2 minute read
Open to See by Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS
Life C ach
Open to See!
By Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., LMFT, CLC, SDS
Tepee, tent, bivouac, lean-to…
Not exactly.
It’s a sukkah!
So, what makes it different from all these other flimsy dwellings? The greater impracticality, of course.
Yes, it’s not supposed to work for you. It’s actually a structure made to let sun seep through and falling rain in.
I know that sounds a bit confusing. Go ahead. Build a whole outdoor structure, furnish it, light it up, decorate it. Even put beds in it. But make sure the roof leaks.
Why would you do all that work just to get a sunburn and get soaking wet?
Aha! That’s the lesson of the holiday. Don’t kid yourself. There’s always a way for the elements to get to you. Even in Fort Knox.
We go “outside” to get some good “inside” information!
Namely, we should not put our faith in a structure. It is not really what is protecting us. Because structures can give way; buildings can collapse, and homes can be permeated by man or elements.
So, eat out in that sukkah. Sleep out in that sukkah. Hang out there all day if you like.
But, whenever you look up, stop and have heavenly thoughts. And I don’t just mean wonderful ones. I mean wondering ones….
As to Who is running the show?
And I’m not just talking about the show of getting these holiday meals prepared and served. Because we know exactly who is making that happen – there is absolutely no wondering there! In fact, let’s hear it for the woman who makes these holiday feasts possible, and all while juggling a million other things!
I’m talking about the wondering about Who is running the bigger show! That is, the realities that we live each and every day, rain or shine.
Yes, that is what our open-top
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structure, our sukkah, is directing us to do. To create a replica of security. Yet, not to get fooled by it.
We should know that we certainly can fortify our lives, enhance them, have an impact on them. We should and must attempt do this. Just as we must build our sukkah. Nevertheless, we must keep an open outlook from the top down. And thus remember that ultimate success is directed by the One Above!
Rivki Rosenwald is a certified relation-
ship counselor, and career and life coach. She can be contacted at 917-705-2004 or rivki@rosenwalds.com.