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Camp Scholarship Fund
Recently, students from HAFTR HS joined The Camp Scholarship Fund, which is a campaign of the Matzliach Organization, for a Bowl-AThon. It was held at Woodmere Lanes and was attended by about 128 students as their end-of-year trip. The kids bowled, had some snacks and pizza, and had a blast! Thanks to the sponsors from our local stores, Crawfords, Coffee Bar and Barbacoa Artisanal Burger House, the raffle prizes were amazing. There was lots of ruach and achdus and a fan- tastic time was had by all.
TCSF was started in our local community for our local community eight years ago by two siblings, Channa Shira (Ryback) Schik and Shmaryahu Ryback. Summer camp is an essential part of a child’s social, emotional and spiritual development, and no child should be left out. Unfortunately, not everyone in our community can afford summer camp. This organization is proud to say that it has helped hundreds of children go to camp.
BJX Brings Matan Torah to Every Jew
By Tzvi Klein
BJX is a kiruv movement that is bringing back Acheinu Bnei Yisroel. Look no further than the Yom Tov of Shavuos to see what they accomplish. BJX was packed with close to two hundred Yidden of all backgrounds. It’s true that they had a professional party planner and waiter who ensured that everything ran smoothly – that there was bountiful desserts and refreshments to keep everyone satisfied for the learning – but what is the secret sauce of BJX’s success? Was it the large Viennese table? No. It’s the Torah that they teach and how they teach it. Young professionals and college students had the sincerest and deepest thirst and desire to grow in Torah – and it was visible for all to see.
The staff arranged lodging for many students who desired to spend Kabbalos HaTorah with their rabbeim at BJX. All night long, from 12am until 4:30am, the beautiful Beis Medrash was jammed with Jews of all types ranging from mainstream Yeshiva bachurim to unaffiliated college students, to newly affiliated baalei teshuvah, to FFB Flatbush community members. “You genuinely felt the achdus. It was an enormous Kiddush Hashem that it was so packed. Everyone came to shteig,” said Rabbi Moshe Fingerer, Director of BJX.
Did you know?
Flatbush was a beehive of spiritual energy due to BJX. Even their 4:45am Shacharis had over seventy Flatbush residents and BJX students who remained until sunrise.
“These students stop at nothing to find a way to climb higher up the spiritual ladder,” shared Rav Yitzchok Fingerer. “Step by step, they are bringing a special nachas to Hakodesh Baruch Hu.”
One student, Michael, related that he finally understood the Talmud. Phil, a young professional, asked one of the rabbis if he lost the special merit of remaining awake all night because he slept for five minutes. “Growing up in a largely secular family, Shavuos was a holiday unknown to us,” said Keith. “The energy level was incredible. I enjoyed the selection of cheesecakes but honestly the Torah classes were even more enjoyable,” he said. “I heard that BJX would be having an all-star lineup of speakers throughout the night. The speakers were powerful,” said Baruch. “The walls of BJX percolated with high-voltage ruchniyus. Even at 5am, the davening was filled with beautiful singing,” said one YJP.
“What you do at BJX is the definition of loving your fellow Jew. BJX should continue to bring the light of Hashem to those who live in darkness,” said Rabbi Rosenblatt.
Butterflies have four wings, not two.