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Rav Yitzchok Lichtenstein Addresses Bais Medrash of Lawrence Adopt-a-Kollel Melave Malka

On motzei Shabbos Parshas Vayikra, the Bais Medrash of Lawrence, led by Rav Dovid Fordsham, held its annual melave malka to celebrate the completion of another year of Adopt-a-Kollel partnership with wellknown Kollel Tiferes Tzvi, known as the “Brisker Kollel” in Yerushalayim. The Rosh Kollel, Rav Moshe Aharon Rosengarten, was in attendance and spoke.

The special guest speaker at the event was Rav Yitzchok Lichtenstein, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Torah Vodaas. The melava malka also featured live music, sing- ing, and dancing in honor of the Torah. Rav Lichtenstein gave a deeply moving and riveting drasha, relating how fortunate the shul is to be able to partner with one of most distinguished kollelim in Eretz Yisroel.

Rav Rosengarten passionately expressed his hakaras hatov to the shul, “Not just for this year but for all of the many years that you have played an integral part in the limud haTorah of so many avreichim.”

Adopt-a-Kollel gabbai, Reb Dovi Safier, put things in perspective when during his remarks he said, “We all know that money comes and money goes. The only money that truly remains with us is the money that we give away to help and support others.”

The melava malka also featured live music and singing in honor of the Torah.

SHS’s Greatest Show

Asell-out crowd was blown away on Sunday watching the SHS Production, The Greatest Show. More than 75% of the student body contributed their talents to the production, acting, singing, dancing, lighting, designing sets, ushering, doing hair and makeup, and participating in all sorts of backstage capacities. Weeks of late-night practices, chauffeuring arrangements made possible by extremely devoted parents, and dinners ordered for the cast or home-cooked by the dedicated administration culminated in a flawless performance.

Produced and directed by Esty Munk, the play weaved the well-known story of P.T. Barnum with a parallel narrative showcasing Anna, a young girl emerging from the horrors of the Holocaust, who reacclimates to the possibility of dreams coming true. Through the characters portrayed in the show, SHS students were each given a platform to express kochos that don’t typically have a spotlight shining on them. We are so proud of our incredibly talented cast and crew for bringing to life the absolutely greatest show!

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