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Healthy Habits for the New Year by Aliza Beer, MS RD
Healthy Habits for the New Year
By Aliza Beer MS, RD, CDN
As we embark on 2023, there is no better time to take charge of our diet in order to guarantee a happy and healthy new year. “We are what we eat,” so making sure our body is well nourished with adequate nutrients is the best way to thrive. With optimal nutritional practices, engaging in regular physical activity, and maintaining a healthy weight, 2023 will be a success!
Carbohydrates are the body’s main source of fuel, and ensuring we consume enough carbohydrates as well as the right carbohydrates is critical to having enough energy. Food sources of carbohydrates include bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, and cereal. It is important to focus on whole wheat products that are high in fiber in order to promote a healthy bowel. Fiber helps to prevent and relieve constipation, as well as preventing high cholesterol levels and maintaining satiety. Select whole wheat or whole grain bread over white bread and whole wheat pasta over white pasta. Refined products (non-whole wheat) have had the bran and germ removed during the milling process. The bran contains the majority of the fiber, and the germ contains many vitamins and minerals. Refined grains are digested more quickly and may cause a more rapid spike in your blood sugar, whereas whole wheat products are digested over a longer period of time and help to increase satiety.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends that healthy individuals consume 5 or more single ounce servings of carbohydrates per day depending on age and gender, and at least half of these should be whole grains. Examples of a one ounce serving includes 1 slice of bread, ½ cup cooked rice or pasta, or 1 cup of ready to eat unsweetened cereal.
Protein has many important functions in the body, such as cellular growth and repair, muscle contractions, and hormone and antibody production. In order for the body to perform all these functions, it is critical to consume adequate protein. Most healthy individuals should aim to consume 0.8g/kg of protein, and this increases for athletes as well as with age or injury. Protein can be found in meat, fish, dairy and eggs, which are the most bioavailable sources of protein, as well as plant-based sources such as lentils, pea, soy, nuts and seeds. While a high protein and low carbohydrate diet has become fashionable, ensuring you consume both protein and carbohydrates is critical as less energy can be derived from protein. Adding salmon or chicken to your whole wheat pasta or chickpeas and nuts to your salad is a great way to maintain adequate protein levels.
Fats are often demonized, however, consuming heart healthy, unsaturated fats is important for energy production, cellular growth, and to provide insulation, as well as to protect your vital organs. Heart healthy unsaturated fats also help to prevent the buildup of LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and lower blood pressure. Oily fish, such as salmon or sardines, avocados, nuts, and seeds are all great sources of unsaturated fats. It is important to focus on unsaturated fats and to limit trans and saturated fats to protect your body from the buildup of cholesterol and to protect your heart health. When cooking, use olive oil, avocado oil, or flaxseed oil over coconut oil or butter which are higher in trans and saturated fats.
Fruits and vegetables are full of vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber and antioxidants which helps to support our overall health and functioning. The most colorful fruits and vegetables contain more antioxidants and help to protect the body against inflammation. Examples of these include berries, beets, carrots, tomatoes, and sweet potatoes. When preparing fruit and vegetables, it is important not to remove the skin as the majority of fiber is found there, and this helps to add texture and flavor to your meals. Try to prioritize eating fruits and vegetables instead of juicing them or blend them with the skin on to gain maximal nutritional benefit. Apples with low-fat high-protein Greek yogurt or carrots with hummus are great snacks that
contain both fruit and vegetables as well as proteins. Why not also add pomegranate seeds to your salad or berries to your oatmeal in the morning?
It is important to consume meals and snacks often throughout the day to remain satiated and to maintain constant blood sugar levels. Going for longer periods of time without eating will increase hunger and may cause you to consume a greater quantity of food, while making less mindful choices later! Skipping meals slows down the metabolism, which causes us to burn fewer calories and may lead to weight gain in the long term. Additionally, skipping meals may result in headaches or a feeling of fatigue and weakness, due to a lack of fuel. If weight loss is the goal, then it is recommended to eat small frequent meals.
Preparing healthy meals and snack options early on in the week is a great way to make certain you will eat well throughout the week and will not devour the first thing in sight because you are too hungry to wait and cook. Chopping up fruit or preparing a salad or fish that you can quickly heat up is a smart way to remain healthy. Focus on snacks that contain whole foods such as carrots and hummus or a green smoothie instead of chips or granola bars that are high in high fructose corn syrup. These types of snacks are heavily processed and tend to be high in sodium as well as saturated and trans fat. Frequent consumption of these foods may lead to adverse health effects and the development of chronic disease.
Breakfast is a meal that is often missed; however, studies have shown that skipping breakfast is directly correlated with being overweight or obese. Eating a healthy breakfast kickstarts your metabolism and helps to maintain steady blood sugar levels throughout the day, as well as cholesterol. Start your day with a warm bowl of oatmeal with berries or an egg white omelet with whole wheat toast. Beginning your day with a healthy breakfast is a great way to ensure you remain satiated and have enough energy to get through the day.
Engaging in physical exercise regularly is critical to promote health and pre-
vent weakness, as well as for maintaining a healthy weight. The American Heart Association recommends that healthy individuals should engage in 150 minutes (2.5 hours) of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity per week or a combination of both. Individuals should also engage in strength training activity at least 2 days per week and spend less time sitting. Examples of moderate intensity activity include a brisk walk or gardening. Vigorous activities include running, swimming laps, or tennis. An inactive lifestyle increases the risk of developing chronic disease and participating in regular physical activity helps you to live longer and stronger.
To guarantee a successful 2023, make sure you adequately nourish your body by consuming enough fiber, fruit and vegetables, as well as heart healthy fats and proteins. Try to limit added sugar and sodium from your diet and engage in regular physical activity. Additionally, try to maintain a constant intake and keep your fridge stocked with healthy snacks and homecooked meals. These choices will help you to live longer and stronger. wishing you all a happy and healthy 2023!
Aliza Beer is a registered dietitian with a master’s degree in nutrition. She has a private practice in Cedarhurst, NY. Patients’ success has been featured on the Dr. Oz show. Aliza can be reached at alizabeer@gmail.com, and you can follow her on Instagram at @alizabeer