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BYAM Goes Bowling...and Skating
to refine themselves with concrete goals and clear expectations. May all of our Bachurei Chemed continue to progress in becoming gedolim in middos tovos!
The students at BYAM are constantly kept on their toes, sometimes literally! Last week, they enjoyed fun excursions to celebrate their successful walkathon, where the girls walked to raise money for their school. The first through fifth grade enjoyed bowling at Bowl 360, while the sixth through eighth grade enjoyed a fun morning ice skating in Long Beach.
Mrs. Weingot Speaks at BYAM in Honor of Shavuos
The junior high at BYAM was given a glimpse of high-level, inspirational learning, when they were treated to a shiur to a shiur by beloved TMM teacher Mrs. Weingot. She helped prepare them for Shavuos by reminding them that Hashem is present in every aspect of their lives, both the good and the seemingly bad. She taught them that in the Aseres Hadibros it says “Anochi Hashem Elokecha,” in the singular, since He is the Hashem for everyone individually and that He always believes in you!