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Notable Quotes
The Jewish Home | JULY 21, 2022 Notable Quotes
Maybe I have a New York nose— I’m not smelling the filth. The number one thing I smell right now is pot – like everybody is smoking a joint now, you know?
- NYC Mayor Eric Adams talking about the filthy smell in New York City
I must say, in my view at the local, state and federal level, these governments across the country and leaders, mayors and governors, city councils have abdicated their responsibility in fighting crime and addressing mental health.
- Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz in a video posted on Twitter, after the company announced the closure of 16 stores in Democrat-ran states, due to safety concerns
Starbucks is a window into America... We are facing things in which the stores were not built for... We’re listening to our people and closing stores, and this is just the beginning. There are gonna be many more.
– Ibid., at an internal company meeting It’s probably the hardest thing for us as parents, you know, with myself and my wife. My wife grew up in rural Brazil, the furthest state south, Rio Grande do Sul, very small kind of farming town, very simple girl. I grew up in a – I would say – middle class family in California. My dad worked his [tail] off for our family. My mom stayed at home, took care of us kids. I saw my mom work every day to make food for us at night and, you know, wash our clothes and know they supported us by coming to all our games and you know, it was amazing… [Now] we have people that clean for us. We have people that make our food. We have people that drive us to the airport. If we need that, you know, we get off a plane and there’s people waiting there for us and we get ushered in. And it’s just, that’s my kids’ reality, which is the hard part to say, “Guys, this is not the way reality really is, you know?”
– Tom Brady, in a recent podcast talking about his primary challenge as a parent
And what can we do about that? I think we can try to create experiences that are more along the lines of what most kids go through, even though they’ll still have experiences that a lot of kids never do have.
- Ibid.
There’s a lot of things I’m still learning as a parent… You just hope you can show them enough things to realize that when they are doing things that are selected for mom and dad to make our lives more convenient, that that is a treat.
– Ibid.

The Jewish Home | JULY 21, 2022 Respect and human dignity are values that I was raised on and which I will raise my children on in the future. I ask all those who claimed that I have no respect to take back their words and apologize — not to me — but to my parents.
- Singer Yuval Dayan, in a Facebook post after she was criticized for not shaking Pres. Biden’s hand after performing for him
I made sure to notify everyone in the president’s office that I am shomeret negiah. G-d forbid, I did not mean to offend.
- Ibid.
The president was so appreciative of what you did, on behalf of the Israeli people, and the American president as well as for you being true to your religious values.
- U.S. Ambassador to Israel Tom Nides responding in a video to people who criticized Dayan
No deal is better than a bad deal. And if this president signs any sort of deal, I’ll make you a promise: the next president will shred it on her first day in office.
- Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, who is a possible 2024 GOP presidential candidate, during a speech about the Biden administration’s abysmal foreign policy
As somebody who has helped plan coups d’état – not here, but other places – it takes a lot of work. And that’s not what he did. It was just stumbling around from one idea to another.
- John Bolton, who served as Trump’s national security advisor before the two had a falling out, talking about the events of January 6 on CNN
Well, I think there are a lot of snowflakes out there that don’t understand what you need to do to protect the United States.
- Ibid., on Newsmax responding to an outcry over his admission that he help to plan coups in the past Meanwhile, I read that Dr. Fauci said that he plans to retire by the end of President Biden’s term. And then everyone turned to Biden, like, “Is there anything you’d like to announce too?”

- Jimmy Fallon
Of course, once he’s gone, Fauci will be replaced by a new, slightly weaker variant.
- Jimmy Fallon

It’s also funny how President Biden thought it would be better to fist bump Mohammed bin Salman because that seems less friendly than a handshake. That’s the whitest decision of all time.
— Trevor Noah
It’s difficult to find groups that are more different than a woke White Democrat and your average Hispanic. They’re economically different. The social and cultural values are very different. Your average Hispanic tends to be far more religious and traditional in their cultural views than your average Democrat.
- Political activist Giancarlo Sopo, a descendent of Cuban exiles, in an interview with Fox News about Latinos shifting their party affiliation to Republicans
Hispanics want to prosper… They want to figure out, “OK, how do we reach the next step on the ladder?” That’s what Hispanics are focused on, not memorizing 74 pronouns.
Whenever Democrats think that in order to win Hispanic voters all they have to do is maybe, you know, play a little salsa music, talk about tacos and promise amnesty…that message no longer works with Hispanics.
I have to keep doing things, because I can’t stand being at home. As long as people accept me, I’m going to continue to practice. I enjoy myself.
- Dr. Howard Tucker, age 100, who holds the Guinness World Record as the oldest active physician in the United States, in an interview with Cleveland Jewish News
My father bought a new car at 93 years old. And as he drove out of the parking lot with the new car, he said, “I don’t think I’m going to like this Chevy — I think I’m going to go back to Buicks next.” I thought to myself, “Oh my gosh, he’s 93 and he’s buying a new car.” I ended up buying my car when I was 94. President Biden held the controversial meeting with the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, but the real controversy was that Biden greeted him with a fist bump. Biden said that wasn’t a fist bump. That was me trying to punch him as hard as I could. Not a great look; it’s like a greeting Putin with a chest bump and a bro hug.

– Jimmy Fallon