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Reasonableness Clause
administrative actions that are deemed beyond the scope of a reasonable and responsible authority.
Coalition members argued at the committee session on Tuesday that the standard is too subjective, and because it can allow the court to subvert government authority, it is contrary to rule of law. MK Simcha Rothman, Head of the Constitution, Law and Justice Committee, argued that elected officials have been chosen by the citizenry to make decisions on matters great and small, and it was not for judges to decide questions of values.
Mossad Nabs Terrorist in Iran
After he was captured by the Mossad, Abbasalilu confessed to his part in the terrorist plot and revealed all the information necessary for the attack to be thwarted, including the other individuals involved.
Once the Mossad obtained this information, they communicated with Cyprus officials, and seven terrorists were arrested. One of the members of the cell escaped.
The judicial reform reasonableness standard bill was passed in a heated Constitution, Law and Justice Committee vote on Tuesday and will be sent to the Knesset plenum for first reading.
The bill passed nine to four, in a vote that was delayed and drowned out by opposition Knesset members loudly protesting their objections.
The legislation would prevent the application of the reasonableness standard in court judgments and acceptance of appeals on the administrative decisions of elected officials.
The reasonableness standard is a common law principle in which the court can engage in judicial review of government
Labor MK Gilad Kariv and Yesh Atid MK Yoav Segalovitz argued that without the bill to check administrative decisions, political corruption would be allowed to flourish.
“You are permitting legal corruption,” accused Segalovitz. Kariv called the legislation a “corruption bill.”
Rothman reiterated that the restriction of reasonableness had been in the past supported by politicians such as opposition leader Yari Lapid and National Unity MK Gideon Sa’ar.
On Sunday, June 25, a terrorist attack on Jews and Israelis in Cyprus was foiled by the Mossad. Last week, the Israeli Intelligence Agency revealed that it had stopped the plot by apprehending the leader of the organization that planned the attack on Iranian soil.
“In a counter-terrorist operation on Iranian soil, the Mossad apprehended the head of a terror cell which planned on attacking Israelis in Cyprus, thwarting the attack,” wrote Israel’s official Twitter account.
The man who the Mossad called in a statement, “the mastermind of the terror cell,” is named Yousef Shahabazi Abbasalilu. His orders ultimately came from Mohammad Kazemi, the leader of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), which is part of Iran’s military.
The terrorists’ plan was to target a Chabad House and certain hotels where Israelis stay, as well a Jewish businessman who the IRGC terror group sought to assassinate.

“We will get to every official who advances terror against Jews and Israelis anywhere in the world, including within Iranian territory,” said a senior Mossad official.
In the past, Israel’s Intelligence Agency helped thwart an Iranian terrorist plot in Greece, in which terrorists planned to attack a shul in Athens. The Mossad called this plot “another example of Iran trying to use terror against Israeli and Jewish targets overseas.”
The IRGC is officially recognized by the United States, Saudi Arabia, and Bahrain as a terrorist organization, with the European Union also considering designating the group as such.
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