15 minute read
Rapid Covid-19 Screening Test Developed In Israel To Be Used In Major European Airports
By Marcy Oster
gers with ICTS Europe, a security provider at major airports in 23 countries, Newsight announced in a statement on its website.
A trial of the test last month involving some 400 people at Sheba
Israeli travelers enjoy a celebratory showed about 95% accuracy. arrival at Ben Gurion Airport, March “Tests will be immediate, afford23, 2020. (Tomer Neuberg/Flash90) able and monitored, so that airports (JTA) — A rapid COVID-19 and airlines can optimize the level screening test developed in Israel of safety by mitigating the risk of will be used to screen passengers in COVID-19 infection,” the stateseveral European airports. ment said.ELECT #96
The test involves gargling with a In the pilot phase at the airports, small amount of special mouthwash those who test positive for the coroand spitting it into a test tube. navirus will have to take the regular
Virusight Diagnostic, a newly swab test, The Times of Israel formed Artificial Intelligence health reported. care venture between Sheba Medi- The gargle test uses SpectraLIT, cal Center’s ARC Innovation Cen- Newsight Imaging’s portable and ter and Newsight Imaging, has accurate spectral analysis device, to signed a strategic letter of intent for determine the presence of the rapid screening of airline passen ELECT #96 - COVID-19 virus. ì
Let’s Elect a Judge That Has a Proven Track Record of Service to Our Communities

heAlth Rabbis pray at Western Wall for Trump’s recovery
By Marcy Oster

Israeli chief rabbis pray for President Trump in Jerusalem, Oct. 5, 2020. (Screen shot from YouTube) (JTA) — Leading Israeli rabbis Mayor Moshe Leon. prayed at the Western Wall for The prayer asked God to heal the President Donald Trump’s recovery president using the traditional from the coronavirus. Hebrew formulation “Donald John,
Rabbi Shmuel Rabinovitch, the son of Fred.” rabbi of the Western Wall, recited a The prayer came during the tratraditional Jewish prayer for heal- ditional recitation of Birkat Kohaing on Trump’s behalf on Monday nim, or the “priestly blessing,” morning, days after the American which typically attracts tens of president announced he had con- thousands of people to the Western tracted the virus. Israel’s two chief Wall. Numbers were limited this rabbis were also in attendance, as year to those who live within about were U.S. Ambassador to Israel a half-mile of the site. ì David Friedman and Jerusalem
Early Voting: Experienced... Honest... Independent! October 18, through October 25, 2020 Election Day -Tuesday, November 3rd GARY WainwrightForJudge.com “A Judge for the People”EXPERIENCE • Practiced in the Criminal District Court over the course of 3 decades • Paid for by the Committee to Elect Gary Wainwright JudgeGuaranteed Independence – at age 66, Gary can only serve 1 term (504)510-1919 • JUDGE He joined the Orleans Indigent Defender Program on January 3, 1990, and defended CRIMINAL DISTRICT COURT citizens there for two and a half years, before going into private practice.
• One of Louisiana’s most fierce defenders of citizen’s constitutional rights • Early Voting: October 18, through October 25, 2020 Every accused person deserves a fair trial, conducted by a Judge who knows the rules. Election Day -Tuesday, November 3rd WainwrightForJudge.com “A Judge for the People” Represented 7,000 citizens • Negotiated 1000’s of fair and just Plea Bargains • Conducted 750 jury Paid for by the Committee to Elect Gary Wainwright Judgetrials • Tried two Death Penalty Cases • Conducted thousands of evidentiary hearings. (504)510-1919
• Admitted to the Louisiana bar on December 23rd 1989 • Graduated from the Southern Law Center in 1989, Cum Laude • Graduated with Bachelor in Business Administration from Millsaps College,
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WainwrightForJudge.com Early Voting October 16 through October 25, 2020 Election Day - Tuesday, November 3 Paid for by the Committee to Elect Gary Wainwright Judge (504) 510-1919 PROSECUTOR. PUBLIC SERVANT.

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other public spaces safe. Thedevices useHEPA(high efficiencyparticulate air) filtration technology that is designed to capture99.97%ofall airparticles,withaddedUV-Clight that sterilizes viruses, mold or other dangerousparticles in theair or heAlth ting thevirus andcontinue to be used nightlytoassurethat theirchildrenare arriving every morningtoahospitalgrade environment,”Headleysaid.“Ithink thefactthatour machines can runnightly presents thebiggest advantagewehaveoverour 1stLayer THE SURFACES DISINFECTION JEWISH LIGHT New Air Filtration And UV Lighting Devices Can Wipe Out Covid-19 From Our Schools And Other Indoor Public Spaces This story is brought to you by AMPOL. AMPOL, a Louisiana-based “The best method would be to that contain the virus.” on surfaces. “Wehavemarried thetwo technologies in away that nobody elsehasdone,”saidAMPOLChief Executive OfficerKirkHeadley. “Itbasically pullsair through thefilter andcaptures 99.97% of theparticles, then releases much cleanerair on theother side. competitors, whichonlyprovide aone-timeorweeklydisinfection usingfoggers andother standard equipment.” HeadleysaidAMPOL has20 to 25 of thedevices available for purchaseorrent. AMPOLteams have beenusing them for several months on disinfection jobs. UVDISINFECTION 2NDLayer ByAmandaMcElfresh amcelfresh@theadvocate.com Thisstory is brought to you byAMPOL. AMPOL, aLouisiana-based environmental cleanup and decontaminationcompany,has created newdevices that usetwo againstall methodsofcontracting thevirus, both high-touch surfaces andairborneparticles that containthe virus.” That meansthatparents of schoolstudents canbereassured that surfaceand airdisinfection actions aretaken,and bestefforts aremadefor theirchildrentobe safe atschool. Newair filtrationand UV lighting devicescan reduce COVID-19 risk in schoolsand otherindoorspaces environmental cleanup and decontamination company, has created new devices that use two technologies to eliminate and sterilize nearly all air particles. The devices are now available in Louisiana to keep schools and other public spaces safe. The devices use HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) filtration technology that is designed to capture 99.97% of all air particles, with added UV-C light that sterilizes viruses, mold or other dangerous particles in the air or on surfaces. “We have married the two technologies in a way that nobody else has done,” said AMPOL Chief Executive Officer Kirk Headley. “It basically pulls air through the filter and captures 99.97% of the particles, then releases much cleaner air on the other side. What does not get caught in the filter is exposed to the UV-C light and sterilized. It’s essentially a double scrubbing of the air.” install one for each hallway in the school,” Headley said. For gymnasiums or other large spaces, AMPOL often uses its UV HEPA Hogs, which are large industrial fans equipped with a UV light and HEPA filters. These must be run when people are not around because of the high velocity of the fan speed. The UV devices can be used in multiple settings in addition to schools, including hotels, restaurants, office buildings, health facilities, retail stores, pharmacies, grocery stores, malls, entertainment venues, concert halls, exhibition centers, stadiums, cruise ships, government facilities, hospitals and movie theaters. Headley said AMPOL developed the UV devices earlier in 2020, around the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. The company has all necessary disinfection licenses and experience working in a variety of settings, including anthrax cleanup and other hazardThat means that parents of school students can be reassured that surface and air disinfection actions are taken, and best efforts are made for their children to be safe at school. “With AMPOL, the school can get certified results from Ampol’s preventable methods that are being used in terms of combatting the virus and continue to be used nightly to assure that their children are arriving every morning to a hospital grade environment,” Headley said. “I think the fact that our machines can run nightly presents the biggest advantage we have over our competitors, which only provide a one-time or weekly disinfection using foggers and other standard equipment. We are filtering the air six times per hour, which is considered to be sterilized and hospital-grade clean.” session or during business hours when workers are present. Some AMPOL clients have the boxes running during those times, when other AMPOL disinfection work is taking place. For other clients, that work takes place after hours. “With our system, it can be done when people are there because it is a sealed system,” Headley said. “The only sound is when the fan is pulling air through the filter, so that is something people sometimes consider.” Headley said the devices have been proven to work. When AMPOL conducts a disinfection, Whatdoesnot getcaughtinthe filterisexposedtothe UV-C light andsterilized. It’s essentiallya double scrubbing of theair.” Theair sanitizerboxes are idealfor classrooms andschool offices sincetheycan be used whenstudentsand staff areon thepremises. Theboxescanalso be setupinschoolhallwaysovernight, with classroom doorsleft open,todisinfect airborne virus particlesina single hallway. “The best method wouldbeto installone foreachhallway in the school,” Headleysaid. Forgymnasiums or otherlarge spaces,AMPOL oftenusesits UV HEPA Hogs,which arelarge industrial fans equipped witha UV light andHEPAfilters. These must be runwhenpeopleare not around because of thehighvelocityofthe fanspeed. TheUVdevices canbeusedin multiplesettingsinadditionto schools, including hotels, restaurants, office buildings, health facilities,retailstores, pharmacies,grocerystores,malls, entertainmentvenues,concert halls, exhibition centers,stadiums, cruise ships, government facilities,hospitalsand movie theaters. HeadleysaidAMPOL devel“We’ve beenusing them on most everydisinfection job we do,” Headleysaid. “We’ve used them in hotels, pharmacies, offshorelivingquarters, offshore platforms, schools, universities andoffices.We’ve used them in alot of industrial settings,and becausewehave provided differentsizes of themachine, it allows ustousetheminany size space.” HeadleysaidAMPOL has worked with itscertifiedindustrialhygienist as itsteaming partnertomakesurethe devices areaseffectiveaspossible. Their work andresearchhas shown that theairin aroomorspace is sterilized if it is exchangedsix timesper hour. “Basically,weuse theheight, length andwidth of anyroom to calculatethe CFMneeded,” Headleysaid. “Whenweare filteringtheairsixtimesperhour, that is considered to be sterilized andhospital-gradeclean.” Headleysaideachbox is sealed,and alatched door covers theUV-Clight portion. Alatch is attachedtothe boxtokeepit closedinplace,which allows thedoortobeopenedwhenthe bulb needstobereplaced.While theboxes aresafe, Headleysaid peopleshouldnot look directly at AMPOLconducts adisinfection, itsstafffirsttestthe high touch surfaces beforecleaning.After cleaning,clients areshown beforeand afterreal-time information to show howeffective AMPOL’s processiswhenit comestodisinfecting viruses andother substances. “Weare always pushing ourselvestobethe disinfection leader,” Headleysaid. “This device givesusamuchmore comprehensive cleaning of the air, alongwithAMPOL’s proprietarysurface cleaning techniques.Thishelps us achieve hospital-grade cleanlinessfor ourclients.” Headleysaidsomecompanies that manufactureair conditionersare usingUV-Ctechnology.Inthose cases, aspecial UV-C boxisinstalled in the airhandlingsystem to ensure cleanerairinside ahomeor building. “Thisisgoingto become more common,” he said.“Iimagine therewill come adaywhenyou won’tbeabletobuy anairconditioner withoutthis. Cleaner air is healthierfor everyone.” TheAMPOL corporateoffice is locatedinNew Iberia.Other AMPOLfacilitiesare in Bayou Vista, Chalmette, Venice and PortArthur,Texas.For more informationonAMPOL andits services,visit www.ampol.net. Thestatementsmadewithin this articlehave notbeenevaluated by theU.S.FoodandDrug Administration. Thesestatementsand theproducts of this company arenot intended to diagnose,treat,cureorprevent anydisease. POSTDISINFECTION ATPTESTING3RDLayer HIGHINTENSITY BROAD-SPECTRUM UVDISINFECTION KILLSUPTO99% OFVIRUSES ANDBACTERIA technologies to eliminateand sterilizenearlyall airparticles. Thedevices arenowavailable in Louisianatokeepschools and other public spaces safe. Thedevices useHEPA(high efficiencyparticulate air) filtration technology that is designed to capture99.97%ofall airparticles,withaddedUV-Clight that sterilizes viruses, mold or other dangerousparticles in theair or on surfaces. “Wehavemarried thetwo technologies in away that nobody elsehasdone,”saidAMPOLChief Executive OfficerKirkHeadley. “Itbasically pullsair through thefilter andcaptures 99.97% of theparticles, then releases much cleanerair on theother side. Whatdoesnot getcaughtinthe filterisexposedtothe UV-C light andsterilized. It’s essentiallya double scrubbing of theair.” Theair sanitizerboxes are idealfor classrooms andschool offices sincetheycan be used whenstudentsand staff areon thepremises. Theboxescanalso be setupinschoolhallwaysovernight, with classroom doorsleft open,todisinfect airborne virus particlesina single hallway. “The best method wouldbeto installone foreachhallway in the school,” Headleysaid. Forgymnasiums or otherlarge spaces,AMPOL oftenusesits UV HEPA Hogs,which arelarge industrial fans equipped witha UV light andHEPAfilters. These must be runwhenpeopleare not around because of thehighvelocityofthe fanspeed. TheUVdevices canbeusedin multiplesettingsinadditionto schools, including hotels, restaurants, office buildings, health facilities,retailstores, pharmacies,grocerystores,malls, entertainmentvenues,concert halls, exhibition centers,stadiums, cruise ships, government facilities,hospitalsand movie theaters. HeadleysaidAMPOL developed theUVdevices earlier in 2020,aroundthe onsetof theCOVID-19pandemic.The companyhas allnecessarydisinfectionlicensesand experience workingina varietyofsettings, includinganthrax cleanupand other hazardouscleanup,among other projects. “Wesaw theneed tomakea better machinefor cleaning the air,”Headley said.“We came up with theideaofusing what’s already there, but makinga machinetofitonthe back of the negative airmachine. As faras Iknow, we arethe only ones to have done this.” Thedevices differ from foggers, sprayers andother disinfectionapparatusesbecause those only disinfectsurfaces. Standard disinfection equipment hasnoeffect on virusparticles found in theair. “Withour UV equipment, we do notjust kill thevirus particles. We also circulateclean, virus-free airbackintothe space we aredisinfecting,”Headley said.“With AMPOL, we protect “WithAMPOL,the school can getcertifiedresults from Ampol’s preventablemethods that are being used in termsofcombatting thevirus andcontinue to be used nightlytoassurethat theirchildrenare arriving every morningtoahospitalgrade environment,”Headleysaid.“Ithink thefactthatour machines can runnightly presents thebiggest advantagewehaveoverour competitors, whichonlyprovide aone-timeorweeklydisinfection usingfoggers andother standard equipment.” HeadleysaidAMPOL has20 to 25 of thedevices available for purchaseorrent. AMPOLteams have beenusing them for several months on disinfection jobs. “We’ve beenusing them on most everydisinfection job we do,” Headleysaid. “We’ve used them in hotels, pharmacies, offshorelivingquarters, offshore platforms, schools, universities andoffices.We’ve used them in alot of industrial settings,and becausewehave provided differentsizes of themachine, it allows ustousetheminany size space.” HeadleysaidAMPOL has worked with itscertifiedindustrialhygienist as itsteaming partnertomakesurethe devices areaseffectiveaspossible. Their work andresearchhas shown that theairin aroomorspace is sterilized if it is exchangedsix timesper hour. “Basically,weuse theheight, length andwidth of anyroom to calculatethe CFMneeded,” Headleysaid. “Whenweare filteringtheairsixtimesperhour, that is considered to be sterilized andhospital-gradeclean.” Headleysaideachbox is sealed,and alatched door covers theUV-Clight portion. Alatch is attachedtothe boxtokeepit closedinplace,which allows thedoortobeopenedwhenthe bulb needstobereplaced.While theboxes aresafe, Headleysaid peopleshouldnot look directly at theUV-Clight,since it canharm theeyes, similartothe effectof lookingdirectlyatthe sun. “Our boxesare designed where thelight is enclosed,”hesaid. “Whenthe boxison, younever should open thelid.Ithas to remain closed.” Sincethe boxesare safe,Headleysaidtheycan be operated with professionaloversight in spaces that areoccupied,suchasschools that areinsessionorduring business hourswhenworkersare present. Some AMPOLclients have theboxes runningduring those times, whenother AMPOL disinfection work is taking place. Forother clients,thatworktakes placeafter hours. “Withour system,itcan be donewhen people arethere becauseitisa sealed system,” Headleysaid. “The only sound is whenthe fanispulling air throughthe filter, so that is something people sometimes consider.” Headleysaidthe devices have been proven to work.When AMPOLconducts adisinfection, itsstafffirsttestthe high touch surfaces beforecleaning.After cleaning,clients areshown beforeand afterreal-time information to show howeffective AMPOL’s processiswhenit comestodisinfecting viruses andother substances. “Weare always pushing ourselvestobethe disinfection leader,” Headleysaid. “This device givesusamuchmore comprehensive cleaning of the air, alongwithAMPOL’s proprietarysurface cleaning techniques.Thishelps us achieve hospital-grade cleanlinessfor ourclients.” Headleysaidsomecompanies that manufactureair conditionersare usingUV-Ctechnology.Inthose cases, aspecial UV-C boxisinstalled in the airhandlingsystem to ensure cleanerairinside ahomeor building. “Thisisgoingto become more common,” he said.“Iimagine therewill come adaywhenyou won’tbeabletobuy anairconditioner withoutthis. Cleaner air is healthierfor everyone.” TheAMPOL corporateoffice is locatedinNew Iberia.Other AMPOLfacilitiesare in Bayou Vista, Chalmette, Venice and PortArthur,Texas.For more informationonAMPOL andits services,visit www.ampol.net. Thestatementsmadewithin this articlehave notbeenevaluated by theU.S.FoodandDrug Administration. Thesestatementsand theproducts of this company arenot intended to diagnose,treat,cureorprevent anydisease. 337-317-4135 LAFAYETTE AMPOLHEPAHog,anindustrialfan equippedwithHEPAfilters anda UVC lightcapable of sterilizinglarge industrial spaces. AMPOLUVC AirSanitizer, aUVClightbox connectedwithastandardnegativeair machinethatsterilizes99.97%ofparticles in theair. 1stLayer SURFACES DISINFECTION UVDISINFECTION POSTDISINFECTION ATPTESTING 2NDLayer 3RDLayer HIGHINTENSITY BROAD-SPECTRUM UVDISINFECTION KILLSUPTO99% OFVIRUSES ANDBACTERIA oped theUVdevices earlier in 2020,aroundthe onsetof theCOVID-19pandemic.The ous cleanup, among other projects. “We saw the need to make a bettheUV-Clight,since it canharm theeyes, similartothe effectof lookingdirectlyatthe sun. its staff first test the high touch surfaces before cleaning. After cleanWWW.AMPOL.NET companyhas allnecessarydisin- “Our boxesare ter machine for cleaning the air,” designed where ing, clients are shown before and fectionlicensesand experience workingina varietyofsettings, includinganthrax cleanupand Headley said. “We came up with the idea of using what’s already thelight is enclosed,”hesaid. “Whenthe boxison, younever should open thelid.Ithas to after real-time information to show how effective AMPOL’s process is other hazardouscleanup,among remain closed.” there, but making a machine to fit when it comes to disinfecting virusThe air sanitizer boxes are ideal for classrooms and school offices since they can be used when students and staff are on the premises. The boxes can also be set up in school hallways overnight, with classroom doors left open, to disinfect airborne virus particles in a single hallway. on the back of the negative air machine. As far as I know, we are the only ones to have done this.” The devices differ from foggers, sprayers and other disinfection apparatuses because those only disinfect surfaces. Standard disinfection equipment has no effect on virus particles found in the air. “With our UV equipment, we do not just kill the virus particles. We also circulate clean, virus-free air back into the space we are disinfecting,” Headley said. “With AMPOL, we protect against all methods of contracting the virus, both hightouch surfaces and airborne particles Headley said each box is sealed, and a latched door covers the UV-C light portion. A latch is attached to the box to keep it closed in place, which allows the door to be opened when the bulb needs to be replaced. While the boxes are safe, Headley said people should not look directly at the UV-C light, since it can harm the eyes, similar to the effect of looking directly at the sun. Since the boxes are safe, Headley said they can be operated with professional oversight in spaces that are occupied, such as schools that are in es and other substances. “We are always pushing ourselves to be the disinfection leader,” Headley said. “This device gives us a much more comprehensive cleaning of the air, along with AMPOL’s proprietary surface cleaning techniques. This helps us achieve hospital-grade cleanliness for our clients.” The AMPOL corporate office is located in New Iberia. Other AMPOL facilities are in Bayou Vista, Chalmette, Venice and Port Arthur, Texas. For more information on AMPOL and its services, visit www.ampol.net. other projects. “Wesaw theneed tomakea better machinefor cleaning the air,”Headley said.“We came up with theideaofusing what’s already there, but makinga machinetofitonthe back of the negative airmachine. As faras Iknow, we arethe only ones to have done this.” Thedevices differ from foggers, sprayers andother disinfectionapparatusesbecause those only disinfectsurfaces. Standard disinfection equipment hasnoeffect on virusparticles found in theair. “Withour UV equipment, we do notjust kill thevirus particles. We also circulateclean, virus-free airbackintothe space we aredisinfecting,”Headley said.“With AMPOL, we protect Sincethe boxesare safe,Headleysaidtheycan be operated with professionaloversight in spaces that areoccupied,suchasschools that areinsessionorduring business hourswhenworkersare present. Some AMPOLclients have theboxes runningduring those times, whenother AMPOL disinfection work is taking place. Forother clients,thatworktakes placeafter hours. “Withour system,itcan be donewhen people arethere becauseitisa sealed system,” Headleysaid. “The only sound is whenthe fanispulling air throughthe filter, so that is something people sometimes consider.” Headleysaidthe devices have been proven to work.When AMPOLHEPAHog,anindustrialfan equippedwithHEPAfilters anda UVC lightcapable of sterilizinglarge industrial spaces. AMPOLUVC AirSanitizer, aUVClightbox connectedwithastandardnegativeair machinethatsterilizes99.97%ofparticles in theair.