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Chabad of the Five Towns Invites the Community to Enjoy a Spiritual Staycation
The stores have brought out the white shelf liners and the cars are lined up at the car wash even on rainy days. The Five Towns Community is getting ready to celebrate Passover, the Festival of Freedom. While some travel to the far corners of the earth to uphold the traditions in opulent style, Five Towns residents know they can still enjoy all the amenities and spiritual growth at home with Chabad of the Five Towns.
Chabad’s Itinerary: Mechirat Chametz, Gift of Matzah, Maot Chittim, Community Seder, Moshiach Seudah.
No luggage check needed. It is traditional not only to put your leavened products out of sight during Passover but also to sell them through a rabbi to a non-Jew. This is done in order to fulfill the commandment of no owning any chametz. You can sell your chametz on- line: ChabadFiveTowns.com/MechiratChametz
No airplane food here. Order your free box of three shemurah matzah matzos for you or a friend or neighbor to fulfill the mitzvah of eating handmade matzah at the Seder. ChabadFiveTowns. com/Matzah.
No extra fees: Help others instead.
Maot Chittim: Gift to the Poor. In the weeks preceding Passover, it is customary to assist needy families by providing them with monetary aid, enabling them to purchase all the Holiday necessities.

Rabbi Wolowik can represent you in your acts of charity and distribute funds to unfortunate families in the community.
Finally, we’ve arrived at our destination: the Seder. Chabad of the Five Towns invites anyone to participate in their
Seder in the Grand Tent at 74 Maple Avenue in Cedarhurst, on Wednesday, April 5, featuring a warm and inviting atmosphere with gourmet Passover cuisine. Adults $60, children $40. No one will be turned away due to lack of funds. Sponsorship available. ChabadFiveTowns. com/Seder.
To fulfill the mitzvos of a Chabad Seder in your own home, Seder To Go Kits are available. $36 per kit. One needed per household. ChabadFiveTowns.com/ SederToGo.
After 7 days of refining our nutritional and spiritual diets, the last day of Pesach is celebrated by eating a special, festive banquet called Moshiach’s seudah, a custom initiated by the Baal Shem Tov. The Tzemach Tzedek explained, “The last day of Pesach is the conclusion of that which began on the first night of Pesach. The first night of Pesach is our festival commemorating our redemption from Egypt by the Holy One, Blessed be He. It was the first redemption, carried out through Moshe Rabbeinu, who was the first redeemer; it was the beginning. The last day of Pesach is our festival commemorating the final redemption, when the Holy One, Blessed be He, will redeem us from the last exile through our righteous Moshiach, who is the final redeemer. The first day of Pesach is Moshe Rabbeinu’s festival; the last day of Pesach is Moshiach’s festival.” The meal will be taking place at Chabad on Thursday, April 13 at 6:30 p.m.
Drop your baggage and join Chabad on this special journey. Visit chabadfivetowns.com/pesach or call 516-295-2478 for questions.