Five Towns Jewish Home - 12-2-21

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The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 29, 2015



DECEMBER 2, 2021 | The Jewish Home

for a party because it can be simple to prepare but offers your guests many options when making their salads, as well as being a fun activity. 6. Stay active. Whether it be a boxing class, an online Zumba class, or a walk on Shabbos afternoon, it is best to stay moving throughout this holiday. Maintain a routine throughout Chanukah so that you set yourself up for success after the holidays. Staying active throughout the holidays will boost your metabolism and help maintain optimal digestion. Exercise reduces stress by releasing “feel good” endorphins and can be very helpful when trying to not overeat from stress. This will give you protected armor for your Chanukah party later in the day. 7. Focus on the foods you can eat. It is challenging for people trying to manage their weight to not feel deprived of their favorite foods. Being mindful and enjoying the healthy foods you can eat and reminding yourself of your goals will

help you coast through. Even though Chanukah is filled with fried foods, you can almost always find a better option. Be creative and use the air fryer to air-fry cauliflower latkes or even the healthier doughnut recipe you found. Living a healthy lifestyle is what you make of it. Being in con-

take at least a 10-minute break. Drink water, and after 10 minutes, reassess how you feel. If you are still feeling hungry, go back and take a small portion of food. Let your body cue you for its hunger signals. Chanukah is a special time filled with gifts, family, and friends. Begin

Instead of restricting yourself, decide to have a latke, doughnut, or another food that appeals to you at one or two events.

trol leaves you feeling your best, while being out of control does not. 8. Take 10 minutes before going back for seconds. It actually takes 20 minutes for your stomach to notify your brain that you are full. After you finish your first plate of food,

Chanukah with a game plan and identify how you want to feel after it’s over. Having a planned mindful indulgence will ensure you stick to your goals and help motivate you to continue making progress. Treating each day as a regular eating day, researching healthier

recipe alternatives for traditional latkes and doughnuts, and allowing for a mindful indulgence here and there will help make the week a successful one. It is best to have more healthful options at your Chanukah party so everybody has something they can eat. Instead of picking at foods, make yourself a plate and ensure you sit down and savor the food you’re eating. Focusing on the foods you can eat, staying active, and listening to your hunger cues will result in a successful holiday week. Wishing all of my readers a freilechin and healthy Chanukah!

Aliza Beer is a registered dietitian with a master’s degree in nutrition. She has a private practice in Cedarhurst, NY. Patients’ success has been featured on the Dr. Oz show. Aliza can be reached at, and you can follow her on Instagram at @alizabeer.

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