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Parent-Child Sunday Learning Season Finale
The final Sunday Learning Program of the year at YCQ took place on Sunday, March 19. Rabbi Levitt gave a phenomenal shiur on the mitzvah of telling our children the story of our freedom from Mitzrayim. Thank you to all the students and parents who came to our shiurim throughout the year. Attendees were given a beautiful sefer and participated in a mega raffle that included a grand prize of an Xbox. Chazak, chazak, v’nitchazek!
Preparing for Pesach at BY5T
The girls at Bais Yaakov
As the children at Yeshiva of South Shore ECC learned about Pesach inside and outside the classroom, they engaged in array of makkos games and an assortment of frog-a-thon activities.

Leap frog, jumping, hopping and ribbiting were just a few activities. They also enjoyed balanced and walking carefully through the Yam Suf. We call it “whole body learning.”
Five Towns are enjoying learning all about Pesach! Wearing their aprons and baker hats, they got to bake their own matzah and enthusiastically participated in the entire process. They were also privileged to enjoy and participate in a spectacular interactive Pesach show with Morah Naomi. They fed baby Moshe kosher milk, watched as the huge frog was hit -- so many little frogs came out – and squeaked as we sang the frog song. They “show-