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Community Happenings
The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 27, 2022 Around the Community
A Fabulous Family Fun Event

The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 27, 2022 BY5T Open House
New Course in the Five Towns to Unveil Judaism’s Answers to 25 Questions about G-d
This Sunday, October 30, Bais Yaakov of the Five Towns will have their much anticipated open house event at the Brandeis building: 25 Frost Lane. Our staff and teachers look forward to greeting you!
The BY5T education is an innovative learning experience, applying contemporary teaching methods while staying true to the bedrocks of Bais Yaakov ideals.
BY5T focuses on developing a love for learning and Yiddishkeit, fosters academic excellence, and places a strong emphasis on middos and character development.
BY5T is the next generation of chinuch: student-centered, focusing on developing a strong sense of self and a deep pride in being a Bas Yisroel.
We are excited to see you at 10am this Sunday and share our vision and growth!
For more information, please visit by5t.org.
This fall, Rabbi Zalman Wolowik of Chabad of the Five Towns will offer a six-week course produced by the acclaimed Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (JLI) that unpacks Judaism’s understanding of G-d while providing fresh, profound answers to common questions about G-d.
How did G-d come to be? Is G-d a He, a She, or a They? Does G-d have feelings? If G-d has foreknowledge of all events, do we have free choice? Is there a place in Judaism for doubts about G-d? These are just some of the twenty-five questions addressed in My G-d: Defining the Divine.
Jewish culture and the Jewish people’s outlook on life are indelibly shaped by the classic Jewish understanding of G-d. My G-d: Defining the Divine is a one-of-a-kind course that brings to light the Jewish understanding of G-d, from which Judaism and Jewish identity inevitably flow.
When the course kicks off on Tuesday, November 1 at 8:00 PM, its fastpaced lessons will lead participants towards a comprehensive understanding of Jewish monotheism. The discussions will probe philosophical topics, but the course is anchored in real life and offers accessible answers for students of all backgrounds.
“These are questions we hear all the time,” says Rabbi Wolowik. “This course is the first time there’s an address where you can get straight answers to all the big questions you might have about G-d.”
Rabbi Wolowik says this new course is the perfect offering for anyone with sincere questions about G-d or who just seeks an enhanced understanding of Judaism’s approach to this core topic.
As with other JLI programs, the course is designed to appeal to people at all levels of knowledge, including those without prior exposure to Jewish learning. All JLI courses are open to the public, and attendees need not be affiliated with a particular synagogue, temple, or house of worship.
Interested students may call 516-2952478 or visit chabadfivetowns.com/jli to register or to access other course-related information. JLI courses are presented in the Five Towns in conjunction with Chabad of the Five Towns.
Did you know? Starbucks sold an estimated 200 million Pumpkin Spice Lattes in the first decade of its existence

Talmidim of Yeshiva Darchei Torah’s Harriet Keilson Early Childhood Center interacted with the petting zoo animals that came to visit in honor of Parshas Noach
Celebrating Sukkot in Plainview
The Plainview community was full of children preparing for the holiday of Sukkot in so many different ways! While many of the high school and college students teamed up to help build sukkot for the families who needed assistance, the elementary students joined together to decorate the Young Israel of Plainview’s sukkah under the guidance of youth director Eitan Bedziner. He also helped the children get into the spirit by making edible sukkot and challenged them to make sure they were “kosher”! The fourth graders who attended were the leaders of that event because they had recreated kosher sukkot made out of shoeboxes in their classroom at Mercaz Academy, while the sixth graders made lulav rings for their own (or their parent’s) lulavim. This special hands-on experience was led by Mercaz Academy grandparent Rabbi Dr. Elliot Grossman, who was excited to tie up the class for sukkot preparation!
As our children filled the shul over Yom Tov, it was easy to see that it was truly “z’man simchateinu” in Plainview.

The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 27, 2022 At the Aish Kodesh & K’Hal Mevakshei Hashem Simchas Beis Hashoeiva
Photos by Ira Thomas

The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 27, 2022 YU Book Talk
Join Yeshiva University Libraries online book talk with Rabbi Shmuel Reichman, Executive Coach and Founder, Self-Mastery Academy, and author of The Journey to Your Ultimate Self. He will explore the purpose of life, striving for truth, and highly misunderstood concepts in Jewish thought, with Rabbi Dr. Mordechai Schiffman, Assistant Professor, Azrieli Graduate School. For link: yu.edu/journeybooktalk. About the book and 10% off: mosaicapress.com, promo code: 3VHWWM36.

Harav Elisha Sandler, shlita, giving d’vrei pesicha at the beginning of winter zman in Yeshiva Kol Torah

Scenes from this year’s Chol Hamoed Avos U’bunim and chavrusa learning

The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 27, 2022 Haschalas Aleph-Beis at BY5T

Mazal tov to the amazing kindergarten class of Bais Yaakov of the Five Towns! As a celebration of their haschalas aleph-beis, our adorable girls proudly wore white shirts and crowns as they paraded through a balloon archway and then danced with the rest of the school. After the dancing, the girls all made a train and marched back to their classes to receive delicious treats.
Every day is an exciting one at Bais Yaakov of the Five Towns!

Rav Tani Goldbaum’s fifth grade talmidim at Yeshiva Darchei Torah reviewed the first amud of Perek Eilu Metzios in the main beis hamedrash and each received a cold can of soda in honor of the occasion
Sukkos in with the Nikolsburg Rebbe in Woodbourne, NY

Lev Chana has officially kicked off this year’s use of STMath and Lexia, computer programs used in HALB’s Blended Learning program Gittel Siegel is a junior at Hewlett High School who has cerebral palsy. On October 6, World Cerebral Palsy Day, Gittel spoke to students and educated them about this challenging chronic illness. Gittel gave out awareness bracelets to staff and students, who happily showed their support.
HALB’s 7th grade Zionism class enjoyed a special live call from Israel with Nefesh B’Nefesh

5 Towns Flag Football
This past Friday was week 6 of FM Home Loans 5 Towns Flag Football. It was Swag Day where every single participant received a flag football/ Fm Home Loans Nike hat as well as a Maidenbaum Tax Consultants bag. We, of course, had another great week of intense, fun, and competitive games.
In the Pre-1A division, under the direction of Rabbi Jeremy Fine, the boys practiced their rushing and defensive skills. Their progress is truly amazing, and these boys are on the road to being football champions.
In the 1st grade division, the Broncos defeated the Patriots. And the Jets defeated the Giants with Mordechai Kirschner’s excellent interceptions.
In the 2nd grade division, the Patriots defeated the Eagles. The Broncos defeated the Giants with Abie Shapiro’s consistent catches and communication. And the Vikings defeated the Jets.
In the 3rd and 4th grade division, the Panthers defeated the Jets. The Seahawks defeated the Packers with Daniel Hertz’s picks and catches. The Giants defeated the Steelers. The Falcons defeated the Saints with Joey Mosberg’s game winning touchdown. The Vikings tied with the Texans. The Commanders defeated the Patriots. The Broncos tied with the Eagles. The Raiders defeated the Dolphins.
In the 5th and 6th grade division, the Steelers defeated the Broncos with Yitzy Fine’s touchdowns and short catches. The Saints defeated the Vikings. The Dolphins defeated the Seahawks. The Raiders defeated the Patriots. The Eagles defeated the Falcons with Shlomo Davidson’s insane TDP. And the Packers defeated the Giants. And the Jets defeated the Panthers.
In the 7th and 8th grade division, the Eagles defeated the Vikings with Isac Weisfeld’s perfect catching and defense. The Texans defeated the Jets. The Giants defeated the Broncos. And the Commanders and Patriots tied with Gedaliah Brill’s consistent flag pulls and short catches.
We are getting ready for the playoffs which are right around the corner. Can’t wait!

A Welcoming Erev Shabbat at SKA

The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 27, 2022 Names, Not Numbers at HANC

On Friday, October 21, the eighth grade at HANC began a project called Names Not Numbers. In the program,students interview Holocaust survivors and edit the interviews, which are in turn made into a documentary.
The program began with powerful words from Rabbi Hecht, Middle School Principal, who spoke about the magnitude of a project like this. He explained that it is so crucial for the students to participate and internalize the stories so that they can pass them on to the future generations. He explained that some things you need to forget in order to move on. On the other hand, something like the Holocaust can never be forgotten.
The next speaker was Mrs. Tova Rosenberg, the creator of Names, Not Numbers©. Mrs. Rosenberg gave an inspirational speech about how important this project is and how lucky we are to get the chance to participate in this program. After Mrs. Rosenberg, the students watched a 20-minute clip of an interview with Dr. Moshe Avital, z”l. The students sat spellbound watching his story. It is something which I am sure will stay in their memory for a very long time.
Next, there was a presentation from Mrs. Shoshana Soroka, editor of the Five Towns Jewish Home. Mrs. Soroka gave us tips on how to talk and interview Holocaust survivors. She went through the interview process and explained how there would be questions posed to survivors about their experience before the war, during the war and after the war. Mrs. Soroka explained what types of questions would be best. She talked about what happens if the survivor cries or is silent for a bit.
The grade is looking forward to participating in this project.

SKA students visited Lev Chana during their Club period to do projects with the preschool children Assemblywoman Stacey Pheffer Amato had a great day knocking on doors in Far Rockaway on Sunday with her volunteers reminding everyone about early voting. She thanks everyone for the warm reception and support Rabbi Shmuel Witkin gave a shiur on hilchos lulav and esrog for fathers and sons before Sukkos

A Night of Inspiration

Monday night, October 3 proved to be truly a Night of Inspiration at TAG. Despite the continual rain, a record number of Junior High talmidos and their “guests” came to elevate themselves before Yom Kippur! It was obvious that nothing could dampen the enthusiasm of this crowd which really left an impression on the many attendees.
Rabbi Meyer Weitman, the Dean of Torah Academy for Girls welcomed the gathering. A moving video about Tefilas Aleinu was viewed. Our eighth graders presented a beautiful Aleinu choir. Thanks to Morah Schick, Morah Sebrow and Morah Kuritsky for playing the piano. The girls and their guests (bubbies, mothers, big sisters) then learned the tefila “b’chavrusah.” Enclosed in each folder was a laminated Aleinu card (l’zecher nishmas R’ Naftali Rhodes A”H). The evening concluded with meaningful stories of how davening Aleinu has brought about many zechusim in peoples’ lives.
Working together towards the goal of providing inspiration before Yom Kippur was inspiring in itself and TAG is grateful to all those who made this uplifting evening a reality.

The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 27, 2022 MTA Alumni & Rebbeim Celebrate Sukkos in Israel

Although they have already graduated and are now learning in various yeshivas in Israel, MTA alumni reunited with their friends and rebbeim over Sukkos. Rabbi Netanel Danto hosted a simchas beis hashoeva for MTA alumni in Jerusalem. The event was filled with simchas yom tov as friends caught up and shared reflections on Elul zman and the beginning of the yeshiva year. Rabbi Dov Emerson, while attending Eitan Katz’s Live In Jerusalem 3 concert, had the opportunity to see many former talmidim. The group gathered before the show for pictures and reminiscing and then danced the night away together, enjoying a special evening. TLK students had an exciting lead-up to the holiday of Sukkot. On Monday, October 3, we were thrilled to host Shulamith’s 10th grade girls, who made sukkah decorations with many of our students. On Thursday, October 6, our high school classes participated in an exciting Bamboozle Sukkot game and joined Shulamith’s Middle School students in making Sukkot projects.
When we returned from our beautiful chag, TLK students started a Shul Integration Project! Several TLK Middle School students participated in YIW’s Mincha minyan, while others explored the sanctuary and all of the kadosh and important parts within it. We plan to continue this program, exposing our students to the beauty of Jewish life and their community!

YOSS ECC Bereishis Exploration

The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 27, 2022 A Place Where Every Jew Rejoices with the Torah
By Menachem Segal
Had you been at Brooklyn Jewish Xperience (BJX) on Simchas Torah, it probably would have melted your heart. “It was a deeply spiritual experience. It was incredible to see all types of Jews exhibit real joy,” said Bernie Garfinkel.
Many regular Flatbush people left their own shuls to join BJX for one reason: they knew that they would witness something special. And they did. Can you imagine a Simchas Torah in Flatbush in which a 6’4” burly young man wearing a necklace, t-shirt and jeans and jumping up and down screaming, “Moshe emes v’Torahso emes” or another man, arms covered in tattoos, embracing the Torah with such intense emotion and feeling? Can you imagine many fellow Jews who never heard of Simchas Torah celebrating together with their frum brothers with such enthusiasm and love for the Torah?
“It was incredible to be there and see this!” said AC Kramer.
“The unconditional love for our fellow Jews that radiates from BJX is definitely generating a lot of kedusha and bracha for Klal Yisrael. I was amazed at how participants of so many varied backgrounds rejoiced, danced and sang together with such joy,” enthused Rabbi Uri Deblinger. One fellow said that he waited 41 years for the moment to be called up for a hakafah!
“BJX is a warm, welcoming and filled with joy and love. I keep coming back because of the loving community, close relationships that I’ve formed with our people. But of course, most importantly, the wonderful rabbis,” shared Josh Einhorn, a young professional. Sam, a local college student, said, “I felt euphoric as myself and other fellow Jews basked in the glory and pride of being a Jew.” Another college student, Rudy, said, “I had an outstanding time! I was treated as if I was at home by the rabbis. The sense of community was truly heartwarming.”
BJX was packed with Yidden of all stripes rejoicing together. A miracle is happening in our own backyard – the miracle of unity and Ahavas Yisroel. “I absolutely loved it. The kedushah and energy was palpable. Truly a spiritually uplifting experience. No one is doing what BJX does,” said Michael Katz. “Miracles surely happen at BJX,” said Joyce Goldberg. Let’s hope this brings Moshiach one step closer.

Toys for Tots Program in the Five Towns
With the holidays just around the corner, Assemblyman Ari Brown, the U.S. Marines, Patricia Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick, Retired U.S. Marine Major Chuck Kilbride and the Toys for Tots Program brought some joy to the youngsters at the Five Towns Early Learning Center in Inwood along with the children of the Leon Mayer Fund and Kosher Response. The early holiday toy delivery featured approximately 90 high-end Lego brand plastic construction toys. The toys, which were delivered to the Center, carry a value of $100 to $400 each, and approximately 90 total toys were delivered. Also at the toy donation event were the children of the Five Towns Early Learning Center, the Center’s Executive Director, Paula S. Robinson. In addition, the children of the Leon Mayer Fund and Kosher Response, represented by Nechama Goldfedder, attended the event.
“We are about to embark upon the holidays, and every child wants and deserves a toy to make the season feel special,” said Brown. “I want to thank Major Chuck Kilbride of the U.S. Marines Toys for Tots Program for making the holidays brighter for lots of young people.”
“I am excited to be part of the Toys for Tots effort to make the season joyous and exciting for a group of young people in our communities,” said Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick. “This is one of the most rewarding experiences for the folks who are giving the toys, and the children seem to be having fun too.”
“As the head of the Toys for Tots Program, I am committed to ensuring that every child has a great toy during the holiday season,” said Kilbride. “With the help of the U.S. Marines, Assemblyman Ari Brown, Patricia Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick and a host of volunteers and donors, we are going to make this the best year ever.”
“The Toys for Tots initiative is a great undertaking with a wonderful goal of making the holidays more joyous for young people,” said Robinson. “I want to thank everyone involved in spreading some holiday cheer at the Five Towns Early Learning Center.”
At the event, the U.S. Marines, Major Kilbride, Assemblyman Brown, and Ms. Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick distributed the toys to students and youngsters and exchanged holiday greetings.

Rabbi Pesach Lerner, Chairman, Eretz Hakodesh, dancing with Rav Samuel Rabinowitz, rabbi of the Western Wall and Holy Sites in Israel, at the Kosel during Hakafos Shniyos, motzei yom tov in Israel. Rav Rabinowitz welcomed Rabbi Lerner and thanked Eretz Hakodesh for all they do to maintain the kedusha and mesorah at the Kosel Moshava Ba’ir is bringing its magic to the Long Island and Queens community. The popular day camp recently announced the opening of its sixth day camp, conveniently located at the HANC Uniondale Campus. Run by Bnei Akiva of the U.S. and Canada, the Moshava Ba’ir day camp initiative is now in its fourteenth year of operation, touting vibrant programs in Toronto, Philadelphia, Chicago, and two in New Jersey.
Malka Fleischmann has been appointed Camp Director of the new Moshava Ba’ir Long Island (MBLI). Throughout her career, Malka has served in several roles in the worlds of education and writing. Before joining Bnei Akiva, she was the Director of Knowledge and Ideas at the Jewish Education Project, a Hebrew School Director (Tribeca Torah), Rosh Mashava (Camp Stone), Director of Faith-Based Programming and University President’s Speechwriter (Touro University), and Judaic Studies educator (SAR and Ramaz Middle Schools). A Wexner Fellow-Davidson Scholar and M2 fellow, Malka is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard Divinity School and has roots firmly planted in Camp Stone.
The framework for Long island follows the same model of excellence as its counterparts, providing a safe, caring and ruach-filled environment. Campers in grades entering K-7 will enjoy a robust program that includes woodworking, mad science, dance, sports, gardening, swimming and an immersive chinuch program rooted in Torah values and education.
According to Rav Shaul Feldman, Executive Director of Bnei Akiva of the U.S. & Canada, Moshava Ba’ir was designed to fill a void in the world of day camps. By offering campers a well-rounded program that fosters a sense of community and a love of Israel while at the same time creating meaningful friendships and developing individual skills, talents, and abilities, Bnei Akiva has created an environment that far surpasses the typical day camp experience.
The location is ideal for the ultimate camp experience. Situated on a beautiful campus with a large air-conditioned indoor space, the camp also has 3 outdoor swimming pools, a softball field, soccer field, and a huge gymnasium. The campus is also set up for specialties including: STEM, engineering and technology, science and nature, orienteering, dance, fitness, arts and crafts, and even a kiln for ceramics. Specialty staff are all highly trained in their individual fields, giving campers an opportunity to learn from the very best.
As with all Bnei Akiva programs, Moshava Ba’ir Long Island will encapsulate a love of Israel throughout the program. Whether it be through song, art, or any number of activities, campers, staff, and parents can expect a strong Israel influence that distinctively shouts Am Yisrael Chai. Enrollment for Kayitz 2023 is currently underway with early bird incentives through November. For more information about Moshava Ba’ir Long Island, please visit mbli.moshavabair.org or call 212.465.9536.
YCQ Remembers 9/11

Twenty-one years. The number of years since that dreadful day that has forever tainted the date of September 11. Twenty-one, the number of years since our world was shaken and our feeling of security forever taken away. Our children have been growing up in a world with lockdown and safety drills. However, they do not remember that day or the societal changes. They were not born, most of their parents just children themselves. As we have learned that when we do not learn from history, it repeats, making it imperative for us to teach our children about that day. Following the 21st anniversary of 9/11, and just after Yom Kippur, our holiday to remember and strive to work on being better people, the eighth grade Yeshiva of Central Queens students headed out for their yearly trip to the National September 11 Memorial and Museum.
Students learned about this day in their social studies class with their teacher Mrs. Melissa Meisel. They each chose a name of a person who lost their life when the Towers collapsed and traced their names that are etched into the parapets surrounding the memorial pools, to help them make a personal connection. They then entered the memorial where they saw through various forms of media as well as artifacts that survived, that helped those in attendance understand the fear, the pain and most important, see the unity and support that came following the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil ever.
The students saw videos of people watching the Towers fall, read and listened to personal stories and saw burnt our fire trucks and steal beams from the actual Twin Towers. Every room brought new meaning and a deeper understanding.
When most students think about a school field trip, the first thing that comes to mind is hanging out with friends and having fun. It was nice to see that inside the walls of the memorial, students remained solemn and serious, but when outside staring out over the water, with bridges and the Statue of Liberty staring back, they could laugh and enjoy their time with friends, just being kids.

New York NCSY spearheaded a unique outreach operation to inspire Jews who have never had a sukkah of their own to experience the immersive mitzva of Sukkot. Now in its third year, The Sukkah Project gifts sukkahs to families across New York who are committed to eating meals in their sukkah and hosting other Jewish friends and family.
This year, NCSY provided 67 Jewish homes with a sukkah, and with these families averaging 20 guests over the chag, over 1,300 unaffiliated Jews experienced Sukkos in a way they never had before. In addition to providing the physical structure, NCSY also arranged for Zoom classes to teach participants about the spiritual themes of the chag and set each family up with teen volunteers from local yeshiva day schools to help them build their Sukkah.
“Building a sukkah adjacent to your home for eight days is a significant commitment for people who don’t live in a frum community and do not identify as fully observant,” said Rabbi Gideon Black, CEO of New York NCSY. “I find their willingness to step out of their comfort zone to be incredibly impressive.”
The families who made the commitment found it to be really uplifting and hope to encourage their friends to take part in the Sukkah Project next year. “This is a remarkable journey and a true blessing it has been to have shared our first sukkah with our friends and family,” said Lori Levine from Bellmore, NY. “Never would I have thought that by having our new sukkah I would feel even more connected to Judaism, NCSY, and new friendships than I have by sharing in this experience.”
Brooklyn mom R Vays added, “The family quality time that we got from this experience is completely priceless. We had such a good time putting the sukkah together and building it, decorating it, and most importantly inviting the grandparents to join us for a meal. It was like ‘eating in our little clubhouse.’ It taught us so much to appreciate family while enjoying the holiday.”
Kayla Paul, a sophomore in SKA, one of the teens who volunteered to help build for the Sukkah Project during the Aseret Yemei Teshuva, reflected, “Building sukkahs with my friends was so meaningful. We’ve never built a sukkah before, so we were a bit nervous and unsure what to expect. But…it was an awesome bonding experience! It was so crazy to think that this family may have not even had a sukkah if we didn’t come to help.” The Sukkah Project is a fantastic example of the inspirational year-round programming that New York NCSY does to inspire Jewish teens and their families to grow in their Judaism. Forty generous donors funded The Sukkah Project. To support upcoming outreach initiatives that NCSY is coordinating, please reach out to Rabbi Mikey Albala at ma@ncsy.org.

The talmidos of the Ganger Early Childhood Center at TAG were so excited to wear the beautiful Rosh Chodesh necklaces that their parents made for them at orientation Eretz Hakodesh sponsored a sukkah and kiddush at the Rova, Jewish Quarter of Old City of Jerusalem, during the first two days of yom tov, welcoming all guests on their way back from davening at the Kosel

Beginnings at Central
Internships Resume at Yeshiva Ateres Eitz Chaim
The beginning of the fall semester is an exciting time at Central, a period of introduction during which students form new friendships and cultivate new interests. It’s also a period of introduction in the classroom, when teachers set the tone for the year with activities that will inspire.
The month of September brought thought-provoking units from all fronts at Central. In Mrs. April McNally’s Health class, students addressed crucial issues of mental health. “As a class, we learned that there should be more awareness and education around these topics,” Mrs. McNally said.
Junior Arielle Bronstein discussed some of the media that was incorporated into the lesson: “We watched a Ted Talk about teen depression and talked about the stigmas surrounding discussions on mental health,” she said. “It was worthwhile.”
In the Science Department, the juniors of Mr. Sabyasachi Rath’s Physics class made the Central gym their lab, as

Internships have resumed for the talmidim of Yeshiva Ateres Eitz Chaim. Students spend time interning at businesses in different industries. Their work not only gives them an opportunity to build their resume but is a hands-on approach to learn how a business operates, as well as broadening their network of contacts. Some of the businesses that talmidim intern at are Wolf Phone Repairs, Warren Levi Martial Arts & Fitness, MOD Vascular, and CoJDS. they learned about the concept of velocity by using toy cars, meter sticks, and stopwatches. They recorded the distance traveled by cars at different times, then graphed the data and analyzed their graphs to find the velocity of the toy cars. And in Ms. Kayla Whitaker’s American Literature classes, juniors were charged with writing literary journalism essays as their first major writing assignment of the year after having read Dave Eggers’ 2009 nonfiction work Zeitoun, which covers one man’s experience during Hurricane Katrina. Essays ranged from first-hand accounts of stadium concerts and summer work experiences to interviews with family members and friends about political and social events. Junior Ora Nakhon praised the experience: “The literary journalism assignment was very interesting, fun, and enjoyable to write,” she said, “because I got to interview another individual and write about their experience as an engaging story, while also adding my own perspective.”
Shulamith Simchat Beit Hashoeva

Around the Community Hershey Park Chol Hamoed Fun Assemblyman Ari Brown’s Listening Tour

Brown would also like to thank the gracious host venues for the district tour: Point Lookout Deli Café, Central Perk Café in Cedarhurst, and the public libraries of Island Park, Long Beach, Hewlett-Woodmere and Oceanside. Constituents are welcome to contact Brown by emailing browna@ nyassembly.gov, calling 516-431-0500, or writing 525 Chestnut Street, Suite 103, Cedarhurst, NY 11516.
On October 13, over 600 Chai Lifeline children and families from across the New York, New Jersey/Pennsylvania and Mid-Atlantic regions had a blast at a special Chol Hamoed Hershey Park event.
“As a mom of a sick child who is regularly in and out of the hospital and medical appointments, family time can be a rarity,” said Sarah, a Chai Lifeline mom. “To have an exciting day at the park with a dedicated medical team onsite, meant my family and I could really enjoy Chol Hamoed in a way we usually cannot.”
In addition to all the usual rides and attractions, Chai Lifeline set up special surprise stations for families throughout the park. Each station was manned by volunteers who distributed gifts ranging from cotton candy and snacks to teddy bears and custom Chai Lifeline gear. Kids and adults alike had a great time exploring the park, collecting their surprises, and meeting other Chai Lifeline families.
“It was really amazing to watch families spend time together and connect with one another,” said Faige Yudkovsky, Chai Lifeline director of volunteer services. “These events provide a vital opportunity to bond in such a relaxed and supportive environment.” Chai Lifeline is an international children’s health support network providing social, emotional, and financial assistance to children with life-threatening or lifelong illnesses and their families. To learn more, visit www.chailifeline.org. Assemblyman Ari Brown (R -Cedarhurst) has just concluded his “Around Town with Assemblyman Ari Brown” listening tour. The assemblyman held office hours in Point Lookout, Island Park, Long Beach, Hewlett, Oceanside, and Cedarhurst. His goal was to connect with constituents on a one-on-one basis, offer help from his office and discuss legislative initiatives and other important local issues.
“I have enjoyed every stop on the listening tour, and I have learned a great deal from the people who care about our community and that we have some important work ahead. It has been rewarding to meet one-on-one with my constituents to help resolve their issues,” said Brown. “Thank you to everyone who came to sit down with me and share their opinions and ideas. Although this tour has concluded for this year, I encourage residents to reach out any time to my office. My staff and I are eager to help.”

In honor of Parshas Noach, the Gesher students were treated to an exciting reptile show with snakes, turtles, lizards, and more! The children had an opportunity to interact with all the reptiles and even hold them.
Rabbi Tzvi Krigsman, Menahel Yeshiva Ketana of Long Island, at a recent Kesivas Osiyos for a Hachnasas Sefer Torah in Lawrence

Little Friends Gan of North Woodmere enjoyed a petting zoo for Parshas Noach

Aquarium Is a Labor of Love at Mercaz Academy
JSL Juniors
This past Sunday, the boys continued to develop their skills in the JSL’s Juniors division and are showing tremendous improvement from the start of the season! In K/P Hockey, Yehuda Schwartz scored 2 goals and Benji Blumenthal made some amazing saves as goalie. In 1st Hockey, Yossi Efroymson of Built By Nate made 6 incredible saves in goal and Akiva Greenspan made some excellent defensive plays. In K/P Soccer, Aryeh Schwerd scored 2 goals for Simcha Day Camp in their victory over Gourmet Glatt. In 1st/2nd Football, KolSave and ARG played a very competitive, tight game. On the final drive, Shua Heimowitz caught the game-winning Touchdown to give KolSave the win! Avi Krigsman played an incredible game for WestWood Realty.
JSL Basketball League
3rd Grade: Solly Schattner of Maidenbaum scored from 25 feet away. Eli Alishayev and Game MVP Aharon Resnick led ARG to an 18-11 win, highlighted by an amazing fade-away jumper by Eli Alishayev. 4th/5th Grade: Alpert Financial held off Carving Block 15-13 in an exciting game to the end. Max Edery hit 4 Free Throws to seal the deal. Dovi Mlynsky played an excellent game for 925 Sterling. 6th-8th Grade: Wieder Orthodontics & 5 Towns Pediatric Dentistry put on an offensive show - scoring a combined 96 points! Wieder Orthodontics, led by Game MVP Yoni Schaffran, took home the win, 52-44. Paradigm defeated Five Towns Orthodontics 44-33.
JSL Hockey League
2nd/3rd Grade: JNT and Paradigm were locked up at 2-2 when Paradigm unleashed a scoring clinic, scoring 3 straight goals to win 5-2! Gavriel Levine put on a scoring clinic by himself for Posh Home + Bath, scoring 9 goals in a 9-6 victory! 4th/5th: Yosef Bryks was the hero for Town Appliance, scoring the winning goal in a shootout over Meat + Board in what was a great defensive game! Alpert Financial defeated 5 Towns Pediatric Dentistry 6-2 6th-8th: Wieder Orthodontics shut out JNT 12-0 behind 25 saves from goalie Ikey Fragin. Posh narrowly defeated Five Towns Central 2-1. Five Towns Orthodontics escaped with a 5-4 victory over BayRock Insurance.
JSL Men’s Basketball Game of the Week
The Fall 2022 Men’s Basketball season held its season opener this past Sunday. Team Pip Printing led by Captain Effie Hoffman and 3-time MVP Yitzi Wieder are looking to win their 4th straight JSL Championship! John’s Auto played tough against the 3 time Champs, but PIP was able to hold on led by a great offensive performance from Zev Teitelbaum.

Game of the Week
Team Elegant Lawns was down 4-2 to Sharona Beck but scored 2 goals to tie it up at 4. The teams played exceptional defense for the remainder of the game and headed to a shootout. Shmuel Sitzer was the hero for Elegant Lawns, scoring in the shootout, which was his 3rd goal of the game!
Swag Alert
All Hockey participants received JSL sweatshirts courtesy of FM Home Loans. There were also sweat towels from Island Roofing and water bottles from Five Towns Orthodontics. Lastly, the coaches received gift certificates and sweatshirts in appreciation for coaching their sons’ teams! For more info about the league or to register for Winter, check out 5tjsl.com.
The fish are weaving dreamily among waving green fronds in the Mercaz Academy freshwater aquarium as Avinoam Biderman of Fish Tank Love cleans the tank. Three young students are watching him work with interest. These children are waiting for parents who are running late, but no one feels anxious or upset. They are calm, centered, patient.
“Molly and Roee Mordechai, who have three children enrolled at Mercaz Academy, contacted me last year to ask if we’d like a freshwater aquarium,” said Mercaz Academy principal Rabbi Kalman Fogel. “I said, ‘Of course!’ Aquariums are an amazing educational tool, and I was excited to have one here, for so many reasons. They have been proven to lower anxiety; they’re very relaxing.”
Once the donation was made, Rabbi Fogel needed a metal stand that could support a 125-gallon tank.
“I thought of Lior Levi, a Mercaz parent who is a master metalsmith and does custom work. He immediately agreed and donated his time and materials to make us a beautiful custom stand,” said Rabbi Fogel. “Then the Mordechais put me in touch with Avinoam Biderman of Fish Tank Love.” Mr. Biderman, who lives in Plainview, performs all the professional maintenance a large tank like this one needs as a gift to Mercaz Academy.
The aquarium is frequently used by teachers. STEM teacher Liz Gonzales-Spagnuolo uses it for several different projects; last year, one of her classes designed a planet for specific fish-based life forms, gathering inspiration by studying the tank. Elizabeth Danziger, the art teacher, uses it to teach drawing from observation and distorted perspectives. Esther Vaknin’s Nursery Alef students always come down for a visit when they feel overwhelmed during the school day, and never fail to return to class centered and smiling.
“Everyone loves the aquarium,” said Rabbi Fogel. “I sometimes come over

The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 27, 2022 SHS Sophomores Rocking It
By Libby Regensberg and Mia Kaplowitz
This past Motzei Shabbos, Shulamith’s 10th grade rocked our rock climbing Melava Malka trip. As we reenter routine life and have a full schedule of classes after the Tishrei marathon, it’s extra fun to share good times with friends outside of the classroom. On this unifying grade trip, students had the opportunity to be b’yachad outside of school in an exciting environment. Throughout the trip, you could hear students cheering on fellow classmates while they faced their fears, encouraging friends who are a little afraid of heights to climb higher than they thought they would!
This fun-filled trip promoted student connection and gave us the chance to enjoy a nice time away from our work.

YOSS Boys Work Together During STEM
Freddy the worm needed help, and Mrs. Lloyd’s fourth grade boys were there to rescue him! Freddy’s boat capsized, and the students had to work collaboratively to figure out how to save him. The students used their STEM skills to save Freddy. Some groups created a life preserver using paper clips and candy mentos and were able to pull Freddy out just in time! To make the project a bit more challenging, the students were not allowed to touch the worm or the life preserver. This challenge did not deter them from accomplishing the task.
All the boys know that a big part of working together is listening and respecting others’ ideas and opinions. We are so proud of the boys for working together and saving Freddy. The boys are looking forward to solving more challenges in STEM. Following the yom tov break, MTA is back in full swing. On Sunday morning, freshmen talmidim and their families attended the annual freshmen family breakfast. After a delicious breakfast buffet, families competed in an exciting panoply game that tested the knowledge of participants on a wide range of topics.
On Monday morning, seniors participating in the Names Not Numbers program had the privilege of hearing from Mr. Jonah Kaplan, WCCO and CBS News Minnesota’s investigative reporter, who has built a strong reputation for his balanced and in-depth coverage of high-impact issues including the economy, immigration, education, public safety, and the military, among others. Jonah actually started in sports working behind the scenes with TV crews at YES Network and ESPN, but later made the switch to news in part to watch the games instead of work them! His work on-air has since appeared on CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN and MSNBC. Jonah is a two-time winner of the TV News Reporter of the Year award from the Radio Television Digital News Association (RTDNA) of the Carolinas, as well as a four-time Emmy nominee. He has conducted exclusive interviews with President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, President Donald Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and governors of several states, among others.
Mr. Kaplan gave the senior talmidim invaluable advice on interviewing as they prepare to interview Holocaust survivors, and he reiterated the critical importance of this project.

Assemblymember Rosenthal Delivers Additional NYPD Vans for the 107th Precinct

Assemblymember Daniel Rosenthal joined officers from the 107th Precinct this week for an unveiling of a brand-new police van for the New York Police Department obtained through capital funding that Assemblymember Rosenthal was able to secure has hit the streets to serve and protect the Kew Gardens Hills, Pomonok and Fresh Meadows communities.
The $125,000 funding for new police vehicles, which Rosenthal secured within the State and Municipal Facilities (SAM) grant program, will help to alleviate the growing logistical demand for the New York Police Department amid an alarming rise in crime to transport officers around the 107’s area of responsibility.
“Precincts around the city are stretched to their operational limits,” said Assemblymember Daniel Rosenthal (D-Kew Gardens Hills), “both in manpower and logistically. While the brave men and women of the NYPD confront the crime epidemic that continues to afflict our city, I am proud to deliver this essential equipment for the 107 and its officers to better keep our families and communities safe.”

As Jews throughout the world roll the Torah back to the beginning, the children at Shulamith ECC are excited to learn Parashat Hashavua and explore and internalize all the beautiful messages and information that each parsha contains. The Morot at Shulamith are experts at integrating Torah messages throughout the day, not only at parsha time but as the children learn math and science and literacy as well.
Parashat Noach is the perfect time for an in-depth study of the amazing creatures Hashem created. Beginning with the visit of a petting zoo, our young scientists have the opportunity to examine real animals up close and personal. They feed, pet, count, groom, and even ride the animals as they ask the farmers myriad questions. Back in the classroom, they peruse books about animals, sing about animals, and write books about animals. The children invite pets to visit and take the opportunity to find out more about the animal visitors to the classroom. The Pre-1A children conduct a research study to find out more about animals as they classify, graph, create representations of animals, and read and write about animals. Studying animals is a perfect way to target foundational skills in all the important curriculum areas.
Of course, the most important message the Morot convey to their young charges as they teach Parashat Noach is that the keshet reassures us that Hashem always takes care of us and loves us so much.
Did you know? A study found that retailers charge an average of 7.98 percent more for pumpkin spice products
The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 27, 2022 Novominsk on Chumash Vol 1.
By Rabbi Yecheskel Ostreicher
Without the Torah, the world is an icy, cold, and threatening place. It is the Torah — the unique possession of Klal Yisrael — and the Divine message that it contains that melts the ice. The Torah warms the entire atmosphere, the person who learns Torah, his family, and his home, and it sustains our lives with meaning and purpose. - From the Novominsker Rebbe’s address at the Tenth Siyum HaShas of Daf HaYomi
Yes, thousands warmed themselves with the Torah of Rav Yaakov Perlow zt”l, the Novominsker Rebbe. He was a rebbe and rosh yeshivah. A leader of the worldwide Torah community. A brilliant thinker, gifted speaker and writer, a compassionate guide and advisor to thousands, and, of course, an outstanding talmid chacham and gadol.
In a brand new volume, Novominsk on Chumash Vol. 1, published by ArtScroll/Mesorah, Rabbi Yecheskel Ostreicher, a close talmid of Rav Perlow, has drawn upon the rebbe’s shiurim, speeches and writings to give us a rich and rewarding understanding of the Torah the rebbe loved so much. In these pages, we find fascinating explanations of the words of Sefer Bereishis and Sefer Shemos, inspiring vignettes about the rebbe’s total devotion to Torah study and to every single Jew, as well as a selection of divrei Torah from geonim and gedolim of previous generations that the rebbe used to quote.
In these penetrating yet easy-to-read explanations, we learn to better understand the holy words of Torah – and, indeed, we will also better understand ourselves and our mission in life. • • • • •
The following is an excerpt of a thought from the rebbe on Parashas Noach.
Hashem smelled the pleasant aroma... “I will not continue to curse again the ground because of man, since the imagery of man’s heart is evil from his youth” (8:21).
Rashi says in Parashas Vayikra (1:9) that “rei’ach nichoach” in reference to korbanos means nachas ruach, contentment, for Hashem that His will was carried out. Interestingly, Rashi does not explain these words here. Why is that?
Furthermore, the second half of the pasuk, which describes man as evil from his youth, is puzzling. Why is the fact that man has evil in him from when he is born a reason that Hashem will not destroy the world? Shouldn’t that be a reason why man should be condemned?
The answer, says the Ramban, is that Hashem had found a justification for man’s evil behavior. The korban that Noach brought had an immense impact in Heaven, awakening rachmanus, mercy, on man. The korban demonstrated that although man sins often, there is still reason to allow him to exist. Even with all the problems of man, there is a “silver lining.”
Prior to the Mabul, Hashem said of the inhabitants of the world that they were rak ra kol hayom, [nothing] but evil always (Bereishis 6:5). However, when Noach brought the korban, he caused a change in Shamayim. He caused Hashem to say that the world is in truth redeemable, despite all the evil that people do. Noach’s korban served not as a source of contentment, like a regular korban, but as appeasement for the evil actions of mankind. That is why Rashi does not explain the meaning of rei’ach nichoach in this parashah.
The Baal HaTurim cites a mesorah that the phrase vayorach es rei’ach appears in two places: here, and again when Yaakov came to receive Yitzchak’s blessing: Vayorach es reiach bekadav, He smelled the fragrance of his garments (Bereishis 27:27). The Baal HaTurim adds that Chazal (Sanhedrin 37a) read this pasuk as rei’ach bogdov, the fragrance of His betrayers; Yitzchak smelled the fragrance of those who would betray Him. This teaches that even the evil sinners of
Klal Yisrael have some good in them, which brings contentment to Hashem.
Why is this remez written specifically here? It is because just as the korban of Noach brought Hashem happiness, so to speak, despite all the sin and destruction that had just taken place, so are the sinners of Klal Yisrael redeemable through their positive actions, even if few and far between.