3 minute read
Children’s Author Meish Goldish Visits Mercaz Academy

spring cleaning. Considering the huge success and obvious need, we’re already considering having another Shredding Day event later this year.”
SKA’s Antisemitism Program
Witnessing the rising rate of hate crimes directed at Jews across the country and throughout the world, SKA organized a special event on Tuesday, March 21, to openly discuss antisemitism with our students, exploring anti-Judaism and anti-Zionism from several perspectives.
Popular social media influencer and food blogger Mrs. Melinda Strauss (@ therealmelindastrauss) shared encouraging words with the entire student body about understanding and combating an- tisemitism. She described how she began to explain Judaism and Orthodoxy to her followers after receiving numerous questions about her online posts. Many people, Ms. Strauss found, had no idea what Jews practice or what Orthodoxy was and she receives many queries each day. She explained how she deals with haters on her accounts and spoke about confronting antisemitism in person and online. Emphasizing how proud and passionate she is of her faith, Ms. Strauss was a real inspiration to the students!
Mercaz Academy students were delighted to welcome children’s author Meish Goldish to their school in Plainview last week. Mr. Goldish, who has written over 500 children’s books during his career, spent the day at Mercaz with students from Nursery Aleph through fourth grade. The children loved listening to Mr. Goldish read some of his books aloud, but they were also kept in stitches listening to him sing his amusing original songs while accompanying himself on the guitar. And, as if that was not enough to impress the Mercaz students, Mr. Goldish told wonderful jokes like, “What cheese do we eat on Pesach? Matzah-rella!”
Mercaz students had many questions for Mr. Goldish about the writing process, such as whether he does his own illustrations (no, which he assured them was a good thing) and how he became a writer (an overactive imagination as a child was a great start). Mr. Goldish writes fiction, poetry, and jokebooks, but he also writes nonfiction, and he explained to his eager audience that a great deal of research goes into his nonfiction titles. He explained this process, focusing on the need to see things for oneself and consult experts. Mr. Goldish said that, while the internet is convenient for research, there is a great deal of unverified and incorrect information there, so it’s best to use it sparingly.
Mercaz Academy students felt that meeting a real author was a wonderful capstone to National Reading Month and are so grateful to Mr. Goldish for coming to see them–as well as to the Mercaz school librarian Francie Goldberg and executive director Rabbi Josh Kupchik for arranging the educational and entertaining visit.
Following Ms. Strauss’ presentation, SKA students attended interactive workshops on understanding what antisemitism is, how we can combat it, the Torah view, and dealing with antisemitism from the social emotional approach. There was much discussion and reflection among the students on the themes that were presented.
Thanks go to SKA faculty member Mrs. Kayla Bach for organizing this important program.

Embrace the Excitement of Mechiras Chametz with the Yorucha Program’s New Curriculum Far Rockaway and Five Towns Shuls Join the Program
The Yorucha Business Halacha Program, a groundbreaking initiative by the Bais Havaad Halacha Center, is thrilled to welcome the Far Rockaway, Five Towns, and Woodmere communities to participate in its latest “seasonal” topic focused on Mechiras Chametz. This timely and engaging curriculum is perfect for Pesach preparations, offering invaluable halachic insights to learners of all levels.
The Far Rockaway shuls, including Khal Zichron Moshe Dov led by Rabbi Ahron Stein, Sulitzer Bais Medrash led by Rabbi Avrohom Hartman, and Cong Kneseth Israel (White Shul) led by Rabbi Motti Neuburger and R’ Ahron Richman, have joined the Yorucha Program to participate in this engaging and informative curriculum.
In addition, the Greater Five Towns Chaburah (in formation), along with Yeshiva Gedolah Ateres Yaakov led by Rabbi Yisroel Gold, and Aish Kodesh led by Rabbi Yoni Levin, and Kehillas Bnai Hayeshivos led by Rabbi Shmuel Witkin from Woodmere have also joined the program.

The Yorucha Program’s Mechiras Chametz curriculum explores the halachic principles, legal intricacies, and practical applications of the sale of chametz. Participants will delve into topics such as the halachic basis for Mechiras Chametz, the process and requirements for a valid