4 minute read
The Jewish Home | AUGUST 25, 2022 jewish women of wisdom
An Impressive Lineup
By Miriam Liebermann, MSW
They are neatly lined up in a row, sitting on the bed in our extra bedroom downstairs. Two Raggedy Ann dolls, three teddy bears, one “Bubby” doll and one “Zayde” doll. Across from this impressive line up is a comfy chair with an ottoman. I often sit here making phone calls, listening to shiurim/podcasts/classes while working on my latest needlework project, enjoying the view!
What makes them so special? Let’s start with the dolls.
These Raggedy Ann dolls have been in the family for many years. In fact, our oldest child – who baruch Hashem joined our family four decades ago – on Purim day as a toddler wore this dress with the apron, dressed up as a most alluring, adorable Raggedy Ann. Truthfully, he should have been Raggedy Andy. But as Raggedy Andy was nowhere to be found in our home, Avrami was dressed as Raggedy Ann.
The Bubby doll was gifted to our daughter Racheli by my dear friend Chumi when she was a bit under the weather. We all benefit from having a warm, understanding, benevolent Bubby, whether real and authentic or stuffed! The Zayde, actually a ventriloquist’s dummy, was gifted to my dear husband on a significant birthday by our very dear and beloved summer neighbors. I see him sitting there, and I remember those long-ago carefree days in the country where Esther and I raised our children together, beneath the beautiful trees and the sunny skies.
We then have a cuddly, luxurious teddy bear, gifted to our youngest when he was a baby. To keep him company, we have a Momma and a Pappa bear. A little explanation is called for here.
Our youngest couple married several years ago and headed off to Yerushalayim to begin their wedded life. I was thrilled for them. What a pleasure and privilege it is to begin one’s life together in this fashion. Hodu l’Hashem. On the other hand, I missed them terribly. And then with many thanks to the Al-mighty, they were blessed with a ka”h beautiful, little boy.
At that point, I really pined for this special little family. I’ve been storing some of their possessions in our home, till they return to the U.S. I chanced upon these two bears that they had created at
BuildABear soon after they had become engaged. That’s when they became a trio: Momma Bear, Pappa Bear and Baby Bear, all occupying seats of honor on that bed. Baby Bear is in the middle, surrounded by Momma, Pappa, Bubby and Zayde and the “sisters.” All very loving and warm. No friction. No stress whatsoever. No noise. No commotion. No demands on anyone. No whining. No dirty diapers! No expectations. Just cozy and comfy.
Makes me so happy! Take a peek. Come see what I’m smiling about!
May all live happily ever after!
Thank G-d for family. bears back with them as their little one enjoys playing with them. But the cozy scene is now utterly incomplete for me. This tableau has lost its allure and charm. It was those two teddys, the Momma and Pappa Bear, and whom they represented, our lovable young couple, the newest momma and pappa in our family, that made this so meaningful for me. It’s obviously time to transition. Time for changes. The two Raggedy Anne dolls are now sitting on a chair in the corner of my office. The teddy bear is sitting on the rock-
ing horse in that same bedroom. And the bubby and zayde dolls have been retired. They are no longer on display. It actually made me sad now to see them sitting there, still smiling, perpetually. They are currently sitting in a plastic bag, in our garage, waiting to find a new home.
I enjoy my surroundings a bit whimsical, a bit playful. And I’m big on nostalgia. I hold onto that which brings me joy and evokes positive memories and emotions. Once that is no longer the case, I’m ready to move on.
Those teddy bears are now in their rightful home. Home sweet home.
Postscript Post-Postscript
I know that I’m in good company. The goodbyes are always painful. What is amazing is that ka”h so many of our young couples have the privilege of beginning their lives together as kollel couples in Yerushalayim, with the encouragement and support of their parents. What a blessing for them, and ultimately for us, too, as they build their families and homes, devoted to our Torah Hakedosha. Hodu l’Hashem.
In the meantime, I remind myself that long distance nachas is also nachas.
I am grateful that we are still able to be connected through our modern technology. Our little ones across the ocean can still see their Savtas and Opas on a regular basis and maintain a relationship with them. We don’t have to build a relationship with them from scratch each time we see them.
Most important, as much as I miss our young couple, as much as we collectively miss our young families who are living at a distance, that’s how much Hakodosh Boruch Hu misses His children who are distant from him! Even more.
With that in mind, we all hope and pray and eagerly anticipate the day when Acheinu kol Bais Yisrael will all be gathered together in Yerushalayim Habenuya, where we really belong. Bimhara byameinu. Amen.
JWOW! is a community for midlife Jewish women which can be accessed at www.jewishwomanofwisdom.org for conversation, articles, Zoom events, and more.