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Israel Under Radar
Immigration To Israel Could Spike Due To The Coronavirus Pandemic, Leading Groups Say
By Marcy Oster
Israel Under Radar
Best Wishes to my many friends & supporters in the Jewish Community
Lambert Boissiere Public Service Commissioner, District 3
New immigrants from North America arrive on a flight arranged by the Nefesh B'Nefesh organization at Ben Gurion airport in central Israel on Aug. 14, 2019. (Flash90)
JERUSALEM (JTA) — Israel year. Last year, 750 Brazilian famicould see a sharp increase in immilies started the immigration progration over the next few years cess. The 2020 tally is expected to spurred on by the coronavirus crireach up to 1,200, according to the sis, two groups involved with Jewish Agency. arranging immigration to the counIsaac Herzog, the Jewish Agency try claim. chairman, participated in a Zoom
The chairman of the Jewish press briefing on Wednesday that Agency — a nonprofit focused on included the leaders of several bolstering Israel-Diaspora ties and Diaspora Jewish communities. He immigration to Israel — told an pointed to multiple factors that Israeli parliament committee on could account for the immigration Monday that Israel should expect spike, including Israel’s handling of some 250,000 new immigrants over the pandemic — which was hailed three to five years, Haaretz reportoriginally for its efficiency, but has ed. Israel normally absorbs about since come under scrutiny; the rise 30,000 immigrants per year, accordof anti-Semitism around the world; ing to Haaretz. the desire people are having during
On Wednesday, Nefesh B’ the crisis to be closer to relatives Nefesh, an organization that assists who already live in Israel; and the Jews from English-speaking counknowledge that despite the coronatries in immigrating to Israel, virus, Israel continues to have a reported that in June 2020, the strong health care system and social organization received 1,350 immiservices, while many countries’ gration applications, compared to economies have flagged. 399 in June of last year. Israel’s unemployment rate has
Nefesh B’ Nefesh also received jumped in recent months as well, 25,435 phone calls to its call center however. requesting information about the “This is a historic challenge that immigration process, in compariwe must exploit, and the governson to 5,349 in June 2019. ment needs to understand the oppor
The Jewish Telegraphic Agency tunity and prepare a national proreported Tuesday that the trend is gram for absorbing this immigration consistent in Brazil, which is always wave,” Herzog told the parliamenamong the countries that send the tary committee for immigration, most immigrants to Israel every absorption and diaspora affairs.
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