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HANC Bat Mitzvah Program

The sixth grade girls in HANC’s Elementary School in West Hempstead have been preparing a special program celebrating their becoming B’not Mitzvah. Following a unit of learning that was prepared by Morah Aviva Sadigh, 6th grade Limudei Kodesh teacher, they researched their own Hebrew names. They then utilized their computer skills to create a PowerPoint presentation about their names, as well as delineating the qualities and middot of the person for whom they were named that they wanted to emulate as they grow up into young women.
On Sunday morning, the girls arrived accompanied by their honored guests: their mothers and grandmothers. The lunchroom was transformed into a dazzling Simcha Hall, filled with decora- tions and balloon displays. Following a festive breakfast and Divrei Torah, the girls shared their projects with their guests and were then presented with a special pink siddur, engraved with their Hebrew names. The siddurim were dedicated in the memory of HANC’s beloved former Hebrew Coordinator, Morah Dafna Berman z”l, who passed away a year and a half ago. Since many of the students benefited from Morah Dafna’s Ivrit classes and special programs throughout their years at HANC, this dedication was deeply significant and meaningful.

Adding to the celebration of this important milestone in their lives, Mrs. Sorah Shaffren led a spirited kumzitz and dance session. Seeing the girls singing and dancing together with such enthusiasm brought tremendous simcha to for sponsoring the refreshments. TCSF was started in our local community for our local community eight years ago by two siblings, Channa Shira the event, leaving everyone with memories that will last a lifetime.
(Ryback) Schik and Shmaryahu Ryback, to help local children attend summer camps. So far, they have helped hundreds of children go to camp. The Camp Scholarship Fund has a dual purpose: the children learn the importance of doing chessed with fun activities, and the result of this fun chessed is that children help their peers go to camp in the summer. Teaching children this twofold concept has been proven to be very successful! There are no salaries taken: $700 helps send a child to camp for two weeks; $1,400 for half summer; $2,500 for full summer. Any size donation is appreciated. BeMatzliach@gmail.com.
As a special surprise for their mothers and grandmothers, the students concluded the program by singing a magnificent song V’zakeini, which truly left everyone in the room teary eyed.
Mrs. Michal Wasser, Assistant Principal, observed, “It was beautiful to see each girl celebrated and honored. Sorah Shaffran was able to highlight each student’s special talents. It was magnificent to see three generations come together to recognize this important milestone in each girl’s life.”
HANC wishes to thank all of the sponsors who donated to the Morah Dafna Berman Fund which provided the personalized siddurim, the parents who sponsored the event, as well as the PTA for the beautiful decorations. Hakarat hatov goes as well to Morah Sadigh, Mrs. Michal Wasser, Assistant Principal, and Mrs. Daniella Hirt, Student Activities Coordinator, for all of their help in bringing this program to fruition.