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Notable Quotes
“Say What?!”
The Grand Jury has acted upon the facts and the law. No one is above the law, and everyone has the right to a trial to prove innocence. Hopefully, the former President will peacefully respect the system, which grants him that right.
- Tweet by Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi responding to Trump’s indictment
Stalinist Pelosi. Prove innocent? It’s innocent until proven guilty, moron. Or at least used to be.
– Response by Mark Levin
Old dudes are eating Jell-O; everyone is talking about how great they are. I don’t really need to be there for that. That’s an hour and a half twice a week that I can get back.
- Sen. Krysten Sinema (Ind-AZ) talking about how she doesn’t miss going to the Democrat Senator weekly lunches since she left the Democrat Party and became an Independent
Trump and a number of his allies have been using dog-whistle attacks, antisemitic attacks against — when they attack D.A. Alvin Bragg by saying that he is backed by George Soros, who is Jewish.
- CNN political analyst Laura Barrón-López, even though George Soros admitted to working for the Nazis and stated on “60 Minutes” that his job was to confiscate property from Jews
New Yorkers know I’m bleeding blue and orange — the Mets represent an incredible spirit, history and institution and are of tremendous value to New Yorkers. However, Citibank’s practices do not represent the values of the Mets or our city, and we must make better demands. If Citi refuses to end their toxic relationship with the fossil fuel industry, the Mets should end their partnership with Citi.
- City Public Advocate Jumaane Williams at a press conference pushing the Mets to rename their stadium over climate change concerns
I can’t teach my kids to love the Mets if I’m also teaching them about climate change. The Mets are contributing to polluting the planet by partnering with Citi.
- Lucas Sanchez, co-executive director of New York Communities for Change
We are in the midst of an important debate; we will get past it. You will celebrate Passover. On Seder night, you will sit with your families. You will argue a little, not too much, you will reach agreements. This is our goal, to reach agreements.
- Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the annual pre-Passover gathering
Me? I’m young! Age is not something I’m interested in. There are people who are forever young, amazed by everything, and then there are people who don’t care about anything and never loved anything.
- Pianist Colette Maze of Paris, age 108, talking to a local news outlet about her new album aptly titled: “108 Years of Piano”

It’s the epitome of the abuse of prosecutorial power to bring a case that would not be brought against anyone else. They are going after the man, not a crime.
– William Barr, who served as Trump’s attorney general before having a falling-out with Trump and resigning
I think the impetus is really to help Trump get the nomination, focus the attention on him for two years, have this thing swirling around.

- Ibid.
Democrats Vow To Arrest As Many Political Opponents as it Takes to Defeat Fascism
- Satirical headline in the Babylon Bee
Any first-year student could win this case if the name wasn’t Donald Trump and if it wasn’t in Manhattan.
- Alan
on Fox News
I would try to move it to Staten Island or some upstate venue. But could you imagine a judge or a juror coming home to their wife and family and friends and saying, “I’m the man, I’m the woman who let Donald Trump off.” Nobody would ever speak to them again … There’s no possibility he can get a fair trial in Manhattan.
- Ibid.
Well then, I doubt that. No, I’m joking. I have no idea.
That is totally beneath the dignity of the office of the presidency of the United States. This is a guy, this is an office, that has the responsibility of leading this country — children are dead!
- Sen. Josh Hawley, in response
The fact that so many Americans have a firearm within reach but never committed violence tells you that guns are not the problem.
– Tucker Carlson, Fox News
Most people in this country can be trusted with an AR-15 just as we can be trusted with cars and light aircraft and electricity and baseball bats and insecticide and chainsaws and pruning shears and countless other objects that could easily double as weapons.
- Ibid.

I believe that $5 million in reparations is too little for the work that foundational Black Americans have done for this country and as well for other countries. I believe that $7.6 million is a number that can be used very wisely in our foundational Black American communities.
- An “activist” addressing the California Reparations Task Force last week, rejecting his fellow “activists’” calls for a measly $5 million in reparations to every black person
DeSantis is what they call a dweeb. And Trump is the one who needs to get the nomination, because then the Democrats will win. He’s a two-time loser already. Hellooooo! Loser!
- The “highly intelligent” Joy Behar on “The View”
I understand that there’s glitches in the app. That is something that we’re always looking at, something that we’re always wanting to make sure that we fix and deal with the issues because we want to make it easier for migrants to apply and to go through this process.
- White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre talking about an app for migrants to use to seek asylum
Israel is a sovereign country which makes its decision by the will of its people and not based on pressures from abroad, including from the best of friends.
- Tweet by Prime Minister Netanyahu in response to Pres. Joe Biden saying that Israel “cannot continue” down the road of judicial reform
Our politicians are awful people. We can’t ask these politicians nothing. Those people are awful people. Democrats and Republicans — they’re all crooks.

- Former NBA player and current analyst Charles Barkley in response to the president of the NCAA saying that he wants help from Washington, D.C., to create a profitable system for the players
Today, I applaud China for stepping up. Excuse me, I applaud Canada.
- Pres. Joe Biden while visiting Canada this week
If you can be a millionaire, why can’t Mr. Schultz and other CEOs be millionaires and be honest too?
He’s demonizing all CEOs for being millionaires. He talks about equality. And here’s a guy that has been nothing but in public office. He draws a pension from being a mayor, a lifelong pension, to the point to where when he passes away, his wife’s able to get the full pension too, every month. He’s been in office up here for 27, 28 years. And since that time, he’s been able to accumulate a wealth of over $8 million.
- Ibid., on Fox News after the hearing
His wife’s a social worker, a professional social worker. So the last time I checked, both of them have done nothing but made money off of taxpayers, which is perfectly okay… But his hypocrisy runs wild. And he demonizes people.
- Ibid.
I think it would be interesting to try to surf until I’m 100. I think I take better care of myself when I have goals like this.
- Seiichi Sano of Japan who at 89 has the World Record for being the world’s oldest surfer
I don’t consider myself an old man. I have never thought of myself as an old person. I always feel that I can still move forward. I can still do it. I can still enjoy it.
- Ibid.
Israel was rocked by the news on Thursday that the U.S. State Department had ordered NASA scientist Dr. Amber Straughn to cancel her participation in the Israel Physical Society’s annual meeting. The news came following Straughn’s posting on Twitter that her “travel authorization was revoked” on Wednesday.
The State Department’s move, which gives the appearance of an official boycott, would be stunning under any circumstance. But it is all the more alarming coming on the heels of U.S. President Joe Biden’s shocking remarks in relation to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his government’s efforts to place minimal limits on the Supreme Court’s currently limitless powers.
In apparently off-the-cuff remarks to reporters on Tuesday, Biden said curtly: “Like many strong supporters of Israel, I am very concerned, and I’m concerned that they get this [judicial reform] straight. They cannot continue down this road. Hopefully, the prime minister will act in a way that he’s going to try to work out some genuine compromise. But that remains to be seen.”
Then, after interfering in Israel’s