3 minute read
How Do I Get Through To You? by Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS
How Do I Get Through to You?!
By Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., LMFT, CLC, SDS
What do “pass out” and “password” have in common?
I think we all know that if we have to remember, or come up with, one more password we’ll probably pass out!
Your password is supposed to be some whole big secret. Yet, the only one it seems to be a secret from is you!
Someone said that they utilize the same password for everything. I’d like to know how they do that? And the truth is, I actually can’t ask them because I don’t recall who they were, the same way I don’t recall my passwords. Anyway, how can they keep using the same password if the rules keep changing?
Older passwords didn’t need caps, or numbers, or an exact amount of letters, or some punctuation marks included. Now, passwords must include a sampling of every part of the English language. And who knows where it will go next? Perhaps you’ll need emojis or personalized pictures, too.
You may be wondering why all this irritates me? Or maybe not?
And personally, a lot of what they demand a password for, I don’t even care if anyone has access to.
Why does everything need to be con-
trolled automatically? Why don’t we get a say?
After all, when you go to a hotel room, you get a choice whether or not you want to lock your stuff away in their safe. They don’t force you to put everything you own in the safe before giving you access to the room!
But with access to everything else these days, “no password, no entry”!
I honestly avoid looking things up because I don’t remember my password. And I “love” when someone volunteers to create one for me, for example, an account on Instacart. So “sweet” of them.
They might as well just not bother helping me at all. Because, if I’m having trouble figuring out how my mind was working the day I set up a password, how in the world do they expect me to figure out how their mind was working for me that day?! Thank goodness people still let you have a conversation with them without having to open with a password!
Because, if things get any more complex in accessing something you want to do, like having a conversation, I think I’ll just “pass” on having any new conversations at all. I’ll just stick with the people who accept as a starter the old dependable, “Hi, how are you?” even if they couldn’t care less how I am! At least, we can get in the door and begin to chat without having to strain our brain thinking of a password to get started.
So, I’ll pass on “passwords” any day. And I’ll just “pass this word” along to you: be a Person (with a caps) who wins awards 4 paying a10tion 2 U-minz rather than passwords!
Rivki Rosenwald is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist working with both couples and individuals and is a certified relationship counselor. Rivki is a co-founder and creator of an effective Parent Management of Adolescent Years Program. She can be contacted at 917705-2004 or at rivkirosenwald@gmail.com.