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Biden Approval Slipping
Koonce, the head of school who was killed, wrote on the school's website that it has “a unique challenge — to educate twenty-first-century children in a way that prepares them to impact their culture and think in accordance with timeless Truth.
“Never before have we known more about the skills and experiences students need to be successful and develop skills. But, we must be about more.”
Hale had no previous criminal record but had planned the massacre carefully with detailed maps and surveillance, police said. Still, authorities say that they can’t confirm that certain people were targeted.
Hale came to the school on Monday with two AR-style weapons and a handgun. Two of those three weapons were legally obtained in the Nashville area.
She was confronted by five officers and two of them opened fire, killing her.
People are becoming weary of President Joe Biden’s job at the White House. In a poll published on Tuesday, only 40 percent of respondents approved of the job Biden is doing as president –down from 42 percent in a poll taken last month.
Biden’s approval also dropped on key issues like the economy and foreign policy. On the economy, 32 percent of respondents approve of the job the president has done, compared to 34 percent in February and 31 percent in August last year.
The Gallup poll was taken between March 1-23, a period in which the Biden administration scrambled to contain the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, the largest banking failure since the subprime mortgage crisis that helped spur the 2008 financial crisis.
Biden has also continued to face pressure over rising inflation and the Federal Reserve’s ongoing interest rate hikes. On foreign affairs, 38 percent of respondents approved of the job the president has done, down from 41 percent last month.
The United States is playing a major role in the conflict in Ukraine. Additionally, China is on the radar, with news of a Chinese spy balloon floating over the United States before being shot down off the East Coast dominating headlines last month.
On energy and the environment, 43 percent of respondents approved of Biden’s handling of environmental issues, while 38 percent approved of the job the president has done on energy policy.
Looking forward to Biden ’24? On Monday, a Monmouth University poll found 25 percent of Democrat respondents said they want Biden to run for reelection in 2024, while 44 percent of Democrats surveyed believe that Biden should step aside.