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Notable Quotes
Kamala Harris has an approval rating of 28 percent, which is — makes no sense, because she basically has nothing to do. I mean, it’s like criticizing a backup quarterback: “Tom Brady is OK — I don’t love the way Blaine Gabbert has his legs folded on the bench.”
— Jimmy Kimmel
Kamala’s approval rating of 28 percent is even lower than the 30 percent who approved of Dick Cheney in 2008 after he shot a guy in the face.
— Jimmy Kimmel
The only good part of inflation — I was always jealous of those old guys who would go, like, “Back in my day, you could buy a house with a dollar!” It looks like now if inflation gets bad enough, we’ll get to be those old guys: “Oh, yeah? Back in my day, a million dollars could buy a whole lot more than just a haircut!”
— Trevor Noah
It’s an old dream that starts in my childhood.
- Manfred Steiner, of Rhode Island, upon obtaining a PhD in physics from Brown University at 89 years old
I may go as far to say Mike ruined basketball. In the ‘80s on the playgrounds, you’d have everyone moving the ball around — passing to help the team. That stopped in the ‘90s. Kids wanted to be “Like Mike.” Well, Mike didn’t want to pass — didn’t want to rebound, or defend the best player. He wanted everything done for him.
– Michael Jordan’s long-time Allstar teammate Scottie Pippen in his new memoir, dissing his former teammate
I keep forgetting that you’re still alive.
- Elon Musk, tweeting in response to Sen. Bernie Sanders who tweeted, “We must demand that the extremely wealthy pay their fair share. Period.”
More fires in the West burned to the ground homes, businesses and forests than the entire state of New Jersey... Why is it happening? Well, the severe storms that are knocking down all the wires, anyway, there’s a lot going on.
- Pres. Biden touting his infrastructure bill in New Hampshire
How do I cross a bridge in a snowstorm? … What happens if the bridge collapses and there’s a fire on the other side? It’s gonna take ten miles longer to get to the fire. People could die!
– Ibid.
What I’m hearing again from company after company in the United States and around the world is a clear focus on making sure… that they’re not engaged in businesses with entities or countries that are producing things based on forced labor.
- Secretary of State Antony Blinken in an interview with The New York Times when asked about whether companies should speak out against forced labor and other abuse that takes place in China
Schools are major transmission points for influenza, but not for COVID. While children do get infected, their risk for COVID death is minuscule, lower than their already low risk of dying from the flu. Throughout the 2020 spring wave, Sweden kept daycare and schools open for all its 1.8 million children ages 1 to 15, with no masks, testing or social distancing. The result? Zero COVID deaths among children and a COVID risk to teachers lower than the average of other professions. In fall 2020, most European countries followed suit, with similar results. Considering the devastating effects of school closures on children, Dr. Fauci’s advocacy for school closures may be the single biggest mistake of his career.
- Martin Kulldorff, Ph.D., an epidemiologist, biostatistician, and Professor of Medicine, at Harvard Medical School, and Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, MD, Ph.D., a Professor of Health Policy at Stanford University School of Medicine in a Newsweek article titled, “How Fauci Fooled America”
Why does he hate us / the American dream so much?!?!?!?!
- Tweet by Florida-based hedge fund manager Adam Wyden, Sen. Ron Wyden’s (D-OR) son, criticizing his father’s proposed tax policies
Reality is: most legislators have never built anything… so I guess it’s easier to mindlessly and haphazardly try and tear stuff down. Thankfully, I think I can compound faster than my dad and his cronies can confiscate it.
– Ibid. No one is really cheering on a guy named Brandon. Instead, the phrase is being used in conservative circles in place of a more vulgar message directed at President Biden.

– Tweet by NPR
Thoughts and prayers to all at NPR and their listeners who have been hurt by this.
- One of many response tweets
Are you always this quick?
- Ibid.
Pulitzer Prize journalism on this one
- Ibid.
Nonsense. We LOVE Brandon and want Brandon to succeed.
– Ibid.
Will you be OK? Talking to someone will help you.
– Ibid.
Pop back to bed!
- New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, to her toddler, who interrupted a Facebook live briefing
Pour one out for the Congress reporters who have to work today even though Congressional offices are closed for Veterans Day and chances of a returned call or email are nil.
- Politico reporter Emma Dumain tweeting on Veterans Day what a hero she is for working on that day when everyone works, although some – hopefully – take the time out of their day to thank a veteran
More than a third of White students lied about their race on college applications, and about half of these applicants lied about being Native American. More than three-fourths of these students who lied about their race were accepted.
- Boston University professor Ibram X. Kendi, the leading proponent of Critical Race Theory CRT, who posted and quickly deleted this study’s finding, which disproves his entire premise – that white students get preferential treatment when it comes to college admissions

Such moves are extremely dangerous, just like playing with fire. Whoever plays with fire will get burnt.
- Chinese President Xi Jinping warning President Biden during a virtual conference not to encourage Taiwanese independence