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Awards at Central
Yeshiva University High School for Girls is proud to announce the names of the students from the Class of 2023 who have been named this year’s Valedictorian and Salutatorian. Each of these students has devoted many long hours to their academics and has dedicated their time to contribute to the school community. The valedictorian and salutatorian are chosen based on their alignment with our school mission, academic performance, course load, middot, school involvement, contribution to our community, and citizenship.
Mazal tov to Eliana Samuels, the Valedictorian of Central’s Class of 2023. A National Merit Commendee, Eliana is an outstanding student who excels in Judaic and general studies classes. Her involvement in school extends to the outside of the classroom as well with her integral contributions to our Model Congress Team, Model UN Team, Soccer Team, Volleyball Team, and School Newspaper. Most importantly, Eliana’s achievements are accomplished with grace, a good nature, and a persistent smile. After study- ing at Midreshet Lindenbaum next year in Israel, Eliana will be attending Columbia University. Kol HaKavod to Eliana!
Mazal tov to Maytal Chelst, the Co-Salutatorian of Central’s Class of 2023. Maytal is not only an intelligent and outstanding student but a dedicated young woman whose determination and persistence have contributed to her continued success. A National Merit Semifinalist, Maytal embraces the opportunity to challenge herself, making her an essential member of our Debate, Model UN, and Model Congress Teams and a frequent contributor to our school newspaper. Maytal will be studying at MMY next year in Israel, and will then attend Columbia University.
Mazal tov to Rivka Sullivan, the Co-Salutatorian of Central’s Class of 2023. A dedicated and inquisitive student, Rivka is probably best known for her respectful manner and soft but determined nature. Her participation in Model UN and Model Congress teams, as well as her skill on the volleyball and tennis courts, make her an asset to the school as a whole. After studying at MMY in Israel for a year, Rivka will be attending the Yeshiva University/ Albert Einstein College of Medicine Early Assurance Program.
The Keter Shem Tov Award is voted on by the Senior class and faculty and is an award based on middot and character. Mazal tov to Anat Ebbin, the Central Class of 2023’s recipient of the Keter Shem Tov Award. Anat’s good nature, flexibility, kindness, and terrific comic timing make her a natural role model to others. Her ability to mesh strong academic achievement with an equally strong moral character is the epitome of
Central’s Core Torah Values. Anat will be studying next year at Migdal Oz in Israel and then will attend the Stern College Honors Program.
We extend a big mazal tov to the following seniors on their various awards: Gabrielle Lefkowitz upon receiving the Leah Lefkowitz Humanitarian Chesed Award, Adina Tanner upon receiving the Malka Fishhaut Memorial Award for Study in Israel Demonstrating Overall Excellence in Judaic Studies, Shira Rothbort and Leba Weissman upon receiving the Yeshiva University Book Award, Penina Feldman and Perri Sterman upon receiving the Triple C Award for Courage, Character, and Committment from the NYS Attorney General, Yael Schwartz and Rena Sturm upon receiving the NYS Comptroller’s Student Achievement Award, Chavi Conway upon receiving the Giant Leap Award, and Shira Wasserman upon receiving the Dr. Joseph Muschel Scholarship Award for Study in Israel. We look forward to celebrating with the entire Class of 2023 at Lamport Auditorium on Wednesday, June 7!

MTA Sabermetrics Club Takes in Yankees Game
YCQ Celebrates Executive Director Rabbi Yaakov Lonner
On Friday, May 19, the Yeshiva of Central Queens hosted a heartfelt breakfast to honor their esteemed Executive Director, Rabbi Yaakov Lonner. The special event on Yom Yerushalayim brought together the entire Junior High School student body, faculty, and Board of Trustees members to express their gratitude and appreciation for Rabbi Lonner’s exceptional leadership and unwavering dedication over the years.
The program began with a warm welcome from Rabbi Mark Landsman, YCQ’s principal, who highlighted Rabbi Lonner’s remarkable achievements and the indelible impact they had on the yeshiva and its community. He described how Rabbi Lonner has devoted his energy to the school for over 30 years and the mesirut nefesh he demonstrated was truly remarkable.
ner himself had the opportunity to speak and thank everyone for their support. He noted how the breakfast will be one of the most impactful memories of his years at YCQ, and how he greatly appreciated everything involved including the gift. However, he explained that the greatest memento are the students themselves.
“Boys and girls, as I watch you grow, increasingly mature, young men and women, with your beautiful davening, diligent learning, and your exquisite middot tovot, that’s what’s going to be my special legacy,” he powerfully remarked.
The MTA Sabermetrics Club (“saber” is an acronym for the Society of American Baseball Research) attended the Yankees game on Tuesday night, May 23. Aside from the fun of the game itself, in which the Yankees came back twice, finally tying the game on an Aaron Judge homer in the 9th and then winning in the 10th, the game presented the club with a unique opportunity to learn the analytical aspect of the game.
The Director of Quantitative Analysis for the Yankees, Mr. David Grabiner, sat with the students and took questions about how the Yankees use data to drive their decisions in all aspects of the game, from player evaluation for contract nego - tiations to help players prepare for opponents.
Mr. Grabiner pointed out that while his office makes only a slight difference to the Yankees’ likelihood of winning, the Yankees consider it very worthwhile. After all, he pointed out, the difference between Aaron Judge and a hitter barely able to stay in the major leagues is only one hit every ten at-bats, and yet that difference is worth tens of millions of dollars per year.
MTA thanks David Grabiner and the Yankees for helping us appreciate the nuances of the game and the Yankees’ efforts to win.
Students from Grades 4-8 then shared anecdotes and memories, illustrating the profound influence Rabbi Lonner had on their lives. Students spoke about how they fondly remember attending Rabbi Lonner’s mishmars and other interactions they had with him over the years. One student detailed how Rabbi Lonner had helped him during his campaign for student government.
A special commemorative booklet was then given to Rabbi Lonner. Hundreds of letters and well wishes from students and staff were compiled into a book as a small token of appreciation for the years of hard work Rabbi Lonner has given to the yeshiva.
After the gift was presented, Rabbi Ophie Nat and the JHS Boys Choir led the lunchroom in two moving renditions of “Vazakeni” and “Tov LeHodot.” Rabbi Lonner’s mission was bringing the words of “Vazakeni” to life, and he was instrumental in raising students “who dazzle the world with Torah, maasim tovim, and service to the Creator.” And of course, the YCQ community is grateful towards Hashem for blessing the school with such a wonderful Executive Director.
Acharon acharon chaviv, Rabbi Lon-
Did you know?
For the last 32 years, Rabbi Lonner has been at the center of YCQ’s continued growth. His thoughtful leadership, deep Torah values, and selfless commitment have been the wings that have borne YCQ aloft during this time. An eved Hashem with true humility sprinkled with a dose of humor, Rabbi Lonner passionately steered the Yeshiva over these decades, overseeing its finances, operations, and facilities. He took special pride in ensuring a nutritious lunch would be served each and every day to the precious students and staff, and was a beloved Mishmar Rebbe for countless children.
Rabbi Lonner has run the yeshiva with the highest levels of integrity, sensitivity and professionalism. The impact that he has left on YCQ is immeasurable and we owe a debt of gratitude to him for all that he has done. He will forever remain an integral part of the yeshiva family and its neshamah.
YCQ celebrates Rabbi Lonner’s esteemed tenure and is forever grateful for all that he has done for the yeshiva in the past and present. As the Yeshiva of Central Queens looks forward to the future, they are excited to announce the appointment of Mrs. Malka Fishman as the new Executive Director, effective July 2023.
The YCQ community is forever indebted to Rabbi Lonner and his beloved wife, Simi, for everything they have done for the yeshiva, and wish them continued mazal, bracha and nachat from their family.
There are almost 20,000 butterfly species.