1 minute read
PET APPRECIATION this Rosh Hashanah
By Debra Rich Gettleman
In the category of “more is more,” Jewish tradition not only celebrates Rosh Hashana, our most renowned new year’s holiday, but we actually have four distinct new year celebrations. In addition to Rosh Hashanah, we recognize Tu B’Shevat, the New Year of the Trees, the first day of
Nisan, The New Year of Kings, when Passover takes place, and a fourth New Year of the Hebrew calendar that has been steadily gaining recognition is Rosh Hashanah La’Behemot, the New Year for Domesticated Animals.
Rosh Hashanah
La’Behemot is a day to reflect on our relationships with our domesticated animals. It offers us a chance to consider how we take care of them, how we nurture them, how we love them, and how we can improve on all counts. The holiday encourages us to examine the lives we provide for the animals who depend on us for survival.
We’re not just talking about Fido either. The category of behemah (domesticated animals) includes livestock and all work animals we employ. In fact, Jewish texts tell us to allow our animals the same Shabbat rest and rewards we enjoy ourselves, including feeding them first, before we sit down for our own Shabbat feast.
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