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Delving into the Daf by Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow

Delving into the Daf

Out of Order

By Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow

It’s time to dust off Mesechta Rosh Hashana. The Daf will be finishing with Mesechta Beitza shortly. Someone studying the Daf with an Artscroll Shas will find nothing amiss. However, those who study the Daf with a standard Hebrew Shas will be somewhat perplexed. After all, Mesechta Taanis follows Beitza, not Rosh Hashana. Upon further inspection, he will notice that in his standard Shas, the order is Shekalim, Rosh HaShana, Yoma, Sukka. Being that Yoma discusses Yom Kippur, the order of Rosh Hashana, Yoma, and Sukkah seems to be rather intuitive. Indeed, there have been reports of Maggidei Shiur actually teaching Rosh Hashana for a few days after completing Shekalim before realizing their error. Daf Yomi learners study Yoma after Shekalim and not Rosh Hashana. Why is there a discrepancy between the standard Shas and Daf Yomi?

The answer has its roots in an alleged murder mystery, a curse of the saintly Rebbe Akiva Eiger, and modern copyright law journals.

To properly put things into perspective, it should be made clear that the order that Daf Yomi follows is not that foreign after all. Indeed, it is the order one follows if one studies the Mishna. Rav Sherira Gaon offered an explanation for the order. Shabbos is first because of its importance. Eiruvin is second because it deals with the laws of transporting on Shabbos. Pesachim is next because it is the first in the order of Festivals. The collection of Shekalim culminates on Rosh Chodesh Nissan so it follows Pesachim. One is not allowed to carry on Yom Kippur, so it is the most similar “festival” to Shabbos. Therefore, after discussing Pesachim, Yoma should follow because it is similar to Shabbos that we started with. Mesechta Sukkah follows Yoma because Sukkos follows Yom Kippur. Mesechta Beitza deals with the laws of Yom Tov so it follows Sukkah. Rosh Hashana, which is also a yom tov, follows Sukkah. Taanis, which discusses fasting due to lack of rain, follows Rosh Hashana because after Rosh Hashana the rainy season starts. However, Rav Sherira Gaon specifically notes that one can study Mesechtos in any order.

Rav Reuvain Margoliyos, while not explaining the juxtaposition of every Mesechta, does point out a possible general rule. Mesechtos with more chapters take precedence over mesechtos with fewer chapters. The order of mesechtos in Moed clearly fit into this paradigm: Shabbos – 24 chapters, Eiruvin – 10, Pesachim – 10, Shekalim – 8, Yoma – 8, Sukkah – 5, Beitza – 5, Rosh Hashana – 4, Taanis – 4, Megillah – 4, Moed Katan – 3, Chagigah – 3. This explains the order of mesechtos as followed in the study of Mishna. Still, this just begs the question of why the printed Shas is differently.

Rabbi Moshe Shapira established a printing press in Slavuta in 1791. In the 1800s, the Shapira family expended considerable time, effort, and money to publish a beautiful newly typeset edition of Shas. Needing to recoup their investment, the Shapira family sought and received letters from various rabbanim forbidding anyone to publish another printed Shas for a fixed period of time. However, in 1834, the Romm brothers began to publish a competing edition of Shas. They argued that the exclusivity period for the Slavuta Shas had expired. Moreover, the Romm brothers offered to buy any remaining volumes of the Slavuta Shas that were left unsold. The Shapira Family found rabbanim who wrote letters forbidding the purchase and publication of the new Romm Shas, colloquially known as the Vilna Shas.

Rebbe Akiva Eiger was one of the signatories of the original edict forbidding any competition to the Slavuta Shas. (See the University of St. Thomas Law Journal Vol 10, article 3.) However, he ruled that the exclusivity of the Slavuta Shas had expired. The Vilna Shas was therefore able to be published and purchased. Apparently, some suggested that Rebbe Akiva Eiger was too old and feeble to issue a ruling, and the ruling in favor of the Vilna Shas was not his own. Rebbe Akiva Eiger penned a forceful letter in reply.

“My heart was very pained by the brazenness and audacity of the Slavita printers. Their words are slanderous not only of my son, the Gaon, may Hashem protect him, whom they claim swayed my view, but also of me, about whom they claim it is easy to coerce to rule against Torah law. The truth of the matter is that regarding all of the approbations the Slavita printers have sent me, I have not found any valid basis for their claim; not even one in a thousand! Regarding the fact that they wish to stand up firmly [against my ruling], I do not forgive them at all, for one cannot forgive

Copies of the Vilna Shas printed by Romm Printing Press, 1859-1866

the degradation of the Torah. Signed, Akiva ben Moshe Ginz, z”l.” (Translation courtesy of HalachaYomit)

Some say that Rebbe Akiva Eiger actually opened an Aron Kodesh and pleaded with Hashem to defend Kavod HaTorah.

There are many different versions of what happened next. However, all versions agree that there was, r”l, a Jewish bookbinder found dead. The bookbinder was an employee of the Slavuta Printing Press. The Shapira brothers were accused of murder by the Russian authorities. All versions agree that there was no merit to this concocted charge.

Unfortunately, the Shapira brothers were beaten mercilessly, and the Jewish printing shops were ordered closed by the Russian authorities.

Years later, the Shapira family reopened their printing press and in 1864 completed a new edition of Shas. The Romm family likewise undertook to print a new edition of the Shas and completed theirs in 1866. The Romm Shas, or the Vilna Shas, was favored by Litvaks. The Slavuta Shas was favored by chasssidim. One major difference between these two editions was the order of the mesechtos. The Slavuta Shas followed the order of the Mishna. The Vilna Shas did not.

When Rebbe Meir Shapiro needed to formulate a calendar for Daf Yomi, he naturally chose the Shas that he was familiar with: the Slavuta Shas. Indeed, the Shapira printers were his rela-

tives. In the Slavuta Shas, Yoma follows Shekalim. However, the Vilna Shas has become the standard Hebrew edition everywhere. In the Vilna edition, Rosh Hashana follows Shekalim. The Daf Yomi cycle follows the Slavuta Shas and therefore is about to start Rosh HaShana, though they finished Shekalim about six months ago.

There used to be another nod to the Slavuta Shas in the Daf Yomi cycle. The Vilna Shas and the Slavuta Shas have a different number of pages for Shekalim. The number of pages for Shekalim was not standardized since it is “borrowed” from the Talmud Yerushalmi. The Daf Yomi calendar used to allocate fewer days to Shekalim due to the fewer number of pages in the Slavuta Shas. Thankfully, this was changed, and the days allotted to Shekalim were doubled to follow the number of pages allotted to Shekalim in the Vilna Shas. This was welcomed by many who find learning a mesechta from the Yerushalmi more difficult than one from the Bavli.

Please note that Slavuta is located in Ukraine and currently has a population of 35,000. In Yiddish, the city is pronounced Slavita.

The answer has its roots in an alleged murder mystery, a curse of the saintly Rebbe Akiva Eiger, and modern copyright law journals.

Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow is a rebbe at Yeshiva Ateres

Shimon in Far Rockaway. In addition, Rabbi Sebrow leads a daf yomi chaburah at Eitz Chayim of Dogwood Park in West Hempstead, NY. He can be contacted at ASebrow@gmail.com.


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