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The Jewish Home | AUGUST 18, 2022 Notable Quotes

“Say What?!”

They’re afraid in the short term. But in the long term, they believe they’re morally superior to America, and therefore any means necessary are justifiable for their morally superior ends.

Right now, we don’t have the rule of law in Washington. Whether you’re targeted or exempt depends on your ideology. So in the past, when there was a dispute over the archives, the presidential papers, Barack Obama just said, “I’m not going to turn them over” to the Freedom of Information [Act]. He spent over $30 million resisting efforts to do that.

George Bush had an executive order that said, “You know what? I’m not going to do this.” And that was adjudicated. But now we go after a president and go to his house with 30 agents. In the past, when a high official was called for a Congressional subpoena, [Obama A.G.] Eric Holder just said [he’s] not going and [he’s] not turning over any of the [documents regarding “Fast and Furious.”]

The idea that you would put him in shackles or you’d confront him with his family and grab his phone is just ridiculous. But this is what we’re doing, on an ideological basis. And when you start to do that, you don’t have a democracy anymore, and I don’t think we do.

- Victor Davis Hanson

I created it.

- Dr. Anthony Fauci during an interview last week joking about having created Coronavirus, which killed more than a million Americans to date

The Jewish Home | AUGUST 18, 2022 I already called all my friends in Texas and told them how to cast their vote and I am deeply contemplating taking a busload of New Yorkers to go to Texas and do some good old-fashioned door knocking, because we have to — for the good of America — we have to get him out of office.

– NYC Mayor Eric Adams talking about Texas Governor Gregg Abbott, after the latter sent busloads of illegal aliens to New York City

Go ahead, Mayor, make my day. There could hardly be anything better to aid my campaign than to have [my opponent’s] campaign aided by a bunch of New Yorkers. That won’t be viewed positively in the state of Texas.

- Gov. Abbott (R-TX) responding to the threat

My concern is that I feel like socialists are taking over.

- Whole Foods CEO John Mackey on The Reason podcast

They’re marching through the institutions. They’re…taking over education. It looks like they’ve taken over a lot of the corporations. It looks like they’ve taken over the military. And it’s just continuing. You know, I’m a capitalist at heart, and I believe in liberty and capitalism. Those are my twin values. And I feel like, you know, with the way freedom of speech is today, the movement on gun control, a lot of the liberties that I’ve taken for granted most of my life, I think, are under threat.

- Ibid.

At this point I LITERALLY view people who still support Donald Trump no different than the despicable, vile people who supported Bin Laden after 9/11.

- Tweet by CNN columnist Dean Obeidallah

Equity as a concept says recognize that everyone has the same capacity, but in order for them to have equal opportunity to reach that capacity, well, we must pay attention to this issue of equity.

- Vice President Kamala Harris

From the department of redundancy department…

- Tweet in response by Jared Rench

In this attack, we do not consider anyone other than Salman Rushdie and his supporters worthy of blame and even condemnation.

- Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanani after Salman Rushdie was stabbed by a radical Muslim extremist in New York

By insulting the sacred matters of Islam and crossing the red lines of more than one and a half billion Muslims and all followers of the divine religions, Salman Rushdie has exposed himself to the anger and rage of the people.

Salman Rushdie, living in most Muslim countries without getting stabbed every day is unthinkable. So don’t come at me with “Islamophobic”; “phobic” means fear, right? Well, Sal had a good reason to be fearful. And when you say “phobic,” it’s just a way to shut off debate… and we should have a debate about this. Sorry, but you know, these things don’t go away. Islam is still a much more fundamentalist religion than any of the other religions in the world.

- Bill Maher, HBO

My concern is that I feel like socialists are taking over.

- Whole Foods CEO John Mackey on The Reason podcast

They’re marching through the institutions. They’re…taking over education. It looks like they’ve taken over a lot of the corporations. It looks like they’ve taken over the military. And it’s just continuing. You know, I’m a capitalist at heart, and I believe in liberty and capitalism. Those are my twin values. And I feel like, you know, with the way freedom of speech is today, the movement on gun control, a lot of the liberties that I’ve taken for granted most of my life, I think, are under threat.


– number of employees the IRS currently has


- number of additional employees that are being hired by the IRS due to the passage of the Democrats’ “anti-inflation” bill

Every Democrat in Washington and the United States Senate believes it’s a good thing to hire 87,000 new IRS agents to come after you and your taxes. This is supposed to be for the rich, but let me tell you, the rich have a bunch of lawyers and accountants. Well over half of all the audits conducted in the United States today are conducted on people who make less than $75,000.

- Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC)

It is a special kind of stupid to raise taxes on businesses during a recession.

- Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) talking about the Democrats’ “anti-inflation” bill

How can they vote against the planet? Mother Earth gets angry from time to time, and this legislation will help us address all of that.

- Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi after the House passed the “anti-inflation” bill which contains numerous global warming taxes

Their obstruction hastens the end of a livable Earth

- CNN chief climate correspondent Bill Weir criticizing Republicans for not voting for the “antiinflation” bill

The Jewish Home | AUGUST 18, 2022 I just want to say a number: zero. Today, we I just want to say a number: zero. Today, we received news that our economy had 0% received news that our economy had 0% inflation in the month of July — 0%. Here’s what inflation in the month of July — 0%. Here’s what that means: while the price of some things go up, went up, last month, the price of other things that means: while the price of some things go up, went up, last month, the price of other things went down by the same amount. The result? went down by the same amount. The result? Zero inflation last month. Zero inflation last month.- President Joe Biden after there was a reported slight dip in - President Joe Biden after there was a reported slight dip in inflation, which is still at a 40-year high inflation, which is still at a 40-year high It’s a bogus math trick…. Using the same tactic, It’s a bogus math trick…. Using the same tactic, you could also observe a one-month 19.2% you could also observe a one-month 19.2% increase in electricity! increase in electricity! – Jeffrey Tucker, president of the Brownstone Institute think tank, in response – Jeffrey Tucker, president of the Brownstone Institute think tank, in response Don’t worry, you are next.

- Message that author J. K. Rowling received in a Tweet after Don’t worry, you are next.Salman Rushdie was stabbed by a radical Muslim terrorist (Twitter - Message that author J. K. Rowling received in a Tweet after did not suspend the account that the threat originated from) They kind of look at America and say, “You have been incompetent and Salman Rushdie was stabbed by a radical Muslim terrorist (Twitter lazy.” There is truth to that. did not suspend the account that the threat originated from) They kind of look at America and say, “You have been incompetent and - JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon lazy.” There is truth to that.

- JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon

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