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Notable Quotes
The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 Notable Quotes

Well, I think you’re right about reparations. In terms of if people want it, though, what they need to do is you always need to go back to the beginning of a supply chain. Where was the beginning of the supply chain? That was in Africa.
- Royal commentator Hilary Fordwich when asked by CNN’s Don Lemon whether the British should pay reparations for slavery
And when – across the entire world – when slavery was taking place, which was the first nation in the world that abolished slavery? It was started by William Wilberforce – it was the British. In Great Britain, they abolished slavery. Two thousand naval men died on the high seas trying to stop slavery. Why? Because the African kings were rounding up their own people. They had them on cages, waiting in the beaches. No one was running to Africa to get them.
- Ibid.
My name is John Fetterwoman.
-Pennsylvania Democratic Senate candidate John Fetterman, introducing himself at a pro-abortion event
We already had a plan to repay student debt. It’s called a job, and it was working just fine before President Biden decided to transfer debt from coastal elites who chose to take out loans to hardworking Americans who didn’t.
- Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA)
Our democracy is at stake. There’s millions and millions of dollars from outside our region and outside our state that are coming here to try to steal our elections.

The Democrats did not think it was a humanitarian crisis when we pulled over 50 bodies in body bags out of a truck in Texas of illegal immigrants who died because the smugglers let them die of heat exposure. And yet, suddenly, 50 illegal immigrants show up in lily-white Martha’s Vineyard, where rich liberals and billionaires sip Chardonnay, and it is World War III, they lose their stuff all over the place, and it just shows what utter nonsense it was.
– Sen Ted Cruz (R-TX) on Fox News commenting on liberal outrage caused by Gov. Ron DeSantis sending a plane of illegal aliens to Martha’s Vineyard
There were more …corporate journalists in Martha’s Vineyard today than have ever gone down to the Southern border to look at what’s going on. Why don’t you go down there and look at what those communities have to deal with every day?
– Gov. DeSantis
I think his hair gel is interfering with his brain function.
- Ibid., responding to criticism from California Governor Gavin Newsom, who seems very proud of his coiffed hair
It’s like me taking my trash out and just driving to different areas where I live and just throwing my trash there.
- Founder of a group that helps refugees, quoted in an NBC article about Gov. DeSantis’s action
A reminder that what @GovRonDeSantis did wasn’t a “stunt.” It was kidnapping and human trafficking. These are federal crimes. The sentence is five years – per victim.
– Radical leftist Keith Olbermann, convicting and sentencing Gov. DeSantis on Twitter
I thought Martha’s Vineyard was a “sanctuary city”? I thought they declared themselves a “haven” for illegal immigrants?? Just 50 arrive, and the socialist billionaires send them away – to a military base, no less – in JUST 24 hours.
-Tweet by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) after the illegals were quickly bussed off of Martha’s Vineyard by over 100 National Guard troops
– Tweet by Jon Fitch
You aren’t allowed to compare vaccine passports to the leadup to the Holocaust, but Ken Burns can compare sending illegal immigrants to a vacation island to the Holocaust.
- Tweet in response to filmmaker Ken Burns comparing Gov. DeSantis to the Nazis
Ron DeSantis…may be a more competent Trump in terms of his ability to use the levers of state to amass power, but he’s also meaner and more rigid, without the soft edges and eccentricity of the actual Donald Trump.
- Jamelle Bouie, The New York Times
I think when Democrats realize there’s a new formidable Republican, you know, out there, suddenly you have a new Hitler. Then the old Hitler, well, maybe he’s not so bad. Suddenly, The New York Times is saying how Trump is kinder and gentler, and is funny, and he never took himself seriously, and charming. That’s…so now, the guy they called Hitler is now not Hitler, because DeSantis — you can’t — you can’t — not everybody can be Hitler at once, right?
- Greg Gutfeld, Fox News
This is obviously what happened when they demonized Romney, and then when Trump came along, then Romney became a statesman. When it was Romney, he was evil before McCain became a moderate. So they do this all the time.
- Ibid.

I hold two contradictory things [in mind] at the same time. One is just the relentless belief that anything is possible. But at the same time, my experience here has given me a front-row seat to how deeply and unconsciously, as well as consciously, so many people in this country hate women. And they hate women of color
.- Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (Dem/Socialist-NY) when asked whether she could ever be president
Well, first of all, let’s put this in perspective. Inflation rate month to month was just– just an inch, hardly at all.
- President Joe, Biden to Scott Pelley on “60 Minutes”
You’re not arguing that 8.3% is good news?
– Pelley in response
No, I’m not saying it is good news. But it was 8.2% or — 8.2% before. I mean, it’s not — you’re ac — we act — make it sound like all of a sudden, “My god, it went to 8.2%.”
– Pres. Biden Ron DeSantis is that guy you went to high school with who desperately wanted to be prom king but didn’t have any charisma, so instead, he just pulled the fire alarm and ruined the dance for everybody.

— Jimmy Kimmel, who hosts a nightly show that is supposed to be humorous