3 minute read

Arm Yourself with Immune-Boosting Foods by Cindy Weinberger, MS RD CDN

The Gezeiros on Klal Yisroel are coming thick and fast. Hashem is showing us that we need to repent as soon as possible. By continuing in our evil ways, we are inviting the Mashchis into our bodies to wreak his havoc. We have to choose. Do we want an Accelerated Redemption, or the one that comes, Rachmana Litzlan, on schedule? If we refuse to do Teshuva, the Navi has taught that at the End of Days, survivors will beextremelyfew: ’ בוהחפשממ ’ אריעמ םכתא יתחקלו —AndIwilltakeyou1fromacityand2fromafamily. For now, our salvation will have to be in the natural way. Here’s what’s happening and what we have to do:

Shocking vaccine mandates are being written into law in many states across America. In Colorado, Oregon and Washington, D. C., it is legal to vaccinate a minor without parental knowledge or consent. Astonishingly, it is then illegal to divulge the minor’s vaccination to parents. Connecticut has eliminated the religious exemption for schools, colleges and daycare. In Arizona, Colorado, Georgia and Virginia, statewide vaccination information tracking is mandated. President Biden is forcing vaccines on health care workers at federally regulated health care facilities. A slew of new laws are being proposed to restrict the right of the unvaccinated to get an education, hold a job, receive health insurance and medical care, enter a hospital or nursing home, and function in society. In New York, mandates are being proposed for schoolchildren as young as age 5, although the risk of complications from the vaccine is far greater than the risk of complications from Covid for this age group. The cure must not be worse than the disease. So where does it end? Come join us in the “Defeat the MandatesDC” march in Washington, D. C. on Sunday, January 23rd at 11:30 AM. We will march from theWashington Monument to the Lincoln Memorial. Buses will leave around 6:30 AM from:

WilliamsburgFlatbush Monsey Lakewood Queens Teaneck Great Neck Crown HghtsBoro Park Monroe Staten IslandManhattan Elizabeth Lawrence

Call (833) HIKON-US to make a reservation. Besides attending the rally, here are other ways you can help: 1)Contact your elected officials. In NYS, these are: Governor Hochul, Health Committee Chair Richard Gottfried, Majority Leader Andrea Stewart Cousins, Speaker of the Assembly Carl Heastie, your Senator, Congressman, State Senator and Assemblyman. Tell them why you are against mandates. To reach them, call 311 or visit websites senate.gov, house.gov, nysenate.gov, nyassembly.gov . 2)Contact us to offer your assistance. We are creating a task force of volunteers to contact individuals in our communities to help get the word out about the rally and other ways in which these wicked laws may be defeated. Helping to get other peopleon the buses is a rare and special zechus. 3)Make a tax-deductible contribution to help cover campaign costs. Checks may be sent to Hikon Trust, P. O. Box 301068, Brooklyn, NY 11230. Credit cards: call (833) HIKON-US. Zelle to 347 764 8313. 4)Prepare signs with meaningful, catchy phrases for the rally. Prepare shofars and other noisemakers. 5)Post this message in your neighborhood and on your WhatsApp status. Send to your email contacts. 6)Learn more about vaccines at Kol HaChaim (Yiddish) - (718) 223 5535.

Q: Why should Orthodox Jews attend the rally? A: Mandating experimental injections for kids is unethical and the Torah requires that Jews not remain silent. Q: Isn’t it dangerous to attend a rally in Washington, D. C.? A: If you are alert at the rally and quickly distance yourself from bad actors, you will not be implicated. Q: How can I convince others to attend a rally if I’m an awkward speaker? A: If you are an awkward speaker, you can become a great leader of the people as Moshe Rabbeinu did. Q: Won’t these wicked bills probably fail to pass? A: Many of them probably will fail, but we’re reaching out to you to help make sure that they ALL fail. Q: How can I have time/money/energy to help defeat these bills if I’m working/going to school? A: Much of your effort working towards building your future will become pointless if some of these bills pass.

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