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Get Savvy with Superfoods by Aliza Beer MS, RD, CDN
Health & F tness
Get Savvy with Superfoods
By Aliza Beer MS, RD, CDN
Superfoods are foods that have a very high nutritional density. They provide maximum nutritional benefits for minimal calories. They also contain a high number of vitamins, antioxidants, fatty acids, and minerals. This high vitamin and mineral content can help the body fight disease and assist in living a healthier lifestyle. Studies have shown that superfoods high in antioxidants help prevent heart disease and cancer, as well as reduce inflammation in the body and improve immunity.
The key is to incorporate superfoods into an already healthy diet filled with whole foods. This will allow the body to benefit the most from the superfoods. There are a variety of health benefits that come along with the superfoods discussed below. Superfoods are believed to aid in weight loss, as well as promote heart health, immune health, and gut health. 1. Chia seeds. Chia seeds are a superfood that contain healthy omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, protein, calcium, minerals and antioxidants. One tablespoon of chia seeds contains 69 calories, 5g fiber, 4.5g fat, 2.3g protein, and 6g carbohydrates.
Chia seeds are an ancient dietary staple and have massive amounts of nutrients. Chia seeds are high in omega-3 fatty acids which are essential for the body to function normally. The omega-3 fatty acids in chia seeds have been found to decrease inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation is associated with an increased risk of cancer and heart disease.
Chia seeds are also a great source of fiber and plant-based protein. They have a high soluble fiber content, which means chia seeds can absorb 10-12 times their weight in water. This helps promote fullness and slow the absorption of food in the body, something that can be very instrumental in weight-loss. This fiber also helps feed the healthy bacteria in the gut. Chia seeds are also believed to reduce blood sugar levels and stabilize them after meals.
Chia seeds are very versatile and can be used as an egg replacement, to make chia pudding, and to thicken sauces. People tend to add chia seeds to smoothies, protein pancake mix, or granola to boost fiber and protein intake. 2. Flaxseeds. Flaxseeds have been recognized for their extremely healthy properties. Flaxseeds come in the form of an oil, a seed, or a ground version of the seed. One tablespoon of flaxseeds contains 55 calories, 2.8g fiber, 4.3g fat, 1.75g protein, and 3g carbohydrates.
Flaxseeds can benefit one’s health in a couple of ways. Firstly, flaxseeds are high in omega-3 fatty acids, and research has shown that the essential fatty acids found in flax seeds can improve cholesterol levels and heart health. They also have a lot of fiber, which will help keep you satiated and assist in digestion. Two tablespoons of flaxseeds contain 16-22% of the daily recommended fiber intake. Flaxseeds are also a good source of lignans, a plant compound filled with estrogen properties and antioxidants, which may help reduce the risk of cancer.
Additionally, flax seeds are a good source of plant-based protein and can be added to smoothies, yogurts, soups, granola, protein pancake batter, and salads to increase protein content. Ground flaxseeds can also be used as an egg substitute for vegan-friendly recipes. Simply mix 1 tablespoon ground flax seeds with 3 tablespoons water to substitute 1 egg.
Dietitians recommend people consume ground flaxseeds (instead of the whole) as they are easier for the body to digest and that they do not use flaxseed oil in high temperature cooking. 3. Collagen. Collagen is the most abundant protein found in our bodies and is made up of amino acids. It is one of the major building blocks of bones, tendons, skin, muscles, and ligaments. One tablespoon of collagen contains 28 calories and 6g protein.
Consuming collagen regularly can provide many health benefits. Firstly, collagen can help with joint pain. Research has shown that collagen supplements lower inflammation in the joints and improve symptoms of osteoarthritis. Including collagen in one’s diet can also improve skin health.
Collagen can help strengthen the skin and keep it hydrated. Many studies have shown that taking collagen supplements may slow the aging process and promote youthful and hydrated skin. Collagen is also great for healthy hair and nails.
Collagen is found in chicken, beef, and fish skin, as well as inside meat bones. Bone broth is a fantastic source of collagen and can be easily included in a healthy diet. If you choose to add a collagen supplement to your diet, make sure to choose one that is from grass-fed, pasture-raised animals or wild-caught fish. 4. Matcha. Matcha is a type of green tea made by grinding young tea into a green powder and mixing it with hot water. Matcha tea is different from traditional tea whose leaves are removed after infusion. It contains over 10 times the nutrients when compared to traditional teas and is filled with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
Matcha contains a lot of antioxidants called catechins. Antioxidants help stabilize harmful free radicals which can cause chronic disease. A particular catechin found in matcha is believed to have cancer-fighting properties. Researchers have found that matcha can also improve brain function by improving attention, memory, and reaction time. Studies have also shown that the polyphenol in matcha green tea helps speed up the metabolism, regulate blood sugar, and protects against disease.
Matcha is also a good alternative to coffee because it provides a less jittery energy boost. One teaspoon of matcha has the same amount of caffeine that 1 cup of coffee does but it helps avoid the common caffeine crush because of its sustained energy
release. Aside from having a matcha latte, you can add matcha powder to smoothies or homemade popsicles. 5. Goji Berries. Goji berries are vibrant, sweet and sour berries that have been used as a medicinal herb and food supplement for over 2,000 years. They are tiny, yet filled with antioxidants, vitamins, phytochemicals, and minerals. They contain high amounts of vitamin C, vitamin A, fiber, and iron. Five tablespoons of goji berries contain 98 calories, 3.6g fiber, 0.1g fat, and 21.6g carbohydrates.
Goji berries contain beta-carotene, an essential phytochemical which promotes healthy skin. Research has also shown that goji berries help stabilize blood sugar and can be very beneficial for those with type 2 diabetes. Since ancient times, goji berries have been used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat liver disease Studies have shown that goji berries can help with liver health and can prevent the progression of alcohol-caused liver disease. It is also believed that goji berries enhance eye health and prevent vision-related diseases.
You can add goji berries to granolas, trail mix, desserts, and as a topping for oatmeal, smoothies, or yogurt. You can also use goji powder and add it to smoothies or make goji juice by mixing the powder with water. 6. Bee Pollen. Bee pollen is a mixture of flower pollen, enzymes, nectar, wax, honey, and bee secretions. It is loaded with vitamins, amino acids, and nutrients and has been recognized as a medicine by many health ministries. One tablespoon of bee pollen contains 16 calories, 1g fiber, 0.24g fat, 1.2g protein, and 2.18g carbohydrates.
Bee pollen is believed to strengthen the immune system, relieve inflammation, boost liver health, and speed up healing. One animal study showed that applying a balm containing bee pollen onto a burn significantly accelerated healing over standard medicines. Studies show that bee pollen works similarly to anti-inflammatory drugs and can be a good natural substitute to fight against inflammation. Bee pollen also has antimicrobial, antiviral, and antifungal properties which ward off infection and viruses.
Research shows that bee pollen can be used as a dietary supplement to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It is considered a superfood because it contains 250 biologically active substances such as proteins, lipids, carbs, fatty acids, enzymes, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.
Bee pollen can be added to yogurt, smoothies, or oatmeal. It can also be taken in a capsule form. 7. Fermented Foods. Fermented foods are gaining popularity in the health and wellness world. contains 20 calories, 0g fiber, 1g fat, 4g protein, and 2g carbohydrates. It has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which help fight against cancers and diseases caused by chronic inflammation. Phycocyanin is the antioxidant in spirulina and provides spirulina with this anti-inflammatory effect. It is also thought to reduce blood pressure and lower blood sugar. Spirulina is filled with vitamin C, E and B6, vitamins which provide immune system support.
You can add spirulina powder to
They are foods rich in healthy bacteria and can be very beneficial in increasing the health of one’s gut microbiome. The healthy bacteria found in fermented foods are called probiotics. Probiotics have been proven to improve digestive health, immune health, and gut health. The probiotics that are produced when foods are fermented can be very helpful for people with digestive issues. Probiotics can help reduce symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and can reduce symptoms of other digestive related issues.
Fermented foods are also known to boost immune health and reduce the risk of catching viruses and infections. Eating fermented foods are especially important during or after taking antibiotics. Antibiotics kill both the good and bad bacteria, and fermented foods help restore the gut so that it can function properly.
Kefir, sauerkraut, tempeh, kombucha, miso, sourdough bread, kimchi, and yogurt are all fermented foods that are filled with gut-healthy probiotics. 8. Spirulina. Spirulina is a bluegreen algae supplement that is loaded with nutrients and antioxidants. It is a fantastic source of iron, niacin, thiamine, riboflavin, magnesium, and copper. One tablespoon of spirulina your smoothies but be sure to add something sweet to combat the bitter taste. Spirulina capsules are also available for those who find it easier to incorporate it a pill form. 9. Blueberries. Blueberries are one of the best low-sugar fruits. They are also an incredible superfood that you should include in your diet because of their antioxidants and phytoflavanoids. One cup of berries is 85 calories, 3.6g fiber, 0.5g fat, 1.1g protein, 21g carbohydrates. The antioxidants found in blueberries help protect the body from free radicals. Research has shown that blueberries may lower blood pressure and protect the cholesterol in the blood from getting damaged. They also are believed to prevent heart disease, maintain brain function, decrease inflammation, and have anti-diabetes effects. 10. Avocados. Avocados are packed with healthy fats, nutrients, and vitamins. Half an avocado contains 161 calories, 6.5g fiber, 14.5g fat, 2g protein, and 8.5g carbohydrates. One of the best things about avocados is that they are super-filling, as they contain ample amounts of fiber. People tend to feel extremely satiated when they include avocado in their diet. An avocado contains vitamin B6, vitamin C, pantothenic acid, as well as a third of the daily requirement of vitamin K and folate. They also contain more potassium than a banana! Studies have shown that consuming enough potassium can help reduce blood pressure.
Avocados also contain healthy monounsaturated fatty acids and are one of the fattiest plant foods. Monounsaturated fatty acids are very heart healthy. The oleic acid found in avocados has been shown to reduce inflammation and potentially fight cancer. Studies have also shown that avocados help reduce cholesterol. The antioxidants, called carotenoids, found in avocados are very beneficial for eye health.
The nutrients found in chia seeds, flax seeds, collagen, matcha green tea, bee pollen, fermented foods, spirulina, blueberries, and avocado can be very beneficial to one’s health. If one is looking to boost their fiber intake, incorporate flaxseeds and chia seeds into your diet. This can be done by adding the seeds to your favorite foods such as oatmeal, pancakes, granola, yogurt, or smoothies. If boosting plant-based protein intake is the goal, add collagen and other seeds to your diet. Fermented foods are great to incorporate to improve gut health, digestive health, and immune health.
Other superfoods such as matcha green tea, bee pollen, and spirulina include benefits such as high amounts of antioxidants, anti-inflammatory effects, healing benefits. They each provide the body with an abundance of nutrients and can be very helpful for digestive health, immune health, gut health, and overall well-being.
It would be best to aim to include at least one superfood each day. This can be as simple as adding a spoon of seeds to your yogurt or a cup of blueberries as a delicious snack. There are many unique and easy ways to incorporate superfoods into your diet to help you achieve a healthy lifestyle.
Aliza Beer is a registered dietitian with a master’s degree in nutrition. She has a private practice in Cedarhurst, NY. Patients’ success has been featured on the Dr. Oz show. Aliza can be reached at alizabeer@gmail.com, and you can follow her on Instagram at @alizabeer