them. Many books or stories will include other information, and this is such a natural way to expose our children to those other subjects. History is seamlessly taught in the background of biographies or historical fiction novels. Good middos, Torah hashkafos and halacha are always in the background of stories of chashuve Yidden. So many book series cover scientific topics in an enjoyable fashion. There is no end to learning when reading is a pleasure. Learning through a means that we enjoy, such as reading, can help us learn

and retain better than through a less interesting method. When a book is engaging, then children will learn seamlessly and remember far more details. For example, learning about the Beis Hamikdash can be vague but when it’s a crucial part of the story – such as in the Naftali in the Beis Hamikdash series – then it’s easy to understand and even see in your mind where all the keilim were positioned. We are fortunate to have so many engaging and informative books for our young readers. Additionally, a child who reads comfortably will more readily absorb the information. A child who is relaxed and reading fluently will be able to appreciate the content, while a child who strains when sounding out words will miss the basic story.

Prevent Skill Loss It’s a known issue that children can have difficulty retaining educational skills and information over the summer. Part of the beginning of each year may be spent reviewing the previous year’s work. All it takes is some relaxing summer reading to prevent much of this frustrating situation. Especially for children who worked incredibly hard to reach their reading accomplishments, it can be very dis-

heartening to see a decline in September. Some simple Shabbos reading now can help prevent frustrations later.

Child-Led Learning Child-led learning is an educational method whereby the parent or teacher follows the child’s cues in choosing what and how the child will learn. A full discussion on child-led learning is an article of its own, but we can apply some of the principles to our topic here. One of the benefits touted by childled learning advocates is that we are naturally more open to learning that which interests us. They would argue that we remember little, if anything, of that which bores us but will likely retain that which we find fascinating. Many of us may recall studying for a test, memorizing every important date and fact, and then promptly forgetting everything upon exiting the exam room. Child-led learning proponents might point to this common phenomenon as an example of the downside of requiring children to study that which doesn’t appeal to them. While I do know families that have used this educational method successfully, most children are taught using a set curriculum and subjects regardless of the child’s preferences. There are pros

79 but will happily look through a children’s magazine. Jewish comic books have become very popular. While it may not be my first choice as quality literature, I can’t deny the appeal that it has to children. If a comic book is what it takes to get your child curled up with a good read, then go for it. It may not be the same as

overwhelming. It can be less daunting to know you only need to keep your attention for one or two pages, and the story has concluded in that brief time. While it’s important that children read at a level that challenges them, many children enjoy relaxing with a reading level that is somewhat lower and easier than their usual level. Read-

Let your child choose what they want to read.

Keeping Reading Interesting It doesn’t matter what they read, as long as they’re reading. As mentioned earlier, letting children pick their own reading material is one way to keep reading the enjoyable activity it should be. We are fortunate to have an ever-increasing number of literary options. Besides books, there are newspapers and magazines that are published frequently, often weekly or monthly. Many youngsters would never pick up a book

a book, but it’s far better than not reading at all. Some children are hesitant to pick up a book that looks like it will be a long read. While we associate books as having the traditional, long chapters, many books are now being produced in the form of multiple, shorter stories. This may appeal to a child that finds a longer story hard to keep track of or

ing – even at a lower grade level – is still reading. Allowing a child to go down from their reading level can sometimes be the only encouragement a child needs to read for enjoyment. Their teacher will challenge and improve their reading level in school; parents shouldn’t feel forced to do the same during the summer. It’s better to offer interesting reading material rather than demanding a child

read something that bores them. Providing engaging material and making it readily available is often enough to interest a child. When that’s not sufficient, you can simply ask your child what their reading preferences are. We always teach best by example. Seeing us read speaks far louder than mere words to show our children that we appreciate the value of literacy. Pick a topic that interests you, and enjoy a little relaxing reading yourself. Some parents even enjoy reading the same book as their child to offer a common ground for interesting discussions. Reading is the gift of learning that keeps on giving. Summer reading, rather than being an extension of school, is the opportunity to change reading from a chore to a pleasure. Enjoy the warm weather with a good book!

Sara Rayvych, MSEd, has her master’s in general and special education. She has been homeschooling for over 10 years in Far Rockaway. She can be contacted at

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JULY 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

and cons to both methods, and that is beyond the scope of this week’s topic. What is relevant to our discussion is the important reality that children do learn better when taught in a way that appeals to them, covering topics that interest them. Applying this concept, we can understand the numerous benefits of allowing children to pick their own interests and reading material. Let your child choose what they want to read. Kids have their own interests and that may come through in their reading preferences, as well. Feel free to let them decide what they want to read as we allow the natural learning process to happen.

The Jewish Home | JULY 14, 2022


In The K


Bouillabaisse By Naomi Nachman

I’ve just spent the last week doing cooking demonstrations on the Seine River on a River Cruise Boat Cruise in the Normandy region of France. The company Kosher River Cruises asked me to join the cruise, and I have had an amazing time teaching, seeing the sights of France, and enjoying the crowd on board. One of the stops on the cruise was to a small fishing village Honfleur. I used the opportunity to teach participants how to prepare bouillabaisse, a fish chowder that is local cuisine and is considered a meal because it’s so thick with vegetables and protein. According to tradition, there should be at least several kinds of fish in a proper bouillabaisse. The fish should be extremely fresh – caught and cooked the same day. If you cannot get extremely fresh fish, then the next best alternative is quick frozen – fish frozen the same day it was caught. Use a variety of fish as such as fillets of flounder, haddock, cod, perch, white fish, whiting, bass – almost any combination. A big thank you to Chef Malcolm Green for sharing his recipe with us. Chef Malcolm is the executive chef on Kosher River Cruises.

Ingredients ◦ 3 pounds, at least 3 different kinds of fish fillets, fresh or quick frozen, thawed ◦ ½ cup olive oil ◦ 1-2 lb. thinly sliced onions ◦ 4 shallots, thinly sliced, or the white parts of 2 or 3 leeks, thinly sliced ◦ 2 cloves garlic, crushed ◦ 1 large tomato, chopped, or ½ cup canned tomatoes

◦ 3 sprigs fresh thyme or 3/4 teaspoon dried thyme ◦ 1 bay leaf ◦ 2-3 whole cloves ◦ Zest of half an orange ◦ ½ tsp powdered saffron ◦ 2 tsp salt ◦ ¼ tsp freshly ground black pepper ◦ 1 cup fish broth or parve soup mix

◦ 1 sweet red pepper, chopped

◦ Lemon juice

◦ 4 stalks celery, thinly sliced

◦ 2/3 cup white wine

◦ Slice of fennel or 1 teaspoon of fennel seed

◦ Sliced French bread

Preparation Heat 1/4 cup of the olive oil in a large (6-qt) saucepan. When it is hot, add onions and shallots (or leeks). Sauté for a minute, then add crushed garlic (more or less to taste), and sweet red pepper. Add tomato, celery, and fennel. Stir the vegetables into the oil until well coated. Then add another ¼ cup of olive oil, thyme, bay leaf, cloves and the orange zest. Cook until the onion is soft and golden but not brown. Cut fish fillets into 2-inch pieces. Add the pieces of fish and 2 cups of water to the vegetable mixture. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer, uncovered, for about 30 minutes. Serve with slices of French bread. Chef’s tip: if needed, you can just use up to 3 pounds of salmon.

Naomi Nachman, the owner of The Aussie Gourmet, caters weekly and Shabbat/ Yom Tov meals for families and individuals within The Five Towns and neighboring communities, with a specialty in Pesach catering. Naomi is a contributing editor to this paper and also produces and hosts her own weekly radio show on the Nachum Segal Network stream called “A Table for Two with Naomi Nachman.” Naomi gives cooking presentations for organizations and private groups throughout the New York/New Jersey Metropolitan area. In addition, Naomi has been a guest host on the QVC TV network and has been featured in cookbooks, magazines as well as other media covering topics related to cuisine preparation and personal chefs. To obtain additional recipes, join The Aussie Gourmet on Facebook or visit Naomi’s blog. Naomi can be reached through her website, or at (516) 295-9669.


JULY 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home


The Jewish Home | JULY 14, 2022

Mind Y

ur Business

Ralph Zucker: “Find Your Niche” By Yitzchok Saftlas


his column features business insights from a recent “Mind Your Business with Yitzchok Saftlas” radio show. The weekly “Mind Your Business” show – broadcasting since 2015 – features interviews with Fortune 500 executives, business leaders and marketing gurus. Prominent guests include: John Sculley, former CEO of Apple and Pepsi; Dick Schulze, founder and Chairman Emeritus of Best Buy; and Beth Comstock, former Vice Chair of GE; among over

400+ senior-level executives and business celebrities. Yitzchok Saftlas, president of Bottom Line Marketing Group, hosts the weekly “Mind Your Business” show, which airs at 10pm every Sunday night on 710 WOR and throughout America on the iHeartRadio Network.


n a recent 77WABC “Mind Your Business” broadcast, Yitzchok Saftlas (YS) spoke with guest Ralph Zucker (RZ), president of Someset Development. Zucker is best known for Bell Works, a 2 million square foot metroburb redeveloped from the former Bell Labs. *



YS: Ralph, you’ve been in residential and commercial real estate for many decades. Tell me a little bit more about Somerset Development. How has the business evolved since the very early days compared to where it is today? RZ: We started out as a suburban sprawl developer. We were doing the typical single family, cul-de-sac, town-

house-style home. But suburban zoning is not exactly helpful for great development. It’s pretty much designed so that the garbage can be picked up and the firetruck can get to your house in case of emergency. But it’s not a human scale plan. So, we worked these first few projects, but it was unsatisfying to me personally. I saw all these great neighborhoods being created, but it didn’t really feel right. I started gravitating toward something I now know is called new urbanism. I would go to places and say, “Why can’t we build places like this?” Places that feel right, the right scale with a little bit more of a pedestrian feel. Walkability is not just the ability to walk. It’s the desire to walk. So, creating better places became something of an obsession. I was introduced to a book called The

New Urbanism by Peter Kats, and I actually reached out to one of the people that he highlights, Andrés Duany, who’s known as a father of new urbanism. I started doing some projects together with Andrés and his team, great urban planners, and that’s where we started. Let’s go back 10-15 years ago when Bell Works was just an idea inside your brain, and take us through that whole process of bringing it to life. So, what was then Bell Labs was owned by Alcatel Lucent of Lucent Technology, leftover from the Bell Telephone company. It was designed by Eero Saarinen to create connectivity, not through the telephone, but in personal encounters as well. Think of 6,000 of the greatest minds in the universe, com-

ing together in a 2-million-square-foot building designed to foster connectivity, cross pollinate, and create serendipitous encounters. But when I walked into the building, after it had been vacated by Lucent, it had fallen into disrepair. On a rainy day, we literally needed a bucket brigade. Most people wrote it off. But as we walked in, because of my new urbanist background and being used to thinking in terms of human scale environments, it struck me that what Saarinen had created was this perfect indoor pedestrian street. There was clutter. but it just struck me intuitively that if we could strip it down to its essence and bring the building back to its bones, we could create a great space. I think I was the only one in the world who thought so.


You’ve obviously surrounded yourself with a great team and know you need to hear out their advice. Yet at the same time, there are points when you’ve instinctively gone with your gut. Perhaps you could share some insights into that. One story that comes to mind is when we came up with the name Bell Works. It sounds very intuitive and easy once it’s done. But originally, we really sweated a lot on what to call it. We were going to call it Bell Place, and about six months into the process, we’d already advertised Bell Place in various media outlets. So, we hired this company to do the logos, graphics, and branding for Bell Place. One day, this team comes in, but they don’t want to show us the logo or anything yet. They wanted to walk around first. They gave us all lab coats and made us walk around the vacant, former Bell Labs to feel the energy. They spoke about what had happened over here and how this building changed the world. Then we sat around the table, and they unveiled the logo. But it was for Bell Works, not Bell Place. And we all said, “You made a mistake. It’s Bell Place.” And they said, “No, it’s not. It’s Bell Works.” So, we went around the table, and everybody said, “We’re sorry, this, this is Bell Place. We already advertised it as Bell Place. We

have to change it.” And I said, “Well, it’s a good thing I vote last, and it’s a good thing that this isn’t a democracy. Because I love the name Bell Works. We’re gonna go with Bell Works.” That was a gut feeling. I liked it. It takes time to develop an instinct, and every time that I haven’t followed my instinct, I’ve regretted it. As a CEO, how important is it for a for a business executive to actually be present on site? Especially in your case, where you have businesses in New Jersey, Chicago, and perhaps other places, how important is it to be physically present from time to time? It’s very important. We currently go out to Bell Works Chicagoland typically once a week. That being said, I think the most im-

Otherwise, we’re just never going to be satisfied.” We’ve talked about the original Bell Labs and how you changed it to this new name, Bell Works. With the many projects you’re involved with, what do you need to have in mind in terms of consideration of trademarks and branding precautions? Branding is very important. We learned that very much at Bell Works. That doesn’t just mean a trademark, per se. It’s not just like I have my logo, it’s trademarked, and I’m protected. Bell Works is a methodology. For example, instead of our security people standing with their arms folded, we teach them to stand with their arms at their sides or behind their backs and to give people a smile. The idea of how to communicate

“It just struck me intuitively that if we could strip it down to its essence and bring the building back to its bones, we could create a great space.”

portant thing is to create a culture. When we started with Bell Works, I had a lot of ideas for how I wanted it to be through my intuition, that unique sensibility that might just be my perspective. And it took a while to get my team to understand me intuitively, and I used to feel much more than I needed to micromanage to be on top of things. Today, I give a shout-out to everybody who works with me. I’m able to sit back, take the time to do this interview and know that my team is doing what we want done. I think the most important thing, almost more than being on site, is being able to communicate and share your vision, your ideas. You know, just before this, I was on a Zoom call with a team of architects out in Chicago that are working on a restaurant for us. I said to them, “We have to stop. We’re going out there next Monday. I want you to come and walk the site with me.” They said, “Ralph, we already walked the site.” I said, “Yes, but you didn’t walk with me. We’re gonna walk together with my design team, with my construction people. I want you to get into my head, into our collective heads. Then we can design it.

and how to convey the brand ethos and methodology is important as well. So, you have to imprint that on your people. It’s also important how you protect your brand in terms of the basics (having brand colors, guidelines for the different logo types, etc.). If people will put up a sign in one of our buildings saying, “To access this room, please contact security,” it has to have the right logo type, the right brand, and the right brand colors. It’s so important that everything that goes out on our social media fits the brand and message that we want to convey. My team takes it very much to heart. Ralph, when it comes to achieving success, perhaps you could share what have been some of the most important tools in your toolbox to help you reach an end goal. I think it’s passion. It’s putting yourself totally on the line. Whether it’s with investors or tenants, people will invest if they see that you’re passionate, that you’re committed, and that you believe in what you’re doing. You can’t be equivocal. You can’t hedge your bets. You have to be all in. The bigger the idea, the more

dedicated you have to be to it. When I was talking to the CEO of iCIMS, the building wasn’t even finished. And I couldn’t understand how they had the guts to sign a lease with us. It was an eye-opener for me when at the ribbon cutting ceremony, the CEO said, “It’s a big step for us to come here. But you know what? I walked around with Ralph Zucker, and I just thought that I could trust him. He was so passionate and committed, we bet on him.” So, we were able to convey that and land a 350,000-square-foot tenant and friend, everything. So that’s really key. As we approach the close, what’s one last great tip that you could share with us? RZ: Differentiate or die. In the real estate business today, it’s the flavor of the month. Now it’s warehousing. Tomorrow, it’s going to be who knows what. A lot of it is just, if this is what everybody else is doing, I’m gonna jump on the bandwagon. And by the way, that’s a great way to do things. It’s typically a safe bet. But it’s also a way to look at yourself in the mirror, or to look at your shareholders, your partners, or investors and say, “Well, I just did what everybody else was doing.” But if you could differentiate yourself, if you could find something that speaks to you and bring that to the marketplace, you can typically find a product, a methodology, a system, a place, something that is undersupplied. And if it’s undersupplied and you can provide it, you will have more demand than you can possibly supply. That would be my closing remark. Find your niche. Differentiate and stick with it.

JULY 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

This is fascinating. That means even with the people you were close with and with your investors, you felt like you were talking to a wall. People pitied me. They’d pat me on the back and say, “Wow, what a great vision.” And then as soon as I turned around, I could hear their eyeballs rolling inside their head. A lot of people told me recently that they were very concerned that I had embarked on a bridge too far. It was just too crazy. But I think, in a way, sometimes it’s good to be crazy. I must say that I could not have done this alone. There are moments that I just don’t know how I got to the next step. I was also blessed by being surrounded with great people, who did buy into the vision little by little. For five years, we closed on the 14th amendment to the second contract. For five years, we work diligently, again, with the help of a lot of really good people. And I must say, once the community of Holmdel, Monmouth County, New Jersey, got on board and heard our narrative and believed in what we wanted to do the township, a lot of mayors and county executives put themselves on the line to assist us in creating this.

The Jewish Home | JULY 14, 2022


Notable Quotes “Say What?!”

You don’t want to do this. I work for the mayor. - Christopher Baugh, who is an aide to NYC Mayor Eric Adams, recalling what he told two thugs who mugged him in the subway last week

I just avoid it as if it were an open sewer, full of malicious organisms. I just totally avoid and recommended everybody else follow my example. - Berkshire Hathaway’s vice chairman Charlie Munger speaking about crypto-currency in an interview with the Australian Financial Review

I don’t hate the man, but it’s time for Trump to hang up his hat & sail into the sunset. Dems should also call off the attack – don’t make it so that Trump’s only way to survive is to regain the Presidency. – Elon Musk’s tweet in response to criticism from Trump

Trump would be 82 at end of term, which is too old to be chief executive of anything, let alone the United States of America. If DeSantis runs against Biden in 2024, then DeSantis will easily win – he doesn’t even need to campaign. – Ibid.

We’ve got to take this stuff seriously, as seriously as you are, because you have been forced to take this seriously. - Vice President Kamala Harris speaking at a press conference while visiting the site of the Highland Park shooting

Glad to see you finally know what a woman is. - Tweet by retired Lt. Gen. Gary Volesky in response to Jill Biden saying that overturning Roe v. Wade was an attack on women, resulting in his suspension from doing consulting work for the army


JULY 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

The Jewish Home | JULY 14, 2022

86 I kind of grabbed him, then he fell, and I was able to go back to eating, and I was really relieved that it didn’t take that long. The whole incident wasn’t that long. I think it was a total of, like, four seconds. – Nathan’s hot dog eating champ Joey Chestnut who tackled an animal rights protester who stormed the stage during the July 4th hot dog eating competition

Pravitel - The new name Putin allies are requesting that he be called (“our leader” in Russian)

As per CNN: I’m not the real deal. Maybe I’m not the right type of taco. - Rep. Mayra Flores (R-TX), who last month became the first ever Mexican-American woman to serve in Congress, responding to a CNN article that argued that she is not “the real deal” Latina, by poking at First Lady Jill Biden’s recent remark comparing Latinos to breakfast tacos

Republicans are doing nothing but obstructing our efforts to crack down on gas-price gouging, lower food prices, lower healthcare costs, and hopefully, soon, lower your prescription drug costs. – Tweet by President Joe Biden

We made incredible progress on the economy from where we were a year and a half ago. We’ve got a long way to go because of inflation, because of – I call it the Putin tax increase, because of gasoline, and all of the grain he is keeping from being able to get to the market. Now I’m fighting [hard] to lower the cost of things you talk about around your kitchen table. My dad used to say at the end of the day, if you sit at that table, do you have enough money to pay for everything you need? Well, Republicans do nothing but obstruct our efforts to lower your gas taxes. - President Joe Biden

Joe Biden believes that the American people are fools. Scapegoating. You have the House and Senate majority with reconciliation powers. Republicans have no power to stop a unified Democratic Party. - Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL.) in response

China [is] getting a million barrels of our Strategic Petroleum Reserve…. This is dangerous. It’s a national security issue. It would lead you to believe Hunter Biden is out here negotiating these deals because Unipack is tied to a company that Hunter is doing some business with. This is wrong, and people are fed up with this. It is a China-first policy, not an America-first policy. It has got to end. - Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN)


JULY 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

You will have no difficulty getting around without your gas guzzlers, with walking, cycling or public transport. - From a note left on 40 SUVs that had their tires deflated by a radical climate change group in Manhattan’s Upper East Side last week

The White House press secretary sat at the podium the other day: America’s stronger economically than we have been and our entire history. She is either not very smart or she is gaslighting in the public. – Real Clear Politics co-founder and president Tom Bevan

DeSantis is a deeply authoritarian figure who is consolidating the fringe right-wing groups Trump brought into the party. - Left-wing New York Magazine writer Jonathan Chait writing about Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL), who is gaining traction as a possible 2024 presidential candidate

Being at that meet, seeing firsthand, not just in terms of height but just jumping off the starting block, Thomas is [already] about half a length ahead, feeling how it affected everyone else, including myself, seeing the tears and seeing the discomfort in the locker room, the talk of anger and frustration was just majorly eye-opening. – NCAA swimmer Riley Gaines, who competed against a mediocre male swimmer, Lia Thomas, who this year switched to the female team

It’s a tragedy for the Ukrainian people, but it looks like it’s heading in that direction. – Russian President Vladimir Putin speaking at the Kremlin this week about how the West is trying to prolong the battle in Ukraine

Everybody should know that, largely speaking, we haven’t even yet started anything in earnest. - Ibid.

We are hearing that they want to defeat us on the battlefield. Let them try. - Ibid.

These ridiculous policies, like using federal lands to conduct abortions on – that’s insane stuff. They won’t give federal lands for drilling for oil, you know, the thing that will help every mom in America. It’ll help every dad in America. They won’t do that, but they’ll open it up for abortion. This is crazy policy from a party that has completely lost their mind and has followed the radical left down a rabbit hole. - Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL) reacting to Democratic proposals for the Biden administration to use federal lands to conduct abortions


The Jewish Home | JULY 14, 2022

Political Crossfire

A Court Case Shows the Limits of Saudi Tolerance By David Ignatius


week before President Joe Biden’s scheduled visit to Saudi Arabia, lawyers for a Saudi company controlled by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman delivered a jarring message in a filing with a federal appeals court: National security arguments made by America’s top intelligence official were being used to support a “strategic fiction.” This dismissive tone on the eve of a presidential visit meant to repair the U.S.-Saudi relationship illustrates a problem that will confront Biden when he visits MBS, as the crown prince is known. When it comes to sensitive topics, such as the murder of Post contributing columnist Jamal Khashoggi or other human rights problems, the Saudi leader doesn’t seem interested in accountability or compromise. The underlying legal dispute is complicated, but it evokes some fundamental issues. As the United States reengages with the kingdom, is Saudi Arabia ready to bury past feuds? Can it provide assurances that human rights violations, such as the Khashoggi murder, won’t happen again? Are the two countries truly ready to work together on a shared counterterrorism agenda? The sharp language from the kingdom’s lawyers came in a brief filed Friday in a case involving Saad Aljabri, a former senior Saudi counterterrorism official who has emerged as a chief nemesis of MBS. The kingdom accuses Aljabri of stealing $3.47 billion in funds from Sakab Saudi Holding Co., a government front company. Aljabri has responded that he can’t defend himself without disclosing the secret counterterrorism activities that Sakab was funding in cooperation with the CIA. Aljabri’s warning that the case could reveal sensitive intelligence was bolstered by Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines. She filed a sworn statement last

August, supported by the Justice Department, invoking the “state secrets” privilege to ban discussion of issues in the case that, if revealed, could cause “exceptionally grave” harm. U.S. District Court Judge Nathaniel M. Gorton, who was hearing the Sakab case, ruled in October that Aljabri couldn’t defend himself without the banned information. Gorton dismissed the Saudi case in December. It was the judge’s action, following a recommendation from America’s top spy chief, that prompted Friday’s Saudi riposte. Aljabri’s “supposed inability to litigate this case without disclosing U.S. state secrets is a strategic fiction,” argued the kingdom’s lawyers, denouncing the district court’s “draconian remedy of dismissal.” The brief was filed with a federal appeals court in Boston. MBS’s lawyers appear to be reaching a similar dead-end in parallel litigation in Canada. Canada’s attorney general sought an injunction last month, at the request

of the U.S. government, to prevent Aljabri from disclosing secret information to defend himself in the case. If Aljabri can’t respond fully to the allegations in Canada, that case may be dismissed, too. The Aljabri battle is wrenching for senior U.S. officials who worked closely with him on counterterrorism projects when he was a top adviser to former crown prince Mohammed bin Nayef, who MBS toppled in 2017 to assume de facto control of the kingdom. Former CIA directors George Tenet and John Brennan, and many other senior CIA officials, have praised Aljabri’s work as a counterterrorism partner. A grim consequence of MBS’s seeming vendetta against Aljabri was the arrest and imprisonment in March 2020 of his two youngest children, Omar and Sarah, then 20 and 21, and the arrest and torture of his son-in law, Salem Almuzaini. According to Aljabri, MBS told him that his children would be released if he returned

home to face inquiries, making the children, in effect, hostages. A U.N. working group on arbitrary detention called for the three Aljabri family members’ release in a report issued in May. A final footnote to this case is that Aljabri has offered to pay back money that MBS alleges he stole, if his family members are released. That restitution proposal was made to MBS’s lawyer in the kingdom on Feb. 7, 2022, according to a source familiar with the offer. Details of this settlement offer have been shared with the White House, the source said, adding that the Saudis haven’t responded. Biden’s rationale for meeting with MBS is that, despite these human rights issues, Saudi cooperation is important for long-term U.S. national security reasons. That’s realpolitik, direct and simple, but Biden needs to get a real partnership in exchange for his pragmatic approach. A key issue is whether MBS will drop his grudges and focus on common interests, too. His diversion of Saudi security services to attack political enemies, such as Khashoggi and Aljabri, has been a costly distraction. For example, the Saudis missed the radicalism of Air Force 2nd Lt. Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani, who killed three Navy sailors during training in Pensacola, Fla., in December 2019. Even the notorious bone-saw doctor, Salah Muhammed al-Tubaigy, who allegedly dismembered Khashoggi’s body in Istanbul in October 2018, was trained to use modern forensic tools, such as DNA evidence, against terrorists. Biden can’t bring back Khashoggi. But he can ask MBS to release Saudis who are unjustly detained in the kingdom, such as Aljabri’s family. If it’s time for a Saudi-American restart, as Biden believes, then it should be a two-way process.

(c) 2022, Washington Post Writers Group


JULY 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

va c a t I o n


The Jewish Home | JULY 14, 2022

Political Crossfire

Biden’s Reckless Spending Set Off Inflation By Marc A. Thiessen


he American people’s confidence in the presidency has plummeted 15 points on President Joe Biden’s watch – falling to 23%, according to a new Gallup poll, its lowest point on record. One of the many reasons for this collapse is the worst inflation in four decades. And Biden learned this week that inflation is probably not going to ease anytime soon – because Americans have barely touched the trillions in excess savings they have built up, thanks in large part to his catastrophic American Rescue Plan. One of the main reasons inflation is skyrocketing is because Biden’s first act as president was to pass nearly $1.9 trillion in social spending disguised as pandemic relief – sending millions of Americans stimulus checks, providing the largest child tax credit payments ever, and extending ludicrously generous unemployment supplements that paid many Americans more to stay home than to work. The additional spending was completely unnecessary. Congress had just passed a $900 billion economic stimulus package in December 2020, on top of all the earlier Covid-19 relief measures Congress had approved. And thanks to the arrival of vaccines, when Biden took office, the pandemic was already fading, and the economy was recovering as people were getting back out and leading more normal lives. But Biden wanted to show he was doing something – so he passed the American Rescue Plan, pouring an additional $1.9 trillion into the economy so he could claim credit for the post-covid recovery. He did it despite warnings from even liberal economists, such as former treasury secretary Lawrence H.

Summers, who cautioned the president that his plan would “set off inflationary pressures of a kind we have not seen in a generation.” This was, according to Michael Strain, director of economic policy studies at the American Enterprise Institute, “arguably the biggest fiscal policy mistake in several decades.” With all that free money from Washington, personal savings rates soared. According to Moody’s Analytics, by the end of 2021, U.S. households had built up $2.7 trillion in excess savings above what they would have had there been no pandemic. Flush with government money, millions of Americans decided they could afford to stay on the sidelines and not to return to work – producing a historic labor shortage. Demand for goods and services soared as people emerged from pandemic lockdowns and started spending again, but supply could not keep up – in large part because businesses could

not find workers. The result is inflation the likes of which we have not seen since the 1970s. Today, the labor shortage persists, virtually unabated. There are nearly 11.3 million unfilled jobs in the United States today, a number almost unchanged from the record 11.85 million in March. Surveys show 60% of small businesses can’t find workers to fill open jobs. And the labor shortage is not likely to dissipate until those excess savings run out. Many hoped that when stimulus checks stopped arriving at the end of 2021, Americans would burn though their savings and start returning to work. But that is not happening. The Wall Street Journal reported this week that, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. families have tapped just $114 billion of the $2.7 trillion in excess pandemic savings so far. That means they have $2.586 trillion left – more than the amount in Biden’s

American Rescue Plan. That fiscal cushion is keeping many workers out of the workforce. What can be done? The first rule of holes is: When you are in one, stop digging. So, when you are in a hole of spiraling inflation, the obvious first step is: stop spending. Instead, Biden tried to follow his American Rescue Plan with a multitrillion-dollar Build Back Better social spending plan. Democrats are furious with Sens. Joe Manchin III, D-W. Va., and Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz., for killing Build Back Better, but the fact is, they may have saved Biden from even further disaster by doing so. As former Obama administration Treasury official Steven Rattner has pointed out, if they had allowed Biden’s plan to go through it “would make these [inflation] numbers look small.” Has Biden learned from his mistakes? Apparently not. Just months before a wave election that is expected to sweep Democrats out of power on Capitol Hill, The Washington Post reports Democratic leaders are in “frenzied deliberations” with Manchin, trying to get him to sign off on one last Democrats-only spending bill before Republicans take over the House. Unfortunately, it appears that a deal may be close. Inflation is a lot like a forest fire – once started, it’s really hard to put out. But instead of trying to tamp down the flames, Biden keeps trying to pour gasoline on the inferno, with more spending and more free money from Washington. It seems the only thing that will stop the fiscal pyromaniacs in the Democratic Party is losing control of Congress.

(c) 2022, Washington Post Writers Group


Jewish History JULY 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

When the IRS Targeted Jewish Activists by Rafael Medoff

Peter Bergson


he allegation that then-President Donald Trump may have used the Internal Revenue Service against two of his high-profile opponents has sparked much debate. For the American Jewish community, it’s a reminder of a disturbing episode that took place during the Holocaust era. The Jewish target of U.S. government wrath in the 1940s was the Bergson Group, a political action committee led by Peter Bergson (Hillel Kook), a Zionist emissary from Palestine. The group used newspaper advertisements, rallies, and lobbying to press the Roosevelt administration to rescue Jews from the Nazis. President Franklin D. Roosevelt was unhappy—to put it mildly—about those protests. One senior White House aide reported that FDR was “much displeased” when the Bergson Group brought 400 rabbis to Washington to plead for rescue. First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt told Bergson himself that the president was “very upset” about one of the group’s newspaper ads, which FDR felt was “hitting below the belt” because it accused him of turning a blind eye to the Nazi massacres. The State Department, too, was annoyed by Bergson’s campaign for rescue. Assistant Secretary of State Breckinridge Long privately complained that the group’s newspaper ads “made it very difficult for the Department.” Long’s deputy, Robert Alexander, absurdly claimed that the slogan used in one Bergson ad, “Action – Not Pity,” had actually been invented by the Nazis as part of a conspiracy to embarrass the Allies. Beginning in 1942, the Roosevelt administration sent both the Federal

Bureau of Investigation and the Internal Revenue Service after Bergson. They were looking for evidence of criminal activity, but their motivation was political. An internal FBI memo that I obtained under the Freedom of Information Act bluntly explained the reason for U.S. government action against Bergson: “This man has been in the hair of [Secretary of State] Cordell Hull.” FBI agents gathered background information from what they called “persons in New York City who are familiar

Communist Zionists.” In a private letter, FBI director J. Edgar Hoover referred to the playwright Ben Hecht and six other leading Bergson activists as “fellow travelers.” But the FBI’s spying on Bergson did not turn up any evidence of a Communist link, either. At the same time, the IRS launched a full-scale inquiry into the Bergson Group’s finances, seeking to revoke its tax-exempt status. For nearly a year, IRS agents repeatedly visited the group’s New York City headquarters, once for a

FBI agents gathered background information from what they called “persons in New York City who are familiar with Israelite matters.”

with Israelite matters.” They also eavesdropped on the Bergsonites’ telephone conversations, opened their mail, went through their trash, and planted informants in the group to steal documents from Bergson’s office. The FBI hoped to find proof the Bergson Group was secretly assisting the Irgun Zvai Leumi, the underground militia in Palestine that was headed by Menachem Begin. They found no such evidence. The authorities’ second goal was to find a link between Bergson and the Communist Party. One FBI memo approvingly quoted a rival Jewish organization’s description of the Bergsonites as “a group of thoroughly disreputable

stretch where they stayed from morning until night for more than two weeks. Louis and Jack Yampolsky, a fatherand-son accounting team that handled Bergson’s finances pro bono, had to dig out and reconcile every piece of financial information in the group’s records. “There were no photocopy machines in those days, so we had to hand-copy every disbursement and every receipt that was given for every donation,” Jack Yampolsky told me in an interview some years ago. “And because the Bergson Group had enormous grassroots appeal, it received literally thousands of one-dollar or two-dollar donations from people all over the country.”

In the end, the IRS investigators were unable to find evidence of any wrongdoing. In fact, as the IRS team became familiar with the group’s work, they came to sympathize with it, and “when they finished, [they] made a contribution between them – every one of them gave a few dollars,” Bergson later told Prof. David S. Wyman. The sympathy expressed by the IRS agents contrasted sharply with the sentiments expressed in some of the FBI documents which I obtained. One FBI report about Bergson activist Maurice Rosenblatt derisively referred to the leftwing Coordinating Committee for Democratic Action, in which Rosenblatt was active, as “this Semitic Committee.” The FBI memo complained that Rosenblatt and his colleagues were trying to “smear” Nazi sympathizers in New York City. “When there is a genuine threat, governments sometimes have to do things like eavesdrop,” Jack Yampolsky conceded. “But in our case, they were doing it for political reasons, and antisemitism also played a role. The fact that we vocally disagreed with U.S. government policy regarding the Holocaust and Jewish statehood was not a valid reason for the Roosevelt administration to enlist the FBI and the IRS in a war against the Bergson group.”

Dr. Medoff is founding director of The David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies and author of more than 20 books about Jewish history and the Holocaust. His latest is America and the Holocaust: A Documentary History, published by the Jewish Publication Society & University of Nebraska Press.


The Jewish Home | JULY 14, 2022

Forgotten Her es

Legends in the Marines By Avi Heiligman

A statue in New Jersey depicting John Basilone


he American Marine Corps has a fascinating history dating back over 200 years that has taken on

Dan Daly

a persona much different than the other branches of the military. While some battlefield heroes are known – especial-

Hershel Woody Williams was the last living World War II Medal of Honor recipient

ly those who have served in public office after leaving the military – others like John Basilone or Dan Daly have stories that should be remembered. Here are some stories of marines that often are overlooked when it comes to battlefield heroes. There have been several double recipients of the Medal of Honor, but none were quite like Dan Daly. His first Medal of Honor came for actions during the Boxer Revolution in China in 1900. He single-handedly defended a position against an enemy that attacked repeatedly and inflicted 200 casualties. In 1915, Daly was a gunnery sergeant with the 2nd Marine Regiment during a conflict in Haiti when they were attacked by 400 enemy soldiers from three sides. Daly led the marine detachment of about 40 men into a better fighting position, in the process, scattering the enemy. The attack continued through the night, and the retreating marines lost their only machine gun. Daniel Daly returned and retrieved the gun while fighting off several Haitians with his knife. His detachment made it to the safety of a nearby fort. During the Battle of Belleau Wood, in June 1918, he reportedly said to his men, “Come on, do you want to live forever?” Daly was awarded the Navy Cross for singlehandedly capturing a machine gun nest with grenades and a pistol. Daly was repeatedly put into

battle situations where the odds were stacked against him and his men, and yet every time, he came out victorious. Major General Smedley Butler said about Daly that he was “the fightin’est Marine I ever knew!” Butler was one to know about fighting marines himself, as he was also awarded the Medal of Honor twice along with a host of other medals for bravery in combat.

Gunnery Sergeant John Basilone was a former enlisted soldier in the army before joining the marines in 1940. After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, the U.S. spent months on the defensive and finally in August 1942 was ready to invade Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands. Basilone was with D Company, 1st Battalion, 7th Marines, 1st Marine Division during the Battle of Henderson Field, an airfield on the Pacific island, in late October 1942. He commanded two machine gun sections against a Japanese regiment of 3,000 soldiers. For three days, with no food or sleep, Basilone took charge and fought the oncoming enemy troops. After running out of ammunition, he ran through Japanese lines with just a pistol and a machete so that his men could keep on fighting. The battle ended once the Japanese forces ceased to exist as a fighting force. Just two other Americans besides Basilone

93 flamethrower on his back, even though he weighed only 150 pounds. His Medal of Honor citation tells the story: “Corporal Williams daringly went forward alone to attempt the reduction of devastating machine-gun fire from the unyielding positions. Covered only by four riflemen, he fought desperately for four hours under terrific enemy small-arms fire and repeatedly returned to his own lines to prepare demolition charges and obtain serviced flamethrowers, struggling back, frequently to the rear of hostile emplacements, to wipe out one position after another. On one occasion, he daringly mounted a pillbox to insert the nozzle of his flamethrower through the air vent, kill the occupants and silence the gun; on another, he grimly charged enemy riflemen who attempted to stop him with bayonets and destroyed them with a burst of flame from his weapon.”

After running out of ammunition, he ran through Japanese lines with just a pistol and a machete so that his men could keep on fighting.

fighting on Guadalcanal. His platoon was in front when one of his men was seriously wounded in both legs. Disregarding his own safety, Goldblatt ran forward through an open area and had to pull the wounded marine inch by inch to shelter. Another marine had tried to reach him first but was wounded. Goldblatt also helped him to safety. For his actions, Goldblatt was awarded the Silver Star. Recently, the exploits of Herschel “Woody” Williams made the news as he was the last living World War II Medal of Honor recipient. Corporal Williams was with the 1st Battalion, 21st Marine Regiment, 3rd Marine Division on February 21, 1945 on Iwo Jima with the flamethrower as his weapon of choice. The flamethrower was a tricky weapon to use, and the user was a target for enemy riflemen and snipers. Williams was with four riflemen from the 21st Marine Regiment as he carried his 70 lb.

President Harry S Truman personally awarded him the highest award for bravery in combat. Williams passed away on June 29, 2022; it was announced just before this article was written that he will be given the rare honor of lying in state at the U.S. Capitol. Marines have a long history and have taken part in some of America’s toughest battles. The men described in this article have earned the highest praise for bravery in battle and it is history that is not to be forgotten.

Avi Heiligman is a weekly contributor to The Jewish Home. He welcomes your comments and suggestions for future columns and can be reached at

JULY 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

remained standing after the fighting had ended. Another marine recalled Basilone’s exploits: “Basilone had a machine gun on the go for three days and nights without sleep, rest, or food. He was in a good emplacement and causing the Japanese lots of trouble, not only firing his machine gun, but also using his pistol.” Basilone was awarded the Medal of Honor for actions. He was killed during the invasion of Iwo Jima on February 19, 1945, while guiding a tank over hazardous enemy terrain. Basilone wasn’t the only marine hero fighting on Guadalcanal. Many marines were awarded medals for bravery, including Lieutenant Julius Goldblatt. Goldblatt was a Jewish marine from Lawrence, Massachusetts, and was with the Second Battalion, Fifth Marines, First Marine Division during the

The Jewish Home | JULY 14, 2022


I n

M e M o r y

“Canada’s Rabbi” But First a [Grand]father Remembering Rav Reuven Pinchas Bulka, z”l, On His First Yahrtzeit By Nochum Aharon Shonek


hen asked to relate the significance of June 6, 1944 (15 Sivan 5704), most historians will likely begin elaborating on how the Allied Army stormed the beaches of Normandy, marking that day as a beginning to an end to World War II. Few, however, will think of D-Day as the day that my grandfather, Rabbi Reuven Bulka, z”l, came into this world. Born in London to Rabbi Chaim Yaakov and Mrs. Yehudis Bulka, my grandfather moved as a toddler with his family to the United States, where they eventually settled in the Bronx, with the senior Rabbi Bulka becoming the rav of the local shul, Khal Adas Yeshurun. After first enrolling in the Rabbi Jacob Joseph Rabbinical Seminary (RJJ) as an elementary school student, the young Reuven would eventually receive his semichah there in 1965 from Rav Nissan Telushkin, z”l. That year, he also got his bachelor’s degree from the City University of New York, paving the way to eventually receive his Master’s followed by his doctorate, in psychology (specifically Logotherapy), from the University of Ottawa, in 1971. At the age of 23, after a short stint as associate rav to his father in KAJ, Rabbi Bulka was offered a rabbinical position in Ottawa, then a very small Jewish community comprised mainly of older people. He accepted the offer, and, a week after his marriage to his first wife,

Naomi (nee Jakobovits, from Montreal), a”h, Rabbi Bulka assumed the position of rav of Congregation Machazikei HaDaas, a position he would hold for the next 48 years. In 2015, he took on the title of Rabbi Emeritus (he never wanted to say he was “retiring”) and handed over the reins to the current rav, Rabbi Idan Scher. Rabbi Bulka and his first wife had six children together, including my

ka was stricken with the machalah a second time, after having beaten it previously. Despite the experimental stem-cell transplant operation that was attempted, Hashem had decided the time had come, and, at the age of 55, my grandmother returned her special neshama to its Maker. Within a year of the petirah, Rabbi Bulka remarried to Mrs. Leah Kalish (nee Rosenblum), who brought

He never liked other people going out of their way for him; that, he felt, was his job to do for them.

mother, her sister, and four brothers, one of whom was niftar, r”l, within a few weeks of his birth. Another tragedy came upon the family in 2001, when Mrs. Naomi Bul-

two sons from her marriage with her late husband, R’ Mendel Kalish, z”l. Writing about all the honors and awards my grandfather received throughout his life, as well as the nu-

merous positions he held in his efforts to bring the concept of kindness to the non-Jewish world, would require an entire book (a project currently in the works by one of the grandchildren). I’m here to remember him in his capacity of Sabba (“Sabba Rabba” for the great-grandchildren!), the grandfather I knew I could call at any time of day or night. The grandfather who bought me, and all the rest of his grandsons, a pair of the most mehudar tefillin for my bar mitzvah. Who, despite his myriad responsibilities as a rav, an author, and a public figure, had enough headspace to know me and relate to me in a way that made me feel that he understood me better than I understood myself. Having the geographically closest of his children living in New York made attending any family simcha require a flight or a drive upwards of seven hours. Though an easy excuse to use, coupled with an incredibly busy schedule, missing a bar mitzvah, wedding, or bris was not in my grandfather’s vocabulary. The trip to New York became frequent enough that he eventually purchased an apartment in Lawrence to stay in for his extended visits. It was in that apartment that my grandfather spent the last six months of his life. After collapsing from a stroke in his Ottawa home during the COVID-19 lockdown, he had been admitted to Ot-

ing in Eretz Yisrael, flew in twice during that period. Throughout this entire time, despite his waning strength, my grandfather never missed a day of putting on tefillin. Even at the very end, when he had no strength whatsoever, he would have others put it on for him, something which was very against his nature – he never liked other people going out of their way for him; that, he felt, was his job to do for them. (During one of my visits, after someone got up to get something for him, I heard my grandfather muttering weakly to himself, “I’m so lazy…”) It was on Motzei Shabbos, the night before Shiva Asar B’Sammuz, that my mother gave me the difficult news that the time had come to “say goodbye to Sabba.” Though very difficult to accept, denying reality was something my grandfather had instilled in me to avoid. That night, I was zocheh to have a few minutes with him, and, although he wasn’t conversing verbally, he nodded in response to my questions. While still there, I remembered that in the weekly learning seder in Sefer Hachinuch that we used to have together on the phone – which had come to a halt when my grandfather became too


weak to continue – we had left off in the middle of a mitzvah – number 16, the mitzvah to not break a bone from the Korban Pesach. On a whim, I took out the Sefer HaChinuch and began reading aloud from where we had left off. The Chinuch was in middle of his famous response to the “foolish” question of the seeming superfluousness of the numerous mitzvos commemorating yetzias Mitzrayim, in which he explains how a person’s external actions impact his psyche and ending it off explaining to the reader that his life’s mission is to follow the Torah’s mitzvos and not veer from them even briefly, lest his “quick” actions impact him to veer further. It was with these words of the Chinuch, which my grandfather embodied so much, always thinking before acting and making sure that what he was doing was what he felt Hashem wanted, that I said my goodbye to him. He was niftar later that night, shortly before alos ha’shachar. Yehi zichro baruch.

Thanks to my cousin, Mrs. Rikki Ash, for assisting me with the biographical information.

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JULY 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

siblings took upon the task of arranging for my grandfather to be brought to the L aw r enc e apa r tment, where he could be close to the family. Their efforts were successful, b’chasdei Hashem, and, shortly after Chanukah, my grandfather, together with his wife, moved into the apartment. In the apartment, he received a plethora of visitors, some quite regular, such as my mother, who would come in daily from Far Rockaway (Shabbos and yom tov included), as well as her brother from Sabba with former Prime Minister Stephen Harper Woodmere, who’d visit with similar frequency. The other siblings living in the tawa General Hospital, where a biopsy United States, one in Monsey and one revealed late-stage cancer in his liver in Baltimore, would make the trip down and pancreas. Having all his children outside of Canada and unable to cross fairly often to be able to spend time with the border to visit, my mother and her my grandfather. The youngest son, liv-

The Jewish Home | JULY 14, 2022


Classifieds • text 443-929-4003





PEACEFUL PRESENCE STUDIO Men’s private yoga, Licensed Massage & Holistic Health Guidance 436 Central Ave, Cedarhurst Info. & free video training 516-371-3715

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WOODMERE Great Home on a Cul-De-Sac, SD #15, Features 4 Bedrooms, 3 New Full Bathrooms, Gas Heat, Central Air Conditioning, Renovated Gourmet EIK w/2 Sinks, Granite Countertops, New Stainless Steel Appliances Leading out to a New Deck, Elegant Formal Dining Room, New Flooring, Moldings, and New Wood Bannister Leading to the Bedrooms, Spacious Master Bedroom Suite w/Jacuzzi Tub, Sep Stall Shower, and a Large Walk-In Closet. Generously Sized Den Leading Out to a Magnificent Backyard With a New Pergola, Great Home for Entertaining, High Hats Throughout, New Front Walkway Leading to a Nice Front Porch, New Front Windows Close to RR, Shopping, Houses of Worship. P.O.R. Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457

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HAIR COURSE: Learn how to wash & style hair & wigs. Hair and wig cutting, wedding styling Private lessons or in a group Call Chaya 718-715-9009

HOUSES FOR SALE WOODMERE JUST LISTED Move right into 4 bedroom, 2 full bath home in School District #15 in the heart of Woodmere. Renovated Kitchen with Granite Countertops & 2 sinks, Hardwood floors, and Circular Driveway. Close to the railroad, shopping, and houses of worship. $810k OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY JULY 17 11:30-1:00PM 857 Glen Drive Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457



HOUSES FOR SALE DON’T GET STUCK WITH A TWO STORY HOUSE YA KNOW, IT’S ONE STORY BEFORE YOU BUY IT BUT A SECOND STORY AFTER YOU OWN IT! Call Dov Herman For An Accurate Unbiased Home Inspection Infrared - Termite Inspection Full Report All Included NYC 718-INSPECT Long Island 516-INSPECT

JULY 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home • text 443-929-4003

HOUSES FOR SALE HEWLETT BAY PARK Six bedroom home in highly desirable Hewlett Bay Park on 3/4 of an acre with an inground gunite pool and tennis court, en-Suite bathrooms and bedrooms on both floors, 1st floor Master Suite with steam shower and Jacuzzi tub, Eat-in Kitchen, with SS appliances, 2 sinks, 2 dishwashers, double oven, formal living room, formal dining room, den with fireplace. Close to railroad, shopping, and houses of worship. SD#14. Great house for entertaining. Park-like Property. P.O.R. Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457

LAWRENCE Exceptional turnkey Mediterranean Colonial style home and beautiful manicured corner property. This home features exquisite architectural details with six meticulously designed spacious bedrooms and four full baths, open layout that allows comfortable living and entertainment. Large dining room and living room with gas fireplace. Beautiful updated kitchen with stainless steel appliances attached to Butler’s pantry, huge closet space and storage throughout. Park like backyard, hardwood herringbone floors throughout. Water filtration system and ground well for sprinklers. A must see! P.O.R. Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457

WOODMERE! MOVE RIGHT IN! Breath-taking Woodmere home over 7100 sq ft of living space. Majestic entry foyer, chef’s kitchen with island, 2 sinks, 2 dishwashers, and 2 ovens. Radiant heat, formal dining room, formal living room with fireplace, den, library, and office/bedroom. The second floor has a master suite with his/hers walk-in closets, 6 additional bedrooms, and 2.5 baths. Custom closets and radiant heat. Yard with in-ground pool, hot tub, brick pavers, and waterfall pond. 2 car garage, alarm, in-ground sprinklers, water filtration, and CAC. Lot Size 0.3168* acres. On a cul-de-sac, this home has it all!..P.O.R. Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457

HEWLETT NEW TO THE MARKET Luxurious Exquisite 6 bedrooms, 6.5 bath home situated on approximate 1.8 acre property in prestigious Hewlett Bay Park. Formal Living room and dining room, library, chefs Eat-in Kitchen, extraordinary great room leads out to veranda. large Gunite built-in pool + pool house with full bath, large slate patio, impressive sprawling property, school district #14 Hewlett-Woodmere. Close to all. P.O.R. Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457 mlipner@

WOODMERE Spectacular 5 bedroom, 5 bath renovated home in SD#14 with in-ground pool & pool house, lot size 111 x 107. Formal living room & dining room, magnificent kitchen with SS appliances, tremendous den with fireplace and 4 skylights, vaulted ceiling, LED lighting, master suite, new CAC, new roof. Outside totally redone with Stone and Stucco. Backyard with new pavers, park-like property, sandbox, great home for entertaining. Close to all. P.O.R. Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457

350 A Central Avenue in Lawrence

The Jewish Home | JULY 14, 2022


Classifieds • text 443-929-4003

HOUSES FOR SALE CAN’T AFFORD YOUR PROPERTY TAXES? MORTGAGE? Must sell for any reason? Call for FREE Consultation. Call now 212-470-3856 Cash buyers available!

WOODMERE Beautifully maintained Split Level home in the heart of Woodmere. This home boasts 4 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths, Eat-in Kitchen, Formal Dining Room, Living Room, a Finished Basement, and an office. Beautiful and spacious Backyard. Great location, SD#14. Close to all & houses of worship. Price Reduced $925k. OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY JULY 17 11:00-1:00 PM 918 Eileen Terrace Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457




WOODMERE JUST LISTED Spacious 5 bedroom 4 bathroom split level in Saddle Ridge Estates Well maintained home , renovated eat –in-kitchen , formal living room and dining room, den, central air conditioning, hardwood floors, high hats, master bedroom with a custom bathroom and Jacuzzi tub, close to all $995k Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457

HEWLETT BAY PARK Prestigious Center-Hall Colonial in Hewlett Bay Park, Set Back on Private Property. This Stately Home Features a Grand Entry Foyer, Formal Living Room, Formal Dining Room, Chef’s Kitchen, Large Den, Master Bedroom suite with Sitting Room + 2 Baths (His & Hers) and Loft and Additional 3 Bedrooms + Bonus Rooms. Exquisitely Manicured Park-like property. Award Winning School District #14. Too Many Features To List. Will Not Last! P.O.R. Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457

WOODMERE/HEWLETT NECK House Rental Magnificent 6 Bedroom Home. Formal Dining Room, New Gourmet Kitchen W/High End Appliances & Cabinets, Large Living Rm & Den, 3 Car Attached Garage, Hardwood Floors, Sd#14. 5 Bedrooms On One Level, Fabulous MBR Suite W/ New Bathroom. gas heat. central air conditioning, long driveway, parklaike property,& So Much More. Call for details Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457

WOODMERE Home for Sale by Owner, Prime “Tree Streets” location, very large home and property 60x180 (super deep), 6 bedrooms/3.5 bathrooms, very low taxes, $1.8 million, call/text 917-750-6700

WOODMERE Beautiful, brick, colonial boasting 5 bdr 3.5 Bth in pristine condition. Excellent location, near all! Move right in! RCUSA 516-512-9626 WOODMERE Magnificent Home in the Heart of Woodmere constructed in 2020, 5 Bedrooms, 3 Full Bathrooms, detailed moldings throughout, maple wood floors, Anderson windows + doors, custom closets, dimmers & timers, 2 zone CAC, EIK w/2 sinks, 2 dishwashers, 2 microwaves, double oven, Island, close to all. Sound system, camera system, 4 car driveway. Call for details Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457

HOUSES FOR RENT WOODMERE House rental Move right into this 4 bedroom colonial in the heart of Woodmere, with spacious rooms, hardwood floors, a finished basement, and a spacious yard. Close to railroad, shopping & houses of worship $4,500 monthly Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457

APT./COOP/CONDO SALE CEDARHURST 1 bedroom 1 bathroom apartment, elevator building, eat-in kitchen, spacious rooms throughout, laundry room on-premises, garage parking, close to all Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457 CEDARHURST 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments, totally renovated private entrance , central air conditioning, hardwood floors, washer/dryer, garage parking, dishwasher, recessed lighting, private playground, close to railroad, park, shopping and houses of worship. call for more details Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457 mlipner@ WOODMERE Totally renovated bright and sunny 1 bedroom corner unit apartment with a washer/dryer. Features quartz countertops, ss appliances, recessed lighting, bathroom with chrome fixtures, close to the railroads, shopping and houses of worship. Call for details Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457







Hewlett Totally renovated 1 and 2 Bedroom, Apartments with washer/dryer, kitchen with quartz countertops, stainless steel appliances. Recessed lighting, hardwood floors, storage in basement. Close to RR, shopping, and houses of worship. Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457

WOODMERE Beautiful & Spacious 2 Bedroom Apartment Across From The Golf Course. Elevator Building, Updated Kitchen, Gas Cooking, Granite Countertops, Washer/Dryer In Unit, High Ceilings, Great Closet Space, Storage in Basement, Close To RR, Shopping & Houses Of Worship.$349K Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457

WOODSBURGH Magnificent 2K sq. Ft. Co-Op. 3BR/2BTH, EIK, LR, DR, W/D in Unit, GAR, 2 STOR UNITS, ELEV, NEAR ALL $775K 516-846-1032 ~ NO BROKERS

JCCRP is looking for a full-time Director for the kosher food pantry and volunteer services. Competitive salary, terrific environment and benefits. Send resume to


Director of Operations - 5 Towns Director of Operations position available in a busy Five Towns office. Flexible schedule. Basic Microsoft Office experience required. Please send resume and inquiries to

HEWLETT Bright and sunny 2 bedroom 2 bathroom co-op, elevator, doorman building, in ground pool storage, card room, indoor and outdoor parking, washer/dryer in the apartment, renovated kitchen with granite countertops, ss appliances, master bedroom with en-suite bathroom, formal living room and dining room, close to all $479k Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457

HEWLETT TWO 3 BEDROOM 2 BATH CO-OPS with central air conditioning, terrace, washer/dryer, hard-wood floors, recessed lighting, magnificent kitchens, ss appliances, l/r, d/r, close to the railroad, shopping, and houses of worship. Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457

OFFICE FOR RENT – LAWRENCE AVE & Bayview. Renovated. HVAC. Internet. 12’ ceiling. Parking. Minyan. Kitchen. LIRR. First month: $999 CALL, TEXT, WhatsApp 516-206-1100

HELP WANTED Looking for someone for a busy Alterations/Design store in Cedarhurst Tuesday Wednesday Thursday mornings 11-2 alternate Sundays 12-5 Must have knowledge of garment construction contact:

A Yeshiva in Queens is looking for an experienced part/full time secretary, 2-year-old morah, kindergarten morah, kindergarten morah assistant and Pre-1A English teacher for the 2022-2023 school year. Nice and timely pay. Please email resume to or call/text 718-971-9799.

JULY 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home • text 443-929-4003

The Jewish Home | JULY 14, 2022


Classifieds • text 443-929-4003

APT./COOP/CONDO SALE DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANT A multi-tasker needed for general office work. The ideal candidate is someone who is detail-oriented, responsible, and can take ownership. Looking for someone who is eager to learn, and expand his/her skill set while possessing the ability to work independently and as part of a team. Experience with Excel required. Five Towns location. In-office position only, not remote. Please send resume to General Studies teaching positions for elementary grades available JOIN OUR TEAM! NURSING HOME MANAGEMENT Company in Brooklyn Looking to fill the following positions: ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT MS office suite proficiency required AdminAssistant experience required





THE HALB LEV CHANA EARLY Childhood Program is looking for Head Teachers for the 20222023 school year. Competitive salary and benefits. If you are interested in joining our warm, fun, loving environment, please email resumes to: lzakutinsky@halb. org and

5 TOWNS BOYS YESHIVA SEEKING ELEM GEN ED TEACHERS Excellent working environment and pay. Only lic/exp need apply. Email resume to

Yeshiva Darchei Torah Elementary School Far Rockaway, NY 5th Grade. Master’s in Education or currently enrolled in Master’s Program preferable Excellent opportunity for students pursuing a degree in education. Afternoon teaching hours. Warm, collaborative environment. Excellent Pay Email resume: ASSISTANT TEACHERS-SPECIAL ED CAHAL is seeking Assistant Teachers for September 2022. FT, AM or PM. 5Towns/Far Rock yeshivas. Some prior teaching experience is preferable. Call 516-295-3666 or send resume to

LOOKING FOR AN ASSISTANT IN A Warm loving heimisha playgroup in Lawrence. For children ages 2 1/2 and 3 years old for the upcoming school year. Mon-Thursday 9:00-3:00. Friday 9:00-12:00 Please contact Reb. Chansie Horowitz 516 426-1993 BOOKKEEPER Excellent growth potential Frum environment Excellent salary & benefits Email resume to:

GROWING BACK OFFICE Accounting firm looking for experienced accountants and bookkeepers. Please email us at or call 516-548-1622 BAIS YAAKOV ATERES MIRIAM Elementary school is seeking growth oriented, Preschool and Elementary teachers, for the coming school year. Located in Far Rockaway. Professional and warm environment. Please email resume to





OPEN HOUSE 12:00-1:00 • 500 HEMLOCK DR.


Spacious Colonial Home with Water Views. Beautiful Open Entry. Luxurious Master Suite with Loo Closets and Bath Plus 4 Master Size Bdrms and Bath. FLR and FDN, Chefs EIK opens to Family Room with Fireplace. Plus Main Floor Guest Suite/Home office. Full Height Finished Basement, Playroom, Gym, Laundry and Low Taxes! $1.8M

Magnificent Waterfront Property with Breathtaking Panoramic Views in Prestigious Village of Lawrence Brick s/h col with 4+ Bdrms Spacious Entry, flr, fdnr, Beautiful Main Level den/fpl, eik study/Bdrm and mds rm full height finished basement with lots of storage space, this house has endless potential. $2.45M



The HALB Lev Chana Early Childhood Program is looking for

Head and Assistant Teachers for the 2022-2023 school year.

Woodmere Tree Streets Short Term Rental Aug 15- Jan 15 6 bedrooms 3 baths on one level, oversized property $6500

The Plaza Beautiful 1 BR, with Granite Kitchen, Large Flr/Fdnr, Huge walk in Closet . Hardwood floor throughout, underground Parking, Doorman and pool $299K

Competitive salary and benefits. If you are interested in joining our warm, fun, loving environment, please email resumes to: and • text 443-929-4003



SHEVACH HIGH SCHOOL IN QUEENS seeks experienced General Studies teachers for English, Biology (Regents Prep), Gym, SAT Prep and Electives. Part-time Limudei Kodesh positions available as well. Please send resume to


MDS REGIONAL NURSE: 5 Towns area Nursing Home management office seeking a Regional/Corporate level MDS Nurse to work in our office. Must be an RN. Regional experience preferred. 2-3 years MDS experience with good computer skills required. Position is Full Time but Part Time can be considered. Great Shomer Shabbos environment with some remote options as well. Email:


Speaking housekeeper/babysitter in Far Rockaway with experience working in a kosher home. Primarily Weekends with more hours possible. Please call 718-820-3108

MISC GEMACH ZICHRON YEHUDA In memory of R’ Yehuda Aryeh Leib ben R’ Yisroel Dov. We have a library of books on the subjects of loss, aveilus, grief, & kaddish. We have sets of ArtScroll Mishnayos to assist with finishing Shisha Sidrei Mishna for Shloshim or yahrtzeit. Locations in Brooklyn, Far Rockaway, & Lakewood. Email:

Nursing Home Financial Services Company in Mill Basin, Brooklyn We have opened a new division and are looking for experienced individuals to fill the following

Full-Time Positions: Recruiting Specialist– apply at A/R Director – apply at A/R Specialist – apply at A/P Specialist – apply at

OR email us at with the applicable position title and where you saw this job post

Great salary and benefits Frum environment Excellent growth potential

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Help Wanted Multiple Positions Available



The Jewish Home | JULY 14, 2022



The By Allan Rolnick, CPA


n September 17, 1873, the brandnew Ohio Agricultural and Mechanical College opened its doors to 24 students. (Future President Rutherford B. Hayes was an early booster, and since you don’t remember anything he did as president, you may as well remember him for this.) Five years later, the school graduated its first class of six. And that same year, the Ohio legislature changed the school’s name to “The Ohio State University.” Today, similar to The University of South Carolina, it’s one of the finest schools in the country – a Public Ivy. OSU educates the most students who score in the 95th percentile or above on the ACT or SAT of any public university. ESPN ranks OSU’s football rivalry with the Michigan Wolverines as the greatest North American sports rivalry. And if you’ve ever seen the marching band perform “Script Ohio,” you know they really are the best band in the land. Ohio State also fosters a quirky tradition of emphasizing the least important word in its name. Watch any NFL contest, and you’ll see at least one player introducing himself as a graduate of “THE (pompous pause) Ohio State University.” So it should come as no surprise that last week, school officials announced

that after three years of effort, they had trademarked the word itself. The school already generates $12.5 million annually from its trademark and licensing programs, so get ready to see new lines of scarlet and gray merchandise emblazoned with the new prize. You may not think trademarks and

tecting your trademark. But it can cost thousands to get that “®,” which means it’s officially registered. Sadly, none of those costs are deductible against your current business income. Instead, you’ll have to add them to your basis in the trademark. If you sell your trademark someday down the line, you can exclude

You may not think trademarks and taxes have much in common other than starting with the letter “t.”

taxes have much in common other than starting with the letter “t.” But trademarks play a huge role in generating taxable income, so the IRS is just as interested in protecting them as the Patent & Trademark Office is. Business owners working to build and protect their brands should understand some basic rules about how the two interact. Throwing a “TM” after a word or phrase is an important first step to pro-

that basis from your sale proceeds. If your business assets include intellectual property – trademarks, logos, branding, or even instruction manuals or similar processes – it may make sense to create a separate entity to hold those assets. We can show you how to minimize tax on your current business income as well as eliminate tax on those assets when you sell the business. As the power company says, “call us before you dig,” and

we’ll walk you through the pros and cons. Ohio State won’t be paying any tax on the merchandise they sell with their new trademark because they’re a not-for-profit activity, and the sales are substantially related to the school’s exempt purpose. But resellers will make millions of taxable dollars of income selling the same items – fans will pay top dollar to celebrate their uncommon use of the most common word in the English language. (You’ll find it over 30 times in this column alone!) The university also won’t tackle you for using the word in your marketing or anywhere else in your business. The new trademark protection is limited to clothing sold through “channels customary to the field of sports and collegiate athletics.” T-shirts, sweatshirts, and hoodies? Of course. Baby onesies? Why not? Beer steins and shot glasses? Slow down, cowboy, you’re going too far now. Besides, college kids are supposed to be studying in the library, not partying it up on Main Street! Allan J Rolnick is a CPA who has been in practice for over 30 years in Queens, NY. He welcomes your comments and can be reached at 718-896-8715 or at


Life C ach JULY 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

The Costs at Costco Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., LMFT, CLC, SDS


hat’s the most productive walk you ever took? What’s your answer? I’m thinking Costco! Why, you might ask? OK. Here’s my thoughts. See what you think. Lots of rewarding walking. That’s definitely productive for health and maybe even for your weight management. Although, one could argue with the sizes of the food items they offer, one could gain it right back the minute you arrive at home. Or even the second! Then there’s the productivity of getting lots of things purchased at a reasonable price, which is so gratifying. At the same time, I’m wondering if

But there’s certainly never a single light package of anything there. Unless somehow one smuggles it in from Shop Rite?! You also can find a large assortment of so many different items you need at a really good price! Then again, you really can find a lot of things you don’t need, at a really good price. Which may even mean you may be saving and overspending at the same time! How productive is that walk?! And many food items you do need are at an appealing price, yet, at the same time, some things are also so large that unless you have a family of 12 you may wind up getting way more than

levels. So, good luck to us all. It definitely is a challenge not getting lured in. And if

you can achieve that while staying controlled, that’s another way you can learn to make it a very productive walk!

Which may even mean you may be saving and overspending at the same time!

one might not find themselves overbuying just a tad at times?! There’s one unarguable way that one is always productive at Costco – definitely, getting some weightlifting in. A workout right there! It seems nothing is less than 50 pounds. OK, maybe that’s a bit of an exaggeration.

you can actually use in a lifetime – or at least before the expiration date. So, is it the most productive walk you’ll ever take? Well, that’s up to you. If you know your limits, control your urges, and do more searching than shopping…you can probably make it a win-win on many

Rivki Rosenwald is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist working with both couples and individuals and is a certified relationship counselor. Rivki is a co-founder and creator of an effective Parent Management of Adolescent Years Program. She can be contacted at 917-705-2004 or at

g in all of in ic r p y a d y Best ever Long Island! & s n e e u Q , Brooklyn AY!



The Jewish Home | JULY 14, 2022



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1 Liter






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$ 79 14.1 oz

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Of Tov Chicken Nuggets

$ 49 2.75 oz/3.5 oz




5.3 oz

Norman’s Whipped Cream Cheese


Farms Creamery Margarine



$ 99 48 oz

Minute Steaks

Whole or Cut-Up Chicken


$ 79 LB


$ 89 LB


Hass Avocado

String Beans




$ 49 EA

$ 49 LB

Roasted Pistachios


$ 49LB

Salmon Sides



99 LB

1 LB

Chicken Drume�es

$ 79 LB

Sweet Peaches


$ 99

$ 99 16 oz

32 oz



1005Pack LB

Kosher Taste Mango Chunks

Edy’s Ice Cream

$ 99 8 oz

16 oz

SR Solid White Tuna in Water

Wacky Mac Mac & Cheese

$ 99 12 oz





$ 29 3.5 oz

Bowl & Basket Medium Roast Instant Coffee

6.1 oz

Heinz Vegetarian Baked Beans

Zweet Cloudz Marshmallows

$ 29 6 oz

$ 99LB



$ 69 40 oz

Bell’s Crispy Fried Onions

Chocolate Pretzels

Hadar Tirosh Biscuits




More for Less


$ 49 LB

Frozen Tuna Steaks




Eggplant Parmesan Container




Grilled Teriyaki Chicken




Keilim Mikveh on Premises | Pre-Shabbos Buffet Every Thursday & Friday! Savings Plaza | 11 Lawrence Lane, Lawrence, NY | (516) 371-6200 | | /kolsavemarket Hours: Sunday-Tuesday: 7am-8pm | Wednesday: 7am-10pm | Thursday: 7am-11pm | Friday: 7am- 5pm We reserve the right to limit quan��es. No rain checks. Not responsible for typographical errors.

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Articles inside

The Costs of Costco by Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS

pages 103-104

Your Money

page 102

“Canada’s Rabbi” But First a [Grand]father by Nochum Aharon Shonek

pages 94-95

Legends in the Marines by Avi Heiligman

pages 92-93

When the IRS Targeted Jewish Activists by Dr. Rafael Medoff

page 91

A Court Case Shows the Limits of Saudi Tolerance by David Ignatius

pages 88-89

Biden’s Reckless Spending Set Off Inflation by Marc A. Thiessen

page 90

Notable Quotes

pages 84-87

Mind Your Business

pages 82-83

The Aussie Gourmet: Bouillabaisse

pages 80-81

What Does an Ideal Therapy Approach Look Like? by Dr. Deb Hirschhorn

pages 76-77

Dating Dialogue, Moderated by Jennifer Mann, LCSW

pages 70-73

The Seeds of David HaMelech in Shivah Asar B’Tammuz by Rabbi Daniel Glatstein

pages 62-65

The Wandering Jew

pages 66-67

Eating Meals Later in the Day by Cindy Weinberger, MS RD CDN

pages 74-75

The Shuk by Mrs. Barbara Deutsch

pages 68-69

Delving into the Daf by Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow

pages 60-61

Lessons from a Blind Seer by Rechie Eisner

pages 58-59


pages 50-53


pages 28-31

Toras Moshe by Rav Moshe Weinberger

pages 56-57

Community Happenings

pages 34-47

Rabbi Wein on the Parsha

pages 54-55

That’s Odd

pages 32-33

This Week We’re Talking to…Camp Funshine

pages 48-49

Israel News

pages 22-27
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