2 minute read
Around the Community Shloshim L’Koach: Aish Kodesh Celebrates 30 Incredible Years

Thirty years of a most unique makom tefillah, a shul where Yiddishkeit comes alive for man, woman and child. A shul whose focus is not only on talmud Torah and limud haTorah, but a special place where Yidden can connect with Hakadosh Baruch Hu, their rabbanim, and, of course, to one another. Led by their legendary Mara D’asra Rav Moshe Weinberger, shlit”a, and Rebbetzin Myrna Weinberger, Aish Kodesh has just completed their third decade b’koach – with great strength.
The strength of youth combines with the wisdom of experience – and Aish Kodesh starts their fourth decade with the fire burning strong and bright as ever. This year’s honorees are a tremendous representation of the shuls thirty-year legacy, starting with the guests of honor, Rabbi & Rebbetzin Yoni Levin. Rabbi Levin is the Assistant Rabbi as well as the Rosh Yeshiva of the inaugural Yeshiva of South Florida. Rabbi Levin also capped this most special evening with his annual Siyum Hashas on all of Talmud Bavli.
The Kesser Shem Tov awardees, Chaim & Rebecca Schreck, were acknowledged and appreciated for their consistency in their avodas Hashem. The Schrecks are everything an Aish Kodesh family thrives to be, as they are pillars in the community, representing beautifully the three pillars of Yiddishkeit: Torah, avodah, and gemilus chassadim. The Nahum Gordon, a”h, Community Service Award, an honor given out annually to recognize specific service above and beyond to the shul and to the klal, was awarded to Josh & Allison
Richman. Josh and Allison are beloved by the entire kehilla, and the kehilla was happy to honor them. Their commitment to the shul was evident by the deep appreciation to the Richmans and hakaras hatov as well to the Schrecks and Levins. Aish Kodesh thanks all those involved in this beautiful dinner, and they look forward to continuing on to the next milestone in Yerushalayim, b’shana ha’bah!
Taste Tests for Pesach at YOSS Hollander ECC

“L’chaim,” said the kindergarten children at Yeshiva of South Shore’s Hollander ECC as they taste-tested different grape juices, as they began to learn all about the different parts of the Seder.

They all tasted 3 types of grape juice, 3 choices of karpas and different types of foods that are Hamotzi. They have confirmed that saltwater tastes like tears and have been acting out the story of Yetzias Mitzrayim.

Shredding Day Event
The magnificent weather on Sunday morning, March 26, provided a perfect backdrop for the nearly 500 Five Towns residents who participated in the Sanitary District No. 1 Shredding Day Event at district headquarters on Bay Blvd in Lawrence. The total volume of financial and other personal documents residents were able to securely shred and dispose of during the event exceeded 15 tons.
District Commissioner Avi Fertig, who was on-site managing the event, said, “My fellow commissioners, District Superintendent George Pappas, and the dedicated, hard-working employees of Sanitary District No. 1 were delighted by the massive turnout, and gratified by the community’s appreciation for this important service. Shredding Day was scheduled to coincide with Pesach and