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Notable Quotes
The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER 24, 2022 Notable Quotes
With just 720 days to go before the next election, a Florida retiree made the surprise announcement that he was running for president. In a move no political pundit saw coming, avid golfer Donald J. Trump kicked things off at Mar-a-Lago, his resort and classified-documents library. Trump, famous for gold-plated lobbies and for firing people on reality television, will be 78 in 2024. If elected, Trump would tie Joe Biden as the oldest president to take office. His cholesterol levels are unknown, but his favorite food is a charred steak with ketchup. He has stated that his qualifications for office include being a “stable genius.” Trump also served as the 45th president.
- Tongue-in-cheek coverage of former President Donald Trump’s announcement that he’s running for president again, appearing on the 28th page of the New York Post, whose owner Rupert Murdoch renounced his support for Trump, resulting in a public falling-out between the two
To me, just seeing that discrimination, it doesn’t matter if I’m white or black. This is blatant, and I would just hope that other people who have also experienced this would step forward.
Shalom :)
– Tweet by an anti-Semitic entertainer after he was let back onto Twitter
We would very much like to be excluded from this narrative.
- Tweet in response by Israel’s Foreign Ministry
Your tweets are good! More countries should tweet like this. No fun being all stuffy.
- Elon Musk commenting on Israel’s tweet
I get asked, “Who’s the most dangerous person in the world? Is it Chairman Kim, is it Xi Jinping?” The most dangerous person in the world is Randi Weingarten; it’s not a close call. If you ask, “Who’s the most likely to take this republic down?” It would be the teachers unions and the filth that they’re teaching our kids.
- Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo talking about American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten
His biceps are as big as my calves. Look at this. There’s a man. I hope we’re on the same side.
- President Joe Biden at the G20 Summit when he noticed a muscular cameraman
Sir, he’s Russian.
- An unidentified bystander
I don’t care who he is. He’s got some real biceps. We call them guns.
- Pres. Biden, in response
Take his handling of COVID. The pandemic was not necessarily fatal to Trump’s reelection chances. What hurt Trump was not the substance of his decisions, but his tonal response. His behavior reinforced what many people found repellant about his personality. He yielded to his impulse for pettiness and pointless nastiness; got drawn into infantile name-calling spats; and, in his press conferences, made everything about himself.
– William Barr, Attorney General under Trump, writing in the New York Post why he no longer supports Trump
Trump’s extraordinarily divisive actions since losing in 2020 are not those of someone capable of leading a party, much less a country. Right after his defeat, he treacherously sabotaged GOP efforts to hold the Georgia Senate seats. The GOP’s poor performance in the recent midterms was due largely to Trump’s mischief. He fueled internal fights within state parties. He attacked popular Republican governors in Maryland, New Hampshire, and Arizona to dissuade them from running for Senate seats they could have won. He supported weak candidates for key Senate and House seats based solely on their agreeing with his “stolen election” claims. And after foisting these candidates on the GOP, he failed to provide them adequate financial support, largely sitting on a massive war chest of cash raised from small dollar donors.
– Ibid.
Sloppy Bill Barr was a weak and ineffective Attorney General who was fired (he didn’t quit!), and now he’s nothing more than a disgruntled former “employee.” Barr was a “Bushie” who was petrified of being Impeached, which the Dems were going to do until he changed course on the Rigged Election. He knows nothing about the Document Hoax, & as a lawyer & former A.G., shouldn’t be talking. Weak RINO Bill Barr always caved to the Dems, & is a disgrace to the Republican Party, & our Nation!
- Trump, responding on social media

Not everyone gets obituaries three times in their life.
- Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu talking about how he was believed to be politically dead three times already
I think the context is that whether or not they’re pulling back from Fallujah… from the city of Kherson.
- Pres. Joe Biden mistakenly referring to the Iraqi town of Fallujah while talking about the Ukrainian city of Kherson

- Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) when asked about running against Trump in 2024
Michael got offended about something I said about him. And we haven’t spoken in probably almost 10 years. And he was my best friend at the time. And I love the dude like a brother, and we’re both stubborn and we haven’t talked.
- NBA Hall of Famer and broadcaster Charles Barkley talking about his falling-out with Michael Jordan
He’s a politician — but he also can be a normal governor. In other words, after the storm, he can stand with President Biden like a normal governor does and work with them and then send some migrants to Martha’s Vineyard. You know, and that’s a very powerful thing to have both those elements.
- Bill Maher, HBO, talking about Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL)

Yeah, I need barbecue!
- Comedian Jay Leno to a reporter, after leaving the hospital with burns due to a car fire in his garage