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Congregation Bais Tefilah of Woodmere Dinner
Congregation Bais Tefilah of Woodmere held its 33rd Annual Dinner on Sunday evening, April 30 at Congregation Beth Sholom in Lawrence. The Guests of Honor were Judy and Howie Hahn and the Keter Shem Tov Honorees were Joelle and Stephen Nelson.
Congregants, family and friends came out to show their appreciation to Howie and Judy Hahn for all they do for the shul and the community. The Hahns can always be found helping out at kiddushim, shul and sisterhood events. Howie is a valued member of the shul’s Chevra Kadisha committee and is dedicated to this mitzvah day and night.
Joelle and Stephen Nelson have also made an impact during their years in the shul. Rabbi Ephraim Polakoff spoke highly of the Nelsons’ involvement with the shul as Stephen has served on the Board of Directors and Joelle was involved with our youth department.
The shul is located at 409 Edward Avenue in Woodmere. We have a varied membership of older and younger families and Shabbos morning youth groups. It is a warm and inviting shul where everyone can make a difference. We invite you to join us for davening and see for yourself.